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Performing witchcraft on moids. Anonymous 8749
Have you done it? I have only done basic things like influence them to contact me, candle stuff or whatever. Was a mistake both times.
Anonymous 8750
Can you give a suggestion on how to manifest a moid's death?
Anonymous 8754
How do I cast a spell of contact
Anonymous 8756
>>8750Get a piece of hair from them, and we will talk. You need someone's essence for murder stuff.
>>8754Carve their name into a candle and meditate on receiving a message. Put as much emotion into it as possible. Emotions help drive manifestation.
Anonymous 8759
>>8756For obtaining the subject's hair, can it only be a strand, or does it have to be more of a lock?
Anonymous 8760
>>8759Strand is fine, just something that comes from them.
Anonymous 8762
>>8760What do we do after we obtain the strand of hair?
Anonymous 8764
>>8756Okay I think I can do that, thank you, I am assuming Yankee candle is fine?
Anonymous 8799
I'm burning the candle with his name in it right now and the flame is going crazy! Or is it doing that because of the shavings that resulted when I carved the name
Anonymous 8804
light a candle, carve his name into it. I suggest mediating over it and putting a lot of emotion behind it. Like I said before, emotion helps to drive manifestations because emotions are simply energy in motion. For example, think about the feelings you will experience if your moid were to message you. Happiness, excitement, anger(idk), etc. you can either directly burn the hair into the flame or take a piece of paper and write something like "you will contact me" ( anything you want that you believe will help tbh. Then fold the hair inside the paper then burn it that way. Good luck anon, and remember patience. It took me almost a full month for contact to be initiated, but it depends on everyone
Anonymous 8815
Witch anons give me your best love spells. I've already done a honey jar (added blood and vaginal discharge) but I wanted to know if there are any other love spells out there. I am absolutely going to use it on a moid.
Anonymous 8817
>>8815make sure whatever you choose to do, be specific. Love spells always have funny results with the person when you aren't specific.
Anonymous 8819
>>8815nona, do you want to know other love spells because you want to try another one?
you should wait a long time before making another love spell, be it on the same or even another person.
if you arent seeing results, i encourage you to keep working on the same spell and/or wait more for it to be effective.
Anonymous 8824
>>8817Ayrt, my intentions were to make him feel as obsessed with me as I was with him. I want him to feel the overpowering feelings I felt for him. I was trying to take my feelings and send them back to him. A return to sender thing.
>>8819How can I continue working on the honey jar spell? I also did a cord cutting ritual between the target and his girlfriend (burnt pieces of paper with their names connected by a string after meditating on intentions, then burnt the candle [should I bury that candle?? I still have it in my room]). Should I keep burning candles on the honey jar? Should I give it a shake every day?
Random thing: I put a handwritten note from the target inside the honey jar wrapped in manifestations. You could read "I miss you" from the letter when looking at the jar. I would give the jar a shake every day and eventually a cluster of rose petals got inbetween the paper and the glass jar and the word "miss" is covered up, so it just reads "I…. you". I truly believe this could be a sign of the honey jar working, but what do you think?
Anonymous 8832
i did brujería on some moid i had a crush on a few years ago that always left me on read and ignored me all the time. he ended up falling in love with me and confessing like 6 months later… he was also sending me money and buying me so much stuff that year kek
maybe it’s all a coincidence but it’s hard for me to believe that he went from always ignoring me and liking porn on twitter to literally worshiping me and agreeing with everything i say. it wasn’t even like i did anything else different.
Anonymous 8833
>>8832Step by step detailed account of what exactly that is?
Anonymous 8840
The name-in-candle thing kind of worked for making contact, but he didn't make contact with me; it just gave opportunities for me to be near him. It's nice, but I want him to want me, how do I accomplish this specifically? Or will the candle thing still work eventually and this was just a coincidence?
Anonymous 8841
Can i hex my brother for assaulting me or is relation by blood gonna cause trouble? If so, how
Anonymous 8842
>>8832Do you still talk to the moid? How did you do it, and how long did it last?
Anonymous 8843
>>8840Reminds me of the law of attraction, like when people get their manifestation, but not exactly how they wanted it. Try it again, but maybe write a letter and ask what you want in specifics. Just make sure to let go of the outcome and not be obsessed with it.
Anonymous 8849
>>8843Okay. My obsession is kind of lessening anyway. It's no longer obsession, more fascination. What do I do with the letter?
Anonymous 8873
>>8849Burn it, hide it away somewhere. I wrote a moids name on a paper once, folded it and stuffed it between stuffed animals and forgot about it. Not exactly a perfect method, but its kind of like a "set it and forget it" kind of thing. When you dont obsess over things they always come in much easier.
Anonymous 8877
>>8873Thanks, I already hid it away a week ago
Anonymous 8982
i want to make a moid obsessed with me. i’m already practicing manifestation/LoA but I want something stronger like a spell. i am completely aware of the consequences, i just want someone who is more familiar with witchcraft to guide me as i am having no success so far with finding a spell or ritual that can provide me what i want right now. nonas of /x/ please help me.