
Lolcow Bunker Thread #0008 Planned Downtime part 8 Anonymous 190776
Site is going up slowly edition
Anonymous 190777
Are you guys lying, I can't open it at all.
Anonymous 190778
what did they do to my beloved lolcor
Anonymous 190779
>inb4 /m/ is lost again
Anonymous 190781
>>190777It’s on & off, I got in but like 30 seconds later it’s back down. You can see the mods talking on the boards about what they’re doing w the site tho
Anonymous 190782
>>190780How are you even going on the site? It just says site can't be reached for me.
Anonymous 190788
>>190780She actually did it, the madwoman
Anonymous 190789
I’m praying they bring back the Keekweek theme god I love that shit
Anonymous 190790

sorry n0nnitas, i think when lolcow does go back up i'm staying on cc, seems more chill here
Anonymous 190791
>>190785You can add custom css now though so it can look however you want. I like the new default theme even though I'm a fan of lighter themes usually
Anonymous 190796
does anyone have more screenshots>>190790
i want to use here more often but even though i post things are so slow and i get bored
Anonymous 190798
Anonymous 190799

>>190795i'm a one site kinda girl, plus lolcow gives me a headache sometimes
Anonymous 190800
>>190780FAKE NEWS!!! Jk it not working for me
Anonymous 190801
>>190782Maybe ctrl + f5 to hard refresh the cache?
Anonymous 190802
>>190790Depends what you’re on there for. Regular chatting stuff, advice, shitposting this place is chill. But if you’re for the gossip & cows then lc
Anonymous 190803
>>190791really?? do you know any tutorial about this?
Anonymous 190805
>>190780Is this a farmland teasing us on what is going on? Nobody else can see the page
Anonymous 190807
>>190780Samefag but lh a movie night sticky, nice!
Anonymous 190808
>>190790This isn’t an airport no need to announce your departure
Anonymous 190810
>>190799We don't want you to stay anyway ! ba..baka …
Anonymous 190811

>>190796Only this site is accessible for me but here's all the currently available themes atm
They don't work
Anonymous 190812
>>190780>lynxchanwow! its shit
>>190804its for mods to login
Anonymous 190813
>>190805Nah a couple ppl got in, I got screenshots in my phone & I’m not at all a farmhand & don’t wanna be ahaha
Anonymous 190814
>>190790tbf it depends on how you use the sites, lc can be chill too. I don't like this site mainly because it's even more of a spam target. It just seems way worse than lc in that aspect
Anonymous 190815
>>190811This theme(?). Was shown on kofi
>>190812Admin said it would be lynxchan
Anonymous 190817
>>190803w3schools has a basic css and html guide if that's what you're interested in, but I'm sure former tumblr girlies will come through with cute guides kek
Anonymous 190818
>>190804I was joking about accounts too and there's a counter of unique ips I also joked about a user counter.
I think this is the farmland portal and a farmland is posting to show progress. Or was this posted in the discord or something?
Anonymous 190819
>>190809Yeah then cc is the way to go. I’m a snowfag lmfao
Anonymous 190820
>>190812What's bad about lynxchan? Don't know much about ib software
Anonymous 190821
>>190811I love girltalk with all my heart and soul, but we need the other themes too wtf.
Anonymous 190822
>>190818Noo I'm not a farmhand, just a random nona. Maybe the lolcow.farm was brought up by an accident and I managed to load it magically kek
Anonymous 190825
>>190824It's probably there for moderator/admins.
Anonymous 190828
>>190825Either that or a testing feature
Anonymous 190830
>>190820i just think nodejs+monodb is ass
Anonymous 190831

I'm this anon
>>190780 and the site is down for me now too
I guess I leaked it oops I'm sorry admin-sama
Anonymous 190832
>>190824Nta, but another imageboard that uses lynxchan also has an account link for regular users. It's just there.
Anonymous 190835
>>190780It looks great, god bless admins
Anonymous 190837
>>190834wait it's only popular boards, there is no /ot/ either
im just dumb
Anonymous 190838
Hoping for IP counters in threads.
Anonymous 190839
>>190834It says total boards:7 but don't fret this seems like a dev testing page anyway like other nonas pointed out
As you can see from those reply numbers the boards aren't even migrated yet
Anonymous 190840
>>190780Logo looks like it says Lolcow.fam needs to be fixed. R & M too close together
Anonymous 190841
>>190765NTA but omg that was one of my first OTP ever I miss my 2012 tumblr (and god forbid, miiverse) kirby friend group… Sometimes we would add Taranza to the ship too. Dunno how it's currently, probably shitty like all fandoms, but the kirby fandom used to be so chill I'm glad that was one of the first internet communities I joined when I started using it (we didnt had internet on my home until 2010…)
Anonymous 190842
>>190836i don't get lc users who don't like lolita culture, it's the reason the site exist in the first place
Anonymous 190845
>>190834It's just not shown, it says there are currently 7 boards.
Anonymous 190846
>>190845I wonder if all of the hidden boards are there.
Anonymous 190847
>>190842just a joke anon i like /w/ too
Anonymous 190848
>>190842I'd assume only about 20% max are still OG users.
Anonymous 190849
>>190840It's a gif with expanding text I just snapped it the moment the letters looked smooshed
Anonymous 190850

