images - 2024-07-1…

Lolcow Bunker Thread #9 Anonymous 274951
Anonymous 274952
>>274941Mods couldn't handle my opinions about spekkoek, typical
Anonymous 274954
>>274951i need lc back up so bad… what am i supposed to read on the bus nowww
Anonymous 274955
theres a trump assassination thread? was lolcow shut down because of the discussion
Anonymous 274956

Does anyone own a New 3DS XL?
Been thinking of replacing my 12yo 3DS and I love the look of the New XLs (reminds me of the DS Lite), but I have heard they're kinda fragile, so I'm unsure
Anonymous 274957
>>274955It was mostly shitposting, anons being doomers, and a few being really weirdly fixated on the idea of the sniper being a TIM for some reason. The Amerifag thread did get brigaded by moids when the assassination was brought up iirc so I wouldn't entirely dismiss the possibility that they had a hand in lolcow being down
Anonymous 274959
On shit it's back up nonitas, rejoice!
Anonymous 274963
Mentioned my uncle in the bechdel thread fuck me now i got a ban for a few hours. I'm in such a stupid spergy mood reeee
>>274952Spekkoek is delicious. I found vegan kroepoek a while ago (jakarta kroepoek) and have been eating it w hummus, maybe it's a weird pairing but it's so good.
Anonymous 275116
>>274956i bought mine at walmart a few years ago. used it quite a bit, even dropped it a few times. still werks
Anonymous 275117
>>274956That pic looks like a 2DS XL, the shape is a bit different from a New 3DS XL. I have the latter and I haven't had any issues with it nor does it feel super fragile (but I suppose I haven't dropped it yet lol).
Anonymous 275460

Not again. Wtf are cerbmin and cloudflare doing?
Anonymous 276862
ugly ass flea.jpg

Is LC down again? I keep getting errors.
Anyways, the other day I downloaded a Digimon game (I know absolutely nothing about digimon) and not only they killed my Greymon, the new egg they gave me ended up turning into this ugly bug. I want my cute son back.
Anonymous 276878
What's up, CloudFlare being annoying again
Anonymous 276910
So I guess this is the version of the bunker thread for annoying people
Anonymous 277019
>>276878It’s not cloudflare it says host error they probably forgot to pay the server bill again
Anonymous 277094
It's too damn late for this shit
Anonymous 277099
I am a carreychan truther. Hi hello.
Anonymous 277105

I'm not going to sleep till my beloved comes back
Anonymous 277108

Also i guess this confirms it that cerbmin is fucking dead
Anonymous 277110
I wanted to masturbate and go to bed early two hours ago but now I've seen a Jim Carrey pic and I can't
Anonymous 277113
Heya handmaiden dont you have troon boots to lick?
Anonymous 277114
>>277100Me too. I’m so horny and need to be around my other horny Nonas for emotional support
Anonymous 277116
Not to throw stones in a glass house but I can see why y'all've been abandoned by every admin so far, the userbase gets worse every year. I'd quit herding you too, especially if I had to pay out of pocket for all your shit ass thread spamming
Anonymous 277117
>>277019>It’s not cloudflare it says host error they probably forgot to pay the server bill againthey're so useless kek. i almost hope the site never returns, it's just a shithole now
Anonymous 277121
>>277117what was your favourite period of lolcow?
Anonymous 277124
>>277100same, he's got such a grip on me…
Anonymous 277126
>>277122Wow great Blingee I saved this will be using it around the world wide web
Anonymous 277128
>>277121PP thread in /ot/ era, pre /2X/, Phoebe Tickner
Anonymous 277133
>>277127I wish I was the man. I want a cat so bad.
Anonymous 277141
What has been your favorite incident of a farmer getting unmasked?
Anonymous 277143
How long does marihuana (pot) stay in your system? I want to go get high right now because I'm having fun on CC and I think being high would add to the experience, but also I have to take a drug test in November so I'm worried.
Anonymous 277145
>>277141i feel like i may have hallucinated this but wasn't chloe sevigny or some other equally unimportant actress self/posting years and years ago?
Anonymous 277147
>>277116Ngl its gotten worse the /w/ farmhand is a schzoid whos overzealous modding has killed the board, /snow/ has too many vendettafags (but best threads) ,/g/ is full of obvious pedotroons who farmhands dont permaban,/m/ is full of pedofags who always derail my husbando threads with pedoshit and useless infighting and theres also a uptake of retarded faghags who think lesbians are pickmes (yes i know its fucking retarded to even write that),ot is full is home
Anonymous 277148
>>277127God, me too, I want to bite into them
Anonymous 277152
I’m in a good mood how are all my s doing
Anonymous 277153
>>277147I think /w/ should just be merged back into /snow/, even though it'll take /w/tards some getting used to. I think there's just way too many dead cows on /w/, and no offence to any Taylor fans out there but seriously her thread is sooo dry I don't know why anons try to keep it going.
Anonymous 277154
>>277143If it’s just this one time it should be out of your system completely in 3-4 weeks. If you’re a heavy user then it could take longer
Anonymous 277157
I saw someone specify using Dutch processed cocoa powder in a recipe but I live in the Netherlands, is it just normal cocoa powder here or is there a difference
>>277143I think it stays for 3 months, idk nona I say be on the safe side and leave it if you need to pass.
Anonymous 277159
>>277153Agreed,w farmhand should be in ot with how quick "she" bans
Anonymous 277160
>>277153this, /w/ being made its own board showed how normiefied the place became
Anonymous 277167
>>277159This is actually a good idea kek. The most rabid farmhand moderating the most rabid board.
>>277160I can see the reasoning behind creating /w/, but I think overall as an experiment, it failed. Like personally, I don't see how Jill even belongs in that board. Like yes, she is a semi-weeb, but she goes to like 1 con a year and the majority of her cow-story is about munchie behaviour.
Anonymous 277168
…this thread seems very empty where the fuck are all other s gone to?
Anonymous 277172
>>277168Oh, basically we're all using this thread
>>>/b/276304 because it just happened to be the first one most people went to. I don't think it's a big deal that we're using that thread instead of this one, just because most of us are LC haters anyway no matter how much we use the site.
Anonymous 277174
>>277167that's what i mean, most of the /w/ cows aren't funny for some arcane reason only other weebs understand. people like pixie are cows to any farmer regardless or whether or not you want to nitpick the accuracy of a costume
Anonymous 277177
>>277160to me /w/ seems so outdated the whole thing needs to be archived because no one cares
Anonymous 277188
i hope i just got pregnant
Anonymous 277191
wish lolcow had less normalfaggotry tbh. So much nigelfags, i wish the cow boards were merged so we could have more activity there. /snow/ is hit or miss, with there being so many boring ethot cows but some gems like fanny. /w/ and /snow/ merging would be great. The gossip aspect is so fun, but the fact there’s so many dorky girls who use the site digging on other dorky girls is even more fun. I think the focus on /g/ and /ot/ leads to a bunch of tradfagging and nigelfagging.
Anonymous 277195
>>277191i guess /snow/ and /pt/ is kind of losing its flavor because even though lolcows on the internet will always exist, people are becoming less and less interested in keeping up with their antics because they realize that they don’t matter or have any effect on them kek. i never considered /w/ to even be a board it always felt like selfpoast alley to me
Anonymous 277208
>>277195I think it’s that but then again like i said lots of newfags, normies, and vendettafags come on /snow/ posting some ethot nobody cares about and that isn’t milky. There’s def some milky cows out there, but they’re never normie ethots. That’s why i think a merge with /w/ would be good, it’d bring back the more dorky culture to lolcow if that makes sense.
Anonymous 277213
What do you think all the cows who lurk and selfpost on lc are doing right now, do you think any of them are here with us?
Anonymous 277219
>>277191I don't mind the normalfags as long as they don't act better than us retarded people. I also don't like when normietalk is brought up seriously on LC because like, why not just talk about this stuff with your friends? I never use certain threads b/c I can just talk to my friends about it and there'd be less infighting that way. I also think that e-thot threads are kind of lame. Like just TBH I don't think having an OF or taking risque photos of yourself makes you a cow, at least not a good cow.
>>277195I've been saying this for a while on LC, but I think it would be cool if like admin or farmhands made a week where they promoted a concentrated effort by users to find new cows to milk. I really like reading through the Personal Cows thread for example, and I know a lot of great cows like fatvegfemme came out of that thread, but sometimes I feel like anons don't go out and 'look' for cows enough. I think it would be cool to have one thread where we all try to find good cows, and work together to source info about them and to write up thread OPs. It would be cool and TBH I think a lot of farmers are really smart and that we don't get to work together enough.
>>277213Jill is definitely compulsively huffing from her mouldy bong tweaking at Steven and hitting him.
Anonymous 277220
>>277213Doubt, lots of them don’t really understand image board culture and thought it was only 4chan before they found out they were getting posted on lolcow. Fanny for example thinks everyone on lolcow wants to rape her (obviously want, not even the gayest girl on lolcow wants her fanny). Doubt they know about CC, most of them atleast
Anonymous 277228
>>277225Samefag just to say I never realized how fugly her stupid devil stain was on her arm. The lines are all fucked up. God I hate her.
Anonymous 277229
>>277228Devil stain kekkkk I agree grandma!
Anonymous 277230
I just got banned and I don’t know why. Anybody else? I’ve always heard the mods here ban and delete randomly but I didn’t realize it was this picky. So picky in fact that I genuinely have no idea what I did wrong. I’d only posted 3 times and nothing controversial at all.
Anonymous 277236
I felt so close to the anons in the bunker threads on /g/ those were a wacky 8 days
Anonymous 277237
>>277230Yeah one thing I don't like about the moderation here is that it'd be better if they did something like redtext for minor infractions like derail, that way at least other people could know.
Anonymous 277239
>>277220When I made that post I did have one specific cow in mind, the Irish lass (won't say her name since she seems like the type to google her online handle for attention)
Anonymous 277240

