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Climate Change Zone Anonymous 209591

How does it make you feel? How do you prepare? Where do you live that its effecting big time?

Most of my life I felt the way things disappeared in nature around my house acutely because I loved nature.

I fiercely hate the conservatives who push it aside as a nonissue, with a passion some days. I don't see the point in having children at all. I look at my niece and wonder what the hell she's going to do.

Most of all I have no motivation a lot of the damn time. I hate people who pretend like work is going to save them, that it means anything. Who pretend things around them aren't going on. I don't know how people can live in an illusion. I never talk about this with anyone, accept my mom and she hates it. I've become wary of talking about things that make people extremely mad IRL, though I'll discuss things online… I don't see the point in discussing it though. What can I say that I haven't already said?

People react to this topic with such rage because its jolts them back to reality. They say "you don't live in reality" because you only work fir 11$ an hour, and play games and drink and write, and get into escapism… But if anyone's not in touch with reality its enraged types who haven't accepted it at all.

Anonymous 209592


Climate Change, pollution, visual/acoustical contamination, overurbanization… All these make me really angry because it's almost impossible to reverse it. The individual holds so little power to introduce change in her community because these specific topics aren't considerated ''interesting'' by nobody unless they can take any monetary profit (H&M clothes with organic cotton, for example.
How do I prepare? Well, first of all I've being doing these since I was 14, some of them from when I was a child and some of them more recently:
-Taking used clothes from family members (having so many cousins and aunts helps), buying second-hand clothes from flea market-like shops, even taking clothes from dumpsters or found in the middle of nowhere (taking bugs home with me!).
-If buying new clothes, always picking those who are at least 95% natural fabrics like cotton, silk, wool or linen.
-Literally not throwing away any clothes unless I donate them or sell them cheap.
-Using my own bags for groceries or shoping.
-The 3 Rs (reducing, reusing, recycling) as much as I can and my mother lets me. Obviously separating plastic, paper, crystal and organic.
-Throwing away electronical devices or batteries in the proper container.
-Trying to buy the most eco-friendly cleaning products (like vinegar).
-Buying local products to support the local economy as much as I can.
-Having few make-up products that aren't animal-tested.
-Putting oil in bottles to recycle it.
-Water in 6L/8L gallons better than in 1,5L bottles and then putting it in a glass bottle.
-Avoiding buying plastic stuff like tuppers, polyester clothing, kitchenware…
-Not littering ever
-Walking to places
When I finish my studies I would like to live in a little piece of land I have inherited and grow a garden and avoid 5G.
I currently live in a very populated and touristic place of southern Europe that nobody cared about 75 years ago.
I don't know how to fight globalization. I'm what some would call a conspiracy theorist and things in the future don't look good for those like me who think they might know why the world sucks so bad. I would like to have children but I'm scared that my ideological views would be too different from the rest and my ideas of raising my kids would make them social outcasts. I dream of getting some influencial position in my city hall where I could start a change but that seems unlikely.

Anonymous 209593

>How does it make you feel?
Eh, if humans die they die, if humans don't die they don't die. I don't care either way, I just have my work to do.

>How do you prepare?

For what exactly? Global weather disaster? I assume I will be dead.

None of these things sound like preparation, they sound like dealing with the current problem. Is that what OP meant? "How do you prepare" means "What do you do to help slow down climate change"?

Anonymous 209594

>I would like to have children but I'm scared that my ideological views would be too different from the rest and my ideas of raising my kids would make them social outcasts.
Is being a social outcast really that bad?
>I dream of getting some influencial position in my city hall where I could start a change but that seems unlikely.
If you are young and actually dedicated it is really quite easy to get solidly into politics on the local level. Hell even if you're older it's plausible, would need more network support though. Political groups are starved for actually capable members.

Anonymous 209595


I feel you so hard. It tears me up so I can't breath. It makes me loathe civilization. Tbh I mean I am really glad depopulation is a thing. Most people don't bat an eye, they aren't like that. I work with the public so much. In a hotel, in a town where we have a lot of natural tourist destinations. Maybe its how I see the way people treat my hotel? Trashing everything? The other day I was taking out the trash and I saw half a tray of massive gourmet prawns in the can. I was just blown away. Things like this. Whether I'm toxic or not about it doesn't matter to me. There is a place and a purpose for it, but I feel it way too much lately. What am I supposed to do with this feeling of outrage? Things are wildly wildly out of control. I can't turn off the way I feel. I am so normal looking, you wouldn't suspect it but.. What I'm describing feels like an inferno. For some reason I can't separate porn from climate change some days. You know the using and discarding and then victim blaming. The way the natural world gets treated like a whore? Don't know what to do with this feeling. Conservatives, make me disgusted but especially in the last few years.

