
Bio chan Anonymous 85849
Do you have any recommendations for Bio Chan? What do you want to change? Keep? Anything
Anonymous 85874
can we get a gnc version?
Anonymous 85880

>>85874samefriending but something like this dumbass edit i just made in mspaint
Anonymous 85887
>>85882not to be a nicefem but I was just about to suggest maybe a supportive biochan for tifs, like her saying be proud of being female or that you dont have to change yourself
Anonymous 85895

The world has been blessed with Bio-chan! We all love you Bio-chan!
Anonymous 85914
>>85913That's a really cool looking design!! I love it
Anonymous 85915
>>85914Thank you so much!! I hope this design will involve in something better too
Anonymous 86006
>>85967Nice let's draw them together now
Anonymous 86081

forgot to post this one
also i'm not very good at drawing males, i can only draw girls, so i'll try to make a tomboy one too
Anonymous 86083
>>86081This biochan is savage, I love it! She turned out really good!
Anonymous 86202
>>86187They're both perfect.
Also, sorry for the retarded question but what's that symbol on her tongue/his forehead?
Anonymous 86239
>>86236Why does the pp only have one ball?
Anonymous 86242
>>86239ngl I prefer it like that anon cuz if we add the other ball it'll look like those cheap penis drawings people did in middle school lol
Anonymous 86243
>>86242Exactly lol I struggled a lot for the pp
Anonymous 128782

drew this when the thread was more active but never got the chance to finish it.
Anonymous 128788
>>128782OMG she is beautiful anon!!! thank you for posting
Anonymous 128789
This is an old thread BUT the 2 viruses on the hair don’t really make sense with her theme? A better design might have 2 Xs (like XX chromosomes).
Anonymous 128801
>>128789i'm pretty sure it's supposed to be DNA helix.
Anonymous 128803
>>128801just realized you meant the hair ties, i never noticed yeah it should be X it would be more anime-esque as well
Anonymous 128812

>>128782because i cant finish it any time soon and i would like to see it finished i used petalica paint and my editing skills to color it.
Anonymous 128831
Just saw this thread and now I find myself making some fanart for Bio-chan. Don't know if I will post since I hate my art though
Anonymous 129040

here's a newer sketch. Any thoughts? I took in
>>128789 's advice
Anonymous 129078

>>129040that's all i can think of right now, later i might drop in with more suggestions.
Anonymous 129200
Maybe we should add a crew later
Anonymous 130003

ik it kinda sucks but I just got my tablet and wanted to doodle her
Anonymous 130041
>>129041This is really cute, I’d love to see more
Anonymous 130455
>>130444absolutely based and blessed trips, bless you anon for bringing us incredible oc
Anonymous 130478
>>130444Masterful, best ITT. I like your take on her hair.
Anonymous 130479
Anonymous 130510
>>130444>>130507thank you for your time and effort this is brilliant ! i really like the loose hair variation
Anonymous 130522
>>130507oh my god anon i am actually in love with you now this is SO GOOD!!!!!
Anonymous 130571
>>130507BIONIKA!!! Im a fan now It should be an indie anime.
Anonymous 130572
>>130539They look so classy together!! Awesome!!!
Anonymous 130573
>>130539omg they look so good!!! i hope you will color it anon!!!!!!
Anonymous 130585
>>130584YOOO this is so beautiful anon!!!!! i love this!! this is like a bio familly
Anonymous 130586
>>130585I love how many version we can create!! I would kill to see a mini webcomic of them
Anonymous 130617
>>130444>>130507>>130507>>130584omg these are all so good. I LOVE the looser more natural hair.
>>130586I agree it would be really fun if we did comics. Especially with all the different takes/styles.
Anonymous 130627

bio chan has infiltrated my very psyche
Anonymous 130650
>>130627The forehead version is so cute ! I really love your style.
Anonymous 130652
>>130650Thank you very much, that one was kinda experimental so i'm glad you like it.
Anonymous 130681
>>130627ANOOON this is so good!!!! i love you bio-chan is so beautiful
Anonymous 130683

