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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 10979

I'm new to tarot and I don't have anyone irl to practice with. Ask me a question and I'll give you an answer! Make sure to include the number 1 or 2 with your question, I'm using two decks.

Anonymous 10981

Is next year gonna be better?
Thanks nona

Anonymous 10982


Your reading: The Magician, The Lovers, Power, Luxury, Prince of Wands, Ace of Cups, The Devil

I would say yes. The magician is a messenger, he carries with him the will of the higher self. In the new year you will receive this message, at first it will seem separate from your current will. The lovers in this case represents a joining of opposites, and you will find that what at first seemed irreconcilable comes together in perfect harmony. The next card, power, depicts a fortress, and upon its towers are the four elements juxtaposed with their opposites. The number 4 is a number of stability, and this card suggests that the unity of these supposed opposites will result in stability, and security. Luxury is another stable card, but less so. This card comes after the Three of Cups, Abundance. From abundance comes luxury, but luxury can easily slip into decadence. The next card, Prince of Wands, is represents the intellectual part of fire. This card is ill dignified by the cups surrounding it, so I would be careful of your ego, or the ego of others. The Ace of Cups represents potential, and the feminine aspect of creativity that gives form to an idea. If you look at the Devil card and squint your eyes, you will see that it looks like a dick. The Devi represents the material world, and the pleasures of the material world. The Ace of Cups in this case is being fertilized (sorry for the analogy!) by the devil and will manifest into good things. The Devil card as mentioned previous is representative of the world, and indulgence in earthly pleasure. This can be good and bad, in this case I would say it's good. The Ace of Cups and the Devil will manifest into into a realization of the will brought to you by the Magician.

TL;DR, You will receive a message from your higher will, be that a sign or compulsion or whatever else. It will seem at first in opposition to your current goals, but you will find security and comfort when you manage to bring them together. You should be careful not to fall victim to the ego of yourself or others, pride always comes before the fall. But overall good things will come your way. I recommend you look into Carl Jung and his concept of "shadow work". This might start you in the right direction, but I can't know for sure.

p.s. sorry for the long post! The thoth deck is dense and I wanted to give you a full picture of what I was seeing. Hopefully this helps!

Anonymous 10983

will i still be next to him next year? (1)
thank you nona <3

Anonymous 10986


Your reading: The World, The Fool, Two of Cups (reversed), Ace of Wands (reversed)

I'm sorry nona, but it probably won't go as smoothly as you hope. But it isn't all bad! This spread is a warning, and if you're warned you can prepare. The world is the card at the end of the fools journey, it signifies completion and movement. If you look at the picture on the card, you'll see that the dancer is moving forward while glancing back. The next card is the fool, which is at the begining of the fool's journey (duh) and signifies the beginning of a new chapter of your life. The Page of Pentacles is the page of the suit of earth, which is the suit of the material world. The page on the card is transfixed by his pentacle, and studies it carefully and passionately. The Two of Cups is called love in the thoth deck, and reversed it signifies a complication in a relationship or a breakup. The Ace of Wands is the initial flash of a new idea, and reversed it means that the energy of that initial idea is not being put to use in a meaningful way, and whatever this new beginning could be will dissipate if not acted on quickly.

To translate that into English, I would say that you have reached the end of one arc in your life and are about to start the next one. You will find a new passion in your life (or already have, this could be in reference to your nigel), and you will be completely captivated by it. There will be some complications with this new love and it may fizzle out if you two cannot come to an agreement. The Two of Cups suggests some problems with communication or maybe a loss of trust. Just be wary for any cracks in the foundation of your relationship and make sure to patch them quickly before it all crumbles. If you want a clarification just ask for one and I'll pull some more cards for you, but in any event good luck! I hope it works out for the best!

Anonymous 10987


I forgot to include the Page of Pentacles in the card summary at the beginning, just pretend that it's in there.

Anonymous 10991

Thank you for that. I just read it and I'm still processing what I read. This feels like a reading that I'll need to keep revisiting.
I'm definitely not in a good spot to do shadow work right now but it sounds like it would be worth doing sometime next year

Also Nona please don't apologise for longer readings. This was beautiful. Thanks again. God bless

Anonymous 10992

Thank you! I appreciate the kind reply, and I'm glad my reading spoke to you!

Anonymous 10993

Am I gonna find love next year? If so, how?

