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Lolcow.farm hate thread #8 Anonymous 276304

Last thread: >>>/b/262132

Anonymous 276309

honestly i'm not really surprised that lc is dead. it was bound to happen at some point since pretty much every other platform has gone down the tubes. i guess the only issue is how quickly it happened? i'm not really sure. i know there's been waves of newfags and users from other boards or communities over the years, but they usually either left after a while or chilled out. i feel like with this current era, it's like the culture flipped overnight. thankfully i've avoided (so far) being banned for anything strange, but i am tired of the decline in post quality, all the fighting, the general atmosphere of anger and tension. it's not fun anymore. you can never tell when or if something you write will get unwarranted attitude from posters who just want to fight and bicker all the time. the reading comprehension is down the tubes and currently at facebook/twitter levels. i've gotten some of the weirdest, snarkiest replies these past few weeks and it's often completely unnecessary. people aren't really engaging with your posts except in a few threads. if you aren't saying the most inflammatory shit possible, whatever you write gets ignored so the boards now are basically indistinguishable from normie platforms like reddit. there's no actual discussion anymore, at least not healthy. it's just people cussing each other out or >no u each other to death. cerbmin has pretty much given up, so i'm just counting the days for when she finally announces she's handing over the site yet again to another person.

Anonymous 276310

I totally agree with you anon, also
>if you aren't saying the most inflammatory shit possible, whatever you write gets ignored so the boards now are basically indistinguishable from normie platforms like reddit.
This is so funny to me because it's true. If your replies are not formulated in a Twitter/tumblr clapback style, no one replies. If your reply is TOO wacky, you get police toned by mods and banned.
I remember when the Jodi Arias phase started, and how saying "Jodi Arias did nothing wrong" was a funny kind of inflammatory thing that would get anons replying like it was the funniest thing in the world. Now there's none of that cheeky sort of humor, it's like all the humor has been completely lost. If you try to be a little sarcastic or jokey you'll get a reply from some anon being a pedantic retard. Legit I have never seen lolcow in such a state where sarcasm will have multiple anons dog piling another one, with one single anon saying "I think she's joking". Like when the fuck did this happen?

I blame auto-saging the dumbass thread and banning the shitposting thread.

Anonymous 276311

>Ok should Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps be banned for their genetic advantages too?
>believing the cover-up story
Stop being so gullible. Their teams perfected enhancements and had good networks into the antidoping organization. Phelps trainer is right now training the french swimmer who rocked the swimming competitions in the olympic games in Paris. They should start the legal doping games that some meme billionaire has suggested recently. It still will be unfair because the ones with the best methods and R&D will win but at least everyone knows what is up and there is no fakeness about abusing substances anymore

Anonymous 276313

There is an anon who sits and waits for other anons to post about disliking the OBVIOUSLY gendie/TIF demographic that flocked to Jill's thread after the congrats DID cake saga to bitch about it in /meta/. My tinfoil is that it's a gendie who's tired of the based troonsphobia and is using the retarded moderation to their advantage by shutting up anons who rightfully do not like the retarded SJW antics in Jill's thread.

Anonymous 276314

Waits for them to post about it in the real opinions of cows thread in /ot/ I mean.

Anonymous 276317

there is no humor anymore, you're definitely on the money here. other anons have been pointing it out too so at least we know we aren't just crazy. i miss being able to say goofy and silly things and not have 500 retards the next morning calling me names or freaking out because they took what i said literally. again it's that same bullshit mentality you run into on mainstream sites and it's frustrating having to deal with it on lc now because lc was one of the few places you could just say pretty much whatever and no one really cared.

>Legit I have never seen lolcow in such a state where sarcasm will have multiple anons dog piling another one, with one single anon saying "I think she's joking". Like when the fuck did this happen?

i've actually had this happen to me and i have no other explanation than kids. like, actual kids. not teens, but kids. i know people have been speculating about this for a while now since cerbmin took over, but i really think there are literal 10-12 year olds on the boards now. i know when i started using the internet, i was about that age and some of the things these people type and how they react to things is not typical of an adult or even a teenager. it reminds me way too much of how i used to act online when i was little and i couldn't tell when people were joking, i took things too seriously, got mad about dumb shit and didn't understand the concept of not taking the bait. it's too painful for me otherwise to think that i'm talking to adults who are that fucking dumb but it's also a possibility that they're just stupid braindead social media normies.

>I blame auto-saging the dumbass thread and banning the shitposting thread.

i have so many mixed feelings about this. on the one hand i get why it was done but i guess no matter what, the people who are the primary issue are never going to change. there's only so much that can be done when you have users coming onto the boards who aren't interested in ib culture, oldweb style discussions and act like all the old/original users are weird for complaining or being annoyed with them. even when it was explained to them that what they were doing was basically like a bunch of strangers storming into an established discord server or subreddit and acting absolutely chaotic and entitled, they still didn't get it. the concept of lurking and getting a feel for a place doesn't exist anymore on the nuweb.

Anonymous 276319

The fact that some anons are STILL going on about the grand injustice of dumbass shit getting autosaged (not even locked, just stopped from dominating the top of the board all the time with pure diarrhoea) is proof that it was the correct choice. I have many issues with the current admin, but this is one of the only good things they've done. Having it go on for so long only made it look okay to newfags to post in that style all over the place and now we're at a point where it's absolutely necessary to moderate the shit out of every thread because too many users have forgotten that /ot/ was never supposed to be an average /b/ style board even when it was still named /b/. but most of them are too new to remember that anyway despite claiming to have been there for almost a decade/since SR/

Anonymous 276320

Does everything anons prefer have to be because it was an old as fuck rule? This newfaggotry/oldfaggotry is just a retarded and even more terminally online millenial vs zoomer debate. Anons preferred the thread to be un-auto saged because it was basically just a goofball chat room, which helped to make the overall atmosphere lighthearted and laid-back. The moderation team could have implemented big, bolded text about how it is the only thread where you can type like a retard but if you are caught doing it across multiple threads it will land you a heavier ban than usual. I can tell you love current lolcow because your post was bitter and passive aggressive.

Anonymous 276321

it's the opposite. i liked old lolcow when we made fun of retards and chased them off rather than giving them safe spaces to be retarded in. glad we're returning to form

Anonymous 276322

>chased off retards
There's none of that though, it's literally just a bunch of retards getting baited daily and then not contributing to "quality" discussion for more than 1 reply, 2 at max. It's shit. Infights used to be funny, now it's obviously just miserable anons who should be medicated.

Anonymous 276323

Fuck whoever is the crusty old curmudgeon loser spamming the complaints thread with elementary school tattles. Grow up.

Anonymous 276348

>returning to form

Where? lc is dead and is nothing but a handful of miserable retards posting.

Anonymous 276368

There is something genuinely weird happening with the /w/ farmhand. I'm not going to tinfoil what exactly because I don't know, but I do believe the mod team is lying out their asses claiming they "read every post in the /meta/ complaints thread/ when, no, they absolutely do not. At the beginning they promised more communication, but then you have anons in that thread asking the same reasonable questions that get unanswered. What is the point of reading the thread and promising communication if you're going to fully ignore anons' inquiry about inconsistent bans and redtexts?
Anyway, many anons have voiced their dislike of the sassy, screenshottable redtexts, so why is /w/ farmhand so eager to redtext anons doing either nothing worthy of a redtext, or anons who should have just been banned without the quippy one liner redtext.
I genuinely think the farmhand is a frequent lolcow user, frequents Jill's thread, and uses their farmhand power to do whatever they choose to within reason. It's just a weird fucking vibe in /w/.

Anonymous 276529


The Twitterfags are absolutely out of control. I swear this is the equivalent of using "colonizer" as a derogatory term unironically. This isn't even bait BTW. Who keeps letting these annoying histrionic twitterfags in?

Anonymous 276530

i don't like germans either but this is gay

Anonymous 276532

I can guarantee you if I said something like "We should bomb Saudi Arabia because they are literally no good people there. They should all die in a nuclear explosion" it would get redtexted for racebait.

Anonymous 276538

because you can be racist towards europeans and get away with it lol. it's funny seeing the double standards and even saying this is probably bannable over there

Anonymous 276542

Colonizer or “imperial core.” It’s retarded. Twitter is retarded. Nobody should feel bad about where they happen to live. Once Palestinian refugees eventually move into “the imperial core,” or “colonizer nations” does that mean they’ll stfu about it?
>inb4 jew
Idc about either side they are like a zillion miles away.

Anonymous 276544

For years /w/ has been constantly redtexted and trying to get certain threads completely inactive and banning anyone who posts milk. It's totally the cows themselves modding at this point.

Anonymous 276545

Um actually retard I was the one that wrote that post and I made it for bait because I was bored and I knew it would piss people like you off? KEK

Anonymous 276554

>makes stupid fucking comment
>b-but it's actually bait!!!
Fuck off back to Twitter. You don't double-down on bait, dumbass.

Anonymous 276555

Kek I've never used Twitter in my life. Keep coping troon.

Anonymous 276560

You fucking act like one, dumbass. It's where annoying fucks like you belong.

Anonymous 276562

this is the only good website left

Anonymous 276571

I can't even go a single thread on there without seeing some stupid ass ignorant generalization about nationalities/countries/etc. Ntm all the incredibly insecure, spiteful lowlives constantly ragging on women for not fitting some impossible beauty standard. They just say whatever disgusting disparaging comment that comes to their minds. I swear, some of these comments wouldn't be out of place on one of those fucking stupid looksmaxxing Instagram pages. I don't know how you can claim to hate moids and at the same time, insult random women to feel better about yourself.

Anonymous 276572

It's the same pasty white failmales that continuously bait on /ot/ all day every day because admin is too fucking lazy to program a VPN ban.

The day scrotefoiling became bannable, that's when I knew it was gonna go down hill. It's obvious the admin is a scrote, but I'm starting to think most of the farmhands are college-aged scrotes and troons.

Anonymous 276658

It's so tiring because the ignorant conversations and bait is predictable, nobody cares about these topics other than moids. Now I see some of those posters coming here..

Anonymous 276660

There must be a lot of drama behind the scenes right now in the moderation team.

