
BIO CHAN thread #2 Anonymous 135972
Previous thread:
>>85849Thread for posting your artworks, memes and general OC for Bio chan.
>Who is Bio chan? She is a terf character often represented by wearing a science coat and with DNA-like hair that likes to remind trannies that they will never be their desired oposite sex. Bio chan as in "Biology chan": reminding troons of their inherent and inescapable biology. Her personnality changes based on the artist because she isn't fully established yet. If there are little tweaks and things you want to change/add feel free! There are currently 2 designs for Bio chan: one labelled GNC (with shorter hair as seen in in picrel) and one who isn't (with long pigtails and more traditionally femenine appearance). Feel free to draw either.
Thread rules:
>No extensive sperging, no derailing. Keep it related to Bio chan, please. >If you feel the need to talk about a different topic simply move it to another thread (i.e. "pink pill" thread, /feels/ board, "terfposting" thread, etc.) or create a new thread entirely. There is no need to pollute a thread dedicated to OC with unrelated discussion. It does overshadow OC when people overly sperg about unrelated things.New thread has been created because other anons couldn't stop sperging about unrelated topics in the previous thread so the Bio chan thread sadly became not a Bio chan thread. It does not seem that we can save the last thread so it is just better to make the next Bio chan thread now. These anons can feel free to talk about whatever they are talking about in the previous thread before it fills up and make another one for their topic. Hopefully leaving this current thread alone because off-topic sperging only overshadows the beautiful OC miners create.
Thank you for your understanding. Now onto posting and discussing Bio chan!
Anonymous 135980
>>135979>now I will sing my love for women!>death to Tthe amounts of money i'd pay to attend her concert!! so much cute art! im so happy to see all these anons jump on board to create more drawings of her!!
Anonymous 135987
>>135980I’m also so moved right now
>>135986Bio tan? So cute
Anonymous 135989
>>135979I like the goth/witch biochan!! it already makes me anticipate halloween themed art of biochan where she scares off troons by trick or treating (or something along those lines)
Anonymous 136028
>>135972>>135973Cutest biochans I've seen thanks for the gnc version I love her
Anonymous 136048
Keep it up!!!! Bio-chan is so cool!
Anonymous 137385
>>137364Please don't say "fren". It makes us all look bad. Nice pic.
Anonymous 137388

>>137385Good point, meant it in the silly dog meme way forgot it's also a rightoid thing
Anonymous 137415

>>135972Uh, so, here. I drew some Bio-chan. She's a little weirded out by the botched phalloplasty or, perhaps, a feces-smelling neovagina.
Anonymous 137417
>>135979An addition to the thing. Don't quite know what I meant by 'biological kiss', oh well
Anonymous 137421
>>135979Can you do a full version of the little black dress one?
Anonymous 137422

Original is from Gekkan shojo Nozaki kun
Anonymous 137423
Anonymous 137431
>>137422reminds me of the "handsome girl and sheltered girl" manga where two girls start dating, but everyone keeps mistaking the "handsome girl" for a man.
Anonymous 137432
>>137431I have now something new to read
Anonymous 137434
>>137422>>137418>>137415I love the funny transphobic cartoon woman so much
Anonymous 138038
>>138029You're the one who made me unironically waifu biochan
Anonymous 138719

I was playing around and here bio and bio gnc shopping together
Anonymous 138725
>>138723Omg you did a good job, I feel like all my hatred is gone after looking at this
Anonymous 138740
>>138730thank you so much! i’m planning on drawing kikomi and regular bio chan soon too wahoo
Anonymous 138771
>>138769It’s amazing !!! I and the fact that you didnt gorget the bio note it’s PERFECT !
Anonymous 139039
>>138729>>138769I for one welcome canonization of the XX pupils
Anonymous 139048
I’ve become so irrationally obsessed with the existence of bio chan that I almost want to make a CC posted only Sunday newspaper comic about her. Idk if there’s any specific canon other than she’s sane and normal about biology though, if I missed something it would help.
Anonymous 139050
>>139048Maybe have her and gnc bio chan visit confused gnc girls who're sad and think that being uncomfortable being feminine makes them trans like the other people online. Or have a busting the troons from female only spaces episode.
Anonymous 139057
>>139050That’s a pretty good one. Maybe building off that they happen to meet a girl that feels disenfranchised by how men who call themselves women get more respect than the actual ones. And after they bio-pill her she seems to get the unintended idea of “you’re right! I’ll be an AFAB transwoman so nobody can invalidate me!” But still has the spirit so they let her tag along - thus, kikomi is born. I am such a fucking dweeb pfft
Anonymous 139060
>>139048Honestly go for it there's no actual canon for her.
Anonymous 139079
I need a better mic so it wont have lag in her voice… but here we are! Bio chan as an utaloid
Anonymous 139080
>>139079Im sorry I should have make the subs better and easier to read
But keep in mind that it’s a test!
Anonymous 139082