Anonymous 10994


Your reading: Ace of Cups, Ten of Cups (reversed), Eight of Wands, Three of Swords, Nine of Cups (reversed), Seven of Pentacles, Ten of Swords (reversed), King of Pentacles (reversed), Ace of Wands (reversed), Seven of Wands

This one is a doozy. The Ace of Cups is definitely a yes, you will find love. The Ten of Cups would usually mean complete fulfillment of desire, but reversed it means, well, the reverse. This energy is carried by the 8 of wands into the Three of Swords, this card depicts a heart being pierced by swords (guess how many) with a rainstorm in the background. The title for this card is sorrow. The next card, Nine of Cups, is a card that would normally be very good in a reading like this as it means fulfillment of desire (it's different from the ten I promise), but reversed it is just more dissatisfaction. The card next to it, Seven of Pentacles, is a card about looking at the work you've put in (or what you've been through) and wondering if it's all been worth the effort, and if what you've been doing will ever bear fruit. The next card in the spread is the Ten of Swords. Now this card depicts a man bleeding out on the ground with ten swords in his back. Lucky for you, it's reversed. So, imagine instead that the swords are falling out of his back (finally something good! It only took us five cards…). The next card, King of Pentacles, is a card that depicts a king sitting on a throne in his castle. He bears images of grapes on his clothing, suggesting bounty and good harvests, and his hand rests upon a pentacle. So unlike me, he's got his shit together. Typically this card means quietly manifesting your goals, or being secure in them. In this case, I would say the reverse means you should begin manifesting now. This is influenced by the Ace of Wands reversed, which showed up in the last reading. It means a begining, THE begining, the first flash in the pan that gets the fire started. Reversed it means that you need to start NOW! Don't wait any longer, if you wait too long then it will fizzle out. I want to go back to the King of Pentacles (and the Ace of Cups) and say that what you are manifesting IS in the cards for you, but most likely not as soon as you would like. The Seven of Wands depicts a man in battle, standing atop a hill battling the six wands beneath him. Though your foes are many, you remain on top.

TL;DR, Yes. You will find love in the next year. I think the first five card group represents you now and in the near to maybe mid future. I'll be honest with you nona, it doesn't look good. But on the bright side, if you suffer long enough eventually you'll get used to it. The rest of the spread is telling you to keep fighting, love is in your future but you have to start building to it now. And don't give up, of course. The second half of your question will be in the post below this one, I don't want this post to be too long.

Anonymous 10995


Your Reading: Four of Swords (reversed), The Tower, The Fool, Ten of Wands, The World, Page of Wands (reversed), Page of Swords.

Clarification: Seven of Cups, Six of Swords (reversed), Knight of Swords, Seven of Pentacles (reversed).

So, to start, the Four of Swords reversed is a card that means restlessness. I would say you'll get tired of waiting and manifesting (although I don't know how to manifest love. Maybe someone will come into your life? I can do a clarification if you'd like.). This is strengthened by The Tower. This is a violent card that depicts lightning striking a tower and setting it on fire. This card is a violent death of the ego (I do not envy you nona!), but this isn't always a bad thing long term; The short term is a bitch, though. The next card is The Fool, which is a new beginning. Typically this means beginning a whole new big adventure! You're about to fall off a cliff, nona! But in the end you'll be better for it. The next card is the Ten of Wands. This is a card of overabundance. What you're walking into may prove too much for you, and you'll be burdened by it. I would say that on this new adventure you'll learn or experience a lot, and you'll be carrying it with you into the world. I pulled a couple clarifiers and it tells me you're gonna have some options and you'll need to really consider them and what you want. This choice will leave you with some discomfort, you may feel like you've made the wrong one. You're gonna reason yourself into pushing ahead, too fast than you really want and too fast than you really need. In doing so, you spread yourself too thin or push yourself too hard and you end up dissatisfied with your efforts. This then leads to the Ten of Wands, this experience will stay with you. The World of course is the end of the road, and the begining. Anyway, the woman depicted is looking back and moving forward. You are looking back at what you've learned and moving towards the Page of Wands, which is reversed. This means your new beginning will be complicated in some way, perhaps by the wands your carrying. The last card in the spread is the Page of Swords. This card depicts a page holding a sword defensively. He walks forward slowly and cautiously, and he looks back. Now this could describe a person, but I don't think so. The page depicted has much on his mind, and he holds that mind (represented by the sword) tightly, and close. This is a card of defense and detachment.