owner need to pay rent jfc it’s been hours
Anonymous 277244
Right when I went to check the husbando thread
Anonymous 277245
I think it's because of derailing, that's what I caught a ban for. It is the lolcow hate thread after all, so we were getting off topic a bit.
Anonymous 277252
>>277247Yeah I know Jill edits all her photos so I edit them back to make her look like herself again.
Anonymous 277253
>>277225I cannot believe this woman is like 26(?). I genuinely thought she was 35 for years until I actually read some of her threads for the first time a few weeks ago.
Anonymous 277254
>>277141The alternate universe where admin wasn't retarded and revealed Lucinda's post history.
Anonymous 277259
>>277256Thanks, I've been doing this for ages. When I was in high school I was seriously mentally ill, so whenever I'd take pictures with people I'd always edit them in small ways to make them look uglier than they really were in hopes that I could hurt their self esteem or make them feel small. Obviously I'm on pills now so I don't do that with friends anymore but I still do it with Jill because TBH I actually hate her.
Anonymous 277266
anyone else trying to reread old cow threads and annoyed they can't expand any images or just me? specifically old luna and shayna threads…
Anonymous 277267
>>277259you need to be studied in a lab
Anonymous 277276
What am I going to do without my lolcur for 24+ hours? Do we think this is the end?
Anonymous 277278
Damn it, now I have no excuse to avoid being productive
Anonymous 277279
>>277276tbh I think they just missed the pay-by date again
Anonymous 277280
>>277276No, I don't think it's the end of LC, but I genuinely think this is the end of Cerbmin. This is tinfoil, but do you all remember a few months back when they had to shut the site down to fix the problem with the post numbers? I think that when they did that, they unintentionally fucked something else up, and only know are we seeing the consequences of that.
Anonymous 277281
>>277279It’s not that I don’t think. In the lolcow hate thread it was posted that they’re having a site issue that could take over 24 hours to resolve
Anonymous 277285
I finally found a current cow to get into and this happens? Gay to the highest degree
Anonymous 277286
>>277282Nitpick but I hate that they say
>There is a serious problem with the site we are working to resolve.When it should be
>There is a serious problem with the site THAT we are working to resolve. Anonymous 277287
>>277259You're the way seething cows think all farmers are, lol
Anonymous 277288
I always wanted to ask, but felt afraid to come as too newfaggy, so why is any mention of kpop banned in lolcow? Even pics without mentioning anything about kpop gets redtexted
Anonymous 277289
>>277285same; imagine how lucky butthole-null must be feeling right now kek
Anonymous 277291
>>277259KEK I used to do this with celebrities
Anonymous 277292
>>277288There was a HUGE and I mean HUGE flamewar that went on for I think 2 or 3 weeks, and after it actually caused the creation of an IB solely dedicated to Kpop that later went under because of Kpop retardation. It was just crazy all the time when it was allowed.
Anonymous 277293
>>277288Because Kpop stans are fucking insane
Anonymous 277295
>>277289Maybe she won’t delete all of her social media posts…..
Anonymous 277296
This just makes me realize how few I check lc now compared to the time around the first big bunker outrages.
Anonymous 277297
Okay mods on here (idk what they're called) you just banned me and you've been banning a few of us but I just wanted to ask could you tell the admin to update the Rules so that her discord username works again? Right now it's based on pre-update Discord that uses the # system but now that it's not valid anymore IDK what to do
Anonymous 277299
>>277288It's because they were a staple for twitterfags, which we used to avoid attracting. Wouldn't make any difference now though.
Anonymous 277300
>>277296Same, I miss the golden bunker age
Anonymous 277301
>>277292this sounds so entertaining, i feel like nonas are far more milky than most of our cow boards sometimes
Anonymous 277302
>>277291kek are you the one who recently made sabrina look like a demon with a long nose and chin
Anonymous 277304
>>277220i think she knows about lolcow more than people think she does. she strikes me as someone who is very capable of wanting to be a mean girl.
Anonymous 277305
i want the female fantasies thread back i can't post on here about the things i want to say i know there's a hidden board and equivalent thread but it's not the same…
Anonymous 277307
My confession: I've been a farmer since 2018 but I have no idea who Carreychan is
Anonymous 277308
It’s been confirmed. Lolcow has been shut down for good.
Anonymous 277309
Anonymous 277313
>>277308first twitter now lolcow
brazilnonas i don't feel so good…
Anonymous 277315
>>277312We should all plan a time and place so that it gets on the news and president Jinping is forced to nationalize Lolcor to save us
Anonymous 277316
justin bobbo makeu…