I got this error what does it mean
Anonymous 190851
>>190838But guessing whether or not someone is samefagging is part of the fun
Anonymous 190853
>>190718>what is a joke/shitpostyou are probably the tranny, neck yourself
Anonymous 190855
>>190842A huge part of 4chan users do not like anime either, even though the site was founded because of it. Cultures change, that’s just how things go
Anonymous 190856
>>190851sometimes i read old threads where samefags have been marked and its always incredibly entertaining. i wish it happened more
Anonymous 190857
kek n0nnies are doing the online equivalent of peeking curiously over admin's shoulder. Let her work in peace.
Anonymous 190858
>>190848I'm not an OG but i'm a weeb/ into Jfashion
>>190836 was a joke but i know some anons genuinely dislike anime
Why are you even here ? Imageboard culture is anime culture, just go to prettylittleliars or any normie forum
Anonymous 190860
>>190842It doesn't really have anything to do with anything about lolita, all of those threads used to be in /snow/ anyway. /w/ is just a sad board.
Anonymous 190861
I can't access lolcow.farm on mobile :(
Anonymous 190862
>>190855>A huge part of 4chan users do not like anime either, they are retards and no one likes them
Anonymous 190863
>>190780I love it, it finally looks like a modern ib. The old layout was lacking in features.
Anonymous 190864

>>190857No, it's been too long. I'm desperate.
Anonymous 190865
>>190860/w/ is about J vloggers/ lolita/ cosplayers
If you never lurk here it's ok, but don't make shit up
Anonymous 190866
>>190856I kind of like that in some img boards you have thread specific identities. Of course those would be evaded with vpns etc
Anonymous 190867
>>190855yes and it's a symptom of its downfall
Anonymous 190869
>>190862Yeak bc we love anime lover 4chan users
Anonymous 190871
>>190862The anime watchers? Yep, I agree
Anonymous 190872
>>190861It's down for everyone now, at least we got confirmation things are happening.
Anonymous 190874

Anonymous 190877
>>190869>what is reading comprehensioni'm saying interlopers who demand a community change its own culture for their tastes are disliked by all members of the core group, not that we (lc and cc users) love 4channers, dumbass
>>190871people who go to weeb sites to bitch about weebs are the biggest losers. go hang out reddit or twitter, those are your communities
Anonymous 190880
>>190865I know that dummy, I'm saying people disliking the board probably isn't because of the lolita cow threads. Learn how to read.
Anonymous 190882
>>190877/pol/ is mostly non anime fans but it's one of 4chan most famous/ frequented board
idk what you're on about
Anonymous 190883
>>190882And even then it's still filled with anime and if you start bitching about it you'll get told to fuck off.
Anonymous 190885

>has the weirdest dream
>has party in mega mansion super mall as usual in dream
>walks into one of the hallways and sees two celebrities talking about stupid shit
>one of them is nicholas cage in his prime and not old and fugly
>he stumbles on to my young dream body through a bathroom and it kind of hurts
>he’s kind of sitting right on top of me on the bathroom floor even though he’s a grown man and heavier than me
>dream me says “it’s ok I can be the guy with the boner now”
>nicholas cage whispers excitedly “yisss”
what the fuck is going on kek?
Anonymous 190886
>>190882/pol/ is full of redditors from r/thedonald and deranged racist boomers from stormfront, but even no one there outright dislikes/hates anime or wants it removed. 4chan is a weeb site at its core, it can't be escaped
Anonymous 190889
>>190863I like the old theme for nostalgia so I’ll miss that, but I do like the newer one it’s more clean & updated for the times
Anonymous 190890
>>190884you're a retard, that's what you are
Anonymous 190891
nonas i missed my train. should i kill myself?
Anonymous 190893
but are you guys slow? admin had a whole advisory that the website was going to go up for service changes/maintenance probably this week, it’s probably going to take longer since she’s the only one working on it or getting help from external sources, just be patient
Anonymous 190895
>>190884Normie thats the name. Stop posting your shitty ship
Anonymous 190896
Getting real fucking sick of the bootlickers. Also the banner wasn't visible to anyone with adblock
Anonymous 190898
>>190893>>190893why would they choose to do it now when tons of people are off uni/work for winter break
Anonymous 190901
>>190898Probably because whoever is doing the update has time off work or school to do the update?
Anonymous 190902
>>190899fr cc is infested with discord kittens
Anonymous 190903
>>190780Looks like shit. Objectively worse than before.
Anonymous 190904
>>190902Can we start bullying people here already? Itd be for their own good.
Anonymous 190905
>>190903>ObjectivelySpend more time learning what this word means anon.
Anonymous 190906
I can't believe my retail job is still open during this tarded snowstorm. Because the people NEED donated clothes for christmas. Smfh. FUCK YOU.
Anonymous 190908
>>190905nta but i got what the anon meant by that lol
Anonymous 190909
>>190905Do you want me to do a graphic design analysis? Cause I don't feel like writing that much while on mobile.
Anonymous 190911
>>190882>using the board that ruined allas example Anonymous 190912
cc has a different culture it’s a lot more edgy and has a lot of non feminist anons not that i’m a retarded handmaiden but i like talking to people with different viewpoints. and also just more schizos. i use both boards for different reasons, it would suck if cc became lolcowified
Anonymous 190914
>>190910Because no answer means "no" most of time. And it's annoying to read and see the same thing twice. At least post a ship with actual chemistry.
Anonymous 190915
>>190912samefag tbh cc already kinda sucks, it’s mostly dead and the /feels/ board is basically a female /r9k/. but i like the occasional good threads
Anonymous 190916
>>190914>no answer means "no"…No what? I asked what m/f shippers are called in similar terminology. If you don't like the ship just ignore the picture dumbass
Anonymous 190918
>>190912Schizos are fine. But something must be done with the people who keep using coomer manga images.
Anonymous 190920
>>190915>/feels/ board is basically a female /r9kyeah if the /r9k moids were the male version of handmaidens
Anonymous 190921
>>190899Isn't this character meant to be a ftm lol?
Anonymous 190922
>>190914Nta but on imageboards no answer is more like someone didn't know the answer, whoever does didn't feel like answering, or the question just got overlooked.
Anonymous 190924
>>190912It also has more trannies and moids
Anonymous 190925
>>190921it's lacryboy lol. anons still can't decide whether they're a ftm, scrote with just a really feminine artstyle, or pornsick woman
Anonymous 190926
>on imageboards on *lolcow
Anonymous 190927
>>190925KEKK as if a scrote would draw batman x paul dano riddler nsfw
Anonymous 190928
>>190927Why did my dumbass read this as batman x Aaron Paul
Anonymous 190929