>>139079Oh my goodness Nona I owe you my life and my firstborn… it’s actually very good for a first-time utauloid even if it is a little laggy.. bravo. IMG made my sides go to the north and south hemisphere
Anonymous 139083
>>139082Omg omg im so happy !!! Thank you so much ! I will upload the gif/ png later too!
Anonymous 139088
>>139083Do ya have any other vocaloid songs in mind that might come as a second cover, cause It’d be funny seeing how miners could corrupt lyrics to other classics songs to be anti-troon
Anonymous 139094
>>139089Is there something wrong with it
Anonymous 139096
>>139079We need a terf Miku x Biochan collab
Anonymous 139097
>>139096Count me in I don’t have much in terms of musical skill but I could do mv art if nobody else wants to
Anonymous 139113
>>139112omg what a banger… the kys scum part would fit so well lol
Anonymous 139114
>>139079omg THIS IS SO COOL is there gonna be more??
Anonymous 139151
When I will have more skills Im going to make an original song(tribute song) and put everyone’s drawing in there!
Anonymous 139152
>>139096I have design somewhere with a BIO miku abd Gumi
Anonymous 139222

I’m going to spam bio chan old drawing so we keep track
Anonymous 139256
>>139235This one is incredible, whoever made it I’m placing my eyeballs on top of it.
Anonymous 139270

I made a small doodle but I don't have an eraser to erase the guidelines so it looks a bit messy
Anonymous 139317
>>139270it’s adorable omg??!? keep up the good work
Anonymous 139515
Just had a bad idea
Biochan vtuber…
Anonymous 139517
>>139515If it didn’t entail an instantaneous ban from yoochoob that’d be a genius idea
Anonymous 139979
Bio-chan tomboy ve…

>>139978And the tomboy version (because I really don't like the term GNC)
Anonymous 139988
>>139978>>139979WOOWW she is BEAAAUUTIFUL <33 good job!!
Anonymous 139995
We could call HER biotarou or Bio kun x2
Anonymous 139996
>>139979I think I prefer this design. Really like the XX pupils too!
Great art anon
Anonymous 140142
Blade of TERF.webm
Made a slideshow parody of a scene from Gintama, thought it fitted pretty well
Another anon here redid the voice lines
the full size mp3 file is here,
https://files.catbox.moe/qd2nqw.mp4Anonymous 140146

>>140142OMG IS THAT FUKIN KIKOMI??!!!!HAHAHAH i love you!!!
Anonymous 140149
>>140148OMG HAHAH i love the inclusion of all trannies in this beautiful video!!!!! hahhaa
Anonymous 140150
>>140142never realised I'd find such a high-effort post on Crystal Cafe!
Anonymous 140152
I love you anons holy shit
Anonymous 140156
holy shit these threads have the highest concentration of scrotes on the entire damn site
Anonymous 140214
>>140153This is amazing genuinely 10/10 for everyone involved
Anonymous 140239
This thread is so cool! I check it everyday for new things
Anonymous 140240

>>140153>>140142made a drawing based on the biochan from the video!
Anonymous 140241
>>140239this is literally my favorite thread on all of crystal cafe
Anonymous 140291
how many TIMs do you think i would trigger if i cosplayed as biochan at the next anime con near me
Anonymous 140293
>>140291you'd get thrown out, but it'd be worth it to own the libs
Anonymous 140295
>>140291i doubt people outside of crystal cafe know about biochan
Anonymous 140296
>>140291There's a handful of people who even know who bio-chan is.
Of those people there's only a handful that TiMs.
Of those handful of TiM's a fraction go IRL to events.
And the chances of TiM's being at your particular event are almost nothing.
99% chance no one even knows what you're doing, let alone cares.
Anonymous 140351
>>140291this anon
>>140296 is probably right but I still would love to see people cosplay as her lol
Anonymous 140352
>>140351yeah im sure you could do a very pretty cosplay based on her design
Anonymous 140385
This is petty, but I kind of wish Bio-chan was just our (CC) thing. Saw someone draw her on lolcow, but lolcow already has plenty of their own OCs. Can't we keep her?
She's too good for anywhere else.
Anonymous 140391
>>140385Gotta draw her with a pick ax to signify her being a miner.
Anonymous 140410
>>140385can you please post the lolcow drawing too? i'd love to see it
Anonymous 140425
>>140385No matter what happened she will always be a CC character ! Don’t overthink it and dont worry!
Anonymous 140461
>>140449>>140451You misunderstand me. I was telling that moid to go fuck off, since feminists have always had all sorts of political opinions, no matter how much he cries about it.
Anonymous 140462
>>140461Oops sorrry my eyes are retarded im sorrrry
Anonymous 140469
We need a bio 3D model
Anonymous 140500