Anonymous 209596

It reads like you've completely given up on talking with other humans as far as this problem that deeply affects you goes. I suppose you now have a number of options in front of you. There's the Eco-terrorist route but that requires a small amount of money and you actually being competent, there's the politician route, but that also requires you to being competent and not working an 11$ an hour job.

Really the only way for you to make a difference is to be a self-sustaining human being, but from the comfortable position of someone living in their parents house you seem completely powerless because you are. At one time saying "it's worthless" while your emotions betray you as viewing it quite worthwhile. Go find some eco-friends to talk about eco-stuff with and maybe you'll be able to make non-zero changes towards solving the problem.

Anonymous 209597


>None of these things sound like preparation
It really isn't preparation but acting consciously in order to not waste our resources might help when our resources are actually almost innaccessible because there are no more left. The idea would be not to spend little while recovering from this situation but doing so through all our lives all humankind in order to preserve and live with what's really necessary. If we end up really bad in 25 years I will (I hope so)have learned how to live with what I have (reusing clothes, learning to sew and adequate them, etc..) and also learned how to do more things out of the materials I reuse, learn how to grow a garden for when food is less available, make soap out of oil… Skills I need to develop a lot more for sure but which have started growing in me from being conscious before the disater. I can't consooom and when the market crashes pretend I'll instantly become a Mad Max-like warrior.

>Is being a social outcast really that bad?
I don't know. It is something I've learned to live with since I'm quite a loner myself. But I know how cruel teachers, other children (mostly influenced by bad parents) and even my own family members couldn be if my children don't go to the cinema to watch garbage, wear merchandising clothes, own videogames, watch Disney Chanel tv, etc.. I don't have any problem taking all that from their lives but sometimes I image having kids and having a friend of one of them from school at my house just for the afternoon and that same kid judging my child and my family for doing this and not doing that, parents knowing about our lifestyle and people being superficial and mean at our backs. The fact that something like that could happen and my children self-steem being affected makes me sad. Specially if my kids end up craving a more consumeristic lifestyle because of social pression and the ''need to fit in''.

Anonymous 209598


>If you are young and actually dedicated it is really quite easy to get solidly into politics on the local level. Hell even if you're older it's plausible, would need more network support though. Political groups are starved for actually capable members.
Forgot to answer. I wish, but as a lower class woman I fear I won't be taken very serious. Sometimes I feel so inclined to follow this path that I'm sure that in the future I will try to see where it leads for me.

>the Eco-terrorist route but that requires a small amount of money and you actually being competent
Should CC try to stablish its very own eco-terrorist organization in minecraft?

Anonymous 209599

I don't live with my parents. I just feels like the way things are going people can't do anything. Actual changes get caught up in politics. It would be really amazing if I was wrong and I want to be wrong! But the way things are going ..

I read a lot, to update myself but no. I don't have friends like that. It would be nice if I did? My friends have all gone off in different directions, I never had any very passionate about it. Actually its kind of why I don't talk about it much accept online. Now online I'll talk about it but I also feel like I've said everything I can say.

I am just here to vent. Every summer the fires really open my eyes. I don't know where else to put this.

As for making 11$ an hour.. I'm saving my money for a business, but that's about all I do right now. I have green habits but I don't feel like they're enough. I don't know how to be optimistic about those kinds of things. I don't remember where I said it was worthless to try.. I just think the forces of consumption on this planet are beyond anyone's control. People by themselves cannot do anything to stop it. All of the climate agreements accomplished nothing.

Anonymous 209600

>I wish, but as a lower class woman I fear I won't be taken very serious. Sometimes I feel so inclined to follow this path that I'm sure that in the future I will try to see where it leads for me.
How about instead of the future you do something right now to get involved in local politics. Do you even know which party you would need to join in order to even begin to consider doing anything? When do they next meet? When could you next physically involve yourself?
>Should CC try to stablish its very own eco-terrorist organization in minecraft?
You're the one with a "burning inferno" inside you, do something about it.


>I don't remember where I said it was worthless to try..

And I didn't say it was worthless to try, worthless as in "people are worthless". You're the one saying "depopulation is good", i.e. fewer number of humans is desirable.