I've been asking farmhands why they stop moderating during the nights, and why cerbmin has been silent for months, every day in /meta/ for the past 5 days. I was met with bans for spam, ban evasion, and finally today I was permanently banned. All because I asked a question about moderation and made an honest complaint about the functioning of the moderation team.

Obviously, I have a VPN so any ban is meaningless.

I feel like right now, the moderation team is an animal without a head. Cerbmin has been absent for months.

There's definitely going to be a change in admin in the coming weeks or months. I'd be very surprised if we still had cerbmin as admin in the new year.

Anonymous 276663

TSMTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT so fucking sick of that as an arab. like you haven't even been to those countries leave us alone

Anonymous 276666

If you're the one with all caps in complaints and suggestions I commend you for it. It's weird that they won't respond to you. There's so many posts in that thread that should be redtext that it's almost funny that they chose to ban you for asking for a life sign from cerbmin.

Anonymous 276667

So do you support troons? I know that's you carrey-chan.

Anonymous 276668

No actually, I'm not Carrey-chan and I'm just as upset as you are about the allegations against her. I actually got sad when I saw it because for so long I trusted her, but now it's like I've been stabbed in the back by someone I loved. It stings tbh.

Anonymous 276669

If you're the one posting the all caps spam in /meta/ you're definitely carrey-chan and I think you're pretending not to be because you think Jim Carrey has shooters on obscure women only image boards.

Anonymous 276670

No, I am the one doing the caps spam, but I pinky swear I'm not carreychan. TBH I'm not dedicated enough to have spammed Jim Carrey tinfoils for months. I'm the anon that first brought up the pro-troon allegations in Dumbass Shit after seeing it in General Tinfoil.

But on a side note what do you think about my posts in /meta/? I know caps are annoying but I only did it because I was so upset about farmhands not moderating at night. I was kind of annoyed that they permanently banned me, because it's like I don't even bait or infight or do stupid shit, all I did was ask a question 4 times in a row.

Anonymous 276671

Carreychan has sperged and personalityfagged for like 2 years at this point.
I support your spamming because it should be answered.

Anonymous 276672

Omfg 2 years makes it even worse that she betrayed us like this. I'm honestly upset by it I don't know how I'm gonna react to her future posts now. It's like okay, you're right about Jim, but you like troons too so IDK how I feel.

And thank you. I don't think my concerns are even that difficult to address. It really would take Cerbmin like 1 minute to address us in /meta/. And I do think farmhands have been stretched extra thin lately, as evident by their lackluster presence during the nights.

I also thought it was weird, but every time they banned me they kept saying things like "stop spamming this or your ban will be longer," or "stop spamming this or you will be permanently banned," but I had already said at that point that I have a VPN and that I can ban evade. You'd think they'd just permanently ban me then from the get-go, right? But it made it seem like they still act oblivious to VPN ban evasion, and try to use the same tactics on VPN ban evaders as they do normal users. The staff team SERIOUSLY needs to figure out what their stance on VPNs is going forward.

Anonymous 276673

NTA but I wish people with legitimate concerns would act less immaturely about them. All caps spamming isn't gonna get us taken seriously

Anonymous 276674

Unfortunately every time I've addressed my concerns in a roundabout intelligent way, the staff have outright ignored me.

I decided to use all caps to make it harder for farmhands to ignore me. I knew that if I used all caps and spammed, they would have to at least look at the post for long enough to ban me. It also makes it more obvious that a farmhand has seen my posts, but refuses to answer the concerns that I have. My hope is that it will lead to other anons thinking "hm, why has farmhand banned this anon but has yet to address her questions? is this fair?"

So, I'm sincerely sorry if my spam annoyed you or came across as immature, but as far as I can see, there's no other way to actually get the farmhands to address anything.

>Isn't gonna get us taken seriously

I don't think the farmhands take us seriously no matter what we do. I have a sneaking suspicion that the farmhands think that they are above the userbase.

Anonymous 276675

That's actually pretty smart, it makes it so we see that farmhands have seen your post but haven't answered you.

Anonymous 276685

You're such a dumb bitch. Oldfags use dumbass shit, you didn't because you're a boring cunt. Stop blaming your self imposed misery on other anons just trying to have fun. I can't stand stupid bitches like you, I would never be this aggressive on lc but we're on cc so I don't give a shit. You contribute nothing to lc. I wish bitches like you who act like dumbass shit posters are stupid newfags could know the impact that I personally have left on the site but you wouldn't appreciate it anyway because you're a worthless waste of space.

Anonymous 276686

>the impact that I personally have left on the site
Imagine trying to use that as a flex. Get a life

Anonymous 276691

I have one, that's the difference between you and me. I can make a positive impact on the community and not be a loser, bitch neet in the process. Posters like you are why lc is shit. You're low quality trash.

Anonymous 276692

I'm NTA, calm down lol

Anonymous 276693

there talking about you in the tinfoil now and claiming that your carreychan because you have a pendant for typing longer posts and using paragraphs

Anonymous 276694

Typical. Whenever there's an issue with moderation that staff refuse to address, they'll try to create a smear campaign against whomever brought it up.

Newhands have been posting without their tags in /ot/ forever, obviously, but lately they've begun a propaganda campaign against ANYONE that questions their choices. I've seen it happen 3 or 4 times in the last month.

Anonymous 276695

>thinking mods are doing a gayop against you
Holy shit. You literally are Carreychan. Please stay the fuck off the farms you schizo.

Anonymous 276696

I'm concerned about moderation. I want VPNs banned. Carreychan, like all personalityfags, rely on VPNs to evade bans. Use your brain for just 60 seconds, I beg.

Anonymous 276697

I am using my brain. And Jim Carrey's team is not after your nobody-ass. Fuck off.

Anonymous 276698

dumbass shit anons being dumb as shit again, what else is new

Anonymous 276699

I'll bite; what positive impact have you made?

Anonymous 276700

damn i didnt know farmhands posted here too kek

Anonymous 276701

Damn I feel bad for you now. You're asking for a life sign from Cerbmin and why there's 12 hours a day where farmhands are offline, and sheeple are saying you're carreychan baiting. Farmers really don't want anything to improve.

Anonymous 276702

Nta but seriously it's depressing seeing the state of LC. Every time an admin decides to die on us, the build up to a change in administration always includes anons tinfoiling and acting like schizos.

Anonymous 276703

You're not slick

Anonymous 276705

Carreychan, Linda isn't stalking you on ibs, take your meds.

Anonymous 276706

Carreychan is literally a schizo who thinks she's being targeted by the fabled Linda and lolcor mods alike. She's also a troon sympathizer. She was the biggest let down of the entirety of lolcow. I can't believe she slapped "cis privilege" and "transphobia" in her retarded parasocial anti Jim Carrey manifesto. Over 200 fucking pages of spergery. We should have never entertained her. Fuck her. I'm not even joking it was such a disappointment. You think you connect with a woman and it turns out she sucks troon cock. Pathetic.

Anonymous 276707

Seriously it's really horrible. I never liked Carreychan anyway because she just spams constantly, but I did respect her dedication to the spam. But now that I know it was all coming from a troon lover, it's like damn wow. So now it means nothing. She destroyed her reputation. I have to laugh at all the anons in General Tinfoil right now trying connecting random posters to her though.

Anonymous 276708

I believe the tinfoil. She's schizo as fuck. Her dedication to revealing Jim Carrey's controversies would absolutely translate into the /meta/ spammer's self-importance. Fuck her.

Anonymous 276709

What's so self-important about asking jannies to work during the night kek

Anonymous 276710

It's the fact she thinks the mods are targeting her specifically, that they refuse to answer her specifically, when the mod team is doing it to literally everyone. She thinks she's some sneaky genius or something. The way she spams her schizo Jim Carrey shit everywhere expecting people to believe her and then getting unreasonably upset when people call her schizo. Like yeah I have no problem believing they're the same, self-absorbed, over-involved schizo.

Anonymous 276711

Does she actually get upset if people call her a schizo? I thought she was always like, owning it, or whatever. Personally, I thought Carreychan was 2 anons, one was the legit crazy one, and the other (the one that was posting all those flyers in dumbass shit yesterday) was a knock-off

Anonymous 276712

Once again I need to say that most problems on current-day lolcow stem from users seeing it as too much of a "community" they demand certain social benefits from. It was not meant to be a safe space or political or anything, it was just to talk shit about histrionic idiots who now dominate the whole site. The current atmosphere is more akin to how PULL used to be. Retards seething and fuming 24/7 and barely any real milk. I wish we'd at least cannibalize some of the personalityfags to bring some entertaining drama back, I'm tired of people crying about not having a free-for-all hyperfocus support group for every spergy topic they want to obsess over and a containment zone for those who disagree with them and another containment zone for anything that could unironically trigger them. Users got way too sensitive and pathetic.

Anonymous 276713

There's only been one Carreychan. She's mentioned before she's bipolar, and I'm pretty sure she's mentioned it before the DAS threads too. Her posts in the 3DP husbando threads are schizo as fuck too. She talked about mixing pills and alcohol recently. She also bitched about getting permabanned from reddit for Jim Carrey sperging. If the flier Carreychan was a fake I'd expect the permabanned from reddit Carreychan to call her out.

Anonymous 276715

I think this stems from /ot/fags. For me, I started using LC years ago for Lillee Jean, and I usually only stuck to the cow boards. About 2 years ago I started to frequent non-cow boards though, and now I usually spend an equal amount of time on both sides. I think some anons though, they ONLY use /ot/. It's especially obvious when you go into /meta/ because so many of the spergy comments in complaints & suggestions are only about /ot/. I actually do like using /ot/ and /m/, so it's annoying that so much of the drama and bullshit stems from the non-cow boards.