Attempt at serious expression and some extra troons from slideshow
Anonymous 140506
>>140504Oh my god my heart stopped. IT’S MY FAVORITE EVER !!
Anonymous 140511
wtf theres SO MANY beautiful art!! <33 i love you all!!!!
Anonymous 140552
I still don't like seeing her on lolcow
But that's because I don't like lolcow
Why can't she just be CC's
Anonymous 140561
>>140552She will always be a CC character because that's where she comes from. But at some point it is a bit inevitable that she spreads elsewhere. I prefer having her on lolcow than on 4chan's /lgbt/ for example but I wouldnt be surprised if a time comes where more people will start to know her and use her elsewhere. It's just how the internet works for better or for worse. What is important is to keep her identity as a CC-originated meme. Drawanons should do some art where we can see it is obvious that Biochan is a CC meme, that way even if she does end up spreading there will always be a CC connection to her. The problem whould be though unwanted advertisement to moids. I'll stop rambling now because I have the feeling that I am not making sense and I am tired.
Anonymous 140562
>>140561This is what I like l also think you make sense to me
Anonymous 140563
>>140562im glad, i'm very sleep deprived so it feels like i'm losing my thoughts midsentence
Anonymous 140564
>>140563I just woke up and my brain is usually really slow but when I read you It’s all clear
Also how can we draw her and make it more obvious she is from cc? What about some crystal maid outfit?
Anonymous 140566
>>140564>make it more obvious she is from ccPart of the difficulty in that is that CC doesn't really have a well-known insignia, partially in general and partially as a side effect of not being well-known as a site.
4chan can slap a clover on an OC and call it a day because a four-leaf clover is both distinctive and not representative of any other website, so if anyone has even the slightest idea of what 4chan is, they can get the meaning.
What symbol does CC have that's like that? The only thing I can think of is the diamond favicon, but it's still not super distinctive.
Anonymous 140567
>>140566The diamond's enough imo, you wouldn't want to overtly advertise cc to moids and troons anyway
Anonymous 140705

>>140679still waiting for the mods to put this biochan banner that was madein the last thread
Anonymous 140716
>>140705Yes i want to see that banner toooo
Anonymous 140749
>>140705I don't really like that, banners are all positive comfy things there's nothing spiteful involved
Anonymous 140752
>>140749one of the banners is a literal /r9k/ screenshot
Anonymous 140754
>>140749Bio chan is kind too so it’s ok
Anonymous 140780
>>140749We could still have a comfy bio? I dont see where is the problem
Anonymous 141067

Apologies if it's not recognizable enough as bio, but i tried a cute bedroom kinda thing
Anonymous 141071
>>141067nice and comfy. i like how the colours give it a chilling-alone-at-night vibe.
Anonymous 141095
>>141067Post it on meta for a banner
It’s awesome
Anonymous 141178

i think alien girls are cool and the uterus thing on her forehead looked like anthenas so i gave her a pair
Anonymous 141202

I would kill for mini 4 koma biochan manga
Anonymous 141230
>>141203Was this version made out of
>>141202 using some kind of tool/filter?
Anonymous 141245
>>141230Yes! I used the pattern filter!
>>141234Thank youuuu
Anonymous 141424
>>141420yO that is one cute ass image <3
Anonymous 142868
>>142767Banner potential for sure!! Absolutely gorgeous
Anonymous 145151
>>143176Bio chan is the main character lead in otome games
Anonymous 161459

Requesting art with Crystal and Biochan pls
Anonymous 161833

women in lab coats will never not be attractive to me
Anonymous 161841

Now my new go-to draw when bored character tbh
Anonymous 162188
I fucking hate that word with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
That being said, tomboy bio-chan is cute, I wish I looked like her.
Anonymous 164420

Really cool how Mika Pikazo put her own interpretations of Bio-chan and Bio-kun in the new Fire Emblem game!
Anonymous 164521
>>164420It’s official she is a cc user
Anonymous 165378
>>164420Literally nintendo switch corporate design tho
Anonymous 166630

