Anonymous 3958
what is wrong with /b/? i get that it's the random board, but the recent quality of threads has been especially low. a lot of the op's could go in the shower thoughts thread instead.
Anonymous 3960

>>3958My personal schizotake is that the low quality threads are posted by moids since there's been threads mentioning 4chan/r9k/fit and the such. But as an anon said in another thread here, because of the gore spam in the MtF thread we might have a bunch of lolcow refugees posting here as well which explains the huge spark of activity on this website. Keep on reporting suspicously moid-sounding threads/posts, and do not interact with them to not encourage them to respond.
Anonymous 3961
I’ve been wondering the same. My initial thought was that it was all one anon spamming the board but I guess the jannies would’ve done something about it by now. Regardless, even though I enjoy how chil the CC mods are compared to LC, I feel like they should crack down on low quality posts even if they’re not necessarily inappropriate or against the rules. At least redirect the users to the proper threads.
Anonymous 3966
I think it's one person and hope they're okay tbh
Anonymous Admin
Sorry, there is indeed a very, very dedicated poster running around making all the disjointed schizo threads. They're also very dedicated to ban evading, so we're just playing whack-a-mole until they get bored.
Anonymous 6758
> be male
> come across site for female users
> sweaty hands touch keyboard
> avatarfag x100 samefag x1000000
> sit in dark, empty room
another day well spent anons
Anonymous 6797
>>6758>be male>come across women's website>hm, i think i should spam interracial porn and a suspicious link that literally no one will ever click>this website that discusses women's issues, relationships, and mental health will SURELY give a shit!