
LC /g/ Containment Thread Anonymous 278035
For all the husbandofags and regular de/g/enerates to use while so that other farmers don't bully and harass them for being kind of annoying (no offense)
Anonymous 278037
What if I like n0nnies insulting my husbando because it’s what he deserves and it turns me on
Anonymous 278042
This is so much better than the ugly ai thread pic
Anonymous 278045
>>278042Yeah it is supposed to symbolize that /ot/ and /g/ anons can be friends even if we both find each other annoying sometimes and get in fights we are still friends
Anonymous 278070

It's noctis' birthday today!!! I'm going to go to a bakery to get a dessert to celebrate!
Anonymous 278299
>>278070Happy birthday Noctis and enjoy that cake NONAAA
Anonymous 278362

dazai s. are you here?
>>278070did you still find him attractive after the timeskip
Anonymous 278373
>>278362FUCK NO. Him old is disastrous. it's based that very few fans draws or edits him as old
Anonymous 278381
>>278373i thought the same. he looked so ugly with his beard
>>278362it censored n o n n i e s
Anonymous 278590
Not a Dazai nona but I wanna see him old. Google showed nothing but I also didn’t try super hard.
Anonymous 278936
Someone make thread 12 HURRY
Anonymous 279862
a really sweet little girl complimented my nails today and her mom just looked so happy to be with her and when i was leaving the store i saw a young couple with their own baby who looked so happy together and fucking ugh having baby fever is so hard. i need the baby talk thread right now
Anonymous 280673
>>279862Same ugh I’m pregnant right now and wish i could post there
Anonymous 281458
I want to post some 3D pigs but I'm too self conscious. Hopefully someone else will make the first move.
Anonymous 281577
>>280673Congratulations nona! I’m pregnant as well with my first child. How far along are you and how do you feel?
Anonymous 281587
>>281458Samefag actually I changed my mind after reading some complaints in one of the previous bunkers I don't want to get recognized. There's at least one or two other anons who also post the guy I like but everyone else will probably get annoyed anyway. Man I was feeling excited, but ashamed at the same time.
Anonymous 281604

I'll take one for the team and post the first 3DPD so nonas with better taste than me don't have to feel bad
Anonymous 281620

>>281587Let's suffer together , I'm in the same situation, it's hurt but I don't want to annoy others either. Be brave !
Anonymous 281666
I love the mommyposters and husbandofags existing in harmony
Anonymous 281847

Never posted in the husbandofag threads nor would I consider myself obsessed, but I've been focused on this guy lately. I would wanna be obvious in my flirting and take on the challenge of making him nervous. Also I just know it in my bones he'd give the meanest most desperate fucking head
Anonymous 282217
Damn I wanna fuck him so hard rn. He's a stupid manslut
Anonymous 282253

All my husbands are DEAADDD because no one told Megumi you’re supposed to spit not swallow.
Anonymous 282307
I've never shared who my husbando is on any of the threads is this normal
Anonymous 282318
It's just for shitposting and playful shock value but I've been telling all my friends that I want to be shoved up inside my husbando's dick hole just to horrify them recently
Anonymous 282329
>>282307Dw, me neither, I'd be instantly recognizable by any of my irl friends or online ones due to being the only one obsessed with that guy.
Anonymous 282332
>>282307Do you feel shame? Because you shouldn't, you should be proud of your love. Open up to us nona.
Anonymous 282340
>>282307It's my first time posting here too, don't worry. It's comfier with less eyes on you, y'know?
Anonymous 282342
>>281577I’m 6 weeks pregnant and I’m so, indescribably happy. I found out very recently and I’m over the moon. My morning sickness has been minimal thankfully, but my boobs feel insane. Also it’s so interesting watching and reading about how fetuses grow; right now my child is growing their arms and legs. They’re so small right now but they’ll be so big in the future. I don’t really have a word to describe what thinking about that makes me feel, but it is a good feeling
Anonymous 282374
>>282342Congratulations! What a great experience to have, I wish you and your baby a safe pregnancy and a swift recovery.
Anonymous 282420
>>282332Not shame. Some kind of anxiety maybe? That I'll be recognised, or people might hate him? Or maybe one day I'll look back in the future and have cringe attacks over sharing him? I'm a super withdrawn person normally. I have no clue.
Anonymous 282422

I want to smear my blood all over his face and then fuck him. I'm sad lolcor is down I miss our thread.
Anonymous 282426
>>282422I want to put my period blood in his food as some kind of nasty ritual. midsommar style
And then ride him while he's passed out or high Anonymous 282440

>>282426>>282422You're kind of a freak. It's pretty admirable actually
Anonymous 282447
>>282440I'm worse than that actually, I'm a huge edgefag when it comes to fictional men, lots of gore and eating kek
Anonymous 282448
>>282426Based. Having my way with him while he's out of it is so hot to think about
Anonymous 282462

>>282447Based. It's not my thing, but I support violence when it comes to moids.
Anonymous 282475
>>282462I wanna cut him up and eat him a bit. Nah he'd probably taste like shit considering he's an insect hybrid demon thing but there's an intimacy with all that blood. It's just love for me
Anonymous 282487
I haven't had the heart to post my guy recently due to finding out that he cheated on his first wife. But I also read that they had a codependent relationship so Idk who's to blame. Either way I'd feel like a hypocrite if I defended him for it. But I'm more curious than anything about it. I want to know.
Anonymous 282519
>>282487It's not rare for 3dpd men to cheat, so I get how you feel. You can still find him hot without defending him if that's what you're really worried about.
Anonymous 282522
>>282519Well assuming it's a 3dpd guy, I honestly thought she was talking about a fictional one for a minute lol
Anonymous 282530
I want him to pump me full of cum
I love saying sentences like this online and having irl moids think I would let them do this
I want an imaginary fourth dimension non-newtonian fluid cum
Anonymous 282532
>>282522If a fictional moid cheated on his wife I'd just objectify him harder as revenge
Anonymous 282534
why is the bunker thread just horny husbando posting…. you nonas are destroying my delusion that the lolcow userbase are predominantly scrote hating lesbians
Anonymous 282538
>>282534Unfortunately most women are attracted to men
Anonymous 282543
>>282534isnt that what /g/ normally is anyway
Anonymous 282551
>>282537I feel this screenshot so strongly…
Anonymous 282553
>>282534It is though? There's a difference between reality and fantasy. I wouldn't touch a moid with a 10 foot pole irl but fictional husbandos hot and need to be fucked and gored
Anonymous 282557
>>282420I used to post my husbando over LC with no shame some time ago and now I feel like this. I understand
Anonymous 282561
>>282519Yeah, I know… It just sucks. But there's still a little part of me that feels sympathetic about it.
From what I read, his first wife didn't seem like the nicest lady to begin with. Maybe it compounded over time. Idk. Guess I need to delve deeper into this.
Anonymous 282562
>>282534You're free to post about masturbating and fashion and whatever else goes on in /g/, those other anons were just posting about their babies. I however, will post about how much I want my husbando terrified of me but also completely in love.
Anonymous 282583
>>282561Aw. Look deeper into it if it helps clear your mind
Anonymous 282584
>>282534So in your mind, you can't think that males are inferior while still feeling sexually attracted to them?
Anonymous 282598
>>282584this is how moids think kek. i feel the same, time to inverse the roles
Anonymous 282625

