
lc bunker thread #11 Anonymous 278386
seething edition
Anonymous 278388
18 hours and still down. I’m starting to get paranoid that it’s not coming back
Anonymous 278389
This one was first. Anyway, any anons who fuck with Kali Linux know how to find all linked accounts with a few emails?
Anonymous 278390
>>278198I’ll be there. Driving home at the speed of light (1.5 hour commutefag)
Anonymous 278391
why are there so little options with pants in otome heroines
Anonymous 278392
Even CC has a separate /img/ and /media/ board, why the fuck is it taking LC to do the same
Anonymous 278393
>>278367It feels like husbando threads have turned into personal blogs instead of threads… I miss early husbando threads. It feels as if every husbando stacy got laughed outta there by the shonen and genshin losers.
Anonymous 278394

>>278337ty queen. blvn scene is pretty dead as usual, no big news lately just the same 20~ people making mildly amusing memes about and psychoanalyzing these crusty gay porn games. you said you go on /blog/, is that another board? i've seen the name pop up i think but idk what it refers to
Anonymous 278397
genshin husbandofags need to be bullied off of the website unironically
Anonymous 278398
>>278391Pants for women in Japan is considered a taboo
Anonymous 278402
>>278393Same, the random horny sperging was so much fun it felt like I could dip in and out whenever. Now when I pop in you have anons recognizing each other like its discord and writing long monologues about their fantasies, I dont even know when the shift started but its too late to go back now
Anonymous 278403
>>278394NTAYRT but it's a general in 4chan's /jp/ where you can sperg about otomes and bl vns. It's the best place I found to talk about otomes wihtout some gendies or moids chiming in. You can also talk about jp only vns.
Anonymous 278404
>>278391Real. Where’s my otome protag that wears pants and an oversized t-shirt? I feel like only western devs would do it, but I do not trust westerners to make an otome with attractive guys
Anonymous 278406
>>278397I agree. Pretty sure most of them are from tiktok too
Anonymous 278407
>>278399I miss the attractive men you want to fuck thread
Anonymous 278408
>>278397Genshit should have gone the way of kpop threads, you can see the twitter shit, fujo infights and the worst fandom discoursers come from them
Anonymous 278409
why do these threads fill up so fast what's their limit it's ridiculous
Anonymous 278410

When I wake up
I can’t even stay up
I slept through the day, fuck
I’m not getting younger
But when I’m older
I’ll be so much stronger
I’ll stay up for longer
Meet me at our spot
Anonymous 278412
>>278200I'm sorry but lolcow is filled with males too nowadays, especially on /ot/, they just hide better in there.
Anonymous 278413
>>278409Looks like 510 is the limit which kinda sucks, but makes sense when you remember cc is a lot slower than lc
Anonymous 278414
>>278397In Japan, skirts = girl, unironically. Look at their school uniforms
Anonymous 278415
>>278402No idea either but I felt shamed by those blogposters so I just stopped going there.
Anonymous 278419
>>278404They exist but… They're not translated to english :(
Anonymous 278421

>>278276That was indeed me. I’m so mad because the class is very useful and I can tell the professor is very knowledgeable, I like her teaching style. But the amount of bullshit I have to put up with to actually attend class I’m debating dropping it
Anonymous 278422
>>278410>>278416i forgot i like this song. thank you nonas
Anonymous 278423

just as the fanny thread was getting fun orz
Anonymous 278424

I'm manifesting death to all shayfags. You're a cancerous tumor upon LC and utter retards. Obsessing over some random sad ugly milkless tranny-loving whore and constantly reposting pictures of her uncensored spread asshole and pussy makes you infinitely more cowish than she could ever become. The fact that there's entire boards dedicated to her and like +200 threads with nothing but sperging about her tits and genitalia is peak retardation. May all you boring autists encouraging misogynistic moids and self hating pickmeishas to keep shitting up LC with your e-whore obsession and reposting their porn meet your downfall soon Amen
Anonymous 278425
>>278399If you posted him on /ot/, some demented ddlgfag with an old man fixation or a bald fat man invading would start seething and insisting he's ugly/too effeminate/looks underage lol
Anonymous 278427
Are there legitimate services that can get you the login info of somebody for a price? Asking fir a friend.
Anonymous 278428
>>278378Well yeah but it feels like there are way more on Lolcow recently. I've been in the husbando threads since the first one and sure there were shounenfags since the beginning but the threads are like 75 percent JJK sperging now
Anonymous 278429
>>278419>the untranslated masterpiecesWhen will this torture end? Moids get all their shit translated in 3-4 business days, but we suffer waiting years, nay, decades for even a crumb, and it’s just a menu translation.
Anonymous 278430
>>278392Because we don’t want our site to be an empty wasteland like this one.
Anonymous 278431

I'm getting null thread withdrawals… This drawing of Cartmans obese moobs and chode dick is so revolting I'm entranced
Anonymous 278432
>>278402I'm annoyed but those posting seriously and think it must be about serious husbando-having when you're just supposed to have fun and shitpost and be horny. Also the blogposters, the "omg I'm gonna kill myself or other fans"-retard, the ones that sound underage with an unintegrated typing style (Sukuna fans)
Anonymous 278433
Do any of you remember the 3DP husbando threads? Those fucking sucked because it was like a congregation of personalityfags blogposting and barely interacting with each other.
Anonymous 278434
>>278423before seeing the notice on lc i thought that fanny had had the site ddosed in her evil francophone rage
Anonymous 278435

>>278394i miss some of these psychoanalyzing twitter bitches sometimes, loved the girl who's completely autismo over ryu. hearts out to her wherever she is. /blog/ is the BL + otome general on 4chins' /jp/ board, you never been to it? check it out sometimes. it's pretty chill and mostly female, i've been haunting it for around 10 years now kek. it's my little female corner in the depths of 4chin's degeneracy. Nonninhas on /fujo/ get mad when you bring it up though.
Anonymous 278436
>itt nonas realize Japan is still culturally Asian
Anonymous 278437
>>278426Not remembering rn but I remember seeing lots of normal women and some in more casual wear in otome doujins, I'll have to check if I favorited them in my vndb.
Anonymous 278438
>>278431>so fat you can see his nasty bellybutton through a sweater and button upFilthy fucking nasty fat pig scrote. Somebody draw this dude getting anally raped and loving it.
Anonymous 278439
>>278403oh, i havent really touched 4chan since like 2016 and i have zero interest in otome so idk about that kek. i'll cross my fingers for fujochan to get better.
Anonymous 278440
Why tf are cc mods so ban-happy over literally nothing
Anonymous 278441
>>278412This is why the (scrotefoiling) (troonfoiling) redtexts are so retarded. Yes, not every anon u disagree with is a moid but some are such obvious moids it's insane to get penalized for simply pointing it out
Anonymous 278442
1.Are there classes dedicated solely to the study of subjects like composition, color theory, and anatomy or is that just a small part of the curriculum?
2.Do you feel like your classmates have been taught in a way that prepares them to be successful in the industry or is it a giant money pit?
3.Do the classes that force you to explore different mediums actually helpful or do they simply distract you from your goals? Does it help others find a style or a niche?
I do like the encouragement to branch out from just character design or drawing ocs in your school because I need a kick in the ass to actually start drawing anything else but humans.
Right now all the first year students are learning about values, different drawing techniques, and majority of their assignments being sketching from their surroundings. At least this was my observation. It's all base fundamentals and I'm surprised that my friend has 9 hour classes when it's all incredibly basic.
Anonymous 278444

