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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1960

Thanks for making this place so great, Admin.

2019 will be a great year for CC!

Anonymous 1961

cute :3

Anonymous 1962

Yes admin rocks!!!!!

Anonymous 1963

I want to know more about admin. Why she made this site, if she’s femcel, if she’s stacy, what her davorite other websites are etc

Anonymous 1977

I love this site so much, thank u admin <3

Anonymous Admin 1979

Thank you for appreciating and enjoying crystal.cafe, it makes me very happy <3

I'm a twentysomething female (female) hermit with nothing else to do and I made this site because it's something I wanted for myself and others like me. I'm neither femcel nor Stacy. That's all there is to know about me.

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