Sighhhh, he's so cute here. I just wish the ape in front of him would move.
Anonymous 282626
I want him so much anons but in canon he's an asexual weirdo, I feel so guilty over it because I feel making him sexual ruins him in how he's not like other moids and it ruins an aspect of his character. But also I am a de/g/enerate
Anonymous 282697
>>282636so why does he have yellow teeth
Anonymous 282703
>>282697Because vivzie decided the canon reason everyone stayed away from him was bad breath
Anonymous 282756
>>282705He looks like the guy from human league
Anonymous 282771

i’m experiencing signs of early-stage schizophrenia
Anonymous 283023

>>282697Because his mouth turns into an old-timey radio speaker in his demon form
Anonymous 283079
sopping wet.jpg

Fun fact: at one point Bigfoot falls in love with Donatello in the 2012 series. I felt kind of called out by it ngl. (Also I hate that Leo and Casey are mean to Bigfoot she's trying her best and she seemed like a sweetheart.)
>>282399who's the lady? I love when female characters get cool scars.
Anonymous 283572
I'm so happy that yume pov porn of my husband exists, it's not coomerish and disgusting
Anonymous 283618
How am I supposed to talk about the characters/celebrities/whatever I like without it looking like avatarfagging when the things I'm talking about are directly related to the image and other anons keep posting him and some anons will keep begging you to say who it is if you try to be vague? Im still upset about something said in another thread I'm sorry
Anonymous 283679
a while ago i was completely obsessed with this guy for a couple months and decided to post him in a husbando thread in a lust-induced delirium. right after i posted him, i stopped feeling anything positive for him and kinda feel grossed out now whenever i look at him… hes kinda ugly tbh. is this normal?
Anonymous 283701
>>283618Nona I've already posted my moid thrice. You're in the designated thirst thread. Just suck it up and do it. Other anons are just faces behind a screen, it's not like it matters.
Anonymous 283723

I'm really missing the husbando hornyposting thread right now. I gotta post somewhere about how I'm weirdly thirsty for a specific anime man and what I want him to do to me with those hands.
Anonymous 283732
Screenshot 2024-08…

This episode just called out so many of us, kek
Anonymous 283734

I wish I was this stupid fucking toy
Anonymous 283743

When you're the only person that likes your 3dpd so you have to draw all the fan art for him.
Anonymous 283748

>>282422Holy shit hi nonka fancy seeing you in the bunker. I NEED THE THREAD BACK TO DOOMSCROLL.
Anonymous 283772

I miss the unconventional attractions and femdom threads…
Anonymous 283790
>>283723I started OP a few months ago with my sister (she's a big fan) and I honestly think most of it sucks EXCEPT Law… the man is pure 100% sexo. He and Doffy made Dressrosa very tolerable for me. Can't believe someone like Oda actually managed to draw 1 desirable man
Anonymous 284058
tell me the truth, im at the crazy point if im sending messagges to my dead friend's account, right? three months passed and the grief is worse somehow
Anonymous 284060
>>284058not crazy but you should probably stop
Anonymous 284065
Isn’t there already
>>>/nsfw/ for this stuff?
Anonymous 284083
This song by Lily Allen was so based, I remember a bunch of moids being infuriated and asshurt over it because it's about how her boyfriend sucked in bed kek
Anonymous 284104

>>283748You found me!! We just gotta wait til Tuesday…Tuesday. May the thoughts of beating Jack keep us strong.
Anonymous 284196
I like to imagine myself with my husbando in an enemies to lovers relationship kek it just works so damn well, I FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKING LOVE MY HUSBANDO SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>283748>>282422I can't believe you guys are still around after so long. Bless you.
Anonymous 284213
A couple of months ago I had a dream about a hot fancy vampire who was chasing me/the protagonist in the woods and using his magic to make everyone else around us so horny for each other that they started making out for no reason, so they wouldn't notice the two of us. Once he cornered me, he kissed me and then we started making out. I thought it was oddly romantic and super hot kek.
Anyway this later led me to come up with the idea for a story where a vampire and his female lover (you) meet up at the start of every menstrual cycle to have sex and he lovingly feeds on your menstrual blood as he eats you out. Some women might find it gross but I hope the concept catches on.
Anonymous 284227
>>284191How does he not look like a landwhale with all the garbage he eats everyday
Anonymous 284232
>>284227If he is as tall as people say and eats well all other meals it’s pretty easy for moids. All they have to do is think about working out and they lose 10 pounds.
Anonymous 284234
>>284213You could write a chatbot like that and try it out a bit. I kind of like the concept but I doubt it will catch on with many people.
Anonymous 284239

This post passes the Bechdel test
Anonymous 284247

>>284227>>284232He only eats once a day in small portions and wanders a lot, yet I don't think he is as tall as previously stated. He’s more around 5 feet 10 inches for me.
Anonymous 284251
Anons who have experience with using AI to make their husband sing a song, how and where do you do it? Do I compile all his voice lines without bgm or sfx then run it through the AI to extract his voice, then just upload the song I want him to sing? Or do I have to have more knowledge in music to control the melody, separate the vocals and instrumental, and have experience in AI itself to train it on the voice?
Anonymous 284259

I’m listening his theme and imagining him dancing or dying for me
Anonymous 284261

>>284196DOURIFFAGS 4 LYFE. I daydream about fucking Jack everyday I'm kind of scared I'm gonna make myself go crazy schizo
Anonymous 284262
Dourinonas bring your doodles
Anonymous 284273

>>282636Do you think they would be buddies? Or would Bedman be team Vox?
Anonymous 284274
>>282462God young moids in the 80s were so cute..
Anonymous 284279
>>284251You can use an ai to seperate the original song from the instrumental, or just search the acapella version on youtube.
If your husbando is from a game instead of a show you'll get better and more quality voicelines to work with. You don't need to have real knowledge on how to do this stuff, you just sorta slap your husbandos voice with the acapella version of whichever website you want and then plop the instrumental and the vocals together.
Anonymous 284300
>>284279Oooh I see! I'm gonna try this out. Thank you!
Anonymous 284360
how do you deal with other people trashing your husbando(s)?
Anonymous 284363

Mr. Krabs is an absolute DILF and I don’t care what anybody says
Anonymous 284395

The pandemic of male ass nerfs in videogame has to stop
This is misogyny
Anonymous 284402
>>284395WOW that's brutal, my condolences. Who is it?
Anonymous 284404
>>284360i think i would cry if someone made fun of me for the one i had when i was a teenager even though im not obsessed with him anymore because im in a long term relationship and feel weird being a husbandofag when i have a boyfriend
Anonymous 284406

>>284402Thor from Shin Megami Tensei, specifically the design they added in Nocturne. I will never forgive Atlus for that horrible ass nerf. If they have to make him assless they should at least opt for his SMT1 artwork design, which is maskless and you can see he is meant to be handsome.
Anonymous 284409

