
Anonymous 228646
Nonas who don't play video games, why not? And what are some of your thoughts on gaming in general?
Anonymous 228649
I find it more enjoyable to watch someone else play games rather than playing myself bc I usually find it a bit hard to understand everything i have to do myself and watching others play makes me feel less isolated
Anonymous 228651
It gives me anxiety that I could be doing something else like jogging or cleaning up the house. My parents used to get on my case for playing games as a kid, so maybe it's ingrained.
Anonymous 228653
i only play games that can be played alone, multiplayer games make me feel like i would be judged if im not perfect. i enjoy watching others play games though.
Anonymous 228654

The common theme here seems to be feelings of inadequacy. I play video games because they're the only things in which I can achieve success and my life has been pretty unsuccessful. If I can't succeed, I end up getting angry or depressed.
Anonymous 228665
I don't do much of anything except read, hike, and post on here occasionally. I enjoy the odd video game once in a blue moon. My favorites are Life is Strange and The Last of Us series.
Anonymous 228669
>>228646I'm not good at playing games, so the experience is more frustrating than fun. I like 2D games though.
Anonymous 228677
both of them are dating
Anonymous 228679
I don't like getting too invested in pieces of media be it books, tv, or videogames.
So how do you be a woman who plays games without being some breed of attention whore then? Perhaps you are just reading too much into it?
Anonymous 228681
In case anyone cares, here are some games I recommend to those who don't regularly play video games
>Baba Is You
Block-pusher puzzle game where the rules of the game are blocks you can push around to change how the game is played. Very interesting, very brain-melting.
Single-player first-person shooter. Time only moves when you do. Not really a "shooter" in the traditional sense, plays more like a puzzle game.
>Shovel Knight
2D platformer. A disgraced knight answers the call to action by moving from left to right and hitting things with a shovel. A tribute to games from the NES era, most notably Ducktales, Mega Man, and Super Mario Bros 3.
>Super Mario 64
3D platformer. Easy to play, with options for advanced movement.
The friendly RPG where nobody has to die. Every monster can be slain or peacefully spared. A subversion of what is normally expected from the genre. A free demo is available.
>Rhythm Doctor
1-button rhythm game. Fix the broken hearts of a diverse lineup of patients, ranging from a lovesick teenager to a samurai to a politician.
>Super Meat Boy
Tough-as-nails 2D platformer. Instant 1-hit deaths, instant respawns. Each screen only takes a few seconds to complete. If I were REALLY new, I'd go with Celeste.
>Plants VS Zombies
Tower defense. Plant plants on your front lawn to defend your house against increasingly deadly waves of zombies. Later levels feature nighttime with no sunlight, a swimming pool, and the roof of your house.
If you don't have any money or even a computer, you could always emulate some retro video games on your phone. I'd start with NES and GameBoy. You can find ROMs easily at Vimm's Lair.
Anonymous 228682
>>228679what do you usually do in your spare time then?
Anonymous 228711
>>228646I only play zero-stakes casual games. Losing or fucking things up is my mortal fear, so playing anything where you can lose progress is just too much stress for me. I usually end up backseat gaming my boyfriend as he plays strategy games. One of my most enjoyable videogame experiences was sitting next to him as he played Crusader Kings and executed my orders like I was really a monarch and he was the steward that had to actually handle the logistics.
Anonymous 228721

Adding on to
>>228681Return of The Obra Dinn is a really great game and my absolute #1 recommendation for non gamers. It's a really great detective game that feels like a classic adventure novel. I don't want to spoil anything, but just know that there's literally no pressure or time limit because the mystery is interesting enough to be its own motivation, so if you're bad at 3d games it's a great way to get your sea legs.
Anonymous 228734
>>228711just wait until you hear about roguelikes
Anonymous 228786
>>228681My god, I downloaded the free undertale demo. I had watched five (six?) different complete yt playthroughs of it and figured it was time for me to experience it first-hand. Couldn't even get past the first boss, that ghost guy, I can't remember his name. I tried and tried, but I just couldn't.
In summary, I reckon I was saved from a crippling video game addiction by being shit at video games. Played some minecraft and phone games as a kid, but I just don't have time for it now anyways.
Anonymous 228789
I dislike most popular games like "gamers games", idk how to put it. This and absolute retardness of videogames fans are discouraging enough of all videogame related.
Especially git gud concept, I just don't get why the fuss. Maybe it's males who are cumming their pants over competitive shit and winning/losing/hustling/grinding and all that hierarhy bullshit - and since they dominate game developement - we have a lot of titles focused on this and not on experience itself.
I enjoy some types of videogames though, even some gitgud ones, like touhou - because I like its gameplay and not because I cum over scores
Idk, maybe I could enjoy videogames if loudest and largest part of vg fandom and casual fans (casual like not hardcore players, not like enjoyers of casual games) even wasn't such a rotten pile of trash
Anonymous 228790
fallout 4 moment.j…