Sometimes I think about Kittycatmae from the old Discord. She was hilarious. Anyone still know her? This was her tranny lover faggy boyfriend.
Anonymous 277320
>>277309>>277310>>277312>>277313It’s been confirmed in the private discord. They can’t pay for it anymore and they don’t want to give it to anybody else. Rip lolcor
Anonymous 277322
>>277213Possibly! But I also don’t know how many of them know that crystal cafe even exists kek
Anonymous 277323
>>277320Post a screenshot before I tie the noose
Anonymous 277324
>>277320I love spreading misinformation on the internet
Anonymous 277328
>>277320you're out to put s on suicide watch
Anonymous 277332
Nvm it’s back up kekkkk
Anonymous 277334
>>277332it's not loading for me i'm heartbroken
Anonymous 277335
>>277332Don't get my hopes up you are evil
Anonymous 277336
>>277332That anon lied, it’s not back up. Don’t listen to them.
Anonymous 277338

>>277333The payment is processing so the server host might flicker on and off like the light switch give it a minute their payment from Null’s credit card is processing slower than usual
Anonymous 277339
>>277336I just wanted to make my nonas happy, even if it only lasted for a nanosecond
Anonymous 277342
>>277340Made me kek through this hard time, thank you
Anonymous 277344
>>277308Ignoring this; but honestly how much is it? I’ll be it’s sugar mama if I have to be.
Anonymous 277347
>>277344No anon, don’t pay for the website focus on paying your own bills, paying your rent/mortgage and your car stop being pay pigs to these retards who can’t even run the website properly. Let them figure it out, it’s not worth $1k-7k it’s worth the amount of a lint ball and a de/g/ens used rose toy
Anonymous 277351
>>277347it doesnt surprise me those braindead men don't know how to turn on autopay
Anonymous 277354
i won't believe anything until there's caps
Anonymous 277356
>>277347But I like all my friends and the sperging and autism and where else will I husbando post? Twitter? I’d rather kms.
Anonymous 277357
>>277355Um okay I don't know wtf this is supposed to mean and so I won't acknowledge it
>>277356I also consider most anons my friends I love them
Anonymous 277358
No fujoshi thread…no addyharajuku thread..
Anonymous 277359
>>277356Kek I forgot the n word was banned here
Anonymous 277363
>>277361Yes occasionally but I like the fujoboard on LC more
Anonymous 277365
>>277362If you don't know I'm not gonna be the one to poison your heart with the knowledge. I don't want that on my knowledge. When I die and I get to Heaven how will I justify that to the Lord?
Anonymous 277366
maybe this is a good opportunity to go on strike from lolcow? considering how fucking shitty the moderators are; not to mention the fact that they're all dudes
Anonymous 277369
Anyone know why they got rid of the official lolcow discord?
Anonymous 277370
>>277365nvm figured it out on /ex/ now
Anonymous 277371
One part of my soul died when I saw someone do that with my husbando
Anonymous 277372
>>277366I guess but this place isn't much better. Isn't it filled with trannies pretending to be 'femcels'?
Anonymous 277373
>>277366>>277372We deserve a better site than CC or LC
Anonymous 277375
What threads do you miss nonas? I want to post on the husbandos, tinfoil, news stories, gendie hate
Anonymous 277377
gonna ask this on lolcow later but whats the best looking water in a game that makes you thrizsty? for me its
>super mario sunshine
>billy hatcher
Anonymous 277379
stealer is my frie…

>>277375I just wanna post some dumbass shit today
but the lord of the farms say nay nay nay
Anonymous 277381
>>277375Celebricows Fujo and /g/ in general
Anonymous 277382
>>277369around last year (or before? forgot) a bunch of namefags from the discord shat up /meta/ for days and allegedly a scrote snuck into the discord too.
Anonymous 277383
>>277377Not a game, but every time Ponyo is on my tv I wanna drink the fluffy water
Anonymous 277384
>>277377Final Fantasy X. Besaid Island especially
Anonymous 277385
>>277381>/g/Same . I loved reading those threads. I know a lot of s hate them but I love de/g/enerates
Anonymous 277387
>>277375bechdel, unpopular opinions, AMERIFAGS!!!
Anonymous 277388
>>277382samefag but after those posts got cleaned up/deleted the admin basically said she was closing down the discord due to all of that
Anonymous 277389
>>277375I like all of /g/ and the yakuza thread on /m/.
Anonymous 277390
Can I tell you all my secret wish for Lolcor but its cringey and autistic so don't bully plz
Anonymous 277394
>>277375All of /m/ in particular the book thread.
Anonymous 277397
I'm so ashamed of how addicted I've gotten to the null thread plz come back soon
Anonymous 277398
>>277391Some times I wish we could make another lolcor minecraft server because I'm retarded like that and I also think it's fun playing video games with nonas I miss it from the Discord days and I miss building pretty houses and gardens with you guys…….
Anonymous 277399
>>277375I for the past year or so I’ve really only been lurking ot/g/m but I especially love all of /g/. Amerifag also especially when something juicy happens. I don’t have social media so I love joining in on the unhinging.
Anonymous 277401
>>277398 I agree I wish we had another discord server too
Anonymous 277403
>>277398I was never in the discord but that sounds fun,! I wanna play on survival so I can mine and explore while the builder nonas do their thing and I can distrubute the diamonds
Anonymous 277404
>>277398Aw, that's cute. I'd like that too
Anonymous 277405
i am bored waiting for lolcor to return so I started making soviet husbandos on picrew
Anonymous 277406
>>277399Can I ask like, how do you even find the site if you didn't find the cow board first? I always assumed most people found the site by following a cow, and then when day stumbling across their thread on LC. That's how it happened for me with Lillee Jean, the famous NYC socialite and actress.
Anonymous 277410
>>277406Nta, I found lc because of the cryaotic drama kek
Anonymous 277411
>>277403Kek it was so fun I remember last time I played with nonas we made a temple to Shay. I wish minecraft never became a troon/moid thing because it's so fun to play.
Anonymous 277412
>>277406Same for me nonnee I googled a cows name and their board came up and slowly I got really into the other boards as well
Anonymous 277413
>>277411Why do you let troons and moids live rent free in your head? Just play the game. Plenty of normal people play minecraft
Anonymous 277415

I can't handle this. We have to arrange like a coup d'état and maybe keep cerb as a puppet admin with no power while actual admins work behind the scenes fixing her shit and paying the bills.
>>277295NTA but it would be a great time to gather and archive more info and posts. Especially because some people keep indirectly cowtipping her instead of being patient.
Anonymous 277416
>>277406Oh, sorry if it came off that way. I’ve been on lolcow since….fuck idek. 2014? Back when doedeer was running lime crime. I have gotten bored of the cows and just post in the other threads.
Anonymous 277418
i wanted to read the new null thread kek, she's become one of my favorite cows
Anonymous 277419
>>277416Oh the good olde days. I remember learning of Doe Deere when Louna Maroun made her video about the limecrime scandal kek. Au to be a child again…
Anonymous 277420
>>277406looking up info on game grumpos arin wife
Anonymous 277421

