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A Paranormal Wish for Digital Anonymity Anonymous 11032

To the unseen forces of the universe, I humbly extend my request. I wish for a powerful being of the digital realm to hear my plea. I seek a cleansing of my online presence, a complete and irreversible erasure of all that I have posted, shared, or left behind in the vast expanse of the internet.

Let my digital footprint be wiped clean, as if it never existed. May all my past expressions, thoughts, and moments be transformed into whispers of the past, inaccessible to anyone who may seek them out. I ask for the ability to move forward in life unburdened by the shadows of my digital history, free from the fear of discovery or judgment.

To whoever reads this and has the power to grant my wish, know that you have my full permission and consent to act on my behalf. I am grateful for your assistance, and I trust in your ability to carry out this desire. May the echoes of my online presence fade away, allowing me to embrace a new chapter of my life with peace and anonymity.

Thank you, kind spirit, for considering my wish.

Anonymous 11033

Yes I used AI to help write this. My grammar and writing skills aren't the best. I read my post and totally agree with it

Anonymous 11058

What a weakling, you should embrace your typing autism like who cares at the end of the day

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