Sorry for this, but i love Bio-chan and Yu-Gi-Oh
Anonymous 166646
>>166630omg this is really cute! i'd play if this card existed
Anonymous 167685
loled at the troons that tried to make a trans rights edit of biochan while ignoring the key terfy aspects of her design
Anonymous 167687
>troons don't know key aspects of female biology
who would've guessed?
Anonymous 167688
>>167685I just want to say that her inherently terfy design is based as hell, as are her colors. Let's reclaim pink and blue, they're too cute colors to be associated with troons.
Anonymous 167798
>>167685Fuck's sake, they found her already?
Anyway who's gonna make emote stickers of her because I'm buying them immediately
Anonymous 167801
>>167798yeah it happenned yesterday, i still have the "edited" pic they did and it's just a lazy recolor which practically changed nothing about who biochan is <3
Anonymous 167814

>>167803here is the tranny "edit" of biochan, im spoilering cuz i dont want tranny-made memes to be visible in this beautiful thread
Anonymous 167817
>>166630really cute, i love how you included the tomgirl version too!
Anonymous 167819
>>167814okay i didn't expect it to be THAT bad lmfao
at least they could've gotten rid of the uterus and the female earrings kek
Anonymous 167820
>>167819samefag but why did they erase her skin tone too…
Anonymous 167828
>>139079he didn't understand that no matter the colors, she will and is an anti troon gijinka! blue and pink bio was also drawn here
>>137418>>135979>>167814like, no matter if yoiu draw her bond she is anti trans ( men's brains be like….)
>>135986 Anonymous 167830
>>167820Cause it's funny, I literally took two seconds to brighten it to denote the color connection. Not say 'trans rights omg', I was making a joke and everyone on this site doesn't know what that is.
Autism is the issue here.
Anonymous 167900
>>167899Easy mistake to make anon, the internet takes things too literally for my figurative humor to work anymore.
Anonymous 167906
Are picrews of her allowed? Then again don't think any of them have options for her unique helical hair
Anonymous 167907
>>167902AI still sucks at making hands big time, good thing I'm an hobby artist and I can fix those small mistakes including the colors it aint that hard
Anonymous 167908
>>167814I love that bio-chan's design is basically impossible for trannies to coopt. Doing a tranny flag edit of her literally just make her color palate lighter and nothing else lol.
Anonymous 167910
>>167908Yeah it took me like 5 seconds only because I replaced the black, I was making a joke so I didn't even bother with the skin color as you can tell kek
Anonymous 167911
what AI prompts do y'all use?
Anonymous 167912
>>167911I'm pretty sure you just have to put a picture of the character you want into novelAI and the AI will make pictures of that character
Anonymous 167934
>>167902Sexualised pedobait garbage, that AI is moidbrained
Anonymous 167978
oh no the biochan thread is getting shited up again
Anonymous 168036
>>167830Your "joke" just doesn't make sense anon
Anonymous 168049
>>167907Oh yes ! Please fix it you will be a savior
Anonymous 168050
When I was making those AI pic I had the same thought tbf… it is male brain rotted… but i still find her cute! We can still edit it anyway
Anonymous 168088
>>167830You're the one with the autism issue. Nobody's laughing at your "joke".
Anonymous 168102
>>167898looks jojo-esque. i love it!
>>167902it looks like something a tranny would use as its profile pic
it's cute to an extent but it's obviously based on lolishit art
Anonymous 168103
>>167685>>167814it's like when troons try to claim kikomi-chan was made by some self-loathing tranny as a self-parody of hons. it makes no fucking sense lmao. troons can cope all they want but these two characters were made by women on lc and cc.
Anonymous 168240

AI biochan, I'd protect with my life
Anonymous 168253

Why do they keep looking like trannies I stg
Anonymous 168257
>>168253because you're using craiyon lol
Anonymous 168318
>>168306Gosh I'm so gay. She could fix me.
Anonymous 168342