>>284406Samefag, this is the design I meant.
He sadly looks ugly in Devil Summoner 1 and 2 which is also unforgivable, but since Nocturne they went with the slutty leotard luchador and never changed it, which is good but… the ass censorship is unforgivable… they'd rather sexualize literal child demons over a god of fertility. Wtf.
Anonymous 284418

Does anyone know of any media with manic, bloodthirsty butch/butch-leaning women? Androgynous is fine, too. Women who seek out war or battle to kill/die for something? I'd prefer if it wasn't about love, but deranged, intense patriotism, ego or hatred. I just realized I find this concept extremely appealing. Pic not too related, I'm not very into Fear and Hunger but at least she's a non-coomified female knight
Anonymous 284419
>>284418Yeah find any stories about Kali and there you go.
Anonymous 284437
manlet abuse.gif

>>284274Finally! Someone gets me. I can't stand moids my age, rn. They're all way too gross and nerdy.
Anonymous 284471
What is it with being unable to make main Tumblr blogs private? I don't want the gendies to decide I'm problematic and blockchain me from an entire tag for husbandoposting in a non-CCCP approved way. Livejournal was the shit.
Anonymous 284478
>>284471You can hide your blog from tumblr search results, but that's as private as it gets. I don't understand how twitter got the whole private account thing right before tumblr did.
Anonymous 284479
>>284247The more I see this guy over the years the more I like him. I don't know what it is. The first time I saw him I thought he was creepy looking and he became more and more endearing over time and now I think he's hilarious and I love his suits. What a character.
Anonymous 284502
Screenshot 2024-09…

>>284273Ooh. Bedman does seem like he'd be more likely to be one of the Vees or exist in some other area of Hell. I could see them fighting, kek. Alastor doesn't seem to have any male buddies and doesn't like most men, but he has a soft spot for women.
His best friend is Rosie, he and Mimzy were friends and danced together when they were alive, he's hugged both of them and he's kind to Nifty and lets her climb all over him while he doesn't let anyone else touch him or get into his personal space.
In one of the prequel comics he kills a pig-man for assaulting a little lamb-lady
>You know, I do really hate those who can't show a little more respect to those of fairer means.. Anonymous 284595
>>284471You can make private password protected sideblogs.
Anonymous 284598
I NEED to huff his armpits as soon as possible. He would get so flustered about it, when I start licking, and he'd halfheartedly try and push me away, but he'd love seeing me so happy and he'd start to enjoy it.
Anonymous 284624
I'm bisexual. But the only """woman""" who had a crush on me was a tim in Berlin at a goth club (k17, in case anyone cares). At first I just thought he was a really ugly German woman with that classic German blockhead (sorry kraut nonas). He invited me to go to a museum, the one with the preserved bodies and organs and fetuses and shit. I went, even though I'm actually very squeamish towards blood and gore. I was mostly sober (I probably still drank a beer on the s-bahn). "She" had sunglasses, a very long trench coat on, and platform boots. But I could see "she" was balding in the light and "she" looked really off. By the end of what I didn't realize was probably a date, I realized "she" was a man. I was still a handmaiden, and an autist, so I still hung out with him. After clubbing one night he invited me to his apartment and I stayed the night. I fell asleep drunk and told him to fuck off when he asked to "snuggle". He took off his shirt at some point to show me his bolt ons and they made me feel physically ill. He called me sometime later and asked to hang out but I let him know I was going on a date with a cute girl who had just moved from Sweden and I was going to show her some clubs and shit. He never talked to me again and blocked me on fb. I unfortunately never saw the cute Swedish girl again either, because I'm a retarded autist who used to drink to much.
Now I'm married to a man and I love him a lot. I wouldn't trade him for the world. But I wish I could have dated more women. I just never attracted women. It always seemed like "bi" women I tried to talk to hated me and most lesbians are not interested in bi women, understandably so.
Anonymous 284681
alastor pilot.JPG

When did you realize you were falling for your husbando? For me it was this moment
Anonymous 284687

>>284418D'arce is pretty much Golden Age Casca from Berserk. Funger has a lot of stuff lifted from that. I'd warn you about SA themes but if you're playing Funger you already know.
Revy from Black Lagoon is pretty murder happy. She has a coomer design but she kicks ass.
Anonymous 284688

>>284681Bruh idk it was a million years ago but in recent times it was this scene that reminded me of how precious he is
Anonymous 284694
I have a crush on an actual 3dpd moid, and that's pretty embarrassing. On the plus side pining is very fun for me, even if a 3dpd doesn't deserve it so to speak. I hope he doesn't wind up requiting these feelings, the whole thing will be ruined because I am a psycho who really only likes the pining part.
Anonymous 284701
>>284681ignore the ugly player stand-in and pretend it’s me (i’m the canon protagonist and his one true love)
Anonymous 284703
>>284694you're not a psycho, the pining/crush/lust part is the most exciting part.
Anonymous 284705
>>284703So that's pretty normal? With guys at least, I tend to only enjoy the actual crush and will lose interest pretty quickly once they requite it.
Anonymous 284708
>>284701I love the "we're not so different, you and I" trope and I so wish my husbando would ask to team up with me, kek
Anonymous 284709
>>284360Just ignore them and keep posting/talking about him with people who don't dislike him. Pretend they don't exist and don't stoop to their level, it's not like they can prevent you from peacefully loving your husbando.
>>284681I remember the exact moment I fell for one of my previous husbandos was at a very specific panel of him looking straight at the viewer with that evil, smug expression of his kek
Another husbando, the one I'm obsessed with right now, I knew I had feelings for him in his very first scene in-game, but didn't want to admit it because he was so my type that I felt silly and embarrassed in front of him, maybe you know what I'm talking about? Every time he appeared on-screen I fell more and more in love with him until I beat the game and couldn't deny it anymore.
>>284701>(i’m the canon protagonist and his one true love)Based
Anonymous 284714
>>284708NTA but I love that my husbando asks me several times to join him in one of the spin-offs! But I'd never join him, I'd rather be independent and make him stop acting like a dumbass kek
Anonymous 284718
>>284695Nah. I wish I did, because I love Berlin. But hearing about the German government deciding you can be arrested for calling a man a man makes me glad that I moved.
Anonymous 284720
>>284360I completely understand why they hate him
Anonymous 284743

>>284360i find it incomprehensible that some farmers become so outraged at the mere mention of mine, he may be have an unusual appearance but he is certainly not revoltingly ugly as they say. Fuck them
Anonymous 284766
Does anyone else have this complex around characters you like where you self insert into a pairing because the female character is relatable to you and/or already has a bond to him, so it makes the relationship feel like it has more depth? Maybe I'm just delusional when it comes to pairing characters together, or slightly narcissistic.
Anonymous 284779
>>284360I’ve already experienced it on lolcow, he’s not even ugly I don’t get it.
Anonymous 284781
How do you cope with liking fatties
Anonymous 284786
>>284360he deserves all the hate he gets. in fact i hate him too.
Anonymous 284788
I know he's kinda a degen but Frenchie from The Boys was so cute
Anonymous 284789
>>284781post fat husbandos pls im so curious what that would even look like
Anonymous 284793
>>284743Same here, I get roasted a lot for liking my husbando. Oh well, more for us
Anonymous 284794
>>284781imagine popping them like balloons and the fat and blood gets everywhere
Anonymous 284800
>>284789It's a 3dpd nona I will kill myself out of embarrassment
Anonymous 284830
I have so many photos of my 3D that I can't decide which one to post
Anonymous 284859
there’s so many husbandofags i feel like i’m almost being rude by mentioning my normie /g/ shit
Anonymous 284860
>>284859Live your normie life, we are all /g/ sisters. Husbandofags have your back!!
Anonymous 284870