TL;DR, this has to be the most difficult reading I've done. I might be overthinking it, but I'm having a hell of a time trying to unravel this yarn. So first off, let me tell you what I do know. Disregarding the first two cards, you will begin a new journey. You will be presented with a choice, this choice you should heavily consider and make sure your whole body agrees with it. I'm talking about your mind, your heart, and your gut here; This one's important. The outcome of this decision will leave you uncomfortable, you might have second thoughts. You will push forward regardless, too far and too fast for your own good. This will leave you dissatisfied with the outcome, and it will burden you going forward. Your reaction to whatever comes next will be no doubt influenced by this experience. What you've learned from this will cause some complications relating to a defensive mindset and perhaps some detachment from a new relationship or circumstance. Now, as for the first two cards. I've done some thinking and I've come to a few conclusions. The first is that you will become restless after your period of manifestation, and this will spur you to action that results is a total deconstruction (for this case I would say that the tower falls due to a rejection) and rebuilding of your worldview, which spurs you to begin the fool's journey laid out above. The second is that these first two cards are you now, restless, confused, and at the beginning of something new. In this case the Ten of Wands (and the clarification by extension) would be the steps you take towards finding love that were laid out in the first reading (you choosing to heed my reading which leaves you frustrated and longing for love, you pushing through it, waiting and manifesting anyway and being dissatisfied with your results) The ten of Wands would then be you keeping this time in mind, perhaps you will keep waiting longer than you should leading to complications at the beginning of the new love (the page of wands is looking at his wand, and he holds it close.) At the start you will be on guard and a bit detached, you might have some problems really opening up because of this. No one can enter a fortress if it's gate is closed. The third possibility is that your restlessness will cause you to act hastily, and The Tower is a card that represents the relationship itself. This would mean that everything that happens between the fool and the world is the relationship itself, and the last two cards are what you will be like after. In this scenario you would jump at the first man that comes your way, or the first one you're interested in, what have you. You choose whichever man you want, this leaves you in an uncomfortable relationship that you continue anyway (you will most likely "reason" with yourself, completely disregarding what your heart and gut tell you) and the experience sticks with you and leaves you dissatisfied and regretful, and any new relationship will be stained by this one. You'll be defensive and detached to avoid being hurt again. The last theory is a bit meta, and it came to me while I was writing the three drafts of this tldr. The choice that the Seven of Cups is referring to may be this one, and is you choosing whichever explanation you feel is right, be that the ones I've offered or some secret fourth option that you've come up with.

TL;DR for the TL;DR, no matter how you slice it, what happens next year is gonna stick with you and leave you defensive, for better or worse. I did a third bonus reading asking if everything would turn out well and if you would be in a happy relationship. I got a 9 card spread that I will analyze tomorrow in another post. At first glance, I'm going to say yes, but I'll look into specifics tomorrow. Sorry for the multiple answers nona, I tried my best to give you a good reading despite my inexperience and I hope this helps and that it turns out well for you. The only thing I know for sure from this reading is that I'm glad I'm not you lol. You'll be in my prayers.

Anonymous 10996


MY GOD nona ty for the reading and bonus reading (fingers crossed it's less morbid)!! it's soooo detailed. I particularly like that you explain each card, so it allows me to sort of try exercising my own interpretation too.

> So first off, let me tell you what I do know. Disregarding the first two cards, you will begin a new journey. You will be presented with a choice, this choice you should heavily consider and make sure your whole body agrees with it. I'm talking about your mind, your heart, and your gut here; This one's important. The outcome of this decision will leave you uncomfortable, you might have second thoughts. You will push forward regardless, too far and too fast for your own good. This will leave you dissatisfied with the outcome, and it will burden you going forward.

This describes exactly what happened from January-April of 2024. It's honestly so eerie. I'm wondering if maybe (hopefully) this part of the reading concerned that as opposed to a repetition of the past? I can't imagine myself getting even more defensive but I'm sure I can outdo myself in my terrible dating choices. at least there's always cc!

Anonymous 10997


Your Reading: Ten of Swords, Knight of Cups (reversed), King of Swords (reversed), Ace of Cups (reversed), Seven of Pentacles, Death, Seven of Wands, The Magician, Seven of Swords.