I kinda want a biochan version of this image
Anonymous 168391

Does anyone want to post biochan to a tranny subreddit like r/arethecisok or r/gendercynical to watch them lose their minds over it? Their reaction to kikomi was hilarious so I think bio-chan would also produce awesome troon cope.
Anonymous 168449
>>168391Please don't. I'd rather have her obscure and private.
Anonymous 168453
>>168391These reactions are delicious.
Anonymous 168455
What do you respond with when a troon says that "kill TERFs" is just people being rude online and that trannies are getting killed for real in comparison?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDmaPIKrC-AAnonymous 168456
>>168455Who is it that are killing trannies exactly? What I can't take seriously about this is that it's just men murdering mentally ill men, and those mentally ill men respond by threatening women with violence for not validating their delusions. They're a scourge on society.
Anonymous 168463
>>168391>I want to die. This negative shit is getting to melol
Anonymous 168469
>>168455Most trannies in the world getting murdered are sex workers in South America. Most trannies in America that get murdered are also sex workers, and are black getting killed by black men. Watch them not care because suddenly it isn't men of their own race and also these crossdressing moids are gay and suck dick for cock.
Anonymous 168475
>>168455Tell them women are killed in much higher frequency than trannies, and that troons in comparison are a much safer demographic. Like the other nona said, the very few troons who are killed are almost always sex workers (which gendies usually gladly support).
Troons are more likely to be murderers than be murdered (sources here
Anonymous 168480
>>168455Oh no, male-on-male violence, so sad!! Loool
Anonymous 168486
>>168455Troons have the lowest murder rate of any demographic
Anonymous 168494
>>168486but the highest suicide rate also
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-46914419this was a tranny, didnt end up in murder because thank god they suck at killing I hope he killed himself afterwards in jail or something
Anonymous 168497

>>168494he attacked a poor old lady, that is so fucked up thats why I say women get armed with a handgun, kill the tranny before he gets you for whatever reason.
He was 100% jealeous his ex-boyfriend left him for an actual woman with a vaigna even if she is less "good looking" obviously a real woman is always superior to a tranny even if the real woman is a rasta hippie.
All trannies got is nihilism, lack of potential, being a dead end, hating the world for this dumb shitty condition they inflicted on themselves through chemical castration. They are pieces of shit and the enemies of life itself.
Anonymous 168506
>>168497I love how the fact that an "ugly" woman with a vagina will always be infinitely more attractive to men than a castrated man, because it probably crushes them lmao.
>>168494>highest suicide rateGood
Anonymous 168508
>>168506>>168506>I love how the fact that an "ugly" woman with a vagina will always be infinitely more attractive to men than a castrated man, because it probably crushes them lmao.It do crush them just that simple fact, they hate how biology works, they just have this deep resentment for reality itself what a weird position to be at in life. No wonder why it leads to suicide, its the ultimate rejection of how it all works "i don't like how physics are so imma off myself!" and bam they do it
Anonymous 168511
>>168506>>168455>>168497>>168508Maybe take this to the terfposting threads please? This is the bio-chan thread, nothing related to her at all
Anonymous 168512
>>168511Make a new one I'd contribute, the current one is on it's reply limit.
Anonymous 168519
>>168391They are so weak im dying of laughs
Bio chan would terminate their life
Anonymous 168641
guys can we move all the troon/terf talk to the threads meant for them please
this is for biochan art and aesthetics
Anonymous 168722
biochan x crystal x board-tan anyone?
Anonymous 168769
>>168391LMAO, if Kikomi makes these troons suicidal then bio-chan would be a tranny extinction event.
Anonymous 168771
>>168769They hated Kikomi because she told them the truth
Anonymous 168788
>>167814lmfao wait til these retards find out we coming to take back pastel pinks and blues.
Anonymous 168801
I love this lmao
I don't want her exposed to the troons though, some of them will probably attempt to make wholesome edits of her or something. Keep her to ussss
Anonymous 168806
>>168801Nah they dont know shit or how to edit shit, they will forever be stupid as you saw with the edits they dont remove the details of BioChan because they dont understand her, they will never be women, they dont understand what all the details mean so even the edits are still our meme also barely any trannoid has artistic skills they tend to draw like absolute dogshit like men do duh. Just keep insulting trannies with anime, they hate it because they like anime the sooner they get rejected by the anime community the better so they are filtered to the furry community only.
Anonymous 168962
Can someone give meme reaction pics for other nonas to draw biochan versions of
Anonymous 169738
Aaand here we go with the chimpout kek.
Anonymous 171034
>>168722I don't think we have boardtans
Anonymous 171057
>>168253Stop being mean to Bio-chans down syndrome little sister
Anonymous 171141
Bio-chan with the crystal miner girl or with Elsie board-tan? I'm practicing two person pieces.
Anonymous 171209
>>171141Miner and Bio together, no Elsie because Lolcor sucks
Anonymous 172291

>>168725I realised just now I may have gotten her eyes wrong lol
Anonymous 172474
>>172459wow!! pastel colors! i like it!
Anonymous 172476