>>228787I hate that game. Quite honestly the worst game in the series (assuming we're talking about main entries and not something like BoS). Gunplay is about the only good thing about it, such a shame it has lest then 5 guns that actually look functional. I guess its cool that they changed power armour from being just armour that you put on in the pipboy to something that actually feels like a power armour. Too bad they ruined it from balance perspective.
In all previous Fallouts, getting a power armour had a sense of achievement to it. It always felt like you had to earn it. In F4 it is just given to you at the start of the game. They tried to balance it with fusion cores so you can't just wear it all the time, but since PA is more like a vehicle that you can't carry with you at all times in pipboy, in my case it just made me hoard fusion cores without ever wearing it. If there was some delivery system, like you could just have it droped to your location titanfall style, then I guess I'd use that more often.
Fallout 4 is a game that I think of everytime I speculate about TES6, and think just how simplistic will it become. Bethesda has been diluting the experience of all of their games with pretty much every new game. The dialogue system of F4 is a complete joke and it shows it a lot. And the story is just dumb. In alll falouts you could talk to the antagonists and have them explain why they do what they do. In Fallout 4 he just responds with
>you won't understand, we r too smart 4 uThis is just lazy writing.
The Lore is also wack. With fallout 3 Bethesda brought back a lot of stuff from OG fallouts, either because they wanted to appeal to old fans (yeah, Im sure) or because they were lazy. Now, why is that a problem?
Original Fallout games, as well as New Vegas, happen in the west coast of the US, while games made by bethesda happen in the east coast. For some of the things present in previous fallouts, to make it all the way up to east coast is just ridiculous. Things like super mutants (at least in f3 they're a bit different because they have a "faulty FEV virus" but their appearance in F4 is just laziness) present in boston are just a massive stretch.
Yes, I still enjoy them somewhat and I hate myself for it, and I hate the fact that Skyrim is one of my most played games.
To summarize my rant: Yes, I would say its an overall good game (I have more than 100 hours in it afterall), but as someone passionate about game design it drives me mad, just like all other bethesda games.
Anonymous 228793
>>228787It's just okay
>>228790Fallout3 is the worst one, actually. But you're right that Bethesda is lazy and I have little hope for the future games too. Really is such a shame.
Anonymous 228795
I don't have a good pc atm, and everytime I played I would get sucked in and forget about my body for like 7/9 hours at a time, not eating or going to the bathroom.
Anonymous 228796
>>228789>Especially git gud conceptIf talking about fromsoftware games, git gud i think mostly refers to "learn how to play instead of asking for an easy mode". Which is something I can very much get behind. I'm even writing an academic paper on why implementing difficulty levels in videogames is mostly a bad decission.
There is no real engagement from the player if they know that at any point they can just lower the difficulty. Not mentioning how some games thrive on the players learning them and how to exploit their mechanics. There are plethora of games which, unless played on the highest difficulty, will not push the players to actually expeirence all that the game has to offer.
>Maybe it's males who are cumming their pants over competitive shitboy oh boy, you'd be surprised. Every woman I personally know who playes videogames, always plays the most competitive, sweaty stuff like: Apex, warzone, cs, valorant, pubg. Sometimes I myself just got tired of them. Co-op is much more fun for me.
Anonymous 228798
>>228793I have 157 hours in Fallout 3, I need help :(
I just feel so nostalgic about this game for some reason, and every once in a while I feel like playing it, even thorugh I know that its utter trash.
Anonymous 228800
>>228653I mostly play single player too. But that's just due to social anxiety and the fact that I genuinely enjoy single player more, as well as all things that can be done alone (I am going to die alone).
>multiplayer games make me feel like i would be judged if im not perfectSometimes I do relate to that.
I played Deep Rock Galactic for like 500 hours now, and about 100 of those were spent playing alone because I was simply afraid of joining a lobby. It did prepare me a lot though. When I did join I carried games with people of way higher level than me. Now I always play online, but still from time to time, I will get this feeling of
>what If I will be judgedDespite DRG having 0 competitive value and its players being the most polite people on the planet (I have met only a single toxic player so far). If I fail at something, get downed too often etc, I sometimes get the feeling of "they're probably dissapointed in me".
Anonymous 228801
>>228798The writing is trash but the game itself is fun there are some quests in the game that are morally grey like Tenpenny Tower where the ghouls trick you into pretending to be oppressed then they kill every human in the tower after a week passes in game, really hits home, trust nobody in the wasteland.
Anonymous 228804
>>228681I have some recomendations too
>Journey as well as all games made by thatgamecompany (yes, that's their actual name)The whole philosphy thatgamecompany has is "games that can be enjoyed by anyone". Journey is a game that I consider to be one of the best of all times. Its a cute game where you play as a traveler on a journey to some faraway mountain. The gameplay is very simple, you walk, and you can glide as long as you have energy in your scarf. You can make the scarf longer (and thus fly for longer) by collecting glyphs. You can also make noises to communicate with flying scarf creatures to make them help you, as well as with other players you may encounter in your journey.
It's simple, beautiful, and relaxing. It can be quite emotional, especially If you meet someone and take the whole journey with them.
>Far Lone Sails/Changing Tidesa game where you drive a little cart that can either propell itself by burning fuel or catching wind in its sail, its best to play Lone sails first, I won't spoil why.
>SableMostly an exploration game with great art style and extremely open ended gameplay. Its a story about a young girl who just became an adult, and as all young people of a certain age in that world, she must go on a journey to, basically, decide on what she wants to do in life. As such, as soon as you complete the tutorial, you can go anywhere you want at any time you want. The gameplay is mostly crossing deserts on a hover bike, and climbing.
>Portal 1,2A puzzle game where you use 2 connected portals to solve puzzles. You start out by helping conduct sience experiments but soon you discover a much darker aspect of the story.
Anonymous 228807
>>228801I loved that one too, the one thing that bothers me about it, is that if you catch up on the ghouls being evil and take them out, you are still judged as "evil". I do love three dog as a radio announcer but I hate the fact that he will constantly either praise you or condemn youon the radio for everythin you do. If you kill Roy Philips and save the people in the tower three dog still calls you out for being naughty, bad and very no good.
