
Female killers general Anonymous 429
Anonymous 430
>the victim of premeditated murder by her two teenage daughters, Sandra and Elizabeth Andersen Anonymous 431
Elizabeth Báthory.…

Six hundred and fifty motherfucking victims
Anonymous 432
>>429Youtube suggested this ( ) to me the other day because of my love for documentaries, you may like this, anon!
Anonymous 434
I found this blog when looking for new news about Nevada-tan, it has a weird political agenda but the huge list of female killers is super interesting. of these only have an ancient newspaper article as evidence. I can't find the page for it on here but there was a disturbing one about a two year old who killed a newborn who allegedly was quoted saying something like "wet's till the baby, shall we?" so I wonder if some of these stories really happened or were just ancient clickbait to sell papers.
Anonymous 435
>>434Yeah that site is some MRA bullshit, I wouldn't give it too much credit.
>The site was intended to focus on historical documents that document the falsehood of “herstory” in general and to present the outline of the early stages of the men’s rights movement kek
Anonymous 446 Renee Sharer (June 6, 1979 – January 11, 1992) was an American girl who was tortured and burned to death in Madison, Indiana, by four teenage girls. She was 12 years old at the time of her death. The incident attracted international attention due to both the brutality of the murder and the young age of the perpetrators, who were aged between 15 and 17 years old.
read the whole thing.
Anonymous 447
>>446All four girls had troubled backgrounds with claims of physical or sexual abuse committed by a parent or other adult. Hope Rippey, Toni Lawrence, and Laurie Tackett had histories of self-harming behavior.[47] Tackett was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and suffering from hallucinations.[17]
Melinda Loveless, often described as the ringleader in the attack,[48] had the most extensive history of abuse and mental health issues.
Anonymous 469
>>447This shit is terrifying.
Anonymous 1336
>>1207Be sure to watch the movie, it's good.
Anonymous 1379
>>447those girls were so messed up beyond all belief because of evil people in their lives. I'm not condoning their behaviour whatsoever but they were victims too.
Anonymous 3793
>>447>>446the shanda sharer murder, along with junko furuta, are some of the worst, most horrifying cases that still stick out to me because of the prolonged cruelty and torture. the girls were so fucked up and miserable, but what they did to her was so atrocious.
Anonymous 3906
>>434>>446This is way more interesting that mainstream TCC and their idolized criminal moids.
Anonymous 3913
>>3793Shand Sharer, haven't heard this one in a while.
>12 when she was murdered >murderers were girls aged 15 to 17>tension due to silly relationship drama>abducted and taken to a castle>bound in ropes, terrified>took her Mickey Mouse watch and danced to the music it madeJesus she was just a kid
>took her from the castle, she begged to go home >took her bra>got lost and ended up at a petrol station asking for directions>drove out to the middle of nowhere>stripped her naked and beat her>slammed her face into someones knee until her mouth was torn apart on her braces>strangled unconscious with a rope>put her back in the car thinking she was dead>drive home to clean themselves up>Sharer starts screaming so they go out and stab her a few times>thinks shed dead now, but she still isn't >they tell eachothers futures with rhinestones>drive back to the castle>Sharer sits up with her eyes rolling in her head and they beat her with a tire iron>spray her with windex>burn her to death>go ti McDonalds for breakfast and laugh about how Sharers body looks like one if their sausagesAnd all over a silly love triangle
Anonymous 3915
>>432Damn, this channel does no longer exist.
Anonymous 5200
>>3913Those sacks of shit deserve to be euthanized.
Anonymous 5215
>>3913>took her Mickey Mouse watchToo far
Anonymous 5220
>>1207it is so fucking annoying to me that this human garbage can murder someone and go on to have a thriving authorial career
she should be rotting in a cell
Anonymous 5270
>>1207What the fuck, this is such a trippy piece of information. Any other weird stories about established public figures like this?
Anonymous 5271
>>5270If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s worth watching.
Not exactly the same but the Kevin Spacey thing with all the guys dying and then his creepy Xmas videos.
Anonymous 5380