>>172424oh seems like the trannies have found out
Anonymous 172477
>>172476Me and other miners are helping clean it up
Anonymous 172478
>>172477we shall not let the trannies win
Anonymous 172491
Anonymous 172504
Bio chan is number one
Fuck the moid terminally online fucking ugly mtf
Anonymous 172515
The jannies are fast today.
Anonymous 172524
the troon is trying to give her a frankendick sadly
Anonymous 172539
Thank you to whoever helped me out with the labrys :)
Anonymous 172711
>>172688aw!! they gave her pretty eyes
Anonymous 172723
>>172688In the next thread some anon should put pixel bio-chan as the op pic to eternalize it.
Anonymous 173330
can someone make biochan minecraft skin hehe
Anonymous 174145
>>172688The trannies killed biochan. :( I put her back together just yesterday, but they replaced her with a trans flag so I erased the flag and replaced it. I'm going to recreate her somewhere else on the board and hide her so they spend time searching for her. But just like just their immutable sex, she'll always be there. I'd appreciate it if anyone else wants to work on the flag with me, since it cool down timer on how often you can place pixels.
Anonymous 174146
>>174145If you're in the discord share the link there so the lurking trannies here don't find her
Anonymous 176152
anyone considered dyeing or styling their hair like bio chans?
Anonymous 176229
>>176152I have
I want someone to cosplay bio chan
Anonymous 178756
Someone should commission Bio chan to a famous artist
Anonymous 178758
>>138029I miss this artist too
Come back
Anonymous 178850
im sorry.jpg

>>178758Forgive me anon, I'm sorry
Bio chan has done so much for me and all she's gotten in return is months of neglect, i don't deserve her
Here's something quick, I'll try to shit out a proper batch this week
Anonymous 178858
>>178850You're still a miner? I thought you left.
Anonymous 178865
>>178850Welcome back queen, I am glad to see you back
Anonymous 179786

Bio sama from last thread, she deserves love
Anonymous 179788

does anyone have any fun bio related headcanons to share?
Anonymous 179794
>>179788>>179786>>179785mamamia we got food tonight girls our god has fed us the almigthy biochan SPREAD love happiness soul and death to trannies amen
Anonymous 179805
>>179788Bio chan
>volunteers at a women's shelter>obviously a girl in stem womanboss >>179785Gnc chan
>Teaches women's self defense>Fujo and my gf Anonymous 179862
>>179788She doesn't shave. She sees shaving as unnatural and weird as pulling out her fingernails.
Anonymous 180039

I never post stuff I draw anywhere ever so here’s something for u s
Anonymous 180051
>>179805>obviously a girl in stem womanboss Based!
Is she also a lesbian perchance?
Anonymous 180085
>>179862Real and true
>>180039Very cute
>>180051Yes and gnc chan is febfem
Anonymous 180102
>>180039i love her!!!!! what a beauty <3
Anonymous 180146
>>180051Her love for women is beyond lesbianism
It’s a form of agape but only for women.
Anonymous 181792
>>179786i drew the original bio-sama drawing and i think i'm going to mildly die from happiness from seeing your illustration! it looks so good. just from the general way she looks, the neatness of her fashion update, the foldings in the clothes aaaaaaaaaa
Anonymous 181807
What is bio-chan's stance on non-TIM moids?
Anonymous 182286
>>181807hates them, as she should. gnc biochan is febfem for a reason
Anonymous 184654

>>172476Troons always resort to their 4shit level of communication when their masks get knocked off by anything not going their way. It's always "nigger nigger nigger" and trying to threaten normal women with dick pics or iterations of "kys".
Anonymous 185481

>>137415>feces-smelling neovaginaGod wants to throw up
Anonymous 200449

very quick christmas bio, have a good time everyone
Anonymous 200453

also here's a suit bio from a while ago that i forgot about posting
Anonymous 200480
Oh a bio-chan I posted here got deleted, why?
Why do mods randomly delete stuff?
Anonymous 200688
>>200480When you get banned your post history gets cleared
Anonymous 201177
>>200480>>200696Did you use a VPN perhaps? Or maybe you got IP spoofed by some moid
Anonymous 201375

