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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Michelle Carter case Anonymous 2042[Reply]

In your opinion, should what Michelle Carter did be considered illegal or was she just being unethical but overall not guilty?

>Conrad Henri Roy III was an American man who died by suicide at the age of 18. His girlfriend, then 17 year-old Michelle Carter, was accused of encouraging him in text messages to commit suicide. The case was the subject of a notable investigation and involuntary manslaughter trial in Massachusetts, colloquially known as the "texting suicide case". Roy had seen numerous mental health professionals, and he insisted that he wanted to die. Carter and Roy had both been prescribed psychiatric medication. The case raised questions pertaining to the nature and limits of criminal responsibility.
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Anonymous 5490

I don't know what kind of sentence she should have gotten but I do think she has some culpability. Looks like she got involuntary manslaughter and 15 months, I think that's quite fair. That's the minimum any bully should get when one of their victims kills themselves and that's exactly what she was.

Anonymous 5502

I wouldn’t classify her as a bully honestly, she was a disturbed teenager— they both were and i don’t think she thought far ahead about the consequences probably having a fried low empathy young brain she did. Sometimes people who are at their lowest are joined at the wrong time and place and shit like this happens

Anonymous 8959

Absolutely guilty.
I've been suicidal enough to know that you aren't 'you' anymore when you're like that. You're on the backburner, while your depression drives the meat mecha.
In that state, you are incredibly susceptible to bullshit.

The idea that a person might not be guilty of a crime after convincing a mentally-unwell and vulnerable person to end their life is insane.

I get that some of you whores have rough lives and you wanna take it out on the people who hurt you (honestly, fair enough. There are people I'd like to strangle, myself). But let's not pretend it's ok to do shit like this to someone who never did you harm.

Anonymous 8961

Nah not guilty, both were retarded teenagers and wasn't he suicide baiting constantly and she told him to just get it over with? Shit like that happens everyday, it's just that this time the person actually did it.

Anonymous 8962

I agree

Screen Shot 2022-0…

Profiles of dead people online Anonymous 6652[Reply]

Can anyone find me some interesting profiles owned by dead people or maybe also schizophrenic people?
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Anonymous 7998

seems like a delusional narcissist, how did he die?

Anonymous 8018

He is likely still alive

Anonymous 8053

Yeah I saw that, but is there any obit or article about her death? I read the whole thread and I don't think she's dead

Anonymous 8358

Anonymous 8923


I once came across a kitty0706 comment in an old Sonic Sez video.
It was a HUUUUUGE gut punch.


Aphrodite Altar Anonymous 8535[Reply]

i'm currently working on an aphrodite altar!! i will be adding candles, seashells(real ones), aquamarine, rosequartz, pink sand, apples, pretty vintage things, mirrors, myrtle, roses, lavender and of course a statue of herself.

is there anything else i should add?

Anonymous 8538

keep your jewelry box on there! stuff you like to wear semi-regularly

Anonymous 8594

Start offering

Anonymous 8838


Don't feel like you have to add lots of things dedicated to her, I think she'd appreciate quality over quantity.


Crystal Thread! Anonymous 8695[Reply]

What's Crystal Cafe without any actual crystals?

Show 'em off!

Anonymous 8696


And here's what the crystals looked like arranged in my altar/spread!

Anonymous 8808


I wear this tourmaline because it absorbs radiation. I hope this thread picks up, I have more to post later on at home

Left hand.jpg

Fantasies Anonymous 2695[Reply]

Anybody else have weird fantasies or urges? Not necessarily sexual things, just strange. For instance, I sometimes spend hours daydreaming about cutting my left hand off, imagining all the blood pouring out my stubby wrist and such. Of course that's a terrible idea and it'd make my life so difficult, not to mention it would be extremely painful for me.
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Anonymous 5826

I have super chuuni thoughts but I'm too embarrassed to even type them out.

Anonymous 8665

Mildly convinced I have psychosis but I have the urge to be a pop superstar.

Anonymous 8699

Don't let your dreams be dreams.

Anonymous 8757

When someone disappoints me, betrays me, or something like that I like to imagine myself killing them as a way to symbolically end any feelings I may have had towards them. My favorite scenario is holding them under the water in a bathtub as they struggle.

Anonymous 8780

Im an auxiliar of a forensic specialist , so I see many corpses and death escenes, some times I have a fantasy where start to kill people and nobody finds out (justice system in my country is shit) so when I'm taking the clothes of a dead body and see their wounds I imagine how could I make the wound more deeper and better, I have never speak of these fantasies of mine , I some times daydream about it for way to long I even imagine the joy I will fill when nobody knows why and who kill these people , the beautiful photos I will take of their corpses


Anonymous 8710[Reply]

where should I start as a normie if I want to know what happens in the afterlife, particularly if it's bad and avoidable. Ideally I don't want to be immortal

Anonymous 8711

u could start with the classics like the old testament, bible, torah, koran, kitab i aqdas etc
visit ur local library/bookstore and check out their spiritual section

Anonymous 8720

What do you mean start “as a normie” this isn’t a collective idea that a niche group online possesses. No one knows

Anonymous 8721

Good news. You're not immortal. Eventually, you'll die
Just read the bible

Anonymous 8752

Your atoms will be recycled to make another babby, or maybe a tree. And eventually all our atoms will be recycled to make another big bang. You might die but your energy is forever.