So before I get into the reading proper, I want to thank your for the encouragement. I read for my mom sometimes and she always says I shouldn't explain the meanings and just tell her what I think, but I always tell her that she might make some connections that I can't. I'll be sure to bring this up next time she says I take too long, lol. I also wanted to say that with your input I've come to the conclusion that the how you'll find love was answered in the first reading, and the second was the cards telling me how the love will find you. That is to say, your mental state and how receptive you'll be. So if I had to give a revised (and heavily condensed) reading, I'd say to just keep doing what you're doing, and make sure to be open to new prospects. The love will come, but you need to be able to accept it. Now onto the bonus reading.

You already know about the Ten of Swords, so I'll save you the spiel. The Knight of Cups is the Knight of emotions. Just like with all the court cards it can mean a few things depending on the reading. The through line is that the knights represent action, they are doers. The Knight of Cups typically is a romantic, he holds his cup (which is presumably full) as he goes out into the world. In the reverse I would say it's an unwillingness to bring your cup with you on your journey. This is compounded by the King of Swords. The swords always represent the mind, and the kings themselves represent an active control over their suit. The Kings (and all the court cards for that matter) also have an element intrinsic to them. All the Kings, for example, represent the airy part of whatever suit they are. So the King of Swords in the most intellectual of all the court cards. In this case I feel like it represents an unwillingness to relax the grip your mind has on your decision making. You aren't listening to your emotions and letting your mind lead you down a path you don't really want to go down, but you ignore your emotional intuition and choose intellect instead. This is strengthened by the Ace of Cups reversed, which signifies a blockage (in this case a reluctance) to accept the emotional energy that is present. The cups are the suit if intuition as well, so keep that in mind. The Seven of Pentacles is a reccuring character in this saga, and represents dissatisfaction as always. I think you're looking back on the road you've traveled and wondering if you've been going the right way. The Death card, funnily enough, is probably the best card in the spread. It signifies death, not in the violent way that the tower does, but rather the timely death of something in our lives which does not serve us any longer. On the surface, it is a scary card, but in the background stand the towers of The Moon, and the sun rising behind them. Another notable detail that pertains to this spread in particular is that it is a river that serves as the path between the towers. You will look back upon your limiting mindset, and it will die. The next three cards are all related methinks. Since the Seven of Wands is the first card in the spread, I'll take it as a continuation of the original spread. In the thoth deck, The Magician is presented as a messenger from the gods, but in the Waite-Smith deck he is just a mage. The Magicians serve as a conduit between the spiritual and material. They take what isn't and turn it into what is. In English, they manifest things. He has all of the elements available to him, and he uses his directed will and intuition to manifest his destiny. The last card, Seven of Swords, depicts a man running around a camp stealing swords, with a smug look on his face. In this spread, the card signifies choosing which swords to carry, that is picking the right mindset for your manifestation. Your mind is a powerful tool, and it shapes the world you live in. It's important to prune your thoughts and your mindset often too keep it looking pretty, or you risk getting stuck in the brambles.

TL;DR, The Ten of Swords is a relief from the pain of the past, but you still cling to the sword you're holding long after you've killed the monster that made you pick it up. It seems to me like you'll need to lower your defenses if you want anything meaningful to come your way. You should also learn to listen to your heart instead of your mind. Trust me nona, I used to completely distrust my natural intuition and my life was hell for a long time. I had to experience The Tower to finally break out of it and I'm doing much better now. Lucky for you, there is no greater cause or reward than love. Unfortunately, the cards won't give me a straight answer as to whether it will work out or not, but I'll tell you from experience that your life will be a lot better if you drink a little from your cup. Don't overcorrect of course, but you need your mind, body and soul to work in concert if you want the music to be beautiful. Good luck nona, you'll need it.

Anonymous 10998

thank you nona! we're both graduating in a few months and may go to our separate ways. i'm curious how it will all turn out.

Anonymous 10999


What should I do with my life? Are there any specific fields or signs I should focus on?
Your reading are amazing

Anonymous 11002


Your Reading: Page of Wands, Page of Pentacles (reversed), King of Wands (reversed) Seven of Cups (reversed) Eight of Wands, Three of Pentacles.

Sorry it took me so long to do this reading! I tried to do it over the last couple days and it just was not happening, so I took some time and now I'm back to it.