tbh i like the anime images used on CC. there are always weird anons on LC who seethe about almost any anime image and accuse you of being a tranny because of touhou, vocaloid, sailor moon or just random ass drawings. the freedom here is refreshing.
actual coomer shit is what you see on twitter and 4chan, CC's choices for anime pics are always just cute.
Anonymous 190930
What are you doing anons? I'm bored.
Anonymous 190931
>>190927That kind of dedication from a scrote just to better pass as a woman would be almost commendable.
Anonymous 190934
>>190925she is a pornsick ftm, it's ridiculously obvious. anyone calling her a scrote is coping hard
Anonymous 190937
>>190929I never got called a troon for using these images.
Anonymous 190938

>>190927yeah i'm firmly in the female camp, but she draws incest porn and coomershit too. she drew picrel, i think she has a feminization kink for moids
Anonymous 190939
Random question but do any of you have memories from when you were a baby, before you could remember things right? I remember my grandma came to babysit me when I was a baby and I remember her vacuuming the coffee table and it seemed like I was in a snowglobe.
Anonymous 190940
>>190929I'm the one complaining about coomer art and I don't mean the banners, I mean in threads. The banners are great.
Anonymous 190944
>>190939I remember my father carrying me during my 2nd birthday
Anonymous 190945
>>190938>she has a feminization kink for moidsgross but her art style is kinda cute
Anonymous 190946
>>190896anon shut the hell up you can’t code for shit therefore admin chose what the website looks like, cry more
Anonymous 190948
How are the friend finder threads? I'm so desperate for friends I might end up doxxing myself and waiting for anons to show up at my door. (But not really) (but I am desperate)
Anonymous 190949
>>190939My earliest memory is probably me floating around the forest
Anonymous 190950
>>190939I have a memory of being in a pushchair with with a plastic covering for when it rained, and the smell of the plastic + sound of the rain.
Anonymous 190952
>>190948i had some drama but also met two really nice n0nnies that i still talk to every day now. im sad theyre gone
Anonymous 190955
>>190948i miss the friend finder lc thread/ romanianon / r9k moid lore it happened at christmas time too
Anonymous 190956
>>190951>>190955they got unbanned recently then banned again
Anonymous 190958
>>190780It"ll take some time to get used to but i like it tbh. It's just a bit jarring now cause it's so different
Anonymous 190959
>>190939My mom sitting on the ground and crying hysterically with me not knowing what to do and trying to give her my pacifier. Later I found out it was because an old ex bf of her commited suicide.
Anonymous 190960
>>190929personally i don’t care for anime and it is gross and weird to me but it’s also retarded to get mad at people for posting anime/manga pics on an ib
Anonymous 190962
>>190948don’t do it it’s full of horny moids eager to groom you on discord even if you’re 21+ years old, most of the anons who use it are super picky and autistic and likely can’t hold a conversation with anyone irl so how can you trust them to not ghost you eventually if things don’t work out?
Anonymous 190963
>>190939i have a vague memory of something stinging my eyes and having my parents wash them. i was probably 3-4
Anonymous 190965
I hope today you look up at the sky and see a beautiful scene before you, no matter the weather. What weather is your favorite, Nona?
I like windy spring days and the stillness of midwinter.
Anonymous 190967
>>190948posted in one a long ass time ago, like 2 summers ago probably? And got contacted by several moids who either admitted to being male from the start or upon asking. Wouldn't recommend.
Anonymous 190968
everything is gone kek, guess we have to wait another week or so
Anonymous 190970
>>190961wtf happened to /ot/ catalogue
Anonymous 190971
>>190964theyll probably migrate it all somehow
Anonymous 190972
are there any imageboard reader apps that make browsing cc and lc easier on mobile?
Anonymous 190975
i’m not using lc until the stuff is back, i was in the middle of a conversation wtf
Anonymous 190976
>>190961these post numbers, is everything gone??
Anonymous 190977
>>190962i was just about to say that i ended up flaking/ghosting because I get really awkward about keeping friendships going, even casual online ones. anytime anything remotely personal in conversation came up, i felt paranoid.
paranoid feelings aside, all the nonas i met on there were really nice, funny and interesting. i'm just too retarded.
Anonymous 190980
hehehe i got a peek at lolcow while its up for a sec while they test
Anonymous 190981
>>190961>0 unique recent IPsdead internet theory
Anonymous 190982
Soooo where are the threads on my lolcor
Anonymous 190984

