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June and Jennifer Anonymous 411

Have you heard of this case, anons?

I've been on and off into it for a couple of years and it looks like a documentary is coming out.



>twin sisters

>refused to speak to anyone else
>ostracized for being black (1960s), isolated themselves further
>invented their own language, wrote fiction, performed plays for each other
>separated at age 14 to give them a chance to develop their own selves
>went catatonic until reunited
>began committing crimes and writing about crime
>eventually agreed that one of them had to die in order for the other to live a fulfilled life
>Jennifer sacrifices herself
>dies of sudden inflammation of the heart

Anonymous 412

If there is a documentary out for it, I will be eyeing very side-eyed. It's a mess explaining to singletons how being an identical twin is in a way they are able to empathize with.

Anonymous 416

Are you a twin?

Anonymous 417

Yes, mirror-imaged identical. I actually empathize with their story a lot because my twin became a literal shut-in NEET since middle school because she hated how people saw us as being twins (because they tend to gloss over who you are in favor of seeing you and your twin as a whole) and it's given me so much guilt since I have a job, am doing fairly well in college, etc. When I get extremely depressed over various things in my life, I often feel reminded that if I killed myself she'd be so much happier at least.

Anonymous 418

anyway to add to the discussion, I always thought it was so interesting how in the diary of Jennifer, she mentioned not being able to live without her twin whereas June seemed to feel like she could only live without her twin. Given that, it makes sense that Jennifer would have been the one to sacrifice herself, and I think it's interesting that they seemed to develop opposing solutions to a problem.

Anonymous 425

Black island kids are moved to inbred wales. The locals treat them bad so they retreat into themselves. They keep to themselves which bother the whites. The white authority then rip them from their homes to live in isolation with mean inbred whites. Kids go catotonic(sp) cause they dont know what will happen to them. They are reunited. Do what kids do and write stories. The parents of their former bullies bully them by keeping watch on them. Twins are emos. Sent to a mental hospital. Cause they wouldnt talk to the white authority they are kept for over 11 yrs where others get 2. One kills herself so the whites will release her twin. The only english colony that has done well is canada and thats because of the french.

Anonymous 438

There is going to be a documentary?
I'm so excited! I have the book on my shelf, I have to finally read it.
I would really like to read the girls' novels, even though they were shit.

Anonymous 8467


A movie about them was made, but not a documentary.
The Silent Twins (2022)
directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska

Anonymous 8468


In 1986 there also came out a book by Marjorie Wallace. Haven’t read it but I’m curious.

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