So the Page of Wands is pretty self explanatory. He's transfixed on his wand, his passions, and he studies it carefully and closely. I think it's telling you the obvious, and to just do what you're passionate about. Juxtaposed is the Page of Pentacles in reverse. Now these two cards are very similar, they both depicts the page in question mesmerized by their object, the object corresponds to each suit and what the suit represents. In this case I think it's telling you not to fixate on your material desires over your inner passion, though you hold these in the same regard. The King of Wands is the airy part of fire, he uses his intellect and his will to make things happen! Reversed I think this is telling you to beware a lack of control over your pursuit of this passion. The next card in the spread is the Seven of Cups reversed, so I think it's a warning to remain in control while you pursue your purpose and don't let your lust (not sexual) control you, otherwise you'll make poor decisions. Now the next two cards (the aforementioned Seven of Cups and the Eight of Wands) were a little confusing to me at first. But I think it's telling you that no matter what choice you make (even though there are definitely wrong ones) that energy will still carry you to the Three of Pentacles. The Eight of Wands is quite simply, eight wands moving forward. It is notable in the fact that it is the only card in the Waite-Smith deck to not depict a person or any part of a person in the image. It's just the wands moving forward toward the next card. The Three of Pentacles depicts three men working on an archway with a design of Three Pentacles in the top. One of them is a mason, another a monk, and the third guy is wearing a hooded poncho thing holding the blueprint for the archway. The name of this card in the thoth deck is "Work", and that is precisely what this card means, work is being done, good work at that. The three men on the card work together to create a beautiful archway. Something else to note is that archways (or doorways) in the tarot usually signify a crossing-over into something, whether that be a new life or perspective.

TL;DR, take some time to really think about what you want to do. The wand doesn't signify any transient passion, but you need to really sit with yourself and think what is it you feel you were made to do. Pay no mind to concerns of wealth or status, only concern yourself for what you truly believe your higher purpose to be. When you identify it and chase it, the whole universe will bend to make it happen. Not that it will be easy of course, but it will happen, sooner or later. When you chase this higher purpose, all doors will open for you, all fog will clear, and you will be free to walk the path you were meant to, and to bask in the beauty of the journey.

Anonymous 11003

Thank you for the kind reply! I hope you two are able to stay together, love always finds a way!

Anonymous 11008

Hi anon. Thank you very much for the free readings you've done. Can you give me details on how a friend of mine is currently feeling towards me? Her initial is S.

Anonymous 11010


Will I look petty if I name my future son the same name as my cousins newborn?

For context, the name in question has been a family name for generations. My cousin isn’t related to that side and she stole my baby name right from under me, because my older sister (whom I despise) shared the baby name to her.

My sister also wants to name her son that, it’s going to be so confusing for the next generation to have 3 boys with the same name ugh

Anonymous 11011

To add, is there a significance to going with my plan and naming my son that? Or should I just call him something else and avoid the family drama? Although I never really see my cousin or my sister much, just family events like weddings and funerals

It’s always been my dream to have a large family, and I want to honour my ancestor by naming my son after him.

Anonymous 11012

Anonymous 11014

Will me and my friend reconnect? Deck 1
Thanks in advance

Anonymous 11020

Your Reading: The Tower, Ace of Swords, Power, Worry, Corruption, Peace, The Emperor, Defeat.

This is another less than ideal reading. Sorry in advance! So, The Tower is a card about sudden change. Good or bad, for me it's always unexpected, even if I'm anticipating something happening. This is followed by the Ace of Swords. Now the aces stand for pure potential, and in this case (since it's a sword) it is an intellectual potential. Though it lacks direction by itself (if you're anything like me, you know that your thoughts can be very disorganized), when focused by something, it can be a very potent creative force. Since the power card follows this one, I would say that the impulse of the Ace is directed towards maintaining stability. Worry is self explanatory. My Thoth deck is in Spanish (I don't know why, I don't even speak the language), and the title of this card is "Preocupación" or "Preoccupation". I find this to be a much better descriptor than worry, as when I worry about things I tend to get consumed by them. Maybe this is the same for you? Corruption is the next card. This card is a corruption of the 6 of Cups, titled "Pleasure". This card is a sickly green, and represents the corruption of something emotional. In this case I believe it is a relationship. The next card, Peace, is just that. The two swords are crossed behind a white rose, which dulls the usually sharp blades of the ego. This card is uncharacteristically docile and pleasant, and it's meaning is uncharacteristically clear. The Emperor is the masculine counterpart to the Empress, that is to say he represents a strong stable command over the self and the material. I would say in this reading he is the power depicted in the Four of Discs in its major form. Defeat, is defeat. The fives all represent an overthrow of the stability of four (four is the most stable number). The Book of Thoth mentions an inability to "maintain the armed peace of four (truce)" but in this case I think it represents an inability to maintain the peace of the two. Notably, The Book of Thoth uses the words "insufficient power" to describe this particular failing.

