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Lolcow.farm hate thread #10 Anonymous 299049

last thread >>>/b/281208

Anonymous 299109

So, if I want to host a movie, would I have to email admin for them to make the announcement post?

Anonymous 299129

Are they banning IP ranges and doing auto-bans now? Tried to post and literally got an instaban message for an "unspecified reason"

Anonymous 299133

They've done that to more than one anon in a clump of bans given out a few days ago, all with no reason

Anonymous 299139

Is the vpn ban even real? Doesn't restrict mine.

Anonymous 299144

Autobans have been around for a while. Some images will trigger the autoban. I assume this was done due to raids and CP.

My VPN is banned but then I have made various admins aware that it was a VPN.

Anonymous 299148

vpns can never truly be banned because you can use smaller known servers that nobody knows about or change routers. idk why these faggots think that doing a vpn ban will change anything as if anyone with even the slightest tech literacy can just find another way kek

Anonymous 299149

Which one do you use?

Anonymous 299151

I didn't post any images though

Anonymous 299153


God /ot/ is so fucking boring now. These bitches are just blogposting about mundane shit in their lives while acting so quirky about it. I'll probably be more entertained browsing /ck/ instead. No wonder moids think women are boring.

Anonymous 299157


Millions must bake.

Anonymous 299158

This is true of any food. You have to fuck up hard for it to be worse than the store bought equivalent.

Anonymous 299159

yeah it's so much better to churn in emotional turmoil and resentment like we do here, I bet the guys see that and are like "damn shorty let's get married and buy a house in the kind of outer suburbs that are almost countryside but still close enough to main routes that you can be at a good restaurant in under 25 minutes"

Anonymous 299162

Bread sucks, fuck breadposters

Anonymous 299163

Farmhands can't get me, I'm behind seven proxies. When they ip track and round the rest of you up to put you in badfem prison, I will bake you bread with files in it so you can break out.

Anonymous 299164

Bread is terrific, fuck you

Anonymous 299165

Bread is life.

Anonymous 299167

misread it as "flies" at first and immediately imagined a bunch of s breaking out of badfem prison and riding on giant flies back to our beloved farms

Anonymous 299169

I'm not sure what you're expecting from reading "food general #1" like if it is too boring for you just scroll down to something more interesting?

Anonymous 299170

why are you being so bitter. let her post about her bread weirdo

Anonymous 299171

what do you call that meme format where it's a two panel comic at the top where one person walks by another person, who says something innocuous, and then the other person says "y-you too" or similar. And then the bottom panel is the first person seething on a chan about it.

Anonymous 299175

It's the same poster that spammed the funny cap thread and had a melt down on there when other anons said that her caps weren't funny. She posted really embarrassing stan Twitter vids when she got called out and chimped out until farmhands started deleting her posts. It's weird.

Anonymous 299176


Anonymous 299177

kekkkkk bless you for this

Anonymous 299179

Anonymous 299185

Yet here you are

Anonymous 299190

Anonymous 299192

>ugly man psyop thread
>”we hate ugly men!!”
>same posters quick to worship and make threads about a hideous meatball and spaghetti person who was already rich and could afford healthcare + connected to nancy pelosi
>retarded normies and retarded newfaggots praising the scrote as a lower class folk hero when he’s just a narcissistic interconnected fed puppet
>ceo is going to be replaced pretty soon
>there’s nothing you can do about these mega rich bloodsuckers as they are always two steps ahead
>kek at the average poorfag “intelligence” and reasoning capability which is already severely lacking
>it was already doomed from the start
I haven’t been on there since the vpn ban but are the tinfoilfags at least seeing through this obvious BS?

Anonymous 299193

unrelated to your gay post but god she’s so pretty (unlike the typical lolcow posters)

Anonymous 299194

Easiest way to get around this is just using your phone internet if you’re lazy kek >>299175
Schizo levels of false intuition, you will never know who’s posting so give it up glowie let her hate breadposters

Anonymous 299195

>there’s nothing you can do about these mega rich bloodsuckers as they are always two steps ahead
well evidently you can shoot them to death, two steps is well within range

Anonymous 299196

You can post on more than one board a day. I can post here, I can post there, I can post anywhere. One fish, two fish, three fish, blue fish.

