cow.jpeg hate thread #9 Anonymous 281208
Last thread:
>>>/b/276304Anonymous 281438
>>276715>>276861An imageboard based on gossip will eventually develop a community, its the natural conclusion of a bunch of spergs coming together to obsess over other spergs online and dedicating way too much time to that.
Why you hate people who want go on other boards and talk between themselves? is that because you can't talk about anything but cows?
CC is slow but it's not like its 4chan fast kek plus lc has more scrotes because of their interest in cows
Anonymous 281441
>>281438I think there is only one mod in cc it's why the cp and moidposts stay up for hours
Anonymous 281448
>>281441yeah it happened on fujochan too
Anonymous 281465
>>281438>lc has more scrotesDelusional.
Anonymous 281488
they are literally there lurking and sometimes coom, on cc there are too but because its slow they have nothing to do
Anonymous 281502
>>281465Lurk on the ugly moid psyop thread for a few minutes what you will see will shock you
Anonymous 281830
>>281465you’re delusional, it was obvious from the horny scrotes wking their favorite prostitutes and the trannies promoting their agp lesbian rape cults. lolcow was taken over by y chromoids almost a decade ago
Anonymous 284682
>>281830i mean im a girl and youre a girl and we are the only two users on lolcor
Anonymous 284874
>>281830I feel like most scrotes are there to shit on prostitutes than to wk them, every person who posts random e-thots actual porn as if it were milk is a scrote to me. The Venus thread also seems particularly ripe with scrotes, unbelievable the majority there defend manaki. Yes, he was probably the least harmful person in her life but he was still a retarded coomer whos been obsessed with Venus since she was underage and he was an adult. What self respecting woman would wk a creepy japanese scrote obsessed with his gaijin waifu? If Venus took advantage or cheated on him in any way, he deserves it for allowing her to. are we expected to believe he was an angel just because he got caught up on the Margo/Venus drama? kek
Anonymous 284951
>>284874nta but I agree. a lot of the hatred of and weird obsessive vendettas for generic milkless e-thots almost seems like it's coming from bitter scrotes who got rejected by said e-thots. I feel like the skirby thread definitely has a few resident scrotes as well. especially since some of them were whiteknighting a deranged misogynistic incel coomer that was having a meltdown in her dms. also 2X seems to be infested with misogynistic troons (especially in the blackpill thread). kinda sad how the farmhands and admin(s) let it get as bad as it is now. imo it's counterproductive to have a women's only site that allows blatant misogyny.
Anonymous 284962
>>284951Yeah, I wish all those threads would get deleted, even if not all of them are scrotes they just attract the most retarded self hating pickmes who do nothing but vendettafag. It's been discussed in meta before, but I agree most of them are probably obsessed with all these milkless OF nobodies because their nigels won't stop cooming to them.
And holy shit, 2X is straight up unreadable. I hate that mods hid it to prevent scrote raids only for it to end up infested with nothing but scrotes. And I hate hearing that "LC is technically not a feminist imageboard" as an excuse, it doesn't matter if it isn't inherently feminist, any website with a female userbase should take action against misogyny
Anonymous 285376
>>284962It has nothing to do with feminism either way. 2x was always a mistake, that's why it had to be hidden.
I wish you and the others obsessed with moids would learn - the more you sperg about it, the more they're going to come. When the farms were about the cows, we had WAY less of these problems
because we weren't loudly inviting them in Anonymous 285429
>>285376yes exactly. i don't like men but the manhate really invites both men and mentally ill women to the site. it also invites tradthots and pick mes to defend males and trannies. the site needs to be about cows with a no holds barred attitude towards making fun of them but not anti male obsessed like it is now.
Anonymous 285449
>>285429Is it really obsessive? Idk, I feel like it's just lots of anons being mad about what happens around them, you can't really talk about hating moids and wishing they could all just explode anywhere else because then you're labeled a feminazi and/or banned.
It's not like when moids post multiple videos, "memes" and pictures where they show their hatred towards women, jokes, comics, movies, series, music, photography, poetry and so on has so much hate towards women, but that's not obsessive I guess, it's more obsessive complaining about that in a single place online without having to worry about your friends, family and strangers being mad at you for not suckig dick 24/7.
Sure, anons get pissy when they think there's moids posting, and calling someone a scrote is an insult (because it is insulting) but otherwise I don't see what's obsessive, other than the obvious baiters stirring up threads like the lesbian thread.
Anonymous 285499
>>285449It's just regular gaslighting. There's a reason these posters are on here. The logic of the anon above is literally along the lines "if moids ruin the website, it's feminist's fault because criticising mem attracts men so you should all stfu about men". Like take it as you will, but it's very transparent kek.
Anonymous 285916
>>285449i mean infighting starting in threads not meant for that (like in jill's thread where anons are angry male youtubers are making videos about her) it's a real problem that should be discussed and not how
>>285499 is doing, which is the actual gaslighting.
Anonymous 285921
>>285499I don’t want to read about men and the horrid things they do all the fucking time in every thread.
Anonymous 285927
>>285429Huh I think it's a bit contradictoryto be ok with a-log and being obsessed with cows while not being ok with women who a-log about men in general.
Anonymous 285928
>>285921Maybe you should use like I don't know any other site on the internet instead, where sucking moid dick is the status quo.
Anonymous 285929
>>284874>gaijin waifuHer whole gimmick was looking as asian as possible thou plus moids in that weeb/cute sphere are all interested in ella freya I think
Anonymous 286021
>>285499Kek, also saw the similar transparent "men don't care what you think about them, so stop criticising them on your website where they aren't supposed to be" before.
Anonymous 286032
>>285928I don't want to suck moid dick either. I just want to pretend they do not exist. Even anons on the benchdel thread can't help but mention moids regularly.
Anonymous 286104
>>286032>Even anons on the benchdel thread can't help but mention moids regularly.This is the shit that pisses me off. Can't you have just one conversation that doesn't involve men at all? We get it, your nigel is different, and we get it, all men are bad. Can't both sides just shut up about them for ten minutes and talk about something chill?
Anonymous 286292
>>285376>>285429>t. retarded moidkek it's actually hilarious how you give yourself away every time, right down to the samefagging with a
>ugh I know! I hate scrotes too B-B-BUT!!! it's so anti male and THATS what brings the moids and the trannies!that you've done in other threads already. pro tip: next time you larp as a woman try not to claim women are "obsessed" with men, the projection gives you away immediately
>>285929>Her whole gimmick was looking as asian as possible wrong, her whole gimmick was being a "living doll". just because she used jfashion make up trends doesn't mean she wanted to look asian, especially when Asian women are very self hating and all their trends revolve around the opposite of their natural features (for example making their eyes huge and colored when japanese people have small black eyes). Are you unaware of how much japanese men fetishize white women? just because she dressed in lolita doesn't mean she ever looked japanese kek
Anonymous 286334
>>286032>>286104I agree with you, but I guess it's kind of a "don't think about a pink elephant" situation.
Anonymous 286405
>>285916Anons were not angry moid youtubers were making videos of her. Anons were angry because these shitty videos get posted by said moids in her thread. That shit is retarded and needs to stop.
Anonymous 286677
>>286032Until we live in a world where moids can behave like human beings, which we most likely won't, thats not gonna happen. you sound like a scrote policing women for complaining about our oppressors in one of the only sites left where we're allowed to do that. it's cathartic and it's necessary. like the other anon said, just go hang on the rest of the internet where misandry goes against community guidelines and have fun with all the constant misogyny there I guess
Anonymous 286790
>>286405there were two seperate youtubers. one who selfposted and a completely unrelated one
Anonymous 286802
>>285928why are you acting like female imageboards were ever for radfems and blackpill shit
Anonymous 286806
>>286802nta but which platforms ARE for those things?
Anonymous 286807
>>286802nta but literally no one even mentioned that
Anonymous 286864
>>286807read the conversation again retard
Anonymous 286909
>>286820ovarit isn't even close to being blackpilled
Anonymous 286937
>>286292>doesn't mean she wanted to look asianLmao she did two videos titled how to look half-japanese and how to look half-korean, all of her aesthetic is trying to look like an asian kawaii girl which is basically trying to look like child.
Also you'd have to be fucking blind and in bad faith to be looking at her and not seeing right throu how she is trying to look asian, living anime doll maybe.
>are you aware how much japanese men fetishize white womenYes lol I am very aware because I am a european mediterranean woman living in Japan, and don't need to dress in children clothes to get clout.
Anonymous 286941
>>286820nta but I scroll it daily like lc and cc
Anonymous 287148
>>286677>you sound like a scroteEvery time.
Lolcow is a women's website where women can discuss almost anything. Some women don't want to obsess over men, they want to discuss their hobbies and interests with other women and without needing to deal with moids as they would on other sites. It's not about thinking men are perfect angels or thinking men need to be defended or whatever else, it's wanting to be free of men. That becomes impossible when every thread gets derailed into talking about moids, regardless of if it's positive or negative.
Anonymous 287271
>>286334I think it's kind of "don't talk about people" situation. They're a basic part of our lives, unfortunately, kek. That's why i especially find no-male-mention rule in Bechdel quite bizarre. It's not just "don't discuss men as a topic", you're not even allowed to say the word, kek. It does make you think of them more, i agree, because you're trying to avoid mentioning them and you even need to scan pictures/videos to not accidentally post their likeness, topkek. It's very funny.
Anonymous 287480
>>287271Nta but you're completely correct. I understand the desire for that thread but it's purely idealistic McCarthyism style thinking and puts people on guard, suddenly everyone and everything is communist/moid-related and must be expelled. It's like how troons decide they aren't their sex anymore then become way more obsessed with sex-based characteristics and stereotypes than they ever did before. Like the other anon said, the elephant in the room isn't going anywhere.
Anonymous 287502
>>287480>>287271I think this depends on the person. Even if it makes you think, it's at least accomplishing the fact it makes you re-evaluate how much people unintentionally center men in their regular conversations. Yes, they're 50% of the population, but they're still centered more than that amount in a regular conversation. I enjoy the thread.
Anonymous 287864
>>287271>why i especially find no-male-mention rule in Bechdel quite bizarre. I'm sorry but do you know what the Bechdel test
is? Do you know what it means? If you don't know, look it up. Think about it for a moment. Why would there be a no moid-mention rule in the thread that's only rule is to pass the Bechdel test? Kek.
Anonymous 287867

>>287271>They're a basic part of our lives, Yeah. That's why you can discuss them in literally every other thread.
Btw the only reason that thread is even somewhat active is because it's the only "general chat" thread they're allowing after they closed dumbass shit thread.
Anonymous 287869
>>287867I haven't watched a non-bechdel passing Hollywood movie in years and my life is better than ever. Don't fry your brain with that anti woman slop.
Anonymous 287912
>>287271i mean just because men exist doesn't mean we have to talk about them all day everyday 24/7. the whole reason why the bechdel test thread even came about was because nearly every thread, including dumbass shit, had started veering off into male-centered discussion with no variation. they even started doing it in the tinfoil threads. it gets boring after a while; there are so many other interesting things to talk about other than scrotes. and if it wasn't that, then we're getting these facebook/twitter-tier "clapback" posts or people going into threads and terrorizing other anons like in unpopular opinions. part of the reason why i loved lolcow and have been there as long as i was because it wasn't always like this. i loved that we could be women and be ourselves without needing to censor ourselves like you usually do on a bigger, mainstream website. now it's kind of becoming like a bigger, mainstream website and it's not as fun as it used to be. i don't want to talk about men all day and i get tired of anons responding to innocuous posts with attitude. but i blame the mod team for allowing the site to get normified so it is what it is i guess.
Anonymous 288029
>>287271Its unhealthy as fuck to not be able to have like one conversation that doesn't revolve around a male one way or the other. Some of us farmers just want to have a place where men aren't spoken about at all, positively or negatively. You can talk about how men make your life better or worse in literally every other thread, I don't understand why some anons can't get scrotes off their minds for like five minutes and just talk about chill and fun stuff.
Anonymous 288120

The infight addicts finally found the bunker. Why are you trying so hard to make me sound like a loser for enjoying I don't hate lolcow discussion but it attracts so many narcs desperate for supply. Getting your panties in a twist over nerdy discussion on an IB is too funny
Anonymous 288208
>>285929Ella Freya is like a more successful Dakota Rose looks wise. I don't know if she's still being some crusty asian moid's sugar baby, though i've often wondered why lc never had a thread on her.
Anonymous 289005
>>288208there was an encyclopedia dramatica article on her that she got deleted kek all people in that sphere are awful and fake looking, obsessed with microcephaly face filters
Anonymous 289120
>>284874I think the mana defenders are comparing him to Ken. It’s like Venus couldn’t have just dated normally she has to pick between the man who groomed her or the man who sexually abuses their son. Chronic pickmeism playing down the pedophilia aspects of mana and ken, I’m not convinced it’s scrotes. Pickmeism is a disease.
Anonymous 289124
I definitely think the momokun thread is stuck in 2016 or something. The people there all talk like that particular breed of Facebook “photog” who care about men’s rights and crap.
Anonymous 289141
Lolcow didn’t come back today, admin has probably dipped
Anonymous 289214
Most of the anons from the blackpill thread should kill themselves. I know it has like 2 very active users, but farmhands are retarded for keeping it up, and it honestly makes me question their intentions. Most of the posts there are something like "women are whores with holes only to fuck men they are STUPID DUMB male worshipping cunts whores whores with HOLES fucking slut dumb CUNTS!!!" It all sounds so akin to a manifesto they would find on a serial killer's laptop. It's incredibly disturbing to read, and lolcor keeping up such extreme showcases of mental illness and misogyny is questionable.
Anonymous 289232