TL;DR, It seems to me like there has been a certain falling out between you two as signified by the tower. "S" seems to think of you as trying your hardest to keep the peace and maintain order. She sees you worrying about the corruption of a once pleasurable friendship and your efforts to keep things stable, but it wont be enough. I'm sorry, nona. I decided to pull an extra card asking if the defeat can be avoided, and I got The Magician. This card tells me you should listen less to your mind (as this is what the suit of swords represents) and try to go more with your intuition. Listen to your first mind and everything should work out OK! Good Luck!

Anonymous 11021



Your Reading: Knight of Wands, The Hanged Man, The Lovers, Science, Corruption, Death, Interference, The Universe, Fortune.

The court cards are always tricky. They can either represent an energy, a person, or an aspect of yourself. Usually I read them as an energy, so in this case the Knight of Wands would be the fiery part of fire- he is all action, all the time. How does this relate to you? Thankfully The Book of Thoth has a pretty clear answer that I'm going to steal. The Knight of Wands can get things done, but only in one way. If anything falls out of place, then he will have great difficulty. So keep on with your idea, but be confident but careful. The Hanged Man depicts a man hanging (bet you never would have guessed that) upside-down from an Ankh. This major is attributed to water namely the "waters of initiation" by Crowley. I think also you could connect it to the waters of the womb (occultists love using sex as an analogy for creation) in that a new "life" (in this case perspective) will be born from sacrifice. It could also be read to mean an arrest of any directed action, as the man depicted is nailed to the place he is hanging. The Lovers represents a unity of opposites. Opposing forces, energies, what have you. This marriage often results in a greater understanding. Science is this understanding. It is one of the rare pleasant cards of the suit of swords, and represents the successful use of intellect to achieve a goal. I pulled corruption in my last reading, and it represents the corruption of something emotional, as suggested by the suit. Death is a card of new beginnings. The death of the old to make way for the new. Similar to The Tower, but much less sudden and violent. Interference is a fun card. This card represents a will constantly being messed with by bad luck in the form of small incidents. The Universe represents the end of a cycle, in this case I would say the end of a cycle of life and death. The Wheel of Fortune in the Waite-Smith deck and the Thoth deck differ in interpretation. This simply represents a turn of Fortune, often times good (hence the name).

TL;DR, I'm thinking you should go ahead with your idea. It will cause some drama, but the high number of majors in this pull tells me this decision has some cosmic significance (as all names do, but I digress). It will cause some drama, but you'll be better for it.

If you want my two cents, I'd say to for it. Who gives a damn if it causes drama? It's your son, you get to choose his name, not the people around you. If it feels right, it most likely is.

Anonymous 11022



Your Reading: Seven of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Knight of Cups (reversed), The Emperor, Ten of Cups (reversed), Queen of Wands (reversed), Four of Wands, The Empress.

And a glance, I'll say yes. The Seven of Pentacles is a card about waiting for the seeds you've sewn to bear fruit, it implies a certain restlessness as you reflect and wait to see if what you've done will turn out the way you want it. The Eight of Swords is usually a card of confusion. The woman depicted is bound and blindfolded, surrounded by swords. Reversed, you can imagine that the blindfold has slipped off, and your restraints have been loosed. The Knight of Cups is someone who brings his emotions readily along as he pursues his passions. Reversed, I would say that this energy is just the opposite. Perhaps you have left your cup behind in your journey? The Emperor is a card of discipline and control. Cold in his disposition, he rules without concern for the more feminine aspects of life. The Ten of Cups is a card that depicts a happy family under a rainbow. Reversed, I read it as things you think you want but upon receiving them, you find it wasn't what you wanted at all. It could also just be a reverse of what's depicted in the card. The Queen of Wands is the watery part of fire. She has control over both of the original creative forces (that being fire and water) and she knows how to use them. As the theme of this spread seems to be a lack of emotion, I would say that the reversal of this card indicates a blocked or lessened expression of the watery side of this queen. The Four of Wands is a card that depicts two women celebrating outside of a castle. The four wands in the foreground frame the women, and hung upon them is a lush vine of grapes. This card is very auspicious, the grapes symbolizing a fruitful abundance of the energies of the card. I'm sure I don't have to spell this one out to you. The next card is The Empress, which is the feminine counterpart to The Emperor. This card represents abundance and fertility. I would say the appearance of The Empress next to the Four of Wands serves to enhance the good energies of it.

