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relationship manipulation Anonymous 10357

do stuff like "hot and cold" work if you're already in a relationship? it seems like every "manipulative" attraction advice is about finding someone and then nothing for the rest

Anonymous 10358

It works very well on me but never on the men I've dated. I think the most effective thing is to rotation date and select someone who 1) you like and 2) shows the least signs of avoidance. The latter requires a lot of restraint and self discipline at the beginning (well before you go exclusive or committed) - don't initiate things or make what you want totally transparent and just see how they naturally behave. Whoever compliments you the most, does you the most favours, initiates contact with you the most, and seems to have their life the most together is the one to spring for. They won't make you feel insecure enough that you'd feel the need to do the hot and cold thing.

Anonymous 10361

i already have a bf i'm happy with, i just want more kek

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