>>201177>Did you use a VPN perhaps?Nope. Anyway it was this Bio-chan kek. I just get sad whenever any Bio is deleted, this is the most talented thread on CC like
>>200449 is amazing and so cute.
Anonymous 201434
>>200449Who are the girls in the background??
Anonymous 201482
Bump for cp dont scroll down
Anonymous 201895
>>201434Cc mascot and a random girl i guess, maybe a miner?
Anonymous 201921
>>201434>>201895I intended random girl to be bio sama, but forgot to draw her face markings. Same goes for bio herself, its a very unfinished sketch
Anonymous 206641
this thread is the only reason I use cc
Anonymous 207009
I love bio-chan and gnc bio-chan with my entire heart. I wanna see miku, bio-chan and lain hanging out hating trainies and moids. I don't have anything to contribute currently but I'm making a bracelet that says "bio♥chan" and not sure if I should use pink/blue or pink/purple
Anonymous 207013
>>207009why would you use pink/purple? she's pink/blue inherently so go for that.
you just made me want to make a bio bracelet myself though so thanks kek
Anonymous 207017
>>207013Some of the arts here have darker blue hair and the beads I have are more lavender and pastel purple so I thought maybe that could work. I was thinking about it later and I think blue is the best choice, agreed
Anonymous 207018
>>207017good luck and show us the results!
Anonymous 207129
>>207128Kawaiiii omggg this is more than amazing! Happy new yearr
Anonymous 207144
>>207128This is so cute happy new year to you too!
Anonymous 207158
>>207129>>207144Cute asf and happy new year to you both!
Anonymous 207490

I drew Bio-chan from memory so her bangs are a bit off…
Anonymous 207620
>>207609Cute, I like the black bead as an accent color.
Anonymous 208044
>>207791Do you wear these out? Has anyone ever connented on them?
Anonymous 208048
>>207791>febfembased, do you sell them?
Anonymous 208084
>>208044I would, but most people irl wouldn't even understand the references. I also might get assaulted in more ways than one by a troon for the YWNBAW one kekek
>>208048I wish but I have honestly zero idea how to set up an online store and having to ship it is a pain here lol
Anonymous 208933
>>208929>why does radfem art look like it's drawn by men?>they really are reppersWhat
>how do they know about kikomi?Kek
Anonymous 208934
>>208929they didn't even post the full webm
Anonymous 208941
>>208934They were too intimated by the full power of animated biochan
Anonymous 209017
>>208929we knew already we always been among trannies here, just filter them, you know the drill.
Anonymous 209085
>>208929the OP was laughing at how "dumb" the Y chromosome bio chan art was…like how further will you deny you have a Y chromosome?
They were also laughing at how CC is a female only site, because moids love to invade women's spaces, as usual <3
Anonymous 209124
someone should make a discord for bio-chan/terven stuff tbh
Anonymous 209136
>>208929>kikomi? why do they know about that? are they obessessing or those the kiki mod also post on thereThey're so brain dead they think Kikomi was made by their group (inadvertently admitting we're right about them). The GC anon who made her must laugh so hard every time.
Anonymous 209506
they should have post the whole animation at least
Anonymous 209511
>>209136I don't know if this is true, but I heard the nona who made Kikomi is an Ayden or ex-Ayden and also made the Pooner drawings. Does anyone know if this is true?
Anonymous 209527
>>209511the pooner drawings? i feel like the art styles are too different
Anonymous 210497

>>208929Kek, these faggots. Tranny freaks are either skinny lanklet twinks that have never done physical labor in their entire pathetic failson lives or fat AGP degenerates with tard strength. Yeah, males come in different shapes and sizes, what a revelation
Anonymous 219677
>>207128Someone make a bio miku fusion pls
Anonymous 219781
aaaa (3).png

Haven't drawn in weeks, hope the drawing is okay
Anonymous 219782
>>219781omg!! she's gorgeous! great work nona <3
Anonymous 219787
>>219781She is so cute! I love her slippers!
Anonymous 219789
>>219781so prettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Anonymous 221385
>>219781I may or may not have a crush on a drawing right now.
Anonymous 226367
>>172424Bio-chan my beloved im fixing you, any miners online pls help fix the queen im about to get plastered
Anonymous 226387
>>226283Lovely! Love the accessories super lively energy and colors.
Anonymous 226498
bio tomboy.png