I read a lot, to update myself but no. I don't have friends like that. It would be nice if I did? My friends have all gone off in different directions, I never had any very passionate about it. Actually its kind of why I don't talk about it much accept online. Now online I'll talk about it but I also feel like I've said everything I can say.
Well you have, with fake internet people as opposed to actual real people that can help you enact actual real changes to do actual real things as opposed to talk and then bemoan your fate.

>I am just here to vent. Every summer the fires really open my eyes. I don't know where else to put this.

If you had eco-friends you could all get together and make each other mad each time this happens.


As for making 11$ an hour.. I'm saving my money for a business, but that's about all I do right now. I have green habits but I don't feel like they're enough. I don't know how to be optimistic about those kinds of things. I don't remember where I said it was worthless to try.. I just think the forces of consumption on this planet are beyond anyone's control. People by themselves cannot do anything to stop it. All of the climate agreements accomplished nothing.
All correct, are you going to do anything or just bemoan yourself as a tragic matyr in a doomed world?

Anonymous 209601

Thats actually not me. I'm the OP lol.

As for moaning. Yes. Yes I wanted to whine and bitch today, and see how other people feel. Usually I don't ever talk about this! Once in a while just seems healthy to get it out of my head.

Anonymous 209602

>Yes I wanted to whine and bitch today, and see how other people feel.
I feel like it's an effective strategy, just complaining about things instead of actually doing anything about them. You get to feel the moral superiority of being a martyr without actually having to do anything like even started to get into local politics.

Anonymous 209603

… Who wouldn't want to !? I mean its probably the most devastating thing in the foreseeable future and I'm not allowed to vent about it? Why am I supposed to be made of silicone? The sub is called advice and venting. Thoose the rules. Why can't i just feel out of control for one day without someone getting all nazi on me. I never talk about it EVER.

It seems kind of overreactive for a post in a venting sub…

Anonymous 209604

This perspective confuses me. Unmitigated, we have hundreds of years until we have an actual problem (as in, unlivable earth) and by then we'll be out of hydrocarbons to burn. Right now, the earth is experiencing mass afforestation due to a warmer, wetter climate, longer growing seasons, and more CO2 in the atmosphere. Since 1970, per NASA studies, we've seen a 20% increase in vegetation on Earth, or an area roughly double the size of the continental United States. The reason we have these massive forest fires every year is a combination of this rapid growth and poor forestry management. If humanity could increase our consumption of wood products 10x we could consume enough of the "fuel" to prevent all forest fires, which presently release more C02 than all of humanity each year. Obviously it's not that simple, but I'm tired of this apocalyptic nonsense. It's not that bad and it's solvable.

This problem is being solved. Oil is increasingly expensive and renewables are only getting cheaper. Electric cars provide better performance and are going mainstream as prices drop. Home heating is probably the last thing but geothermal heating and high efficiency heat pumps are getting there.

I'm betting in 50 years we look back on global warming/climate change the same way we look back on Y2K.

Anonymous 209605

The gov has the manpower and tech to solve/slow down climate change, they just haven't yet because big corps are lining their pockets. I'm tired of fear porn end of the world shit. Every month we get another news article about a bacteria that eats plastic, a toilet that turns shit into renewable energy, how to diy your own longlasting household objects. People are slowly working towards change like >>209604 said. Ppl like Lina Khan are working on trying to take down big corp monopolies.

Anonymous 209606

>This problem is being solved. Oil is increasingly expensive and renewables are only getting cheaper. Electric cars provide better performance and are going mainstream as prices drop. Home heating is probably the last thing but geothermal heating and high efficiency heat pumps are getting there.

You mean capitalism is solving the problem as time goes by?

Anonymous 209607

>How about instead of the future you do something right now to get involved in local politics.
I can't get involved in anything because I study in another city more than 400 km from home. When I come back here definitely I will search for a political group that suits my ideas. And maybe I even start my own thing!
>You're the one with a "burning inferno" inside you, do something about it.
Okay, I will attempt to do it today or in the near future but I think it's against the rules.

Isn't Global Warming just one of the many issues caused by pollution? Trash and microplastics in the oceans or in nature increase day by day.

Anonymous 209608

I feel that if this was really that much of an issue for our future, governments wouldn't still be supporting China and India, the two biggest polluters. Like you can't tell me people with no real power like Greta potato or the sea bin guys are supposed to end climate change for us. Governments are the ones who need to implement policies and changes to help the planet, and force EVERYONE to change. And these government elites and other rich people have families, you can't tell me they're naive enough to think they're the only ones who will escape rising sea levels and fires. 3rd world shitholes aside, the world's governments and elites would be panicking right now if our future really was that grim.