Curious thing about Roy is that if you were in the middle of exploding megaton, but helped him overtake the tower, mr. Burke will offer to serve him, and give him the honours of destroying megaton. And as its a city full of smoothskins, Roy naturally wants to blow it up.
Anonymous 228809
>For Honor
I stopped playing it a few years ago. I played since the open Beta, and after so much time of ubisoft just mishandling this game I had enough. They ware constantly either pandering to the reddit people who complained about non existant problems. Or to top players who don't even play for fun.
Anonymous 228818
I don't play video games because the few times I've done it, after I turned it off I had a feeling of emptiness and anxiety over how I just spent a few hours on a game that means nothing. Although I don't feel similarly over wasting hours on the internet or reality TV, so I admit my feeling towards games is irrational and I understand how people like to fill their leisure hours with different kinds of activities.
Anonymous 228826
>>228795>and forget about my body for like 7/9 hours at a timesometimes I wish I could do that. I still love videogames, but I just don't feel like playing them most of the time. Maybe its depression, cause I really don't feel like doing anything most of the time. I have a friend who sometimes plays for like 12 hours a day and I'm kind of jealous that they actually feel like doing it. Sometimes I have to force myself as in
>I've done nothing throughout the day, I might as well play something as to not think that I can't even have fun anymore. Anonymous 228847
>>228826never give up on video games they are such a fun activity. try things like agar.io or any .io games or subway surfers if you have a phone or a nintendo switch if you are really looking for narrative gameplay
Anonymous 228856
>>228795every game from 5th generation consoles and earlier can be emulated smoothly on even the worst computers
Anonymous 228871
>>228847I don't think I ever will give up. Games and game design were always my biggest passion. It's not that I don't feel like playing videogames, because I do play often, its just that a lot of the time its hard for me to convince myself to do much of anything, so most of my free time is spent just not doing much. I'm starting to think that I genuinely might be depressed.
>>228856this, and 5th generation has a lot of great games. There's plenty of pxs games that I wanted to play, like for example Vagrant Story which looks insanely impressive both from a mechanical and visual standpoint. And one that I definitely have to play is Resident Evil 3 Nemeis, cause I finished the remake a few days ago and, although I didn't plan on playing the original games and just waiting untill the entire series is remade (I still hope that RE5 will get the same treatment as RE4 and they'll make it into more of a horror, since that's what I like RE for) I now feel like I need to clean my eyes after witnessing whatever the remake was. I'm close to finishing the entire Armored Core series (just one more title), and I have to say that the 3 psx games are still a lot of fun.
Anonymous 228874
uummmm those aren't real games because…. BECAUSE I SAID SO OK????
Anonymous 228941
>>228809>Or to top players who don't even play for fun.I HATE this style of video game balancing. What makes a game a good competitive experience and what makes a game fun are two completely different things. I'm honestly glad Battlefield has no competitive community anymore because the game can just be dumb fun.
Anonymous 228971
>>228646Oh my God because I would never do anything else. My internet addiction is bad enough! In actuality I love games I just choose to reduce the damage that is procrastination. I like mobile games that kick me off after using up lives though. I like mystery manor and gardenscapes. Stupid af games i know (actually no, mystery manor is an AMAZING game) but they help me deal with a very real gaming itch I get, and don't destroy me.
In truth I would rather be writing.
Anonymous 228982
>>228941When I was very much into for honor and would watch youtube videos on various analyses of different characters' movesets and stuff to get better, I once got in the recomended a video of a "pro player" talking about what was considered the weakest character in the game. The Shugoki, big fat sumo with a giant kanabo (my favourite character). For a long time he was the weakest character in the game, outclassed by everyone and basically not fun to play. The video in question argued that he doesn't need a rework, because "you just need to get better". The whole point was that he has a passive hyper armour, which i do agree is a pretty strong thing, but that was literally the only thing that he had going on for him. The guy in the video argued that shugoki is very good at one specific thing and that's good from competitive perspective.
Thankfully shugoki did get a rework
Another thing I hate is when devs do the opposite and listen to people who don't even know how to play. Reddit was complaining about
>muh light spamwhich is not an issue if you have thumbs and a basic human reaction speed. Unnfortunately devs listened to le reddit and nerfed light attacks for every character, making some characters a joke.
Anonymous 229087
recently was playing outer wilds and firewatch with my niece. her only experience with gaming besides her phone was the occasional mario kart and zelda 4 swords.
for some reason she had extreme difficulty using both control sticks at once and absolutely could not understand acceleration in zero-g. i had to do the fine movements myself and leave her with the final straightforward movement. in firewatch she constantly got lost and had no clue what to do even after i explained to her to use the map and compass. i guess unless you've started playing games at a very early age then it's almost impossible to get into it much later. she enjoyed ace attorney though but i consider that more of a visual novel than a "game".
Anonymous 229088
>>229087How old is she? I got into gaming at ~14yo and now I'm really good at it, if I say so myself.
Anonymous 229091
>>229087She can always improve kek, she doesn't have to be a master already. I didn't have access to much vidya as a kid besides online games and yet I'm a pretty good gamer if I do say so myself.
Anonymous 229107
>>228681Celeste is a pretentious shitty platformer where the main character is a tranny, don't play it. If you want a platformer just play mario or some cool retro stuff.
Anonymous 229119
>>229107the end is nigh is better anyways
Anonymous 229121
>>229088actually have no clue how old she is but she was a teenager. it was kinda hard to find a good game that would suit her since my library mostly consists of games known for their difficulty. we played hollow knight and she fared well on her own but handed me the controller when it was time to fight the first boss. she couldn't even make it to the first boss in enter the gungeon, even with auto-aim, which i didn't even know was a feature that existed when she couldn't pass the first room of the tutorial.
Anonymous 229122
>>229091can't relate, i've been playing games since i was 3
Anonymous 229132
>>229087It's definitely something you build up on. I remember that when I was a kid, about 7-10 I would really suck in most of the games I played on my ps2 (the only system I had back then). I think I finished most of the games there only when I returned back to them as a teen.
Anonymous 229141
>decent platformer about a girl coping with depression
>years later dev comes out as trans and puts lgbt shit in chapter 9
it's exactly like the "i'm trans btw" shitpost
Anonymous 229144
Boone knows.png

