
Anonymous 856
>no monster boys thread up
let's change that
Anonymous 872
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10627563/chapters/23508654for all my monster boy enthusiasts
totally thought there'd be more of us on this site. who doesn't want a ghoulish qt by their side
Anonymous 917

>>872I like them if they are still somewhat humanoid and still have some class. (no wild animal)
https://momosmonsters.tumblr.com/ Has some good storys
Anonymous 920
Pick one flavor of monster boy and I will draw it for you. go!
Anonymous 921
>>920eldritch abomination monster boy that used to be human
Anonymous 922
>>921Uh that on is good.
>>920If it is not to much trouble can i have a big huge demon overlord?
Are aliens to much syfy?
Anonymous 923

>>921>>922awesome, I'll draw them a bit later I have been on the computer all day so right now it's time to do something useful. Aliens are cool too, I was thinking a cute alien you know like those uchuu-kei girls, but if you meant something else I can make it however you want. in the meantime here is an alien character I made, I know he has a weird nose, I'm not good at noses, but my excuse is aliens can have weird noses
Anonymous 924

>>923Are you kidding he is handsome!!! His nose gives him a serious and older vibe i love it!
You are very gifted and super kind that you draw for us for free!
Thank you very much.
Anonymous 926
the devourer of wo…

>>921ok here he is, I needed a way to show he was human so I made him play videogames. He would devour soda pops than worlds. It was my first time drawing something like this so I didn't know really how to render that dark material to look all lumpy and slimy.
Anonymous 927

>>926Not the ano who asked for it but it is pretty cool!
I had to laugh because i thought about he is a very strong creature now with the power of an eldritch but he is still a moody teenager.
"Ethan we need you here!"
"Yeah just one sec."
"Oh my god Ethan we asked you to to this thing that is impossible for us!"
"I will do it okay? Let me just finish this level…"
"Our life depends on this!"
"your life, not mine…"
I love it!
Anonymous 928

>>922ok here is a demon overlord. More like edgelord.
"You really think you can defeat me!? Gahahaha!! Come back in another 20 levels kid."
Anonymous 929

>>928I am the ano who requested that and oh god he is crazy handsome!
So awesome!
Thank you so much!
I know I am low tier but I am grinning and giggle like a idiot. probably sound like a total creep, but I don't care, I love him! Anonymous 930
>>928>>929Thanks now i have this scene in my head.
"You really think you can defeat me!? Gahahaha!! Come back in another 20 level kid."
drooling all over the place and squriming like an idiot"K..kid?"
Anonymous 931
>>929Hahaha I am glad you like him! (Now I am grinning like crazy too)
Anonymous 932
>>931Now we are both sitting in our room grinning. Damn are we adults or what?
I did not know what a uchuu-kei it so i had do look it up.
An alien like them would be super cute! With tentacles and stuff. That would be adorable.
Could i request another one?
Anonymous 933
>>932you can ask for more but it might take a while before I finish it. Also you can write more details about how you imagined them (for example: sparkly fairy with green hair and shiny armor as opposed to just "fairy"), otherwise I will just draw them as I imagine them
Anonymous 936
>>933Thank you! I will think of something.
Please take all the time you need and if you don't want to draw something you never need to do it.
Anonymous 937

Sorry it took so long, I started drawing a while ago but then I got a little busy. Also the light right now is pretty bad.
He is not only a tentacly alien but also a fluffy one. He's wearing loose socks so nobody notices his fluffy legs and discovers he's an alien. But I don't think he's fooling anyone with those tentacle hands and antennae.
Anonymous 938

>>937No need to apologize, I was very buy too.
being an adult is terrible sometimes So sorry on my side for answering so late.
God he is adorable. I want to kuddle him! How was he supposed to know that we humans have these weird bone flesh structure for extremity?! The fluffy Legs, sure no problem, some species are more hairy than others, but that? What the hell is that even supposed to be? Even the name is strange.. Hands…
btw. Mr. space mittens is the cooles pet in the universe!Uh.. uh I have another one if you want.
How about a dragon. Long and thin or better muscular? Black. with cool glowing eyes (gray? Red… blue? You decide!) Horns of course and a tail and wings. A little like the ones in the final fantasy mmorpg.
Is there something you always wanted to draw? Or to let drawn?
Anonymous 940