>>278426>>278429Here's the mc from Sachi no Tenbin as an example. But I agree with you guys, it's hard to find
Anonymous 278445
>>278435Why do nonas in the fujothread hate it being mentioned?
Anonymous 278447
>>278431just nasty nasty nasty nasty nasty
Anonymous 278448
>>278440So few people use this site that I think when we do they like to ban a bunch of people just so that they feel like they're doing a good job maybe? It's like when you walk into a deserted restaurant and the waitstaff are extra obsessed with you.
Anonymous 278449
>>278431i miss her so much too. still going through her discord logs and she's such a cunt, i need somewhere to post caps. she bullies the fuck out of her little tranny discord kek
Anonymous 278451
>>278439You can post about blvns too anon, it's bl and otome games general (/blog/)
Anonymous 278453
>>278441Those shouldn't be bannable offences imo, unless the accuser is obviously baiting
Anonymous 278454
>>278445they think it's full of males. also /blog/'s humour triggers them. can't go one thread without talking about blood related brother fucking.
Anonymous 278455

>>278434as a baguettefag i hate that fanny tries to push the french degen stereotype to her anglo audience… like you're trying to push agaunst degen moid domination in the arts and culture and then a retard like this comes along claiming were all down with incest porn. fuck this
Anonymous 278456
i think the gender critical exodus from reddit is a part of the death of lolcow because troon discourse devolves every thread
Anonymous 278457
>>278441This is what spurred me to get a VPN in the first place. Banning scrotefoiling was supposed to be a temporary hellweek thing, but now it's a real rule? For what other reason than it prevents farmers from pointing out that Cerbmin is a failmale?
Anonymous 278458
>>278446Strong gender expectations, just like most places in Asia. Sure Japan isn't as bad as somewhere like Indonesia, but it still exists.
Anonymous 278459
>>278385>that means that they weren't designed to help to begin withthis is seriously fucking with me. you're so right. i feel like i've lost years of my life to this shit just hoping it'll finally change something
Anonymous 278460

>>278370>>278343I went to 2 art universities and i can agree that they don't teach you much to nothing. The second one was better because it was university for art teachers and not just artists so you got to actually learn something, not much about improving your art though.
Art uni proffessors are on of the worst people out there and i would never step my foot there again. Art schools, at least in Europe are infected with decay and by decay i mean conceptual art. They force you to do conceptual art no matter what art major you choose. "Oh you want to draw? Get naked and roll around in coal and then on paper, that's something a retard like you could do and we can give you a pass since you suck at writing 50 pages of references about quirky 60's artists and their ideologies." Like bitch i came here to draw not write. If i wanted to write every time i draw a line i would have gone to a writing school. Also the students who are assclimbers and professor's pets act like a cult and it's pretty freaky. You criticize a professor and they start yelling at you.
Sorry i just like to rant of art unis because they are the death of art. Now art high school i went to was the best, it was literally hogwarts.
Anonymous 278461
>>278449she seems to not like her audience at all
Anonymous 278462
>>278285Nta. I love the thread for the occasional questions, the interesting fantasies/ideas, the picrew links etc. But I admit I hate the shounenfags, Dazaifags, and Levifags. I can tolerate all the others though because I've never heard of or seen their husbandos before, but the aforementioned ones are so bland and feel so disingenuous in a way because of the FOTM feel to it. And no offense to them but the characters lack any depth in them imo and are way too tropey to be attached to, but that's just my opinion.
posting this here because I wrote it before realizing the thread hit its limit and I didn't want my sperging to go to waste Anonymous 278463
>>2784421. We have a class for that, yes. The teacher is pretty old-school, typical classical art academy. In the end of each lesson, she gives feedback and critique to each person and their work
2. No. Just no
3. That depends. Some classes are an absolute chore to get through, especially if you have 0 interest. But, some classes are an unexpected suprise, because you'll expand your abilities a lot, and you will start to look at things from a different perspective
Hope I'm helpful in a way haha
Anonymous 278464
>>278444what's your favorite otoge nonnina? jp only OK
Anonymous 278465
>>278457to hide how bad the moderation has gotten
Anonymous 278466
Aw man I was having so much fun with the laika/fanny perret thread…
Anonymous 278467
>>278449KEK kind of based of her, I love that she's stuck with coomer retards not even she gets along with because all her more normie friends dipped after the incest larp. also seconding, pls post caps here since we don't know when LC will be back up
Anonymous 278468
Dazai is such a lame character to me nowadays. I miss when he used to attempt suicide all the time and it didn't feel like he knew everything and was virtually omnipotent. In general I've been trying to get into different anime, not even for husbandos but because I miss how it used to feel to get immersed in one
Anonymous 278470
>>278456that's just trannies fault, hard not to mention them when the fags colonize literally every single thing or platform that women show interest in
Anonymous 278471
>>278468I'm sick of people posting him on LC tbh
Anonymous 278472
>>278409how the fuck am i supposed to have a conversation with nonners when 300 of these posts 500 are retards blogposting about themselves for fucks sake. atleast people are talking to each other in this thread ig
Anonymous 278473
I've known a person who has kept up the autism self-diagnosis larp for over ten years at this point. Like at what point do you just give it up?
Anonymous 278474
>>278464I'm still to early in my japanese journey
(haven't even reached a year of learning yet even) for me to read any mindblowing jp only otomes yet despite having 50+ on my wishlist.
For now it's Princess Nightmare though.
Anonymous 278475
>>278343I did not go to an art school, but rather my local university that has a small art program. It was okay, there were professors that sucked ass but the drawing professor that taught fundamentals was amazing. He also taught color theory. Sadly he’s gone, and I switched out of the program when he left. My peers while TRAs, none were tranny or even enby.
Anonymous 278476
>>278456I wish /r/gendercritical /r/itsafetish and /r/neovaginadistasters were still up
Anonymous 278477
>>278425>Looks underageThat's so fucking annoying. I can appreciate older men but there are nonas who get hives just thinking about a man younger than 20.
Anonymous 278478
>>278431same. god she's such a train wreck
Anonymous 278479
>>278468now I'm afraid to watch the newer seasons
Anonymous 278480
>>278473Too deep into it now, they're never gonna give it up or let it down.
>>278462The picrews are the best part of modern husbando threads but the ones they're sharing now are too "stiff" with what characters you can create, I can't even create my husbando in picrews anymore.
Anonymous 278481
>>278462ayrt fully agree, they're just such stale and boring characters, makes me feel like it's still 2015 and not in a good way. not even good character designs. and when it's not that, it's fucking alastor from hazbin hotel, these people have no shame. I wish there were way more fictional husbandos played by real moids, the 2d obsession just reeks of underage retardation
Anonymous 278482
>>278476tbf the transgender surgeries subreddit is basically neovag disaster central kekk
Anonymous 278483
>>278481why are you complaining about husbandos being 2d?
Anonymous 278484
>>278481The problem isn't the husbandos being 2D, it's the husbandos being husbandobait, tropey or FOTM. Just because your husbando is 3DPD or a 3D model doesn't make him less likely to fall into those issues.
Anonymous 278486
If there’s still no news from lc when I get out of class, I’m gonna cry. It’s so sad to think it might not come back.
Anonymous 278487
>>278476sadly we know this will never happen. Any milk on the trannies running Reddit? I'm surprised they haven't been doxxed yet considering most of them are probably your typical degenerate pedo rapist troon
Anonymous 278489
>>278397This but Shadow the hedgehog husbandofags
Anonymous 278490
My tinfoil is all the Khelif shills and tranny apologist are extreme newfags and don't know about cc
Anonymous 278491
>>278490Thank god for newfags not knowing about cc
Anonymous 278492
>>278490No need for tinfoil, they were from 4chan.
Anonymous 278494
>>278489I think it's just one person though.
Anonymous 278495
>>278491hopefully they don't find out about it, where else will we bunker
Anonymous 278496
I can't believe I've using lolcow for a decade…
Anonymous 278498
>>278476I miss all those subreddits and the open troon hate and criticism that was allowed to happen on different sites and platforms. Trannies really ruined the internet.
Anonymous 278499
>>278496please don't make me realize this
Anonymous 278501
>>278441>Banned for "scrotefoiling"The absolute state
Anonymous 278502
>>278480Fair point, I just go and try to find some ok looking picrews on my own, but finding couple related ones with decent art is a bit hard. I sometimes just go with male character makers to create "fan art" of my husbando since he has none.
>>278481I don't think it's a 2D vs. 3D thing, mine is CGI and I prefer him over an actor likeness, but more so these anons prefer really mainstream media and following trends that even their ability to "fall in love" with a fictional character is dictated by that, so they end up husbandoing what's basically "acceptable" to husbando. Confession time but I only joined LC more than a year ago and I really liked the idea of the husbando thread since my love for a lifelong husbando was rekindled at the time, but all the COD characters posting and basic mainstream animu shit made me hesitant to post. I eventually posted a few months ago but lost interest in the thread gradually and I started keeping my shenanigans to myself again because it's really useless to post there anyways. Especially since my husbando is rare. I do post some horny shit I want to do with him sometimes though kek.
Anonymous 278503