Anonymous 299197

Yes you big fat fucking retard and what’s going to happen? They replace them and they’ll keep replacing them, killing one old bastard isn’t going to tear down the healthcare system especially when the man behind the gun is someone from that same very privileged background as the CEO, poetic irony lol! Man you’re so fucking stupid no wonder these rich parasites hate us KEKK

Anonymous 299199


Anonymous 299200

Is that bofa?

Anonymous 299201

Lol I was thinking the same thing while looking for a pic to put there. She is so beautiful

Anonymous 299203

Yeah because only one person in the entire website uses the Jungle theme… You sound like one of those faggots who obsess over personalityfags and think everyone you disagree with is the same person.

Anonymous 299204

The cap thread sperg was having an episode I defended her at first too but it wasn't normal

Anonymous 299206

What if a cow killed themselves, law enforcement got involved and wanted farmers information for “cyber-bullying?” I was going to break and post without a VPN until thinking about that.

Anonymous 299212

Law enforcement doesn't give a shit about anyone. Only busting people who piss them off.

Anonymous 299213

>what's going to happen?
CEOs might start saying to themselves "is it really worth living in fear of people gunning me down in the street like a dog to make the line go up 15 points instead of 10?", that's kind of the optimum outcome

Anonymous 299214

Honestly if something like that happened to something like a troon, LC would probably face the same issues KF faced during keffals thing. Being dropped by hosting, blocked from ISPs, DDOS protection being dropped (idk if it even has that). I’d find that way more likely than them being subpoenaed for IP’s. They’re hosted in bongland, right? In the US you’d be protected by Section 230.

Anonymous 299215

Everything you said is true. Goddamn it is so blackpilling anon, when can we finally get off this ride?
Lol like what happened with Kiwifarms? I highly doubt it, like the other anon said law enforcement really doesn’t care about anything or anybody

Anonymous 299219

Nobody is saying that every person that uses the Jungle theme is the same person. We're saying that the one anon that uses the jungle theme, uploads the same unfunny bullshit with the same file names, and chimps out for no reason is the same person.

She's still posting unfunny caps but she's started to use different (yet still underused) themes and switching up the file names, but now that she had her weird meltdown it's pretty obvious which posts are hers.

When she just started spamming random caps that night and farmhands deleted about 30 posts from her… that's when I knew we were dealing with a real retard. I hate that the most recent funny caps thread barely has any funny caps.

Anonymous 299227

Didn’t that event cause KF to get hacked and for user data to get compromised?

Anonymous 299230


Oh yeah, I completely forgot. I guess it wasn’t important to me because I always used a VPN to access, and had a separate email / password for my KF account. But yeah it totally did have user data get compromised. Or possibly compromised? Apparently whoever did it tried to download all the data at once and caused an error.

Anonymous 299232

I don't think any of the anons here care if guys want to marry them based on their posts. Bit of a retarded response

Anonymous 299238

I don't think you understand. All the attention he's getting will encourage others to do the same, which is a good thing in the long run.

Anonymous 299257

this is such a pathetic way of thinking

Anonymous 299258

Anonymous 299259

He's obviously handsome to anyone unless you're a jealous scrote
I hate the posters in that thread though, especially since the dude was outed as one of those weird esoteric twitter libertarian that fanboys on Musk and Thiel like what more does one need to get completely turned off I honestly don't get them.

Anonymous 299264

Screenshot 2024-12…

They're such a circlejerk echochamber about it too

Anonymous 299265

anti-yume opinions…

it's probably considered anti-yume posting outside of containment

Anonymous 299268

Null's been subpoenaed multiple times. People can say law enforcement doesn't care but they clearly do (about some things).

Anonymous 299269

This is why I like cc better. Miners are a lot more chill.

