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Any horror book or manga recommendations? Anonymous 8864

I just finished reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Uzamaki by Junji Ito

Anonymous 8866

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Earthlings by Sayaka Murata. No other comment.

Anonymous 8868

The silent companions by Laura Purcell

Anonymous 8869


Tomie, also by Junji Ito

Anonymous 8896

I don’t know if it’s considered horror but it’s definitely disturbing: Killing Stalking.

Anonymous 8901


I started binge watching all the live action Junji Ito movies. Somehow they made nine Tomie movies and they're all terrible. Despite that I enjoyed all of them.

Anonymous 8981


Denjin N

Anonymous 9090


Dark Water has some good parts. It's written by the man who wrote The Ring. It's an anthology of vaguely water related stories. Some are spooky. Others just made me roll my eyes, but the man is good at writing ghost stories. I thought the first part and the one about the yacht or fisherman were the strongest sections.

Anonymous 9092


Pet Shop of Horrors

Anonymous 9098

goated manga

Anonymous 9117

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I enjoyed the Jinrou Game series. It reminded me of playing mafia as a child.

Anonymous 9122


I quite liked the Vegetarian by han kang

The horror aspect only develops later on fully, its a very slow buildup - but I found the buildup to be the best part -the mundane mixed with disturbing and surreal scenes

Anonymous 9265


Jinmen is an okay one, but like all good japanese media I think it becomes too wild to the point it stops being scary and just becomes any other generic manga

Anonymous 9266

Best horror you're ever gonna read is Lovecraft's collected stories, preferably the Annotated HP Lovecraft.

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