Anonymous 209609

>I feel that if this was really that much of an issue for our future, governments wouldn't still be supporting China and India, the two biggest polluters.
Anon, I don't think they care at all.
>And these government elites and other rich people have families, you can't tell me they're naive enough to think they're the only ones who will escape rising sea levels and fires.
Because the rising of sea levels and fires will take much longer and they will be in privileged places of Earth or even Mars when that happens. Meanwhile meat, vegetables, fish and food in general contain microplastics or pesticides. Organic bio stuff and fish or meat from the wild are expensive as fuck, only rich people can afford that and lower the risk of cancer and other illnesses.

Anonymous 209610

Well you dont have all the facts.

We have less than 10 years before we hit a tipping point, after which there is no return. Im sure youve had to have heard that already though unless you live under a rock.

Its no longer just carbon thats a problem its methane and refrigerants, etc that actually do even more heat trapping. And now that permafrost is melting, a metric ton of methane thats been trapped in it for thousands of years is being released.

To add to that if the oceans acidify in the heat and the micro organisms that are the biggest carbon sink die, we will lose the biggest carbon sink on earth. Im not even talking about the rainforest yet.

Increase the consumption of wood products?! As in more deforestation??! Sounds like a plan straight from bolsanero my god.

No in 40 years the forst fires have never started so early until the last couple years. Nothing in the last half century has been anything close to what its been with the infernos lasting all summer long, starting in june / july instead of august !!!!! Being as massive as they are!!! The fire in bc is literally the size of los angeles and they dont even release all the data about the number of fires in canada!

You did SEE the sky over san francisco and portland?! If what youre saying is the case then fires should have been just as bad as they are noa, 30 years ago, when there was even less development and deforestation.

No you go anywhere in northern california and the trees are literally turning brown en masse because the water levels are so low.

It is not getting solved fast enough because people dont want to have to change their levels of consumption. What fantasy world are you living in where its concievable to get an electric vehicle without it being considered niche? Really unaffordable ? Humanity is massively dependant on petroleum. What do you live in the sticks or something where you never see the obcene morning traffic? I wouldnt call these things apocalyptic just uncomfortable to hear. Kind of requires you to project negatively and and a ton of people simply arent willing to do that. Looking exhaustively at how every biome is hit on an individual level requires that though.

I mean i havent even gotten started about the insect collapse, and how that will effect everything in the food chain. Biologists are literally recording mass insect die offs in every corner of the world and if you are old enough you can easily remember the difference !

If you truly took mental a picture of every corner of the ecosystem that has been hit in some way, overfishing, acidification, insect collapse, pollinator collapse you wouldnt be so optimistic either. It would be very hard to be.

Anonymous 209611

Sounds like political hysteria with no basis in reality.

>10 more years


Anonymous 209612

>the world's governments and elites would be panicking right now if our future really was that grim.
is that so? they specifically blocked development of vaccines for other countries to preserve intellectual property rights and squeeze as much $$$ possible out of a pandemic responsible for the deaths of millions, which, if not blocked would've prevented numerous variants and deaths already, and risks them directly, but what do they care? they get their money. "the elite" are only interested in short term profits no matter how devastating. they're not long term thinkers or considerate people. and ffs, they're more interested in leaving the planet than preserving it.

Anonymous 209613

10 more years ? Tell me whats gonna happen in 10 years anon i didnt get the memo hurdurr

Anonymous 209614

Sad mean anon spotted twice!

Anonymous 209615

you don't understand how even what you'd perceive to be "small" changes result in devastating ecological chains of events that end up affecting habitability. the world doesn't need to be literally mad max tier all over for it to cause extreme crises that will end up affecting you.

Anonymous 209616

>the world's governments and elites would be panicking right now if our future really was that grim.

Why would they be panicking for the average person?With the way corporations sell out in every concievable way… why would they suddenly stop now? What fantasy world are you living in ?

Anonymous 209617

Pretty depressed. I wasn't a hard no on children but between my own aging and how the world is projected to be in the future motherhood is looking very unlikely. I'm hoping to at least have the opportunity to pass away at an old age before shit really hits the fan. I feel like as long as you don't have children then you can at least live as long as you can and die without guilt. None of this was a regular person's fault, just the rich sociopaths at the top.

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