Do you think I'd get cyberbullied if I bought these
Anonymous 278506
>>278476Reddit is genuine ragefuel for me, i mald every time i see retard moids there saying stupid bullshit, how do you all manage to browse and use it?
Anonymous 278507
>>278502Kek, same anon, I also have a rare husbando and can't post there without everyone knowing who I am
Anonymous 278509
Dazai is ugly and has no lips. There I said it
Anonymous 278510
>>278435nah haven't used 4chan much in years, quit using most ibs that weren't lc or lc spinoffs because they either died or were too moidful but i might check it out some time. i preferred to just discuss bl stuff with friends since in a weird way paradekino is less filtering to many pseudonormie fujos than even something like hashihime–no one has the attention span to read anything but smut anymore kek
>the girl who's completely autismo over ryualso a queen, she's still at it
>>278445cuz it's moidchan
Anonymous 278512
>>278496Me too. It's a very important and unique place, imo. Not just because we can laugh at retards and not have to censor ourselves, but because it's female only. The internet as a whole provides insight into what it is to be male. LCF and here are some of the few places online that does the same for women. I do think it's an extremely culturally relevant site. Hope it comes back eventually…
Anonymous 278513
>>278509I just don't get how he has so many yumes when he's so gay and boring.
Anonymous 278514
>>278476They take those down but leave up r/raceplay (racist), r/beast_love (beastiality) and r/womenarethings (misogyny). God forbid anyone has the wrong thoughts on their beloved trannies though!
Anonymous 278515
>>278496same. in some ways I feel like I've wasted my life on toxicity then I realize places like reddit and Facebook are actually much worse
Anonymous 278516
>>278514I hope every tranny kills himself on stream inshallah
Anonymous 278518
I can't remember the last time I even saw a genshin character in the husbando thread? The Shadowfags fascinate me so I don't mind them. I wish more nonnnnas would try to be vague with who theyre posting about, it is supposed to be an anonymous site after all (and bc I hate some of them)
Anonymous 278519
>>278468As someone who has never read or watched BSD, I don't get the appeal of a non pathetic Dazai, even Dazai wouldn't get the appeal of a non pathetic Dazai.
Anonymous 278520
i miss my s it has almost been 24 hours
Anonymous 278521

….so ..when do i get my fanny thread back
Anonymous 278523
>>278441Accusing someone of being scrote used to mean something. There are usually signs that a poster is moid that farmers can see. Newfags don't have this intuition because they haven't lurked long enough and instead used it as an insult against anyone for any reason. That is why it had to be banned.
Anonymous 278525
>>278520n0nnies* why the fuck is that word banned on this site oh my godddd
Anonymous 278526
>>278512no to mention the archaic (nostalgic) ui
Anonymous 278527
I like this website more than lolcow because I won't get bullied for liking things that are too cringe but since it's so inactive here it doesn't matter in the first place
Anonymous 278529
>>278479It's running into that problem where the stakes need to be raised every single season, so they introduce a new host of characters that are more powerful than the least. However, because the writer clearly wants to fuck Dazai, Dazai is somehow always outsmarting them, even when he shouldn't be able to. Worse yet him and Fyodor never kissed not even once
Anonymous 278530
>>278517Idk but there's fujochan, which I wish got used more.
Anonymous 278531
>>278518any wimpy shounen man might as well be a genshin character
Anonymous 278532
when is lc coming back wtf its been so long
Anonymous 278535
>>278424she produces absolutely no milk I don't understand why there's so obsessed with her. She is THE most boring cow
Anonymous 278537
>>278515I feel like using most mainstream social media will give you more brain worms than using LC on the reg
Anonymous 278538
>>278518One was posted sometime before the lc went down actually.
Anonymous 278539
>>278530Fujochan is so dead and I hate the sites layout
Anonymous 278540
>>278530Have you seen the spergs there?
Anonymous 278541