>>190968>yfw nothing is restored and the next time there's an argument on /meta/, "someone" starts vehemently insisting "actually, lolcow has ALWAYS allowed trannies and men! radfems started showing up in 2018, complete newfags! no one wanted them around!", and we won't be able to look through our own history and link to old threads to prove those claims wrong Anonymous 190985
>>190981>dead internet theorytell me more
Anonymous 190986
don't fret anons, i'm sure they're still working on the site and it'll be migrated when they're done
Anonymous 190988
>>190984pretty sure LC did initially allow men though just not as late as 2018.
Anonymous 190989
nonys… i already need to figure out how to make a new thread now.. sniffing and crying rn
Anonymous 190990
>>190981lc was always one big samefag… but tbh that "only 150 posters" theory creeped me out more. somehow it all being fake is less disturbing than the possibility that it's the same 150 people jerking each other off across the site
Anonymous 190992
how are you all accessing the website? I get nothing
Anonymous 190993
>>190976The sites clearly not done yet anon, and the version we're seeing is probably different from whatever admin has done
Anonymous 190995
initially, sort of. it was a female space, but lax about it up until /r9k/ started raiding. containment threads didn't work, ignoring them didn't work, and the userbase was sick of it, so a blanket ban on male posters was introduced. this was pretty early on.
Anonymous 190996

I have no idea how I got on, I just loaded the site, now I'm taking screenshots
Anonymous 190997

>>190940Samefagging to post this. I'm not saying there's a feeder here, I'm saying I wouldn't be surprised if there were a feeder here.
Anonymous 191000
>>190990>jerking each other offWhat do you mean? People infight over everything there.
Anonymous 191001

Watched thread feature? Okay I'm done I feel weird. I have no idea how I was one of the lucky ones who loaded up the site. Its not done yet and nothing much is going on. Feel like imma get in trouble somehow kek
Anonymous 191004
>>190998tbh you dont really need to post your husbando on the dev threads
Anonymous 191005
>>190987can we not post there until the full site is restored? i have a bad feeling about this, anons.
Anonymous 191006
>>191000by that i mean infighting too. the idea that it's only 150 people getting along with each other in one thread and infighting in another without realizing it creeps me out
Anonymous 191007
>>191006I think it's cute. We're like one big retarded family.
Anonymous 191008
didnt admin once say that new banners will be added at least around this update? i wanna see which ones got in
Anonymous 191010
>>191007but 150 seems like a much too small number. lc is referenced by too many people for it to be that small of a userbase. that's what i tell myself at least
Anonymous 191011
>>191005i don't think there is even an option to post, the posts are coming from mods/admin. there's no reply space
Anonymous 191014
I've tried clearing my cache and using several browsers but I still can't access LC. What do I do?
Anonymous 191016
>>191001maybe only users from a specific country can acess the site right now? idk its pretty weird that only you can screenshot lc
Anonymous 191017

Does this mean post per hour? Sorry retarded
Anonymous 191020
>>190972Kuroba-dev but not sure if it's compatible with lynxchan
Anonymous 191021
>>191014its likely not actually supposed to be up theyre just testing something adn it will go back down when theyre done until theyre ready
Anonymous 191022
>>191010I wish it were around 150. It's probably more than that. Also don't forget the lurkers who never post anything.
Anonymous 191023
>>191005Bad feeling about what? Obviously we can’t post they’re still testing and working on the site. The threads are still available to view, it’ll probably take a bit to migrate.
Anonymous 191024
>>191006I think /g/ and /m/ and maybe /ot/ could potentially only have 150ish regular users but the cow boards? No way.
Where does that number come from anyway? Was it the last townhall that had about 100 or 150 users in? Surely only a fraction of the userbase would be interested enough to join boring ass townhall?
Anonymous 191026
>>191014I just reloaded, it wasn't working before when the first anon came around for me. But when I tried it came up. I was the on accusing that anon of being a farmland, but nice, I can access the site just can't use it
Anonymous 191027
>>191006Fair enough, I at first was weirded out by how chummy anons were when they started the movie room because everyone was so aggressive at the same time.
Anonymous 191028

something doesn't feel right at all. all hidden boards gone, all our threads completely gone. call me paranoid, but all of this is creeping me out for some reason.
Anonymous 191029
>>191016I’m from Canada & I can get on it, you might be onto something unless other Canadian cows can’t lol
Anonymous 191030
>>191006Didn't the Eurovision Finals have about 100 watchers in the movie room? There's probably more anons.
Anonymous 191031
>>191028It’s because it’s a new site & it’s in beta. We aren’t even technically supposed to be on it I think.
Anonymous 191032
>>191028That's not the finished state of the update.
Anonymous 191033
>>191028calm down n0nna theyre still working on it
Anonymous 191037
>>191028No offense but are you stupid anon
Anonymous 191038
>>191028 unironically take a walk, eat something nice etc. This shit takes time, she literally just changed servers and has to reconstruct a lot of things.
Anonymous 191040

I can see mod tools and look like they are deleting things, sorry admin not posting anymore kek. I feel bad
Anonymous 191042
>>191028why are u like this touch some grass calm down
Anonymous 191044
>>191040aw man seeing their test posts was funny
Anonymous 191045