Anonymous 299270


Why did anon delete? Kekkk

Anonymous 299273

retard jannie probably deleted it since i've noticed a lot of other posts itt got deleted. honestly luigi contrarians are pathetic. you don't see young rich people killing ceos these days so no shit people are going to be talking about it. things most likely wont change but let people have fun smh

Anonymous 299275

at this point it has become more a meme than anything. he's the harambe of 2024

Anonymous 299279

posting about how much you want to suck some moid’s shlong is such a poor and desperate attempt to get someone else to do your bidding for you. especially knowing how many farmers and miners do nothing with their life anyways but they’d still rather attempt to be a keyboard warrior, thinking making a blingee of a shitty vigilante is some sort of “activism” and people who disagree with that approach are upholding the system lmao. it’s stupid.

Anonymous 299280

Nigga nobody thinks it's activism we are having fun kek.

Anonymous 299281

Anonymous 299282

"Attention" being made a working class hero meme on Twitter, not as in writing fanfic about him crying while he cums.

Anonymous 299283

read the chain of posts you’re replying to

Anonymous 299284

I did.

Anonymous 299286

>honestly luigi contrarians are pathetic
I don't hate luigi, I hate farmers who love him

Anonymous 299288

Bitter Betty.

Anonymous 299290

>What? You can't hate farmers! This is the lolcow.farm hate thread!

Anonymous 299291

Hating women having fun is very cool of you I bet you're not unlikeable in real life at all, probably have a bustling social life too!

Anonymous 299292

I don't hate women, just lc users.

Anonymous 299293

It's Christmas you two stop fighting

Anonymous 299294

>It's christmas
Are you sure about that?

Anonymous 299295

I'm not clicking on that link because it might have a virus but yes it is Christmas

Anonymous 299296

Christmas is 30 days long

Anonymous 299297


It's literally just the word NO

Anonymous 299298

Luigi's alright. I like that he killed Thompson and i hope copycat ceo shooters follow in his footsteps. I also don't think he's ugly. But the farmers who have been thirsting over him for weeks are insufferable and delusional

Anonymous 299299

I can't confirm or deny this as I didn't check the website but I can confirm that it is Christmas maybe not in your timezone but in mine it is Christmas so Merry Christmas to you LoL (lots Of love)

Anonymous 299300

I don't think Luigi is hot or ugly. He's just kind of baseline moid with rich boy pecs. Cult of personality is working powerfully in his favour.

Anonymous 299302

>He's uggo tho
I frankly don't care. If anything I hope all the next ones are ugly

Anonymous 299305

Yeah exactly. Thats why idc. But if I had to choose, I'd lean towards preferring them to be ugly, not only because it would keep the thirsting at a minimum but also because it's two ugly men with one stone: one dead and one to jail. That leaves all the cute ones alive and free

Anonymous 299307

>go to lolcow
>sperging about Luigi
>come to cc
>sperging about Luigi
will any of you bitches ever stfu? I don't like him or hate him I just don't care and wish everyone would shut the fuck up. bread posters > Luigiposters, including you fags who think you are so much better because you think he's ugly but keep talking about him anyway

Anonymous 299308

Maybe I am autistic, but I thought they were just exaggerating their thirtsposting to troll the incels that are getting absolutely butthurt that women keep sperging about how cute he is

Anonymous 299309

I can promise you they're not exaggerating anything and this is shown in their very defensive responses whenever anyone says anything negative about him. They're just that into him

Anonymous 299310

do all of you have to incessantly talk about that shooter to get your 2 cents in because every other woman is talking about it? literally who cares. another flavor of the month topic poisoning the internet because of retarded americans and their melodrama.