I will sound like a schizoid for ranting like this I am sure, but it doesn't really seem like games are trying to hit me with that "wow factor" anymore. Instead that seems to be replaced with a sort of "sugariness" to keep you coming back more and more. Instead of making something that feels unique, they try to make every game feel like a grind where you actually play the game for a third-half of your time in it then spend the rest of the time worried about numbers going up and getting new cosmetics.
Jim Sterling rambles about loot boxes and other shit like that but even with games that lack that now it seems like they are just trying to keep me "addicted" to the game as a whole, rather than actually winning my attention meritocratically.
The last time I couldn't put a game down because I was hooked on it was Half-Life Alyx which I thought was awesome. It fucking makes me angry that it will probably be a while before Valve makes more of that, if at all because other than that I just couldn't care less about gaming anymore.
>>228790The fallout franchise just fell off for me as a whole.
It just feels like something of a bygone era when I play it now. Same with Garry's Mod which I used to spend 4 hours a day playing during the winter months.
Anonymous 229149
>>229144>they try to make every game feel like a grind where you actually play the game for a third-half of your time in itany specific games that come to mind?
Anonymous 229154

>>229149I'd have an easier time rattling off the examples that aren't guilty of this but the most recent culprit that I played would be pic related.
I was persuaded by my internet friends to give it a go and it wound up being an extremely underwhelming arena/horde slayer that had nothing compelling to it in the slightest. You'd spend 45 seconds - 2 minutes shooting the monsters then you'd spend 30 seconds arguing over crates and money and then spent an additional 3 minutes at some hub buying upgrades and weapons.
I refunded it after one session because it was just SO unsubstantial.
Anonymous 229161
>>229144The most regretable thing that ever happened to the game industry is games becoming popular. In the past games were made by nerds passionate about games for other nerds passionate about games. Nowdays games are mostly made to be as profitable as possible, and marketed towards people who don't really care about them. Sure, great games are still being made, but the biggest studios that actually have the money and resources to create something truly great, will instead focus on maximising their profits.
Anonymous 229164
>>229161>>229161I understand what you're saying but where exactly was that cutoff in your mind?
A lot of my favorite games (the ones I played as a teenager) were mostly made between the late 2000s and the early 2010s.
I first noticed the "sugariness" trend when I played Overwatch when it first came out, but the first game I can think of that I ever played that gave me that feeling was WoW, which came out before I/my family even had a PC that could game.
Anonymous 229180
>>229144It's because games today are obsessed with being "live services", they want their game to be the new League of Legends, GTA Online or Fortnite, they want their online multiplayer game to have as much player retention as humanly possible, to last 10+ years and still be alive and growing and the easiest way to achieve that is through psychologically exploitative methods that draw parallels with the way gambling dens operate.
People see a number go up and they feel compelled to keep playing, so they add season passes that level up the more you play to keep you hooked.
People are willing to buy cool cosmetics so everyone can see how cool they are, so they make cool cosmetics and make them time-limited with exclusive bonuses to make people buy compulsively through fear of missing out.
Lootboxes are probably the most brash and honest of the bunch, they may as well tell you to your face "We are trying to make you a ludopath, ok?", because they are essentially just gambling to the point some countries have categorized them as such.
This obsession with making everything around the game addictive without anything about the game itself being noteworthy is this "sugar" that you feel, I'm sure the devs that work for these types of games got actual psychologists in the team helping them make their games as brain-grabbing as mathematically possible.
Sorry if this reads like a big weird rant. Anonymous 229186
>>229164I'd say it started around 2007, this is when all of the "nerdy" stuff started becoming popular.
Oblivion's horse armour released somewhere around 2006, I'm not marking it as the beginning of where it all went down but it definitely was a sign of things to come. By 2013-14, gaming landscape was already very simmilar to that of today.
Anonymous 229211

>>229107I love Celeste and I enjoyed playing it. But I wish the developper didn't come back some time later to make his little girl OC a tranny. Because apart from all of this I find the game to have a very beautiful message of self acceptance and overcoming feelings of inedequacy. It's especially relatable in the sense that the whole point of the game is climbing this huge mountain, which has its own learning curve to it.
The tranny thing slapped onto it years later just makes it feel even more fake, like the developper didn't even understand the point of his own game.
Basically, if you put the tranny shit aside it's a great game. Madeline will never be a tranny. If you don't want to support the tranny dev, I'll just recommend pirating it.
Anonymous 229240
They try to introduce you to wrong games then.
There is no such thing as a person who doesn't like videogames, its almost as saying that someone doesn't like movies, books or music. There are so many types of games that there really is something for everyone.
Anonymous 229258
>>229240Are you me? This is literally the exact same thing I say but about anime instead
Anonymous 229279
>Yoku's Island ExpressI recently played and fell in love with it. It has such a chill, upbeat vibe to it. It's pretty shot, took me like 10 hours to complete. I've played for a few days during christmas, cant recommand enough.
Anonymous 229281
>>229258>Are you me?I don't know. Did I remember to take the meds?
I don't really understand people claiming that they don't like some type of media at all. For anime even more so as it is not all that different from other types of media (like TV) that most people, who claim that they won't ever like anime, consume on the regular.
Anonymous 229299
>>229281recommend some anime for someone who hates anime
Anonymous 229300
>>229279>metroidvania pinballliterally the only thing i needed to hear. playing ASAP
Anonymous 229343
>>229299Probably something with good animation, good story and possibly without any anime tropes and typical humour. Something more or less serious.
The first anime I watched, or at least i think it was the first one, was Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. But the first one I watched when I actually got into anime was Death Note. And at the time I still had a sort of no anime mindset, and considered stuff like Death Note an exception to the overall rule of "I ain't watchin no weeb shit". But that's most likely because my main contact with anime was weeb culture.
Anonymous 229345
>>229343Death Note is a great starting point since the first episode is probably one of the best hooks ever along with Attack on Titan. You're given all the information you need to get the gist of what the show is about and make you intrigued on what's to come.
Anonymous 229350
>>229345Funnily enough, I think Attack on Titan was the second one I watched after Death Note.
Anonymous 229358
>>228649I'm the same way. I always thought videogames were cool, but I wasn't allowed to have them growing up so I'd just watch people play them (either online or at a friend's house). By the time I was old enough to buy them for myself, I guess I didn't have the investment to set aside time to play them. I do play some stuff casually, but it's pretty rare that I stick with a game to finish it or become obsessed with it. There's still something really comfy and nostalgic about watching a let's play though.
If I ever had a bf I think it'd be fun to watch him play, but that's not happening kek Anonymous 229419
>>229358>i wasn't allowed to have them growing upwhy?
Anonymous 229429
>>229358>I wasn't allowed to have them growing upDo your parents hate videogames for some reason? Or did they just not allow you to do much anything at all?
Anonymous 229432
>>229358basically impossible to find a guy who isn't into video games and even harder to find a gamer who isn't an elitist and can't put up with people who aren't good at video games on their first try. good luck.
Anonymous 229433
>>229432I think she was talking about finding a bf in general and not just one that is into games.
>basically impossible to find a guy who isn't into video gamesnot reallty, there's plenty of extreme normies who aren't interested at all. Or just people who's only involvment with videogames is playing fifa with friends occasionally.
Anonymous 229438
It makes me feel confused because everything seems so chaotic. I watch gameplays all the time (mostly horror), but playing makes me nervous. I don't like failing and I don't think I have the patience to learn, unfortunately.
Anonymous 229440
>>229180>GTA OnlineYeah, Grand Theft Auto is very much guilty of what I am on about.
It was so novel back when the characters all looked like blocks.
GTA Online by contrast is literally just a miserable timewaster where people either cheat to make losers seethe, or they are those losers grinding endlessly in a very very
very empty game.
Anonymous 229470
>>229438You should give sandbox games a try because there's no real failure there. They're usually more relaxing and more focused on creativity. Maybe you'll like it!
Anonymous 229555
>>229438There's plenty of games where you're not really at a risk of failing. Although maybe what you need is a game that will make you get used to failing?
To that purpose I think I'd reccomend Hades. It's a roguelite and that means a lot of dying, but as a rogueLITE, it gently pushes you forward in the right direction with each death. So dying in Hades isn't really a failure. Sometimes you're required to die to push the story further. And pretty much every time you die you're going to see some new dialogue. The story is quite good, the characters are fantastic (It's a waifu/husbando heaven) and music is really great. When I played, each death filled me with excitement for my next attempt. Listening to its soundtrack makes me want to install it again immediately.
Anonymous 229652
>>229555lol if hades was the first video game i played i'd hate gaming forever
Anonymous 229672
>>229652Would it really be that way? Compared to other roguelikes dying in hades didn't annoy me most of the time, afterall you're loosing only about 30 minutes of progress on each death (although you're still gaining something after each attempt) and it has (mostly) the good kind of RNG. If my first game was something like Noita, I think I might have a more negative opinion of games. Then again, maybe not. Loosing like 3 hours of progress in Noita due to circumstances outside of my control does make me ragequit saying something along the lines of "I'm never playing that trash ever again", and yet I keep coming back.
Anonymous 229691
>>228789I understand what you mean. Personally I do enjoy some "git gud" games like Fromsoftware games, but I just play them at my own pace. I don't engage with any sort of gaming community nowadays and I do think having a challenging game to play is nice on my own. I enjoy the challenge, but just not the community I suppose.
Anonymous 229731