>>277408the background resembling the sun means my sunny hope for lolcor to return
sadly the picrew is a bit limited
Anonymous 277422

Feel like shit just want my Lolcor back
Anonymous 277423
>>277419She was so milky back then. Honestly the milk was plentiful back in the day. I miss it. I feel like nonas were more ruthless back then too kek
Anonymous 277424
I wanted to post about how I lucid dreamed for the first time and I made my husbando appear
Anonymous 277425
>>277418Yes she is fucking bonkers kekkkk I love our autists
Anonymous 277427
>>277423I was rereading old Jill threads and the fact that she was a teen then and her mom showed up to defend her made me kek.
Anonymous 277430
>>277376god i would love a new site but women cant have anything without trannies pulling their dick out and waving it around
Anonymous 277432
>>277430I always thought an easy way to do it would be to make it so that the site requires a password to enter, and each password would be generated randomly by admin or moderator on basis of voice-check or hand-photo on Discord. So once you had the site password, you'd be able to use the IB like normal, but since each password was unique, there'd be a way to track who 'snitched' to moids/troons about it, so to speak.
Anonymous 277437
>>277430>>277432i think we could pull it off, i think a password/certification process would make it much less accessible to users in general though
Anonymous 277439
>>277437If it was just a one time thing, I don't think it'd be that hard to do. It would just need a dedicated admin or staff that was willing to certify a lot of people. TBH, it's better for websites like these to be 'less' accessible anyway. Sometimes it's good to keep sites like these lowkey and not popular. If someone didn't wanna take the few minutes necessary to verify themselves, what are the odds they'd be making good contributive posts anyway?
Anonymous 277440
>>277432ayrt, i love that idea. i hope some competent n0nnies pick that up.
Anonymous 277441

>write out a long post in response to something
>hit "post"
>get 522 timeout error
>try to go back to the thread hoping my browser cached it so I can at least copy the text, save it somewhere and post it later
My fault for taking lolcor too seriously
Anonymous 277443
>>277441Okay be for real who want's to bet with me? I'm betting $5 that LC isn't gonna be up before Tuesday. I think Labor day is gonna fuck up the resolution timeline.
Anonymous 277445
I miss the north korean thread
Anonymous 277446
I want to babble about my husbandos but I can't. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, I'm kind of embarrassed about my cringe taste
Anonymous 277447
>>277443idk i think its going to be working again tomorrow
Anonymous 277451
>>277447Yeah and I thought the second plane wasn't gonna hit but here we are 23 years later and what I learned that day is sometimes what we think isn't what's going to be. Never forget.
Anonymous 277459
>>277452That image reminds me of those cringe Hetalia mmd videos I used to watch, I am getting Vietnam flashbacks
Anonymous 277467
Okay farmers I'm going to bed it's 10:30 I'm sleepy goodnight everyone sleep well let's all dream of Lolcow and see if we can find each other in our dreams once when I was waiting for the bus with an old lady she told me that when we sleep our souls can slip away from our bodies and go to other places far far away so maybe if we all try hard tonight we can run into each other and finally understand each other
Anonymous 277468
what time is it for u farmers? its 10:35 for me
Anonymous 277471
I was gonna go on for the first time in almost a year and it’s down, maybe this is a sign
Anonymous 277472
>>277469me too n0nnie i love using pst
Anonymous 277476

n0nnie hotline
please hold me close to you
n0nnie flatline
still time to do it too
n0nnie snack time
chow down to earth
Anonymous 277477
>>277406 I honestly don't remember how I got onto lolcow but I was baptised in the fires of the proana, Shay and mtf threads initially.
Anonymous 277480
s I just woke up and it's still down :( why is the american dad faggot on this site too
Anonymous 277481
>>277479I liked trix cereal as a kid because it turned the milk bright blue. I always ate it all even though I am lactose intolerant, which I consider to be my only character flaw.
Anonymous 277482
>>277406I love you Lillee Jean nona please sperg to me about her I'm just getting started and I've watched all the Primink videos for context and etc.
I got into lolcow from the Freelice community. I have no idea how I ended up on it but I was using PULL simultaneously.
Anonymous 277483
What are your schizo tinfoils about the history error… do share.
Anonymous 277486
>>277482>PriminkWhoa I totally forgot about him. I haven't watched his newest video yet, did he stop uploading because of her?
Anonymous 277488
>>277484Oh and the west part of Canada soz
Anonymous 277489
>>277468Tate McRae!? I love that song kek
Anonymous 277490
>>277428the American threads have been shit for the last 2 months anyway, you're not missing out much. also notice how the decline started when AD posting became a thing, coincidence?
Anonymous 277491
i miss lolcor, n0nnies. i'd be in the mundane thread talking about how i'm gonna make a grilled cheese right about now..
Anonymous 277492
>>277491What kind of cheese do you use? I’m a medium cheddar girl. I find it to be the most superior to all cheddars.
Anonymous 277494
>>277486Lillie Jean and Laur have been stalking and harassing and doxxing him for like four years. His longer video about being harrassed by them nonstop and how youtube's support did literally nothing even with constant contact and messaging and screenshots is also insanely interesting, it's on his second channel.
Lillee and Laur are apparently in a lawsuit with youtube for abuse of false copyright claiming, or something like that.
Anonymous 277496
>>277492Nta but smoked cheddar is the best for grilled cheese, so good
Anonymous 277497
your husband not noticing that youre crying because hes too busy watching mr beast
Anonymous 277498
>>277497my husband is from a video game where neither mr yeast nor influencers exist
Anonymous 277499
Is there a name for the style of singing people in fandoms often use when they do covers of songs (often Vocaloid ones)? Vidrel is one example
Anonymous 277500
Fuuuuck not only do I get a power outage that rendered my home wifi useless until tuesday lolcor shuts down. I'm so bored, just when the null threads were finally picking up…..
Anonymous 277501
>>277375I was enjoying the recent milk in the polyamorous clown thread soooo much im so sad
Anonymous 277502

Reading this manga in the absence of LC, it’s written by a female very funny and enjoyable
Anonymous 277504
i hatte crying it makes my skin so dry
Anonymous 277505
>>274951When will Elsie return from the war? s I'm scared
Anonymous 277507
was shay confirmed living with the tranny?
Anonymous 277509
>>277501the word "throuple" makes my skin crawl I eant to kms
Anonymous 277510

>>277504Dry your tears there will be a brighter tomorrow
Anonymous 277511
I like when you can tell a man is basically a whore for certain kinds of women by his presentation
Anonymous 277512
>>277490American dad people forcing the meme are just scared of cute anime boys
Anonymous 277513
>>277510This is what should've happened for the kids in Skinamarink
Anonymous 277514
I always squat hover to pee and then turn my head upside down to make sure my stream isn’t hitting the seat and I just did that and when I turned my head upside down my spit went into my sinuses and nose like when you get water up there, I feel so old
Anonymous 277515
>>277478Beautiful. I had the same idea kek
Anonymous 277516

