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Blessings thread Anonymous 8311

>if you are a wizard and you would like to grant blessings
Be as transparent as your practice allows and keep it cozy. You may politely deny or ignore a someone else’s request if you are not comfortable with it. You are forbidden from casting unwholesome magic in or at this thread

>if you are looking for a blessing

Simply ask for a blessing. Do your best to specify what you need, but please keep it cozy. If you don't specify, any of our wizards may bless you with whatever beneficial things they see fit.

Anonymous 8312

I’ll start

I have been listening to subliminals on YouTube and I would appreciate someone blessing me with hundreds of thousands of USA dollars as soon as possible please.
I’d really like to get my own place to live and a car among other things.

Thank you In advance

Anonymous 8313

I would like a blessing.

Please make my misanthropy and my cynicism go away. I want to be one of those unbearably happy, optimistic people.


Anonymous 8320

I wish to be blessed to eat and drink tons of very tasty vegan foods and drinks in the future.

Anonymous 8334

I wish to be breathtakingly attractive, pull better people towards me, and to be optimistic.

Anonymous 8337

I would like to be blessed with money very soon.

Anonymous 8410

I would like to be blessed with getting the job i'm interviewing for and success with my side business. I would like to have enough money to replace my whole wardrobe and feel like me again.

Anonymous 8413

Please keep me immune to anything satanic or witchcraft related. I don't know how

Anonymous 8417

I wish to be able to find actual employment in my field after graduation and never have to move back home (or worse, live on the street).

Anonymous 8490

I wish to be a millionaire for at least 21 consecutive years while I am awake sometime after today and before the year 2027 A.D. !

Anonymous 8501


I wish to be (for at least 2 consecutive years and sometime after today and before 2029) at least 6’3” tall not counting my shoes or hair

Anonymous 8504

I want to get the job at the DMV. I hope they dont mind me being there a year because I'm going move to another state and I hope they can help me transfer.
In a year I hope my move goes smoothly.
It be such a boost if this works.

May all the blessings in this be heard and received and everyone will find the happiness they are looking for.
(o • ω • O)つ—♡☆.。.:*・°♡

Anonymous 8507

I wish to pass calculus and be successful in studies this semester

Anonymous 8517

I wish to be a millionaire after today and before 2029.

Anonymous 8518

I wish to be a hectomillionaire after today and before 2024.

Anonymous 8526

I wish to have a very very very healthy spine as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have very very very healthy hands, wrists, forearms, tendons and joints as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have very very very healthy toenails as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have very very very healthy knees as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have a very very very healthy brain as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have a very very very healthy neck as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have a very very very healthy nose as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have a very very very healthy Jaw as soon as possible for as long as possible.

I wish to have very very very healthy elbows and shoulders as soon as possible for as long as possible.

Anonymous 8527

I wish to have very very very healthy rotator cuffs as soon as possible for as long as possible.

Anonymous 8528

I wish to be a hectomillionaire in real life and while I’m awake as soon as possible for as long as possible.

Anonymous 8532

If it exists,

I would like to find and drink from the holy grail.

Anonymous 8533

I wish to be blessed with talking to my ex gf again

Anonymous 8552

I wish for my stepmother to be completely irreversibly braindead for at least 4 consecutive hours sometime after today and before March 2023 in real life and while I am awake.

I wish for my father to be completely irreversibly braindead for at least 4 consecutive hours sometime after today and before March 2023 in real life and while I am awake.

Anonymous 8553

I'm a Christian that uses grimoires in magic practice. Let me bless you.

Anonymous 8554

Please bless me.

I could use lots of money / wealth to move out of my current residence and into a new place which I own.

Anonymous 8555

why four hours?

Anonymous 8556

It’s arbitrary. If someone is flatlining for four hours straight I’d say they are gone for good though.

He’s certainly hurt me for more than four hours….

Anonymous 8566

Please bless me

Anonymous 8583

I wish for as many people as possible to go vegan for as long as possible as soon as possible

>but meat and cheese!!!!

