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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 10117

Anyone else find this art disturbing? I found it on the rule 34 and i didnt know that exist a fetish about eye injury. Idk but it's strange and i don't find anything about the artista.

Anonymous 10119

r34 is pretty disturbing in general
i've seen some amputation fetish content so that's not really surprising. also gore, isn't it just gore? gore-adjacent

Anonymous 10121

that gooseworx troon has this fetish and adds it to all his cartoons.

Anonymous 10125

What is the artists handle? Looks like some shit a middle aged schizo would draw.

Anonymous 10152

> rule 34
There's your problem.

Anonymous 10229

i find it intriguing but knowing its rule34 is a bit strange? my curiosity is peaked about who the artist is though and tbh if i didnt know it was r34 i wouldve though it was vent art

Anonymous 10855

>>10121 Shame, honestly, pomni has a unique and cute character design.
>>10119 I just use e621, its got bizarre but not disturbing content But I hope amputation fetishists get the help they need.

Anonymous 10857

not really related to your post but i wish i had a friend to browse weird places like r34 with just for fun

Anonymous 10862

Me too anon. I had some of my best chuckles browsing weird shit over there. I would friend you..

Anonymous 10868


Very outsider art-ish. Sometimes hard to tell if fetish material is intentionally or unintentionally creepy sometimes

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