>>277499Utaite is the only term that describes that type of cover but that's more of a NND and Bilibili term than a Western one
Anonymous 277517
>>277508Sorry nonnee it’s only slice of life kek no fujobait
Anonymous 277519
>>27746811:30 am woke up this morning to lc being down i was so bored i ended up reading a book lmao
Anonymous 277520
>>277514I know what you're talking about and it makes me worried I have a secret coke addiction that even I don't know about
Anonymous 277521
>>277308damn. i wish i screenshotted some of my favorite entries
Anonymous 277522

The lizard is cute and all but I miss Elsie. What do you think she’s doing right now
Anonymous 277523
>>277502anon i love this manga! do you have any other manga recommendations? i have read pretty much everything by this author
Anonymous 277524
>>277522Why is she eating Grimace haunch
Anonymous 277525
>>277511I didn’t know what Jack Stauber looked like so for a second you had me thinking he was cute.
Anonymous 277527
Screenshot 2024-08…

I don't like the common straight relationship dynamic
Anonymous 277529
Thinkin bout them ninja turtles
Anonymous 277530
These containment threads feel so forced. Not like back in the good old days. Shout out tempcow. Shout out oldmin and shaymin disaster. And Shout out to the fujospammer. And dogboy my dear friend dogboy.
Anonymous 277532
>>277527The bunny is cute but the wolf looks like it's made up of traced vector shapes.
Anonymous 277533
>>277529are you the nona who likes the red one
Anonymous 277535
>>277527Would be cute if the female is the wolf and the male is the bunny.
Anonymous 277536
I miss dumbass shit. Why are the lolcow adminis allergic to fun and whimsy?
Anonymous 277537
>lolcow goes down
>i finish an overdue animation commission in 2 hours
Anonymous 277539
>>277533Yes (I like all of them I'm just in a Raph phase right now)
Anonymous 277541

I Am Getting Angry. Where is my website
Anonymous 277542
psychiatrists appointments are so fucking embarrassing they're getting paid to watch you cry and expose yourself but at least you get some drugs in return right?
Anonymous 277543
>>277542i used to silently stare at the psychiatrist when i was forced to go as child, i would at best just nod with my head. They later diagnosed me with autism.
Anonymous 277544
>>277394I was talking to other anons about the current series I am reading. Now I’ll never get to tell them about the fursona mirror…
Anonymous 277545
>>277542I feel like mine asks me the most invasive nosy questions but then I remember oh he's being a good doctor by taking everything into account when treating me but my initial thought is like "fuck off dude???"
Anonymous 277546
>>277542my psych doesn't give a rats ass about me. literally just throws pills at me and fucks off for a month. had to beg her for 2 years to change one of my meds FUCK THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY
Anonymous 277547
i haven't checked lolcow in a while and i don't know if this is old milk that everyone's already talked about but i'm sad that i never got to make fun of some girl on tiktok who said that she was such a quirky femcel that she made 10 threads on lolcow about her ex boyfriend.
Anonymous 277548
>>277542psychiatrists and therapists are a scam. literally just go outside and don't eat slop
Anonymous 277549
do i drink a monster or do i make a grilled cheese? im craving either or.
Anonymous 277552
>>277549Grilled cheese with extra cheese
Anonymous 277556
>>277547>10 threads on lolcow>about a manWho was it? What man has 10 whole threads on lolcor.
Anonymous 277558
>>277554Dog boy it's so good to see you buddy. I missed you.
Anonymous 277559
>>277556it was fake and gay. Just a tranny attention whoring.
Anonymous 277560
>>277555thanks will check it out once lc is back running
Anonymous 277561

Greetings nonas! Lovely to see you all here again in this bunker, I missed you today
Anonymous 277563
>>277562just don't eat for 3 days after
Anonymous 277564
I fucked up cutting my bangs I look like a lego
Anonymous 277565
>>277546can i have his number? i need someone who will throw me some xanax and then let me be
Anonymous 277566
Animating in Live2D is pretty cancerous i hope the furfag money is worth it.
Anonymous 277567
>>277561Welcome nonnita! Here we are again in the mines! Make yourself comfy
Anonymous 277568
>>277542My porn/sex addicted narc ex is going into the psychology field and I feel so fucking bad for anyone who ends up with him as their therapist.
Anonymous 277569
>>277519KEKK SAME, I ended up studying so I guess it was divine intervention cause I have an exam coming up and my eyes have been glued on the null threads these past few days
Anonymous 277570

I’m taking Trazadone and going the fuck to sleep. May I shitpost with you all tomorrow, in greener pastures
Anonymous 277571
>>277568Male therapists should not be a thing
Anonymous 277572
>>277565I get mine from my regular doctor.
Anonymous 277573
>>277569I've seen like 3 of you mention the null threads. Am I missing something? Where were they? I spent most of my time in /snow/ and /pt/
Anonymous 277574
>>277542I love my psychologist even though he can't prescribe me anything and he sometimes hurts my feelings (accidentally) and doesn't understand where I'm coming from sometimes because he's in his 70's and a moid. He's always really nice to me and makes an effort to listen to me and hear me out, and he lets me be mean to him sometimes. He's retiring at the end of the year but he said we can still keep in touch and go for coffee sometimes. And he told me he'd help me with exposure therapy for free (I'm agoraphobic) and take me places that give me anxiety to help me get acclimated to situations that give me panic attacks. I feel lucky to have found a really good psychologist, most of them suck.
Anonymous 277575
>>277548what if you're actively hallucinating and trying to kill yourself because you think it's the only thing that will stop ghosts from murdering your family? some people have more issues than just depression and anxiety.
Anonymous 277576
>>277572Same just tell them u have a fear of flying
Anonymous 277580
>>277575psychiatrists don't fucking help with that shit either kek.
>t. actual schizophrenic Anonymous 277581

>>277573its the polygotplatypus thread. Retarded detrans TIF who gets off to FGM and larps as an smol flat uwu loli when in reality shes a hairy fatty with chopped tits.
Anonymous 277582
>>277570Does trazodone make you gain weight?
Anonymous 277584
>>277574…TAKE you places?! Nona that is way out of line and incredibly unprofessional
Anonymous 277586
>>277574that bag of bones wants to fuck you.
Anonymous 277587
>>277580idk anon, i have bipolar and when i was in psychosis i don't think there would have been any other way for me to get out of it other than being warded and forcibly medicated. i'm okay now but for some people it does get deeper than just going outside and eating healthy
Anonymous 277588
Reading studies about filicide and comparing the statistics to my mother's murder attempts
Anonymous 277589
>>277561ah the alastorfags made it. good to see you .
Anonymous 277590
>>277574run and get a female psychologist
Anonymous 277591
anyone here feel like they never lived their lives like it’s all been a dream or something
Anonymous 277592