>>229704be careful of playing it while you have visitors in the house tho
i had them once while I was doing the IWBTG level and I just had an extreme temper tantrum against them, they never came back
Anonymous 229734
>>229731i assume anyone posting this character is a troon
Anonymous 229820

i get really confused when playing vidya like there is too much going on. and ill get confused on controls like which button does what. also im not really spatially aware and i dont pay enough attention. i dont understand how niggas with adhd can do so well at vidya. maybe i just suck. but even as a kid i didnt play any, i simply didnt have much of an interest in it. i started playing pokepark wii recently, you can tell its for really little kids so its easy. however its fun, cute, and im not absolutely terrible at it which is nice.
Anonymous 229823
>>229358>I wasn't allowed to have them growing up I had a similar experience growing up in my family bc my strict parents thought of gaming as a waste of time and while I somewhat agree with them, I still feel guilty to play anything instead of using that time to learn something new/study or just be productive/active in general as the other nоnna said itt but I still manage to not do anythibg and waste my time even though I could be doing something more worthwhile lel And being the oldest sibling also played a factor bc my parents were more lenient on my younger brother playing video games all day but held me to a higher standard
I did play some games though, like minecraft and roblox or some visual novel type of games but its pointless to ask my parents to pay for things like vg and I was hesitant on torrenting them in fear of getting viruses or malware on their computer so watching videos on yt is just a simpler alternative for me cuz I am a tech illiterate kek
Anonymous 229839
>>229704Isn't it a Masocore game? This genre kind of goes beyond just being challenging and is instead trying to break you.
Or perhaps it's a homeage to the NES games who were insanely difficult due to technical constraints.
Anonymous 229842
Life is Cringe. Frankly It isn't all that terrible but it's a staple of Dontnod doing what they're not good at. Instead of making good gampleay they try to focus on the story which is obvious they can't do. Life is Strange in particular suffers from the
>middle aged guys trying to write about teenage girls
The worst part about it is how the game expects you to care about chloe while simultaneously showing how much of a horrible human being she is. Her entire relationship with Max is based around gaslighting, manipulation and guilt tripping.
Anonymous 229843
>>229820Have you tried something with simple controls? I mentioned Journey earlier. Its a fantastic game and it has pretty much only 2 buttons that do something besides walking and looking.
Anonymous 229845
no the hype made me turn away from it when it came out. i totally forgot abt it to be honest but i think it would be fun to try out as im attempting to invest in more games. and i always thought pokemon was cool but never really looked into it
Anonymous 229848
>>229843i looked it up on steam and its absolutely gorgeous. i really like the idea of games that you kind of just explore. however i dont have a pc at the moment. now that i think about it i used to like doki doki literature club, and as its a visual novel, the controls are just clicking. the only reason i liked it was because of its gimmick tho, i havent been interested in visual novels other than that.
Anonymous 229851
>>229848>i looked it up on steam and its absolutely gorgeous.Speaking of, one more game from that studio (thatgamecompany) I can recommend is flower, its very relaxing and has even simpler controls. All of their games are made with the idea that anyone can play them. The other two they released are flow (ps3/4), and Sky children of the light. Sky is available on Ios and Android devices as well as Switch and recently ps4, not pc of course because thatgamecompany seems to hate pc and have to wait for a few years before they finally port their games to it. Sky unfortunately is focused on making money from microtrnsactions since its free to play. If your phone/tablet can run it, I'd recomend checking it out.
Anonymous 229852
>>229839it's just a simple platformer. you only press 4 buttons. you have infinite lives and dying and respawning takes less than a second
Anonymous 229867
Does anyone here play streetfighter 5? I want get better at playing Zeku but all of the gaming guides read like nonesense to me. I've tried watching proplayers on youtube but obviously they don't show what keys/combos are being used. I'm pretty inexperienced with games in general so I've just been trying to use the combos written on the game machine at the arcade but I struggle with when/how to use all but the two kick attacks effectively.
Anonymous 229868
>>229867>all of the gaming guides read like nonesense to meWhy? It it stuff like fighting game terms and numpad notations that confuse you? Or is it that you have difficulties pulling off combos?
Anonymous 229882
>>229868The fighting game terms confuse me.
Anonymous 229897
>>229868I know having an encyclopedia thrown at you is pretty heavy, but take a look at this whenever you feel lost, you can find just about anything.
https://glossary.infil.net/>>229875Tekken is fairly casual-friendly because you can just press buttons and do something flashy with a lot of characters. Also the game is really grounded so jumping doesn't feel good.
Anonymous 229906

