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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 10623

Do you believe in subliminals?

I have been listening to them on YouTube on and off for 5-ish years. At younger age I noticed stronger physical results (eye color change, jawline, better side profile etc). Now that I started again I also used ones for my hair, weight, shoulders, beauty and to learn. I didn't take pictures this time but 99% sure my hair is getting better.

Anonymous 10625

Anon i don't think you can change your eye color…

Anonymous 10627

I get that most people are sceptical but I really did change my eye color from green to hazel 4 years ago.

Anonymous 10637

i don’t know about eye color thing but that’s how it got me into subliminals and one time i was meditating on the love subliminal by quadible integrity and i ended up having a full blown kundalini awakening. apparently i was meditating for four hours and it was intense

Anonymous 10715

Used to use subliminals a lot with breaks here and there. Honestly they didn't work, but you can certainly gaslight yourself into thinking they do. I was listening to this one to get wider shoulders and was doing a manual labor job at the time so, duh they got bigger. My beliefs around them are that you can gaslight yourself for appearance stuff. They can definitely aid you for mindset related things however.

Anonymous 10716

been doing subliminals for over 10 years now, they work, it just takes a really long time.

Anonymous 10722

Ive been listening to sublminals for 2-3 years now, honestly i think they do work, however the ones that supposed to change your appeareance seem to be useless on me kek

Anonymous 10724

no that shits retarded

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