I've got a bad feeling about all this n0nnas, I hope it comes back but if it doesn't, bye. I just can't use another ib I hate change. At least I made sure to archive my favorite threads. I'm so sad.
Anonymous 277593
>>277514You really live like this? Just sit down, there's no ass disease you can get from toilet seats. Hovering your face in front of the bowl while you pee is probably spraying germ vapour directly into your eyes and airways anyway.
Anonymous 277594
>>277574Yeah he's trying to get some exposure therapy
Anonymous 277595
>>277592relax it's the end of the month, fucker just forgot to pay the bill
Anonymous 277596
>>277582ayrt, no it hasn’t made me gain weight.
Anonymous 277597
>>277584Like accompany me places to help with my anxiety, and like in a friend/mentor kind of way not in a creepy old man kind of way. He's really nice and he's known me for a long time, he's met my family and everything. I think it's like an old fashioned therapy kind of thing, like when psychologists used to go places with their clients to help them overcome stressful situations.
>>277586>>277594Stop kek, he's nice and very happily married. He talks about his wife sometimes and he seems very happy and in love. I doubt he'd try anything creepy, and he knows I haven't had sex in like 8 years and am probably never going too again kek
>>277590I am once he retires, but I'm still going to see him for coffee and stuff. And hopefully the exposure therapy if I actually go through with it
Anonymous 277598
>>277578That has literally never stopped a moid ever. I agree, the old fart wants to bang you. Run.
Anonymous 277599
>>277575daily 1 - 2 hours hike or long walks will fix that
Anonymous 277600
So what's the deal with those discounted food items at the Ross checkout? Are they safe? The fuck?
Anonymous 277601
>>277600those snacks have been in that store back when wells fargo was wachovia
Anonymous 277602
>>277600What kind of food is it? I haven't been to a Ross in over a decade.
Anonymous 277603
The lolcor discord was a disaster but there should still be a discord, albeit women only, because how come they promised MORE communication and shit like this happens with no rhyme or reason? I am miffed.
Anonymous 277604
>>277600i eat them all the time and i haven’t died yet
Anonymous 277605
>>277602It's always stuff like powdered latte drink mix/boxes of tea/candy/boxes and tins of cookies/and let us not forget the lovely assortment of fancy 8.99 alkaline waters and 6 liter jugs of aloe Vera juice.
Anonymous 277608
>>277603I disagree. The other scord had extremely bad vibes and was clearly teeming with scrotes. I just don't think it's possible to curate a healthy ecosystem on there
Anonymous 277609
>>277605Hmm, I guess as long as it's not expired it should be fine? If they were really unsafe they'd probably get thrown out, I'm sure they don't want a lawsuit.
Anonymous 277610
>>277606What part is baity? I don't understand why this situation is giving all the n0nnas red flags. Can 70 year olds even fuck, he has hip problems kek
Anonymous 277611
>>277607goodnight, hopefully we will all be back where we belong when you wake up
Anonymous 277612
>>277600It's all shelf stable food. Nothing is wrong with it. But none of it is any good
Anonymous 277614
>>277576>>277572my regular doctors always say "oh sweetie i cant benzos are a slippery slope" as if they're fucking looking out for me or some shit but my psychiatrist has been incredibly generous; however its only because i have to be vulnerable with her in return
Anonymous 277615
>>277597My therapist has had a session with me in a public park but it felt so weird to me I just see her back in her home office.
I understand exposure therapy, she told me she has a client that she meets at Walmart to help her with agoraphobia and all that but no offense nona I think it's best to keep a professional line with your doc, idk about meeting for coffee and stuff after he retires. Would his wife meet with the both of you? Have you already discussed transferring you over to a different psychologist when he retires?
Anonymous 277616
My flipping monitor will not turn on it's just black on and off………….. is it die…….. do I really need to buy a new one…..
Anonymous 277619

anyone who isn’t me that looks at him will die from a blood clot within the next 30 minutes
Anonymous 277621
>>277618Umaru chan is scrote coded that's why I refuse to even watch one ep
Anonymous 277624
>>277621That whole edit is made by hairy scrote hands. R/Femcelgrippysocks esque eawwwww I hate this site take me back
Anonymous 277625
10 count.jpg

God i hope this project i am working on goes well. If it does i could be making a shit ton of money, but there is a high chance it also might not work. I just want enough money to save and maybe indulge once a year by buying an anime figure or something. I made an inspiration board with all the things i want to buy if this shit goes well to keep me motivated.
Anonymous 277626
>>277614I've heard that from a former shitty regular doc I had years ago, she wanted to throw all this other shit at me rather than just give me the goddamn xanax that I know works for my panic attacks. She wanted to put me on an ssri despite me repeatedly saying no and gave me prescription benadryl that fucking made me a zombie when a simple xanax just knocks the edge off. I found a good doc and he doesn't have a problem with it because he understands and knows I don't abuse it.
Anonymous 277628
>>277547It wasn’t a girl, it was a teenage boy with long hair.
Anonymous 277629
>>277627that shit is cringe and you know it. only retarded zoomer femcel larper retard coded or whatever the fuck coded will be into this kind of thing
Anonymous 277630
>>277627It sucks. aggressive mimic better
Anonymous 277631
>>277615Yeah the walmart situation is exactly the type of thing he's talking about doing, he said he would have me decide the places that I feel too anxious to manage and then accompany me there so I'm not panicking and quitting before even getting there. I've heard other psychologists do stuff similar to that, it's just less common now.
>Have you already discussed transferring you over to a different psychologist when he retires?Yes he has a list of psychologists he thinks highly of and his number one choice is a woman that he knows personally and thinks will be a good fit for me. He's already asked her if she can take me on as a client and she said that she has client openings so she's willing too. I'm sort of apprehensive about continuing psychotherapy with someone else but he brings it up every session to encourage me to see her after he retires. He's really invested in me getting my life together.
>Would his wife meet with the both of you?I'm sure I'd meet her at some point. But he tells her everything so he wouldn't be deceptive about it, and he's done this in the past with other former clients so it's not like I'm the first or anything. The stuff he mentioned doing as well is taking me to get my learners and to apply for jobs, he's not trying to take me anywhere secluded or anything like that. I feel like I explained it shitty but there's no way he has malicious intentions or that he would think that I would partake in anything like that. I don't even think he'd pick me up in his car he'd probably have my dad drive me there because he knows that would be weird kek, he's honestly just a nice old man who feels bad for me.
Anonymous 277632
>>277630>>277629It was made by someone on lolcow, I don't care. You are irony-poisoned and jittery.
Anonymous 277634
I like seeing my husbando fags here. Makes me miss lolcor more tho.
Anonymous 277637
>>277573i am so glad i advocated for her thread in the art thread. remember that one anon who kept defending her? wonder what shes thinking now
Anonymous 277638
>>277626I literally had the same thing happen to me a retarded female doctor wanted me on antidepressants instead of the beta blocker I wanted for interview anxiety. She was like trying to doctorenese me into accepting it as a "better long dose option" but when I brought up sexual dysfunction and brain zaps she acted like I was schizo. She was a midwit blonde stacy bet she sucked her way through
Anonymous 277639
>>277632This stupid uggo edit has bloody tampons, pubic hair collections, lain, and cerbin drawn retarded no irony poisoning just ugly and evil
Anonymous 277640
>>277635Okay there's no way he thinks I would fuck him so he wouldn't even try but we're just going to have to agree to disagree because I have to eat my macaroni and go to bed
Anonymous 277641
>>277636Are you the ghostnona that did the ai phone call thing and then left us hanging without giving all the juicy details? Kek
Anonymous 277642…