>>278510>also a queen, she's still at itsay hi to her from me if you know her, used to be a good friend
Anonymous 278542
>>278539Still better than LC, LC is unironically the worst imageboard layout wise.
Anonymous 278543
>>278535i agree lol all she does is post porn but thats not enough to be a cow imo cause theres lots of girls that do that so i dont get why they obsess over her
Anonymous 278544
Tinfoil fanny used her troon connections to ddos LCF
Anonymous 278545
Who are some good husbandofags with not-boring husbandos?
Anonymous 278547
I had forgotten /shay/ existed, do shayfags still post there?
Anonymous 278549
>>278424Making fun of a fat pedophile is one of my life's most important missions and you heathens will not stop me.
Anonymous 278550
>>278529I used to be a BSDfan years ago, but I opened my eyes to just how bad the writing is. The fandom is also full of 13 year olds
Anonymous 278552
>>278540they're the good kind of spergs (genuine autists obsessed with their otps)
Anonymous 278553
i have a therapist meeting today, please pray for me non.nies
Anonymous 278555
>>278529this is why I stopped reading the manga
I want to remember dazai as a funny suicidal maniac<3
Anonymous 278557
Okay brb farmers I'm going to buy Diet Coke does anyone want anything also what are your lucky #s I'm buying lotto (I'm the anon that always asks for lucky numbers) I need 9 #s 1-70
Anonymous 278560
>>2785573, 6, 9, or 13. good luck nonnna!
Anonymous 278562
>>278557i'm not telling you because then you'll win and i won't
Anonymous 278564
Speaking of, to any ex-kpop critfags nct taeil is a rapist. SM just booted him from the group in the same announcement we found out.
Anonymous 278565
I wish farmers were more brutal with telling newfags to integrate and to report them. Everyone is so lax now.
Anonymous 278567
>>278507I made the mistake of posting about him in the fucking AI thread where I made images and someone was curious and I actually answered her in detail thinking "I'll never post about him on the husbando thread so whatever", then I caved in and posted there and I got recognized, they even said "you're always recognizable". How embarrassing. Now I can't post in either threads without getting self-conscious about it and just not doing it, or doing it as rarely as possible. I don't want to be another personalityfag and get permabanned, I love LC too much to ruin it for myself with my sperging.
Anonymous 278568
>>278556nta but you don't have health insurance?
>>278557i want gum
Anonymous 278569
>>278564a rapist pedophile, mind you
victim was 12
Anonymous 278570
>>278565I want zoomers off my site reeeee
Anonymous 278571
>>278565The art of gate keeping has just been lost on the internet in general, not just LC.
Anonymous 278572
>>278529BSD has been so fucking shit since that retarded vampire arc started. The writing was never good, but it at least used to be entertaining
Anonymous 278573
Kpop is a psyop to flatter and shill Korean moids
Anonymous 278574
>>278556most states have free healthcare
Anonymous 278575
Why are homestuck and osomatsu women so insane
Anonymous 278576
>>278564Every kpop moid deserves to be investigated. Half of them are so weird. I wish we had to kpop-crit thread back though, it was kind of fun
Anonymous 278578
>>278574most therapists don't accept any kind of insurance because it's "too much of a hassle" because none of them can afford secretaries
Anonymous 278579
>>278565because integration is a meme now, the pandemic newfags never integrated so now you can call yourself an oldfag and still act like the greenest newfag on the board
Anonymous 278580
My secret confession is that after watching BSD I'd autistically whisper-yell RASHOMON to myself
Anonymous 278583
>>278575homestuck has always been a pox on society and every single one of its fans has brain cancer
Anonymous 278585
>>278518The blue haired dragon genshin boy always gets posted there lol
Anonymous 278586
>>278579I never believe anyone who says their an old fag because they probably discovered the site in 2021
Anonymous 278588
>>278586I discovered the site in 2013 what does that make me.
Anonymous 278591
I have no issue with the newfags who know how to integrate. It’s the tiktok tumblr ones that irk me
Anonymous 278592
chili oil.jpg

I'm about to char sui pork with this
>>278588A liar because LC didn't exist until 2014.
Anonymous 278593
>>278569>believing the twitterfag lying for attentionAnon please, wait for the police to give more details. They already said the victim wasn't underage, that twitterfag claiming to be the victim has been debunked as a lying sea teen using deepl to fake screenshots. We know he's a rapist and he's done something extremely vile for SM to kick him overnight, but don't run with the first blatantly fake rumor on what exactly he did you see on twitter.
Anonymous 278594
>>278591They have completely colonized /w/. They can talk about how Jill is appropriating tranny culture and how it's unironically banned but anons can't make jokes about how her porn addict boyfriend is definitely going to troon out.
Anonymous 278595
nonushkas i'm going insane. i need my fix
Anonymous 278596
>>278592Wait it didn't exist until 2014? No fucking way. I've really been on the site since it's conception? I did not know that. That is crazy.
Anonymous 278598
>>278596How do you not remember moot banning PT threads and SR?
Anonymous 278599

I'm sorry to every LCanon i offended, fought with or baited.
Anonymous 278600

i was having a blast rereading the old shoe threads this copypasta-tier tweet never fails to make me kek
Anonymous 278602
>>278600I still go back and reread the OG tradthot threads with redpillchick sometimes.
Anonymous 278603
>checks if alogging is allowed on this site
i hope every LCanon i offended, fought with or baited died
Anonymous 278604
>>278600I would kill myself if that was attached to me
Anonymous 278605
>>278598I vaguely remember the PT ban. I only lurked from 2014 to like 2018 because I was so scared of fucking up a sage and being banned kek. I only really kept up with tumblr cows because prior to lolcow I was a tumblrina. So early Shayna, Soren, other unmemorable cows that have faded away. I also kept up with Dakota, Sherbet, Orange Citrus, those types of cows. Barely ever strayed from /snow/ until a few years later.
Anonymous 278606
>>278600This fills me with so much secondhand embarrassment it's not even funny. Speaking of embarrassing, I wonder what psycho shit Heather is up to
Anonymous 278607
>>278518I can't explicitly name my husbando because I'm the only person who yumes him, and I don't mean in lolcow. I hate how some husbandofags bevame personalityfags though (kirby and rance)
Anonymous 278610
>>278578oh wow i didn’t know some people were stingy like that. getting paid from the insurance company is simple kek what a lazy retard
Anonymous 278611
>>278605i still remember constant new milk in onision threads
the poly/billie drama and everything
Anonymous 278612
>>278607I like watching the two shadow nonas go at it and try to out-tism each other
Anonymous 278614
>>278540Nta, you have a point. Too much FOTM for my taste and all the favorite characters and ships are so samey. But I still post there occasionally.
Anonymous 278615
>>278611I caused a whole ruckus by falseflagging as "Billie" with "her" FB icon "accidentally" showing in screenshots. Sorry not sorry
Anonymous 278616
>>278611Yes I remember the Billie drama too. Back then I could never get super into Onision because he felt genuinely evil and I didn't like how he didn't face any consequences so I only kept up with current milk but hoooo boy now that he's a fucking washed up limp dick dildo riding nobody the early threads are gloriousm
Anonymous 278617
I don’t really post here but with how long the site’s been down for I’m kinda convinced the admin of the site just got sick of it and needed a break, when/if it ever comes back the admins and mods will probably have changed. There were a bunch of complaints about them anyways
Anonymous 278619
>>278615Kek why did you do that noninchka
Anonymous 278621
>>278607God I hate the rancefag so much
Anonymous 278622
>>278617>implying she does anything besides pay rentkek
Anonymous 278623

>>278568Sorry they only had mints so I bought those instead but also I didnt think when I asked but how am I supposed to even give them to you?????
Anonymous 278624
LC will rebrand as a recipe website and shill affiliate links for small kitchen appliances
Anonymous 278625
>>278607If they're ultra autists and have weird husbandos like kirbychan then I enjoy their antics. I only vague post about my guy since I think I'm the only person in the world who legitimately husbandos him.
Anonymous 278630
What other websites do you nonners use besides LC? I feel like there is nothing on the internet anymore but preddit and soc media apps.
Anonymous 278631
>>278619Anons were dumb af and wanted to believe every idiotic troll and I wanted things to come to a head and for some real drama to finally happen. I was also frustrated with farmhands jumping the shark at labeling selfposts and trolled them pretty good
Anonymous 278633
>>278616>dildo ridingwait he does what? is he gay now?
>>278623tysm n0nnie, I'll just imagine you gave it to me
Anonymous 278635
>>278630i don't even do anything except watch shitty ig reels and LC. there's no good sites anymore
Anonymous 278636
>>278628I think about the time she told her therapist about Kirby's vagina. I also think about the time koameda chan (I think it was her) acidentally played a lewd drama CD over the speakers at work. Good memoriesn
Anonymous 278637
>>278631I get you . Onision definitely seemed like an annoying cow at times. He'd overshare and then everyone would ghost for a while. Frustrating. I'm sure it was funny af looking back kek.
Anonymous 278638
Nonichkas, I'm losing hope
Anonymous 278640
>>278573Yes, and the most annoying part of this is how fucking ugly Korean men actually are.
South Korea, in general, is not a country of attractive or mentally stable people. Psychotic tiny-dicked manchildren bullying women into ugly surgery to erase the traits their mothers had/have, and their pop culture is all just inferior, soulless versions of anything Japan, the USA and other cultures/countries do. Manwha and "webtoons" are slop, too.
Anonymous 278641
Would using the waybackmachine work for me to check out the null (art cow) threads?
Anonymous 278642
>>278633If you look up onision onlyfans gay porn or whatever you can find it. He's full on fucked his ass with a dildo.
Anonymous 278643
>>278630I like using Khan Academy honestly. They have a decent history section and for someone who's only interested in it as a hobby it's fun. I also like reading Wikipedia articles, but I haven't really found any sites that foster the kind of internet friendships I used to have
Anonymous 278644
>>278637It was ngl. OG admin actually confronted me about it and vented about how 2 rogue farmhands had essentially taken over all the modding and that's why there were so many slipups. This is why I don't hate the current admin(s), abandoning your post and having the 1-2 most invested NEETs run the show is just tradition at this point
Anonymous 278645
>>278616It's glorious how much of a failed nobody Onion boy is now.
Anonymous 278647
>>278641I have archived some on archive dot is
Anonymous 278648
>>278644Cough cough the /w/ tranny janny
Anonymous 278650