TL;DR, You are a presently pensive, pondering your position in other people's perspective, the people in question being your friend. In severance, you have been freed from the trappings of being in the relationship and can now analyze it from an outside perspective. The cards tell me there may have been an emotional disconnect between two parties, perhaps a problem with predominance. You find it didn't shake out the way you thought it would, and you find yourself looking inward for something. This all has a happy ending, though. So don't worry.

Anonymous 11023



Anonymous 11026

Woah nona thanks so much and that’s so freaky I think you’re psychic or something but I literally just had a bath and came back to read this reading. Thanks so much! Yeah I knew my answer already idgaf and will name my kid whatever the hell I want, to hell with exterior appearances, it’s what i feel in my heart matters most

Anonymous 11031

will I do well this semester?

Anonymous 11034


Your Reading: Eight of Cups, King of Pentacles, Ace of Swords (reversed) The Fool, The Chariot, Knight of Pentacles (reversed) Queen of Cups, The Hermit.

I used the Waite-Smith deck because you didn't specify. The Eight of Cups depicts a man walking away from the eight cups of the card toward a mountain. The moon hangs in a clear sky, eclipsing the sun. Some say that the man is dejected, but this is not always the case. This is a card of abandonment to reach something higher. Perhaps something that doesn't serve you anymore, perhaps something that does but must be abandoned anyway. The King of Pentacles is the airy aspect of earth. He has used his fiery will to manifest the castle he sits within. This is a verdant card, the grapes on his cloak representing fertility. He holds a scepter in one hand, symbolizing control and power (The Emperor holds a scepter) and a pentacle in the other. This is a card of abundance. The Ace of Swords is the first part of an intellectual action. You could see it as the original idea to make a sandwich, before you actually get up and start walking to the kitchen. Reversed, this could signify a blocked energy, or some mental unrest. Perhaps you find your mind scattered lately? The fool is the beginning. Since its major, I like to describe it as the beginning of a new arc in your life. The Chariot is a card of victory. The charioteer rides victorious, his Chariot being pulled by two sphinx of opposing color. His Chariot and armor are adorned with patterns of the sun and the moon. This represents the need of balance, and the synthesis of opposites to achieve victory. Be mindful however, that to triumph there must be something to triumph over. The Knight of Pentacles is the fiery aspect of earth. Notably, this is the only Knight card that is standing still, due to earth being a passive element. The two natures of the Knight are in conflict, but this isn't always bad. It is reversed though, so I would say that this card represents inertia. The fiery aspect of this knight burns less brightly than is needed, so his ability to achieve his aims are dimmed as well. The Queen of Cups is water at is most… wet? I don't know. She is transfixed by her cup, as if she sees a world inside of it. The sea at her feet is still, and unlike the king, her throne sits on the shore. This represents a very emotionally involved person or energy. The Hermit is a card of introspection, and illumination. The star in the lamp represents the soul, and intuition. He uses his lamp (and his staff) to guide him on his way. He walks atop a cold and rocky mountain. Some say the Eight of Cups depicts The Hermit beginning his journey.

TL;DR, You've walked away from something, in search of something else. It seems like you were in a good place, with all of your needs satisfied, but were in a poor headspace. So you left your castle to climb a mountain to see if there is something better at the top. This new path is going to be a long one, and important to your personal development. You Triumph over what troubled you enough to start hiking, but you find it difficult to accrue the wealth you had before. You've traded this wealth for an empathic instinct, and self-knowledge. But you aren't done introspecting yet.

As for what you'll do well, I think you might not do so well in your schoolwork, but you'll gain something much more valuable during this time. You'll be trading knowledge for wisdom, and I always think it's better to be wise than to be intelligent, so you'll do well there. If you don't feel like this fits you, I can do another pull. I've got a feeling that this reading might be for me as well as you. But if it isn't, just let me know. Good luck nona, hopefully saturn's laser doesn't blind you.

Anonymous 11038

wow, this is scaringly accurate. Thank you Divinona :3

Anonymous 11039

is my current persistent bad luck a sign i need to change where i am and who im with or is it all part of the process?
uhhh i pick 2
thank youuuu

Anonymous 11040

Hi nona, idk if you're taking request anymore, but i'll shoot my shot.
Will I have a long, healthy relationship with the man I've been obsessed with for almost a year? Or should I look for that in someone else?
Deck 1 pls

Anonymous 11042

dunno if you're still around nona


Will i get a decent boyfriend at all eventually? This year perhaps?