>>191038i read that wrong and thought you said "unironically take a shit", kek
Anonymous 191046
Quieten your hearts my beloved farmers, I have a good feeling about newsite and the weight of these mining picks, so graciously offered by our friends, will soon be lifted
Anonymous 191047
>>190948most of the n0nnas that ended up contacting me were really nice but tbh keeping up conversations when you don't really click seemed kind of forceful to me sometimes so the contact ended up dying out. i only had really good and enjoyable conversations with one person but she suddenly ghosted me after a few months and even though it's been like half a year i'm still not over it kek. also i didn't rlly get any moids contacting me besides a single super obvious one but i also mentioned that i was in a relationship and maybe that deterred them a bit idk
Anonymous 191050
>>190961I see that /m/ has the description of fujos,kpop,animu. Does that mean the kpop thread will be back?
Anonymous 191051
>>191048I think I saw this before it went down, it was some moid thread in /ot/ and probably wasn't banned before the site went down.
Anonymous 191052
>>190996They got rid of/w/ KEK, time to celebrate
Anonymous 191053
>>191050>possibility of kpop being backI'm so confused.
Anonymous 191055
>>191027I stg every time I go to watch a movie the chat is so dead. Then again maybe it’s cause I’m up at 3am
Anonymous 191058
>>191045kek if it helps nona calm down, that too
Anonymous 191059
>>191050So they're making the husbando/fujoshit an "official" part of the board culture. Yay.
Anonymous 191060
>>191052Is that good? I don't want their shit infiltrating other boards.
Anonymous 191061
they got rid of /w/ but are letting kpop back in? that's worse
Anonymous 191062
>>191046Samefag, these caverns shall dampen spirits no longer… The wide fields await, and I ask this day, who amongst the cavern people will join us? What novel shitposting awaits us as we emerge up into the fresh new world?
Anonymous 191063
i'll kill myself if there's a kpop thread again
Anonymous 191066
>>191053Same, what's the point when choachan exists
Anonymous 191067

>>191050can't wait for the seething from certain anons
Anonymous 191068
>>191051Even if so it’s weird that’s the only message they saved lol. It’s the newest one posted, the other tests are from few months ago that post is from today
Anonymous 191069

Lolcow is being upgraded and kiwifarms is breaking
Anonymous 191070
>>191067Honestly idgaf if there’s a kpop thread as long as it’s contained
Anonymous 191076
>>191055ive been too nervous to attend. mostly no one talks?
Anonymous 191081

Anonymous 191082
>>191069oh fuck no, I don't want even more kiwimoids on lc
Anonymous 191084
>>191001I see the same stuff idk whats going on
Anonymous 191088
>>191072If you think one of the troons won't find out they were posted I the MTF thread and come for out space next you are crazy. This is literally troons calling the families of the providers and harassing them. It's not kiwifarms going down for being a shit site and no one wanting them, it's due to angry troons who also hate women more then anything
Anonymous 191089
>>191029lolcow is canadians-only now???
Anonymous 191090
>>191077I know why they are useful but I hate them
Anonymous 191091
why was it changed to this extent
Anonymous 191092
>>191088The problem with kf is that they allow doxing, LC doesn't.
Anonymous 191093
>>191089yes sorry n0nna didnt you get the update it was posted last week
Anonymous 191094
>>191091They swapped to a new imageboard software, which makes it much easier to implement all sorts of changes.
Anonymous 191096
>>191092if they can take down kf for doxxing that means they can take down lolcow for something too if they tried. there doesnt need to be a good reason
Anonymous 191098
>>191089I accessed it from eastern europe
Anonymous 191101
>>191097yes i would never lie to u n0nna
Anonymous 191102
>>191097anon its an obvious joke are u autistic?
Anonymous 191103
>>191091Because it uses newer imageboard software, I guess.
Anonymous 191105

I’m going to have an aneurysm if /m/ just turns into uncontained kpop posting & dumb shit
Anonymous 191106
I neeed new ShanGus updates miss her
Anonymous 191107
>>191098canadians-and-croissants-only imageboard?
Anonymous 191108
>>191092It's not about doxxing. Cloudflare knew about that but did nothing until the Troon shit. It's not because racists, doxxing or being problematic. It's because kiwifarms talked about the wrong troons, LGJ who has a lot of connections and called up someone's wife for a "girl talk " in the middle of the night. He brags about knowing people who shut things down on kiwifarms. Any place that speaks about troons can/will be taken down using this method.
They can lie and say whatever
Anonymous 191109
I bought some pressons and painted them black. I feel cheap yet powerful, they've all stayed in since Sunday
Anonymous 191110