Jennifer Pan's case is a really interesting one
Anonymous 5381
>>5380I remember watching a jcs video on her
Anonymous 5385
>>5381Why do I almost always root for the criminals in the interrogation videos even though the things they’ve done disgust me?
Anonymous 5386
>>5385I've done this before except for Nikolas Cruz. Fuck that dude
Anonymous 5388
>>5385I mean, obviously you do after a while. You're conditioned to fictionalize what you see on the tube. You keep on compulsively viewing this over and over again and fixate parasitically on the "underdog" of the situation…which will always be the serial killer.
Anonymous 5401
>>5385If you could see footage of the victim alone with the killer, who would you root for?
Anonymous 6228á>I am a loner. A destroyed woman. A woman destroyed by people … I have a choice – to kill myself or to kill others. I choose TO PAY BACK MY HATERS. It would be too easy to leave this world as an unknown suicide victim. Acta non verba. Society is too indifferent, rightly so. My verdict is: I, Olga Hepnarová, the victim of your bestiality, sentence you to death. Anonymous 6553
>>6552What the fuck was her motivation??? Nothing I've read explains any of it.
Anonymous 6554
>>6553usually these kind of people hate their own lives so they hate other life in general so they do these kind of crimes. in short. its mental illness.
Anonymous 6559
>>6558She is a nurse who killed babies. her name is Lucy Letby. This case is in the UK
Anonymous 6637
>>6559i looked into this case and i cant find any reason as to why she would have been doing this. i don't necessarily doubt that she did it, but other than that weird post it note, which to me looks like nervous ramblings more than a confession, i havent been able to find anything about a motive.
Anonymous 7814

Recently came across a killer called Mary Pearcey. She wasn't outstanding as far as killers go - she killed her lover's wife and baby in a fit of jealousy. That said, there are theories out there about her possibly having been Jack the Ripper. I just wanted to post a pic of her because she looks freaky AF. 7818
>>7814I think that's just old photography not doing her any favors. Too much blending into a masklike white. Looks like one of those faces that'd be alright in person.
Anonymous 7819
This site makes a case for Constance Kent's murder of her half-brother being the first modern detective case. so it's an inauspicious start. Whitcher was taken off the case and recalled in disgrace in some part for having leveled such accusations at a woman of nobler birth than his own. She was instead convicted five years later as a result of confessing under her own initiative rather than due to police investigation.
Between this and the Ripper cases, which others have argued was also hampered by British classism, I do wonder how Scotland Yard and British policework eventually gained a good reputation. Was it just that they did manage to catch Crippen, who as an American expat was not protected by the conventions of British class? Did they catch a lot of German spies during the world wars? Was it just because of early television dramatized serials?
Anonymous 7820
>>7818Nah the big eyes, pointy ears, and teeth are creepy.
Anonymous 7821
>>7820The eyes look bigger than they are because there's almost no contrast at the lids and because there's a pattern layered over the image which draws attention away from what contrast actually exists. The pattern itself gives an impression of reptilian scales or another inhuman texture, but forcing your brain to ignore it also ignores her actual facial texture. Her eyes are not protrusive or excessively rounded. I'd say there's a bit of a masculine shape to her eyes, without the masculine tendency towards sunkenness, but in person and in motion that would probably seem fine. Her teeth also suffer from photographic texture blending, made worse by how the light or photography treatment caught her jaw. She's got a case of bunny teeth but not really anything extraordinary for her time - most people hid their teeth in their photos for a reason that didn't have to do with exposure times. Her ears are a little tall and straight but if she was turning her head slightly and speaking it would not look bad.
I'm not sure what the science of Phrenology would have said about her but to me she looks like she just got the worst end of the camera.
Anonymous 7893>In 1994, Florida charged her in the killings of the two-year-old boy and the married couple. She faced the death penalty, but the case fizzled after two secretaries in the state prosecutor’s office allegedly had “phone sex” with lead prosecution witness Jorge “Rivi” Ayala, Blanco’s hit man who killed the three victims.…fucking hybristos ISTG.
Anonymous 7898