>>289214Felt like this when I first took a look at the thread
Anonymous 289398
>>289120What normal person would date Venus anyway?
Anonymous 289412
>>289214Early on there were a couple sane posters who were talking about black pill feminist theory in a mostly normal way but it went completely off the rails and now it’s 99.9% about blowjobs and how having sex is a crime against feminism
Anonymous 289433
>>285429>the site needs to be about cows with a no holds barred attitude towards making fun of them but not anti male obsessed like it is now.I agree, so relationships general, dating general, basically 65% of /g/, and the ironically male obsessed bechdel thread which ended up becoming dumbass shit 2.0 should all be deleted for the same reason. Good input.
>>286820ovarit is anti-tranny but that's about it. Its FDS light for women that call themselves radfem for hating trannys.
>>287271>They're a basic part of our lives, unfortunately, kek. speak for yourself, moid wrangler.
>>289412The first couple of blackpill threads revolved around honest discussions of women and male behavior with some honest venting of betrayal but were promptly hijacked by the resident schizoid ESL bj-chan et al. Moderation is iffy on the board 2x as a whole but I recall meta having a lot of complaints of both over moderation and under on various boards. /snow/ and /pt/ have always been stricter with moderation but /ot/ and the media board had suddenly stricter moderation than usual too. Didn't anons complain that no mods were on during the weekends and an entire thread was created for dumb bans?
>>286806r/female pessimism has some sentiments but its full of women venting about nigels that found it, and suicidal teenagers. Also it will likely be down in a couple of weeks if not months as moids always get their way.
Anonymous 289451
>>285376>>285429i wish it had stayed a cow site to mock mentally ill attention whores. giving politics such a big platform on the site was a mistake, it ruins every community and invites crusaders
Anonymous 289467
>i wanna have my cake and eat it
Honestly just have a discord then, an imageboard focused on gossip and mental illness will have people talk about all kinds of shit including politics
Anonymous 289585
>>289214Is it over if I can get where bj-chan is coming from
Anonymous 289751
>>289433>which ended up becoming dumbass shit 2.0quite the opposite, mods went on a banning spree at any sign of "shitposting" in that thread
Anonymous 289760
>>289585bj-chan would have a point if she was self aware. Her opinion is basically women are cocksucking whores and always will be because they aren't capable of doing anything else, yet her logic falls apart because she herself is a woman who is capable of doing something other than sucking cock. She acts like she's unique and is the first woman to decide that they don't want to suck cock. It's very schizotypal.
Anonymous 290042
>>289585Yeah it means you're also a self hating nlog tbh
Anonymous 290064
>>289760I'm still not convinced that bj-chan is female I'm certain that it's just a trolling tranny.
Anonymous 290193
Please if anyone here reads the pixielocks thread, if you are fast enough, make the next thread and call the Jerrick alter a tranny. Fight back against the TRAs and gendies in Jill's thread. Let them know they are not welcome on lolcor.
Anonymous 290229
If a woman is black pilled wouldn't she want to avoid men including discussion of men? Isn't taking the black pill accepting that men are biologically and genetically predisposed to violent behaviour against women, so women should remove men from her life as much as possible?
Anonymous 290358
LC anons are too mean to other women and too horny for the men they despise
Anonymous 290573
Make the thread already you fucks the one time I don't rush to make the thread myself and you take all this time
Anonymous 290588
>>289232Everytime i ask about this nobody responds. Why cant we have a powow with the damn mods?
Anonymous 290762
It's so creepy when farmers confess to using KF as if it were nothing.
I agree with >>290680 those users are definitely pickmes.
Farmers who can't admit that the premise of their imageboard is rooted in misogyny (or admit it but pretend it's ok and you're a lame moralfag/SJW for calling it out) are fucked up in the head. I don't care that LCF was originally made by a scrote to laugh at women, call them whores and say other misogynistic shit. You're a terrible person if your main hobby involves laughing at "whores" online for the stupid mistakes they've done in their lives.
Anonymous 290773
>>290762Why are you implying every LC poster must be laughing at "whores" on KF? Weird strawmanning.
I don't follow a single female cow on KF besides PT and there's nothing strange about that within the context of someone that is an LC poster.
This purity policing is exhausting kek, go back to radblr where they seethe about brown women venting about brown men and call it racism or something.
LC isn't a based male separatist haven and you shouldn't act like it is, it sounds like you're suffering from a bad case of cognitive dissonance and maybe this space isn't for you after all?
Anonymous 290778
>>290773The hidden board is a thing on lolcow so it's clearly evolved beyond being just a site where pieces of shit can gossip about other women. Try again.
Anonymous 290804
>>290778Great, its a thing and I acknowledge it as I use it as well, but that doesn't change what LC's original and current purpose is. You have to deal with the fact you were welcomed into this place and that it wasn't originally meant for this discussion. You can't come into a place and colonize it while pushing the original userbase out, that's dare I say, commonly observed with scrotal behaviour and you should be aware of that, it's silly I even have to point it out.
Anonymous 290810
I appreciate lolcow for being the only site that allows you to unapologetically shit on men. What I can’t stand is the radfem sperging that came along with it because now anons think lc is a radfem site and attack you for talking about things that don’t align with feminism. I once got called a sad, misogynistic and pathetic for asking about good anti aging products kek. They’re utterly desperate to start a fight sometimes. Reminder that they have a whole ass board they can use to sperg about their radfem takes, they don’t need to bring it up unprovoked in every single thread and conversation. If people want to be radfems that’s fine idc, but it’s fucking annoying when they try to push their views onto other users and try to infight about it
Anonymous 290833
>>290810I genuinely doubt that most of these radfem spergs are actual women.
Anonymous 290845
>>290833They're women but they aren't radfems. They pretend to be radfems for various reasons. LC has an entire board that can be used for the discussion of radfem theory, yet it's dead because there aren't enough actual radfems on LC to keep the board alive.
It's a pattern that has repeated over the years.
/2X/ gets made because there was so much infighting on /ot/ over feminism creeping into unrelated threads. /2X/ has never been particularly active and is now a dead board outside of black pill schizos like bj-chan.
When the admin before Shaymin closed /2X/ there was a massive outcry that LC radfems would have nowhere to go, so asherah's garden was created. asherah's garden was an entire image board devoted to radfem discussion with radfem moderators. It died because no one posted on it.
The "radfem" LARPers on LC are a vocal minority that use radical feminism as a justification to infight, derail and shit up threads. Every time they have been offered a dedicated space for radical feminism, they have declined to use it because they aren't radfems and don't care about discussing radical feminism.
Anonymous 290847
>>290845AFAIK Ashera's Garden died because scrotes raided it too much and the owner was sick of it.
Anonymous 290849
>>290847The owner closed it because it wasn't worth defending a dead site against spam. Both LC and CC get raided and spammed by moids. The sites are still alive because there's an active userbase.
Anonymous 290852
>>290845Whoa it's almost as if hating men or being a feminist isn't the same as being a radical feminist. It's you who calls them radfems in the first place, I rarely see self proclaimed ones.
Anonymous 290858
>>290852>informal fallacyThe "RF" in "TERF" stands for radical feminist.
Anonymous 290869
>>290858NTA but lots of people called farmers TERFs just because they made fun of trannies.
>>290850What makes you assume the ones complaining about lolcow in some way ITT aren't farmers themselves? I hadn't visited CC in more than a year but always come back to LC.
Anonymous 290872
>>290858And? You can hate trannies without being a radfem but trannies just call every woman who doesn't buy their bs terf, they don't even think about radical feminism when using the word kek.
Anonymous 292144

>>289585Kek, i get her too, i sometimes start to sound close to her in my head, when i get too fed up with pickme women who just won't stop, i get too tired. Except her especially sexually charged ramblings scare me, this is when she comes out like a scrote that's jerking off the most, even though i'm sure she doesn't mean it this way.
>>289760Some of them argued that a small number of women would be exceptions. She specifically was also saying that she transcended her sexual desires. She was saying autistic women are ostracised by other women for not adhering to feminine behaviour (?). Picrel about women being born "wrong" is probably an anwer to her deleted post (you can find more of her posts in the Pinkpill Thread). She must mean that she's not mentally submissive, but other women are, but at the same time all of our bodies have a sexual desire to submit that she needed to transcend? Not sure. So yes, it does appear that she basically thinks she's special. She seems to deny the possibility of true naivety in women (and teen girls) at all is what i've gathered.
>>289433>speak for yourself, moid wrangler.Oh, shut it, n0nnie, i meant that they are the basic part of the world we live in. Unfortunately.
Anonymous 293017
with all due respect i've seen disgusting shit on lc confessions too, so cherrypicking
Anonymous 293019
I don't hate LC, but I do wish there were more imageboards centered for women that aren't as dead as CC. Being able to easily see a thread 5 years back on a front page doesn't encourage anyone to be active. That being said, I feel like an /ot/-type of imageboard without a cow focus would probably just be as anti-moid focused but personally I don't really care about that.
Anonymous 295088
LC just needs to update its code. Seriously how does 1 hacker exploit a site's code and delete 300 thousand photos? How bad is the code that that can happen? Seriously they should just close /ot/ at this point.
Anonymous 295103
I'm glad that the lc users finally left CC.
Anonymous 295111
>>295088There was probably stuff on there that wasnt supposed to be seen
Anonymous 295135
It's been back for 12 hours and already I remembered why I started to hate it. It's so funny how every anon that shits on Cerbmin here goes to /meta/ to kiss his ass for doing the bare minimum. It's pathetic.
Anonymous 295141
>>295113And of coooourse every anon in that thread is kissing Cerbmins ass. He does the bare minimum and people jump up and down in joy and if you question him other anons bludgeon you with rocks.
Anonymous 295151
I’m sad lolcow is back up
for a few days the world was a slightly better place
Anonymous 295182
>>295151honestly the lolcow blackout has convinced me to never return to posting on it
my life actually did improve by it being gone
Anonymous 295218
>>295113Shit, it's the same thing that fujochan was sent a while back. They lost all the images on a board and moved host for better security/backups iirc. I wasn't surprised for a small board that keeps attracting spambots, but lc is massive so you'd hope they'd have their shit together.
Anonymous 295220
>>295218It's funny. A few weeks ago, multiple 4chan boards also got wiped. But the Admins weren't forthcoming with any reasons. The boards included sfw ones like /diy/, /a/ & /lit/ and nsfw ones.
Anonymous 295226
>>295222can you link the thread pls lmaooo
Anonymous 295331
The obession people on lc have with personality fags is so strange.
Anonymous 295520
Take a shot every time a lc user calls another woman ugly while using the same wording as moids.
Anonymous 295550
I swear celebricows posters are the most pathetic people on the fucking planet.
Anonymous 295700
I suspect a janny is camping out in fanny the tranny's thread to intentionally start infights and ban whoever takes the bait after letting the thread derail for awhile, it's annoying and I find it suspicious because the first thread features a janny arguing with an anon and then continuing to argue with them in redtext
Anonymous 295710
>>295700What was the janny arguing about in the first thread?
Anonymous 295712
>>295700I'd give up on trying to detect reason in janny decisions if i were you.
Anonymous 295715
DAE experiencing posting issues?
Anonymous 295889
The lc jannies are bored or something. I made a post in a thread in /ot/ that was relevant to the Nona I was replying to and some people replied back. Literally a day later I get banned for "autistic derail". Meanwhile retards in /snow/ can actually derail all they want. I've been getting red texted a lot recently, but I never infight, I sage even when I don't have to, and I don't reply to bait. I'm an oldfag and 10 years ago, I'd go on retarded rants while I was drunk and I rarely got red texted or banned. Whatever, I shouldn't put energy into being mad about getting banned for a few hours on an image board anyway. I wish cc wasn't so slow.
Anonymous 297056
Lolcow is pathetically obsessed with the election.
I hate Trump supporters but it's painfully obvious nobody who browses that board cares about politics (or even feminism) beyond petulant culture war spite.
Anonymous 297146
the way that those faggot ass tranny jannies absolutely jizz themselves to their little power over there is beyond me. lmfao how the fuck is shitposting on an mongolian basketweaving forum banable
Anonymous 297168
>>297146There's a mongolian basket weaving sub ?
Anonymous 297276
>>297056>I hate Trump supporters but it's painfully obvious nobody who browses that board cares about politics (or even feminism) beyond petulant culture war spite.the level of ignorance displayed in the amerifag thread is so fucking depressing. it's beyond the casual/shitposting nature of lolcow; they are actually clueless and retarded. objectively. i had to stop reading.
Anonymous 297356
Cerbmin is obviously someone with a huge vendetta against Oldmin/Shaymin/Lorena Sanchez/Hex and is destroying the site on purpose by being very literal with the 500 rules that Rena would arbitrarily apply but always point to when it suited her to fuck with someone. That’s why everyone is getting banned, it’s just to get back at her. Probably one of her incel orbiters. Word on the street is that she was/is part of that CP/gore group 764 as well so whatever good riddance to lolcow
Anonymous 297357
>>297276i honestly thought they were doing satire but i saw people unironically saying that we're gonna end up in a fascist dictatorship LOL
Anonymous 297370
>>297276>>297056i've pretty much given up on the site for these reasons. even during the 2020 election, people weren't freaking out quite as badly as they are now. i don't even really know what to say at this point. the site has pretty much been taken over by the usual suspects (redditors, goofball normies). sad…
Anonymous 297380
>>297356>destroying the site on purposeby paying the bill, adding features and restoring /ot/? The worst you can say about cerbmin is being absent and inconsistent but that's been every admin so far.
Anonymous 297391
>>297380What makes you say they've "restored" /ot/?
Anonymous 297406
>>297380By banning everyone and closing like 80% of all the threads. Can you read nigga?
Anonymous 297459
>>297380anon that’s the bare minimum. on a large scale the site is becoming largely unrecognizable from a cultural standpoint. other than for the layout and such, it’s a really different place now and only getting worse by the day. i don’t hate cerbmin but i finally had to admit to myself that she/he/they were not as good as i wanted to believe they were initially. yes they’ve done a lot to restore the boards technically but they’ve done very little elsewise and most of their efforts seem performative at best.
Anonymous 297478
>>297459ok I'm not arguing with that, all I said was it's retarded to think the admin(s) only took over to ruin the site for vendetta reasons. why do all that when you could just take over and let it become truly unusable for real or stop paying the bill and let it die and just keep the domain hoarded. i already said they were absent and inconsistent, it's hard to deal with eternal september that way and the culture is shot.
Anonymous 297505
From the unpopular opinions thread where argumentation is disallowed:
>Pretty privilege doesn't exist and being very attractive comes with a set of challenges and dangers ugly people refuse to acknowledge out of envy.
This is the thinking that separates feminists from liberals who hate their ex.
For one, I was a fat and ugly girl and a slender, attractive woman. The latter is the far and away easier life to live. Pretty privilege absolutely exists. You are a spoiled waste of resources if you even try to argue otherwise.
And the worst part of this disgusting take is the
>dangers ugly people refuse to acknowledge out of envy.
Yeah, almost blatantly throwing in the notion that unattractive women don't deal with male depravity. A horrendous lie that met a classmate of mine with mockery for trying to credibly report sexual harassment by a scrote far uglier than her from OTHER WOMEN.
LCfags are just twitter users with anonymity. Honorary trannies (and literal ones too, I'm sure)
Anyway thanks for reading my blogpost.
Anonymous 297509
Can we get an lolcow board on here on crystal cafe so we all can quit even going on there?
Anonymous 297510
>>297509I don't go there for lolcows, I go there because there's at least quintuple the number of active users of this place. Or at least the post frequency would suggest that.
Anonymous 297569
What is it with them and being more prudish and puritanical than fundamentalist Christians. They hate any woman who shows any degree of sexuality. To the point where it almost feels like jealousy.
Anonymous 297571
>>297569I'm pretty sure a good chunk of lolcow users is just bitter and jealous.
Anonymous 297574
>>297478because it hurts more and is more embarrassing to see the website die a slow death due to the admins following the burritomin rules to a T than just shutting it down, retard
Anonymous 297583
Lolcow is only good because it’s very active. Everything else about it sucks and the type of people who use it are awful. This place sucks too but would’ve had potential if it wasn’t so dead
Anonymous 297584
>>297510>>297583I don't understand how people can tolerate going on there anymore. Even if it is more active, the mods are insane.
>someone posts a youtube thread>mod says it belongs in another board>mod comments on a youtube thread on the same board wanting someone to post a youtube thread on the SAME BOARD because that youtube thread reached the post limit Anonymous 297594
>>297584I don't understand the psychology of the people who janny on lolcow specifically. You can tell that they think it's some kind of 'prestige' to moderate there but it isn't even like reddit or other sites where people know who the mods are at least. It's entirely anonymous, which makes that even more pathetic because you aren't gaining anything out of it in the world of basement dwellers. They obviously love the power associated with being a mod but to a normal person that isn't power, it's just being a loser with too much time on your hands and doing something nobody else wants to do. I always see those petty redtexts which is just the obese jannies trying to live out some kind of mean girl fantasy of theirs even though it's just sad and reflects back at them. The internet breaks that boundary tied to real life which means nobody will see that you're an obese retard who barely leaves the house which is perfect for an impotent freak who has nothing else going for them. The worst part of it though is the subhumans who bootlick and weirdly care about appealing to the jannies. I constantly see people who report others and defend the jannies vigorously which is probably the most gayest thing of all. Genuinely though, who the fuck willingly does this "job" for free?
Anonymous 297635
>The entire "girl talk" board.
Lol. The way they talk about themselves and other women is so self hating. Not in the pickme way but in some weird way thats hard to explain. I was just looking at the height difference thread and contemplated giving my input as a certified giraffe but after reading the other posts I was like "actually nah, y'all need help".
I guess the one thing I can credit moids with is that they're way more entertaining to read making each other miserable. Because r9k posts used to be hilarious and lc.f posts just make me want to find and fight whoever said that.
Anonymous 297636