onion thread really became unreadable post billiegate, commentary shittubers started milking him for views i had to tap out
Anonymous 278652
>>278645it is what he deserved after all
i still hope his children get out of there though
Anonymous 278653
Onion boy was smart as fuck picking his underage bang maids. Sarah legit doesn't want to go through with the lawsuit. Fuck all those bpd freaks. Literal insanity. At least Billie, though a cam whore, is keeping her distance.
Anonymous 278654
remember himr he finally rode a dildo on cam but i didnt like the way his dick looks
Anonymous 278656
>>278653why not though?
I still don't understand how they could let this thing touch them, but I guess they were impressable teenagers
Anonymous 278657
>>278573There are maybe ten truly handsome male idols at best. The rest are just unattractive men with micropenis. Most of those guys aren’t even famous. K-pop fans seem to believe that ugly men are nicer, which is absurd. Cha Eunwoo only gained popularity after becoming an actor. Honestly, K-pop is a plague on humanity.
Anonymous 278658
>>278656>Why thoughNobody knows. I think the Onion harem has really made me dislike people with BPD. How are you going to let the grooming of your young naive self be water off your back because fakeboi Lainey wants to be friends again? The fakboi that was legitimately preying on underage girls. Insanity.
Anonymous 278659
>>278647Nice, link to the firsr and second thread?
Anonymous 278660
>>278596My tinfoil is they got used to wfh and enjoyed the freedom and are willing to give up a more diverse clientele for simplicity. Idk if I can really blame them for that but it's absolutely not the right thing to do
Anonymous 278661
>>278652I'm ambivalent. Like sure I know his children are innocent for his crimes, they are just kids after all. On the other hand they're the spawn of evil people, and evil is forever.
Anonymous 278662
>>278661His daughter has a brain injury so she's probably going to grow up microwaving her hamsters.
Anonymous 278663
>>278610Meant to reply to this about the therapists sorry
Anonymous 278666
>>277784>every female character who isn't a girly girl gets trannified these daysAnd the ones who ARE girly girls get trannified anyway because "twans women are THE most hyperfeminine best girlies uwu"
there's no winning.
Anonymous 278667
>>278658maybe she is lonely and wants to connect to someone that "knows her" idk
Anonymous 278668
>>278433They always chose the most misogynistic, walled men to ‘husbando’fag. It’s not a husbando if he exists. I’m looking at you, Ezra Miller and Oneyposters. There was one poster in there making several consecutive posts about Corey spazkid, he’s dating a TIM and his mind has turn to slush because of him consuming/creating hentai. I think the Depeche Mode posters were cute though, they never posted walled pictures.
Anonymous 278669
Nonas, the movie will begin in a little less than 20 min but the video is blocked in GB, AU, CA and US lol so I guess that's pretty bad
https://cytu.be/r/farmmovienightshttps://cytu.be/r/farmmovienightshttps://cytu.be/r/farmmovienightsAnonymous 278671
>>278640the most attractive korean guy ive seen on social media is gay
Anonymous 278672

>>278657Theres only 1 and it's jiwoong also girl group music is kino otherwise I agree
Anonymous 278673
>>278642What vexes me is like why on EARTH did he do that shit when he's such a huge homophobe
Anonymous 278674
>>278622>implying admin is a shekek. honestly tho what's the general consensus with the admin?? is it shaymin? is it a moid? whats up with cerbmin? and why were the farmhands he hired so shit and unfamiliar with iba and lcf culture?
Anonymous 278675

bunker discord, join quick before mods get to it
https://[[read the rules]]/QC8Sxth2
Anonymous 278677
>>278671Kim Jung Un IS NOT gay. Stop spreading lies.
Anonymous 278679
>>278661they are not evil just because they come out of evil people, they didn't choose after all. and they could be saved from their influence if they were to live somewhere else. they could even decide to be completely different from onion
Anonymous 278681
>>278675Nobody wants to join a discord the whole point of an ib is anon posting. Plus this is the same one you spammed in like 20 different lc threads. Stop.
Anonymous 278682
>>278681I literally just made it, schizo
Anonymous 278683
>>278668I have a particular hatred for the John Belushi fag. Disgusting. Genuinely. I hope she's doing terrible. Fuck John Belushi and fuck that fag who husbando'd him.
Anonymous 278684
>>278678>moid tier gifcould you be a little less obvious honeypot-kun
Anonymous 278685
>>278573It literally is, the explosion of Kpop was a marketing strategy funded by the Korean government. They formed a whole Ministry of Culture with a division for Kpop because the country was losing money because nobody wanted to travel there
Anonymous 278686
>>278684get out of your own ass, vc me if you must
Anonymous 278687
>>278682the only girls willing to go off anon are in fact not girls, schizo, or bpdchan
Anonymous 278688
>>278684glad someone else immediately noticed lol
Anonymous 278691
>>278687>she's never been invited to any of the good lolcords Anonymous 278692
>>278606She went to the hair dresser and got her roots done, so much for going black
Anonymous 278693
>>278684how is this a moid tier gif? I think it's funny
Anonymous 278694
alone on a friday night? god you're pathetic
Anonymous 278696
>>278677you cant stop me from living my truth
Anonymous 278697
>>278687you're in for a surprise, we have a few anonymous discords here but you haven't been invited to them apparently kek
Anonymous 278699
>>278695any platform is what you want it to be, it only depends on who you surround yourself with
Anonymous 278700
>>278625same, i found no other yume fan content of him online, so I'll just keep that stuff to myself unless a fellow yume of him ever shows up.
Anonymous 278702
>>278677he and dennis rodman explored each other's bodies
Anonymous 278705
>>278692Making Rumham's death all about getting her hair done and then not even following through is so fucking funny kek
Anonymous 278706
>>278704Eyyyyy moovie night tell raggamuffin I said she is SMELLY yet kind
Anonymous 278707
>>278705I will always support Heather just based on the fact her fat ex-husband is seething in her thread 24/7 and no matter how unhinged she is, she's kind of based for living her little slut life rather than being with that man, she won for that alone. He was cheating on her and posting all the time with his tranny friend and so many anons in her thread were unhinged esotericism-fags who want to whine and cry about witchcraft being totes serious, sorry but to me she can do no wrong, she's obviously still a cow but I hold her dearly within my heart
Anonymous 278708
>>278697how would you anonimize a discord server? isn't it impossible not to namefag there?
Anonymous 278709
>>278706I won't tell her that if she shows up but I will send her your love kek
Anonymous 278710
>>278630I have my personal website and I've connected with some LC n0nnies through it
Anonymous 278711
>>278708just use a random name and don't connect any social media
Anonymous 278712
>>278669Aw man. Sped home for nothing.
Anonymous 278713
>>278710Do you hate troons? Do you like to sperg about celebricows? Are you into an artistic hobby? Do you have any womanchild interests? If so we could be friends, reach out to me cita.
Anonymous 278715
Has anyone else been permanently banned here with no explanation given? I’ve only made like 4 posts here and they were all completely boring and normal, and the mods here permabanned me like 10 minutes after I arrived. I don’t understand?
Anonymous 278716
I know this thread is practically a chat room but I love it and we need to bring back shitposting. We are proof we can have nice things again.
Anonymous 278717
>>278715I think they ban based on user reports so maybe some tranny just reported you nonstop.
Anonymous 278718
>>278715They've had that issue for a year now, random IPs get banned or maybe you used one of the words in the word filter, it's hard to reach the mods but one said that there are bans that keep re-sticking on the IP and they have to undo it manually so it takes forever
Anonymous 278719
>>278431>inb4 it was null and her rich family that took down lc Anonymous 278720
>>278715Brave browser gets auto banned for some reason so try using a different browser after you appeal your ban.
Anonymous 278721
>>278719null trooned out and is rich? what
Anonymous 278722
Can’t believe this shit! What am I supposed to do? Interact with my family?
Anonymous 278723
>>278721different null
>>278678i spoke too soon, chill server so far
Anonymous 278724
Stop calling her null, you’re just confusing people. It’s Fanny
Anonymous 278725
>>278704there’s quite literally a moid in there
Anonymous 278726
>>278720brave has vpn baked in so many sites ban it
Anonymous 278727

