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Whatever you are, you decided to be Anonymous 9129

You are the reason your life is in the state it is today. To live the life you want, you have to align yourself with that life.

Anonymous 9130

OK how do I do that?!

Anonymous 9131

Your desires aren't better than you, so knock them off the pedestal. Align yourself with your desires.

Here are some affirmations for you

>I am in perfect alignment with what I want

To further this belief, act in actions that align with this. As an example, "I want money". Well then prepare for that money. Create a budget that allows space for your desired amount.
>What I desire wants me: "[My desire] wants me as much I want it"
Creation is finished. Your desire is yours. It exists on a plane so there's no need to panic over it. There are to points: You where you currently are, and you where you desire to be. If you knew that your desire was inevitable, how would you act.
>I deserve my desires
You desires are not bigger than you. Your desires are not special.

Anonymous 9132

Nta but how do I align myself to get married and have a family?

Anonymous 9133

How do I align myself for weightloss? Thank you

Anonymous 9134

Idc what people say about antidepressants thank god i chose to find a therapist to prescribe me the right ones because i think otherwise i would have killed myself, i usually would be pessimistic about people saying you choose how to live your life but you kind of can to an extent, more than you know

Anonymous 9136

For example, I'm recovering from an eating disorder so I am no longer aligning myself with someone who has an eating disorder. I left ed places I used to frequent and I deleted all meal tracking apps off my phone. I no longer count calories, I just intuitively eat.
>Nta but how do I align myself to get married and have a family?
I've heard of people creating space in their life to get married such sleeping on one side of the bed and clearing out space in their closet. Essentially, move as a married person. Frequent places you would frequent if you were married. Become friends with married people. Set the table for two when you eat, dress how you would dress if you were married or a parent. Become more compassionate to be more aligned with being a parent.
>How do I align myself for weightloss? Thank you
Take a route to work that passes by the gym/ymca. This aligns you with a person who goes to the gym before/after work. Find workouts that work for you like yoga, group fitness, Zumba, dancing and much more. Love you body how you would if you were at your ideal weight.
>Idc what people say about antidepressants thank god i chose to find a therapist to prescribe me the right ones because i think otherwise i would have killed myself, i usually would be pessimistic about people saying you choose how to live your life but you kind of can to an extent, more than you know
I agree. I've noticed that attending therapy has helped my tremendously and realigned me with what I want.

Anonymous 9768


I am lead to believe we choose our bodies. Our parents, our looks. We choose to be on this planet. I used to hate my past, but now I am happy it made me exactly who I am today.

Anonymous 9776

So aligning yourself = taking common sense action to achieve a goal kek

Anonymous 9792

Who chooses alcoholics and narcissistic abusers as parents? kek

Anonymous 9794

I dunno nona, maybe your ~soul~ wanted you to have a complex personality and a rich backstory at the cost of your mental health

Anonymous 9874

I have normal parents but have dated people with alcoholic bpd parents before and let me tell you - they choose those parents over themselves, over their partners, and over their futures, over and over again. Some people just respond better to being treated like shit

Anonymous 9879

It's called conditioning from being abused yeah. Some people do break out of it.

Anonymous 9896

Late response but quitting soda and juice and chewing gum instead of bored snacking is helpful

Anonymous 9897

Hmm maybe, sometimes I just have this full of myself approach when I look in the mirror I see a goddess and when I hear my voice it sounds like music to my ears

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