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Anonymous 9899

How do you feel about Gnosticism?

Anonymous 10605

I feel like bible religion is a bad joke.

Anonymous 10607


Anonymous 10639

i absolutely love gnosticism. agree with everything. i love how the world was made by a goddess and how yaldabaoth was jealous so he created the abrahamic religions to basically damn the feminine and gets his little archons to ruin humanity. i love the explanation of archons and how they can influence your mind. it makes so much sense seeing how the world is how it is today.

Anonymous 10727

does gnosticism say the world was created by a goddess/feminine or is it your interpretation? genuinely asking since i don't really know anything about it. anyways, based

Anonymous 10736

Gnosticism as we know it is still filtered through the lense of a false creator. Many truths in it to,they r just hidden behind the lies of the xys

Anonymous 10739

How would one seek out and recognize the truth?

Anonymous 10742

I prefer hermeticism and greco-egyptian mysteries. As a thelemite and perrenialist, I do believe there is some truth to gnosticism and judeo-christianity, but as >>10736 said, it is still filtered through the malevolent demiurge.

Anonymous 10744

I'm fascinated about people who follow sincretic traditions, doesn't greek and egyptian rites make a funny mix?

Anonymous 10746

Alaska records

Anonymous 10748

You mean Akashic records, right?

Anonymous 10749

Yeah my bad, autocorrect faults.

Anonymous 10752

Are you able to AP?

Anonymous 10755

I can't, reached the hypnagogic state once and chickened out, but I must try again. Do you follow any particular method?

Anonymous 10756

Shamanic Journeying. If you care about books, you should check out "The Phase" by Michael Raduga. It's very straightforward and provides clear and scientific methods for astral projecting.

Anonymous 10761

What are your thoughts on that r/escapingprisonplanet subreddit? Apparently the conspiracy is based heavily on Gnosticism and trying to find a way out. Personally for me it’s kinda ruined because the people there kinda just accuse everyone they disagree with of being brainwashed or an NPC and they keep giving doomsday/great reset/5D ascension prophecies which really kills any ability to take it seriously. Plus many of them take regressive hypnosis seriously which is an extremely questionable practice. Also the David Icke butt kissing from them gets frustrating at a certain point

Anonymous 10763

I don't find it very compelling on a surface level just because it reminds me of heaven's gate and the like, and from what I know it's not based on any real evidence other than things like past life regression. It seems like bastardized gnosticism reworked for the current age. They also claim that the earth is purposefully built for suffering (correct me if I'm wrong) rather than interpreting suffering as a side affect of an imperfect world. But it is interesting that near death experiences are all very similar. In general, do you think it's possible to know if any conjectured structure of reality is real or not? I think about Pascal's wager a lot.

Anonymous 10765

Yeah, they talk about hypnosis and how “this UFO investigator found out this” but they don’t realize just how unreliable some of these methods are, maybe they just don’t care but the main reason I don’t really believe in a lot of it is how many of them are just not verifiable or how so many claim to have been a famous person in the past life or something. Or making out of left field claims like that the Earth is going into a 5 dimensional state and the “low vibrational” can’t stay according to the words of aliens or guides or whatever. This is more about regressive hypnosis than PPT though. A lot of regressions tend to contradict each other depending on the technique too, like that being too low vibe means you have to reincarnate but also there’s “healing” zones where you’re brought back to your original vibrations? Sounds like imagination more than anything

I think the model for the world you described was more Buddhist, the idea that you’re not suffering all throughout it but it’s the fault of your desires which emerge because of it. The theory has gotten pretty big cuz the subreddit was made September 2021 so it hasn’t even been 3 years but it has 64k members already. It’s also getting pretty big cuz new age ideas are getting popular again but some of them are just so awful that people would rather believe in the conspiracy.

>But it is interesting that near death experiences are all very similar.

Half true tbh, the ones that are similar are interesting but it depends on the ones we’re talking about. Ones from the East greatly vary from those in the West for example. The fact the majority of the western ones are new agey is weird though, Rick and Morty had an episode that opened with referencing death experiences and I wonder if they were right in how they portrayed it. The PPT crowd say their theory explains all the inconsistencies and while it admittedly does I feel like there’s other possible explanations

>do you think it's possible to know if any conjectured structure of reality is real or not?

Yes, difficult but not impossible. We already have many people studying near death experiences and we’re in the process of a lot of advancement with tech at the moment. Assuming the PPT people who are talking about the aliens invading in 2040 and saying the government has a plan for wiping us out aren’t right. That’s the whole thing with the theory, it’s interesting but I feel like you would need to be extremely unhappy and hate your life to believe in it

Anonymous 10777

I’ve read recently that apparently Hinduism and Buddhism added stuff like reincarnation and Karma to their beliefs later on into their existence so now I’m curious. Are there any religions older than Gnosticism that speak on reincarnation or was Gnosticism the first? Hinduism and Buddhism seem to expand more on what Gnosticism speaks of which is why I’m asking so now I’m wondering was Gnosticisms origins are lowkey

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