>>278716tbh i didn't mind dumbass being locked at first but it gradually became clear lc has taken a nosedive since then. instead of funposting it's just infights, moralfags and politispergs. i say bring back the retarded shitposts
Anonymous 278728
>>278715happened to me too. no reason given
Anonymous 278730
>>278727Dumbass shit was the reason lc got so plagued YWNBAF
Anonymous 278731
>>278727It wasn’t even the fact they locked it. Mods ban any shitposting now. It’s stupid and ruined the site.
Anonymous 278734
>>278723Please repost the server url I'm too retarded to figure out how to get in
Anonymous 278735
>>278730lc got plagued because of politispergs and it's worse now than it ever has been before
Anonymous 278736

>>278714Same. I like some of the cow threads on KF but lc will always be my true home. Shitposting doesn’t have the same flare without an over abundance of weebs and anonymity
Anonymous 278737
>>278730Then what's the reason for all the shitty users now retardicus.
Anonymous 278739
>>278727I remember when one of the justifications for banning it was that people were clustering on dumbass shit and leaving the rest of the threads dead, but now you can't shitpost anywhere else or have any fun leaving threads dead.
Anonymous 278740
>>278692I'm so sad, I was hoping for my Halloween drama, she is so boring and in her pictures after she got her hair done she looks like a 45 year old mother of 3 boys with a house with a white picket fence
Anonymous 278741
I keep thinking about the anon who made the post about being annoyed by Amber Alert notifications. Does her phone not allow her to turn those off?
Anonymous 278742
>>278732They’re french, their lives are filled with opulent bouts of hired DDoS’ers.
Anonymous 278745
>>278388what is the longest time that lc has been down for?
Anonymous 278746
>>278702Yeah but that was a bicurious exploration NOT indicative of homosexuality
Anonymous 278747
I dreamed i became very rich.
Anonymous 278749
>>278745A long time. I wanna say more than a week but I'm not 100% sure. I know it's been offline for at least a few days before.
Anonymous 278751
>>278710Kek I'm jealous. I have a website too. On neocities, but only gendies ever follow me
Anonymous 278752
>>278736At least posters are funny in /snow/ threads. On KF, you may have a better OP summary but after that there’s 500 pages of slop and 2% milk. Using the highlights doesn’t help either because it’s seems whoever chooses them will also include the unfunny joke of the day that got the most reactions.
Anonymous 278754
>>278745Probably that one Christmas season and the following months on end where it was down for whole sections of people.
Anonymous 278755
>>278741That was me and no it doesn't!! It's really annoying because sometimes it'll go off at the worst times. And also I kinda still think cops should be doing way more and it's not the public's responsibility. I know I came off retarded in my op but like I am a little bit so don't think too harshly of me!
Anonymous 278756
Just posting to compliment the OP pic. I love hedgehogs.
Was working all day so only now realized lc is down
Anonymous 278757
I miss lolcow. The iwifags Fanny thread is pure derailing and moids trying to be funny.
Anonymous 278758
>>278753No nona, it was a premonition. Omens are outside forces, premonitions come from within.
Anonymous 278759
>>278470>hard not to mention them when the fags colonize literally every single thing or platform that women show interest inIt shits up threads. I live in faggot central and you simply don't see them as much as you'd think. Any time a retarded anon talks about punching a tranny over protecting biological women rights, it only manifests that the trannies stay around. They live rent free in so many anon's heads. Worry about the issues that biological women face.
Anonymous 278760
>>278730There was nothing wrong with the thread until newfags decided that it was their unintegrated chatroom.
Anonymous 278761
Why is cc so cringeworthy? I don’t get it. It’s like they think 4chan is cool or something. Real question, maybe I’m just missing something
Anonymous 278762