>>7814Here's a sketch of her that was made by the executioner. The old photography plus the front profile probably didn't do her good.
Anonymous 7914>Despite twice unsuccessfully having attempted to escape from prison in 1971, she was released in December 1972.[6]>After her 1972 parole, Paula Baniszewski assumed a new identity.[163] She worked as an aide to a school counselor for 14 years at the Beaman-Conrad-Liscomb-Union-Whitten Community School in Conrad, Iowa, having changed her name to Paula Pace, and concealing the truth regarding her criminal history when applying for the position. She was fired in 2012 when the school discovered her true identity.[168] Paula married and had two children.[169]I have to admit it sickens me how she could torture her best friend to death, be found guilty in a court of law, and then go on to live what is by most measurements a respected and comfortable life. Career, family, and community.
Anonymous 8047
There was one with a funny wikipedia page because she kept trying to kill people but kept failing in all sorts of different ways. I think she tried like 4 times but only actually killed one person. I cant find her name now, anyone know who i mean?
Anonymous 8380
I wonder if the official figures regarding deaths by poisoning are actually valid, since a lot of the most convenient poisons seem either untraceable or plausible as non-murders. Epinephrine-induced heart attacks like in the embed managed to look like normal hospital work cardiac events for nearly a decade, and epipens are pretty common. There are other "untraceable" killer drugs too, most commonly based on things found naturally in the human body or continuously metabolized or degrading postmortem, like potassium. And fentanyl or ketamine would look like a drug overdose if a given moid had a history of drug use.
Anonymous 9025

>>8380imagine putting anabolic steroids into a moids food and then killing them in self-defense if they try to force themselves on you.
"Dihydrotestosterone is many times more potent than testosterone, and many of the effects that testosterone has in the body only happen after it is converted"
There would be no evidence since DHT is naturally present in men.
Anonymous 9661
Has anyone watched Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel? I haven't yet but I've been told that it gives an explanation on how Elisa Lam opened the water tank and her case is presented as a suicide, very sus.
Anonymous 9664
>>429Thoughts on Angela Simpson?
Anonymous 11007
>>11004> The 15-year-old Wisconsin school shooter who killed two people and wounded six had attended the Christian academy for less than four months before unleashing an attack that lasted just eight minutes, according to school officials.Why the hell don't I ever read even a single story about female school shooters who had legitimate grievances against their schools? God knows there's NO shortage of women who are directly wronged, harmed, or sexually terrorized by faculty or male students in America.
Anonymous 11009
>victim: female(s)
Boring. Post more killers of males
Anonymous 11036
>>11007probably because school shooters are psychopaths nona, ofc theyre not gonna have any legitimate grievances…
Anonymous 11041
>>11036The question isn't really "will psychopaths stop doing psychopath things." More "why don't women do any justifiable or comprehensible vengeance killing."
There was a movie made a long time ago about a true story in which an Indian woman killed her abusive husband by restraining him and using gasoline to burn him to death. This story. that was a time and place before modern forensic methods and forensic psychology. We have many, many modern takes on this story. So many that I ran over at least three different husband-burners from India on the way to collect the above link. Such as this one:>Police said they found a 10-gallon bucket of gasoline, lighters and candles in the apartment, along with pieces of evidence that suggested Patel had tried to prevent the fire from being extinguished, including a disabled fire alarm and sprinkler heads covered in plastic bags.As these spouse ignitions move towards modern criminology they tend towards a very different look regarding the motivations and actions of the women in question. And that bothers me.
I'll agree with you that yes, modern forensics and investigation look at school shooters and see psychopathy rather than victimization as a root cause. And I'll agree that this means we need to reevaluate why we wanted school shooters to be anything more than that, going all the way back to the victimization narrative of Brenda Ann Spencer. But schools are insanely traumatizing for insanely large numbers of young women, not just days of trauma but years and years of being expected to sit in a classroom with your rapists or taught by your rapist and to just shut up and accept physical violence, threats and sexual violence. If we never find outbursts of school violence associated with that trauma then when we do see women resort to violence it looks less and less likely that it was reactive violence. If the husband "not-murder" human arsonists that we find keep being not-abused, then that makes the criminal defenses of women who have taken lives in not-murder proactive self defense cases start being questionable.
I refuse to believe that the only women who ever kill are women who are incurably psychopathic. I need to believe that Kiranjit Ahluwalla burned her husband to death feet first, hitting far enough away from the vital organs that it took him 10 days to die, for very different reasons than Shriya Patel did. And not just so that the court cases that released Kiranjit on a ruling of manslaughter be found correct, since Shriya Patel has also been found not guilty of murder and only of lesser charge arson. It is important to me to believe that it is possible for justice to exist on the immediate and personal scale in some cases in this world, even if almost all killing is unjustifiable and almost all killers are unjust.
Anonymous 11043
Screenshot 2025-01…

>>11009This is a fucked up one, but she did kill males