Anonymous 299311

I don't give a fuck about his dick, but you have to admit that what he did was brave and admiral. The world would be a better place if more people were like him

Anonymous 299317


>luigi contrarians are pathetic
You’re pathetic for glazing the cock of a fed scapegoat who could afford healthcare not only in your pathetic lowly current existence on this planet but enough to supply for repeat lifetimes. I hope someone does the same thing he did to that CEO to you for being such a huge groveling pickme retard <3 we need less male worshippers on this planet anyways
Where the fuck are these glowies coming from???
>hmmm I hope these regular civilians who don’t have the financial and secret federal backing of this edgelord faggot start randomly killing people!!
I honest to god have a tinfoil that they’re trying to get random civilians to start acting a damn fool and start committing crimes so they can have an excuse to start strong arming the law and normalizing police and military militias in public, this shit is straight up retarded and you’re retarded to think some elitist killing another elitist is going to cause a revolution. These elitists plan these things ahead of time so fucktards like you think it was a simultaneous attack based on folk heroism and that it’s 4dapeepz!!! No, Luigi from Super Mario Bros doesn’t care about you and there’s much more at play here, of course the elitists are always proven right that the masses will cheer on and get excitement from unruly violence, giving stardom and fame to criminals (Gypsy and him are great modern examples) and that’s exactly why we are so easy to rule in their eyes and I can’t help but completely understand why they would keep us down, we’re just so fucking retarded and unruly. At least these elitists do their disgusting evil in style and class, we just act like goddamn barbarians who will fly into chimpouts because some other Italian mafia chimp got unruly that their family was probably fucked out some underhanded insurance trading or some shit

Anonymous 299318

They sadly aren’t exaggerating anything, they will bow down and worship males. It’s no coincidence the recent threadpic for that loser is a photoshopped version of him as a christ figure, gross. I really wish humanity would just fucking magically perish out of thin air, seriously

Anonymous 299323


Day 10 of VPN Ban. All cow boards are practically dead. Site is overran by Weegeefags. The contagion is now spreading to the combination hate/bunker thread on CC.

Anonymous 299329


I just want to post on /snow/. Why must life be like this?

Anonymous 299330

>vpn posting mysteriously banned for december ruining the holiday spirit for thirdworld-chans and those who actually care about privacy and anonymity
>vpn posting banned mysteriously before all of this luigi fangirling
>luigi fangirling and stanning being heavily manufactured even on smaller websites
>controlled op admin and trannyhand staff banned vpns before this luigi endemic
>trannyhand staff ARE the admin
>nobody can really post anything in dissent against him or his fangirls without getting reported and banned
Hmmmm……. Also your post just proved they never really cared about containing and controlling the shit spewing out into other places and boards, there are two kinds of trannyhands: the ones who deliberately have a vendetta against you and try to rangeban your vpns and stalk your post history and will ban you if you show the slightest hint of snark/sarcasm/pessimism and the ones who don’t really give a fuck and likely have ADHD so they never read the reports or the threads for context and just ban people just because kek. The VPN ban was also never about “moving the site back to its former glory” it’s about punishing people just because they can, and they’re trannies, and they’re males, and because they can and people are assholes and they don’t have any deep natural inclinations towards not being assholes. There’s just a lot of “female” assholery and hall monitor gatekeeping and playground control on many layers. Every single time women on the internet think they’ve won, they’ve just shot themselves in the goddamn foot, now every single person who contributed to activity on the website has gone to scrote boards (4chan) and kiwifarms and practically nothing for women unless you want to be surrounded by underaged zoomers full of hormones and social awkwardness who orbite that ugly mongrel. I’m so tired

Anonymous 299332

Don't care about this pasta bologna dude but you seriously need to stop this faggotry, stop writing gay ass lengthy paragraphs on your hateboner against the zucchini fruttiny guy, they're retarded but you're a bigger faggot for giving such a fuck about what other female autists do at a perishing IB, do you pay their taxes or some shit to be this mad? "oh no!! They're thristing over a moid I don't approve of!" You'll live retard. They'll be over him on a month or two, just relax and hit a blunt 'for you go on cardiac arrest over dumbass shit

Anonymous 299333

No anon, the site about making fun of how fat, ugly, sloppy, and mentally ill women are is a RADFEM SEPARTIST SITE for lesbian and polilezzes ONLY!!!!!!! Being sexually attracted to men IS NOT ALLOWED! Even though half of /g/ is just threads about thirsting over males IT'S NOT ALLOWED!!