Anonymous 276716

Lolcow host error, anyone else? Kek was it carreychan…

Anonymous 276717

I've always thought that /ot/ ~should be a privilege, not a right~ and users who don't contribute to cow boards can fuck off. OT-only posters should have been discouraged from the start but it's too late now. At some point they started hearing "le female imageboard!!! le radfem imageboard!!" and tried to ignore that it's a bitchy gossip site first and foremost, which was aided by the zoomerfag admin being so absent and not doing any moderation and adding more offtopic boards instead of cleaning up the main boards, so now you have anons smugly looking down on the milk part of the site because they feel above it while using a board under the domain lolcow dot farm. I hope they will continue to feel safe for now until the next admin outs all the personalityfags to recharge the atmosphere

Anonymous 276718

came here to see if anyone asked this kek

Anonymous 276719

The Hex thread made me hopeful about this, I wish they would have outed all her posts but I guess it's difficult when she was probably sharing VPNs with the other gaggle of retards she ran around with

Anonymous 276720

I'm the /meta/ spammer.

Like I said earlier in this post >>276670, I was actually the anon that first saw the post in General Tinfoil and then brought it up in Dumbass Shit to warn others about Carreychan being pro-troon.

I'm a regular anon insofar that I don't get involved in infights often, I don't bait often, and I never do anything particularly bad or break the rules.

The whole reason I'm spamming in /meta/ is because I'm tired of farmhands and staff ignoring not just my concerns about the site, but others' concerns as well. I'm tired of seeing things like bestiality, scroteposts, creepy pedo bait, etc., every night for the past 2 weeks. I would just like farmhands to at least address why there has been such lackluster moderation during the nights for the past 2 weeks, instead of acting like nothing is wrong. Usually the farmhands are so good at deleting this stuff, that's why the past 2 weeks have been so surprising and hard to understand.

My personal tinfoil is that Cerbmin has been MIA for some time now, and that he's handed off the ## Admin tag to one of the more senior farmhands to LARP as him when things get tough. It seems like the moderation team right now is stretched too thin, and if that is the case, why don't they open up farmhand applications? Unless Cerbmin isn't around to vet and interview?

I'm also not the only one spamming. There's another anon posting pictures of cats and cows in the General Meta Discussion thread asking for Cerbmin to make himself known.

I'm genuinely confused as to why anons are tinfoiling that I'm Carreychan. Yes, I type in longer format and I use paragraph breaks, but this is common amongst all retards and schizos alike. I understand if you doubt me, but I don't understand why you aren't concerned about the moderation blackouts or the state of Cerbmin. I feel like every honest & true farmer should be concerned about the state of the website right now.

It was about to happen. Whenever the photos start fucking up, that means there's a soon-to-be host error. It'll probably only last for a 30 minutes or maybe up to 2 hours.

I wonder if Cerbmin will make a post about it? That would be confirmation that they're still alive at least, so I can drop that bit from my spam message.

Anonymous 276721

they responded in meta about it, it's probably down so they can fix it

Anonymous 276722

Waddap smellies

Anonymous 276725

Oh really? That's funny I was the one that asked farmhands about it in /meta/ kek, I didn't see their response before the site went down since I was typing out the post you're responding to.

Anonymous 276727

Will they banish forever the retard that's been shitting up the fem board? That's what I really want to know

Anonymous 276729

>It'll probably only last for a 30 minutes or maybe up to 2 hours.
Depends how long it'll take for Cerbmin to fix it. It might be a good way to see how involved he is in the site still. The longer it takes, the more removed.

Anonymous 276730

Any current or former staff here wanting to provide milk?

Anonymous 276732

it's kinda sad how you guys have to come shit this place up and complain about your petty gay drama from a completely different ib. don't bring that shit to the only good female forum left

Anonymous 276734

>only good female forum
Nona please, a forum requires a userbase which you do not have. I'd say, even though I'm not into kpop, that heolkek is the best female imageboard simply because it's well moderated, very active, and well designed.

Anonymous 276735

It's ridiculous that they won't even hold a town hall about VPNs or range bans at this point. Even CC has range bans. This site has 1% of the traffic that LC does and it can manage to institute range bans and other measures to counter chronic rule-breakers.

Why do we have to pretend that the majority of users use VPNs when every stat that's been released has shown only 13-19% of anons regularly post from a VPN? Why does 80% have to suffer for the 20%?

>only good female forum left
The only time this ib is EVER active is when LC is down. Be happy we're here. Literally what is the point of using CC if not to talk about LC.

Anonymous 276736

hey we hosted your bunker thread when this site went down too, show some solidarity

Anonymous 276737

This place is shit because of the newfags who can't integrate, not because of farmers, there's a lot of posters who use both forums

Anonymous 276738

I don't really care about lolcow lately because it's shit and going downhill but I need a personal archive of the null and Laika threads.

Also- anyone feel like the admin never changed? How is it possible to get 3 different admins who all don't communicate. I feel like it's the same admin. Shaymin Cermin and the one who posted her hand, all the same person. There was never any new admin.

Anonymous 276739

do i hate lolcow? no. do i hate when their server goes down because they didn’t pay their domain bill? oh fuck yes

Anonymous 276740

do i hate lolcow? no. do i hate when their server goes down because they didn’t pay their domain bill? oh fuck yes

Anonymous 276741

Why do you actually believe those stats?

Anonymous 276742

3/10 bait

Anonymous 276743

Wonder what shayna is up to…

Anonymous 276744

First ayrt and if it's true that cerbmin is a scrote then it's pretty obvious why he could not care less about a retard ruining that board

Anonymous 276745

It's not bait, it's true, regardless of the sites content. It's a very well taken care of ib with thousands of posts being made a day. Plus they have an integrated board culture they actually stick to.

Anonymous 276746

ntayrt but i feel like the stats are legit because they’re easy to locate? the mods just copied down the data from the website and shared it with us. but we gotta remember: those are only the VPN’s that the website detected, there could be more that were undetectable

Anonymous 276747

I miss fanny

Anonymous 276748

Who you calling smelly, smelly

Anonymous 276749

>thousands of posts being made a day
that's not a metric of quality. i'm glad they have their own site though

Anonymous 276750

I hate that anisa is a banned topic when she's at her peak milking season

Anonymous 276751

>those are only the VPN’s that the website detected, there could be more that were undetectable
That's exactly what I mean, how can you trust an incomplete statistic? What if there are false flags? And what about mobile data? Mobile data IPs are shared.

Anonymous 276752

Okay anon, be all arbitrary about it because you're not into kpop. CC and LC are both low quality ib.

Anonymous 276754

If I wanted very fast-moving threads I wouldn't be here. I would like some more activity here, sure, but overall, the site being slow is a perk for me. I usually just come once a day, read the new posts, and leave. It's like taking a daily walk through the park and sniffing around like a dog

Anonymous 276755


I'm talkin to you, stinky

Anonymous 276756

I remember the mobile IP data they posted claimed that there are around 8,000 posters, but the device data they posted claimed that there were a little over 5,000 devices that had posted

Anonymous 276757

So you agree your reasoning is arbitrary? And totally up to personal preference? All I'm saying is that the site is well made and well kept, and yes that does make it a good site.

Anonymous 276758

LC used to be good but it's just all baiting and political sperging these days. The BP posters and american politics spergs are the newest retards making the site unusable.

Anonymous 276759

Sure, carrey-chan.

Anonymous 276760

Yes but that was only for a 2 week period, so we can extrapolate and say that in the run of a month, maybe 16, 000 posters over 10 000 devices.

Anonymous 276761

>So you agree?
>So you agree?
>So you agree?

Anonymous 276762

Yeah I can totally agree that LC was once a good site

Anonymous 276763

NTA but it's cringe that you're trying so hard to wk the jannies.

Anonymous 276764

wow i hit “post reply” and it just posts. no countdown or anything kek

Anonymous 276765

It's crazy LC went down and immediately the worst posters came here to start an infight about whether LC or CC is better.

Anonymous 276766

I thought that was the website data for the whole year, not just hellweek. My goodness there’s more s than I thought kek

Anonymous 276767

Are you mean girlsing me or what?

Anonymous 276768

Yeah and it's actually really fast too but there's still a flood message if you try to post too quickly in succession. But this one only goes for 30 seconds like it says, it doesn't lie like the lolcow timer does.

Anonymous 276769

>the farmhand bootlickers are even defending the site on CC

Anonymous 276770

Kek sounds like you're just barely comprehending the conversation

Anonymous 276771

It's actually very comfy in here, I miss my cc days

Anonymous 276772

No, that whole post was ONLY about what was observed during the 2 week period that hellweek took place in. Also remember, some anons only go on LC once or twice in a month, or some might avoid the site during a hellweek.

Anonymous 276773

KEK my first thought immediately. Their brown-nosing knows no bounds.

Anonymous 276775

It's comfy because this thread is the only thing happening kek. It reminds me of the bunker in /g/ but not as fun

Anonymous 276776

If CC had active moderation and staff team, it could easily become a great ib. I have a question for everyone, and it's okay if you don't answer but I thought it'd be fun:
>If you were the new admin of CC, what changes would you immediately make?
For me, I'd merge some boards and make new ones, plus I'd start moderating thread topics more frequently. I dislike how many threads are on here because since there's so few miners, it makes everything look half-assed.

Anonymous 276777

Can it come back online already?! I wanted to make a thread before you know does

Anonymous 276778

I wish all the farmers who complain that lolcow is dead in the water but cc is too slow would just make the threads they want to see here and leave the undesirable users behind. Just don't tell them. Solve the problem.

Anonymous 276779

Yknow what I might

Anonymous 276780

You're gonna get your post deleted for derailing but I want to see this as a /meta/ thread

Anonymous 276781

instead of using lc you guys should start using cc more since this site is dead and could use some activity. sad how no one wants to tho

Anonymous 276782

I think it's appropriate to post o the complaints and suggestions thread

Anonymous 276783

This. I'm both a farmer and a miner (although, it has been some time since I've used CC, you know why)(lack of moderation on negative).
Don't forget to put your tinfoil hat on kek
Why is the topic banned?
>BP posters
Holy crap I went to that thread ONCE and I left in one minute kek

Anonymous 276784

I will, just for you miss miner

Anonymous 276785

It's not just the slowness, I disagree with the moderation style on CC. I don't like how absent the jannies or admin is on here. The admin still hasn't even updated her discord username for contact in a few months.
The post deletion instead of red-texting is another annoying feature of this site. It makes it harder for newfags to learn to integrate, and it makes reading through old threads a hassle. Besides, by the time this post gets deleted for being ot, LC will be back up and this thread won't matter anymore.

