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Anonymous 10036

(sorry I used google translate because my English isnt enough good so if the text sounds weird its because of that!)

Beneath the Internet dream, a network has been revealed that operates under the terms of power politics, profit maximization and the largest companies. Edward Snowd extinguished the dream of a web whose communities are outside the dirty game of politics. It turned out that every part of the internet is under the control of the authorities and ordinary internet users, from hackers to network activists, are essentially pawns of the big powers.

The power of the big ones online also seems to be increasing rapidly. The big five of technology companies, i.e. Facebook, Google allied with Samsung, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple have grown so large that they are practically able to buy their key rising competitors out of the market. A new concentration of power is growing around these five American companies, through which commerce, news, literature, movies and TV programs flow.

In the twists and turns of history, every new means of communication has initially been associated with great hopes for a new era of freedom and democracy. In time, the radio was supposed to release the transmission of information into the hands of amateurs and create a network of active citizens. Soon the airwaves were regulated by the state and broadcasting was in the hands of a few companies. Similar expectations were related to the telegraph and the telephone, among other things.

Despite the death of utopia, its power to connect people looking for peer support or like-minded people is still without any historical parallel. In the coming decades, the web will revolutionize everything, and the extent of that change cannot even be understood yet. Twenty years from now, we will all be living in a pure-blood internet society.

Anonymous 10053

I believe everyone in this site knows that.

Anonymous 10055

>twenty years from now, we will all be living in a pure-blood internet society.

Do you mean a society in which the internet isn't run by conglomerates?
I'd love to see that. I wonder what would come of society that way.

Would you have to go out of your way to find desired communities? There's no way an unbiased feed algorithm can exist without someone trying to take advantage of it.

What does such a society look like?

Anonymous 10076

Not her, but there's a much darker way of reading "pure-blooded internet society."
The current generation of school age children, Gen Alpha, are often called 'iPad children' due to a combination of internet access and naive/incompetent millennial parents. Zoomers are currently ages whatever through mid-20s. Millennials are 40 now.
In 20 years, all levels of society will be ruled by "digital natives." People who did not know life without the internet will be retiring from various trades and careers (mid-50s is mandatory retirement age for a lot of labor intensive jobs). Every single facet of society will be downstream of online culture. Any forces that shape, contort, control, distort, filter, adapt, shift or serve that culture will have downstream impact in absolutely everything. We can expect the final effect of this to be utterly devastating.

Consider what dating looks like. And consider the fact that if you tried to start a workplace romance today you would be putting yourself at risk, not just in the emotional or social sense involving risk of rejection but in the economic sense that your workplace would probably want to eliminate you, a sane, polite woman behaving like a well mannered adult, for inappropriate behavior. Gen X women did not face that reality. Millennial women did not know a life in which dating apps were the only reasonable means of getting a date once high school or at latest grad school ended. Nearly every facet of social life flows downstream from dating, because male socio/biology prioritizes sexual opportunity and because expenses and economic activity must account for householding etc. - there is already a thread up on the other boards that talks about the downstream impacts of this, "there are no spaces for young people." Movies require a romance subplot and not all movies can be historical, military or fantasy. There are no aspects of culture unaffected, here, today. In 20 years every child will have been conceived by parents who chanced to swipe correctly in some online loneliness misery engine - parents who see nothing wrong with that, who will not raise their children to see what is wrong with that because they know nothing else and because of their entire generational survivorship bias.

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