Found in a thread about "sex work" on Lolcow Farm.
Anonymous 297637
>>297584They literally locked the new YouTube thread and left the old one they said they would lock open. WTF is wrong with those mods???
Anonymous 297652
Janny had a meltdown at me in the Amerifag thread because I told her off for being a gender traitor if women voted Trump. She banned me for "racebait" (which multiple anons called bullshit on), so I ban evaded to come back and post that she was a faggot. This was back on the 4th. Naturally she cried over ban evasion. So that ban was supposed to last until 2nd of Dec. I have a life, so, generally being off lolcow isn't hard for me. I went to test post today thinking maybe things cooled down and noticed it was refiled due to "ban evasion" with a new date to the middle of next month. I haven't attempted to post on lolcow since I ban evaded the first time, is it automatic just because I tested to post but how is that "ban evasion" anyway?
Janny is a butthurt faggot.
Anonymous 297653
>>297652>Janny is a butthurt faggotAnd also an Uncle Tom gender traitor retard. Teehee~
Anonymous 297654
I miss the dumbass shit threads.
Anonymous 297658
>>297654Perhaps bringing those back here could be an ok way to up traffic a little bit?
Anonymous 297686
>>297654was there a reason those stopped? i rarely go on lc
Anonymous 297752

>>297686They said the "board culture" had degraded because many farmers outgrew stalking and bitching about women online and started to use lolcow to chat with other women in a space that wasn't a libfem cesspool. So they got rid of what they viewed as the worst offender which was the "topic-less chat style threads." autistic spergout incoming…
The data they furnished after hellweek didn't support their claims that /ot/ and /g/ were particularly misbehaved. Despite the admins attributing the site-wide decline in post quality to /ot/ and /g/ & the fact some of the most popular threads in /ot/ are inherently contentious and should be raking in infighting and ban-evasion bans like crazy during hellweeks, especially if it's as bad as they say it is, only 2-3% of posts in /ot/ and /g/ resulted in a ban compared to 9-10% in the cow boards. 6-8% difference is huge. /pt/ is an oldfag board, those users should know the rules, but they still had a high bans/post %. To make their claims even less credible 164/459 of the bans in /ot/ were from it's two odd cow threads, celebricows and tumblrfags or whatever. They totally misrepresented the results by ranking each board's "naughtiness" by % of total bans instead of bans/posts by each board to make /ot/ look worse than it is. like seriously, anyone with basic logic can see that comparing a board with half the site's traffic to smaller boards and then claiming the high-traffic board is worse because it gets more bans is not a valid argument. I could go on about this because this completely soured me on the current admin team.
Anonymous 297778
Lolcow has been annoying lately because there some people who post obviously fake stuff. I saw a really dumb greentext story today in the vent thread and some other nonas already called out the OP. It has become like Reddit where they invent the wildest stories for upvotes and comments.
Anonymous 297821
>>297778that's how i felt about another poster in that thread who posted about her furry wife who never showers and makes animal noises. like anyone can lie in an anonymous forum and people really forget that for some reason
Anonymous 297884
>>297778Was it about the straight girl Snapchatting a lesbian or whatever?
Anonymous 297903
As a ot/g user, does anyone else feel like the vibes have shifted since a few years ago? It feels like there's more hostile retards camping out in threads then before. Also feels like the userbase has changed, more normie, more people from tiktok/twitter and they act like it, maybe there's more genz influence too
Anonymous 297931
>>297903I feel the same way anon. It is practically impossible to discuss anything due to the retarded amount of infighting. Fandom discourse and ugly male psyop are relatively new generals but the recent threads have been absolute dogshit because every other minor thing leads to an infight. LC had a certain novelty that set it apart from other sites, but lately, it feels like I have opened xitter whenever I check any thread. Honestly, it’s just sad.
Anonymous 298023
Got permabanned for calling out troons who made a shitty dysphoria thread that was inviting gendies and misogynistic bait onto the site. has gone full reddit.
Anonymous 298025
>>298023i saw that they made troonfoiling a banable offense lmao. no way they're banning you for calling out troons though wtf
Anonymous 298028
>>298025Guarantee one of the mods is a retarded TIF. They can all fuck off to Reddit. We don't need or want their internalized misogyny here.
Anonymous 298029
>>298028i noticed some tranny janny redtexted an anon in the mtf thread for posting a pic of their writing in the public female bathroom saying troons aren't allowed. that confirmed it for me kek
Anonymous 298032
>>298028>retarded TIFthe way the tif thread is moderated is the biggest giveaway. all the cator99 posts being deleted is another example. i wouldnt be surprised if there are a few selfhating tif mods.
Anonymous 298037
for the past 80 days, ive been doing an experiment on lcf to see if what people say about the mod team being biased is true. for the experiment, my materials were 2 different laptops, expressvpn and nordvpn, a mobile phone with cell data. for the laptops, i was always connected to the same two VPN networks everytime i posted, that way the mods could see the post histories. laptop 1 used an expressvpn network and laptop 2 used a nordvpn network.
for the first 60 days, on all three devices, i posted the exact same way, the only difference is on laptop 2 i used non-proper punctuation and grammar and posted only in lowercase. i did not infight, bait, alog, or really do anything that crazy on any of the 3 devices. i frequented all boards and posted 10 times per day from each device. my posts were always less than 2 sentences long and were usually inoffensive mundane observations on theme with the threads, or asking/answering questions. every third day, i reported 1 post that was obviously breaking a rule, and 1 post that obviously wasn't breaking a rule. so everyday i was reporting 6 posts every 3 days across all three devices. so by day 60, i had reported 120 posts total, 40 reports per device.
on laptop 1, i posted 8 times in 60 days on /meta to complain about mods and admin. i also replied to posts complaining about mods and bans 4 times on the retarded bans thread, and 3 times on other threads. on laptop 2, i posted 10 times times in defense of mods on various threads, and 4 times to defend them on /meta. on my mobile phone, i simply just posted without talking about mods. this was my "control group" or what id compare laptop 1 and 2 with. the results were -
>laptop 1: 9/40 posts banned
>laptop 2: 31/40 posts banned
>phone: 22/40 posts banned
during the last 20 days, i stopped using my mobile phone and only used my laptops. i also stopped posting entirely, and began to only report 1 post every day. i reported the same posts every time on both laptop 1 and laptop 2, but the id report those same posts 12 hours apart every time. so i reported 20 posts in total, but there were 40 reports made total. the results for this were -
>4 posts were banned when only laptop 1 reported them
>11 posts were banned once laptop 2 reported them 12 hours after laptop 1 did.
>5 posts were not banned
what i gleamed from this experiment was that mods consider the post history of whomever reports a post. mods were more likely to respond to reports from posters that had a history of defending moderation. mods were less likely to respond to reports from posters that complained about moderation. i suggest other anons do experiments like this and post your results here. the experiment was very eye opening for me.
Anonymous 298041
>>298037who tf has the time and motivation to do this i commend you nona but i will not do this
Anonymous 298042
>>298041it only took 15 minutes every day, usually i use lc for 1.5 hours per day every day. i have motivation to do it because i take a pill called ladasten and it helps give me energy and stimulates my brain.
Anonymous 298088
>>298037I love this autism. don't let anyone criticize you.
Anonymous 298130
>>298037science queen tier shit.
this is how it is all over the internet. lick the mods asshole and then sick the jannie on ur enemies
Anonymous 298149
Do the jannies just ignore all reports now unless you spam report it? I will report a post for something like "JEWS ARE EVIL!" and it will stay up for days, and if I report it again I get banned for "abusing the report feature."
Anonymous 298158
>>298149jannies dont have critical thinking skills, so if you want something banned you have to report it from 5+ different vpn networks,that way they think more then 1 person reported it. the newfag jannies dont know what bait is or looks like, so they dont know whether or not to ban it unless they get more than 4-5 reports. ironically, you can report any post in this style and watch it get banned. they have no thinking skills so they really just wait for others to do there job for them.
Anonymous 298163
>>298149that's because some bullshit is afoot
>>298037 Anonymous 298165
How is the moderation on CC faster and more responsive than the moderation on LC lately? Farmhands are so lazy. It's like they're only active for four hours of the day, the other 20 hours it's the wild west. I just want a new IB for us so badly at this point.
Anonymous 298166
Anyone else get hit with a ban today for "abusing report button" ?? I reported the bait about chlamydia earlier today, but I got hit with a 12 hour ban for it? I thought it was so obvious that it was bait, and I only reported it once. Then later I saw that a later post by that same anon got banned for baiting, so my report was justified? What kind of crack are the jannies smoking today?
Anonymous 298170
>>297752>I could go on about thisI am begging you to go on about this please for the love of God go on about this
Anonymous 298192
>>298165there was some discussion about that on the shelter board, I hope it develops further Anonymous 298214
>>298192You shouldn't link this on here. It's enough that it's being discussed on Kiwifarms, don't post it here for more moids and troons to see it. Posting it again and again will only bring more spammers and raiders to it. Stop sharing the link, keep it under wraps until we've finish what we started. Jfc when will people learn that there's a reason why we shouldn't talk about CC or LC outside of CC and LC.
Anonymous 298218
lfc is trash. seriously the autists on that site would be better off institutionalized than whatever theyre doing on there. only /m/ is worth anything.
Anonymous 298223
:ot: farmhand bein…

So BLOCK VPNS. Why do they act like they aren't in charge???? Farmhands, you run the site! Turn the VPN block on!
Anonymous 298233
>>298223After oldmin, posting on lolcow without a vpn is like having sex without protection
Anonymous 298236
>>298233plus after two farmhands revealed other anons IPs
Anonymous 298240
>>298218LC is just retards repeating the same thing they've been saying every single day for years but like its new.
Anonymous 298260
>>298236When was this? if this was recent the new admin team is incredibly immature. with oldmin, post-reveals were initially only supposed to be used for self-posting cows. oldmin started doing post-reveals of users she found annoying, as if anyone cares. and to make it worse she had at least 3 failed attempts at trying to postdox people. knowing your post history and location, the lolcow admins could actually dox you, and oldmin was 1. hostile 2. had already pushed the line and started postdoxxing non-cows and 3. couldn't even correctly identify posts, i'm not going to get caught in the middle of some faildox
Anonymous 298261
>>298259ntayrt but it was a while ago. i can only recall one instance, but i don't doubt there was another. in the instance i recall, the farmhand was "let go" soon after, but there was no proof that they were actually let go from the staff team.
>>298233i don't think vpn ban should always be on, but i think when a personalityfag or baiter is spamming threads, the ban should be turned on as a temporary safety measure.
Anonymous 298271

>>298260>>298261I only remember this one from the cat hate thread, and that was in 2022, so with shaymin and not with the current admins. If that's what the anon is referencing. The mod was allegedly let go which I don't even know how you would go around proving since the mod team is anonymous to us, and they didn't expose the whole ip address as the last number is blocked in the picture.
>>298260>Knowing your post history and location, the lolcow admins could actually dox you. You can't really fully dox someone with just their IP. Most ips show a general location and they're not assigned to your physical location. Any time I check my ip it's not even assigned to my region, let alone city.
Anonymous 298272
>>298260>>298261>>298271the other incident happened this year a few months ago with the "good moid stories" thread. here's a tl;dr explanation much stuff get deleted as it was happening, you kind of had to be there to see it but multiple anons and admin herself reported on it
Anonymous 298286
>>298271…exactly why I said IP and post history. i'm fully aware of how ip addresses work. you do not; i don't know what shithole you live in but for burgers at least your IP address is going to say the exact city you live in or within a certain radius
Anonymous 298290

>>298286I don't know what exactly caused you to make such a pissy and powerleveling response Ms. Two Degrees in Computer Science but then you should know IP addresses will at most be big city accurate and that's that, at the end of the day they get assigned to you by your ISP and some ISPs don't care about getting an ultra precise location or they simply don't have a huge amount of IPs in circulation hence my IP addresses are they way they are and yours are the way they are. This has no bearing on how good or bad the network is, Ms. Computer Science. Funny you say the shithole part when the USA is known to have third world tier network infrastructure due to monopolies, something that someone with so many CS degrees should know about. No fault of your own and I don't look down upon burgers for that and you deserve much better but it's hilarious you're using it as a brag.
Anonymous 298291
>>298286ntayrt but you shouldn't be posting identifying information online at all, not even on anonymous ibs. if you post enough specific identifying information, it would be possible to deduce where you live even without using your ip address. the ayrt is right, knowing someones ip address doesn't really give you much information about them besides their generalized location. for me, an average burger, my ip address is listed as belonging to the nearest metropolitan area near to me which is some 50 miles from me. why respond to someone so angrily just to talk out of your ass?
>>298272>>298273administration is pathetic. even his response to the backlash is half-hearted. shaymin really fucked up, she didn't vet the new admin properly and it wouldn't surprise me if she purposefully gave off the site to someone she knew wouldn't be good for the community because she was so pissy after the nucow backlash.
Anonymous 298292
>>298290>>298291Because it was annoying as hell waking up and reading that reply which did not fully acknowledge what i said and was not even that correct. i was referring to generalized location. i already know this. you could absolutely be doxxed by an admin having access to your general location and your post history
Anonymous 298293
>>298292i'll just reply to myself since some people keep the thread open all day:
>ip reveals the general location you live in>you post information about yourself in /ot/ like your job, college/student status, relationships, travels, etc>participate in certain cow threads, maybe share screenshots>look through cow's following and find a profile that aligns with that information exactly Anonymous 298294
>>298292>>298293stop taking stuff so personally, it's not good for you.
Anonymous 298295
>>298294Okay sorry for being aggro at first. I need to act more like a miner instead of a farmer
Anonymous 298297
>>298295it's okay. this post
>>298271 reads more like she's agreeing with you, but just pointing out that the admin can't even dox people right because admin is stupid. we're all against the admin at lolcow here, so save your aggression for the admin. we have to be strong and unified together, we cant let petty infights disrupt us.
Anonymous 298300
Unpopular Opinions is such a malignant tumour.
Anonymous 298301
>>298300Same with the celebricows thread. Rampant misogyny and pointless troonfoiling.
Anonymous 298308
wait can somebody explain why the cat hate thread anon got doxxed by the janny? im so confused
Anonymous 298309
>>298308Personal vendetta. There's a running theme that the newer farmhands are some of the more autistic anons on the site and they contribute to infights. Since they can see post histories on users that don't use VPNs, they can see patterns that we can't. Sometimes certain users piss them off so badly that they do something like reveal their IPs.
Anonymous 298321
>>298308That anon wasn't doxed, their ip was partially censored kek. I think it was done to show proof of samefagging because the janny was salty, that's all.
Anonymous 298324

>>297356Kek it’s what she deserves. Worst admin we’ve ever had and she destroyed the website with her retarded decisions and Stacy larping (for which we finally have proof after she got doxed and she looks like a man) Anonymous 298364
>vpn bans until end of december
The website is absolute dookie
Anonymous 298379