Don't you nonas have this issue where the game you like sadly attracts really negative kind of people?
For example, I love Sonic, I grew up with it, but I got a cousin that is just batshit retarded, and thinks that because I like it, I'm a furry?!?!?
Anonymous 229913
>>229906Fandoms are pure cancer. No matter what kind of community we talk about. Although there are some exceptions.
Anonymous 229914
>>229906If you like a game that has a somewhat large audience, you will be associated with its community, whether you want it or not.
If you like niche games people will think you're weird or an elitist.
The only way to cope is to not care about people that assume things about you.
Anonymous 229915
>>229906this is true for literally every game in existence
Anonymous 229920
>>229914People will think virtually anything is elitist. Absolutely anything. Might as well accept it as a fact and either ignore/ laugh at them. They will project any sort of sexual obsession onto you too now with porn being so universally viewed. Especially men, since they jack off like 6-7 times a day.
Anonymous 229927
>>229920>since they jack off like 6-7 times a day.I think that's an exaggeration. Porn addict coomers who are either neets or work from home may do that but the average guy probably doesn't more than once a day.
Anonymous 229963
>>228646A lot of it feels like tedious grinding and anything that's fast-paced/actiony makes me anxious or disengaged. I really liked civ6 and dos2 though.
Anonymous 229973
Me too, but mostly because its a cool hardware from valve. I even got the Steam Controller at one point. If I get enough money to buy the deck I will surely do so.
>I love that it emulates switch games
steamdeck is basically a portable pc with an integrated controller, you can emulate games on your pc as well. Although I've heard that steamdeck has a bunch of aplications made for it that make emulation more convenient. If you want to emulate switch games you can download something like Yuzu.
>they cost almost 100 cad dollars here!!
It is always morally correct to pirate nintendo games.
I really recommend emulation. I'd say majority of the best games ever made are all old games now seen as retro. [opens can of diet monster] Yup… they don't make them like they used to no more.
Anonymous 229975

>>229963There's plenty of great turn based games. One I remember fondly is Expeditions: Viking. It's an rpg much like Divinity, which I was immersed in quite a bit. It has great soundtrack and memorable characters. Also there is an obscene amount of turn based strategies set in the warhammer 40k universe. If you were to check out the list of 40k games and take a shot every time you find out that a certain title is turn based you would probably die of alcohol poisoning.
I never played any civ games, but one 4x that I really enjoyed was Endless Space 2. It has a very well crafted setting, amazing soundtrack and one of my favourite factions in all of strategy games. The Unfallen, a race of sentient peace loving trees. I love how at any point in the game, if you have enough influence, when someone decides to declare war on you, you can simply tell them to fuck off. Pacifists are truly the best political party in the game. I find Endless Space to be a very relaxing game. It also has multiplayer.
Speaking of Divinity. Did you ever use the infinite weight chest instakill strategy? It was fun for me for a while but it quickly made the game boring.
Anonymous 229989
>>229973>It is always morally correct to pirate games.ftfy
>I'd say majority of the best games ever made are all old games now seen as retro.that's because a majority of the games ever made are retro. i've been having a lot of fun with donkey kong for gameboy and wario land 4 for GBA
Anonymous 230050
Armored Core is officially back. Now I only hope it isn't a reboot like fromsoft said. They said the same thing about ACV and it turned out to be in the same universe as AC4/FA.
Anonymous 230087
>>229823emulation is free and 100% legal
Anonymous 230142
>>230087Emulation itself is legal, but not downloading roms. In my country piracy is ok as long as you don't distribute stuff. So it depends on where you live I guess.
But you can always get a VPN to be safe. Just choose one that stores your data on RAM.
Anonymous 230176
>>230142downloading roms is 100% legal otherwise
https://vimm.net/?p=vault would have been taken down years ago.
Anonymous 230528
Has anyone played Book of Travels? A casual exploration game. Thinking of getting it.
Anonymous 230548
>>230528looks interesting but damn is it expensive for what it offers. I'd say wait for a sale, or sail the seven seas.
Anonymous 245208
>>230087Where can I download them from so I wouldn't get any malware or viruses?
Anonymous 245450
I don't play video games, I make video games.
>t. 3D artist
Anonymous 245453
1. I have below average coordination and attention span so I always get stuck at levels early on and then lose interest. Spending hours on the same level just isn't fun for me.
2. Games are a product designed to make money. The people that write these things are not profound thinkers. They are not going to contain deep, difficult, or controversial thoughts like a classic piece of literature.
3. Don't care what the studies say, if you enjoy pretending to kill people in a realistic warzone you are sociopathic.
4. Time consuming. I have a million things I want to learn and not enough hours to do them all. I'm not paying $$$ to give up a chunk of my life for something that amounts to nothing once I turn the screen off.
Anonymous 245510
>>245453Hard disagree on the sweeping generalization you labeled #2. There are some profound games if you dare to delve below the mainstream.
Anonymous 245523
>>245453All media can be called just a product to make money, even literature. Besides there's tons of indie or free games where making money isn't a major end goal either. Not saying you have to like games or they way they can tell stories, they might not be for you, but it's not really a fair designation
Anonymous 245583
>>245450Rutracker has a good archive of torrents and their mod team check torrents for any malware (reliable torrent have a green checkmark). Otherwise, you can scroll the threads, people usually notify if they notice any viruses.
You would need to register though, but you can use a burner email if you want.
Anonymous 245591
>>245583tfw you live in an uber-copyrightcuck country where getting caught torrenting can cost 1000s of euros
(I know VPNs are a thing, but I am too poor to take any risk)
Anonymous 245593