>>278758i meant what i said. God is showing you your good future and you deny him?
Anonymous 278763
>>278761Hoards of new integrated users fucked up the small IB dynamic a couple years ago
Anonymous 278764
>>278761yea, I like the design of this ib but posters on here reek of twitterfag and 4chan pickme
Anonymous 278765
I miss the reddit hate thread, it was like my daily evening magazine
Anonymous 278766
>>278758>>278753inshallah nonas, i want to buy many animu figures and build a husbando shrine.
Anonymous 278769
>>278694I'm alone on Friday afternoon but only my body is alone. My spirit is with all of my beloved anons here. Besides my anons I'm also surrounded by all the love that ever was and ever will be floating across the seas of space and time. Sometimes when I'm alone I cry out and I hear the echos of my mother and my grand mother and all those that came before me until finally I hear the voice of Lucy herself and I realize then that separation is only an illusion.
Anonymous 278770
>>278707hard agree. half of the hate against her is from moids, and it's at the very least a moid that perpetuated all the initial hate. it's fucked up how men use women to persecute for them.
Anonymous 278771
>>278710I have a website too and have connected with other nonners. I bet we know each other keke
Anonymous 278772
>>278707Fair, I don't think she did all that to be based though, she just has a messy life. I don't personally like her because of how she pretends to be an expert in everything, how she talks about and teeats other women, and her ryanquest basically worshipping scrotes, I couldn't give a rats ass about the witchy stuff though kek
Anonymous 278773
>>278745Wasn't it a few months with tempcow? I remember a lot of people quitting LC because of it.
Anonymous 278774
>>278769you don't have to cry, you could just meditate and achive the same realization
Anonymous 278776
>>278755Nah, I was just wondering if you could turn those off. I can turn all but the nation wide notifications off but both my parents can't do that on their phones. Was hoping you had that ability.
Anonymous 278777
>>278755Nta but where do you live that it’s so constant? I think I get one a year.
Anonymous 278778
>>278771We definitely do, personal web thread is my most comfy residence on /ot/ right now even though it's slow.
Anonymous 278779
What's the difference between gasoline?? Why is there different octane levels? If I put octane 93 in my car today and then octane 87 tomorrow what would happen?
Anonymous 278780
>>278779They taste different, you should check it out
Anonymous 278782
>>278752there's so much powerlevelling and faggotry on kiwifarms. They always are so proud of how they "don't" powerlevel, but they do, and they blogpost hard.
Anonymous 278783
>>278777Biggest city in my country with a lot of abductions going on apparently. Don't get me wrong I feel bad for them or whatever but I don't wanna get woken up at 6AM because some righteous mum "abducted" her kids back from the shitfather.
>>278774Cry out, not cry. Like I invoke them through voice.
Anonymous 278785
is cleveland ohio a bad place to move to
Anonymous 278786
>>278779it tastes like lime you should drink it
Anonymous 278787
>>278778There has definitely been a slowdown on the milk unfortunately. I think it's because most of the freaks moved over to nekoweb
Anonymous 278788
>>278783I’m almost certain there’s a way to turn them off in the setting. I live in CA and anytime there’s an earthquake 3.4 or more my phone screams at me. But it literally happens a couple seconds after the quake so it’s almost pointless. I ended up turning it off in the settings but turned it back on because I felt bad kek.
Anonymous 278789
>>278785It's overhyped IMO. There's better cities in OH. But it's not bad or anything. Just boring.
Anonymous 278790
>>278764it’s interesting, on one hand this place is more chill, less neurotically mean for no reason and thankfully less schizo, on the other hand anons here seem somewhat soft (moidlovers) and uwu plus no schizos = i can’t be schizo
Anonymous 278791
Do U all think CC mods get happy when we come or do they get annoyed do U think
Anonymous 278792
>>278769Cool nonnita i wish more anons were like you. Chill and good.
Anonymous 278793
>>278787>nekowebIs it good or are there rules against being a based TERF?
Anonymous 278796
I just wasted all my savings on a recent event and they just announced a new one with super cute outfits. Why is my luck always like this.
Anonymous 278797
>>278791they are sitting in this thread happy that they actually have something to moderate
Anonymous 278798
>>278793The site is moderated by gendies so you'll probably get banned if you're openly terfy
Anonymous 278799
i wish i had radfem friends my age but i live in west virginia kek and in one of the most liberal cities. help me
Anonymous 278800
>>278769this makes me feel a lot better about not caring about being alone. thank you
Anonymous 278801
>>278788Hmm I checked my settings and I can turn it off thank you for telling me…. Sorry I'm a boomer when it comes to tech kek. I still don't think I should turn it off though because I need to keep it on in case there's a meltdown at the nuclear power plant. I keep my emergency tablets in the car and in the house so I wouldn't get too sick but still I'd like to have the alert for that because I'd want to evacuate ASAP and that means I have to speed home to rescue my cat because if she died I would have to go into the suicide watch ward for a month or 6 weeks
Anonymous 278802
>>278797Do u think they post in here kek I think theyd be fun to talk with
Anonymous 278803
>>278798is dimdev also a TRA? im not up to milk but isnt he ukrainian? id think most of them would be troonphobic
Anonymous 278804
>>278787It also kind of sucks how Kyle started banning more frequently, currently he's responding to reports of racial slurs being used on site comments and stuff but when that starts happening I always feel like we're next on the chopping block. It's kind of retarded when you consider the rules which are pretty free speech friendly.
Anonymous 278806
Unpopular opinion: Crystal is best theme. I also don’t get why you’d use girltalk when pink is literally right there
Anonymous 278807
>>278630Youtube, facebook for communicating with family, one reddit thread that talks about a cow I find interesting, tumblr sometimes for cool images and edits, and I think that's it. Oh and flixtor for streaming stuff
Anonymous 278808
>>278796Me and you are in this together sister. My gacha game did the same…
Anonymous 278809
>>278803Idk if he's a TRA but he's super friendly with a bunch of troons and aidens
>>278804Wow I had no idea he was actually taking action against that. Kind of retarded, maybe he needs to band the gendies that threaten to dox and send death threats to the open terfs on NC
Anonymous 278811
>>278806girltalk kinda hurts my eyes kek that's why i use dark crystal here and darkcow on lc
Anonymous 278812
hellweek is the best dark theme on lc
Anonymous 278813
>>278806pink has weird colors. i don't like that unsaturated pink it uses for the posts, for example. girltalk is perfectly saturated and all the colors flow nicely
Anonymous 278814
>>278803He doesn't seem completely into gendie shit but he's very against any type of drama and politics talk in the discord, kind of similar to melon.
Anonymous 278815
I feel like on crystal cafe I can admit I'm attracted to fat men but only if they're tall and have longer necks
Anonymous 278817

>>278752I seldomly laugh at anything on KF especially anything posted by users. n0nnies make me laugh every day, it is obviously the superior website
Anonymous 278818
>>278799i was going to say i'm close (central VA) but i just looked at a map and WV is so much bigger than i thought… wtf are the liberal cities there? i thought it was mostly red
Anonymous 278819
why does it feel like only the straight anons migrated. i wish i could’ve checked up on the bpd war on the lesbian thread before LC went down
Anonymous 278821
>>278815Fat moids are disgusting and smell nasty
Anonymous 278822
>>278791Probably happy to moderate actual posts instead of having to delete the 3rd illegal material raid of the week
Anonymous 278823
There are like 3 billion posts now here help
Anonymous 278824
>>278806I like dark crystal, wintery, and halloween
Anonymous 278825
molesisters all dark themes give us worse eye strain than the light themes
Anonymous 278832
>>278820Owner of the melonland forum, another larpy old web space except it's actually half active. It's kind of cute but he quite literally censors all mentions of kf, 4chan, lolcow because he doesn't want any sort of drama talk at all, and of course the forum is filled with gendies.
Anonymous 278833
>>278819>bpd warTell us. Is it the (correct) tinfoil that half of anons on there are bi? Or something else?
>>278825I read this as 'molesters' + 'sisters'
Anonymous 278834
>>278813The one thing I don't like about girltalk is it's hard to see which posts are saged v unsaged when your brightness is turned down. I almost wish they had made unsaged "Anon" just a bright white
Anonymous 278836
>>278833It reminded me of Tobias Funke's business cards kek
Anonymous 278838
>>278835Are you also waiting for the new nikki game ? i stopped playing the 2D one because i got tired of all chinese outfits. But i am looking forward to the adventure game. Finally a game for women that mixes fashiong with a cool world and game mechanics.
Anonymous 278839
>>278834I don't think I can see that with the default theme either. Sometimes I will make a saged post but the anon colours would stay the same. I thought the colours are just random, no?
Anonymous 278840
>>278818charleston is pretty liberal but im where WVU is, so the demographics here are usually just college age kids. i am in my 20s which makes it harder for me to find non gendietard friends kek
Anonymous 278841
>>278832How hard is it to make or run a forum like that anyway? Sometimes I think it would be fun to make a forum.
Anonymous 278842
I hoard resources in my gacha game and always have enough to get what i want that sucks for you guys though
Anonymous 278844