>>298364after almost 10 years i guess i'm hanging up my milk pail for good. they've been pushing a vpn ban for a while now so i'm sure they'll permanently instate it soon. vpn users can't even voice their opinion on /meta/.
the last truly memorable cows that were unique to were, iirc, nika and jaelle back in 2020, and since then our pastures have been sparse. tried introducing some fresh stock to the herd, but the discussions haven't brought the same joy as before.'s interpretation of a lolcow has morphed from people who display truly unhinged and bizarre behavior to just nitpicking at how annoying cows chew their cud…
Anonymous 298399
mods are obsessed with banning me every chance they get for the past month, i don't know if it's just one janny or multiple keeping track of me. i'm certain they're stalking my device type and browser combination + geolocation, i ran an experiment where i didn't post for over a week and then i made one innocuous post and got banned for ban evasion. i can't imagine how jobless and obsessed they have to be to seethe at a specific anon for over a month at this point.
Anonymous 298405
>>298399that’s been happening to me too. idk what you’ve been posting exactly to make the mods have a vendetta against you but it’s actually insane, they wait for the four-week ban they put on my ip and then ban it again to keep it going. they’re such retards they can’t figure out how to just permaban it for good, it’s actually insane
Anonymous 298406
>>298405show us some of the posts you got banned for
Anonymous 298410
>>298404i would, i'm not embarrased or ashamed of anything, but i genuinely believe the mods could lurk here and look at my post history and see which anon i am. the news mods over the past year are autistic as fuck.
Anonymous 298412
>>298410yeah but then we don't know if the jannies were justifies in their bans or not so it kind of makes your point pointless if you know what i mean
Anonymous 298413
>>298405LMAO they've put a month-long ban on multiple ips by now for me too. idk why they are so anal now, can't even have a laugh on an anonymous imageboard anymore.
Anonymous 298414
>>298412i'm not willing to doxx myself if that's OK with you
Anonymous 298416
>>298414posting a ban message isn't doxxing yourself kek
Anonymous 298417
>>298416mods can look at the post and see who posted it though. and recently they've been doxxing anons so i'd rather not take risk and further give the psychos a reason to wig out.
Anonymous 298418
>>298417okay but if you check the retarded bans thread or even /meta/ people post their bans all the time and nobody doxxes them? sorry i don't get it. why are you afraid of the jannies? do u post really personal stuff on lc or something? i dont get your point sorry
Anonymous 298420
range bans.png

I seriously doubt that they have the ability to issue range bans in any meaningful way. I don't understand why they still use it as a threat when it's very obvious that they don't have the faculty to do so. Maybe if you live in a very isolated place, or a small town, it might work, but in bigger cities or metropoles range bans are essentially impossible to enforce without targeting non-offenders. If they have the ability to range ban, it begs the question: why haven't they used this before?
The VPN ban will likely be permanent. In one way, it's for the best because the rate of baiting and infighting has already gone down. I still disagree with it, because like a lot of anons I've seen how certain farmhands can abuse their privileges. It makes me wonder about a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes too. From an outsiders' perspective, it seems like the site is really short-staffed, or at least that's how it comes off when every night there's an 6-8 hour moderation blackout. It feels like the VPN ban is just a way to make the farmhands' jobs easier, and to offload a lot of work. It just feels like a way of letting lazy moderators off the hook instead of removing them from their positions and opening applications for new farmhands to take over.
I think the current administration and moderation are really just a group of friends that use LC as their own personal milk factory, especially because of the last farmhand application process and the refusal to have town halls. Remember: the reason administration claimed we aren't able to have townhalls anymore is because of "VPN abuse." Now that VPNs are blocked, what's stopping them for holding a townhall?
Besides all this, the VPN ban is easily circumvented by the second most popular way to ban evade. I don't think they'll ever really have a way to block this technique either. IYKYK.
Anonymous 298422
>>298420>Maybe if you live in a very isolated place, or a small town, it might work, but in bigger cities or metropoles range bans are essentially impossible to enforce without targeting non-offenders.i can confirm that they have range banned my entire (big) city, possibly even an entire portion of my country. these mods are very stupid and don't care about consequences when they range ban like this. i don't think the threat is baseless but it is very very stupid and i think they're definitely a clique.
Anonymous 298423
>website becomes less active because of the VPN kekkk
Do you guys know how to get around it?
Anonymous 298424
>>298422>I can confirm that they have range banned my entire big cityThis is so retarded that it's almost funny. It's really sad that they can't figure out a decent way to moderate without resorting to stuff like this. It's sad that all it takes is one retard to get a whole entire city banned. How would this look in metropoles like NYC, London, or elsewhere?
>I think they're definitely a clique.It's become more and more obvious that Cerbmin and the Farmhands are a package deal. It's pretty obvious it's just a group of Discord friends that don't really know what they're doing. A good administration wouldn't have let hackers bring down the entire site for almost a month and delete nearly 400k files. Good moderators wouldn't have revealed IPs of banal users to settle personal vendettas.
>>298423The real portion of the website, the cow boards, has been pretty slow for a long time now compared to the off-topic boards. I recall an old theory that basically went like: administration wants to kill off the off-topic boards because they're the most hassle to moderate, and shift the site back to its original focus on documenting lolcows. The problem with this is that the cow boards are dreadful now. Nobody wants to lurk for milk, everyone has too high expectations, and nobody cares enough about new cows when compared to the old dusty udders of long-dry cows. If you wanna see what I mean, just look at the first few posts on Dana's thread on /snow/. She's a pretty milky cow, but even so anons were arguing about whether or not she "deserved" a thread. They take the cow boards way too seriously now.
>Do you know how to get around it.Yeah, but you'll have to lurk more to figure that out.
Anonymous 298425
>>298424Anon spoon feed me please, I’m tired of this shit censorship shit it actually makes my blood boil. Also that theory seems pretty plausible and also their laziness. It’s also suspicious they got rid of the dumbass shit thread and magically right after the culling of the shitposting threads all of the manhate suddenly disappears and all of these weird pickmes are coming in making threadpics of that ugly ass CEO killer and considering sending male to him, I honestly wonder is it the new tiktokfags who are now being catered to and also the moderation staff who are apart of this newer generation of users? That probably explains the fucktarded decisions and censorship
Anonymous 298428
>>298424>Good moderators wouldn't have revealed IPs of banal users to settle personal vendettascan someone give me the tldr on this? this is basically the worst crime an admin/moderator can commit on an ib. they should never be exposing the ip or identity if any user, ever. they shouldn't be linking one anonymous post to another anonymous post.
Anonymous 298429
>>298428Just scroll up in the thread kek it's all here.
Anonymous 298430
>>298429i see. wait there is actually something so mentally deranged about farmhands caring if people samefag. you get the best laughs riling people up by samefagging, or the best laughs replying to your own post in third person with a goos joke. and they go out of their way to try to curbstomp it. so weird.
Anonymous 298431
>>298430>tfw laughing on the internet is a crime and should be bannednewfags rallying for widespread vpn bans are the ones who are fresh and new to internet and know nothing about life
Anonymous 298432
>>298430you sound like an annoying poster if you think that samefagging and infighting is what lc is about.
Anonymous 298433
>>298431yeah it's sad. it didn't used to be like this. healthy mix of everything, etc.
>>298432you sound like a square with annoying opinions. lighten up a bit.
Anonymous 298435
>>298430>>298431>>298433Can you make your samefagging any more obvious?
Anonymous 298436
>>298435couldn't be further from the truth but i'm happy to know we upset you!
Anonymous 298437
>>298436Kek as long as you can't upset me on LC I'm good
Anonymous 298439
This place fucking sucks I was expecting batshit femcels but most of y'all're just weird bored dudes cosplaying. I'm genuinely disappointed.
Anonymous 298440
>>298437i'm sure i've upset you plenty of times there already judging by your whining
Anonymous 298442
I don't get the point of a site wide VPN ban. They banned VPNs in the Amerifag thread during the election and it did nothing to improve the post quality. I get that /ot/ is a sewage outlet but why include the cow boards?
Anonymous 298443
>>298442It's because of retards like these
>>298431 >>298430
Anonymous 298444
>>298443So ban the VPN range that's being used by the bating retard? A site wide VPN ban is bad moderation.
Anonymous 298445
>>298443I don't get how you can possibly be so mad at baiting or fighting on an imageboard? Do you not know how to simply ignore things that upset you on the internet? I bet you legitimately get upset at bait posts, like it impacts your mood irl.
Anonymous 298446

>>298445Image boards aren't about baiting and infighting. They are a community like any other place on the internet. The point of any site is to spend time with other people that you like spending time with because you share interests and opinions. Newfag cancer such as yourself probably doesn't understand because you've never had anything resembling a friend before and are unable to interact with other people due to low IQ and non-existent emotional intelligence.
Anonymous 298447
>>298446I actually feel bad for zoomers with fried dopamine receptors. All they can do for fun is bait on LC because they killed their brains with TikTok and Twitter. They can't even afford to move out of their parents' house because they're too busy being online to get a job. Sad!
Anonymous 298448
>>298446I'm not reading all of that. Go get coddled by your Twitter friends if you need a hugbox.
Anonymous 298449
>>298448>can't read a four sentence paragraph>probably doesn't even know what a paragraph isThe point of
>>298447 proven in record time.
Anonymous 298450
>>298449>accuses others of samefagging>samefags herself to try to prove a pointCan you not be mentally ill for two seconds? Talk about being jobless.
Anonymous 298452
I never understand these people. They complain about these baiters and evil internet trolls but when these “baiters” come here to maturely discuss stuff these same people follow them here just to argue and infight with the “baiters”, hm…
Anonymous 298453
>>298452>MaturelyNever beating the 18 year old Zoomer that just discovered IBs allegations.
Anonymous 298455
>>298451It's cringe that you project every rancid thing that
you are, like samefagging, being new to the internet, needing to be coddled, being poor and not moving out of your parent's basement, being jobless, etc. Since we're on the topic of jobless, there isn't anyone more jobless than a moderator on lolcow. They literally do it for free! And they do a poor job of it too.
>>298452I could almost say it's lolcow mods themselves monitoring these threads, there's a specific stink behind all the posts that go out of their way to seethe against "infighting".
Anonymous 298457
>>298455Crazy that one word gets you so riled up kek
Anonymous 298458
you need this NOW.…

>>298455>I could almost say it's lolcow mods themselves monitoring these threads>everyone who thinks I'm a baiting retard (truth) is a lolcow mod Anonymous 298459
>>298457No comment on the fact that you're red handedly samefagging like a freak in the lolcow hate thread for some unexplained reason? Does Cerbmin let you have discord sex with him?
Anonymous 298460
>>298459>unable to distinguish when you're talking to two different peopleLow IQ and low EQ
Anonymous 298461
>>298460You literally accused others
in this thread of samefagging. Not sure why you think it's not obvious when you're doing it yourself.
Anonymous 298463
>>298462Yeah it's obvious to anyone with a brain what is happening here and you're not fooling anybody.
Anonymous 298466
>>298458NTA but this
>>298324 anon is highly likely to be a farmhand. Either that or she took the screencap from a lurking farmhand because there's no other way to have gotten it.
Anonymous 298467
>>298466I agree that whoever is responsible for that screenshot is a farmhand. However I'm not a farmhand which is what I'm being accused of.
Anonymous 298468
>>298467You got accused of samefagging, which you blatantly did. Nobody seriously accused you of being a farmhand, although if the shoe fits…
Anonymous 298469
>>298468You are correct. This whole website is actually a farce perpetuated by your enemies. The only people on this website are you and I. Be wary!
Anonymous 298473
>>298452its funny how they cry and cry about baiters and trolls and infighters but then they come here and do the exact same thing… fight with the very same people they apparently want to avoid. all while they defend lolcow
in the lolcow hate thread. they probably think what they are doing is just because they're performing some sort of retribution, and not just being terminally online and hypersensitive.
Anonymous 298475
>>298474thanks for your noncontribution and proving my point
Anonymous 298477
>>298474Wow you replied almost instantly. Are you monitoring this thread constantly you fucking freak?
Anonymous 298480
>>298475>>298477Why even engage, you are part of the problem. If you ignore it it'll fuck off.
Anonymous 298481
>>298480But I thought you said that infighting was the only fun part of LC? I thought you said samefagging and baiting were
Anonymous 298482
>>298481I'm not the anon who said that, if you start bickering with a anon saying a single word to obviously rile you up you're geniunely retarded. That type made the kek bitch and then had the gall to whinge about it, and I fucking hate how most of LC seems to be that way.
Anonymous 298484
>>298482They made me the kek bitch. Yeah.
Anonymous 298486
Literally want to find where cerbmin lives and cut his fucking throat. I refuse to post on that shitty site without a VPN but I want my fix of riling up the retards who post there. I used to get banned 10+ times a day, the tranny jannies even rangebanned my home ISP so I can only post off VPN on my phone (sorry to anyone who lives in Boston kek). I loved knowing those fat sweaty scrote jannies were sitting there refreshing the thread just to ban and delete my posts. Right now is the perfect time too with the CEO killer being prime opportunity for baiting the jannies and dick obsessed posters, I am so fucking pissed. Has anyone found a way around the VPN ban?
Anonymous 298490
>>298417>and recently they've been doxxing anonsWhy do people keep lying about this? One of the """doxxes""" was accidental and the other was partially censored. Besides posting someones singular IP is not doxxing anyway you underage newfags. Every site you ever visit logs your ip address and you can just reset it by reseting your router. We gather here to criticize the mod team and the new and annoying userbase and not to spread obvious lies like blaine and some others did in the past, it's clear this thread just became a playground for the butthurt baiters that made the site shit in the past year.
Anonymous 298492
>>298490They're fear-mongering because they're mad they can't bait on LC anymore. It's extra pathetic because it's the Holiday season so you'd expect them to be busy with friends or family or something but instead their Christmas plans were just baiting on IBs.
Anonymous 298493
kekking that the vpn ban brought all the most annoying posters together here.
Anonymous 298495
>VPN bans become permanent
>months later, LC is hit with yet another security attack and the IPs and post history of anons there get leaked
Anonymous 298496
>>298495scrote like wishful thinking kekk
Anonymous 298498
>>298496>Last outage lasted for weeks because they had a vulnerability in their system and the cerbmins were scrambling to fix it, leading to lost data on /ot/>Shaymin was utterly incompetent in updating the site last Christmas>before Shaymin, threads and images on /m/ had been lostThe admins don't exactly have a good track record in keeping up the security of the site.
Anonymous 298499
>>298486Chill. If you wanted your dopamine shitpost fix that much you can just buy a subscription for a VPN. Oh wait you're a jobless loser NEET that doesn't even have a credit card. Never mind.
Anonymous 298500
>>298293Shit like this makes me wonder if the farmhands on there have some group chat where they'd laugh at cowish anons and read through their post histories. I remember one time making a post on there and an anon replied to me that could only be in reference to another post I made in a completely unrelated thread. They were replying to me as if they knew the other post. Creepy as fuck and freaked me out a bit.
Anonymous 298501
>>298496Kek I'll never forget the Hellweek stats that said only 13% of posts were made with a VPN in 2 weeks. Who gives a fuck about 13% kek
Anonymous 298502