Haven't read the thread, just coming here to tell you nonas to play Ace Attorney.
I installed it last week and I already have 50 hours, it's that good, you'll like it.
Anonymous 245641
>>245591If it helps, I think in most countries sharing the pirated contend is illegal, just dowloading is fine. So you can download what you like and don't seed it. But don't take my word for it,
Anonymous 245740
>>245641I use DDL services and warez boards for my piracy needs which is safe even in my shit country, but torrenting would be a lot more convenient and easy. It's possible to just leech without uploading yourself, but even that would be too risky for me. I'm a turbo poorfag and even a couple hundred euros in fines would financially ruin me.
A seedbox would be an option, but that too costs money which I don't have
Anonymous 245750
>>245512nta but outer wilds is a very good game
Anonymous 246232
>>229144Fallout has gotten so bad it's unreal, though mainly the people who play it I mean. Constant arguing about fake politics, worst fandom ever.
Anonymous 246245
i stopped playing because i grew up and don't have so much time now, i rly want to continue playing gta, zomboid, etc. rn is summer so i don't have uni right now, however i still have to work aaand…..it's ok, i love working, but it's sad that i can't play as much as when i was a teen
Anonymous 246247

i, however, recommend zomboid to all nonas here from the bottom of my heart. you can build anything, it's hard to survive, there's multiplayer, cars, lotsa mechanics, a lot of mods, pls play zomboid
Anonymous 246248
i play whatever game has the highest ratio of dilfs
Anonymous 246249
>>246247holy fuck, yes, I've been playing it with two of my friends for some time now and I'm convinced it's the best game I've ever played. it scratches a very specific itch in my brain and it's so good, I never thought I'd enjoy being a car mechanic or carrying around furniture to set up a safehouse. the mods are so good for it, I can't believe a game this perfect actually exists
Anonymous 247763

To be honest I don't want to touch a multiplayer game again in my life. Also fully agree on avoiding fandoms, not just video game but all fandoms really.
>>228649I only like it when it's a private room/stream with people I already know (offline or even online friends), otherwise I find streamers and their fans extremely cringe lol
>>246248Do I have some games for you! Don't know if you've played them yourself, anon, so it's a general you for those who haven't played the Like a Dragon fka Yakuza games yet. Have to warn you that you do kinda have to have a pretty damn high tolerance for idiotic but fortunately still lovable characters and ass-pulled plot twists. Then again I persoanally have always been an enjoyer of trashy dumb media. Just turn off your brain and enjoy the buff Japanese DILFs (and the not that old dudes too) taking off their shirts to settle their very serious criminal underworld drama through passionate manly fighting.
Anonymous 248844
I play maybe 1 game a year at most. I wish I could play multiplayer, but in my experience, I get bullied or sexually harassed by moids if I use voice. Maybe I could play muted. I don't know. I just live vicariously through streamers these days.
Anonymous 253824

i play league of legends. bad decision
Anonymous 253838
>>228646It just doesn’t make my dopamine go beep boop. My twin sister is big into gaming though
I just….don’t find it entertaining no matter how hard I try
Anonymous 253841
I don't really play video games anymore. I lost internet for a few weeks a couple of months ago. I rummaged around my harddrive, digging for memories. I found a game I'd forgotten about: "Within a deep forest". It's a 2D puzzle/platformer from 2006 where you play as a bouncy ball. I thoroughly enjoyed it when I was younger, back when my hopes for the internet's future were more optimistic.
Playing the game as an adult didn't bring me joy, instead it felt like I'd opened a time capsule to my childhood. I felt very hollow from the experience. I found myself asking: "where did it all go?"
I'm glad that I still get pleasure from reading books. There would be nothing left to enjoy otherwise.
Anonymous 253851

I wanted so bad to play video games as a child but my family was too poor to afford a playstation or a computer with good specs so now that I'm older, I no longer care about gaming because I never got to nurture this hobby
Anonymous 254181
I was addicted to video games through teens and even dropped out of Uni in the first year, first attempt because of gaming addiction.
I don't like playing them now because I wasted so much of my potential and life on them and I came away with literally no skills. I could have spent that time learning something cool or useful and instead I spent it on shitty games I didnt even particularly like. Every time I try play a game now, I get anxiety that I should be doing something like learning a skill or cleaning my place or going to meet friends or whatever.
Anonymous 254256
I have shitty pc and a decent gaming one costs as much as a car
I'm planning on saving up for a laptop though, it's better than nothing.
I'm now realizing I could've gotten a laptop like 6 months ago if I did spend most of my money on clothes and take out.
Anonymous 254389