My right arm is in a cast so gonna try to wash my hair with only one hand. wish me luck
Anonymous 278845
>>278842I just have terrible luck. I had 100 gacha tickets, and i had to use 50 to get one shitty multiplier outfit for an event i wanted to tier in.
Anonymous 278846
>>278839It's sooo small of a colour change, it's goes from a rich red to almost a pinkish toned red.
Anonymous 278847
i'm only playing infinity nikki if they let me run around as some stort of woodland twink
Anonymous 278849
>>278801If iPhone it’s under notifications at the very bottom
Anonymous 278850
>>278838I am looking forwards to it, but from seeing the trailer it seems like they once again won't really have facial/body feature customization which really bums me out. I'll definitely give it a try though.
>>278842I actually do as well, but this time I got unlucky with two good limited gachas in a row. Usually I can sit a few out.
Anonymous 278851
YES I Love bunker threads! Is there an active doodle board like last time? Thank you Crystal Cafe landlords
>>278399Three Dimensional Pig Disgusting
Anonymous 278852
>>278847if it comes to pc i am going to mod the sit out of it
Anonymous 278853
>>278819>the lesbian thread before LC went downlast time i checked it was being raided by the yuripedo
Anonymous 278854
>>278853why are you so obsessed with her?
Anonymous 278855
>>278854shes funny, shes irl kikomi chan
Anonymous 278856
>>278849Sorry I realized you said can not can’t
Anonymous 278858

STARTING IN 40 MINUTESThe Conversation (1974)>Surveillance expert Harry Caul (Gene Hackman) is hired by a mysterious client's brusque aide (Harrison Ford) to tail a young couple, Mark (Frederic Forrest) and Ann (Cindy Williams). Tracking the pair through San Francisco's Union Square, Caul and his associate Stan (John Cazale) manage to record a cryptic conversation between them. Tormented by memories of a previous case that ended badly, Caul becomes obsessed with the resulting tape, trying to determine if the couple are in danger.AVAILABLE IN ALL REGIONShttps://cytu.be/r/farmmovienightshttps://cytu.be/r/farmmovienights Anonymous 278859
So is it coming back online today or Tuesday
Anonymous 278860
>>278855she hates trannies and aidens tho, thats not a kikomi
Anonymous 278861
>>278859Tuesday?! Where'd you hear Tuesday? That's like 4 days away
Anonymous 278864
I just found out that johnny depp played hunter s thompson on fear and loathing. This is why i never check the credits. Fucking moids ruin everything.
Anonymous 278865
>>278861Some anons were saying because it's a holiday weekend the payment wont go through until Tuesday after the holiday
Anonymous 278866
>>278860In all shapes except physical shes a yuritroon
Anonymous 278867
Fuck, I need to use the vent thread
Anonymous 278868
>>278864A creep playing a creep, John Cusack also played Thompson
Anonymous 278869

I need to nitpick Jill. I need to nitpick Jill. I need to nitpick Jill.
Anonymous 278870
>>278867there's a vent thread on /feels/
Anonymous 278872
>>278865I guess that depends if it's a payment issue or not, hopefully it'll be back before but that's a good point. If it is a payment issue I guess it won't be back until Tuesday.
>>278867Vent here, or one of the threads on /feels/
Anonymous 278874
>>278871why are you so defensive over anons making fun of a loli coomer personalityfag
Anonymous 278875
>>278412I mean it's true, but after the ugly male psyop thread and the r9k raid, I feel like there are lots of moids something there
Anonymous 278878
I never realized how much time I spent on lolcow, it's like one of the only sites I find entertaining. It's 8pm and I just wanna read some shitposts in my favorite threads while having a cup of tea wtf
Anonymous 278879
>>278875fit moids getting pissed at the ugly male psyop thread is funny. They are easy to spot on because they are always shitting on twinks and calling anons who like 19yo men pedos.
Anonymous 278880
>>278860why are you talking about yourself in 3rd person
Anonymous 278882
>>278874she's self whiteknighting, don't reply
Anonymous 278883
to the sea.jpg

>>278877No but I went out and bought weed and now I'm high as fuck in this thread having a blast
Anonymous 278884
>>278874people like you are the reason lolcow went to shit
Anonymous 278886
>>278877man, Elliot Rodger, he was such a wild case
Anonymous 278887
>>278884Lolcow is for making fun of people like the yuripedo. Its a drama board, retard.
Anonymous 278888
Let's roll up together nona
Anonymous 278892
>>278851No but someone should make one
Anonymous 278893
I always assume any yurifag is a male, I am yet to see yuri anime that is not totally a male fantasy
Anonymous 278894
>>278891Why would she? She's the cutest lizard
Anonymous 278895
save lolcor.jpg

>>278889Everyone draw these diagrams on your floor we can save Lolcow if we ask the right ones to aid us.
Anonymous 278897
>>278878same this place is unorganised and slow
Anonymous 278900
>>278893based, yuri is nasty and only moids and very annoying pickmes can tolerate it
Anonymous 278904
I hate the scrotefoiling rule tbh
Anonymous 278906

When will Lolcor be back I miss her so bad I'm having withdrawels
Anonymous 278907
we want lolcow we want lolcow
Anonymous 278909

>>278904The problem with scrotefoiling on lc is that most of the time it's used as the NO U!!! of lc
Anonymous 278910

Does anyone still wish we dressed like this? I wish everyone would dress nice. I'm tired of everyone only wearing t-shirts.
Anonymous 278911

got my kefir milk and a bowl of berry custard, just need lolcor back now
Anonymous 278912
>>278909constantly used by zoomerfags when someone disagrees with them
Anonymous 278913
>>278910not even in the fucking slightest
Anonymous 278914
>>278393I could start posting my unhinged sexual fantasies about non genshit characters to balance it out if you like. I promise you only cool older cats will like my husbandofaggery
Anonymous 278915
>>278913Not even the feathers in hair?
Anonymous 278917
there arent enough decent men for us all
Anonymous 278919
>>278910I just want capes to be a thing again. I want to look dramatic and majestic wherever I go, regular long coats don't do it for me.
Anonymous 278920
>>278904i dont. If you suspect someone is a scrote why would you respond to them? just report
Anonymous 278921
>>278916This leads into my next point:
I don't understand if global warming is happening already and nobody wants to change it why can't why just air condition the outside? Like if we are already using all this electricity and whatever why not just make it cold outside like we make it cold inside?
Anonymous 278922

Made a sandwich with weed & chili crisp, it was exquisite. Also look at this image I found, someone made a little bong and joints for their dolls kekkkk. It’s so autistic and cute I love it
Anonymous 278923
>>278910I wish I could live in the 1920s. I think it would be lots of fun being a flapper
Anonymous 278924
>>278872It can't come back on Tuesday because I'll be out all day and my worst enemy will create the thread before I do. Nooo
Anonymous 278925
>>278910i wish it was socially acceptable to wear traditional clothes again
Anonymous 278926
>>278919Capes yes but also CLOAKS as well.
Anonymous 278927

What are you nonners gonna do over the weekend now that LC is down
Anonymous 278928
>>278900why is incomprehensible to some nonas that some women out there don't care about male characters. What is this psyop
Anonymous 278930
>>278923Yeah plus you could buy sooo many drugs just at the pharmacy. Ivermectin would help me a lot.
Anonymous 278932
>>278914I have shonenslop husbands and would love more variety of husbandofagging honestly. I love Nona’s that husband weird shit like gumball machines and that mango looking dude.
Anonymous 278952
>>278932Nta but those are annoying, too. Something about it feels so tryhard and insincere. And somehow, they're characters from shows popular with zoomers, wonder why.