I think the only posts that should be deleted are moid posts or like gore and creepy shit like that obviously. In fact, I think LC should be deleting moid posts as well instead of just redtexting them.

Anonymous 276786

Well LC compresses everything into generals, comparable to something like 4chan's /vg/ while CC is more anything goes and random threads can be made spontaneously like a true female /b/. I guess it's a matter of personal preference but I also prefer LC's style of moderation(at least in terms of threads).

Anonymous 276787

I'm not wk-ing the jannies because I understand that it's carrey-chan behind all the spamming. Stop bootlicking a tranny supporter.

Anonymous 276788

I'd do what you suggest and purge most boards from recent useless threads that could have been just a post in a vent general. I want a hobby board mostly.

Anonymous 276789

Anonymous 276790

This. I'm both a farmer and a miner (although, it has been some time since I've used CC, you know why, lack of moderation on negative).
Don't forget to put your tinfoil hat on kek
Why is the topic banned?
>BP posters
Holy crap I went to that thread ONCE and I left in one minute kek

Anonymous 276791

Literally NOBODY cares about Carreychan can you stfu about it

Anonymous 276793

>before you know does

Anonymous 276794

i wish lolcow was open right now i need the kinks you’re shamed of thread

Anonymous 276795

don’t even get me started on the trad baiters who sperg about birthrates and how it’s divine purpose for women to breed. Super annoying and autistic

Anonymous 276796

You're sounding just as schizo as the schizo you're obsessed with nonita

Anonymous 276797

No, she's a fucking plague.

Anonymous 276798

how many times do you need to be told that admin revealed that he never left and we have literally never had anyone but him as our admin
there are not three current admins, "cerbmin" itself is a pun; a three-headed admin

Anonymous 276799

What is BP? I was kinda absent from LC for a whole month until yesterday

Anonymous 276800

Sperging about some troon loving bitch who has spent years shitting up lolcow is nothing compared to her bullshit.

Anonymous 276801

Make/find one here anon, give cc a lil lovin

Anonymous 276802

Okay can you share their IPs then? Or are we supposed to trust a random retard on crystal cafe? Seriously you must realize how you sound?

Anonymous 276803

>In fact, I think LC should be deleting moid posts as well instead of just redtexting them.
Moid posts have been getting deleted recently.

Anonymous 276804

This is going to get me hated here but I’m tired of the incessant nigelfags everywhere making shitty fandom threads or discussing “what men should look like” they’re all fucking ugly creatures from the depth of hell, can they bring back dumbass shit back PLEASE

Anonymous 276805

I literally don't know who Carrey is and I'm not clicking shit. Why would you assume everyone who criticizes the staff is some Boogeyman

Anonymous 276806

You're obsessed. Carrey-chan has become your Jim Carrey

Anonymous 276807

>can they bring back dumbass shit back PLEASE
like clockwork. just make dumbass.farm already

Anonymous 276808

The thing I don't get is why would the meta spammer want moderation to be stronger or to ban VPNs if its carreychan? Carreychan only exists because moderation is weak and because VPNs are tolerated.

Anonymous 276809

That American Dad freak

Anonymous 276810

I hate how anti fun lolcow is sometimes tbh. Dumbass shit being autosaged sucks so bad

Anonymous 276811

Exactly, that anon is just tweaked

Anonymous 276812

i was just about to post in the female fantasies one i'm hornayyyyyyy

Anonymous 276813

Oh for what thread?? I got in it with them just now about the General Tinfoil thread. They wanted some random screencap from the gay show to be the next thread op but I already fricking made one so there is NO way I'm letting that happen.

Anonymous 276814

The fucking /meta/ spammer is also using VPNs lmfao.

Anonymous 276815

She made a dozen posts connecting like 4 different anons to Carreychan in the Tinfoil thread. It's retarded.

Anonymous 276816

I miss it so much. I was making mood boards for anons in there. Just some good silly fun. Anons who didn't like it couldn't just minimize it? Moderators couldn't just do their job to keep it contained? It's the lazy way out and only the most bitter anons celebrate it.

Anonymous 276817

same and I don't even like that thread
I do think they should revive it though, I can't understand why they don't understand that if you eliminate a containment zone, whatever you were containing is loose now

Anonymous 276818

Nigelfags are so annoying we don’t need 100 gazillion threads about moids and marriage. Annoying asf if you’re gay or just don’t give a fuck about that shit and want to have fun. Shitposting is worth much more than some retard sperging about how everyone is “motherphobic”

Anonymous 276819

She admitted the only reason she uses VPNs is to demonstrate how unfair VPNs are.

Anonymous 276820

I hope the American Dad s get their first

Anonymous 276821

The Amerifag General one because I'm sick of Stan. He's so ugly and I know she's gonna try it again. Good luck with the tinfoil thread nona, I saw your post on there. I'm rooting for you

Anonymous 276822

>she admitted
And you believe her? Kek be so for real she's not doing that shit JUST to spam /meta/.

Anonymous 276823

Throwback to when that one /meta/fag spent WEEKS in the complaints and suggestions thread to say every single anon complaining itt was a "dumbass shitsperg" kek

Anonymous 276824

Black pill feminism on /2X/. Basically an excuse to be as misogynistic as possible on LC. You can call women any derogatory term you want as long as you pretend it's under the guise of being blackpilled.

Anonymous 276825

>And you believe her?
Sure, why not? Why should I believe you? For all I know you're a farmhand or maybe even PT herself.

Anonymous 276826

Can't wait to see your image anon

Anonymous 276827


Hey cow sisters, fancy seeing you again! i got banned for shitposting on XX so I'm having a little vacation here on beloved CC. It is slow here, but at least it doesn't suffer from a twitterfag problem. Although it does suffers a bit from tranime pic usage..

Anonymous 276828

stop samefagging to defend your schizo ass.

Anonymous 276829

I like you

Anonymous 276830


Anonymous 276831

Thanks, I don't know why I didn't get what the initials meant, I've just complained about her a few moments ago here lol

Anonymous 276832

I can post it here if you want, it's alien themed. I made the last two tinfoil threads, so I'm hoping I can make the next one too. If only because I really like the thread and I HATE when people make shitty thread descriptions or thread pics. It's alien themed because I was planning to make a first post in the thread like "hey, would it be fun if we talked about aliens for a minute?" as a fun aside and to get the ball rolling.

Anonymous 276833

Citation needed. I want to believe you.

Anonymous 276834

Do you know what samefagging means? That would imply I'm both >>276825 and >>276822

Anonymous 276835

I would love to talk about aliens

Anonymous 276836

I'm scared I won't get to make my thread because my wifi turns off at 1am

Anonymous 276837

Yeah I just thought it'd be fun because I like talking about aliens too and I'd be interested in hearing others' tinfoils about it in the thread but sometimes we get stuck on like weird bait posts or really shit-tier basic stuff.

Anonymous 276838

The lesbian/bisexual threads always make me laugh, I love how active those threads came right after the /ot/ purging of fun and shitposting, it’s almost like most anons are tired of constant penis talk.

Anonymous 276839


Anonymous 276841

Why does your wifi turn off. Are you underaged

Anonymous 276842

I think instead of having the Bechdel thread, the entire board should pass the Bechdel test, and then we'd have one containment board for people to sperg about moids there.

Anonymous 276844

Do post it now, please. Also, what do you think if we make some bridges between LC's tinfoil thread an CC's /x/? We could make CC threads to archive and discuss certain topics that get lost on the tinfoil thread. Idk, I think it could work

Anonymous 276848

general tinfoil 21…

Okay here is the image. The only thing I'm worried about is maybe the letters looking a bit small from catalog, but I think it'll still be legible.

I wish /x/ here was more popular, because every time I bump the paranormal thread on /ot/ it is immediately ignored while Ugly Moid Psyop gains another 100 posts.

Anonymous 276849

Kek, no but my dad turns off the wifi for the entire household at 1am because he is insane

Anonymous 276850

The dadders are like 49% of the board keeekk we will always be victorious

Anonymous 276851

Samefag just to say for the uninitiated, the background picture is apparently one of the first photos of a UFO.

Anonymous 276852


Anonymous 276853


Anonymous 276854

Agreed with this! I wish the admins and mods would just communicate more

Anonymous 276855

I think you should kill him

Anonymous 276856

The couch potato farmhand from LC is now coming in this thread because they’re also a mod here on this dying ib. Fun ruined

Anonymous 276857

There is a total of 4 anons that like American Dad. Trust me you are not 49% of the board.

Anonymous 276858

I remember one time nonas were saying talk of nigels and children should stick to /g/ (because that’s the type of talk /g/ was made for) and a bunch of tradfags started seething and said we wanted to turn lolcow into tumblr lmfao. that’s how you know they’re newfags, they have to sperg about their moids and children in every thread and then cause in fights about how women exist to give birth. tradfags are always causing in fights in the amerifag thread too. It’s so annoying, they’re obviously new trying to psyop women into agreeing with them but it doesn’t work and just shits up whatever thread they’re in for like hours until the mods finally step in.

Anonymous 276859

Agreed with this! I wish the admins and mods would just communicate more

Anonymous 276860

Mad because the jannies here deleted your bait post? Kek.

Anonymous 276861

CC tranny mods will quickly delete your posts but keep up the cp/gore/trannyposting, fuck this website

Anonymous 276863


>thinking that the admins are silencing you in particular
>thinking that the mods are targeting you specifically
when confronted by an accusation of being Carreychan here >>276668 you said nearly the exact same thing as the Snookie poster in the confessions thread in /ot/ when an anon questioned her about being Carreychan. Curious how once called out for typing in the same way, you stopped using the word "newhands" because the Snookie poster also said "newhands", and when you search up "newhands" on lolcow search bar, what pops up? Posts that talk about "fighting the good fight" and also about getting banned from CC because "newhands" are viewing your posts on CC and banning you on lolcow. Then you start pushing this gayop that the mods are after you and accusing you of being a well-known schizo poster. Eerily similar to Carreychan's schizo Linda delusion.

You can gayop all you want, but I'm onto you. Other anons can call me schizo but I know the truth.