>>130627anon, you're single-handedly convincing me that pixelly/textured lines are the superior line.
Anonymous 130693
>>130627I'm actually in love with the knight biochan. They're all so good!! I hope she stays in your psyche these are amazing anon.
Anonymous 130735
>>130733love this, bio chan is so done with everyone's shit
Anonymous 130737
>>130733>facts dont care about your paraphiliaabsolutely based and biopilled
Anonymous 130767
i am so so so so so happy to see so many anons post their art of biochan!!! this feels my heart with joy
Anonymous 130777
>>85849question, is there any lore around bio chan?
Anonymous 130788
>>130786i love her, what an absolute queen
Anonymous 130823
>>130777>>130790it'd be adorable if some talented writerfags could make some lore for her.
All this amazing art work. Let's keep it coming!!
Anonymous 130830
>>130823Uuhhh she was a mutant created in a freak lab accident where scientists were trying to find a way to reverse male puberty
Anonymous 130831
>>130830she's not a mutant and she wasn't created and she didn't do anything to be like this. this is just her natural self
Anonymous 130870
>>130831Ok then you write a better story retard
Anonymous 130973
>>130870there's not meant to be a story, she's a biowoman
Anonymous 131040
>>130973based, i think keeping it simple is the best
Anonymous 131041
>>130823I kinda headcanon than biochan has the ability to always spot troons no matter how well they pass, aka is pretty much powerless
Anonymous 131048
>>130830Lol thats sounds like a super fun cartoon lore
Biochan Cartoon Network ver
Anonymous 131059
>>131041This is my favorite bit of "lore" because I also really like the idea of there's no story she's just a woman. Her being powerless (but being able to clock trannies no matter what) seems perfect.
Anonymous 131150
KNIGHT B10.png

i love knight biochan and wanted to give her a go. i'm not near as talented as the other s.
Anonymous 131160
>>131150she is so cute!!! i love her so much!!! bless your art anon
Anonymous 131164
beach var.jpg

Here's a beach variation, sorry for awful backround
>>131150I love this so much, knight biochan will protect us all
Anonymous 131165
>>131164they're hunting trannies to scare them off from the beach
Anonymous 131172
>>131164This gives me Jamie Hewlett/Tank Girl style in the best way. I also really love GNC BioChan <3
Anonymous 131194
someone please submit a banner with her
Anonymous 131201
Such a cute character, makes me wish I could convincingly hide my art style so I could draw her orz
Anonymous 131203

Here's my biochan. She's not as cool as the others - she still naively hopes that she can help and save trannies by snapping them out of their delusions.
Might colour in later
Anonymous 131206
>>131203i like it!!! scientist serious biochan!
Anonymous 131224
>>131202>>131203both on opposite ends of the spectrum but I fucking love both.
Anonymous 131256
>>131229 she is absolutely amazing. So smug and sassy!
Anonymous 131383
>>131382>>131229"i love you" would not convey the intense feelings i have for you and your art
Anonymous 131384
>>130751this one is my favorite
so cute thank u
Anonymous 131427
Wow, there are a lot of talented artists here!
>>131382Omg I love her so much
Anonymous 132398
I really like the personality you gave her
Anonymous 133039

kneel to the supreme leader biochan
Anonymous 133040
Created in a lab by lesbian scientists making their own biological love child with no use of male dna.
The egg was taken from her "left" mother, the spermatozoa generated from the bone marrow of her "right" mother. She has XXXX chromosomes.
Anonymous 133249
>>133039i think i am actually starting to fall in love with biochan… there is no turning back from this point
Anonymous 133255
>>133252I LOVE HEEEEEERRRRR great art anon!!
Anonymous 133268

Bio chan but as biotaro ver gnc
boobs should not be viewed as a sex tool or woman thermometer. Having less or more boobs doesnt make you less or more a woman
obvious, I know but still…
Anonymous 133273
>>133268she looks so good like that!! amazing design
Anonymous 133701
>>133656Why ? Because we draw her with boobs or is it the love live version? We just had fun sketching around without thinking much.
>>133663This whole thread goal is supposed to update her looks so if you have any ideas go for it. >>133677
I can post a link so we can all draw together
Anonymous 133703
Here an aggie.io link:
https://aggie.io/zpy4m6y5z8I dont know if it’s a good idea but still
Anonymous 133712
So many cool stuff itt! I don't draw online but keep it up artistic nonas!
Anonymous 134963

>>133701Because you draw her the exact same way my porn sick artist boyfriend draws women. Literally, the exact same. Where the girl or woman is no longer a person but instead a caricature of the male gaze.
Anonymous 134971
>>134963Why are you dating a man that is porn sick
Anonymous 134975
>>134971True hate on your bf not a random small 10sec sketch
Anonymous 134986
what do her shoes look like?
Anonymous 134987
>>134986biochan's design sort of changes a bit from artist to artist so do the shoes you think would fit best for her!
Anonymous 134995

I imagine her having army boots so she can crush moid skulls. I wanted to write something beside her but I don't know what so the space is empty.
Anonymous 134999
So many talented artists here, I'm in awe!!
Anonymous 135012
>>134997she looks so tired of this bullshit, I love her
Anonymous 135015