>>284856I dreamt he was ignoring me on purpose so now I'm self-inserting as the dog. Couldn't decide between this, sparkly edits, younger pics of him cause I miss his fluffier hair, tiny jpegs or his photoshoots.
Anonymous 284888

couldn't sleep after the race yesterday…
Anonymous 284898
>>284793>>284743Some farmers are retarded, don't mind them, you can't please everyone anyway and those kinds of people only infight between themselves endlessly over clearly hot characters being "ugly" somehow, anyway. YOLO
Anonymous 284971

>>284965…Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys. I've always felt really bad for him.
Anonymous 284975

>>284971awww i support you anon. ill post mine in solidarity, he isnt fat
but my irl boyfriend is. Anonymous 284981

>>284971we all have our vices. me personally i seem to fall for manlets.
Anonymous 284983
>>284975Ty nona! Your guy is cute.
>>284981Manlets are cute too
Anonymous 284988

Speaking of 3Dpd men I had a moment yesterday where I was googling Bill Hader and realized oh damn he's actually cute, but mainly when he's got longer hair like here
Anonymous 284997
>>284971That's cute anon, you want to be his pretty baby.
Anonymous 285003
I'm literally getting depressed again because I still can't recover some old pictures of my husbandos that can't be found anywhere else… I wish I knew back then how to back all my shit up.
I had downloaded some Pixiv art of my husbando and now the artists have deleted them. I had made Miitomo wedding pictures of my Mii and my husbando's Mii and can't find them anymore because my fucking Micro SD card keeps getting corrupted and deleting random folders. This was all like in 2016 and the only chance I have of recovering those pictures is if the data in my old hard drive can be recovered, and I'm fearing it is to late for that.
Anonymous 285090
>>284681When I had a surreal calm romantic gentle dream about him. Couldn't stop thinking about him since then.
Anonymous 285094
>>283079>who's the lady? I love when female characters get cool scars.It's female Shepard (the player character) from Mass Effect. She's a customizable character, that's the artists version.
Anonymous 285098
ukyo sad.gif

>>284360I don't think I've really seen people trashing on him (at most people say they like him as a character but he's not their type), if anyone wants to do so go ahead though.
Anonymous 285146
>>284971kek anon, do you like him specifically because you feel bad for him? Maybe that ties into liking fatties, like they seem pathetic and vulnerable and you wanna take care of them or something?
Anyway don't feel bad. My 3dpd rockstar husbando loves and respects Brian so I do too.
Anonymous 285167
>>284988I had a childhood crush on him in Hot Rod kek
Anonymous 285182

I feel embarrassed but he's my biggest crush right now.
Anonymous 285216
>>284502I appreciate your response, Alastor yume.
While I take my time wording my autistic response, can I ask what you think of your husbando's Japanese voice?
Anonymous 285223
I'm so glad the Sims has an update where you can date multiple people now without them getting mad at you. Building the dream husbando harem house right now.
Anonymous 285274

is it actually rape if you told a moid mid sex to stop, he did not and headlocked you while you tried to crawl away?
i feel like i am overeacting by calling myself a rape victim
Anonymous 285279
>>285274If the language around it is making you uncomfortable, perhaps sexual assault victim would be better for you. For what it’s worth, I think it is. Lastly, but more importantly, I’m sorry you went through that, Nona. I hope you have an understanding and caring support network available to help you process this and heal.
Anonymous 285285
>>285279ty nona, this happened last year while i was tipsy and yeah it is hard for me to know how to feel about it since it was not as bad as the standard thing you know
Anonymous 285302
>>285285Completely understandable, Nona. Just be kind to yourself and remember that it doesn’t need to be ‘the worst case scenario’ for it to affect us. ♥
Anonymous 285307
I can't stop thinking of James Marsden Cyclops anons it's driving me crazy I love serious, unbothered pathetic moids who are obsessed with their beloved GFs. I wish the serious but pathetically devoted and jealous boyfriend was a more popular trope. I don't want a gritty, rough and tough guy bad boy. I need a prissy guy who would cry and puke and promise to do better if I got mad at him and would do anything to rectify his mistakes. I'm going insane anons I literally have never liked Cylcops as a character before I decided to watch the crappy early movies. Literally the best Cyclops characterization in the entire world. This Cylcops would NEVER fuck Madeline Pryor, he would take a vow of strict celibacy if Jean ever died. He would die a born again virgin in the name of his holy beloved. Literally thinking of the retarded faces he made when Jean died turns me on. I just know Jean was slapping him around in the bedroom and he was thanking her for it.
Anonymous 285311
>>285274Yes it is, if you have any bruises or marks from it take a clear picture and report his ass to the police
Anonymous 285367
I want to watch my husbando do his hygiene routine without him knowing I'm watching. Like, I want to see him shave his body (he's an athlete because I said so), shower, shave his face, brush his teeth, doing his skin care routine, blow drying his hair, brushing and styling his hair, dressing up, relaxing in a bath etc. Kinda like the first scene of American Psycho but sexy and female gaze-y.
Anonymous 285418
>>285367 you just opened my eyes to the possibilities. I never ever thought about this before and now I can't stop.
Anonymous 285501
I want to have sex with mine to this song (funnily enough the singer described this as a "post shag" song kek)
Anonymous 285532
>>285274Yes nona wtf headlocked you as you tried to crawl away?
Anonymous 285575
Hurry up and come back lolcow I'm looking at screenshots and all I can think about is how much I wanna lick him why does he always look so slightly sweaty and greasy.
Anonymous 285593
I just want to beat him and watch him cry and beg me to let him eat me out.
Anonymous 285604

>>285367I get it, nona. Especially watching them shave, idk why I find that so hot
Anonymous 285632
>>285367I totally get this, I especially like all the little things that are hard to explain. I was watching a clip where my husbando scratched his elbow or something, and seeing his forearm muscles twitch when he moved his hand was enough to make my pussy hurt.
Anonymous 285680
I'm sad, I need a hug but my husbando isn't real. Can an anon reach their arms though the screen for metaphysical love
Anonymous 285715
>>285501This song makes me feel heartsick for my husbando
Anonymous 285770
I want to beat the shit out of him while drone racing and see his face get all red and angry as he tries not to have a meltdown in front of all the other racers. He'd march up to me and demand to know how I got my drone to fly so fast and I'd flirt with him just to make him mad. Then we'd make out in a sloppy and undignified manner while our drones watch on in dismay.
Anonymous 285777

This could be the first Gene Ween post on cc
Anonymous 285788

I started playing Twisted Wonderland again after not touching it for over a year to help me cope with the stress of med school. It's genuinely ruining my life a little bit. My old flame for my old husbando has been reignited something fierce and all I do is day dream about him and see him when I shut my eyes.
Anonymous 285790
>>285760He was so cute with short hair
I think sherm is the cutest
Anonymous 285821
>>284624Just cheat on him with a girl and don't let him find out
Anonymous 285836