Anonymous 276864

Beautiful, thank you for your time and effort, the tinfoil thread will grow stronger with your schizo love

Anonymous 276865

Thank you! I wanted to make it like not super flashy because I didn't wanna make catalog lag, but also I like moving parts on a thread pic because it makes it look cooler!

Anonymous 276867

I like watching American Dad myself but I am sick to death of this shit. It's so obnoxious

Anonymous 276868

I think you're a little in love with the Snookie poster.

Anonymous 276870

We have a paranormal thread on /ot/? I've been there for months, how did I miss it??

Love the pic btw.

Anonymous 276873

the blackpill posters are so fucking terminally miserable. she who shall not be named spends every moment of her life calling us pigs if we suck cock but you know what? i don’t care!!

Anonymous 276874

Thanks! I've actually made pretty much every Blingee thread op on /ot/, the Amerifag one, the current tinfoil one, the Bechdel one, and most others.
Hmmm… maybe I'd believe you if you spent the next 2 years schizoposting about it and making a 260 page long document about it. Maybe.

Anonymous 276875

You know what? Why don't I use CC more often. Let's plant the seed. Be the change you want to see in the world. MAKE CC GREAT AGAIN.

Anonymous 276876

This is what GG and PLL do to a mf

Anonymous 276877


nta but omg you’re the blingee expert? will you rate my franny blingee…

Anonymous 276879

It's kind of hard to when you get banned without breaking rules and there's no explanation as to why

Anonymous 276880

I already did!!!! I was the one that gave you the honest criticism when I first saw it.

Anonymous 276881

When do you think it's coming back up?

Anonymous 276882

I said before that personalityfags aren’t real because multiple people can be many personalityfags at once.

Anonymous 276883

This thread got massively retarded in the last hour, good job. You can't even act normal on a bunker thread

Anonymous 276884

I've also been at least 2 personalityfags kek. Sometimes I don't even mean to do it, it's just schizos connect dots and then I find it funny so I play into it until I get the redtext.

Anonymous 276885

I remember when I had interesting conversations in that thread but now it's a fucking blog from the worst posters. I come back every few months with hope that maybe the tread is good now (it never is). And I hate that they're spilling out more often to other threads

Anonymous 276886

Anonymous 276888

Sorry we are having fun boo hoo maybe we should post in the better threads like… well, maybe we could make better threads.

Anonymous 276889

Never. Cerebs onlyfan dried up

Anonymous 276892

I'm having fun here actually, the thread moves fast and it feels nice

Anonymous 276893

Yeah sadly, just like >>276861 said. Ugh CC needs a change in the administration team
Let's start a civil war kek

Anonymous 276894

There's literally been only one anon sperging about mods being absent at night and using "newhands", coincidentally trying to push some schizoid conspiracy that mods are trying to silence them. If you disregard the possibility of Carreychan being a retarded samefag sorry but you're probably her too kek.

Anonymous 276896

One thing I like about CC compared to LC is that bait posts are deleted. I think this is better than just redtexting, because the point of bait is to get reaction, but if a post is deleted before this happens it can't get one. I think it's a good way to deal with baiters.

Anonymous 276897

I love not knowing who literally any of the personalityfags mentioned on all boards are

Anonymous 276898

I love when the mods are absent at night, minimods moral policing no longer work when they’re gone. They also delete any viewpoint that doesn’t coincide with the general thread’s ideological leanings. It’s all of these shitty ass fatty mods creating these boring, cookie cutter threads and then banning you because the admin isn’t there to see that their own mods are powerfagging to high heavens.

Anonymous 276899

omg thank you!! i appreciated your critique and i will apply your notes in the future

Anonymous 276901

The thing I dislike the most about lolcow is that some nonas really just make shit up when they reply to posts. It's literally the "I like pancakes, so you hate waffles?" meme

Anonymous 276903

/w/ probably has the fattest mod out of all the boards. The /w/ janny is probably a fat retarded gendie.

Anonymous 276905

Loser mod camping out, wasting their precious minutes trying to delete bait posts KEK

Anonymous 276906

Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

Anonymous 276907

I don't get why everyone reacted so heavily to carreychans troonphobia comment. Isn't the goal to cancel or otherwise punish jim carrey? why would you not include the only thing people these days care to cancel men over - ofc a sperg who used to crush on him cares about that shit anyway

Anonymous 276908

Yeah honestly I really like Blingee! I'm just happy more people are making them! I was worried I came across as harsh in my original reply to your post, but I didn't wanna bullshit you because I wanted you to improve as a Blingee artist. All the best xo

Anonymous 276909

You have the same kind of autism that carrey-chan does. Funny how you immediately deflect at the end of every post.

Anonymous 276911

nta but is it really autism to care about the sites moderation?

Anonymous 276912

They’re all have zero lives, they even decided to become a mod for this website that only has a bunch of pickmes and trannies using it. I much rather be a troll/personalityfag than a soulless moderator doing stuff they aren’t getting paid for which is probably why they don’t care most of the times.

Anonymous 276913

God you are so fucking annoying.
>Moderation blackouts
This is the most dramatic possible way to refer to understaffing.

Anonymous 276915

I actually think the farmhands care, but in the sense that they hate us and care about making us suffer.

Anonymous 276917

Are you the same anon posting autistic predictions about WW3 in the general tinfoil thread? The reddit-spacing is so recognizable.

Anonymous 276918

There was a bestiality post left up for 9 hours the other day and porn left up for 7 hours. It's not an exaggeration to say blackout.

Anonymous 276919

Why don’t you apply to be a moderator then instead of being an annoying bitch? Too busy fucking your ugly nigel? Kek

Anonymous 276920

begging newfags to actually learn what reddit spacing is.

Anonymous 276921

I've been thinking this too.

Anonymous 276922

Every anon that uses paragraphs is apparently the same anon. Seriously?

Anonymous 276923

Are being for real. It's autistic as fuck to keep spamming it and then act like the mods are instigating some kind of psyop against you and then turn the spamming into a personalityfag. Like nobody gives a fuck about the spammer except for the carrey-chan tinfoilers.

Anonymous 276924

Because I'm not particularly bothered by the lack of moderation at night.

Anonymous 276925

Kek thank you, saved

Anonymous 276926

What is with the retarded white knighting surrounding the Jim Carrey anon and the /meta/ spammer.

Anonymous 276927

But she literally just said there was no psyop against her?

Anonymous 276928

It's in response to janny wks basically.

Anonymous 276929

Janny apps are worse than job applications I'm not writing over 2 pages of text just to remove child porn and gore off a gossip imageboard. Not her just a lazy neet

Anonymous 276930

See here kek >>276694
>they'll try to create a smear campaign to silence the concerns!!!

Anonymous 276931

That is reddit spacing you retard. Damn you guys love arguing over the stupidest shit

Anonymous 276932

file names are lik…

Anonymous 276933

They have you filling out a job application for something you’re doing for free. I think internet moderators are the scum of the earth, your laziness is a blessing in disguise.

Anonymous 276934


Reddit spacing would be like this:

When every sentence is spaced,

so that it reads like a weird

double-spaced essay.

Anonymous 276935

No, other anon is right. That's redditspacing but so is the other one.

Anonymous 276936

kek, based. Now everything is serious business there

Anonymous 276937

I’m tired of hyper policing on female imageboards while scrotes get to do whatever they want. Everybody step in line like it’s middle school!!! It’s so patronizing, idk what’s with women and wanting to rule over other women like it’s a fucking middle school government council or something.

Anonymous 276938

That's so concise and readable. You'll get all my updoots kind poster

Anonymous 276939

Farmhands do do this though? It's like when every mention of Cerbmin being a scrote or being just 1 person was scrubbed after Hellweek. Farmhands deleted something like 50 posts about it.
Idk how to tell you this but you've been psyoped into thinking writing in paragraphs is the same thing as reddit spacing. Do you want every long post to be a wall of text?

Anonymous 276940

Do you support trannies, just wondering.

Anonymous 276941


Fuck the CC trannyjans
Fuck the LC trannyjans
Fuck the 4chan trannyjans
Fuck the kiwifarms trannyjans
Fuck the reddit trannyjans
Fuck them straight into the underground

Anonymous 276942

Everything you say is correct about the site's moderation. I don't get why people are infighting with you.

Anonymous 276943

That isn't a "smear campaign" retard. That is just jannies being trannies. No, jannies aren't following the /meta/ spammer to claim they are carreychan. That is schizoid behavior.

Anonymous 276944

I can't do this anymore…please come back to me baby…I miss you…I need you…I'm sorry I ever took you for granted

Anonymous 276945

Because it's so obviously Carreychan kek.

Anonymous 276946

>No, jannies aren't following the /meta/ spammer to claim they are carreychan. That is schizoid behavior.
Nobody said this.

Anonymous 276947

That gif is killing me

Anonymous 276948

Literally who.

Anonymous 276949

Trannies have more freedom to be assholes but if an actual biological woman dares to be an anonymous asshole it’s extremely punishable. Ironically enough anti-tranny women allow trannies to have more freedom than they do. No I hate trannies, hate thottery, hate scrotes, hate sex work, hate porn, hate everything, can’t a woman hate everything?

Anonymous 276950

The spammer literally said this upthread about the tinfoil thread tinfoilers. Keep up.

Anonymous 276952

Same, lolcow will ban you or suppress discussion meanwhile CC will delete entire threads sometimes for no reason.
Because she's a personality fag and you don't have to announce who you are everytime you express an opinion, we are on a imageboard

Anonymous 276953

I don't get it either. I don't have the spam text handy, but I swear it read like: "Farmhands, why is there low moderation at night? If you need more farmhands, why don't you open applications? Where is Cerbmin?" I don't get how that is bait.

Anonymous 276954

Nobody said it was bait.

Anonymous 276955

Goddamnit lolcow why did you go down just as I got off of work.

Anonymous 276958

Exactly. Even if she's a personalityfag or whatever the fuck, she's not wrong. Kek. The moderation DOES go to shit at night and the admin is MIA for months.

Anonymous 276959


Okay does anyone know at exactly what time did the site go down? How long has it been? T minus?

Anonymous 276960

Nobody said she was wrong, just an annoying personalityfag who's most likely other personalityfags too.

