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So, what about a board dedicated only to interests/hobbies? Anonymous 6083

Hobby/interests threads get posted on /b/ and die in a day as pinkpill/terfposting/low-effort questions are constantly bumped. What if CC got a new board only for hobbies, no moid problems, no trannies, no "tfw no bf"? Pic unrelated

Anonymous 6085

What's the point? It wouldnt increase much activity, just continue bumping threads you like or create new ones, sage when you want to post in the more active threads to avoid burying.

Anonymous 6151

I disagree with this idea that just because there isn't a TON of traffic we shouldn't have a board. Who cares if they're kinda slow? A hobby group would attract a better crowd

Anonymous 6154

They would be buried in /b threads and hardly anyone is actually going to browse b to find their own respective hobby threads!! Plus It is really draining your enthusiasm and interest when you have to browse b to find some rando thing you don't even know is supposed to be there !!

why are we so damn cheap here? Ngl its really demoralizing. How hard can it be to add one or two more boards? The only way you're going to grow cc is to take chances and experiment to learn what attracts more users. Honestly this board feels stagnant because people posting the same things all the time.

Anonymous 6162

It does matter though. So if you create a post on said new board, talking about your hyper niche hobby, you get few replies like "I never heard of it but sounds cool anon :)" that doesn't encourage any further interaction, how is it worth it? And if your hobby isn't hyper niche, there's probably a thread for it already.

Anonymous 6163

>They would be buried in /b threads and hardly anyone is actually going to browse b to find their own respective hobby threads!!
Search /media/ first before going onto /b/. If the thread you created gets buried re-bump it again I guess, but if you haven't gotten any replies or only gotten 1-2 you wouldn't get any more interaction than that on a new board anyway. The only time buried threads get a lot of activity is when someone says something provocative and it starts an argument.
>How hard can it be to add one or two more boards?
I dunno, i never had to manage an imageboard. How would mods categorize what threads should go in /media/ and what should go in /hobby/?
>Honestly this board feels stagnant because people posting the same things all the time.
New things won't get posted because of a new board which pretty much already exists. People have been asking for a /pol/ though, which I do think would attract more users, male and female alike, so it's risky and would be hard to maintain ("is that poster a girl with insane beliefs or a moid?")

Anonymous 6165


Like I said in another thread literally /hb/ can be turned into /hb/–the hobby board. Beauty/health stuff can still be included. That board is already almost dead anyway.

If there's a hobby board then you can actually get more people drawn there for the explicit purpose of finding someone with their exact hobby. It might not be that active but there's no reason why it wouldn't be less active than /hb/ is right now.

Also this is controversial but I think changing it to hobby would be more feminist.

Anonymous 6172

I agree, a hobby board would be good. Let’s change /hb/ to hobby.

Anonymous 6173


I am supportive of new boards but how would it differentiate it between /media/ since most hobbies are media related especially with cc’s user base unless I’m projecting. I feel like /media/ should be getting way more activity but it isn’t for whatever reason and I doubt people would share their creations in a hobby board for the same reason people on lc abstain for posting their art.
I’ve been a bit cynical and thought what’s the point when you could post the same stuff on other websites with more activity and get a discussion easily.
Either way it doesn’t hurt to make a hobby board but I’m worried that it will be so broad or overlaps with /media/ and cause problems.

Anonymous 6174

I strongly AGREE.

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