>>938awesome, I love dragons, here is a drawing I found online of one of those dragons from final fantasy while I draw mine.
Of course it won't be as good as this drawing but I will still try so that one day I can be as good as this too. also I didn't know if I should put the image under a spoiler so I did anyway
Anonymous 942
god bless drawfriends
Anonymous 943
>>942Yes, drawfriend was a gift for us.
Anonymous 954

hi I don't know if I disappointed anyone by not finishing my drawing
already but I'm sorry if I did, I bit off more than I can chew and I just started going to college so I'm busy but I promise I will finish my dragon boy, eventually. also if you have any comments or critiques please post, Iknow
something is off but I can't tell what. It all looks weird to me
Also if you want you can ask me to draw something more because I have time between classes so I can draw then but they will be in pencil or maybe ink. If you don't ask I will draw a slug man anyway :^)
>>943>>942You really don't mind me posting? I feel as if I am using you somehow, forcing you to look at my drawings lol but I know I'm not forcing anyone and you don't have to look at all, but I still -get a feeling so complicated-.
Anonymous 955

>>954You never disappoint us drawfriend!
I can't talk for the others but I am very happy and grateful that you draw for us! I love looking at your pictures!
Please don't stress yourself so much, take all the time you need. College is more important than us and i mean it, even if it takes a year! As long as you have fun, because that is the most important thing.
I really like pencil drawings. And slugs are cool.
Don't even think, that you forcing us to look at your drawings.
-feelings are terrible complicated-
If it helps I always have the feeling I am forcing you to draw for me
And using you so i can look at handsome monster boys.. I know you don't have to draw, but I still have it. Soo yeah…
Anonymous 956
>>954>>955A I forgot to add, that I know what you mean with his face. I am just not that great in finding what is off. But I will try.
Anonymous 963
what would life with a skinwalker bf be like
Anonymous 965
>>954no pressure to finish the drawing! or do this request! I like your art style and I would like to see a sea monster/merman/siren bf. I don't mean that all at once, but like either one of them! If you go with siren, I'd like him to be visibly singing? ^^; You dont have to do it if you dont want to! They can be like green or blue or look more human, whatever way you interpret that kind of thing!
(if anything I'm actually willing to pay for a commission if you do that, so if you are interested let me know and ill reply back with an email you can contact me on)
Anonymous 967

Hmm I said I would draw a slug man but I drew an incubus instead, I'm very happy with it, if you compare this with my first drawings in this thread this looks much better (in my opinion) even though it's messy, so maybe I am improving (yay) also I still haven't finished the dragon boi :c I just draw when my roommate is not around so I don't creep her out with my choice of subject matter.
>>965I have an idea, I can draw what you asked for (but it will be messy) and when I post it you can pay me to make it cleaner and add more detail to it if you want, but you don't have to if you like it messy. Because drawing something doesn't take that long actually but cleaning it all up and making it nice takes a while, like they say: the last 10% takes 90% of the time, but it adds 90% of the impact.
Anonymous 968

Also does anyone else love this painting, I had it in one textbook and I just couldn't stop staring at it and I copied it because it's so beautiful. It's a design of a costume for the ballet Afternoon of a faun painted by Leon Bakst
Anonymous 969

>>968It is not my type of artstyle, but otherwise it is kind of nice.
Anonymous 1037
just want an eldritch bf
Anonymous 1314

Apparently I have a thing for symmetrical faces
Anonymous 1409
1 1e8i4KFLv8IOBTkK…

>>967I don't want this thread to die.
Drawfriend are you still here? I had a very busy time and had not posibility to post but now I am back.
Does your offer still stand?
Anonymous 1459

Do fantasy races from video games count?
God I want a lizard daddy
Anonymous 1985
Men, they only want you for your blood plasma…
Anonymous 2137

source: monster porn game called teraurge
Anonymous 10900

>>1305Remember to kiss your local fish boy today and every day until you're no longer breathing.