>>245453>Games are a product designed to make money. The people that write these things are not profound thinkers. They are not going to contain deep, difficult, or controversial thoughts like a classic piece of literature.>>254256I have shitty pc and a decent gaming one costs as much as a car
someone clearly has never heard of indie games
>Don't care what the studies say, if you enjoy pretending to kill people in a realistic warzone you are sociopathic.yes
Anonymous 254390
>>245453>I'm not paying $$$ to give up a chunk of my life for something that amounts to nothing once I turn the screen off.how many streaming services are you subscribed to
and emulation is free
Anonymous 254405
>>245453>brainlet>hates gaming for boomer reasonsAhhh like poetry
Anonymous 254481
>>253851same poorfags unite. for this reason i only play mobages and visual novels/rpg maker games that can run on my toaster laptop
Anonymous 254486
>>245453>Games are a product designed to make money.Just like all mass media in history?
Anonymous 254530
>>254389Lol, I have heard of indie games. But my pc can't even support that.
Besides, there are more types of games than uwu cozy indie game and KILL BLOOD DEATH WAR DRAGON FUCKING that I want to play
Anonymous 254542
I want to play Starfield so bad, but I'm a poorfag NEET with no money for a real PC
I can't really play anything right now because even Minecraft or Oblivion make my piece of shit laptop overheat. God willing I'll not be a NEET much longer.
Anonymous 254554
>>254542>leaving neetdom so you can play better gameslmao you got this nona i believe in you
Anonymous 254559
So a while back I looked at twitch and there was this odd stream with a scantily cladd woman tagged as "ASMR", out of sheer curiosity I clicked on it and it was a stripper licking a microphone.
I then proceeded to look at the entire offering of "ASMR" that twitch had to offer, and it was a whole bunch of strippers licking microphones.
I do not think anyone would assume they are "gamer girls", they are strippers licking microphones. Therefore I feel like the OP picture that equates strippers licking microphones for "gamer girls"
And I do not mean to say that you have to be a stripper licking a microphone to disqualify from "gamer gurl", whatever that is, I'm just saying there is a difference between strippers licking microphones and "fake gamer girls"
Anonymous 254560
>>254559ok I am confus because barely sleps,
I might be a "fake gamer girl" but I am definitely not a stripper licking a microphone, is what I am saying
Anonymous 254561
>>254542>I want to perform menial chores and collect junk in real life…>so that I can perform menial chores and collect junk in a video game.I'm all for wanting to play better games, but please nona don't be scammed into believing the AAA pill! I do not believe Bethesda have put a modicum of heart or soul into their games since the 00s, and this looks like no exception.
>>254560We are not strippers licking microphones. This is a profound realisation. The fake gamer girl/real gamer girl dichotomy is probably just a propagandic tool to manipulate women to spend as much time and money on games as moids do. Fake or real, what matters is not what others think, but whether it brings you joy.
Anonymous 254567
>>254559It was not uncommon back in tumblr and even MySpace days for attractive emo girls to take photos of themselves licking their controllers or otherwise posing with them and not using them to game and the main purpose of the photo was just to show their face. Idk if it could really be considered a true widespread trend but the girls who did this got a lot of attention both positive and negative.
Anonymous 254592
>>254561Your two replies contradict themselves.
I might not enjoy doing chores irl and so do most people, but doing them in video games is more fun because… it's a video game. It's in a fantasy setting and everything looks pretty and collecting resources just scratches your brain in the right way. It's not the same as cleaning up vomit after your cat or having to get up early to go to work,
Anonymous 254831
Most women on YouTube who talk about video games create these lengthy, wannabe academic videos with a bored sounding voice. It is so similar to the format of moid YouTubers.
Anonymous 254836

>>254831I’ve been called out Nona… they’re fun to make
Anonymous 254927
>>254592If it brings you joy then I guess I cannot tell you not to do fantasy chores. With that said, I do want you to still think about why it brings you joy. I don't think it's contradictory to say: "Experience joy, but you must be able think about why it's joyful and reasonably argue that is
does bring you joy."
Would cleaning cat vomit in a video game be more enjoyable than doing it in real life? Probably. It'd amount to pressing some buttons, and then a happy little jingle would play and you'd get a shiny new virtual object. These are the psychological tricks they use to keep you hooked, and understanding this resulted in my playing significantly fewer games.
A lot of the "big" games are glorified slot machines (there's a strong link between the gambling industry of the early 20th century and the subsequent gaming industry) - they are big because of the song and dance (the spectacle). If any part of my post seems antagonistic, it is only because I'm against the big video game companies that waste billions of collective hours and amount in people doing very little. I don't think all games are like this - some require people to actually think, or develop a sense of empathy, or tell a good story, or showcase some beautiful art. Bethesda games are often full of things but void of content.
Anonymous 254970
Playing on the computer is something I’ve done since age 7. I’m over it how that I’m almost 30
Anonymous 255009
>>25492I mean yeah, I don't think people should spend money on video game currency/cosmetics. But again this is more of a moid problem than people problem. It's more common for moids to be addicted to video games and have rooms like that of a hoarder, bad hygiene, overall retardation, etc. And yeah there haven't been good games since like, far cry 3? Even then it has plenty of misogyny sprinkled on it.
But I think if there was more stimulating stuff irl than video games wouldn't be so popular. Yeah, it's part people's fault, we should go outside more and have hobbies that don't involve technology, buuuut…. think about how anyone below middle class has to slave away at a job for at least 50% of their time, and the poorer you are the more time and energy consuming work is… So you basically don't have the energy to do anything like hiking or even exercising. You're mostly left with things that involve phone/pc/laptop.
Anonymous 255010
>>255009 - if you can even afford those. And if you can, and you wanna play video games, I think as long as you stay away from multiplayer games (besides minecraft ig lol), you should be fine. If you live in a country that won't persecute you for pirating even better
Anonymous 255022
>>228646i like minecraft and pokemon, but other than that i'd prefer to read or listen to music than play games usually
i'm really attracted to boys / girls who play a lot of videogames though, idk why
Anonymous 255125
i don't play video games because i'm broke, pirating video games is often a pain in the ass, my computer is shit, and i feel like i'm wasting time while playing video games, but i like playing multiplayer stuff sometimes
Anonymous 255128
I don't game anymore because I don't have time, and because, while the games are fun, it's miserable to suffer through so many male-majority conversations in a day. The only time I ever felt like I could fully let loose, play agressively, and fun was when I kept my mic off and pretended I was a boy. But the fact I was having to do that was simultaneously humiliating, and I always found myself thinking it would be MORE fun if I could join vc and reveal myself as a gAmEr GirL without things getting weird because men are weird.
Anonymous 255211
Why pay two hundred dollars for a console, fifty dollars for a videogame and waste twenty hours playing? When you could just watch a twenty minute youtube video analysing the story and lore of most videogames.
Anonymous 255228
I wish it was 2005 again.
Games were still pretty good and didn't try and rake you over the coals for every single dollar.
Anonymous 255280
>>255211there is not a single video game with good story or lore, that's why books exist. why waste time analyzing something that is purposefully made to not matter?
Anonymous 255281
>>255280>there is not a single video game with good story or loreyou lie
>>255211>could just watch a twenty minute youtube video analysing the story and lore of most videogamethat's not how you enjoy most games
Anonymous 255282
>>255281Most games have honestly one our of plot and fifteen hours of boring repetitive gameplay. Why waste an hour doing what amounts to meaningless busy work to obtain some random MacGuffin. All to slightly progress the plot and get a small nugget of information. Only to repeate the cycle until the game is over. I'd rather get the condensed plot and not bother with the pointless filler.
Anonymous 255414
>>255282Why would you get the condensed plot for something that is pointless to begin with?