Anonymous 299334

They're a circlejerk echochamber about everything.

Anonymous 299335

It's the husbando thread for him and anons were clearly baiting for an infight kek seethe harder.

Anonymous 299337

>picrel shows an unusual level of activity outside of just /ot/
Are anons here just saying shit now? /ot/ has been drowning out other boards for ages. At least the cap you posted shows that farmers are actually using other boards. Sometimes all recent posts were just /ot/ before the vpn ban, especially when there was a retarded infight going on for 12 hours straight

Anonymous 299338

Don't listen to the haters, anon. You're right and based. It is annoying that every site for women is either overrun by obsessed male-worshippers, hall monitor retardation, actual males, dead or all four. Lolcow might've started out as a gossip site to make fun of fat women and it is still that ultimately but the "No moids1!!1!!" rule and constant misandryposting from farmers could lead anyone into thinking the women there would be less prone to dicksucking a mid guy with yellow fever so it is very disappointing to see. The whole site overall is made up of women who repost news about men committing all sorts of atrocities with a little "KAM" attached and then when a semi-decent looking man shows up not only do they spend weeks thirsting over him but they also mald over people suggesting that he might not be a wholesome feminist ally. It's laughable. Some women really are stupid.

Anonymous 299339

Never seen this much uproar about Attractive men you'd fuck/Unconventional Male Attractions/Ideal male bodies
Stay out of /g/ if you can't be a de/g/enerate!

Anonymous 299340

It's almost blackpilling to think that the shit misogynistic moids say is true. Good dick can cure even the most "misandrist" woman etc

I refuse to believe it though. I'm sure the manhatery on there is just a giant LARP and due to sour grapes from bitter women who can't bag a good Nigel in the first place

Anonymous 299341

There have been a lot of complaints of anons who refuse to post on the cow boards without VPNs. If they do a permanent sitewide VPN ban they're essentially catering to the type of userbase who only come to LC to shitpost and use it as a chatroom. I hope they enjoy their stale dried ass milk.

Anonymous 299342

>catering to the type of userbase who only come to LC to shitpost
its the opposite, the shitposters aren't allowed to post anymore because they get banned for every slightly controversial thing and now it's impossible to shitpost without a vpn. the site caters to a very cringe very specific set of people now.

Anonymous 299343

>You’re pathetic for glazing the cock of a fed scapegoat
>anyone who doesn't hate him is le heckin pickme cocksucker male worshipper XDD
you're actually retarded and im upset that your vote matters just as much as mine. also very obvious that your radfem larp is to cope with the fact that you're ugly and perpetually lonely so you lash out at other women since you have nothing better to do. also just stfu about this fed psyop bs because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about and just want to feel smarter than others because unlike the rest of the cattle you totally would never fall for propaganda

Anonymous 299345

>every woman posting to lolcow is a "radfem"
>they are straight and attracted to moids that means all women are LYING WHORES IM SO BLACKPILLED AND POLILEZ
The LARPers are in this thread complaining about the LARPers as we speak kek.

Anonymous 299347

KF has much better security and they got fucked badly over there, I can only imagine the shitshow if LC got hacked. IP addresses by themselves don’t share any meaningful information but along with several personal posts? Fuck that. I can’t believe nonas still feel comfortable posting to LC at this point. I don’t think they have a hidden agenda to destroy the site from within, that’s a bit schizo… but I doubt they can keep user data safe. I’d be ok with a partial VPN ban in the problematic threads but a site wide ban is ridiculous given the nature of the site. I can’t believe people on meta are so happy about it. That shows how many oldfags still post there… I wish someone would create a replacement for lolcow that actually works and isn’t dead.

Anonymous 299348

I’ve posted about how I think there should just be a partial vpn ban, so if you think so too make your voice heard. Nothing is decided yet, afaik

Anonymous 299350


What is happening KEKK I think I got permabanned but this is so bizarre

Anonymous 299351

>hi newfag
and yes that means you were permabanned. what did you do? it's so hard to troll on lc these days. it's not enough they constantly permaban but they stalk your type device too.