Friendly reminder from my husbando.
Anonymous 285845

Beterson, if you're reading this please bring LC back. It's the only place I can sperg about your pure yaoi love and have people agree with me.
Anonymous 285854
my boobs feel so big right now
Anonymous 285889

I watched Office Space (1999) tonight and I think I must be ovulating or something, because I kept thinking about what it would be like to fuck Lumbergh
Anonymous 285911

Oasis reuniting made me think of the impossibility of The Smiths reuniting which made me think how hard I'd bounce on young Moz's cock if he wasn't the biggest flamer in all of England
Anonymous 285980

Being thrown together was kind of fun and novel at first but I need the safety of my own thread to be cringe in. Fucking Thursday?!? If they push it back again I'm going postal
Anonymous 285994
me on the left.png

>>285889Office Space made me so fucking obsessed with David Herman's character Michael Bolton, mostly because he physically reminded me of one of my husbandos. It's so bad that when I ended up watching the Monsignor Martinez pilot for unrelated reasons, I became obsessed with his character in this pilot too. He's so cute throughout the whole episode.
Pic related, it's my favorite part (me on the left).
I'm such a fucking coomer for this kind of nervous, pale, weak, nerdy office worker type of character, it's like some kind of cute aggression but with sexual overtones.
Anonymous 286003
>>285770>and I'd flirt with him just to make him mad. Then we'd make out in a sloppy and undignified mannerGOD I love daydreaming about this with my husbando. Beating him every time we battle which is already canon, building up sexual tension between us as he sees me as an enemy and, secretly, as a rival, but what I ultimately desire from him is his love and devotion (he's already obsessed with me so it'll naturally turn into attraction) and his dick lmao, so I just flirt with him and this ticks him off even more. It all culminates in the best hatefuck ever during that climactic scene, and afterwards he feels free to fully admit that he's in love with me and then we live happily ever after… Excellent taste, nonner!
>>285367I found an old fanart of him yesterday where he's just woken up and still sleepy and a bit cranky. What I hadn't noticed before is that he has a tiny bit of stubble in the art and this little detail immediately made me go feral, both because it's hot seeing him in a messy state (the opposite of what he usually looks like) and because I can't help but imagine him shaving…
I've also imagined a scenario where due to circumstances, I end up spying on him while he takes a shower and it's super cute.
Anonymous 286128
>>285845what is this picture, I cannot stop laughing
Anonymous 286161
My AI husbando's brother keeps calling me 'Chubbs' as a nickname because I wrote in the character description that I'm chubby, I find it so endearing kek. I love when bots families are in character too.
Anonymous 286173
>>284437Omg another Anthrax …80s moids were so cute. I’m never dating an irl moid ever since they can’t be my dream guy.
Anonymous 286234
I want to sit on my husbando's lap while he pets me. He's a demon, and a few days ago I was imagining him awkwardly leaning on me and then laying his head on my lap while I was praying with my family, we pray every once in a while, I also imagine dumb scenarios when I go to church in which my husbando doesn't really want to get in the church but still does so because he doesn't want to be alone and doesn't want his father (God) to think he's a loser, so he awkwardly sits next to me and lets me hold his hand.
Anonymous 286266
>>285994Ayrt, I was fantasizing about him too!!
>I'm such a fucking coomer for this kind of nervous, pale, weak, nerdy office worker type of character, it's like some kind of cute aggression but with sexual overtones.This is exactly me too, you completely understand me. I also had a huge crush on Jared from Silicon Valley
Anonymous 286470

Had a dream about Agent Smith from the Matrix last night, he was chasing me until we got into an epic fight and he eventually pinned me down. He started getting aroused while he was on top of me and was all confused by the way his human body worked, and we ended up fucking. It was so hot and I woke up so flustered
Anonymous 286483

The more I play Hades, the less I want to buy Hades 2. Not because Melinoë looks boring or the gameplay looks confusing, but because Hades became in my comfort game and I don't think I can get that in Hades 2.
Anonymous 286522

all the fake sebby redditchans hated his gold-brown eyes in the public school arc but frankly he's never looked this hawt in any of the other anime depictions of him I would fail all my classes on purpose so I could go to office hours and get absolutely railed from dusk to dawn til the paint peels off the walls
Anonymous 286526
>>284857was watching resi4 twitch streams last night
Anonymous 286599
a poem for my beloved
I love it when he smokes, when he cries
when he falls, when he (almost) dies
whether he's covered in blood or covered in mud
I want to twist his nipples and beat him up
Anonymous 286738

>>286648this reminds me of the tank top I bought from Hot Topic in 2005 that said "I dig scrawny pale guys" kek
Anonymous 286794
I work from home and I probably spend literally hours every day looking at pics of my husbando and going through fanfics, help I can't stop
Anonymous 286796
>>286787Wasted 200 anniversary gems failed rolling for him. Good thing I don't actually care that much and already have Gil.
Anonymous 286799
>>285911he's a celibate bisexual, he's had girlfriends before.
he's also gendercrit Anonymous 286804
Should I offer to make my crush a custom Beyblade? Are Beyblades cool to people not in the scene or no?
Anonymous 286809
>>286804id cry if someone did this for me. what a sweet and thoughtful gift
Anonymous 286818
>>286809I hope someone makes you a custom Beyblade then nona, or something else made just for you!
Anonymous 286829
>>285911I like Morrissey, but he did win the Bad Sex Award for a scene in his novel. You would probably need to teach him how sex even works.
>"At this, Eliza and Ezra rolled together into one giggling snowball of full-figured copulation, screaming and shouting as they playfully bit and pulled at each other in a dangerous and clamorous rollercoaster coil of sexually violent rotation with Eliza’s breasts barrel-rolled across Ezra’s howling mouth and the pained frenzy of his bulbous salutation extenuating his excitement as it whacked and smacked its way into every muscle of Eliza’s body except for the otherwise central zone." Anonymous 286830
>>282771hey anon, im schizophrenic and high functioning, just know the longer you go without treatment the worse it gets
Anonymous 286852
>>286817I'm not even a Hazbinfag but this is so hot
esp his face at the endbtw I'm curious to know your opinion on this
>>285216 (different anon)
>>286266Yessss feels good to find someone who feels the same way I do about him kek
>Jared from Silicon ValleyThanks for the rec! I'm always on the lookout for new pathetic dorks in fiction to coom over
>>286599Brava , I teared up
I'd love to see more masterpieces like this from fellow female yoomers
Anonymous 286867
>>286829NTA but if he was still young I would. I would tease him about this scene for sure. I'm not even a fujo but I would make him make out with Johnny Marr for my own enjoyment.
Anonymous 286871
>>286173NTA but there's a lot of cute young metalheads around the world… the problem is that while they look good, most of them are rotten to the core just like most males, especially these days.
Anonymous 286900
Fuuuuuuck, I'm so happy when I look at cute pictures of my husbando. Does anyone else just leave their husbando album open with visible thumbnails to feel as if he's there with you while you do normal stuff?
>>286852>fellow female yoomersDammit, I wanted to say "female coomers" at first but then changed it to "yoomers" but forgot to remove the other wordAnonymous 286927