On one hand I support the ban because /ot/ is full of shit stirrers especially on the dark triad of amerifag, unpopular opinions (do people not get the point of the thread?) and vent. On the other hellweek stats say I'm in a country with less than 50 posters and I don't want myself exposed. Kinda defeats the point of being anonymous.
Anonymous 298505
The problem is that the VPNtards don't care what thread it is. If they block VPNs in one thread, they'll just hop onto another thread. It makes sense for all the off-topic boards to continue with the VPN ban after December. I think the cow boards don't matter.
Anonymous 298508
>>298505Nta but I think it only makes sense for /ot/. /g/ and /m/ on the other hand are usually more relaxed (even when a rare occasional sperg appears it doesn't last that long since those two boards are slow moving)
>I think the cow boards don't matter.The biggest, most recent influx of unintegrated annoying posters have been shitting up /w/ though
Anonymous 298509
spamming kek over and over is unintegrated behavior. of course it comes from a lolcow tranny.
Anonymous 298510
>>298508/snow/ has a little bit of a problem with twitter or tumblr users getting linked but the jannies there seem pretty strict
I'm fine for /ot/ getting vpn banned but some threads like ex-muslim should be migrated to non-vpn boards.
Anonymous 298511
>>298502I think it's fine for problem threads but doing it for the whole site just seems off-putting. With the exception of the hidden board for some reason despite hidden board-esque threads being on other boards and also having ban evading problem anons on that board too. Very strange.
FFS If this fucks up again I'm just leaving it, fuck I'm a such a tard.
>>298505That's definitely a possibility but giving leeway to the hidden board despite being easily accessible and the fact it also houses some incredibly annoying anons who spread into the boards to moralfag or schizorant just seems unfair. All or a few, if the threads in the hidden board are such a hazard to anon's safety why aren't the anons who post in similar threads on the other boards allowed the same safety. I personally don't care if farmhands have my ip but I've noticed a weird double standard for that board that I dislike.
Anonymous 298512
>>298507>>298511Whenever I received ban messages meant for other anons on my VPN, 90% of them was from that bj sperg in the blackpill thread, no matter which country I changed to. It's strange that part of the site is immune to the vpn ban when she's a widely known vpn hopper.
Anonymous 298513
>>298511>I personally don't care if farmhands have my ipI don't really care about farmhands but lolcow is held together with tape and best wishes. It doesn't have the funding to stop a real cyberattack. I believe cerebmin is trying her best but like if big companies can get hacked lolcow wouldn't be hard. I should be allowed to have some privacy on my end.
Anonymous 298514
>site is dead after vpn ban
lol funny. admim team wants a peaceful echochamber yet camps out in this thread 24/7 picking fights.
Anonymous 298515

i've been on lolcow for years and i still don't know all the secret boards. why is there no list of them on /meta/ like there is commonly used terms?
Anonymous 298516
>>298513Samefag 4chan avoided this in it's early days by not having any storage, so it deleted every thread once it reached limit. Lolcow doesn't. If a hacker decided to pop in and dump every IP with every post it wouldn't take long for every user to be exposed especially me in my tiny ass poster country.
Anonymous 298517
>>298515Because then it wouldn't be a secret anymore
Anonymous 298518
>>298515I think it's on technical help. Either way they're
I think there was a tiny window where /mod/ was exposed but that might've been a psychotic delusion I had
>>298517Not anymore bwhahahaha
Anonymous 298519
>>298512It's not going to impend her in any way, she'll just jump back into the BP thread with a vpn if she escapes containment. I don't know why farmhands seem to coddle her so hard, she more of a nuisance than femboy goat anon ever was.
>>298513And that's an understandable concern. The VPN ban won't impact me all too much (for reasons I won't get into) but I am worried about some anons, and again what is the point of taking away quote unquote safety from everyone besides the nesting grounds of baiters and schizos.
Anonymous 298520
>>298518There's also /int/ but no one uses it ever, sad.
Anonymous 298522

>>298519>quote unquote With written stuff you can just use quotation marks
You're probably right, I'm an unusually paranoid . I've been doxxed before and it brought upon me a lovely community of people harassing me so I just pretty much use signal and image boards for my socials. For more well adjusted women this might not be that big a deal
Anonymous 298523
>>298522I don't think you're paranoid nona and you brought up a good point, with so much uncertainty around the stability of lc it's okay to feel anxiety about your safety. The fact that people were trying to xml inject lolcow as soon as it was back online is cause for concern despite it seemingly being fixed, especially as lc is getting more attention from outside of the ecosystem.
Also I'm sorry for my grammar fuck up, I was trying to emphasise that it came directly from the admin.
Anonymous 298524
>can't vpn post
>can't network hop without rangeban
>farmhands have misused their power and shown bias countless times as seen on posts all over lolcow and in this thread
>incompetent admin can't even stop simple cyberattacks
So what now? I wish CC was the more active site. I'd never think about LC again if CC had the same speed as the off-topic boards on LC. The difference in being able to voice your opinion freely on CC compared to LC is night and day.
Anonymous 298525
>>298523ty , sorry about getting bitchy
Anonymous 298526
>>298524>>298524You must be very very new to cc then. You get banned for 0 reason and your posts deleted all the damn time. Threads get deleted with no explanation. An automod that's easy to exploit. This board is more of a disaster sadly because the admin has been mia for 3 years at least.
Anonymous 298527
>>298526I've never had that happen to me but I heard people complaining about it on LC funnily enough.
Anonymous 298529
>>298486And this mentally ill retard is exactly why cerbmin banned VPNs and why we can't have nice things.
>>298511Some of the most prolific schizos in recent years have come to LC because of /2X/. It's major hazard of hosting political discussion because it attracts unhinged posters that aren't capable of talking about anything other than politics.
It eventually happens to almost all image boards that allow political discussion in addition to the board's main purpose. The political discussion draws in people only interested in politics until the old user base is pushed out.
Anonymous 298530
>>298486based. there is nothing wrong with baiting and never has been. the problem is these normie fags spend all day getting riled up and angry on social media, and they come to imageboards to wind down and expect a safe space. those who have been using imageboards for years have never asked for a censored safe space. it's so obvious that the tranny admin and his friends are pro-censorship. they even go out of their way to nuke post history if they don't like how certain conversations are going down. anyone remember that time they nuked over 100 posts in the unpopular opinion thread because anons said there's nothing wrong with sahming?
Anonymous 298533
>>298466Calm down Lorena I'm not a farmhand I'm just the admin
- Varg
Anonymous 298534
>>298530Newfag cancer that doesn't understand the purpose of image boards.
Anonymous 298535
>>298530the type is idiot who heard that 4chan was le evil troll site, believed it, and thought all image boards were the samr. zoomer cancer
Anonymous 298536
>>298535>4chanits actually easier to talk about literally anything you could think of on 4chan, compared to almost every female imageboard, because women are obsessed with censorship.
Anonymous 298537
>>298536then go to 4chan and stay there, it's that easy
Anonymous 298538
>>298537but that would only make it easier for you to form a hugbox? the problem isn't me wanting to censor you for every retarded opinion that you have. i don't care if you and i post in the same place nor does it bother me when i see it. the problem is that you want to censor others.
Anonymous 298539
>>298536this is hilarious because VPN posting, tor posting etc has been banned on 4chan for a while now kek and it's hard to bypass unless you're using a really good commerical vpn. so if you're trying to use moidboard as a shining example as to what imageboards should be like, lolcow is only following in its footsteps
>>298538if you don't want censorship go to kiwifarms or 8chan or something
Anonymous 298540
>>298537Why the fuck do you retards always come in here to be around people you supposedly don’t like? You can simply not stalk and track them and try to infight with them, this shit is actually ridiculous. They’re entitled to their opinions and yes the hidden truth is that imageboards and forums are made to laugh and have fun and it doesn’t have to be in a tight and constrained way where you have to be hyperpoliced and micromanaged to say the right things and make jokes in the right manner. I’ve never seen such a butthurt attitude towards people trolling and having fun on the internet, this is the complete opposite attitude of LC years ago when it was way more fun. Even when there was new bunker threads held on this website retards like you came into it trying to use the same methods you use by trying to dick moderators on people you don’t like and who are joking around because it’s YOU who can’t handle these websites, not the people who actually understand imageboard culture. is clearly obviously inspired by imageboards like 4chan, you have to be an absolute retard to not see that. People like you fucking disgust me and are likely disordered/manic/bpd sensitives who get a thrill off of mass reporting, censoring and ruining joy and fun. It’s plain irony calling us “obnoxious” when you are very much unironically obnoxious and predictable
Anonymous 298541
>>298538>banning a moid for baiting is censorshipyou know 4chan bans for baiting, trolling, and even low quality posts right? trolling isn't an opinion, zoomer newfag
Anonymous 298542
>>298540>the people praising baiting and infighting on imageboards are now complaining about anons infighting with them on an imageboard Anonymous 298543
>>298542extremely typical zoomer male behavior
Anonymous 298544
>>298539More farmers are moving to kiwifarms every day, it’s evident how more popular and active that website is and despite it being moid central they at least make a space for women to say things they want without getting tracked down and censored for saying the wrong things on the internet. It’s going to be inevitable when LC finally reaches the end of its usability and popularity which is already thankfully happening and others will try to make a website that isn’t dominated by trannies and bitter ass bitches who abuse the report button when shit gets too hot for them when they can simply close the tab and ignore it. It’s always the ones crying about infighters who are also the main offenders of infighting as they encourage it as proof in this thread alone and then cry wolf to the mods to get an opinion that personally upsets them deleted and people banned off the website. Stinkditch/Beauty Parlour is more pleasing than using lolcow nowadays, another point that hyper-policing, censoring, banning laughing and joking (shitposting) will get you nothing but a slow, boring website that nobody wants to use which is what it quite literally happening as threads in /ot/ are moving super slow. Not to mention all of those people who can access these websites in different countries are completely ignored with this VPN ban. I’m manifesting death and it will thankfully happen unless tiktokfags and twitterfags start moving in even more and transforming the website into one unusable hellhole of unintegrated oversensitives getting giddy that that daddy and mommy mods got a stranger banned kek
Anonymous 298545
>>298541i am NOT talking about men and i never implied men should be around female spaces. how did you jump from point A to point Q like that?
Anonymous 298546
>>298544Kiwifarms is fine, I use both KF and LC interchangeably. They both have their own issues. KF for example is very Reddit-esque with the updoot system and users there like to farm karma and popularity points. KF has more milk though, while LC is on it's way to becoming just a normal imageboard (cow culture is dying). I hope the VPN ban is permanent, just my personal (uncensored) opinion. Wishing you the best and a cute little triangle next to your KF username, .
Anonymous 298547
>>298540you hit the nail right on the head and this perfectly summarizes my feelings about the trajectory of lolcow recently. as if it's illegal to shoot shit, joke around, and occasionally fight with other women.
Anonymous 298548
>>298541>4chan bans for baiting, trolling, and even low quality postsIn 15 years of using 4chan I have never been, or seen anyone be, banned for baiting, trolling, or low quality posting. I have seen off-topic threads on topic specific boards get removed and even then, it entirely depends on any given day how long it may take for it to be removed or if it gets removed at all. I know you're just talking out of your ass but it really sounds like you've never used 4chan and you just went on their Rules page to regurgitate whatever it says there, when in reality the only thing that is ever enforced is off-topic, spam, and illegal content.
Anonymous 298549
>>298547Oh please, kek. Anyone VPN hopping is not just shooting shit and engaging in mild banter. They're more likely to be like this
>>298486 unhinged poster if you need a VPN so badly. I've never been perma'd for making a joke or doing a little infighting
Anonymous 298550
>>298549let's just pretend i'm the strawman in your head so you can feel like you made a point. while we're at it let's pretend that people don't get banned for much less than what that poster was doing.
Anonymous 298551
>>298540I think you're failing to understand the context in which LC was created. LC wasn't made to be a rapid fire/constant shitposting imageboard because all of its threads are archived. Even when the /ot/ board was created, the permanent archival rule stayed the same. 4ch functions completely differently, where same posts and threads get recreated multiple times a day until interest in them wanes. You can't have the same style of posting on both of these imageboards, it just doesn't work, they're configured in the opposite ways. You don't want clutter on LC, even the off topic boards. On the other hand, you do want clutter on 4ch because of the impermanence of everything.
This is why most threads on /ot/ function as generals, something 4ch users used to absolutely loathe in the past. When /vg/ was created there was a whole uproar because many considered it to be the antithesis of what posting on there should be like.
Bait that would last for 10 mins if no one took it on would get deleted because of lack of interest, meanwhile this same bait stays up permanently on LC until someone takes it.
Anonymous 298553
I have never used those boards because they are full of porn. I beg you to quit pretending you know what you're talking about.
Anonymous 298554
>>298540The problem is two groups of retards. There's a small group of newfag retards that think the purpose of image boards is to post bait and turn every thread into an infight and there's over sensitive retards that can't handle hearing anything that isn't also their opinion that assume everything they disagree with is bait.
>>298541As does KF, 8chan, the webring and nearly every other site on the internet. Moderators will ban anyone that acts maliciously towards their site.
>>298548I posted mainly on /cgl/ and /a/ from 2006 to around 2015. Mods then did ban for post quality. Post 2016 4chan is a shithole and not comparable to how it used to be.
Anonymous 298555
>>298552There's literally bans for trolling on the recent ban page on 4chan right now and anons are trying to say 4chan doesn't ban for trolling kek
>>298550My point was people don't get perma'd on lolcow unless they're ban evading or a huge fucking retard or obviously male. I've been slapped with temp bans but never perma'd because I don't go out of my way to antagonize the people who run the site and constantly ban evade
Anonymous 298556