>>191077yeah no i'm not using captchas. hello cc my new home
Anonymous 191111
>>191107what no france is on western europe right
Anonymous 191112
>>191105>celebricows thread (likely) still not banned>kpop (allegedly) unbannedlmao the site will be filled with the worst kinds of posters. kpoppies already have their own site too, this is wild.
Anonymous 191114
>>191110 genuine questions, what's wrong with captchas?
Anonymous 191115
>>191110have fun with all the moids and troons
Anonymous 191117
>>191108We all know that's the true reason, but doxing is used as an excuse to get it shut down.
Anonymous 191118
>>191089I guess Canadians are so nice lolcow decided if they only allowed the maple syrups the site would get a bit sweeter
Anonymous 191119
>>191045It might help. Sometimes a good shit fixes all your problems.
Anonymous 191120
>>191112Both threads are fine, they just need stricter moderation
Anonymous 191121
>site becomes ugly as fuck
>kpop unbanned will result in mass influx of underage twitter users
>mods sucking /g/, /ot/, and /m/ dick when the site is centered on /pt/ and /snow/
I dont even care about lynxchan's added functionality because the UI is so fucking irredeemably ugly
new admin's first move in office, off to a god awful start.
Anonymous 191122
>>191121Last thing we need is kids clogging up the boards. Gross.
Anonymous 191123
>>191089i'm in ingerland and can access it
Anonymous 191125
>>191114Nta but personally they make me too lazy to post sometimes, especially if they're Google captchas and whatever 4chan is using right now. The simple numbered captcha LC has right now doesn't seem too bad
Anonymous 191126
>>191077Does this mean they're trying to expand?
Anonymous 191127
>>191123i can access it from australia but dont see any posting options
Anonymous 191128
>>190782try a different browser, delete cookies and disable VPN if you're using it
Anonymous 191130
>>191128I did all of those earlier, it did nothing.
Anonymous 191131
yesterday i saw a lolcow tab that was still loaded on my ipad and i read it twice
Anonymous 191132
>>191121>mods sucking /g/, /ot/, and /m/ dick when the site is centered on /pt/ and /snow/Wtf fuck you. They don't even like us non-cow board users.
Anonymous 191133
>>191120for celebricows yes, for kpop, no. it will attract underage newfags no matter how heavy the moderation is because thats 99% of the people who care about it.
and good luck with those stricter mods kek I know the mod team has literally never been bigger than 12 total members before, 10 of whom don't do anything and the other 2 of whom hand out a few bans in /snow/ hours late at a given time but maybe the mods will really pull themselves up by their bootstraps this time!
Anonymous 191135
>>191106I checkered her Twitter and there’s so much milk it’s killing me. New stupidly fake stories, updates on how her parents were great to her as a child, & she fingered herself in a dirty airplane bathroom. There’s more but I need the shatmus thread ahaha
Anonymous 191136
i would be okay with kpop talk on lc but kpop stans are always posting links to lc on twitter/elsewhere, they're one of the worst kinds of users
Anonymous 191137
>>191115nta but the same ones will be on lolcow, don't kid yourself
Anonymous 191138
>>191035hell no, by the very end after we got the results maybe, but it did peak at 100 and was steady at around 70
Anonymous 191139
>>191135i cringed so hard at the makeup box she got as a gift…. perfect place to store all that makeup she bought but has no idea how to ever use
Anonymous 191141
can't wait to scroll past threads about why taekook is real while i'm trying to have fun and wind down
Anonymous 191142
>>191121I honestly don't care about the K-Pop or fujo shit as long as they keep it contained, well-moderated, and away from the boards that actually matter. Which they probably won't but a girl can dream.
Boy howdy do I hate the new UI though
Anonymous 191143
>>191128Will we be unable to use VPNs if we want to post? I’m stupid so idk how it works.
Anonymous 191144
>>191112Okay I love celebricows I don’t want that sht banned lmaoo
Anonymous 191145
>>191140I meant joe biden but close enough
Anonymous 191146
>>191142We'll all get used to it, I'm more concerned about the changes to content.
Anonymous 191148
>>191136exactly. they're literally all children, and then there are the kpop coomer moids who obsess over girl groups. they had their own generals on 4chan and they were so bad they had to be dispersed to containment/throwaway boards like /trash/.
Anonymous 191149
>>191142we all know having a place for retard teens on the website will just result in them flooding all over the place
Anonymous 191150
>>191146I'm sure we will I'm just too autistic and don't want to have to
Anonymous 191152
>>191143yes, i think it's just because they're having DNS issues. I'm not 100% how it works either but this is just a temporary issue whilst they're still working on it.
Anonymous 191153
Is there any Taco Bell breakfast you guys like? It's 9 am and I want something cheap but I don't eat taco bell breakfast so idk what to get
Anonymous 191154
Am I the only one that believes in Admin-chan. I think LC will be fine
Anonymous 191156
>>191142kpop stans has fried brains its impossible to keep them away from other threads
Anonymous 191157
>>191147Komaeda-chan hacked lolcow and is the new admin?
Anonymous 191158

For anyone who can't access the site worrying about the old threads
Anonymous 191161
>>191153What time is it where you are, what else is open?
Anonymous 191163
>>191092No, that's not the problem with KF, don't start this shit again.
Anonymous 191165

literally the worst parts of the userbase being pandered to
Anonymous 191166
>>191121tbf, the lynxchan update was oldmin's idea
Anonymous 191168
>>191162Ugh, is it at least a good looking moid?
Anonymous 191169
european map.jpg

>>191111>what no france is on western europe rightNo, France is located somewhere in the balkans.
That's why there are so many muslims in frans, they all come from Turkey.
Anonymous 191170
>>191153Fuck I’m hungry and you just reminded me.
Anonymous 191171
>>191139Probably use it to store all her LA Colors & Elf products lmfaoo
Anonymous 191174
>>191167this one is good kek inshallah!
Anonymous 191175
>>191167Has there been any new milk with her? I haven’t checked her threads in like two years.
Anonymous 191177
>>191142it's ugly and it's unnecessary, like buying a $15k gaming pc for someone who just sits and plays sims 2 all day. guarantee only 1% of posters will actually bother using it to the fullest. most don't need to because they sit on the same damn board or two all the time.
Anonymous 191178
>>191166lynxchan is a good thing from a technical standpoint i just hate the new look
Anonymous 191180
>>191121I also hate the new UI. Already seems clunky and annoying to navigate, but good on admin for giving it an update I guess. LC might get annoying popular soon… I'll miss comfy era LC, but I'll stick around because I'm autistic and Shayna is my special interest
Anonymous 191181
I'm getting scared nonitas…
Anonymous 191182

