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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021

Blue Eisenhower November Anonymous 10032

What is Blue Eisenhower November (also known as "BEN")?
There's stuff about it that goes back to 2020 and 2022. Seems to be something to do with the afterlife and the future leaking into the present.
Post anything you have heard about it. I can find lots of snippets of things across various sites but that's it. Any help would be appreciated if anyone here is more knowledgable..

Anonymous 10034

I've heard people talking about that a lot but I always assumed it was just 4chan's /x/ being a bit crazy, or just bots running rampant, kinda like their Nobody threads.
I don't think there's much to it honestly.

Anonymous 10035

Anonymous 10037

Anonymous 10038

It honestly just sounds like schizophrenic babble spoken through a "creepy and mysterious" audio filter. I can't even understand any of the words.
When something is this tryhard esoteric it makes it hard to believe there's any truth to it

Anonymous 10040

I think that's spot on. I also couldn't make anything out. I did sneak a bit around that channel and this is something better from them

Anonymous 10103

This video is so beautiful .

Anonymous 10131

good thread

Anonymous 10139

Why is this important again?

Anonymous 10155

Anonymous 10235

It's like LOA but on a higher level

Anonymous 10279

It worked for me

Anonymous 10311

how? what did you actually get from it?

Anonymous 10328

I'm literally so obsessed with this video

Anonymous 10336

On earth as it is in heaven

Anonymous 10574

Why is this topic banned on 4chan?

Anonymous 10581

You can actually get banned on 4chan?

Anonymous 10844

smells like a psyop

Anonymous 10848

schizo content

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