Creepy comment Anonymous 8705[Reply]

I found this really creepy comment on someone's video. What does this mean?

Anonymous 8706

You're not even going to describe the video? Then hth should we know?

Anonymous 8707

It's basically a meme about Lori Lightfoot

Anonymous 8708

I think he's insinuating that she has a ton of plastic surgeries so no plastic surgeon could hide from her because that's how many surgeries she wants

Anonymous 8709

it means that even if the person they're talking about went to the most skilled plastic surgeon to have her features changed into being unrecognizable in order to hide [her identity], it wouldn't work


Darknet (and women.i2p) Anonymous 5590[Reply]

I don't really know whether belongs in >>>/media/, but does anyone here use the Darknet? Tor, I2P, Yggrasil or what-have-you. Discuss:

>hidden service recommendations

>clearnet sites on the darknet
>general darknet stories

>inb4 complaints that crystal.cafe is banned on Tor

Also side-note but the otherday on a whim I registered the "women.i2p" eepsite thinking of populating it with TERF propaganda. Any suggestions or diagrams are welcome. (Does this count as TERFposting?
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Anonymous 5636

I've been refreshing all day and still not working. Annoying as I really want to see what it's like.

Anonymous 5640

its just a retarded imageboard lel. pretty decent and not full of pedos like the rest of them are

Anonymous 5641

nvm i just checked the /b/ catalogue i take that back

Anonymous 5645

Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed now that I finally accessed it.

Anonymous 8703

>Also side-note but the otherday on a whim I registered the "women.i2p" eepsite thinking of populating it with TERF propaganda.
seems to be down, did anything happen?

Adam and Eve One F…

Jungian psychology Anonymous 8508[Reply]

For some, it can be among the most powerful tools for gaining insight into the deepest parts of yourself.

If you've ever felt like you keep repeating the same negative patterns in your relationships and life, or wondered why you're drawn to certain types of people or situations, have you used it to understand the projections and complexes that drive them?

Have you explored the transformative power of dreams, and how they can offer a window into the unconscious patterns that shape your life?

Have you used it to discover the beauty and meaning in art, symbolism, and archetypal narratives, and how they can help us connect with something larger than ourselves?

Have you explored spirituality, science, philosophy, metaphysics, theology, the occult, the paranormal, or many other topics from its' perspective, or its' many historical precedents?

Though depending on how deep you go and how honest you're willing to be with yourself, it's not for the faint of heart.

Anonymous 8509


I know its a water down version of Carl Jung's psychology, but I used to do shadow working.
Way before I knew he existed, I used to paint my dreams and nightmares.

Anonymous 8510


Anonymous 8690

I enjoy the ideas of Carl Jung a lot. I would suggest (and others did aswell) to read "Men and his symbols" first even though that is more a book on history, culture and myths from around the world than psychology for self-development or self-understanding.

His theory about archetypes that exist in every human makes a lot of sense for me. I started to categorize the people that are reoccuring in my dreams into these archetypes and try to make sense of it. Exploring the meaning of my dreams is what I like most.

Most of my dreams take place in the area where I grew up, especially the forest behind my parents house. But in my dream world it is always enhanced. Like in the forest is almost always I am there a big ass castle in the background or some mountain that is not there in reality. Do you have this aswell? It seems to be like a parallel world.


Pizzagate discussion Anonymous 4868[Reply]

I'm not even sure if I should make this thread considering how dark and disturbing the subject is. I wonder how deep the rabbithole goes. I already know some things but I still feel like I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. Do you believe in this conspiracy /x/ ? I do. If my thread gets deleted because of the deeply disturbing subject I can understand.
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Anonymous 8564

i doubt its real lol

the truth is a lot of powerful men are pedos but they dont suck the blood of children. its just another right wing cope to blame child trafficking on "da joos"

Anonymous 8574

This email is so weird.
I think parts of theory is real, there are a small number of psychopath elites who are responsible for pedo sex rings as well as snuff demand and all kinds of horrid things. Its not really ridiculous, i believe it true excluding the moloch bullshit and age reversing baby blood and all that.

Anonymous 8579


What do anons think of the podesta Brothers art?

Anonymous 8580

Honestly think it's no different that degenerates that buy lolicon pillows or whatever. The dudes who hang this on there walls are pedos, maybe it's not a deep conspiracy but this shit ain't right.

Anonymous 8674


I like Pizza. I don’t order it very often; Nor do I think frozen pizza is good. Often upsets my stomach. Try making your own pizza. Dough isn’t to hard. (Though I’m awful with bread) After that it’s just sauce, cheese and whatever else you want (:

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