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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 2818

"Do not respond to maleposters"

This includes trannies right? I'm new here. I hope this place isn't filled with them!!

Anonymous 2851

Yep, if you’re not female then you cannot post here. If you see any male/mtf posts then just report them

Anonymous 2853

you can't "become" male. you're either a male or you're not

Anonymous 2857


Anonymous 2858

Dont worry OP, its mostly women here that look like guys, whyd you think that everyone here complains about being femcel

Anonymous 2860

> trannies are just like normal women, we just want innocent things like pregnancy and holding babies, we're not all sex perverts i swear
> check his twitter account
> it's a nonstop timeline of openly furry fat fetish cartoon porn


Anonymous 2862


I think there are some traitors in here

Anonymous 2863

There's also been a massive amount of threads lately by "women" who have a "transwoman" friend/interest and have to mention that they totally view them as women. It's so obvious these are just spamming trannies.

Anonymous 2864

I never thought of that but now that you mention it, it is pretty suspect. I do know of the one anon vehemently defending her "totally passable, loved by all our friend group!" tranny friend in the megathread on /b/

Anonymous 2865

Why do they need to be everywhere and be included in everything that is advertised as for woman? Even if being a tran definitely wasn’t a mental illness this obsession with these spaces definitely is.

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