Anonymous 276961

Carrey-chan revelations caused a meltdown

Anonymous 276962

about an half an hour to one hour or so

Anonymous 276963

I fucking love carreychan, shut up

Anonymous 276964

She loves trannies.

Anonymous 276965

About 2 hours I think

Anonymous 276966

NTA but yeah, I feel like personalityfags are a little bit more than just spamming a message for 4 days. I'm not calling the anon posting the cat and cow pics in General Meta Discussion a personalityfag and she's been doing basically the same thing as /meta/ spammer. If anything, I actually like that she posted about it here and told us why she was spamming to begin with. It made it make more sense to me.
I know it's not true obviously but I would just love it if Linda Hall was the one that attacked LC's host.

Anonymous 276967

I kinda hope it stays down so I can finally be free. The old LC is never coming back. It's time to let her go. You might even say…put her out to pasture.

Anonymous 276968

Who said personalityfags can’t bait a little bit? You have to change it up once in awhile

Anonymous 276969

lolcow has been pretty ass recently. the amount of people who actually care about shipping discourse is cringe and showing how many high schoolers are there for the summer

Anonymous 276970

kek, but CC is so dead, the closest thing to lolcow is Kiwifarms then, I can't let it go

Anonymous 276971

Carreychan does love trannies kek when she was found out she immediately edited her Carrey manifesto and then claimed it was Linda doing a psyop and then an anon in the vent thread posted some shit like "you people need help if this lives rent free in your head that much". She was pissed because she thought she could hide her tranny supporting ways. Fuck you carreychan.

Anonymous 276972

Warriors of Darkness are attacking the website. ALL NONAS: join me now in the astral plane to joint-manifest destruction onto the armies of Evil that attack our home.

Anonymous 276973

I'm more worried about fujo discoursers in my opinion. we were fine for years but now it infects every thread while they leave their groundhog day thread dead

Anonymous 276974

I hate to say it but KF is unironically better than LC lately. Way more milk and the forum segregation contains most of the political sperging to one place. The only downside is having to share a site with moods.

Anonymous 276975

I wish graduation/doomfags nothing but the worst. Still smirk thinking about the "graduated" that came back to say that all she did after leaving was get pumped and dumped

Anonymous 276976

I want dumbass shit back.

Anonymous 276977

>groundhog day
This is the second time I saw this wtf does it mean??? What does it have to do with the groundhog??? Is it meaning like the thread makes it winter for longer or what???

Anonymous 276978

So did lolcow go offline because carrey-chan was posting unhinged, legally dubious stuff? Last I saw she was stuffing flyers in airports. 4chan accidentally nuked a bunch of boards last week because of bomb talk on g

Anonymous 276979

Samefag but I guess if you use LC lately you also have to share the site with moids, kek.

Anonymous 276980

That is not legally dubious. All she was doing was paranoid schizo shit.

Anonymous 276981

I will NEVER forget that one anon 5 or 6 months ago that made it a point to make this huge rant about how she hated the website and she was leaving, and then she made a post in /meta/ or something and a farmhand outed her as being the same anon that made that huge rant.

Anonymous 276982

it's the influx of children revitalizing it. retarded. i cannot give a fuck about people shipping incest in anime or whatever, there's no milk. one of the recent art cow threads was full of people saying problematic unironically and it made me want to gouge my eyes out

Anonymous 276983

The fliers were definitely not a real thing. I think she was just high on her bipolar pills and alcohol and was having fun.

Anonymous 276984

I hate that small group of fujochan discordfags that are constantly personalityfagging and accusing each other of personalityfagging. I'm pretty sure they're some of the only people who post in the yaoi and fujo discourse threads at this point.

Anonymous 276985

Anything dodgy in airports get glowie attention fast though

Anonymous 276986

It's not being a doomerfag to see the writing on the wall. The admin hasn't posted in months and the quality of the site is going downhill.

Anonymous 276987

They shouldn't have allowed the skirby thread. I was happy when it was made so that ridiculous photoshoppers would stop being spammed by newfags, but i swear it had attracted a lot of underage users.

Anonymous 276988

i miss my lolcor it was my only friend

Anonymous 276990


chanting Mooooo

Anonymous 276991

If you prescribe to the 'Cerbmin is Shaymin' theory, then you know that this is normal for 'her' to do when things get tough.

Anonymous 276992

It's based on a movie where a guy has to repeat the same day over and over, time loop ya know. Like always the same arguments and fights in the fujo discourse thread

Anonymous 276993

How many of you go on Kiwifarms or use Kiwifarms more than LC? What other sites do you now like using other than LC and this place?

Anonymous 276994

Omfg I thought you meant the day in February where the groundhog comes out of his hole… Now I feel dumb kek

Anonymous 276995

anything to increase activity. even if it decreases the quality of the rest of the site with who it attracts

Anonymous 276996

Atleast there's the man-hate thread and the beauty parlor where you can clown on moids, but it'll never be lolcow in her prime

Anonymous 276997

I only use KF to keep up with cows that I follow. I find that too many users on there try way too hard to be funny or quippy to get upvotes or whatever instead of just focusing on the milk.

Anonymous 276998

I don't use KF because it's full of men and pro tranny shit, I wished onionfarms or whatever it's called was more active

Anonymous 276999

Astral plane is for fags. Nightmare mindscape is where it's at

Anonymous 277000

KF is full of men but it's definitely not protranny, lol. They have GC threads and a whole subforum dedicated to troons.

Anonymous 277001

I lurk but I don't want to have to make an account.

Anonymous 277002

Hey if you want to join in on the joint-manifestation from the nightmare mindscape that's cool but don't call us astral plane 5DD people fags because that's not true.

Anonymous 277003

Don't worry anon, lots of expressions in english make no sense or are just references to something, you just sorta pick them up. I fucking hate the cake one though, you guys switched it all around somewhere and now you can't even say the expression properly or people look at you weird

Anonymous 277004

Remember how she said she was wanting to move to LA and become a famous influencer just to infiltrate the LA comedy scene and expose everyone but feared for her life. Like what would she expose? Sexual assault? Cheating? Rape? That's every comedy scene in the world. It's all just a boys' club. I don't understand why she thinks Jim Carrey and co are in some blood brothers type of comedy cult where she'd get killed if she spilled the beans and not have a whole PR campaign to make her look like a mentally unwell person.

Anonymous 277005

The Exulansic thread was full of protranny shit, like no actual milk at all if I recall correctly, such a disappointment

Anonymous 277006

Lately I've been using kiwifarms a lot more these past few months since lolcow is like this. Following cows there lately and having lots of laughs, I've been noticing an increase of female users clowning on moids, and if you're here thank you, those guys should stay in their autistic thunderdome

Anonymous 277007

>Remember how…
I'll be so real with you I don't follow her like that I don't know every ramble she's gone on. I would seriously doubt anything anyone on LC says. I don't think she needs a PR team to make her look unwell, she does that flawlessly herself already.

Anonymous 277008

Tumblr is kind of cozy these days. Slow as fuck since the mass exodus of coomers. Not good for chatting but good for scrolling, pictures, and fandom.

Anonymous 277009

I may have overreacted but come on astral plane fucking suuuuucckkkks. If you're not able to get a lick of incomprehensible horrors from beyond the veil I really dont see the point of projecting.

Anonymous 277010

I've been on Tumblr since like 2013 kek. I have a blog with 20k followers that I use to scam troons and make money off them.

Anonymous 277011

Sorry, she just spams the dumbassshit thread with all her mental illness speak, so anons in the dumbassshit threads have to entertain the resident personalityfag lest she swallows all her bipolar meds and alcohol at hand.

Anonymous 277012

KF is full of both men and women (but more men). And it's not pro tranny idk where you got that info from. Maybe you've seen some bait/troll posts/threads

Anonymous 277014

Maybe this is mean but I kind of wish she would. Not so that she could die but so that she could realize she needs to be institutionalized for a while.

Anonymous 277015

I unironically like the Man-Hate thread and Beauty Parlor on KF. The users there are funny and more chill than most farmers. The downside of KF is that randomly autistic males post their manifestos or talk about how much they want to fuck a cow but they usually get clowned on like you said.

Anonymous 277016

She's enabled by the moidhating demographic of lolcow. It's tough because moids are a stain on everything but to tell the local schizo that yes the moid you are in a parasoical relationship with and BPD split on is a horrible person who's done horrible things and he deserves punishment…. then we're shocked she's printing out fliers to spread at airports and shit. She just needs to have her computer taken away for a long, long time.

Anonymous 277017

Can someone please tldr me on this Carreyfag shit what are you guys even talking about?

Anonymous 277020

Okay basically all you need to know is there is one personalityfag on LC that is in love with Jim Carrey but she's very deep in denial about it and she's somewhat of a tsundere and she just spergs about Jim Carrey constantly and she's made a ~200k word long fanfic about him and constantly spread that around the farms.

Anonymous 277021

KF allows both trannies and pro-tranny users since the site is all about free speech or whatever, doesn't mean site is pro-tranny, users will clown on them with Null even joining in in rare cases.
Same you can tell it kinda started as lolcow manhater thread lite but it's so funny now and nice to vent sometimes while in lolcow you'll be called a cocksucker

Anonymous 277022

>about a year or two ago an anon obsessed with Jim Carrey popped up
>posted about him in celebricows
>got really annoying with it
>started making long blogposts about her declining mental health
>always with a picture of Jim Carrey
>suddenly hates Jim Carrey because he caused his ex-girlfriend's suicide
>now shits up dumbass shit thread with her mental unwellness about trying to reveal "the truth" that Jim Carrey full on murdered his ex girlfriend
That's pretty much it.

Anonymous 277023

It’s literally trannies

Anonymous 277024

>got really annoying with it
Biggest understatement of the century kek

Anonymous 277025

I don't care how good the drama is (and it really rarely is, their tastes in cows isn't up my alley), I wouldn't ever sign up there. It's a disgusting place through and through.
In what world is onionfarms any better? It's made up exclusively of people who were too much even for KF.

