>>8918 how do you develop better intuition? I can usually tell that something horrible is going to happen on days when horrible things do happen but that's not really useful
>>8919 Nta but you could try to be more observant. Pay attention to your surroundings, notice patterns, signs etc. also you can learn from past situations and their patterns too.
>>8918 yes, extremely accurate. I usually get an intuitive sense about people and are very sensitive to their energies, as well as the energy of places. Here is one instance that I find particularly eerie: >go to the beach with my family. >didn't want to go into the water >sensed that there was something uncanny about this place >sister and her friend went swimming in the water >sisters friend kept complaining about how she felt that something was dragging her down >a week or so later, we find out that someone had died in those waters before they had gone swimming in there..
there are some spiritualities (Indigenous matriarchal ones for example) that believe women possess intuition like a 6th sense that men aren't able to tap into. And that it can be honed with practice.
I have pretty powerful intuition, always have since I was a kid. I started doing tarot readings when I was little for fun, and they ended up really scarily accurate. It's all intuition based, the way I read them. I freaked out several family members- aunts uncles, mom, grandma with my readings to the point where they were made uncomfortable. I've predicted severe illness, infidelity, and minor issues too with my card readings. I get told a lot that my tarot readings aren't any fun because I don't sugarcoat bad things. In fact I think I have more of an ability to predict bad things than good.
I am also really good at reading people, which I usually pass off as being a perk of being a wallflower, but I can even guess people's first names when I've never seen them before sometimes. Sometimes I even get such a powerful feeling that a person or animal's name is 'wrong' somehow to the point where I have a hard time using the name they give me. Like, one time I was riding a trail horse with a name like Red or something, but I could not stop calling her Daisy- in my mind, when I was petting her or riding her. It was really weird. Probably sounds retarded but I wonder if it's some kind of weird intuition or something.
At this point I always listen to my intuition. If I get a bad feeling about something. My husband believes I have very strong intuition as well, and always listens to me if I decide to cancel a plan or leave something early because it's never steered us wrong. I think it's the closest thing to a religious belief I practice- if I get a gut feeling about something I don't do it, or if someone gives me bad vibes I gtfo.
typing this out makes me feel like a knob tooting my own horn