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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


Anonymous 14710[Reply]

Do you prefer BBC or BWC?

Anonymous 14712

I prefer pussy


Horny Thread #2 Anonymous 14614[Reply]

Post in here when you're horny and state what you want to do and/or have done to you!
Previous thread: >>3046
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14678

I have made a terrible discovery and have learnt that both orgasm denial and orgasm torture/forced orgasms are both things I am very into.

Pray for me.

Anonymous 14682


Done to you or done to your partner?

Anonymous 14686

Done to me.
Also how dare you do that to me with that video

Anonymous 14699


Moid feet

Anonymous 14711

Is it wrong to look at yaoi with guys that resemble my boyfriend?


Are male escorts worth it? Anonymous 14625[Reply]

I'm an extremely horny, sexually frustrated virgin and I wanna pay a male escort to lick my pussy and make me cum. To those of you that have hired them, are male escorts worth it?
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Anonymous 14703

wait two weeks so you can recover, the orgasm will be more intense then

Anonymous 14705

Oh shit escorts are like heroin

Anonymous 14706

What do you mean, you were wrong?

Anonymous 14707

She meant she was wrong in thinking that getting orgasms from paid actors was a sad thing. Now she thinks getting amazing orgasms from male escorts is a-ok

Anonymous 14709

I thought I deserved to feel that sense of connection for real, but life has proven me wrong.


How to bring up porn to my bf without it seeming weird? Anonymous 14473[Reply]

Basically I want to ask him if he watches porn but I don't want to bring it out of the blue so how do I spin the conversation to that? I regret not doing it when I had the chance to

As far as our relationship goes there is nothing wrong with it in fact he lvoes me unconditionally and he seems like a honest person. He's hard working and a bit nerdy

As for sex he is willing to do anything I get turned on by and he doesnt push for anything nor has problems with staying hard

The only thing that threw me off is he uses porn-coded words sometimes but I wouldn't describe it as disrespectful though

I mean it's obvious he watched before being in a relationship with me but I find it wrong to watch it while dating
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14476

If you just ask him out of the blue it probably wouldn't even bother him that much. It's not really a weird thing to ask and it's very understandable not to want your moid to watch porn while in a relationship with you.

Anonymous 14478

Like saying he would love to creampie me. I know what he's talking about and I find it hot but the word makes me iffy because of porn addicted faggotry

Anonymous 14508

maybe I'm too naive, but I wouldn't worry about that. Unfortunately a bunch of porn-coded words as you called them just seep into regular internet lingo.
I know this one guy who is an absolute prude and still knows and occasionally uses a few of them

Anonymous 14521

if you know the word, he might the same way

Anonymous 14708

all scrotes watch porn. If he says no, he is lying


Anonymous 14560[Reply]

Hey I'm really into porn games, but I find alot of them to be very boring. What kind of porn games do yalls like and where do you find them?

Anonymous 14562

Back to .SWF files on 4chan in 2009 then

Anonymous 14687

Flipwitch was pretty good

Anonymous 14695


Give Course of Temptation a try!
I've made a popular mod for it on their modding Discord.


Anonymous 14684[Reply]

All moids are pedos. It's evolution.

Anonymous 14691

In ancestral times men who were attracted to and paired up with 9yo girls would have left behind more descendants than men who paired up with 30yo women.

Over time men who preferred 9yo girls would have become more numerous in the population.

Moids can't help the way evolution made them.

Anonymous 14692

Marriage back then was mainly a way to secure economic and political contracts. Just a way to legally link families. It's still fucked up but they didn't actually consummate child marriages until the woman grew up and could have kids.

1633540585697 (1).…

Anonymous 8097[Reply]

>hate moids with every molecule in my body
>big dick worship fetish
I hate alot of things about myself but this is the worse one, I feel very ashamed about it and I know I can't tell anybody because if I did they will give me the "look".
anywas rant over whatever I will kill myself now bye
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Anonymous 13419

I'm pretty sure op's problem is the combination of hating moids and loving dick worship, not dick worship on its own.

Anonymous 13437

it's because you're a moid falseflag

Anonymous 13438


>straight people hate the things they are sexually attracted to
More news at 11

Anonymous 13439

yeah no women like wide shoulders, tall men and big penises, its just an incel psyop

Anonymous 14690

Absolutely nothing wrong with that


Anonymous 14524[Reply]

Why are men such whores?
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Anonymous 14631

the return of harems. i feel like there are a lot of women out there who would be willing to share one highly desirable and wealthy man with other women than settle for the trash that the majority of moids are.

Anonymous 14633


>The 6'10" sports star said,
>"When you think about, like, mental health, and how important that is,"
>"I need, like, a harem."
>"A sex doll that looks just like your wife is about mental health."

Anonymous 14634

Real answer:
Males invest less on reproduction, especially mammal ones by default because they don't have to give birth and then feed their offspring with milk. Because of that the best strategy for males is to breed with as many females as possible, because their reproductive investment is only ejaculation. Mammal males are literally wired to be whores because its the best reproductive strategy for them, and when needed to fight other males so it is them who only reproduces with those females. This is why men have always cared so much about virginity of their wives to barbaric levels but rarely applied the same standards to themselves and other men.

Anonymous 14685

Most males should not reproduce. Their only use is to be free expendable fodder for us to use. If they don't like it, they can get a sexbot and fuck off.

Anonymous 14688

I legitimately would be OK with this but there are so few men deserving of it that it would never work.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
118 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 14673

Working out/going to the gym also works and guarantees a hot body, yet only a fraction of moids actually put in the work. Same thing here, not to mention the stigma of talking about it openly. Plus most moids take comfort in the fact that women will always cater to their egos and tell them how size doesn't matter. So if women like you actually started speaking out about it, more moids would get on it.
Small dick = broken dick, so you'd have nothing to lose.

Anonymous 14675

Is 4 and a half inches so bad?

Anonymous 14676


Anonymous 14677

Can't do shit with 4,5 inches. And that's 4,5 inches tops mind you; Most positions require an extra inch or two for logistics and add another half to account for user error, which effectively leaves you with ~2 inches that are actually inside you.

Anonymous 14683

How about 5.5?

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