>>14808>I don't like it when a guy has to make that kind of compromiseThen what's the solution to difficulty in reaching orgasm? Just live with bad sex or dump him? A good man is hard to find, choosing partners based on orgasm is a road that only ends in disaster, and you can't just go around fucking every guy who seems nice in the hopes the graphs for character and orgasm quality meet at an optimal point. I would have difficulties with my boyfriend if not for toys, lube and fetishplay, but he is a genuinely good person and so we make a little compromise so that when I can't quite reach the peak, he can bring me there. If compromise is something you find weak and repulsive, you'll hate my next bit of advice.
>I don't think you should feel obligated to do so vs the inherent pressure to make sex goodWell of course not. Sex is a partnership and partnerships require understanding. Neither partner is obliged to do anything they don't want to, but you have to make compromises in order to reach that understanding. All things being equal, oral should be reciprocal and enthusiastic, but you make do with what you have and sometimes that involves sucking up your pride and doing something unsavoury for someone you love. Of course, if the act is totally repulsive and beyond the pale of what you could reasonably be expected to stomach, even if necessary for good sex, then you shouldn't do it. At that point, you've reached total sexual incompatibility and should end the relationship, because for the romantic side it's all downhill from there.