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raid warning board Anonymous 4889

Since posts about raids encourage more raids, and therefore get removed, I propose a hidden board to post about potential raids (similar to how others sites have boards to organise raids, this one would be to inform about raids that could happen)
Discussion points:
>Would this new board help enough?
>Potential negative consequences?
>Since it would be hidden, would enough people know about it to post to it if they knew a raid would happen?

Anonymous 5086

Anonymous 5087

Anonymous 5093

>Potential negative consequences?
The only one I can think of is that other sites might misinterpret the purpose of the board and assume that it's for organizing raids.
>Since it would be hidden, would enough people know about it to post to it if they knew a raid would happen?
I don't think so, they're are still people here who don't know about the hidden board.

Anonymous 5094

I clicked that link and the first raid there is literally people printing posters of a friendly bald man as a way of covering graffiti. I didn’t realize that raids looked like that.

Anonymous 5095

Would it better if you just send the admin a message on discord?

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