Anonymous 11044


Your reading: Futility, Love, The High Priestess, Knight of Wands, Wealth, Ruin.

Futility is pretty self explanatory. The card depicts a large sword identified with the sun, beset by three swords on both sides. The swords are identified with the planets, and both sets of three are equal to the center is every measure. You need a miracle to overcome the odds. Love is love in its simplest and purest form. Not just love between two people, but the divine masculine and feminine in perfect harmony. The High Priestess is a guardian of sorts, or a keeper on knowledge. She is one of the most feminine cards of the majors, and this leads to her naturally intuitive nature. You could say she represents nuit, or an intuitive experiential knowledge that is the object of all occult practice. She sits on the threshold of the abyss. The Knight of Wands is the fiery aspect of fire. He IS action. Both the impulse and the process, very masculine as well. Wealth is the most auspicious card, and considered the last card of the tarot. It represents an abundant wealth of something. It could either represent the full completion of the work (whatever it may be you have working towards) and all that results from it, or it could just be a wealth of something in general. Such wealth is great, and must be spent wisely or else it will cease to be. Ruin is not as bad as it seems. It represents pure reason with no emotions. Eventually, the mind unchained will consume itself, but in this not all is lost. The body remains, and the two can still be reconnected.

So I didn't even read 'with' when I read and asked you questions but thankfully the cards got it for me. So TL;DR, the pairing of futility and love are obvious, I won't spell it out for you. The next three cards are not so simple. I drew a clarifier for the High Priestess, and I'm afraid there is going to have to be another sexual analogy. So basically, the Knight of Wands is impregnating the High Priestess and the result is Wealth. The clarifier is virtue, which is the Three of Wands. The number three is the number of understanding. So I would say act on your intuitions, but be careful not to act too rashly. One of the pitfalls of the Knight is that he is incapable of deviating from his path, and it may lead him to ruin. The Knight of Wands could also be representative of a person, and since the Knight is surrounded by opposite elements I feel as if he could represent a someone in your life who is a bit stuck in their ways, brutal and a little evil. Now the wealth born from the… intercession of the Knight and the High Priestess could be the intuitive understanding I mentioned in the above section. It could be something else though. You are warned to use this new wealth wisely, don't let your mind get away from you when you try and spend it. Always remember to be intuitive in your intellect.

Anonymous 11045


Your reading: King of Swords, The Empress, Page of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, The Devil.

The King of Swords is the most intellectual card of the court. He has little on his mind, and what is there he as conscious control over. He is wise, capable, but manipulative. He walks the razors edge between power for power's sake and for the sake of his kingdom. The Empress is the card of the divine mother. She is the feminine counterpart to the Emperor, she represents abundance and creation, and all of the aspects of feminine energy. The Page of Cups, like most of the other pages, is transfixed by his cup, and the fish within. The fish inside the cup is looking back into the eyes of the page. He is captured by his emotions, and he observed and studies them closely. A procession of knights follows him, one of earth and one of water. These knights represent a fulfillment of your desire, they bring the material and emotional aspects of your relationship. The Devil in this case represents your fear. I pulled a clarifier for this one (Five of Pentacles) and to me the devil is chaining you to the fear of rejection or perhaps a fear that what you seek lies elsewhere.

TL;DR, I think you should just go for it. The King of Swords and the Empress bid you to consider both your mind and your intuition. The Page of Cups is you, I think the fish in the cup is your nigel. The knights represent what you want and stand to gain from the relationship. The Devil holds a torch, the flame of love that you seek. You must take it from him if you want you dream to be realized. I have someone I'm obsessed with too nona, so I'm rooting for you.

Anonymous 11046

Dunno if you're still taking requests: Should i step away from this friend group, or am i being hasty based on minor discomfort? Deck 1 please! And thank you.

Anonymous 11047

will i ever move to my desired country? will my career plans work out there? deck 2 plz

Anonymous 11048

2 readings for 2 separate questions (if you are still doing readings):

1 (deck 1): Will I be happy in my career path? Or should I fall back on the other one?

2. (Deck 2) Will my husband cheat/die/have a mental breakdown in the future and ruin our marriage?

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