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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Mod appreciation thread Anonymous 1908

Thank you mods for putting in your time to destroy the male invaders and keep this place nice. I see you and I love you. This thread is for good vibes to the mods only. Put complaints elsewhere.

Pictured: Me hugging a mod

Anonymous 1909


That's a male hand. I fucked up. I'm sorry. Take this one

Anonymous 1914

I want to wish the mods the most wonderful new year full of great joy and triumphs in their lives for recognition for the time and effort they put into this

Anonymous Moderator 1919


Thank you ladies!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Anonymous Moderator 1935


Thank you! <3

Anonymous 10310

asked mods to delete something i posted for privacy reasons and they did. thank you mods i appreciate it <3

Anonymous 11175


Mods usually remove CP and other NSFL things fairly quickly after reporting them, though sometimes I see posts I make disappear; I guess they think I'm oversharing and being annoying or something idk but idrc Mods are still better here than on LC

Anonymous 11189

thank u mods for the work u do, last time i posted here was yrs ago before i reverted to lurking but even then they came in clutch <3

Anonymous 11257

Mods, thanks for deleting spam pretty quickly, love u <3

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