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/meta/ - Board Discussion


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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 1983

themes work for all boards expect b, it is stuck on dark crystal
is this intentional?

Anonymous 1988


Anonymous Admin 1989

Yes, just to match the new year fireworks in specific threads. I'll revert this on Monday.

Anonymous 2068

for some reason specifically page 5 of /b/ is stuck on dark crystal lol

Anonymous Admin 2069

Fixed, there was another iteration of the fireworks in a different new year thread that I forgot about.

Anonymous 2203

Did dark crystal change? It use to be very dark now it's lighter, I really preferred the old theme for dark crystal since light colors hurt my eyes, can it be added to the style options?

Anonymous Admin 2204

Yes, I added a background to make it fit in better with the other themes, but I can put the old style back up as well. Please give it 2-3 days.

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