
General Chat Thread Anonymous 15251
Tell me, what's on your mind? What are you all up to? Lets talk.
Anonymous 15252
Are you still there, Anon?
Anonymous 15253
Whats on my mind: I'm very annoyed because my thighs are rubbing and that hurts. I need to lose weight.
Anonymous 15256
>>15252Yeah! I am. Finished eating dinner not too long ago.
>>15253Mine used to chafe too. I think using something like baby powder is supposed to help but I've never tried it. Have you started doing anything to lose yet?
Anonymous 15257
>>15256No but I will start tomorrow, maybe try keto, people said it works and that it gets really easy after the first week. I just don't know if I'll be able to handle it because I fucking love bread but I need to start somewhere
Anonymous 15305

What's on my mind? I sometimes get these overwhelming urges to pet some cute cats and play with them but the animal shelter is too far away and none of my friends have cats. (Well, they have dogs and rabbits.)
I really want to touch a cat's soft fur right now. Please help.
Anonymous 15313
>>15257Did you start on anything yet anon? Also, keto has some almond flour/coconut flour bread alternatives that you can give a try if you really miss it. It's not exactly like bread, atleast from the one i tried baking. I actually didn't like how it came out but it's possible I screwed up one of the steps.
http://cavemanketo.com/faux-bread-quest-holy-grail-almond-buns/https://www.ketoconnect.net/best-keto-bread/ Anonymous 15329
>>15313Fathead dough is the way to go (heh didn't mean to rhyme). I've made garlic knots, pizza, pigs in a blanket, and pasties with it. It has a great bread-like consistency. I've tried making bread loaves with coconut flour but they always come out way too eggy for my taste.
Anonymous 15338

>>15305You could start a business where people drop off their cats when they're on vacation. It could be like a hotel and spa for cats.
Anonymous 15346
Leave him immediately, he sounds like an emotionally unstable psycho bastard.
Anonymous 15349
I added my crush on fb, even though I had to REALLY look for him to find him. I don't know if he's going to guess it's me. Given that it's been a while since we saw each others and I don't think I'll find him again anyway, but I had to look him up online, how fucked am I?
Anonymous 15363
>>15349Do you think you might have a chance?
A bit crazy but not dangerous so you're fine
Anonymous 15373
>>15349it could go two ways
1. hes into you, and thinks its endearing that you worked so hard to find him!
2. Hes not into you, and doesnt think anything of it. maybe a bit weird.
either way, good luck anon!
Anonymous 15375
I'm going out with this older guy who I'm not really very attracted to. He's perfectly decent and reasonably attractive, but he's twice my age.
The reason I'm doing this at all is because he brings me out to nice restaurants, pays for spa treatments, drives me home in his car, and basically pampers me. We've slept together, twice: he was very gentle and kind but there was still something distasteful about the whole thing.
He texts me every day about how his day was, asking about mine, asking me how I'm feeling, stuff like that. I don't usually carry on the conversations very much because I want to signal to him that I'm not really interested. The conversations usually die out quite quickly, usually with us agreeing on when to meet next.
I'm not sure if I should keep doing this. The dinners and all are nice, but they create obligations on my part, and I don't like owing people anything. Plus I'm really not interested in a relationship right now, I don't have the time for that. But most importantly, I don't like how easily I was bought over; I don't like that I'm the sort of person who would do things like this; I feel cheapened somehow.
We're meeting next Saturday. He's asked me out again, I've got a week to decide.
Anonymous 15388

Just quit my job. Not really sad or happy. Pretty content. Ended on good terms, wish I could've stayed longer but sadly things got in the way.
Anonymous 15392
>>15388I wish I could say I've just done the same. I hate my job.
Anonymous 15427
I’m in bed and can’t sleep
Anonymous 15428
>>15251I falling for anons on my Discord :(
Anonymous 15439
Hey how's everyone's day going? I hope good.
>>15388Why'd you quit? And if you don't mind me asking, what sort of job was it? Are you going to be living off savings or what?
>>15427Iktf. What helps me is getting out of bed, doing something else for 30 minutes, then trying again. Does the trick 70% of the time.
Anonymous 15446
>>15439I'm waiting for a call regarding the results of my recent job interview. And for my period to come. All in all I'm kind of stressed and jittery.
Anonymous 15447
>>15388I quit my job exactly 3 years ago (minus a couple of days) and have been a NEET ever since. Never felt so good as I did that day, and all I did for a week was sleep and sleep and sleep.
Anonymous 15459
>>15446Hope you hear back from them soon anon. Try your best to preoccupy your mind with other things so you don't get too stressed in the mean time.
Anonymous 15460
>>15349Curious if there's any update. I think it's good you took the chance btw.
Anonymous 28050
seeing all my ops in the catalog is so weird..
Anonymous 28066
>>28050Same. I feel like there are only 10 people who ever start threads on this site.
Anonymous 28069
>>28066I tried to step my game up but I'm trying to lay low now because I misbehaved and am on thin ice with the mods.
Anonymous 28070
>>28069What was your crime, anon?
No shame, I've been banned for arguing with men before. Anonymous 28071
>>28070Trolling and excessive shitposting
Anonymous 28073
hello, anyone online?
Anonymous 28075
>>28073>>28074what is up, my fellow humans? what are you doing tonight or today?
Anonymous 28077