i'm glad they've finally added some sweet banners i like the wholesome ones
Anonymous 191183
>>191169sorry anon not from burgerland but im bad at geography too
Anonymous 191184
>>191161There's a bunch of places open. I think I may get a cheesy egg bacon and cheesy egg sausage burrito though. Both sound good and I'm really craving bacon. Should I get Starbucks too?
Anonymous 191187
really hope the banner with the girls wet bum is gone forever
Anonymous 191188
>>191181Me too. I don't want lc to become mainstream.
Anonymous 191190
Do you think the update was worth all this?
Anonymous 191191
>>191187Please it's so fucking gross. No idea why such a coomer banner is on a girls website.
Anonymous 191193
>>191157If so, god bless our new overlord.
Anonymous 191194
>>191175Idk last time I heard she’s just a dumbass & on the Kanye antisemite bandwagon
Anonymous 191195
there are a bunch new jill banners i've noticed, maybe one of the mods is a pixiefag lol
Anonymous 191196
>>191181why theres one specific anon thats keeps spamming this "uwu im scareed" shit here?? go for a walk fr
Anonymous 191197

There's a lot new, like a cow beating up a scrote (gif), I see a few Jill ones as well. Wont post them all so it can still be a surpise
Anonymous 191198
>>191180bright side: if it's clunky for us to use, maybe most normies won't be able to figure out how to use it
Anonymous 191199
>>191177Okay you didn’t have to call me out like that ahaha
Anonymous 191200
i hope we still have the default non pink lc theme and that they kept the luna one, i really liked it. i remember asking if they could make the link colors more legible kek
hopefully in the future we could have sitewide search that include posts and not just threads.
plz no more rounded corners
Anonymous 191204
>>190912Lolcow has too many annoying pearl clutchers
Anonymous 191210
I wonder if I'll just stay here on cc. Probably not, place is so dead.
Anonymous 191211
Whenever I smell newfags or unintegrated users I like to drop some transphobic shit casually so they know where they are.
Anonymous 191214
>>191204agree i like this site better. i like having discussions that don't get shut down after you simply disagree with the groupthink and get a hit with "TRANNY" "MOID" and a temp ban
Anonymous 191216
>>191196i made one of those posts, i'm less concerned now but you have to admit this shit is weird for anyone who's used LC long-term
Anonymous 191217
>>191214I like the energy itts too. Let's try to keep the same energy when lulcur is back up.
Anonymous 191219
Wow, she's adding literally any and all banner suggestions. Queem shit
Anonymous 191221

Welp the troons are back & I still can’t make threads
Anonymous 191222
>>191216I've used LC for a long time and it's really not.
Anonymous 191223
cc and lc have largely the same userbase and you're all gonna yell at me that I'm wrong but I'm not gonna change my mind
Anonymous 191225
>>191165i don't see her pandering to moids and troons
Anonymous 191227
So annoying there’s no report feature for spam and it’s already starting ugh
Anonymous 191228
>>191195one of jill's alters made her way onto the mod team
Anonymous 191230
We give shaymin a lot of flack but I'm glad she let us know about the downtime, and it should have been expected that it would be down for a little bit. I hope the site's running smoothly when it's all finished.
Anonymous 191233
>>191221new theory came up: troon jannies?
Anonymous 191234
>>191221I hope there'll be more faster permabanning troons once it's back up
Anonymous 191235
>>191208yeah like how 4chan has futaba or whatever it's called with everything old looking
Anonymous 191236
>>191190yes… idc i need LC in any form bc im a retard
Anonymous 191239
>>191223No, you're right. I'm pretty sure CC was an offshoot of LC way back when. Probably a lot of the older LC userbase came over here and stayed
Anonymous 191243
Someone cowtip and tell Jill that lolcow is down for good so she gets her hopes up.
Anonymous 191245
LC is still not working for me. I'm sad.
Anonymous 191246
>>191238That's not pandering, that's a moid raiding LC. They're not welcome and I'm sure shaymin will clean it up. They had the ability to post threads be locked because of shit like this.
Anonymous 191247
>>191223Cc is a smaller circle inside LC in a venn diagram.
Anonymous 191248
>>191190i think they should've looked for software that'd allow them to keep the same layout, or a similar one, while still updating things on the inside.
Anonymous 191249
>>191240>>191241idk about that i heard that you need to actually dox yourself to be a janny
Anonymous 191250
>>190776it look like it's shitting out cow.farm
Anonymous 191251
>>191190I haven't seen any changes for the better. They could have just overhauled their mod team instead.
Anonymous 191254
did anyone else do that 'janny application' that was on lolcow a couple years back like a retard and then realise its just a way to grab emails from regular users and track ip?
Anonymous 191255
>>191233There's probably been troon jannies since the beginning, LC was originally made by a man. He just gave ownership over to his unwashed handmaidens who played hot potato until shaymin took over.
Anonymous 191256
Fuck kpop and fuck the stupid ass fans
Anonymous 191257
How are some people posting?
Anonymous 191258
>>191190what is "this", the downtime? It has been down for like 2 days that's not that bad imo
Anonymous 191259
>>191255>He just gave ownership over to his unwashed handmaidens who played hot potato until shaymin took over.KEKKK
Anonymous 191260
>>191254TERF honeypot theory confirmed
Anonymous 191261
>>191251I think most of the functionality is for the backend, not just for the users
Anonymous 191262
>>191255i dont lurk meta much. why is admin referred to as shaymin? does she lurk the shayna threads
Anonymous 191263
>>191255who says shaymin isn't playing hot potato
Anonymous 191266
>>191249I was a jani and eventually promoted to mod a couple years ago and all I was asked for back then was my discord and email
Anonymous 191267
>>191260i dont remember much but it asked for email and what anon board history you have and what threads you use most
Anonymous 191268
>>191254>grab emailsuse a throwaway
>track ipsthey already do that
Anonymous 191269
I stop looking at lc for one week and come back to it looking like a bare choachan reskin. Idk what they needed fixing in the backend but the old layout looked way better, the new colors could have just been added as a much needed actually nice looking dark theme
Anonymous 191270
>>191260if i was that smart n0nnie i wouldnt read threads about dumb internet retards for entertainment
Anonymous 191271
>>191266what's it like being a janny? I considered applying for janny when the applications were open ages ago but decided against it because cleaning up raids must suck ass
Anonymous 191272
>>191230it's very obvious she has almost no computer experience
I don't know why she wanted to switch lynx chan but if nonas expect her to add features don't hold your breath
Anonymous 191273
>>191266nahhh i remember that they used to ask for your facebook too back then
Anonymous 191274
I know kpopfags want to talk about kpop on lolcow, for some fucking reason, but they're just so annoying like I just know kpopfagging is going to leak all over the site like how you can tell the celebricows thread leaked all over /ot/. Kpopfags PLEASE be considerate to normal anons who don't give a fuck about your plastic pop people.
Anonymous 191275
>>191245same, keep getting 404 errors
seems like the wrong type of error unless she just set up redirection like that
Anonymous 191276
>>191262Yeah, it was revealed a while back that she's a shayfag.
>>191263She probably is, but who'd want to own lolcow now? It's too big to be a fun little project but too small to get a bunch of ad revenue cash/donations.
Anonymous 191277

