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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1954

What's the difference between Crystal Cafe and Lolcow?

Anonymous 1955

lolcow is a gossip site and is a lot bitchier, for one

Anonymous 1956

On ruby.restaurant the posters aren’t paranoid and they won’t acuse you of being someone else

On emerald.eatery the posters won’t mock you for your dressing choices or start a flame war over your manga choices. Worst drama was some discussion on mountains. Not so on lolcow

Anonymous Admin 1957

Lolcow.farm is a gossip site with additional off-topic boards to socialize on.

Crystal.cafe is just the socializing.

Anonymous 1958

>Worst drama was some discussion on mountains
Ah, what will we call it? The hilltop hassle. The alpine argument. The precipice polemic. The cliff controversy. Never 4get

Anonymous 4556


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