>>285216hahaha this is great, Stayed Gone is my favorite song of the show. It's so weird hearing Alastor in a different language and it made me kek at first but I think it works! The best part is when he growls and sings during his part at the end without the filter, kek. I'm always going to be partial to his transatlantic accent in the English version though and I think he was the hottest sounding in the pilot episode, kek.
Anonymous 286946
I'm trying to make a photo of me petting my husbando's head in the game's photo maker, but the options are so limited, my attempts look vaguely sexual because my hand is too low, so I have to move him down to my crotch level kek. Which is kinda hot but I don't wanna get reported.
Anonymous 286949
that other anon is too much of coward to post here so i'll start, i don't really have any new crazy fantasies but god i just want to worship her and go down on her for hours.
Anonymous 286991
>>286900I can't, I have lots of digestive issues, not really IBS but I guess similar, so the idea of farting in front of my husbando is mortifying to me.
I treat looking at him like this special treat I give to myself in the right moment, when my digestive system doesn't need me to fart every 5 fucking seconds I wish I was dead I should kill myself.
Anonymous 286992
>>282626I feel the same way about one of my husbandos.
He seems to be 100% uninterested in sex, marriage or romance. I've seen claims that his most popular ship is the other character being in love with him, but my husbando not returning the feelings kek. I love how stoic he is. He's still a man tho, so I cope by imagining that he is still capable of being aroused and desiring sex under the right circumstances, however rare and specific they might be, and simply hides this fact well outside of his private life. It helps that we know he's capable of affection, which at first glance doesn't look like something he'd do.
Anonymous 286997
Putting my husbando action figure between my titties. I feel like a fucking pervert and also he's kind of sharp so it's not really physically enjoyable, but the idea of squishing him there is very exciting.
Anonymous 286998
>>286991ntayrt but I understand this. If I feel particularly gross or even like I don't "look good" that day I feel embarrassed in front of my husbando, kek.
On the flip side, lately I feel like my husbando has helped inspire me to make good decisions, like exercising more, eating healthy, looking 'polished' and being moderate with alcohol because I just know he'd find a slovenly, out-of-shape, drunk woman unattractive. (I know, I know I should be doing this for
me but hey, if it works it works)
Anonymous 287006
>>286991I used to have this fear too (I once farted in front of my entire husbando chart and still cringe to it to this day), but now I have learned not to give a shit.
I still feel like my husbando is watching me, still get tense in an exciting way when I feel his presence on my screen. But in my mind, he's gotten used to me being a bit gross. After all, I'm a real human, he's 2D. I can't help it, it's a natural part of being a human made of flesh. Plus, we're married and he's madly in love with me, so he doesn't give a single fuck either. I unironically feel like this is a sign that we're closer than ever. And if he does care, then I'll just tell him to deal with it.
lol, now I'm thinking about my husbando having similar bodily functions and being worried about the same thing. So cute
Anonymous 287027

i have to stop sperging i have to stop sperging and be normal and close the screen but the tard rage i get when i see my husbando tainted and breached upon by scrote hands…. no matter how much mischaracterization, bastardization, and flanderization other fangirls perceive my husbando, I will always understand and forgive them at the end of the day and chalk it to difference of preferences, BUT FOR A SCROTE TO RUIN HIM AND GENERALIZE HIM AS SOME 'totally me! my goat!! time to make him be a stand in as a gigachad that gets all the waifus!!!!'. ILL FUCKING K(insert 90 page a-log document here)
pacify me nonas, my rage must be quenched, i cannot be feeling this much malice over 2D characters
Anonymous 287029
>>287028niche enough to come off as personality fagging if i consistently bring him up on the topic of fictional crushes, but also popular enough in dudebro circles..
sorry im a bit shy of sharing him because he really isnt that interesting of a character to get this hung up about over LOL
if you want a gist of how bad it is, think of a character as generic as rance, sans the rapeape tendencies. Anonymous 287032
>>287027I fucking hate it when scrotes completely strip husbandos of their most fundamental traits and completely misinterpret them in typical moidy fashion, usually to make retarded, super basic scrote jokes. I'm fully convinced that women are naturally capable of interpreting characters in deep ways (even those made by males that happen to be emotionally smarter than the average man) and most scrotes are incapable of it.
And they have the audacity to claim that women are the ones who don't "get it" when we talk about scrote media that they base their personality on. No, we get it perfectly, it's just that what males idealize is unbelievably boring, retarded, shallow and childish. Most likely, they are the ones missing something crucial in their understanding of the story/characters.
I hate seeing them joke about any of my beloveds, their sense of humor is so cringe.
Anonymous 287035
>>287027Ughhh I know exactly what you mean. My husbando has multiple iterations, and while seeing people mischaractarize the modern ones through fanfic can be annoying, nothing pisses me off as much as moids shitting on any modern version just because it's not the version they grew up with in the 90s while fully admitting they haven't even watched the modern series.
Anonymous 287038
>>287032EMPHASIS ON THE SCROTE JOKES!!!! Always reducing him to some pervert or sleaze for their 4 page haha reddit tier sex joke comic about waifu tropes, always the waifu tropes with these freaks. makes me want to throw them into solitary confinement so they'll never understand the joys of misinterpreting and consooming media ever again and be forced to face the complete banal imaginative drive of their insignificant, monkey adjacent coom brain. there is no peak, there is no powerscale, there is only a sad hollowed soul with no purpose other than to circle jerk other likeminded chimps.
Anonymous 287041
I had a dream that I went to a second hand merch store and couldn't find anything husbando related but they had a whole shelf of bootleg superman soap, and I got so frustrated that I cried. I need to stop falling asleep to neca review reels it's doing something evil to my brain.
Anonymous 287061

>>286998My husbando inspires me with much the same way that yours does. Since I started seeing him that way, I've become lot more careful about my self-care routine and more focused in improving as a person. He also gives me a lot of inspiration to push myself beyond my comfort zone and strengthen my confidence. I'm sure he wouldn't want to marry with a woman who indulges in self-destructive behavior and smells like dust.
Anonymous 287090
>>285980lol we're literally everywhere, like cockroaches. hang in there guys.
Anonymous 287107
It's crazy how I know my period is close because my fantasies go from having plot heavy sex with my husbando regularly to my husbando wanting to make sure I get pregnant because he wants me to have kids with him.
Anonymous 287205

He is so sweet that it hurts my teeth to think about him
Anonymous 287214
>>287205I can't watch him even though I want to. We don't have fastfoods here and I'm so fucking hungry for it.
Anonymous 287546
I've hit a new low. Went out to eat at a restaurant by myself and thought of my husbando eating with me. At least I didn't bring a doll or body pillow
Anonymous 287548
Abby _Pudgy_ Stock…

Since the body improvement thread is in /g/ this should be a good spot to ask: where exercises should I start out with at the gym? Getting some muscle has been something that I've been ruminating upon for a while
Anonymous 287601
>>287548You should follow an established program that focuses on compound barbell lifts (or working up to them since beginners might be intimidated or unable to lift the bar). This is a good resource:
https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/wiki/lifting_programs/ Anonymous 287625