>>191190Yeah, I'm already extremely happy there is a thread watch.
Anonymous 191279
>>191268yeah this has anon not noticed that you get shown your ip address when you get banned? mods can see the full post history made by your ip at any given time.
Anonymous 191280
n0nnies if i ever get rich ill buy lolcow and become the most autistic yet good admin of all time
Anonymous 191281
Anonymous 191282
>>191272If oldmin stayed LC would have been switched to lynx chan anyways because she had talked about doing it before she left
Anonymous 191283
>>191196maybe it's autism, I heard they hate sudden change
Anonymous 191284
>>191274that's a heavy plea to make, they weren't even considerate after getting banned.
Anonymous 191285
>>191280What would you do for the site, anonita?
Anonymous 191287
>>191279What does this look like the mods? Do any jannies/ex-jannies have screenshots?
Anonymous 191290
>>191285pay people to actually maintain the site/rules and pay a good wage because you get what you pay for when you work off volunteer labor
Anonymous 191291

So no one can make threads but somehow some dumbfuck is being allowed?? It’s sus & confusing.
Anonymous 191292
>>191274you WILL see the kpop dog oy gif everywhere and you WILL like it
Anonymous 191293
>>191280I don't think you'd even need to be rich, lolcow can't be very expensive.
Anonymous 191295
>>191291I can't even access the website so going by your logic you accessing the website at all is sus
Anonymous 191296
>>191292Dogboy isn't a kpopper to me he is like a son. Dogboy is lolcow history.
Anonymous 191297
>>191214i wish you would actually stay here
Anonymous 191298
>>191293how much do you all think the price of lolcow is?
Anonymous 191300
You can read old threads at original.lolcow.farm apparently
Anonymous 191302
>>191298one banana thats why romanianon cant buy the site
Anonymous 191303
>>191298considering it would likely never make a profit without coomer ads it will forever be a use of resources to keep alive with no gain. i bet admin would accept a few thousand dollars to be relieved of the burden and not have to pay to maintain it
Anonymous 191304

If anyone cares this is what what happened, it's not about Doxxing because apparently the Troon was doxxing people to get what he wanted. Hopefully they (he)leave us the fuck alone, which is why I hate people talking about lolcow on other sites like twitter/tumblr.
Anonymous 191305
>>191277I always hide threads I'm not actively following so only the ones I'm very interested in show up, so I don't think I will use the thread watch function much, but it's very nice to have.
I'm specially excited about the ability to change the site's CSS, finally we will be able to pick any color we want for LC.
Anonymous 191306
>>191300looks like it works. i'm feeling beter now.
Anonymous 191308
This won't be accurate at all but just for an idea of how many people are ITT:
>there is at least one user on crystal cafe
Your turn.
Anonymous 191310

lolcow no longer using cloudflare and is directly hosted on a portuguese server provider
https://dotsi.pt/what does it mean
Anonymous 191312
>>191308There's only one and I'm talking to myself.
Anonymous 191313
>>191311>at least 3 users on crystal cafe Anonymous 191314
>>191308ive personally made 62% of the posts and replies in this thread
Anonymous 191316
>>191314Impossible, I have literally made 100% of the posts itt
Anonymous 191317
>>191300Awww I miss her so much, I love the old design
Anonymous 191318
>>191310fr best country bora portugal !!
Anonymous 191320
>>191310and you don't seem to understand
Anonymous 191324
>>191316im your alter n0nnie we are the same
Anonymous 191325
would you like it if lolcow had a cow cursor option like this for example
http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-set/brown-cowAnonymous 191328
>>191321idk maybe I already meet her in irl?
Anonymous 191329
>>191323I can't even access original.lolcow.farm, but I can get to farmcow.lol. Not a great solution…