>>298546>trying to be a passive aggressive I don’t want VPN bans. You’re free to fuck right off if you want women to be data raped and exposed on the internet
>>298547Ignore the gaslighters, I’ve seen countless posts deleted and redtexted for “dumbass shit posting” (whatever tf that means) and other things for not aligning with the current status quo on the website. What really made me start tinfoiling a lot is the influx of Kamala shillers who acted damn near like twitter bots for the entire duration of the American election. Apparently there have been some influence going on trying to manipulate and change public debates and perception especially on Reddit so I wouldn’t be shocked that they’ve been doing this on websites that aren’t Twitter or other social media apps and are now trying to do them on niche internet platforms, they’ve also used this strategy by using podcasters and influencers that are the antithesis of traditional media so they’ve been placing these paid bots and paid people everywhere and the mods let it happen. What had also put a sour taste in my mouth is the absolute simping for the male killer and making cute edits of him, it really blackpilled me further on the state of women. It’s proven to me that they don’t really respect themselves and through these jokes there’s kernels of truth lying there waiting to be exposed that they will suck the dick of your oppressors, rapists, abusers, and killers, and will do it gladly. I know I shouldn’t trust random ass people on the internet but I’m of the opinion that human behavior is even more transparent on the internet than in real life. If I ever said this, I would’ve had my ass banned for being “misogynistic” despite that same killer being misogynistic and a violent tard who thinks he’s going to destroy a multibillion dollar industry which they can just replace this CEO at the drop of hat. A few years ago this type of behavior would’ve been made fun of, but now it’s openly embraced.. a few steps forward but then a few steps back. I’m such an idiot for believing they would actually allowed women to fully man-hate to extreme extents kek and many users have to be an idiot that the moderation staff and the absent admin can be trusted. I’m hoping someone gets curious enough to start uncovering and exposing the histories of these mods and the admin, it would be absolutely hilarious what they would find.
Anonymous 298557
>>298555Imagine trying to feel morally righteous than other people for never toeing the line and standing straight, like a good little girl, a good obedient woman. That female socialization has turned your brain into worms, idgaf about appeasing the mods
Anonymous 298560
>>298557>it's not against the rules>okay it is against the rules but it isn't enforced anyway>okay it is enforced but it sucks wah wah you're a woman Anonymous 298563
>>298561Cringe sucking the dick of a hideous Grindr male. You can flip that ugly male worship through many layers of “irony” and it still makes you look pathetic as shit
Anonymous 298564
>>298557hey don't insult my brainworms that's not nice man
Anonymous 298566
>>298556>the influx of Kamala shillersThis stood out to me as well. The 2016 and 2020 elections barely registered any interest and then suddenly there's hardcore democrat shilling and threads are hitting the bump limit in less than a day. It was odd there was actually good election commentary being posted in the threads that would later turn out to be accurate, only for it to be shut down by rabid shills. The current dick sucking of the CEO murdering is also cringe and cow like behaviour. It all stinks of libfems.
>absent adminI don't think cerbmin is absent, I think it's more that they're around and hands off. I suspect they're overwhelmed and not sure what to do. The userbase has changed for the worse and I don't think it can be saved. I would love to know what's going on behind the scenes. Most image boards usually have drama surrounding mod chat leaks. LC seems to have avoided this for most of it's history.
>>298557>not being a baiting retard with no social skills that is incapable of not infighting due to limited empathy capacity and low EQ is female socialization Anonymous 298567
>>298566>The current dick sucking of the CEO murdering is also cringe and cow like behavior. While I agree with you that it's cringe, there's literally been threads on /g/ and /m/ for years for worshipping a specific male. Like that ugly guy from Starwars and Jerma. I don't think it's new. The userbase has always been like this.
Anonymous 298569
>>298567nta but there's a difference finding some ugly actor attractive and the murderer
Anonymous 298570
>>298566limited empathy capacity? on the board that calls mothers broodmares with ruined disgusting bodies? please give me a fucking break. all of you are so dishonest. it's just a fact that all you want is a safe place to spout your own point of view, where you can be as hateful as you want as long as others agree, because then there would be no fighting right? you can't handle being in a space where there is opposition and disagreement.
Anonymous 298571
>>298570the only people who call mothers broodmares are the blackpillers who are in this very thread crying about vpn bans because they can't help but break containment and shit all over themselves and other women
Anonymous 298572
Omg now you guys are talking about that Kamalafags were shillers from the government, I FUCKING CAN'T LOL
Anonymous 298573
>>298567It's on topic and expected in /g/ and /m/. There's zero reason for it to be in /ot/. Back when there was excessive driverfagging on /ot/, driverfags were told to post it on /g/ or /m/.
>>298570LC is a site that was literally created to document mainly female cows. It's always had a certain level of nastiness. The difference is that then this was aimed at external targets such as cows and not internally like now. The site has always had a wide variety of posters because the point of the site was cows. As that has changed the user base has turned on itself.
>>298572Sorry but it was painfully cringe.
Anonymous 298574
>>298566I have social skills and I have zero reason to be empathetic towards women I don’t know or care about. It’s a two-way street, if you’re a cunt who can’t understand my problems then I don’t care about yours, plain and simple. Seethe
>>298572Why is this such a far-fetched idea??? They literally pay for advertisements and try to influence people during elections, it’s not an impossible concept. It’s a well-known thing that they’ve tried to influence Reddit especially for the election, what makes you think they don’t do it on niche websites especially with something as easy to infiltrate like LC?
Anonymous 298575
>>298574why do anons like this always say seethe behind every post like they aren't the ones who are very clearly seething. embarrassing kek
Anonymous 298578
>>298556someone takes the internet too seriously
Anonymous 298579

>>298578why not just remove vpn ban so we can all be unserious? pic is you
Anonymous 298580
>>298578>get banned on lolcow for being annoying>come on cc to post essays on state of women and society mmmm yes delicious tard rage
Anonymous 298581
>>298580we've come full circle where your type just openly admits most bans are for being "annoying" (wrongthink) instead of anything substantial. please keep going!
Anonymous 298583
>>298582using kek doesn't make you sound any less upset
Anonymous 298584
>>298583I too have fits of tard rage sometimes. we're alike you know, you and I…in another timeline we could be friends baiting on lolcow together
Anonymous 298585
>>298574>I have zero reason to be empathetic towards women I don’t know or care aboutBut then why are you visiting an image board that's full of other women if you don't care about them?
>>298577>shilling a politician for freeEmbarrassing.
>>298580>someone bothering to write a paragraph to articulate their thoughts is now tard rage Anonymous 298587
>>298586it's not a matter of centrism. it's the fact that it all boils down to wanting an echochamber, so much so that even jokes or arguing or being
annoying is enough to warrant a permaban.
Anonymous 298588
>>298587being annoying was just paraphrase for
repeatedly ban evading, baiting, infighting and admittedly harassing and alogging farmhands*
Anonymous 298589
>>298588there is nothing wrong with doing any of what you just said though. especially the part about harassing and alogging farmhands, you disgusting bootlicker.
Anonymous 298590
>>298589more proof that the vpn ban is justified, hope staff is reading
Anonymous 298591
>>298589But all of those contribute to making the board unusable and annoying to read. I don't know why people can't grasp that consistent baiting and aggro infighting only turns good posters away. Nobody wants to read vitriol day in, day out. People are being way too mati, getting banned and then totally non chalantly spamming the same post a million times in a row, adrenaline pumping, just to make the farmhands seethe. Zero thought is put into the rest of the userbase having to witness that cancer, I saw at least two such events happen in unpopular opinions. Not being able to sit out a ban and chill out is what brought us to this in the first place. VPN ban evading used to be only done by a special type of persistent and jobless autist but now it's being done all the time and is openly being bragged about, which in turn only invites more people to do it. It absolutely sucks for people that used vpns for non cancerous reasons. And yes there's something to be said about extreme pearl clutchers too, that are now profiting off this chaotic situation by reporting any and all bullshit kek
Anonymous 298592
How many of you are banned from LC and can't post rn
Anonymous 298593
>>298592nobody. it's easy to get around the vpn.
Anonymous 298594
>>298591>omg my eyes i have to witness such cancer!>i am LITERALLY incapable of ignoring things that bother me! Anonymous 298595
>>298566I don’t think the kamala spam was coordinated shilling tbh, that’s just how kids post these days. the snotty tone, tryhard horniness, short post length and pic/blingee spam are zoomer characteristics. they’re really good at taking over a space by inundating it with repetitive zero effort posts until everyone else leaves.
Anonymous 298596
>>298592Obviously a lot of them, kek. Funny how active this thread is now
Anonymous 298597
>>298595>until everyone else leavesgod willing lolcow will fully die off. the vpn trickery was the final nail in the coffin.
Anonymous 298598
>>298592I'm not banned, I just refuse to post without a VPN. I've been on LC since the start and I have used a VPN since 2017.
Anonymous 298599
>>298546>VPN posting, tor posting etc has been banned on 4chan for a while nowYou're also allowed to call the admin and janitors retarded troglodytes that need to be gaschambered, and not get banned for it on 4chan. Now imagine saying that on lokcow. You can't compare 4chan to lolcow, 4chan is like the USA and lolcow is like a shitty third world country.
Anonymous 298600
>>298599ok well no contest, use 4chan. i don't get why you people even use lolcow when you hate it that much
Anonymous 298601
I was banned for a while
Anonymous 298602
>>298593make a bait post in unpopular opinions rn if youre not banned
Anonymous 298603
>>298599I’ve gotten banned plenty of times on 4chan for insulting trannies. both sites have their own moderation quirks.
Anonymous 298605
>>298600You're in the hate thread and you're defending lolcow like you get paid for it.
Anonymous 298606
>>298605NTA. Defending 4chan is just weird. Anything good about the site died ten years ago and now it's a toxic waste dump full of the worst moids imaginable.
Anonymous 298607
>>298606I'm not defending 4chan in any other capacity other than you can say whatever you want 99% of the time.
Anonymous 298609
>>298603I got permabanned from 4chan for posting YWNBAW.
Anonymous 298611
>>298599Lolcow is owned by bongs so that tracks
Anonymous 298613
You're all idiots. Lolcow is a government pysop to get more info on autistic women. The VPN ban is in place so their data is more accurate
Anonymous 298616
>>298572We literally had a Russian fed regularly posting on LC during 2016, it's not as far fetched as you'd like it to be
Anonymous 298617
>>298457They typed like 1500 words in response to being called cringe. The baiter becomes the baited.
Anonymous 298618
>>298617You are the cancer wrong with imageboards. As if typing = bad or indication of getting baited. Zoomers are so low intelligence that a paragraph that size makes you freak and think you did a good job baiting? It was a well thought out response to an obvious idiot that only wants to bait and infight when it pleases her personally. But when she's the one getting baited it's like "keep that evil trolling off muh lolcow uwu"
Anonymous 298635
all imageboards are glowie honeypots. though i dont think they want to honeypot any lolcow farmers except kill the site because its useless to them
Anonymous 298659
>>298037Wow, anon, this is very methodical and very interesting. I never had any doubt that jannies were perusing user post histories for personal reasons, which is why I always posted with a VPN. But I never thought it extended to how likely they were to respond to reports. It would be a good idea to have replicates for this experiment. Do/did you study STEM in university, by any chance?
>>298495It reminds me of when Cerbmin stated they were busy developing a new software on which to host the new LCF. Whatever happened to that? There haven't been updates for months and we're coming up on two years since they've taken over next March.
>>298527There are certain words attributed to LC users that, if you use them, you will be auto-jannied and permabanned. It was more of an issue during the summer outage when many farmers were here and explicitly talking about the farm.
>>298544Very much agreed with what you've written.
>More farmers are moving to kiwifarms every dayNowadays on LCF there are only a few threads worth keeping track of; KF is the place to go for a more diverse range of cows and to have a good laugh. It's sad to see the state that our gossip boards are in now, having seen what they were like at the beginning.
Anonymous 298660
>>297778The site feels really low IQ now, is it just because I'm older now or did it change
Anonymous 298665
vpns absolutely shouldn't be banned. many got banned for literally nothing and it just feels like a pretense just to encroach on users privacy even more. i don't even want to post on there now honestly
Anonymous 298671
>>298665Same. I'm missing LC, but I refuse to post without VPN. It seems so insidious and honestly it's shocking how there are anons who don't care about privacy at all. I also find it a bit unfair that VPN users aren't even able to express opinions related to the decision because the VPN ban is in effect in that thread as well, resulting in a pro-ban echochamber since the people that are affected aren't able to comment.
Anonymous 298673
>>298659>But I never thought it extended to how likely they were to respond to reports.NTA but it's also obvious that the farmhands have a way to mute reports from certain people. It makes sense because I'm sure otherwise the report system would be spammed by bots and angry anons and whatnot. You can essentially get shadow banned from reporting. I've noticed the staff ignoring my reports but pretty much instantly responding to other people's reports on the same post and that's pretty much why I think that's the case.
Anonymous 298674
>>298673You can get banned for reporting too. Once I reported a bait post and got banned for "abusing the report system," even though the post I reported got banned for bait too.
Anonymous 298687
>>298671My thoughts exactly. I can understand the ban on /ot/ because it's constantly targeted by mentally ill bait posters but why do it to all boards except /2X/? /2X/ is one of the boards would benefit from a VPN ban because it's a landing ground for ban evading schizos such as bj-chan that then go on to shit up the rest of the site. Banning VPN users from the cow boards is completely unnecessary as it's never been a problem on any of the boards. Banning VPN users from /meta/ just creates an anti-VPN circlejerk where VPN users can't respond.
I usually give admins and farmhands the benefit of the doubt but this is pushing my limits of tolerance.
>>298673>it's also obvious that the farmhands have a way to mute reports from certain peopleI highly doubt this as it's not a feature of vichan. Mods simply dismiss reports that they don't agree with.
Anonymous 298694
>>298687some of the anons on /meta/ legitimately think vpns serve no purpose beyond shitposting and privacy concerns get dismissed because "the internet already has your data anyway!". insane
Anonymous 298716
>>298687If they have the ability to turn it off by board, I feel /meta/ should have been a board where the VPN ban is turned off more so than bj-chan's playground. I can definitely understand doing it for /ot/, although I'd prefer it not be permanent there either. The ban evaders are a problem, and a VPN ban, especially in the individual threads they lurk in, could help stop them for long enough that they move on to somewhere else (even if it ends up punishing those of us who use VPNs maturely in the meantime).
>>298694One of the anons on /meta/ was talking as if there are no alternative search engines or email services to google. Meanwhile there are whole threads that discuss online privacy (specifically thinking of internet paranoia and snoop thread), and yet so many of them don't seem to care. It's unfortunate.
Anonymous 298739

These anti-vpn posts are definitely gayops. Lolcow confirmed honeypot.
Anonymous 298740
>>298739Yeah, it is definitely sketchy. Also surely there are some anons from South Korea and other stricter countries as well, who are now not able to argue for themselves, not to mention anons from smaller countries or rural areas within larger ones that could be more identifiable. It is not farfetched to think that with the same ip address across multiple posts, such a person could be identified.
Anonymous 298741
i am confusion.png

Something strange that I noticed today. Why would Cerbmin make a thread, and then ask a farmhand to sticky it instead of just sticking it themself? I know that there's a theory that Cerbmin is absent and that mods use the admin tag to post as Cerbmin, and I think this lends more proof to that theory.
Anonymous 298745
>>298740It's not just South Korea, hate speech laws are all over western Europe. Just recently in Germany a man was jailed for criticizing the muslim scrote that stabbed him and a woman was taken to court for insulting a muslim immigrant that raped a teenager. While I don't in anyway disagree with the level of tranny hate on LC, it's why I started using a VPN years ago because I could see where things were heading.
>>298743I'm not drunk and I also think the same. I've long suspected that Cerbmin posts under a farmhand capcode. There's nothing wrong with this as it keeps them more anonymous than using the admin capcode. On an anonymous image board, you're not supposed to be able to identify other posters or moderators.
Anonymous 298746
>>298743It's okay drunkchan. My point is that even if it's just Cerbmin posting as a farmhand… why? Why not just use the admin tag? The 3-headed thing is weird and I don't really buy it, but even so they've said before that all 3 use the same admin tag. It's just weird to me, it looks like the farmhand forgot that she posted the nominations thread under the admin tag.
>>298744No, I can't. Then I'll be permanently banned for questioning moderation and administration and then everyone in my 2-million person city will be banned as well because of the range bans. I'm being altruistic.
>>298745>There's nothing wrong with this as it keeps them more anonymous than using the admin capcode.What? What would be the purpose of that? The administrator and farmhands are all still anonymous besides the tag.
Anonymous 298747
>>298745>>298746Sorry drunk chan here. Figured it out, so deleted. Weird that the post calling it out would also be deleted if it was a simple mistake. Very suspicious
Anonymous 298748
>>298746>What would be the purpose of that? The administrator and farmhands are all still anonymous besides the tag.If the admin of an image board uses the admin capcode it very easily narrows it down to who is posting, a mod capcode just means that it could be anyone of the mods. It's not uncommon on image boards for an admin to only use the admin capcode when dealing with administration and use a mod capcode when dealing with moderation.
Anonymous 298749
>>298748Yeah, but I still don't get the point? Why would Cerbmin be afraid of using the capcode in the Complaints and Suggestions thread on /meta/? We all know that Cerbmin is the admin, it's not exactly a secret that Admin uses the /meta/ board.
Anonymous 298752
>>298716>Meanwhile there are whole threads that discuss online privacy (specifically thinking of internet paranoia and snoop thread), and yet so many of them don't seem to care. It's unfortunate.It's because LCF has been repopulated by Zoomers and younger Millennials. They grew up with the internet and have never known a world without it. Many of them have had social media accounts since before they turned 13. To them, oversharing is the norm, and it is logical that different websites have their real names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers. They reason, "I'm not doing anything illegal, so why would I have anything to hide?" Their whole lives (themselves, friends, family members, favorite influencers and celebrities, etc.) are on the web, as are the lives of all the groups that I've listed. Nothing is private anymore, so why bother? This explains the general ignorance of and aversion to netsec/privacy measures. This way of thinking also extends to most Normies, though some older people (Gen X and elder) may be more reserved.
>t. Zoomer Anonymous 298759
The VPN ban has been tragic to me. I'm from a country under dictatorship they blocked all sites in here, I literally cannot post without a VPN. I recent mods for this, I just wanted to post alongside other s and enjoy the holiday season. They just ruined my Xmas pulling this stunt, retards
Anonymous 298760