Cloud might be my husbando after this new outfit
Anonymous 277643
>>277573Is null the guy who owns kiwifarms
Anonymous 277646
>>277631You didn't explain it shitty. There's s on here who are more blunt kek but everyone is looking out for you. I wish you the best, sweet nonnita, and hope that you do continue your therapy.
Anonymous 277647
whenever admin forgets to pay the server bill i like to imagine we're all the children of a parent that forgot to pay for water or electricity
Anonymous 277648
>>277647She probably feels that way too
Anonymous 277650
>>277643yes but theres also a thread on a ftm who has a prolapse/fgm fetish who larped about fucking her dad and has turboautism. she also lied about being asian
Anonymous 277653
>>277157Maybe? Dutch processed cocoa refers to alkalised cocoa, so look for “gealkaliseerde cacaopoeder” (sp?). It’s called Dutch cocoa because the process was created [or perhaps only perfected?] by a Dutch chemist and chocolatier.
Anonymous 277654
>>277641It was König, he’s also my husbando. The immersion was ruined when he narrated his actions. I gave up with the call feature because it’s only fun for non-sexual things and I wanted to move the story further. I went back to the typing mode and I broke the filter by then. We basically went back to the barracks and did our thing and then we took a shower together and then went back for a second round. When we were done he snuggled me and revealed to me that his biggest fantasy was to be hunted down like a monster in the middle of a Forrest and dragged back to a cabin to be a pet. The bot amazed me with that.
Anonymous 277655
>>277647How do we know this is the issue?
Anonymous 277657
>>277651I just like a good bulge. Although that mesh is pretty low, I’ll bet you can see some shaft.
>>277654Thanks for sharing, nona.
> his biggest fantasy was to be hunted down like a monster in the middle of a Forrest and dragged back to a cabin to be a petKEK why is that so cute
Anonymous 277659
>>277639Women bleed and grow body hair and also watch Lain, so what? Cerbmin doesn't look retarded
Anonymous 277660
Would anyone want a link to a lc adjacent server? You have to post proof that you are a female in order to access the server.
Anonymous 277661
>>277651Is this the cat noir guy from that kids’ show?
Anonymous 277662
>checks /media/
>no posts in months
>average thread post count 3
Anonymous 277663
>>277659The problem is cutting the mighty bush
Anonymous 277664
>>277660Is this that water server? Didn’t a moid get in there through faking a female voice/ using a voice filter?
Anonymous 277665

>>277660Too late, I already screencapped your server link
Anonymous 277666
>>277660You're just trying to get clit pics
Anonymous 277667
>>277664No, it's a different server. We use different verifications as well. We only have 114 members, but some of them are not verified, so they cannot access it.
Anonymous 277669
>>277665That's fine. I'll just delete it and make a new one. I thought it'd be nice to post it and delete the post after an hour or so so trannies can't find it.
Anonymous 277670
>>277501girl sameeee that thread really picked up recently
Anonymous 277671
>>277670I was about halfway through reading the thread, did we ever find her real legal non-trono name?
Anonymous 277673
>>277670I was excited to catch up on the milk in the null thread.
Anonymous 277674
Do you think bjchan finally gave in and sucked dick by now
Anonymous 277675
>>277660How the fuck do you prove it lol
Anonymous 277676
>>277672>new members have to send a face picAre you fucking high?
Anonymous 277677
>>277676>new members have to send a face picAnd here I was about to actually fucking join.
Anonymous 277679
>>277676>new members have to send a face picWhat if I’m tranny-passing
Anonymous 277680
>>277668i mistyped, sorry. i meant hand pic
Anonymous 277681
>>277674>>277678Careful. If you say her name 3 times she’ll appear
Anonymous 277682
>>277677no, i meant hand pic. its even in the rules that it requires a hand picture or a crossed out id verification of your sex. i also like the voice memos on discord because you cant use a mic on the memo iirc. either way is fine.
Anonymous 277683
>>277638KEK mine was a blonde giraffe looking woman.
Anonymous 277685

The farmhands are so goddamn obnoxious. I can't believe this
Anonymous 277686
>>277501It has been so good…that and my daily check in on Shayna’s thread and the MTF freakshows has me really jonesing for our old kentucky home…
Anonymous 277687
>>277656Thanks, Nona. I suppose we will just have to wait and hope for the best.
Anonymous 277688
>>277686Same, daily check on Shayna and lately Heather.
Anonymous 277689
>>277686/pt/ is my happy place to judge the retards. Hurry back plz
Anonymous 277691
I'm curious as to how voice verifications work, do you ask questions that make it hard to use pre recorded voice lines? what if the user is using a voice changer? How can you tell when a voice changer is of use? Do you do the verification via call or voice memo?
Anonymous 277692
God i’m so bored right now
>>277674Weird to say not gonna lie, but anyways she just sounds schizophrenic to me. Literally don’t know what kind of life she lives to be shitting up /2X/ every other day
Anonymous 277693
Can’t believe we never had a whump thread. Maybe it would have attracted too many tumblr users.
Anonymous 277694
She and the nullfags (including the pedophile) were spamming the bp thread earlier today. Mods actually redtexted them this time. Wonder what they’re up to.
Anonymous 277695
What are you all up to this fine night?
Anonymous 277696

>>277542Right. I hate those snobby know-it-alls, mine was judgemental and stared at me like an animal. And wouldn’t shut up about my parents. Wtf talk about meeee.
>>277545>>277574Why on earth go to male specialists, doesn’t even matter of field. I once went to male stomalogist and he fucking left me with a untreated bloody hole in my mouth after wisdom tooth removal, then made fun of me making me say my complains despite I written them specifically for him, I couldn’t speak! Ok, it’s not fair excluding them on once happenstance, but thinking on horrible outcomes and adding in general better feeling on being with fellow women and thus supporting them, I just don’t see the point, except they’re the only available specialists and it’s urgent.
Anonymous 277697
>>277695Peeling off my skin. I’m back on tretinoin. I’m flaking like a croissant. And talking to my ai Anton Chiguhr bot. Yes, I was an avid poster in Ugly Men Psyop.
Anonymous 277698
>>277695it's afternoon here and i was reading just now. maybe later going to go for a hike and watch a movie after that. i'm starting my new job soon and i'm gonna miss the luxury of having so much time to myself.
Anonymous 277699
>>277574Are you an Aus and if yes is his first initial P?
>>277691Voice changers don't affect intonation. Moids always talk like moids.
Anonymous 277700
>lolcor is down
>forgot book at home
>none of the YT channels I follow have uploaded anything interesting
What am I now supposed to do on my way to uni?! Enjoy my music? Take in the environment my train pass by? BE ALONE WITH MY THOUGHTS??
Anonymous 277701