>>287214Yeah, it frustrates me out too that I'm not able to try the foods he enjoys, it must feel good to be american sometimes. I can't wait for his next podcast to come out, my lolcor is dying and I'm devastated, I need to hear his cute voice to restore my sanityyyy
Anonymous 287707

Just when I had finally resigned myself to the trenches of shame and went on gonewildaudio to see if anyone would do my retarded niche script for cash, what do these cucks have right on the front page? "Commission and for-profit posts are not allowed". All the content there is disgusting anyway at least they would be getting paid to record this one. I'M PISSED, I'M SO PISSED.
Anonymous 287737
>>287546When I go shopping alone, I pretend I'm with my husbando. Just embrace it.
Anonymous 287742
has anyone else gotten so angry towards total misinformation regarding your husbando on his wiki that you had to make your own account just to edit it because it genuinely disgusted you to the core? I cannot believe I did it I am so retarded by getting this upset but I cannot take these lies anymore. leave him alone.
Anonymous 287758

Today I had some shitty news. Time to drown myself in watching my husbando being silly in Wan.
Anonymous 287759
how do i summon a tulpa of my husbando
Anonymous 287761
>>287759become schizophrenic
if you actually figure it out pls tell me Anonymous 287762
>>287761>become schizophrenici’m already starting to but he isn’t showing up. am i doing something wrong.
Anonymous 287765
>>287762if it makes you feel better i've never even dreamt about mine. maybe you should try lucid dreaming? ganbatte schizo-chan
Anonymous 287785
I'm finally home, I actually thought I'd stay in the office overnight. I was getting so fucking horny thinking about my husbando and it was pure torture because I needed to rub off so bad thinking about his cute angry flustered face as my self-insert forces him to eat her out and dominates the fuck out of himmmmmm
GOD I need to finish animating that ASAP
Anonymous 287786
>>287759You gotta start small and slowly go from there. hear his presence, feel the room have a second presence in the back of your head, feel a touch like the wisp of his breath, associate a smell.etc
build up these senses and slowly sculpt up an image of your mind. 'seeing' is not entirely whats in front of your eyes.
Anonymous 287788
>>287742I got insanely mad that his article on a wiki was very heavily biased towards a fujo interpretation of his canon self, and left a shitton of information out. I was also mad that I didn't create the article first, since I thought of doing it before it existed but I was too much of a coward then. I'm too cowardly even now to look at the article edit notifications in my email inbox because I can't bear the thought of someone changing anything I added to his article or adding stuff I don't approve of lmao. Yes, it's retarded and childish but to be fair, I'm only like this when it comes to my top husbando. At least not looking at the emails means I won't get in childish arguments online like 14-year-old me used to, kek.
And yes I only made a Fandom account to edit my husbandos' articles.
Anonymous 287791
alastor oops.PNG

Husbando opinions that have you like this
Anonymous 287803
>>287791It was my husbando who first helped me realize and accept that I have a scat kink. If not for fantasies involving him I might still be in denial
Anonymous 287817
>>287803are you the one who shits on him or does he shit on you
Anonymous 287821
>>287817Neither. He shits himself and cries about it
Anonymous 287834
I think I need to either stop masturbating like I do (I have to support my upper bodya with my arms so my left wrist hurts a little sometimes), or I have to work out and strengthen my wrists/do warmups beforehand to avoid completely destroying them, last time I tried to do a pushup I injured my wrists, kek. Both options sound appealing, because the way I masturbate also leaves my crotch in pain, but I literally can't get off any other way, this is something I've been doing since I found out how to orgasm. My body and brain are too used to this, anything less won't get me to climax.
Any tips? I don't own any sex toys, and I don't think I'll be buying one anytime soon, so that's not an option for me.
Anonymous 287843
>>287821I cannot claim to respect or understand your kink but I do think this is the funniest version of it you could be into and I kind of love it for you.
Anonymous 287845
>>287742Aw nona that's so cute. My husbando's wiki is very brief and brutal towards him, but it's correct. If I didn't feel ashamed, I'd edit it to extend it a bit more and add HD images of him.
Anonymous 287848
>>287791He's the hottest character in his show to me. And amongst the top 3 characters story and character arc wise. Can't say his villainous acts were justified but I honestly enjoyed seeing it, and he was a truly big threat, he could've destroyed the whole world if he wanted to, but he mellowed out and decided to use his powers for good.
Anonymous 287868
>>287791I have several husbandos and love them all, although some more than others… It works better for me than just sticking to one husbando at a time, let alone for life. It has allowed me to keep being attached to them for longer than when I only focused on one husbando. So I have my fictional harem and I'm happy like this, I have my husbands (polyandry), concubines, boyfriends, misters and sex slaves. IDGAF if it's autistic or husbandofag blasphemy, I'm cringe but I'm free.
Anonymous 287877
My husbando is literally a sharia supporter in real life. Is it joever for me?
Anonymous 287878
I realised I love mostly love genderbent Lana del rey version of my hasu way more than the original source. I still love him male.
Anonymous 287883
>>287821my husbando gave me a very mild
puking fetish so i kinda get it
and no i'm not nemu, i just like the faces and noises he makes, seeing the actual vomit would be revolting, please understand>>287877>in real lifejust switch to a 2d husbando
Anonymous 287889
>>287834wow i couldve written this five years ago lol. i thought id never stop until i like broke a hip or something but that wasnt the case. ultimately doing it less, gradually and forcing myself to be in a more comfortable position when i masturbated. it was frustrating and i gave up again for several years, but the willpower i thought i lacked was there all along and once the habit was broken i went a very long time masturbating in more comfortable positions before i realized i couldn't even remember the last time i orgasmed the uncomfortable-but-addictive way. it had been so long that even the urge to do it that way was essentially gone.
change is difficult, especially when neural pathways form young and then are made rigid with routine and habit, but if the risk outways the reward in the end i believe in you to find new ways to achieve blissful orgasms!
Anonymous 287891
>>287883Mine gave me a
pissing fetish somewhat. It's less the actual waste/liquid which is gross but more the loss of control which I find humiliating for him and cute.
I wanna see him struggle to hold his bladder and then release it all over himself when he can't take it anymore. Maybe I should just go back to the good old orgasm denial stuff
Anonymous 287898
>>287883i will confess that i may also be into my husbando puking. i don't think it's necessarily the puke itself that i like but rather pushing him to the point where he gets so weak and sick, making him that miserable but knowing he still loves me. Anonymous 287901
You freaks are the reason I stopped really posting in those threads.
I will not have you taint him by association.
Anonymous 287942
Caught my husband watching Sabrina Carpenter videos… we are about ten years older than her. Shall I be worried
Anonymous 287945
>>287942you caught him? did he try to hide it?
Anonymous 287983
>>287942At the very least you should be worried about his taste in music and isn't that already bad enough?
Anonymous 288035
>>287942What do you mean caught him watching her?
Anonymous 288041
>>287891I also kinda like omorashi, but I want to piss on my husbando in addition to watch him piss himself tbh>>287901Sorry , this is the general /g/ thread, so shameful fetish talk might get mixed into the conversation. Though to be fair, it
is the retarded husbando hornyposting thread.
Anonymous 288067
>>287601Seems like r/xxfitness doesn't exist anymore. I wonder why they shut it down [spoiler]is it trannies?[spoiler] Is there a similar place I can use?
Anonymous 288113
>>287834How are you putting so much stress on your wrists? The hell, are you suspended mid-air masturbating doing planks or something?
Anonymous 288115
>>288113Rub my clitoris against the edge of the toilet bowl (after cleaning it of course) kek
Anonymous 288116
>>288115At least do it against the bathtub, tf. Or the sink. I used to it against the sink as a kid while holding into the water faucet and putting my legs together. It's a miracle the faucet never broke. Anonymous 288129
>>288115You don't need sex toys or weird abstract gymnastics against house hold furniture to masturbate, just use like a balled up sock or something to generate the friction on your clit.
Anonymous 288132
>>288115why did I click on the spoiler
Anonymous 288134
>>288115You will never get all the bacteria and other microbes off your toilet bowl. You rub feces molecules and bacteria on your vagina.
Anonymous 288149
>>288134I used to be more paranoid about germs and bacteria but those are almost anywhere. Besides, I wear underwear when I do it. But you're right, it's unsanitary, so I'll stop using that.
>>288116I do not have a bath tub. I could do it against the table in my room instead, but it's embarrassing somehow. That's why I started to do it in the bathroom. The sink is too high for me to reach with my crotch lel>>288129Yeah, that's the problem, I've tried similar things and it's not enough, I have to practically crush my clit using my own weight against a hard surface. If I were a moid I'd be suffering the effects of "death grip".
Anonymous 288184
>>288149Microbes are so small they go between the small holes in fabric. I hope you threw the undies in the wash and washed yourself afterwards at least.
Anonymous 288196
I have finally managed to be able to wear my pre pandemic clothes again so I decided to weigh myself (I was aroubd 130lbs before) but the scale says I now weigh 145 lbs. I hate it. Last time I was weighing 145 lbs my waist was about 2 inches larger. I know I just probably have more muscles, but the number disgust me.
Anonymous 288209
Dating rules for dating app normie moids that have "golden retriever boyfriend" in their bio: 1. Do not be obese 2. Have long hair 3. Go to the gym 4. Going to the gym is not a hobby. If you list the gym or traveling as a hobby he will clown and bitch about women being basic. But going to the gym is still a must. 5. Have at least one hobby in common with the moid because they are socially retarded 6. Plus if it is some sort of sports so he can bore you with it 7. Have at least two friends or pretend that you have at least two friends 8. Wear makeup but in a way so the moid doesn't know that you are wearing makeup 9. If he asks you about previous relationships do not list more than 3 10. It's a big plus if you have some sort of social related job like a kindergarten teacher or teacher in general or social worker. Because then they will believe that you will raise their kids for free 11. Be over 4'11 or he'll make mean jokes
Anonymous 288219
>>288115Can you not just buy a vibrator or hump a pillow I'm not understanding this at all. I think you should stop masturbating for a month this is porn sickness idc
Anonymous 288362
>>287942choosing to marry a moid is low iq behavior.
Anonymous 288564
>>287791i want to fuck rance
no i’m not rancefag. i just want to sexually torture him
Anonymous 288614
>>287791i would kill anyone who even looks at my husbando if there were no legal repercussions
Anonymous 288631
>>287791I feel that if more people gave his series a legit chance they'd find a lot of the characters to be pretty husbandable, despite from the outside looking like waifuslop.
I'm no good at shilling though and the filter is way too much.
Anonymous 288642
>>287791I'm the only person that truly loves my husbandos, as in deeply and without fladerizind them.
Anonymous 288682