>>298759Cereb says should still work in blocked countries. Just press F12, click elements, click body and then disable transform to flip it back to normal. I'm very sceptical if actually works though. If you on phone I have no idea what to do.
Anonymous 298761
>>298739>picrel This is a very dangerous way of thinking. It's not wise to post without protection at a site that is constantly under the watch of very insane, dangerous and tech savvy individuals (4chan moids, trannies, etc). It's not even paranoia, they literally broke the site several times, and it took weeks for mods to bring it back each time, one day they will not move as faster, and those people could actually get ahold on info they shouldn't
Anonymous 298762
>>298760Thanks anon, but I'm still scared to post. My country is very small and there's like, 10 posters max from here, anyone could track us with next to no effort. That's why we usually post under VPNs too, besides the fact that our dictatorship can literally access our personal data and put us in jail if they ever found out we posted negatively about them. I ain't risking that
Anonymous 298763
>>298762Sorry to hear that anon. I hope it gets better or you can get out.
Anonymous 298764
It's not just your ip being logged on the site, it's the fact that your ISP can see your traffic. That's how you get busted pirating. Several ISPs blocked their users from accessing KF during the keffals kerfuffle. I'm honestly shocked that users are pretending not to know VPNs protect your traffic against ISP snooping. It's way more likely for an ISP to report "hate speech" than a data breech.
I also find it very suspicious that all of the posters in the hellmas thread think the calmness on LC is due to the VPN ban and not the usual calmness of a hellweek. Frankly, this seems constructed to me and I think all anti-vpn posters are jannies. Only like 13% of posts were from vpn users, so vpn hopping can't actually be that common.
Anonymous 298765

>>298764Picrel sounds so damn fake man, it's unsettling
>Yeah!!! All VPN posters have bad intentions/are trolls, this is a totally safe and good idea! Keep the ban admin!!Kek
Anonymous 298766
>>298765>still good imageboard culture banter and ribbingcringe women saying "ok !" to each other isn't ribbing, it's spinless and there is no banter to be seen now that everyone is too afraid to say anything that might get them banned. it's honestly shocking how many posters are begging for a sterile environment.
Anonymous 298768
>>298766Nta I like banter, I think infighting is too heavily policed. I should be able to call someone out for being dumb/vapid/narcissistic when necessary. However I don't like it in some threads like vent in /ot/. could be talking about something horrific and get back
>kek dumb bitch, you deserve itHeavier policing on certain threads would be nice but the janny power isn't there. A non-vpn board for sensitive topics I feel would become a hugbox.
Anonymous 298769
>>298765If posters don’t have the emotional maturity to brush off something retarded like “kys dicksucker” then really shouldn’t they figure it out themselves? What board culture includes this much babysitting? Mods should just ban scrotes and clean up after raids and that’s all. Get rid of “infighting” rules, that’s always annoyed me. If someone’s a toxic retard, you can ignore them. Close the tab. Go outside. Go to the park. Feed the ducks. Go meet a stunning woman who also loves ducks. Fall in love. Move to women’s land. Build an adobe casita. Get your ham radio license and broadcast tranny hate to the boomers. Do anything else but respond to that kind of thing. It’ll result in a more resilient userbase who can ignore dumb shit instead of overusing the report button.
Anonymous 298773
Kek you all are still seething you can't post your retarded bait anymore. Stay mad
Anonymous 298775
it's going to be funny when the farmhands get doxxed. soon.
Anonymous 298776
>>298759Sorry you're going through this. I hope your situation will get better.
>>298761exactly, we all know the site has enemies. it's not farfetched.
>>298764>>298765I was kind of getting that vibe as well. I don't think ALL of the anti-vpn posters are farmhands, but it does feel like this might have been a pre-planned decision by admin to turn on the ban and never turn it back off and they're trying to justify it with false support posts. Hopefully that's just tinfoil, but having the ban on in /meta/ is making me more suspicious.
>>298773are you not baiting right now?
Anonymous 298777
>>298769>Get your ham radio license and broadcast tranny hate to the boomers. Thanks for the idea
Anonymous 298779

After the Luigi fiasco I just glaze over any sort of manhate posts on there now. You just know the misandry is sour grapes because these bitches failed to get a good Nigel
Anonymous 298780
>>298775Do you know something we don't
Anonymous 298781
>>298773My VPN still works. Probably because it's not one of the big providers. I don't post bait, either. If vpn users all caused problems, you'd expect to see that here, but you don't.
Anonymous 298782
>>298769I was with you until the weird random lesbian fanfic, why are you guys like this? We all know you straight, c'mon
Anonymous 298784
>>298782That's my life story, actually. I hope you meet someone soon!
Anonymous 298785

>>298775I'll be interested but I don't think they'll be much milk. We already know cereb in comprised of a woman in London, another in Edinburgh and one in somewhere in Eastern Europe. Unless it's connected to their jobs I don't see anything intersting.
Anonymous 298787
>>298769>If posters don’t have the emotional maturityThat's the problem. Report and ignore, don't feed the troll, don't take the bait is meaningless because some posters can't help themselves and respond to extremely obvious bait. I do report and ignore but unless the farmhand is lightening fast, some fucking sped always replies.
The old user base that started on 4chan is a very small minority. Now it's rejects from tumblr, twitter and reddit that have never experienced any other image board and expect to be catered to my the mods.
Anonymous 298789
>>298787Exactly. The retards who reply to obvious bait or just lose their shit when someone has a different opinion and drag on hours-days long infights are the worst users on the site. It's very reddit/tumblr/tiktok-esque as you said. Now they're actually catering to this type of user by saying:
>If you are making a post, whether it's your honestly held opinion or not, and any regular user of the site should be fully aware that it is going to cause an infight, you will be bannedAt least in the past they said lolcow doesn't cater to any ideologies.
Anonymous 298792
>>298789>>298789>Now it's rejects from tumblr, twitter and reddit that have never experienced any other image board and expect to be catered to my the mods.The fact that twitter-esque topic threads like the Fandom Discourse thread is allowed should tell you the kind of userbase that the site attracts now. They banned Dumbass Shit but twitter and tiktok zoomers now comprises a majority of the userbase (I suspect it's even the mods too). The way anons on /meta/ immediately cry to the mods when some infighting is going on on /ot/ is so cringe too.
Anonymous 298793
>>298792Trolls are an unavoidable part of using the internet. the most effective way to handle them is to ignore them. Farmers are far more likely to engage with and escalate conflicts with trolls compared to any other forum or imageboard I've used. thinking about it now, even on Reddit most users downvote and move on. I used to moderate a fucking children's game forum and even those users largely ignored trolls and newfags and even interacted with them without drama. i don't know why the cerbmin seems to be focused solely on reducing the number of trolls, which will always be present, instead of focusing on moderating the newfaggotry and infighting from users taking bait like it's their first day on the internet. they're literally encouraging users to behave immaturely.
Anonymous 298795
>>297356Hey hex, how's living off your Mommy's dime going?
Anonymous 298796
>>298324Her appearance coming to light was unbelievable. She constantly antagonized other farmers and insisted she was prettier than them.
Anonymous 298801
How do you get through this VPN ban? I have so much shit to post in /snow/ cmon mannnneeeee
Anonymous 298802
>>298773>haha you baiters are seething!!!! >comes here to bait/infight/trolleven more proof the report button abusers and concern trollers were the biggest baiters and problem all along. it’s not a problem if they just simply ignored the obviously false reports
Anonymous 298803
>>298741Those fat ugly trannies think they’re so slick. It’s clear as day the website is ran by a group of males and handmaidens who enjoy being internet policemen because they have no power in their lives or they are actually feds (which is very plausible) who like collecting information and data on certain demographics. We’ve caught the eye of many mainstream people, especially the whole Tiffany incident which could’ve been a troll but taking that situation with the benefit of the doubt it was probably real and it’s now getting plastered and advertised by hello kitty cluster B zoomie teenage girls from Tiktok who use it to get back at their pedophile “boyfriends”. I also find it strange how in a few years it’s moved from epik “rad feminism” influence to now the dick-riding carousel of loving men and even making excuses for them and their shitty behavior. I am of the ilk where I think it’s inevitable that a women-oriented website is going to talk about female politics so I don’t really care that feminism is talked about there even the “””undesirable””” kinds but I find it really interesting that right after the decision to cut the memetic power of manhating that existed in the shitposting/chat-style free for all threads that the website has now reverted back to taking the knee for penis. I think all of the posters are hypocrites, males, trannies and gays in disguise, the latter is becoming believable because I’ve seen the same faggot using “girl” in attempts to integrate with others. I guess women can’t really exist without slurping the dicks of ugly fucktarded privileged men, it’s a sad sight to behold and a subtle reminder of how much women forfeit and bend the knee easily to external forces.
Anonymous 298804
>>298782Polilez (political lesbianism) is all the rage on the farm due to general misandry (you can't be a ~sooper based radfem~ while dating a dirty scrote), but actual displays of lesbianism are ignored or derided.
Anonymous 298807
>>298804Because the site is overran by the same tiktok/instagram girls who found it from the "toxic femininity waifish coquette femcel fatale girlblogging" circles that only criticize men and advocate for "misandry" to be cheeky online with their friends while still dating geriatrics or loser neet moids behind the scenes. They aren't lesbians and encountering actual lesbians is too jarring for them.
Anonymous 298809
>>298792The fandom discourse thread is pure cancer and needs to be removed because it attracts more cancer to the site. They banned dumbass shit for far less. Dumbass shit stayed in it's thread and wasn't a newfag magnet.
>>298804Anti-lesbian bait posting seems to be a favourite tactic of one of the mentally ill chronic infighters. For months I've seen some sort of anti-lesbian bait almost every day /ot/.
Anonymous 298811
but what about the…

>>298793>Farmers are far more likely to engage with and escalate conflicts with trolls compared to any other forum or imageboard I've used.Picrel. It's clear the userbase on there are underage zoomers who must be complete newfags to imageboard culture and forum etiquette. It's like they are unaware of the age old expression "don't feed the trolls"
Anonymous 298812
>>298809The fandom discourse thread is responsible for inciting the most retarded infight on there to date (fujo vs antifujo wars). The majority of that thread comprises of farmers bitching about retarded takes from underage twitter zoomers. I remember caring about this shit so much when I was younger and more involved in social media and fandom, but not so much anymore now that I've gotten older. I'd imagine the posters on there are also zoomer twitterfags themselves. Otherwise, being a woman in your 20s and malding what underage twitterfags have to say is just pathetic. I guess some womanchildren never outgrow their tumblr phases.
Anonymous 298816…

Some of the posts on /meta/ say the site activity hasn't slowed down at all, but the threads I usually lurk in mostly seem to be dead right now, with a few exceptions (the doll thread on /m/ really picked up suddenly?). I wonder if there is an overall slow down? I really miss posting tho, I saw someone replied to one of my posts and I'd like to reply back to her. I've never been banned from LC before (except for now bc of vpn), but this sucks really.
Anonymous 298817
Lolcow Farm users claim to have a genocidal hatred of "moids", yet they almost exclusively target other women for harassment, nitpicking, and abuse. For a group of bitter, mean-spirited femcels who claim that they want to kill all men, there are very few threads about male lolcows on the site. In fact, any time that a thread about a male lolcow appears, it is immediately buried, as the site's users would much rather tear apart other women while proclaiming themselves to be moid-hating radfems. Go figure.
Anonymous 298818
>>298817In fairness if you're going to devote cyberstalking hours to someone it's going to have an effect on you and it's probably better to not do it for a male. I remember hearing that the military had to start cutting down on snipers' time on targets because the snipers who were on missions to blow a guy's head off would get too attached to the guys they were stalking.
Anonymous 298819
I never understood people who complained about underaged newfags on lc or even cc. Didn't most of us discover imageboards when we were young teens? I think they'll just learn to integrate over time
Anonymous 298823
>>298819>Didn't most of us discover imageboards when we were young teens?No. Besides I don't want to post with children even if they integrate.
Anonymous 298824
>>298817>claim to ave a genocidal hatred of "moids"the "femcel" and man-hating shtick is mostly the younger users. many older users came from /cgl/ and have been in long-term committed relationships with males (hence nigel threads). the femcel reputation is something new, likely pushed by edgy teens/young adults
Anonymous 298834
>>298817So true. I think the reason is because women are more likely to overshare on the internet, rather than women misogynisticly choosing female targets, however.
Anonymous 298840
>>298824>femcels Femcels don’t exist, so I already know you’re a delusional tranny, a male in digital womanface or a pitiful handmaiden who thinks it’s hard for a girl or a woman to snag a male who fucks sandpits, camels and corpses and statistically despite them saying they like of-age women their dream age for a female is a minor, so not only are you attracted to a sex is talks about raping you and watched you get raped consensually and nonconsensually through porn you’re attracted to a sex who fucks infants, animals and dead corpses because they’re attracted to just about anything despite the moral costs of being attracted to it. Males are attracted to anything and they can be attracted to belugas (like yourself) who like to somehow pathologize women for not wanting to slurp dick and put it on a pedestal.
>any woman who doesn’t want her life centered around males is either young, an edgelord or mentally illYou are apart of the problem.
>>298804I’m also tired of the /g/ lesbians who think being a lesbian is just fucking and engaging in straight debauched behavior with no concern for other’s health and well-being. That’s exactly why most lesbians are alone and struggling to find dates because you just want to fuck and dump every single woman you find. There is zero efforts to develop a relationship with a woman, she’s just used as fuckmeat just like in a het function. This hypersexuality in the lesbian community is quite disgusting and yes, it deserves to be criticized without women who have a critical eye for this casual sex problem “prudes” because they don’t want sex and want an actually mature grounded relationship with other women hell even if it’s just platonic, you are also apart of the problem. This is so exhausting, two obnoxious groups of women who ultimately don’t like women who tell the truth and say it like it is. There will always be self-censorship in female groups and I don’t see it getting any better in the near future. You can’t be the nice, liked girl forever, you actually have to say shit that will eventually piss other people off.
Anonymous 298841
>>298840A platonic relationship is just a friendship tbh
Anonymous 298842
>>298817The majority of man hate and feminism on the site is performative. If there was a large number of real feminists on the site /2X/ wouldn't be dead.
>>298824As far as I remember man hate and pink pill appeared on /ot/ around 2017, maybe 2016. It's shouldn't be surprising that there's man hate on a website full of women. The problem started when newfags came to LC only for those threads and then treated the rest of the site as if it were a feminist website. It's been a major source of infighting on /ot/ for years.
Anyone else remember when /ot/ was locked?
Anonymous 298843
Should I stop trying to lose weight or become a body positive fatfluencer….
Anonymous 298847
>>298816>Some of the posts on /meta/ say the site activity hasn't slowed down at alli don't trust absolutely anything the farmhands say at all.
Anonymous 298848
>>298842Why do you think it's performative instead of just women venting? Most people aren't political and are concerned primarily for themselves. If a man is actively causing distress in her life, she goes on lolcow and says death to men, if a man is helping her in life she goes in the Nigel threads and brags about it. It's really not that complicated. Lolcow isn't some political feminist website like people pretend it is, the user base is diverse
Anonymous 298855
>>298847The cow boards seemed to have slowed down. I've got milk I could post but can't because I refuse to post without a VPN.
Another issue with the VPN ban is that farmers go to different sites to collect milk on cows and some of these sites are best visited with a VPN to protect their privacy and because of the content hosted. If the cow in question is a sex worker, no one should be using their home IP address to track a cow's activity over MV, OF and dodgy porn sites. Being forced to switch between home IP address and VPN to collect and post milk will probably mean that less milk gets posted.
>>298848>Lolcow isn't some political feminist website like people pretend it is, the user base is diverseAYRT. That's exactly my point. All of the infighting, virtue signalling and purity spiraling over who is and isn't feminist enough or who is too normie to belong on LC is performative. Some women just want to vent or discuss something related to men without it being a political statement or lifestyle choice.
Anonymous 298856
>>298855Oh sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. I agree with you completely.
Anonymous 298858
Well, if some of you don't go back to LC because of the VPN rule, maybe CC will become more active. I like both sites but honestly I've always preferred the style of CC more, that is random threads and not generals like how LC does.
Anonymous 298859
>>298840>hypersexuality in the lesbian community KEKKK what world do you live in? Did you confuse lesbian culture with gay moid culture
Anonymous 298860
I'm writing all the things I would post at LC on my notes app, mainly mental health related stuff. LC is really an unique place and I cannot get the same experience anywhere else
Anonymous 298863