Anonymous 277026

>Poster hates old Jimmy C for reasons I'm not enough of a lore fag to understand
>Prints out a bunch of flyers and spams on lolcow, 4chan and other sites how she's going to pass them out every where including airports
>Lolcow finds out she's a tranny supporter today (or yesterday timezones and all) and they righteously rips her apart until the site has an oopsie

Anonymous 277027

Yeah, it looks like it's a host error not a cloudflare error. When I saw this before, it was when they forgot to pay the server bill. It's near the end of the month and it's a long weekend, so it makes sense that the bill date would be earlier than expected.

It's kind of more proof that Cerbmin has been ignoring the site recently. I really do wonder how the staff communicate with each other, like are they just all on a Discord or something?

Anonymous 277028

The thing about carreychan is she's always had delusions of persecution more or less. I remember some posts she made about anons trying to be nice to her for nefarious purposes and not because she comes off as mentally challenged in some ways. She went through a solitary hermit lolcow phase for a bit I remember.

Anonymous 277029


Did admin finally give up or what I need to post new info of my cow

Anonymous 277031

We will never get LC back because pedowood is behind this, LC is a confirmed terrorist cell by the fbi and so will be CC

Anonymous 277032

Wow beautiful Blingee art

Anonymous 277033

I'll pay the bills at this point. Just give me back my lolcow

Anonymous 277034

what does that imply to /cgl/ then?

Anonymous 277038

I know Cereb foots the bills but how much could it cost to host lolcow? Like 1k-5k a year? Open donos again

Anonymous 277041

All anonymous female online spaces are monitored and controlled through shills, disinformation and provoked infighting

Anonymous 277044

I would honestly venture to say around 7k in a year.

Anonymous 277045

agreed, mrs scribe was a glowie

Anonymous 277046


He's so fucking ugly too like what was she even seeing in the first place.

Anonymous 277047

why specifically female

Anonymous 277048

AHHHHH!!! spoiler this shit you almost gave me a heart attack

Anonymous 277049

I was thinking this too, tbh. The political agenda posting has ramped up with the coming US presidential election and it doesn't seem all organic.

Anonymous 277050

No anon. I'm bipolar and pop pills. I'm unhealthily obsessed with a man who doesn't know me. You mist see him because I'm bipolar and depressed kind of like how he is.

Anonymous 277052

Because we resist the troon shit and most of us know the true nature of scrotes

Anonymous 277053

>most of us know the true nature of scrotes
Well everyone except de/g/enerates.

Anonymous 277054

s, do you use emoticons outside of lc?

Anonymous 277056

I will admit he was cuter pre-wall, you know when he wore glasses.

Anonymous 277057

I still know it, I'm just horny sometimes . Don't blame the sinner

Anonymous 277058

You can know the true nature and willingly participate regardless.

Anonymous 277059

No he was not.

Anonymous 277060

Is it just me or are certain words blocked here

Anonymous 277062

I think he was, that's all that matters to ME.

Anonymous 277063

Emoticons? Yes, emojis? No
Yes, I remember a word filter being implemented unless they changed it

Anonymous 277064

i think you can but i hate the retards who act like emoticons are a sin as if it wasn't a staple of early internet

Anonymous 277066

How did the flier thing go for you?

Anonymous 277067

I'm happy she does it but I can't imagine why you'd pay that much for a site you can't use on you're resume or anything. I'm sure she's English so maybe it's some blessed royal shitposter or a MI6 honeypot

Anonymous 277068

What's the difference between an emoticon and an emoji?

Anonymous 277069

true but i was assuming moids tend to get psyoped into shit more since they're more susceptible

Anonymous 277070

It was alright.

Anonymous 277071

You can't use emoticons or emojis in lolcow, it sucks a lot in chiller threads but I get it

Anonymous 277072

Same. I've gotten used to not using them on LC but I wish we could

Anonymous 277073

Strange how good the moderation is all of a sudden despite cc having countless cp issues…spite is really a motivator

Anonymous 277074

Oh nononono

Anonymous 277075

So how do you feel about trannies?

Anonymous 277076

they're not more susceptible, they just don't care and aren't as affected. Why would you stop something that benefits you?

Anonymous 277077

I don't mind emoticons, but man, I hate emojis. Especially that crying emoji that zoomers use to denote laughing

Anonymous 277078

Hate em.

Anonymous 277079

Can you shit up the bunker thread instead of this one?

Anonymous 277082

They have had word lists here from day 1, calm down retard

Anonymous 277083

Suuuuure, carreychan.

Anonymous 277085

Emoticon uses stuff that's available in unicode text like (´・ω・`)
Emojis are the little images

Anonymous 277086

Haha, you got me it's me.

Anonymous 277087

Emoticons are what were used before emojis. Emoticons are like ":D" or "-_-" and emojis are the fat ugly yellow faces on keyboards

Anonymous 277088

I think it's too late for that now

Anonymous 277089

No, it was Jim's doing. kek.

Anonymous 277090

isn't it well established that the alphabet letter agencies groom young men with issues to do shit like shootings? but yes i agree that it benefits them to do that to female spaces too

Anonymous 277091

TBH this might sound stupid to everyone but I'm autistic and sometimes on LC I wish that there was like 2-3 emoticons that weren't banned so that I could more easily understand how someone is replying or posting. Sometimes anons will say something and I can't tell if they mean it in an ironic funny way or in a mean cruel way, so I don't know how to engage. I understand why moderation bans them, and I know my problem isn't felt by a lot of other anons, but I also think if we just had like a smiley option or a winky face it would make infights decrease too. It'd be easier to tell when someone is saying something tongue in cheek maybe.
CC is so slow that it doesn't matter which thread we pick. We picked this one so that's it.

Anonymous 277093

Jim Carrey is too busy sexuslly assaulting teenage Ukrainian "models" or something.

Anonymous 277095

Great so now he's pro-Kremlin too

Anonymous 277096

I want this thread to stay readable though for actual criticism about lcf, guess I'll just spam report you kek

Anonymous 277097

Okay but can you report everyone else as well so it's fair

Anonymous 277098

Of course

Anonymous 277101

Okay thank you

Anonymous 277104

I feel lolcow users are like concentrated chaos

Anonymous 277106

I've been saying for a while that it almost feels like LC needs tone indicators or some shit. Kek. Since you can't use emojis it's like you need a fucking /s or people don't get humor. I've been banned for things I thought we're obvious jokes interpreted as bait or infighting.

Anonymous 277109

Yes always, it's what I grew up with

Anonymous 277111

Just say "jk", or something

Anonymous 277112

tone indicators would just attract more twitterfags/tiktokers though… this would be stopped if mods chilled a bit and had a sense of humor

Anonymous 277115


Anonymous 277118

(The part about using tone indicators on lolcow was sarcasm.)

Anonymous 277119

Yeah, I get what you mean. Sometimes when I see an infight, my autism senses tingle and I can tell that one of the participants only got angry and started infighting because she couldn't sense the irony or sarcasm in the other's reply. I know on some other boards they have like a few emoticons to choose from (some even have special little pictures). On LC you can only do the special heart, and even then I've been banned for that and I've had to appeal because some newfags don't know the heart is allowed.
Sadly I've been banned for saying "jk" at the end of my posts before.

Anonymous 277125

The hell? What was the ban message?

Anonymous 277130

I'll never forgive shaymin for killing lolcow. We can back and forth about what subgroup of annoying posters "caused the downfall" all day long, but what really killed the site was when it went down for 50% of the userbase for months with no updates or resolution. That was the nail in the coffin. After that we never regained the traffic.

Anonymous 277132

The modding on lc is really out of control. I'm still permabanned for posting a screenshot in /meta/ months ago, my appeals are ignored, no ban message.

Anonymous 277134

It was annoying because my post was something so mundane and when I appealed it they unbanned me. I think sometimes farmhands don't actually check what they're banning, they just go by reports and drop the hammer.

Anonymous 277136

you're so clockable. every time you bring up 'certain users' and the 'traffic' that lolcow historically cared about so much

Anonymous 277137

I'll never forget the admin silence about the /m/assacre

Anonymous 277139

If you're gonna make schizo accusations can you at least elaborate more so us medicated people can understand what you're saying?

Anonymous 277140

I saw a learn to integrate on some innocuous green text today and I can only assume it was because the post said uwu, even though it was being used in the context of mocking a consoomer in the appropriate thread

Anonymous 277144

I think the problem is that being an active farmhand probably requires you to be autistic

Anonymous 277149

IDK there's one farmhand that I like that I think does have autism because when I'm banned we will have convos through the ban and appeal and she'll explain stuff to me

Anonymous 277151

I can appreciate a farmhand like that

Anonymous 277155

ayrt. What. kek. Like Jesus christ man. I make one post and immediately a schizo shoots me. Someone fill me in i'm not backreading this whole thread

Anonymous 277158

Yeah she's really nice but I think it's just 1 of them because when I'm banned she will say like "again! stop it kek" or things like that and then in the appeal I'll usually say something like "ugh I know i'm sorry kek," so some of them do have a sense of humour about it at least
Basically if you complain about moderation they'll call you Carreychan or /meta/ spammer, who are apparently the same person to them.

Anonymous 277165

Ohhhhhh thanks, I get it now. This is the new evolution of the schizotroon's tactics. Out with the "campers" and "(I forget the nickname he gave people he was accusing of being dumbass-shit spammers, anyone remember?)", in with the "carreychan". My god he really only has one strategy.

Anonymous 277170

that's so cute

Anonymous 277176

Yeah it's cringey but once I posted this really depressing horrible thing and she banned me for it but in the ban message she just asked if I was okay and told me to appeal to write back and when I would she'd ban me again to reply and she ended up sending me some really helpful links to stuff that made me feel better I appreciated her a lot.

Anonymous 277178

This is pro-farmhand propaganda. Don't you see? She's trying to get you to LIKE the farmhands!

Anonymous 277179

It's fun to play into a schizo accusing you of being a personalityfag, I know others find it annoying but I like making those anons feel stoooopid

Anonymous 277180

Like four years ago, I saw someone else say something extremely similar about her and one of the jannies; interesting people

Anonymous 277181

im about to give up and go to sleep

Anonymous 277182

let's be honest this could last weeks

Anonymous 277183

I think sometimes maybe they see some of themselves in us and they want to help or maybe their hearts are just filled with compassion for a moment

Anonymous 277184

im so bored i miss unpopular opinions. i even miss bjchan, that’s how homesick i am

Anonymous 277185

Omfg can you imagine if when it comes back up it's like NuCow 2.0

Anonymous 277186

i have ptsd

Anonymous 277187

Sometimes I feel like admitting to whatever flavor of the week anons accuse you of just for the chaos of it all. We can all be Carreychan if we try.