I cant really explain how much I love bio tomboy
Anonymous 226501
>>226500im obsessed. great work. now make them kiss!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 226514
>>226500>>226283>>226498new bio, praise the gods
these are unbelievably cute, i love them so much.
I feel like drawing more bio again now
Anonymous 226526
>>226524that is so freaking epic and based and valid and poggers!!!
Anonymous 227391
There is no winter mode bio chan… I should draw it
Anonymous 227410
Bio-chan cosplays when
Anonymous 227439
>>227410Ive been seriously considering doing one, if I ever feel in the mood of wasting money on wigs and learning how to style them I WILL post pics
Anonymous 227478
>>227410i would love to but im so paranoid about my career, everything would go poof if i got exposed as a raging TERF by some spiteful Y chromoid at the local convention
Anonymous 228641
>>228625mama mia THIS IS STUNNING!!! amazing work nona!
Anonymous 228642
>>228625Omg that one made my day it’s amazing
Anonymous 228643
>>228625I love this, i love my girlfriend biochan and i love you, thank you so much anon
Anonymous 228690
>>228625I love how everyone has their own unique takes on her hairstyle. She really is a vocaloid <3
Anonymous 228792
>>228788I love her, her facial expression, and your artstyle nona!
Anonymous 228802
>>228788I'm a boomer who grew up with Harry Potter and I love this.
Anonymous 229657

I always seem to have the most fun drawing when i draw my wife bio chan.
Anonymous 229658
>>229657the kikomi body pillow??!
chef's kiss Anonymous 229659
>>229657I love my wifes!! they look so comfy <3
Anonymous 229728
>>229657I LOVE this, the detail is amazing
Anonymous 229729
>>229657>kikomi body pillow>miku figure>labrys flagSo good….
Anonymous 229785

Animation that i don't like and took far far too long.
Anonymous 229786
For an amateur animation thats great! I draw but never dared to make animaitions of it. Maybe this weekend I will try!
Anonymous 229788
Lol you deleted your first post just when I replied. Amazing that at least 2 are browsing CC at the same time <3
Anonymous 229791
>>229788I'm sorry anon, i realized it wasn't transparent and deleted, then realized it was a pain to make it transparent. I'm feeling tired today
Anonymous 229834

In case anyone sees this and thinks that Bio is inviting you to a brothel, some additional context is that someone made a post that hurt my feelings a little, and so i spent my afternoon seething and drawing this.
Anonymous 229896
>>229657I know that they’re both holding controllers so that’s not the case, but I really want to believe that they’re playing hogwarts legacy
Anonymous 229912
>>229896They're playing lego harry potter for the xbox 360.
Anonymous 231592

>>208929tranny projection, how do they think women draw like??
Anonymous 231633
>>231592I'd argue radical feminists are more masculine than average, probably a function of agreeableness.
Anonymous 231649
>>231592Literal male projection clocking art is almost as easy as clocking troons
>>229834>sparkly flowery nice to look at>>226283>small details accessories nice to look at>>142767>woman in underwear but not sexualized nice to look at It's so easy to tell when a woman drew something because it isn't an autistic assault on the eyes
Anonymous 231681
>>231654>me opening the terfposting thread for my daily dose of horror Anonymous 231736
>>231681It's like the daily news to me, I just wake up and check what's happening
Anonymous 234111

I can't really do pixel art, but I couldn't get this idea out of my mind
Anonymous 234246
>>234111>I can't really do pixel artYes you can girlie <3
Anonymous 234291
TransTransWomen Ar…

>>168391We might actually have just the the biochan pic to post in those places. This just in from Ovarit:
https://ovarit.com/o/GenderCritical/369139/proposal-the-transtrans-movementLooks like they're trying to start a movement of "transtranswomen," i.e. women who identify as men who identify as women. The idea is to just dress up as the most disgusting, offensive caricatures of trans stereotypes imaginable, and then invade tranny spaces with the explicit intent of ruining them, just as they've invaded and ruined everything for women.
It'd also allow us to argue for our own spaces AND call ourselves lesbians while excluding transwomen, given certain hypcrosies in tranny ideology. The aformentioned link goes into more detail on what those arguments entail.
They've even made a flag for it. It's a chevron impeding on the trans pride flag, just as that trans chevron impeded on the original gay pride flag. The colors are just an inversion of the trans colors in GIMP, and the whole thing is designed to be deliberately ugly.
And it seems some of the Ovarit users also use this site. They just posted this an hour ago…
Anonymous 234532

someone posted an edit of bio-chan on ovarit, well turns out it was a fucking moid that creepily lurks cc and censors “tranny”. didn’t know that ovarit even allows moids, not so based after all
to the moid reading this: you will never be a radfem, pretend all you want but you’re either just a degenerate coomer with “female supremacy in bed” fantasies or a repressing tranny yourself. fuck off
Anonymous 234533
>>234291samefag, the post above is the moidpost i was talking about. the idea is nothing new (kikomi-chan)
this thread is also on autosage lol