>>298824I recently watched someone on LCF get swarmed and then banned for arguing that pic related was not okay: users are like incels trying to make feminists look bad.
Anonymous 298866
>>298863It's the radfem cows thread, populated by radfem cows themselves. Anon that got banned for defending was a newfag that didn't sage her post, she didn't get banned for defending the man kek
Anonymous 298867
>>298858I was wondering about that becoming a possibility, but ultimately it feels a bit too disorganized here for me and I prefer having generals. I also do follow some cows, which can't happen here. Maybe I'll have to get used to CC, but I'd rather be able to go back to LC.
Anonymous 298868
>>298816It's dead imo. There vould be other reasons like finals in university, holiday season, etc.
>>298817You're right. The only male cow I can think of is Onision. With the MTF thread, you'd think we'd get more male cows going. Didn't the Sam Hyde thread get closed for no reason?
Anonymous 298870
>>298868I think KF might host more of the male cows, but on LC they seem to be more often in group/collective threads like the breadtubers, or even small time ones in /ot/'s youtube hate tread or consoom thread from time to time. There might be more female cows on LC because many of them originated out of predominately female hobby spaces. As the viewerbase begins to realize that a particular content creator is a bit cowish, a thread is made, hence why so many cows have jfashion or "influencer" origins.
Anonymous 298871
>>298863what the fuck this is horrible
Anonymous 298873
Has anyone else randomly received a “ban evasion” ban? I’ve never been banned for longer than 6 hours before and for some reason last night I was given a permanent ban, and the ban page showed an IP address that was different from mine. What the hell is going on?
Anonymous 298875
>>298873i got banned for a week 3 months ago. ever since then whenever i had tried to post i got a ban evasion ban lasting "does not expire". i stopped trying to post on lolcow over a month ago because of this because clearly the mods are fucking crazy.
Anonymous 298878
>>298875>>298873I received it too. If you post an opinion on there that shares the same opinions as some prominent personalityfags, the mods probably thought you were that person. Retarded.
Anonymous 298879
It feels like more and more even a slightly controversial post that MIGHT cause infighting will get banned.
Anonymous 298881
>>298873Do you have a dynamic IP? It's possible that you live in the same area as a ban evader and share the same ISP.
Anonymous 298882
>>298881only janitors on lolcow go out of their way to constantly look at the ips of posters and ban based on location
Anonymous 298883
>>298840The people posting in the g lesbian thread are obvious trannies
Anonymous 298884
Is the entire city of Portland just banned or something kek? What the fuck is happening right now
Anonymous 298885
>>298841A lot of farmers don't have friends so it's confusing for them
Anonymous 298886
>>298873I also got banned for "ban evasion" and was never banned before.
Anonymous 298887
>>298884Kek this is killing me… not a whole goddamn city. Is it Portland Maine or Portland Washington?? If you need to test, go to a nearby cafe or library and ask to use the wifi for a second. An anon up thread said that she thinks half of her country was banned.
Anonymous 298888
>>298887bj-chan is Polish so I wonder if it's Poland.
Anonymous 298889
I unironically can't wait for the site to die so I can be free.
Anonymous 298895
Screenshot 2024-12…

>>298858I kinda like the generals, but maybe there could be a mix of both. I like having the /x/ board instead of just the tinfoil thread.
The new spate of anti-vpn posting in the hellmass thread has cemented my suspicions that they're made by farmhands. There's expected cherry picking of insane and days old sperging randomly replied to.
There's also picrel, bizarre post implying that women dropping their vpn to voice their desire to maintain their access to the site is somehow a bad thing. This was one of 5 anti-vpn posts all in a row, there's a clear motivation here. Even if the vpn ban is dropped, I won't be using it anymore. I'll go to KF for laughing at cows and here or one of the other boards for talking to women.
Anonymous 298896
>>298895But why are we supposed to care if you leave LC.
Anonymous 298897
Screenshot 2024-12…

>>298895Samefag, but also going to another site to protest the vpn is not allowed, even though vpns aren't banned here. It's clear that they'll use any method to demonize women who want to be safe online.
>>298896Are you the tif farmhand or the racist one?
Anonymous 298898
>>298897I'm not a farmhand but I just don't get why we're supposed to care if you use a website or if you don't use it. Like okay, you don't wanna use the site because you can't post with a VPN. Okay. What more is there to it?
Anonymous 298899
>>298898It's the lolcow hate thread, babycakes. I don't know what else to tell you.
Anonymous 298900
>>298899Idk I just think it's weird. Like if you stop using LC and go on KF and you like KF, then good for you. You found a website that you like. Why prowl /meta/ and do the same thing you accuse them of doing by cherry-picking certain replies? Just use KF and have fun there.
Anonymous 298903
>>298900Yeah, that's the thread. I'm just not understanding how you're not understanding the basis of the thread you're in right now. But yeah, that's the last time I go on /meta/. I was holding out hope that the dumb vpn ban would be reversed, which is why I was there. That was what I was saying while I was typing that post. And now that I'm done saying it, that's it. I'm not going back. Good luck, .
Anonymous 298904
>>298902I'm a miner and you're on my site. I haven't used LC in years because I don't really follow lolcows.
>>298903Okay. Thanks for letting us all know that you won't be using that site anymore. If you stay here, make sure you post more in /x/ so it's not so slow.
Anonymous 298911
>>298896right, it’s so lame when anons make dramatic farewells like just stop posting already i promise no one cares lol
Anonymous 298912
>>298911Yeah, this is what I meant. I just don't get why other people would care. If I stopped using CC, I'd just stop using CC. I don't get the point in announcing my departure because everything here is anonymous anyway. It just seems immature and kind of emotionally juvenile.
Anonymous 298913
>>298895>>I see your posts on ccOk, and??? OP of the picrel should then be able to see that this thread isn't full of infighting (tho tinfoil, but I suppose by saying that, the pro-ban ppl might now want to come here and shit this thread up to prove their point)
>>298897Ref this picrel, one would think it'd be quite obvious we are here complaining about LC's vpn ban because we are vpn users who are banned from posting with one.
Anonymous 298914
>>298911>>298912You guys can hide the thread instead of shitting it up with retard commentary.
Anonymous 298915
>>298914Yeah and I could join the army too but not every idea is a good one.
Anonymous 298916
>>298913>>298915I think you're right, , and we're seeing the beginnings, lol.
Anonymous 298923
>>298873i was also just randomly permabanned, and i'm looking at all of the threads that i've posted in today and none of my posts were redtexted or deleted by the mods? this makes me sad…
Anonymous 298928
>>298923Were you posting "bait" earlier?
Anonymous 298933
>>298557>wanting a chill imageboard wwhere infighting, bait and trolling are banned is a female-only thingNot any of the anons who previously posted in this thread, but you are the sexist retard here thinking that we hate the excessive amounts of bait and infights just because we're women. So men can't possibly hate those things, too?
There are COUNTLESS majority male imageboards whose entire fucking point is being chill and bait-free, and any posters trying to start shit are swiftly banned. You retards sound more new to imageboards than any of the people you're accusing of being sensitive Twitterfags. If you've actually used imageboards other than 4chan, you should be aware that different IBs have different purposes and culture, this isn't an LC/CC or female only thing.
But yeah, I acknowledge that you might be an oldfag, just one of the shit ones that have always contributed to the chaotic nature of 4chan unlike other oldfags like us who always preferred it when threads were actually about the topic being discussed and everybody was having fun together instead of getting high on the adrenaline from arguing with autists all day long. If you don't remember any other imageboards or 4chan threads where constant infighting didn't occur, you either weren't paying attention since you only wanted to troll people, or are too new. Also, occasional banter with funny results, or users sometimes being bitter on old 4chan is not the same as people like you turning the entire site to shit to the point it's almost unusable. Actual newfags who can't stop taking the bait are to blame too, since anyone who grew up on imageboards 10+ years ago should know that you shouldn't feed the troll.
And no, this isn't an endorsement of the retarded newfag mods banning anons for obvious and inoffensive jokes, either.
>>298548NTA but posts rarely get removed on 4chan for shitposting and trolling these days because the userbase and post volume is so huge that the mods simply don't give a fuck about minor offences anymore, site culture has shifted TREMENDOUSLY from when those rules were made, and the mods now are different than the ones back then (it's known that one of the prominent mods is a neo-Nazi and his friends are mods too, that's probably why it's also rare for /pol/faggotry outside of /pol/ to be deleted and banned, suspicious isn't it?), it's overran by newfags from a variety of more mainstream sites, Stormfront white supremacists, shills and government agents, leading to the absolute shithole that site is nowadays. Using current 4chan as an example of what LC should be like is a braindead move.
Anonymous 298936
>>298895>>298897The mods are known to be new as fuck and quite petty. We don't want our post history exposed because one of the mods got involved in an infight and our post pissed her off. They say "only shitposters use VPNs" but I'm just afraid that I might get banned for my opinions (again. I didn't shitpost or infight at all, they just banned me because I happened to mention that I used to visit a certain imageboard and I didn't want them connecting this fact about me to all my OT posts and knowing that "this anon is also this anon" and turn me into their personal cow even though I didn't do anything wrong).
Mods have the ability to see your post history and they no doubt have used this power to stalk anons who they find lame or funny (even if they're actually harmless) to make fun of them. They could remember every little detail of your life that you've revealed in the off-topic boards and if they become obsessed with you for any stupid reason, which is something that tends to happen on the internet in general, they could find your accounts on other sites, stalk you or even expose your posts somewhere else, or post your accounts on LC, a possibility that comes with the site being about internet drama. Shitposters aren't the only VPN users, harmless paranoid and privacy-conscious anons use them as well.
Anonymous 298938
>Someone calls me a retard.
>I call them an idiot.
>I get banned for infighting for calling her an idiot.
Why is it infighting if I respond back to someone giving them the same energy that they gave me? At least ban us both. I don't get why "idiot" is off-limits but "retard," "autist," or "schizo" is totally fine. "Idiot" is way less worse than those insults. "Idiot" is barely an insult. Why must the jannies' favoritism be so blatant?
Anonymous 298939
>>298936List 10 people that have been doxxed by farmhands in the past decade.
Anonymous 298941
>>298938I think it depends on what gets reported. I've noticed for a while that farmhands don't seem to bother reading threads before banning anyone, they just respond to the report queue. So if someone reports an infight by only reporting one post, that's the post that gets banned. I always report both sides and try to explain what's happening in the report but I'm guessing that not everyone bothers.
Cerbmin once said that they deal with a lot of reports for a small site and the majority of reports is anons accusing each other of being moids and reports over disagreements that aren't rule breaking.
Anonymous 298942
>threads are slower than ever
>entire website is boring and dry
>barely any good milk
keking at the vpn ban
Anonymous 298943
>>298933>being chill and bait-freeYeah I’m sure saying the n-word, talking shit about women and politisperging no matter the topic is “chill” and “bait-free”, there is no place that exists like that unless you’re helicopter modding or have the entire place locked down by the same cabal of troon moderators like Reddit.
>site culture has changed TREMENDOUSLY Because of the increase of politisperging, misogyny (which tbf has always existed there), illegal content and memes that attracts normies and federal surveillance/interest due to shooters and manifestos and media coverage has completely changed the website. 4chan has always been know the be the shit-stirrers of the internet and it’s clear you’re brand new to the internet if that wasn’t obvious, they used to raid people, go on troll brigades, post doxes, even influenced real world stuff (let’s not forget the whole “He Will Not Divide Us” campaign that they infiltrated it)
Anonymous 298948
>>298933You’ve got good points that no one likes bait, trolling, sperging, etc. LC seems like the most moderated IB I’ve ever seen, and the meaning of “infighting” is as much as having a quick bant with another vs shitting up an entire thread with back and forths. Or mods banning people for obvious satire posts because of their severe and terminal autism.
I only ever posted on /x/ on 4chan and on a spanish language board. I left 4chan once it wasn’t fun anymore and just spam of “DAE summon succubus?” and “what’s the rake guiz?” over and over. The spanish language board just died out sadly. None of them were a free for all or anything like that, but I also don’t think we’re specifically asking for a free for all infighting, bait, chaos board.
Having a more resilient userbase who no longer gets rewarded for reporting “infighting” like “user called me a retard” will have better long term reduction on mod workload than banning vpns. On the whole we agree so i’m not crabbing at ya.
>>298943There’s a lot of boards that aren’t like that tbf, or there used to. Maybe things have changed significantly, but 4chan’s sfw boards were never like that for the most part, just tistic sperging about cartoons and tabletop. /b/ was a retard containment zone, not a model for the whole site.
Anonymous 298951
>>298928no, i was just talking about Luigi in the corresponding thread and then i randomly got banned.
Anonymous 298952
>>298948farmers aren't capable of banter. part of why the regina george persona they adopted ~2018/2019 never worked is because they are actually seething and having an aneurysm over the smallest thing.
Anonymous 298953
does anyone know how long admin takes to respond to emails? i actually wanna discuss being wrongfully banned with them and i emailed last night and still haven't gotten a response.
Anonymous 298958
>>298936farming their own milk from the userbase
>>298942I'm not about to post milk witout a vpn; I think that's so for many other users as well.
>>298941I've noticed that when I report something, the redtext is exactly what I typed in, even when it's more of a unique report. I definitely don't think they read the threads for context.
Anonymous 301806
>>290762> to laugh at women, call them whores and say other misogynistic shit. You're a terrible person if your main hobby involves laughing at "whores" online for the stupid mistakes they've done in their lives.yeah unlike lolcow who totally don't do this shit as well, i can not believe i say this shit but i take the /rk9/ and /soc/ refuges over LC