Anonymous 277189

nah it's gonna be /m/assacre 2 where we lose a board

Anonymous 277190

I still remember the day I saw NuCow for the first time. I literally decided to quit the website and I didn't go back for like 4 months and then when I did I realized it was back to normal.

Anonymous 277193

So it's been 3 hours. I guess I should just kill myself. What's even the point of being alive if I can't nitpick Jill's appearance?

Anonymous 277194

>(I forget the nickname he gave people he was accusing of being dumbass-shit spammers, anyone remember?)
"shitspergs" kek

Anonymous 277197

What's NuCow

Anonymous 277198

I missed NuCow entirely I was using the website, just something with the url just made it never appear to me was it that bad?

Anonymous 277199

Hell yeah anon, I'm already on that level but I'm also an oldfag who just wants to have fun online.

Anonymous 277200

Didn't she make a post like 2 months after explaining why she did that was because she was schizophrenic and lapsed on her Abilify prescription? I swear I remember this post because when I read it I actually laughed out loud.

Anonymous 277201

i lost all faith in humanity that day

Anonymous 277202

One thing I don't like about cc is that your posts will be deleted with no red text and no explanation and it just makes me feel depressed kek. I know that sounds dumb but it makes me feel like my posts don't matter.

Anonymous 277203

KEK thank you anon it was on the tip of my tongue

Anonymous 277204

>can't post the word "bleak" in Shayna's thread repeatedly
why even live

Anonymous 277205

It wasn't even so much that NuCow was particularly bad looking or anything, it was just how it was sprung on us. Totally by surprise with no user input. It made me feel shafted and irritated. Plus how we almost lost all the threads.

Anonymous 277207

That's what I'm fucking saying like I just had to pop a diazepam because this shit is making me go crazy I need to call Jill fugly I need to please God please

Anonymous 277209

and we did lose all of /m/ for like a year(?). Disaster.
Yup between that and the site being inaccessible to a huge portion of users for months was a near death blow

Anonymous 277211

Yes and sometimes I wish I could use ^_^ on lolcor because it's my favorite

Anonymous 277212

It was more than a year and the old threads are still not indexed in the catalog.

Anonymous 277214

And the thing I still don't get is WHY did admin do that? Like for what reason? Was it a vanity thing? It's like if Caesar said "I came to LC when it was an IB of marble and I left it an IB of shit turds."

Anonymous 277215

I wanna use :^) when I'm being smug

Anonymous 277216

and she was so fucking butthurt when surprise nobody fucking wanted that

Anonymous 277217

I wanna use -_- when I'm unimpressed

Anonymous 277218

>and fandom.
Absolutely not. Tumblr fandoms are still full of gendies, and not even just for series that attract dumb teens or whatever but also live-action shows and movies where most of the fans are 20-30+, like even older fans drank the koolaid. Sorry for the rant just pissed at how they're unavoidable (and how they apply bizarre twitter-tier headcanons towards the real actors themselves, like they almost made me hate my favorite one. it's why I don't share him outside of LC)

Anonymous 277221

I still don't understand why it had to be done during a holiday family vacation

Anonymous 277222

The whining and the martyr attitude seriously pissed me off.
My timeline is a little fuzzy but it happened during xmas right?

Anonymous 277223

Tumblr is still cozy for small/dead fandoms of old shit. There will be a gendie hc or 2 but you can filter that shit on tumblr unlike twitter.

Anonymous 277232

I think it was to update the mod tools so that it can be easier to ban raiders/cp/etc. She still shouldn't have done it near the holidays though.

Anonymous 277234

Yes, waking up near Christmas to find out my favorutie website on the entire internet besides Wikipedia was turned into garbage really made me realize Santa wasn't real and that sometimes he doesn't bring gifts for Yule - sometimes he brings suffering.

Anonymous 277235

Yeah, iirc, the claim was that shaymin tried to pull off whatever the "site change" was supposed to be during like her winter vacation from school, whatever that's called in the uk

Anonymous 277241

Wasn't she also like supposed to be handing off the website around that time?

Anonymous 277242

Lolcow.farm is a good example on why certain women should not be in STEM. Keep the retarded bitches out, we need the NEET gamedev spergs who love the general art thread running the website

Anonymous 277246

Usually this gets banned on LC, but it's CC so we can talk about it: a lot of people theorize that the last admin never 'handed off' the site to anybody. We think she got so embarrassed by her fuck up that she just roleplayed leaving and started using a new name and ## tag colour.

Anonymous 277248

The admin is a man in digital womanface.

Anonymous 277249

That's cute, wish her all the best

Anonymous 277251


It seems like you might be right…

Anonymous 277255

Woah. This isn't looking good kek.

My tinfoil is the 'serious problem' is that the farmhands haven't heard from cerbmin in more than a month and they're powerless to do anything about host issues without the admin pass.

Who wants to bet a lot of great threads are about to be lost?

Anonymous 277257

this seems bad

Anonymous 277258

Which boards do you think we will lose? I predict either /w/ or /g/
Make your bets

Anonymous 277260

I've always thought I was a cursed person. With a reverse midas touch. What if it's my fault and I spread my curse to lc and that's why it's down now? kek

Anonymous 277261

I hope it's /ot/

Anonymous 277262

Who knew Linda Hall was so good at hacking and coding?

Anonymous 277263

Imagine if the only boards that got saved were fucking /sty/ and /cream/ KEK

Anonymous 277264

you’re so annoying

Anonymous 277265

By the way, we should move to the lolcow bunker thread.
the great /w/ and /snow/ merge happens and we get /snoww/. Inshallah.

Anonymous 277269

>implying anyone in the history of lolcow has actually touched stem with a 10 foot pole and not just winged it

Anonymous 277270

I wish omegle was still alive but also a woman only one somehow. I want to schizo post about celebrity death theories and get in an argument

Anonymous 277271

we should move, yeah

Anonymous 277272

Okay but do we all agree too because this thread is really fun and I don't wanna move and then some of us are still here and I'm not part of the fun anymore

Anonymous 277273

you can use filters on twitter too though

Anonymous 277274

one of the the least funny most forced in"jokes" lc has ever had genuinely go fuck yourself, avatarfag

Anonymous 277275

I want to vent that I hate the fact they don't use the cute Hetalia character in the America threads anymore and I am not even a burguer

Anonymous 277277

Sorry I made the recent Amerifag thread pic, I only made it American Dad themed because I knew if I didn't make a nice one with that theme they would have just picked an ugly American Dad pic instead. I agree that the American Dad thing is really forced and not funny. I was especially annoyed by that one sperg in Unpopular Opinions that kept reeing about the difference between meme and motif vis a vis American Dad

Anonymous 277283

lol you just know fanny is praying to her dead dad right now that lc never comes back online

Anonymous 277284

lolcor romance…. cute

Anonymous 277294

>kept reeing about the difference between meme and motif
that anon gave me secondhand embarrassment. like just stop trying to force it lol

Anonymous 277298

Yeah I was actually getting kind of embarrassed for her too. Like okay it's American Dad it's not a meme or a motif it's just lame. It's not even a good show.

Anonymous 277303


Sometimes I do but it's a struggle since one person alone can't make the forum not dead.

Anonymous 277311

I agree but also is that pic edited? One of the fish people looks so out of place the one in the middle?

Anonymous 277318


kek nona that's cece !

Anonymous 277319


That's Cece, you uncultured swine.

Anonymous 277321

Plz no cry lizard girl :(

Anonymous 277330

Do you guys have a dress up games/picrew thread?

Anonymous 277337



Anonymous 277341

They don't have anything here just empty hallways and lost dreams

Anonymous 277343

I wanna postttttttt on lolcowwwwww even though there’s so many dumb normieeeesss now

Anonymous 277348

I don't think it would hurt to make one on /img/

Anonymous 277353

Nobody better touch /2X/
Inb4 I’m suspected to be cocksucker chan

Anonymous 277374

you can always become one of us

Anonymous 277380

Ntayrt but no offense but the only time your site is ever fun is when LC is offline. Admin and staff here should figure out a way to revitalize CC and to make necessary changes to address the lack of userbase. I like LC a lot because the threads are all so organized, here it's like there's a million threads about bullshit that nobody cares about and each has like 5-6 replies in a timespan of 8 months.

Anonymous 277409

I know, I deleted my post in shame.

Anonymous 277428


I miss seeing him pop up when I browsed /ot/, it always made me check out the thread. Now I just hide anything with American Dad as a threadpic because I find it offensive.

Anonymous 277433

Kek. You find an American guy being the Amerifags threadpic offensive because the threadpic should be an asian American impersonator from some tv show?

Anonymous 277434

be sure to listen to farmers on how to make your site better, miners! don't you want your website to be a rotting, abysmally moderated female reddit clone constantly on the brink of collapse and brimming with personalityfags, schizos, /pol/bait, and infighting just like theirs? love all my s, sweet sweet s <3

Anonymous 277435

>noonnie is filtered here
based and kek

Anonymous 277436


Samefag, I couldn’t decide between these two images so here is the other one. When will you return, my precious Alfred-kun…

Anonymous 277449


Stan did it better

Anonymous 277458


He's so fucking ugly I tryed making him lookg like a normal person but its hard Fuck Family guy

Anonymous 277460

do not disrespect alfred you piece of shit non weebs shouldnt even be allowed on lolcor

Anonymous 277461


Cece makes me think of gossip thread on /dev but I'm not sure if she is a muraena

Anonymous 277462

Stan is a KING

Anonymous 277463

Anonymous 277464

What the fuck anon he looks like he's wearing a mummified face. Anyways if it were Roger or Frannie used for the threadpics I wouldn't find them so ugly but Stan is a confirmed microdick uggo, I did the calculations. Also I hate motifchan shut up!

Anonymous 277466


We are witnessing gentrification in real time. Sad to see n0nnies, sad to see

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