Bio-Sama. Whether this is an grown-up Bio-chan, Bio-chan's older sister, or her mother (who managed to figure out human-reproduction with only female involvement), you can decide.
for the face markings, the eyes are supposed to be the ovaries (eyevaries lol), the fallopian tubes are hidden behind the hair, the uterus is on the forehead, and the nose-bridge is the vagina.
Anonymous 135023
>>135015I like the tatoo on the face !!
Anonymous 135048
>>135015Cool, I like one single lower ponytail.
Anonymous 135051
>>134971Because I'm heterosexual and he cooks and cleans so I'm willing to look past his hentai drawing rather than take a risk on another man who will watch live porn while slowly pawning the cooking and cleaning off on me.
Anonymous 135053
>>135051>rather than take a risk on another man who will watch live pornso you are saying he isnt actually porn sick and you are just jealous that he draws woman that arent you?
none of the drawings in
>>133649 are sexual in any way except for the honkabadonka one
Anonymous 135108
>>135076Thank you I tried to make it less bright!
Anonymous 135109
>>135051Thats hypocritical to me but fair enough
A man that actually produce 2D porn is not less worth than the others
Anonymous 135120
>>135024What makes it a wojak bio-chan?
Anonymous 135121
>>134963This sounds like a you problem.
>>135053NTA, I count at least four that are sexualized. Though the only one approaching pornographic is honabadonka.
Anonymous 135131
>>133039I actually broke into laughter. we should make more 4-komas like this. that's awesome
Anonymous 135180
>>135053also having big boobs is not a sexual thing per se. it just so happens to be a feature that some biological women have.
Anonymous 135189
>>135053He watches and masturbates to porn, that's porn sick. Not my fault you've got a libfem view of porn.
>>135109I just think you're not going to find a man who doesn't consume porn. I hate porn because it dehumanizes women while normalizing violent acts against us and more importantly, those are actual people being raped on camera for the enjoyment of others. So by taking the watching women get raped for fun aspect out of it, that's a big enough deal that I'm willing to settle.
>>135121>My observations are a me problemNo shit Sherlock. Just like all of your observations are a you problem because without the input of outside information, there is no you. Doesn't change the fact that I still think that person is either a man invading the board, or else a TIF.
Anonymous 135220
>>135189I have a vagina and like drawing my 2D girls with big booba. Why does that bother you nona?
Anonymous 135245
>>128812 appreciating the madohomu figurines on her table <3
Anonymous 135269
>>135189>No shit Sherlock. Just like all of your observations are a you problem because without the input of outside information, there is no you.If this is how we are defining a "you problem" then yes you are correct. I've never heard anyone state it this way, but with this redefinition I have no way to establish consistent meaning with you.
Anonymous 135274
>>135189Yeah and as if dating a moid producing 2d PORN doesnt help this whole rape culture? Cut your shit and go break up. I think you are stupid to think you cant find a man with no porn addiction.
Anonymous 135373
>>135274I think you're either one of those delusional lesbians that believe that straight women shouldn't date men ever, or a delusional straight women if you think that all men don't consume some from of porn. #notmynigel
Anonymous 135374
>>135274wait, do u think that 2d porn is just as bad as real porn?
Anonymous 135379
>>135374Kek when someone spews shit like this you know it’s a personal issue and not because they care about women
Anonymous 135393
>>135379Exactly. What's the point of being anti porn if it's not to save women? Hentai is still bad because of the effect it has on dehumanizing women, but at least it's not actual women being raped like in 3D porn.
Anonymous 135395
>>135374Yeah it is as bad
>>135373Stop making assumptions about me when you date someone who draw shitty porn oh yeah right it’s okay because he cooks and
clean for you. Go gorlll you are so woke
>>135379And how is it shit? I don’t understand why it’s a bad take? You are just putting in on a me problem. Porn is porn 2d or not. What about those hentai addicted ? All of those 2d/cgi porn ??? It’s definitely not adding more problems on women must be a personal problem.
This thread is just a gijinka thread and if you girls cant be even together to built something cool and just sperging about your bf there is no need to keep going
Anonymous 135398
>>135393There is so many 2D porn rape and it encourages/normalise it.
Anonymous 135399
can u guys keep the porn sperging to another thread instead of shitting up the biochan thread?
Anonymous 135457
>>135456that's just how people call this specific hair + more comfy clothes design for her
Anonymous 135506
>>135503wow!! i love how it turned out! cute design anon
Anonymous 135555
>>135503I like the ovarieyes. Nice job.
Anonymous 135589
>>135398Yes, but when it comes to brass tacks, which is worse? 3D porn or hentai?
Anonymous 135599
I made a biochan utaloid where should I post her anti troon songs?
Anonymous 135600

>>135599post to the biochan thread anon
Daily reminder this is a biochan thread. We do not care which porn is worse, it's all porn. We don't care. Take your porn autism somewhere else this is a BIOCHAN THREAD.
Anonymous 135772
>>133703 there are 2 drawings here so far, anyone add more if they want to
Anonymous 135774
>>135772Alright, making my contributions.
Anonymous 141124
>>85849>>134997Looks like a busy naturalist too invested on her research to give ears to social muh gender is a construct bullshit.