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Mind control Anonymous 10027

Do you guys believe in if? Do you think you've ever been subject to it? Do you in general believe our behavior and thought process can be altered via subliminal messages in media and audio?

Anonymous 10028

No. I'm the controller of my own thoughts and feelings. If you lost control and have thoughts and feelings that aren't your own, this is a sign you are disordered with schizophrenia.

Anonymous 10030


i think the way events are portrayed to us by the media are enough to control our behavior and thought processes. Also, the government or corporations control/stifle online discourse about anything for any reason. I don't believe in things like… subliminal on youtube.

Anonymous 10033

I don't think we're in control of our thoughts or feelings generally (but I'm not sure to what extent anyone else is either). Have you ever actually watched your thoughts? They just come up from nowhere and disappear to nowhere. People flip their shit over what the "original cause" could be when it comes to god but that same problem shows up even in a domain as intimate and common as our own thoughts.

Anonymous 10045

I believe in it and feel i've been exposed to subtle attempts at it before. I've never heard a non-crazy person attempt to explain it at any serious depth tho.

Anonymous 10068

CIA MKUltra'd me years ago AMA

Anonymous 10070



Anonymous 10255

You dont have to "lose" your own mind control to perform someone else's will. You are not immune to propaganda.

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