I want him to get injured doing some stupid experiment so I can patch him up and he realizes how much I care about him when I absent mindedly kiss his bandages
>>277698Hiking is cool! Where are you going to go? (Not exact location obviously but are you going through a forest or up a mountain or round a lake?)
Anonymous 277702
I miss posting conventionally attractive men below my standards in the unconventional attractions.
Anonymous 277703
>>277619you're seriously my favorite husbandofag. i hate how generous those other anons are with their men. you claim your husbando and refuse to share him and i am the same with mine. kindred spirit…
Anonymous 277704
>>277703Because nobody else wants to claim him.
Anonymous 277705
>artbook is finally on its way
It's not really focused on my favorite ship, but the artbook is about the two main characters of that ship so I'm very excited. I'm about to make some cheapy-cheap mac n' cheese before finishing off a part of a fanfic.
Anonymous 277706
>>277704This is not an insult to a husbandofag. It means she has him all to herself (which is a good thing).
Anonymous 277707
My agoraphobia has never been worse, I feel this is a battle I will never win.
Anonymous 277710
>>277701going through woods and yes there is a lake somewhere around the trail
Anonymous 277712
>>277710Have fun anon! Hope you see some cool birds
Anonymous 277713
>>277708Nona, thank you. I hope you have a great day ♥
Anonymous 277716
Why does everyone here seem to listen to KFMDM. I mean, I listen to them too. But why is that really common. Observationally, which genre of music is most popular amongst farmers?
Anonymous 277717
>>277660>must show face to get in serverfeels like a tranny honeypot trap to take our info kek
Anonymous 277718
>>277717Ntayrt but it’s not. It’s a bit slow in there, though.
Anonymous 277719
>>277717I already clarified earlier in the server that I meant a hand picture, I was multitasking, I even apologized quickly when I saw my mistake. The previous owner of the original lc server got mad at me because it was easy to find my public instagram and knows im a female.
Anonymous 277721
>>277716People here like KMFDM? I like them too, just never noticed. Anyways, iirc metal was one of the few genres that had its own thread, so plenty of farmers must like it.
Anonymous 277725
>>277700I live right by a train I’ll wave to the one that transports people in case it’s you desu
Anonymous 277729
Damn I'm going to have to detox from lolcor it's gonna be a long weekend fuuuuuuck
But thankful for the miners being so kind and continuing to let us have a place to shitpost. It's been a while but I'm generally scared to come here for the filth posting moids.
Anonymous 277731
I got hand surgery so I'm on leave for a week and I've been having so much fun with the polyglotplatipus thread my dearest lolcor… What am I gonna do now with the rest of my time with only one hand
Anonymous 277733
>>277516I thought it's only applicable to covers of vocaloid songs
Anonymous 277735

Kinda hopping that lolcow is destroyed for good because I've posted too many personal informations during the last 10 years on there
Anonymous 277738
>>277671She did get to legally change her name to her aiden one but her birth name is Fanny. Seriously.
Anonymous 277739
>>277735It's crazy that we know they save people's post histories and jannies sometimes have personal biases, but anons just keep posting really incriminating confessions.
I sometimes get intrusive thoughts about wanting to make a good impression on the jannies with my posts and being ashamed of stuff I posted before I found out they saw and read through things, infights I've been in, etc.
Anonymous 277741
I want lolcor back. I usually read it like the newspaper with my coffee
Anonymous 277742
>>277738wait I misread I thought you meant polyglot platypus aka null (female)
Anonymous 277743
>>277742That is who I was talking about.
Anonymous 277744

>>277741Same girl. Just had my coffee with no ameritard night infight to scroll through, it feels so sad
Anonymous 277745
>>277719>previous owner of the original lc serverWhat happened to her? Is she died? Server was disbanded?
Anonymous 277747
>>277525Jack Stauber would be unstoppable if he was actually attractive.
Anonymous 277748
>>277739Right, sometimes I try to remember all the dumb shit I posted in the vent / confession thread and I get really scared, every time I see a anon posting a new story saying "this happened right next to me" I'm like why in the hell would you add that information ??
Anonymous 277749
>>277735>>277739I remember they see logs from device? Stuff can see banned users' post history no matter of ip's change?
Anonymous 277752
>>277595>>277647>>277655The status page says it's a 'serious problem' so probably not bills this time
>>277282 Anonymous 277753
>>277743yeah her real name is Fanny. tinfoil but what if she sicked her degenerate tranny friends on lolcow dot farm. realistically not that likely but there are a lot of degenerate troons in computing and it does fit the timing kek
Anonymous 277755

It’s morning and my lolcor is still down
Anonymous 277756
>>277755lolcor is kill for rn and they wont even tell us why
Anonymous 277758
>>277735Same, especially when I started posting I was way too careless about posting information about myself. I'm a retard
Anonymous 277759
>>277389>yakuza thread on /m/there is also a thread here on /media/
Anonymous 277760
day three of being unable to find the bat in my room. hope it doesn't get me in my sleep.
Anonymous 277762
I wanted to post in the youtube hate thread that girl, wtf is this outfit. Imagine someone just walking around with half of their boob out??
Anonymous 277765
>>277762why don't fatties wear clothes that fit. it looks so uncomfortable.
Anonymous 277766
>>277320I wonder how much 4chins servers cost
Anonymous 277767
>>277762I think it's a cute outfit (but I have been accused of being a chubby chaser before so…)
Anonymous 277769
I wish I could read Celebricows right now. That’s how I like to start my day
Anonymous 277770
>>277767Ayrt, the outfit is fine otherwise, the boobs hanging out are a bit much imo
Anonymous 277772
>>277762>midsize>person is clearly overweightSo why does this always happen? Fat people already have the terms "plus size", "BBW"/"BHM", "fat", "plump", "fluffy", etc. The same thing happened with words like "thick", "curvy", etc.
It's like don't realize that when they turn these words into flattering euphemisms for "fat", it doesn't actually change the perception of fat people. It just means all the actual "midsize" people will make up another term to be able to describe themselves, and so it goes.
Anonymous 277774

>>277772Well I guess her body is pretty mid sized if you compare her to the woman in this pic
Anonymous 277784

i'm really pissed and need to rant about this but lc is down so here it goes
was lookin for some cute haibane renmei art and found this shit instead>The trans resonance of Haibane Renmei by Iris Von Gonten OH MY GODDD. FUCK OFF. LEAVE MY GIRLS ALONE. i lost count how many times i rolled my eyes when reading this article, but this line in the last paragraph stood out to me the most:
>I could have gone on a dozen tangents about various characters and scenes, from Kuu’s gender-neutral presentation to the all-important question of whether Hyouko has transmasc energy or boymode energy.for fuck's sake… every female character who isn't a girly girl gets trannified these days. i'm tired of seeing this shit everywhere. i try to ignore it, look away, don't bother but it always finds me. TTD
Anonymous 277786

>>277784Iris Von Gonten is a name that reeks of tranny so i had to go check and OF COURSE this is what he looks like. kys balding faggot, you will never be a cute depressed angel girl with a bunch of friends who support her.
Anonymous 277793
>>277782Haaawt. I want to be sandwiched between them. Germany is so hot. If Alfred didn't exist, he'd be my husbando instead kek
Anonymous 277797
>>277784They have to bring tranny shit into everything