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Greek Magical Papyri/PGM spells/rites etc Anonymous 10686

So I have a copy of the PGM (first volume) and was thinking of casting spells for divinatory and love reasons.
Has anyone casted spells from this book?
Does anyone have experience with this kind of magick and have any advice?

What PGM spells do you recommend to cast from this book?

Any other similar good and comprehensive ritual guides of ancient non-abrahamic(yes ik it has ancient christian and jewish spells/influence) recommendations?

Anonymous 10697>>10747

I have a copy of the Spells of Going Forth by Day and it has the hieroglyphs, transliteration and translation out together for each line.

So I read the translation out loud one year and was granted the opportunity to stare at the sun and chant for several hours a day for a month or so. Last year, I read the transliteration out loud. I wonder if something similar is going to happen soon.

So if you're into Egypt, and especially if you're into sun worship, I heartily recommend this:
This one has no transliteration but pictures of some of the original papyri are there: https://www.amazon.com/Egyptian-Book-Dead-Integrated-Full-Color/dp/1452144389/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2EGON4C1C8YNE&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.e6k4X6X1CUMAHQEHNp7KulabRzwAB3IFExXkCZ5xE7BXPsHGl0eMSVUbAaUERUhQCEmq2qQSTR2pWL2FwIOouTWUItl7aSZqXHYKuwaxaG-H_UpVSCWO07Kc5Xsd7mO0fVhFBTTMRpsZKumIMwVv2zBAB5zmPCvfYswGq4SIrKQHQaGFk0CGWjmAEYZd_GRYCsVIXKkr5fLnr5x_GmpUKA.dVVcFC0m6fWVWlQkG42FmSk5NqHtrJKOVBYOmq7vOgg&dib_tag=se&keywords=ogden+goelet&qid=1723895892&sprefix=ogden+goele%2Caps%2C228&sr=8-5

I have both.

Anonymous 10714>>10723

thank you so much nona! I'll bookmark these and look into reading them. Religiously I am celtic pagan but I am interested/use ancient near eastern pagan magick. What were your intentions with the readings?

Anonymous 10723

Just scrolling by but man I'd kill for a friend that is a fellow Celtic pagan + browses CC. Wishing you well, Nona.

Anonymous 10747

Thanks for the links anon!

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