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I wish I was a nun Anonymous 295646

Imagine not paying rent and doing wholesome charity work

Anonymous 295648

I'll help society, just must get even with it first, by injecting an ocean of pain.

Anonymous 295649

Wasn't there a medieval case where an entire nun convent was basically a giant harem for the abbess in charge?

Anonymous 295650

Read The Decameron.

Anonymous 295651

It'd be nice if men weren't awful and religion didn't suck.

Anonymous 295862

>hello fellow women, isn't the idea of joining [MY IDEA OF A GOOD MALE-CONTROLLED FEMALE VOCATION] fantastic
>I sure wish that I, who am definitely a woman, could do that
This is the second nun thread I've seen recently >>260672 and I'm starting to wonder now if it's some /pol/ moid thinking he's succeeding in psyopping people into his chosen target. If you browse retardpill boards you can see these kinds pop up with their hot takes on psychology and the opposite sex, most of which are woefully immature/oversimplified/inaccurate. There's always a few of them floating around going "watch guys, if I infiltrate a female community and talk up being <thing> they'll all go 'wow you are right I will immediately go do <thing>' because women are a hivemind herd animal and I am a genius, you guys just aren't handling The Females correctly", and this is on the usual list of shit they like to pick. Tradwifing, stuff involving male religious orders, pushing women onto doing behaviors men personally find attractive, and so on. It's kind of sad.

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