>feeling entitled to someone else’s body

Yeah no

Anonymous 8584

I wish this >>8583 anon dies soon.

Anonymous 8597

>>8410 I am the anon in this post. I just came back to say thank you for my blessing, to whomever it was who blessed me. I got everything I asked for and a little more than I could have expected. Lighting a candle and saying a prayer of blessing and abundance for all of you as my thanks. I would also encourage more anons to post their wishes here as I will be returning to bless your posts now that I have everything I need.

Anonymous 8600

I wish to get an otoplasty, rhinoplasty and laser eye surgery done to me soon.

Anonymous 8619


Bless me with something to help me with loneliness. Please.

Anonymous 8620

I wish to have incredibly fast metabolism and the body i desire

Anonymous 8621

I wish to be blessed with my personal stalkers' deaths and with others, fucking off for as long as possible as soon as possible.
I also would like to be blessed with a large sum of money as soon as possible.

Anonymous 8627

I wish to be healthy and I wish my gastrointestinal tract problems would stop.

Also, I wish to be blessed with a good, long-lasting friendship with another woman. Please.

Anonymous 8628

Please bless me to receive a very large sum of money very soon.

Anonymous 8629


i wish to be skinny and healthy by the end of my 6 months fitness program
i wish it would also help my backpains
i wish to be a better artist and gain enough following to start my own shop this year
i wish to leave this place as soon as possible
i wish the new girl i met is interested in being my gf (im a lesbian pls dont ban)

Anonymous 8634

I wish to clear off my debts and hopefully feel less stressed about money

Anonymous 8637

I wish to adopt a rabbit

Anonymous 8638

Get money to go back to school.

Anonymous 8642

i wish both of them would die

Anonymous 8658

I wish to be a millionaire in 3 months.

Anonymous 8664

I wish to buy my sister a 2023 car.

Anonymous 8680

I’d appreciate a blessing of money please

Anonymous 8681

I wish to be more confident in myself and to learn to be content with what I have. I also would like to find more friends who share similar interests to me :3

Anonymous 8688

I wish to get more skinny until summer. Simple as.

Anonymous 8712

I wish to have a net worth of at least 4000 pounds of pure gold.

Anonymous 8722

Money plz

Anonymous 8726

I wish to own my own home sometime in the future and before I die.

Anonymous 8743

all posters be blessed

Anonymous 8745

all of you will get exactly what you need ❤️

Anonymous 8746


Please bless me with true, beautiful love. It does not have to last but I do not want it to end horribly. I just want to experience in at least some segment of my life true love. I've never been in a relationship. I do want sex but I also want companionship, warmth, and a bond.
I also want everyone in this thread blessed with happiness and a clear mind. I don't know how to bless people but that's what I want for all of these sufferers on earth.

Anonymous 8758

I wish to get married and to have at least three children in the future before I die.

Anonymous 8766

please bless me with a beautiful life. with more than enough money that i need to take care of my pets, home, and myself. i want children one day when im ready. please bless me so that i no longer feel lost or dread for the future. i want to make it far and be someone worthy. may all negative energy or curses sent my way cease to affect me or my loved ones and be returned to the source. i ask for protection and peace.

Anonymous 8779

I wish this year I can get pregnant, please please

Anonymous 8781

I wish to ingest at least 7 tons of at least 98% vegan food in real life while I am awake sometime after today and before 2044.

Anonymous 8783

It has all been granted. Everything. Even the questionable ones.
Good luck and be blessed.
Results might vary, but you are closer to your goal nonetheless.

Anonymous 8788

I wish to be famous and rich

Anonymous 8793

Thank you

Anonymous 8852

I wish to be a millionaire.

Anonymous 8863

I wish to to continue to feel contentment, security, safety and joy.

Thank you to all who grant blessings in this thread.

Anonymous 9741

I wish for an end to the abortion and animal agriculture holocausts.

And for Carmela to be my gf :)

Anonymous 9742

I wish my friend would drop her moid and choose me instead

Anonymous 9743

I wish to have guidance and more courage.

