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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


The S.C.U.M Manifesto Anonymous 10481

Has anyone read it? What were your thoughts on it?

Anonymous 10482

It was perfect and completely enlightening

Anonymous 10483

Yes, I really liked it, it had some funny bits, but there's nothing paranormal about it, at least I'm not aware of any conspiracy regarding Valerie Solanas

Anonymous 10495

tranny above doesnt know what "nona" means

Anonymous 10504

I've only read excerpts but it seems dank apart from the alleged sissification part kek
Not necessarily paranormal but she did shoot Andy Warhol and was sentenced to 3 years. He didn't die immediately but his death was due to complications from it (decades later!)

Anonymous 10505

i don't think anyone actually takes solanas seriously even radfems

Anonymous 10517

Where can I read it

Anonymous 10518

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