>>28073yeah i'm here
looking forward to our big chat thing
Anonymous 28078
I just started a new medication and its making me feel weird and not really doing what its supposed to do a lot of the time. I'm trying to move out of my apartment and get a house, but in order to do that I have to sell the condo I moved out of (needs cleaning + repairs). I haven't had water in 3 days because of a pipe bursting so I feel disgusting and dirty. My life sucks.
Anonymous 28080
>>28070lolcow? Yeah I'm banned for 2 whole weeks for responding to a guy, even though nearly everyone does. Mods there are a bit over the top.
Anonymous 28081
>>28076Oh, no. Why, anon?
>>28080…both here and lolcow before. I've stopped now though.
Anonymous 28082

I'm consumed by ED related thoughts. I feel so fucking ugly and fat god damn it. I want my thigh gap back. I wont know peace before that happens. I have a compulsion for having it, it's pathetic but it's what it is.
I just want to be thin and cute again.
Anonymous 28085

I got a new laptop! I haven't had one in a really long time, least 3-4 years or more.
Its quite different after using a desktop for a long time, but I wanted something that I could use to do real work on in any room in the house or outside.
It's pretty cute and has decent specs for the price I got it at. Installed Arch on it, gonna customize it more tomorrow. I even got little stickers for it so I can have the cringiest laptop in all of mankind.
Thats my pointless tedtalk for the evening ciao
Anonymous 28167

Lately I haven't really been feeling as emotionally stimulated as I should be. I don't have many friends IRL and it's hard to distinguish good from bad. Though I feel like i'm doing better with getting work done and focusing on things I feel it's just not enough in a way. I feel like there's more to life than work and getting to financial stability. There are things, happy and sad, that make life complete.
Anonymous 28168
this is turning into a random thoughts thread
Anonymous 28624
I'm returning to the board (didn't enter for a year or so?) and I'm so glad this is still running. Love y'all <3
Anonymous 28625
>>28624Welcome back! What made you leave?
Anonymous 28626
>>28625Thank you! Nothing in particular, I just stopped browsing. Maybe it had to do with all the changes in my life (moving, college…)
Anonymous 28627
>>28622thank you/ what are you up to?
Anonymous 28629
>>28627I'm considering going to bed because I'm in a bad mood and hungry and too lazy to make anything to eat. What are you up to?
Anonymous 28630
>>28629it's too early to go to bed in my case. nothing, just browsing the chan ):
if you go to sleep i hope you have good dreams ~~
Anonymous 28632
>>286301 am here, and I'm too worn out to stay up. But on the other hand I've been having weird nightmares about people I used to know 8 years ago and now all of a sudden they're in my dreams 4 nights in a row, it's kinda weird. So thanks for the good dream wishes, I hope they work. I hope you'll get plenty of (You)s and just in case there's nothing to do, here's a video I found that seems to be part of a whole series of videos people upload for pets to watch but really it's probably just for the ads. Anyway.
Anonymous 28634
It's snowing on c.c!!
Anonymous 28646
>>28636I've got my coat and scarf! I'm like a little kid when it snows I'll. I love it. It makes ridiculously cold winters worth it.
(but honestly this comment warmed my heart.)
Anonymous 28648
>>28647Usually 2C-9C depending on the time/weather. January is when it gets really cold here. I'm a baby when it comes to heat/cold, though.
Anonymous 28650
>>28648Any amount of cold is ridiculously cold it's okay to be a baby about it.
Anonymous 28662

Good morning :)
I really like the snowflakes falling on my screen lol, it's so cute.
Does anyone know other online female orientated communities similar to CC? Even if it's a forum idc anymore tbh. I like CC but it's a bit too slow.
Anonymous 28663

>>28662Good morning! What are your plans for today? :) I sadly don't know any other community like this. The Discord server might be nice, but they aren't accepting new people atm.
Today I have a lolita comm meetup and tbh it's the only thing I looked forward this week. I'm a little stressed with exams and family stuff, it might help me to take a break and distract myself~
Anonymous 28664
>>28663Your images are very cute, anon. Please post more!
Anonymous 28665

>>28664Oh, I'm glad you liked it! In fact I just did a little search to post something fitting, ahahahaha.
Here, have a lil' Hiroto to brighten your day, because he's beautiful and perfect. ♥
Anonymous 28678