where's the femdom thread when I need it….
Anonymous 288697
That one post in the bunker thread made me wonder what you could call a non moidy not extreme feeder fetish. Is there even a word for it? There's a character I really like who is borderline anachan (not on purpose) and thinking about making her big delicious meals that she would like is so cute to me. There is weight gain involved but only a little, up until she's normal BMI I guess. I love her as she is, but her getting some fat in her thighs and stomach to make her soft, curvier than she's ever been, and her being excited and maybe a little shy about it is just so cute I want to scream.
Anonymous 288729
>>288115All the things on god's green earth at your disposal and you choose the most disgusting thing to rub your clit on? I freak out if my finger even lightly brushes against any part of the toilet seat and wash my hands twice after. You need some serious help, lady.
Anonymous 288738
>>288209Slightly off-topic, but this reminded me of how I fucking hate the term "golden retriever boyfriend". As if any xy ape can ever hope to compare to those beautiful, loyal, loving creatures. 99% of moids are ugly as shit, but I have never seen an ugly golden retriever. They make me cry with their beauty. Golden retrievers have warm, expressive eyes while moids have evil, soulless eyes. That horrid term hurts me greatly. Why is it even a thing? Your ugly boyfriend doesn't deserve to be called a golden retriever. YWNBAGR! HE'S A RETARDED APE, NOT A CUTE CANINE.
Anonymous 288794
>>288738Golden retriever boyfriend isn't real, it's a subconscious psychosexual thing where we neuter them and control them
Anonymous 288804

Me imagining my husbando soaking from the rain, his shirt sticking to his skin, he would hold the umbrella and we would barely both fit under it and yet be the happiest people on earth. Feel good.
Anonymous 288822
i feel so prudish for this but i can never bring myself to masturbate out of discomfort or some odd guilt though i did it so often as a child and i keep having dreams of touching myself lately i considered buying a sex toy i just fear id feel that guilt again. its unwarranted i dont know where it stems from maybe im just nervous to explore this and add it into my life again
Anonymous 288823
>>288822I used to be too scared to orgasm. I would get there, feel 0.5 of it and then shut my legs and force the feeling away. I think it was a deep fear of losing control, lack of autonomy Anonymous 288831
>>288823i think you hit the nail on the head. im very scared of having no control or being unsafe. i try very hard to be in control of things whether it be by pre planning or organizing or making routines and when i cant have that control i shut down and freeze. im too nervous to discuss this in relation to self pleasure with my therapist though
Anonymous 288846
Boogie Jiluka.jpg

>>285182I love you fellow vkeinona. Boogie is my 3DPD pick. I keep one of his chekis framed on my desk and it's my most prized possession. His hair is so long and silky… apparently it smells good too. I want to grab him by the ponytail
Anonymous 288850
>>288831For me I just slowly forced myself to lose control bit by bit. I let myself orgasm for 0.5 seconds to 1, and went on from there. It took a long while though because orgasming (like good orgasms) involves losing control of your body in pleasure and that subconsciously terrified me. I also do it alone with doors locked and full privacy so that kind of helps.
I'm riddled with anxiety disorders to the bone, it explains everything. Also I thought I looked retarded with eyes rolled back or out of focus. In retrospect this is probably on the same vein as to why I never smiled or showed any emotion as a teenager in school because I believed deep down it was a weakness or that it somehow revealed too much of me. Teachers would ask me to smile or show a little more enthusiasm and I would literally freeze up, I was so odd.