Anonymous 9744

I wish for a chance to speak to Josh again, so that I can explain to him that I had been lied to about him and apologize. Before the month of December 2023 begins.

Anonymous 9796

I am currently about 21 hours into a planned about 179 hour long fast. I plan to only consume tap water and put nothing else into my body except air for the next approximately 158 hours and so far that is exactly what I have been doing for the past 21 hours. However if I get extremely sick or weak feeling during it I may consume some table salt and potassium chloride powder in some water. I do intend to only consume tap water and nothing else during this fast though. It's important to keep in mind I am already quite thin with a BMI of maybe 19 or 20 or so atm and the longest I have ever gone without eating before is about 80 hours. I believe I may be especially receptive to being blessed during this time. I wish to be blessed with being made healthier, safer, luckier, taller(if possible without seriously injuring me) and wealthier/richer. If I could only have one or a few of those things or all of those things my main priority is please make me a multimillionaire in USA dollars of 2023 A.D. value very soon and please allow me to be a multimillionaire in USA dollars of 2023 A.D. value for the remainder of my at least 60 year long life.
Please help me.

Anonymous 9798

I am still doing it and I am still doing just tap water. About 38 hours done and 141 hours to go.

When I finish this fast I wish to slowly refeed. Some watered down juice, some water with salt and potassium powder, some steamed or boiled vegetables, etc.
But a couple of days after the fast I wish to feast. I wish to eat vegan chickn tenders, French fries, vegan sweet mustard sauce, toast with melted vegan butter on it and vegan ice cream. I wish to drink apple juice with this meal.
Though I currently can not afford this meal. I as far as I know definitely do not have enough money to buy it now nor will I likely have enough money to buy it in a few weeks. I have no income and nobody cares enough about me to pay for this meal for me or even my phone bill I have no phone service. So I would really appreciate it if someone in this thread, board, 4plebs archive page or wherever else may please bless me with at least a few hundred USA dollars soon. The meal really only would come out to 50 dollars or so and I could make multiple meals out of what I purchase but if I got only 50 dollars I would spend it on my phone bill laundry and buying simple stuff like peanut butter and potatoes. Please bless me. Thank you so much in advance.

Anonymous 9800

I ate

Anonymous 9826

i want to speak to my best friend again

Anonymous 9840

very fast hair growth please

Anonymous 9854


I wish to be blessed with immense feelings of motivation for a sustained period of time (more than 3 days). Here's an offering:

Anonymous 9862

i want to have bigger and wide set upturned eyes

Anonymous 9863

i want to have bigger and wide set upturned eyes

Anonymous 9864

i want to have bigger and wide set upturned eyes

Anonymous 9865

i want to have bigger and wide set upturned eyes

Anonymous 9873

I'd like a blessing.

I wish J and I would get back together in December 2023 and that we just last until one of us dies now
How did this turn out? Did you ever speak to him again?

Anonymous 9875

I want him to survive.

Anonymous 9883

Blessing request: a months-long manic phase, starting tonight or today

Anonymous 9887

Not yet. I doubt it ever will. I don't like having unfinished business, but such is life.

Anonymous 9898

I wish my anxiety to go away
I wish to make some new nice friends
I wish to get a car

Anonymous 9907


bless this to go faster?

Anonymous 9908


wtf who hexed me :(

Anonymous 10239

I would like a blessing.

Please let me be happy and reclaim and surpass what's happened to me into a healthier, successful life. I want to move on from this and what it's done. I am a better person than I was back then, and my intentions were good, but I can't live with this forever. I want to live, to love, and to smile again. Thank you.

Anonymous 10240

I would like a blessing

I would like to get a job, soon
I would like to find love
I would like to get out of here

Anonymous 10244

i would like to be blessed with a man i find attractive who loves me so much he skins me alive and wears me so i don't have to feel the pain of existing anymore.

Anonymous 10487

Please bless me with a rhinoplasty soon. I really want one but I can't afford it right now

Anonymous 10488

I would like to get a blessing for my summer work trip, so it would interesting, enjoyable and memorable (and so I would have to eat during it, it is important for as for genetically sick person)

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