>>28663My plans for today is finishing a bunch of assignments before next week. I know, super boring hahah. So you're going to a lolita comm meetup?? That's so cool, I remember I always wanted to be part of a lolita community ;-; Please share how your day went :)
And it's unfortunate they're not accepting new people in the server atm. I'll just wait until they start acepting again!
Anonymous 29029

my lover is in japan right now, I miss him dearly and I worry that I won't be able to get a job in time to save up for us to go together mid year. I just wish we could be cuddling and watching anime or playing vidya together right now.
Anonymous 29033
>>29029Do you have the full image this I'd from? Or an artist name? I'm kind of on love.
When does this person come back?
Anonymous 29035
>>29033not them, but i used images.google.com & got john singer sargent
can't find the name of the painting tho so there's no way to verify if he's the artist, apologies
Anonymous 29055
>>29035I just went through all of J.S. Sargent's paintings I could find online but this isn't a detail from any of those paintings. I don't think he's the artist anyway, he paints hands differently, they look much more refined and always have a pink hue, I don't think he would paint the blood vessels.
Anonymous 29147
>>29035>>29055Wow, thank you both for trying to find it for me!
Anonymous 29154
>>29033sorry, had it saved for a while. And he's coming back early january, so it's not all bad.
Anonymous 33649

>bringing this thread back
Does anyone else feel bad about shitposting or half-shitposting on quartz.restaurant, especially on /feels/? I don't even mean half of the crap I submit on here but I enjoy the answers I get.
Anonymous 33699
Idk about you, but all of my shitposts reflect some feelings I actually have, just an outlandish parody of them.
Anonymous 33700
>>33650>>33699Agree, sometimes I post extreme, spergy rants to vent my feelings (usually about men).
I guess it's kind of "trolling" and facetious, but really I'm satirizing my own anxieties. I don't
actually think men are all robotic degenerates, but my emotions say otherwise sometimes.
Anonymous 33749
Would CC rather have fingers for toes or toes for fingers?
Anonymous 33753
>>33749Fingers for toes. Although if fingers were attached to our feet, they'd be more vulnerable and we'd have to protect them better.
Anonymous 33755
>>33749The former. Shitposting would be easier with extra fingers
Anonymous 33757
>>33755This is truly a patrician answer
Anonymous 34388

I really should be studying, but it's so hard to get motivated sometimes. Doesn't help that the subject is boring as hell.
Anonymous 34462
I got my dream job! So it's been chaos getting my life organized for that.
Anonymous 34464
>>34462Nice! What sort of job is it?
Anonymous 34470

>>34464Thanks! Product Design for my dream company. I know I'm in for a world of pain with the new responsibilities put on me, but I'm so stoked!
Anonymous 34472
>>34470You can do it, anon! Just know I believe in you.
Anonymous 34500
Thinking about how I’m incompetent in a lot of aspects mentally which all genetically come from my failure of a father & how much I’m so much a fucking stupid schizoid I don’t know what the hell to do for Mother’s Day bc I’m terrible at expressing emotion
Anonymous 34529
>>34500Does your mom have any hobbies?
Anonymous 34641

I can’t keep up with all this James Charles tea
Anonymous 34650
>>34641I watched one video about it and still have no idea what's going on.
Anonymous 34654
>>34472A little late, but thank you so much!
Anonymous 34685

>>34650The tl;dr is basically
>bwauty guru Tati Westbrook has had a mother/son relationship with James Charles >her and her husband have given him business advice and turned his videos into profit>Tati has a brand of vitamins that JC said he wasn’t comfortable endorsing on his channel due to his young and impressionable audience>at Coachella JC endorses a rival vitamin company’s melatonin supplements on insta >same day Tati releases a video crying about feeling betrayed (doesn’t mention JC in the vid)>JC claims he was swamped @ Coachella and forced to due the endorsement for safety (not true)>Tati releases a video detailing every terrible thing he’s done>this includes trying to trick straight men into sleeping with him and making sexually inappropriate remarks>JC has lost two million subscribers and counting>Morphe no longer has him on the front page of their site>tons of prominent influencers and celebrities have unfollowed him on twitterThere’s a lot of stuff I’m not including but basically people have been waiting for the chance to jump ship and Tati gave them a chance.
Anonymous 34699
>>34685It's nice to see predatory gay men held accountable for their actions. At least in the lgbt circles I was in during college, the campy gays got away with being really inappropriate and talking in detail about graphic gay sex (anal buttplugs, etc) when the conversation didn't call for it at all and also asking really personal information about other people. Which in itself isn't predatory I suppose, but is an asshole move
It was just waved off as ~lol let sassy gay from cali~.
And just because the people getting catfish were jocks doesn't make it funny or not manipulative.
I don't follow YouTube personalities but it sounds like this guy really deserves the backlash he's getting.
Anonymous 34745
>>34685>this includes trying to trick straight men into sleeping with him and making sexually inappropriate remarks>"oh no, I accidentally put my donger into your butt over and over, I've been rused!"I don't see any other way that can work.
Anonymous 34746

It's tuesday evening
No place to go
So I'm rolling with the miners
Anonymous 34747
>>34746Tuesday night, am steaming rice and hoping to find something to do. Also bored. But bored together
Anonymous 34751

My dumb ass was thinking "wow, it's only Monday and I've already gotten so many things done for the week"… hahahahaaaa
Anonymous 34768

I have absolutely no idea how to meet people irl that have the same interests as i do.