Anonymous 299352

Newfag for never having been permabanned? kek. And literally nothing, it says unspecified reason but I suspect it was due to "ban evasion" because I got an error yesterday saying I was banned, then one saying I wasn't banned, so I posted anyways. Basically, newfag jannies tried to ban me, were too retarded to do so therefore I posted anyways, and they banned me for "evading" a ban they never gave me.

Anonymous 299353

well you probably posted in other threads things they didn't like, as i said, they stalk device type constantly.

Anonymous 299354

you are literally retarded if you can't understand the concept of a wide range of anons with different interests and priorities. if it was on KF and everyone had gay usernames and only stuck to specific forums you would understand but because its lolcow and anonymous somehow you can't comprehend that different people come to the site for different threads. not everyone who uses the site claims to be a radfem and not everyone who uses the site hates men, die mad about it

Anonymous 299356

I've gotten banned several times but never been directed to the farmcow.lol. I'm not sure why.

Anonymous 299357

They literally bemoan the "echo chamber" but expect and demand an echo chamber for their fringe opinions kek.

Anonymous 299359

Not so much device but cookies. Change IP, clear your cache and you should be good to go.
Anons only get sent to farmcow if they've been trolling or spamming.

Anonymous 299360

Usually for stuff like active shooter things, not general userbase information. He might be a fat retarded faggot, but he’s usually pretty transparent about that kind of thing.

Anonymous 299361

And yet you're here getting triggered by an opinion different from yours..

Anonymous 299362

The opinion being that zomg all lolcow fenoids are whores because some want to fuck a male kek, sure.

Anonymous 299363

Kek I haven't been doing either, but current jannies are hypersensitive obese newfags who label any opinion they dislike as baiting or trolling. They're especially sensitive about any mention of fatties or fujos, even if not particularly negative. It's also suspicious how we can't call any race of moids ugly or violent without it being labeled race-baiting even when it's that same race of women saying her moids are violent and ugly.

Anonymous 299364

>even when it's that same race of women saying her moids are violent and ugly.
How are the jannies even supposed to know kek, it's an anonymous site.

Anonymous 299365

No one said that. They were just pointing out the hypocrisy for LC being a manhating site. Why do you sound so pressed?

Anonymous 299366

The jannies can see your IP

Anonymous 299367

the point is that LC is NOT a manhating website because there are a lot of anons with vastly different opinions. are you retarded or what? do you think every person who uses facebook is a boomer who likes minions and every person who uses 4chan a /pol/tard male right-winger?

Anonymous 299369

You have to be replying to some tourist, only kiwifags and tumblrinas think LC is the "manhating" site. The radfeminism LARP only kicked up into full swing in like 2022.

Anonymous 299370

>LC is NOT a manhating website
me when I lie

Anonymous 299371

>me when I lie
Me when I bait.

Anonymous 299372

The radfem LARP peaked during the pandemic and has been in decline since. Now it's black pillers and lost newfags that think LC is a site exclusively for femcels which aren't even real.

Anonymous 299373

By their own logic, they're supposed to give posters the benefit of the doubt when they say they're women considering scrotefoiling is a bannable offense. Or else we'd just be accusing each other of being poltards all day.
>do you think every person who uses facebook is a boomer who likes minions and every person who uses 4chan a /pol/tard male right-winger?
NTA but yeah. That's kind of the whole point of each site having a general culture you must integrate to in order to fit in. If you're a tradthot who just wants to gush about her jakey then your opinions aren't gonna be very welcome by the general LC population. Idk why oldfags act like tumblr radfems ruined everything as if they weren't considered an evil TERF site for having MTF threads and being one of the only online spaces left where you get to mock trannies.

Anonymous 299374

Majority of the cows on LC are pickmes who do cowish behaviour for male validation. They're so manhating that they hate handmaidens who pander to moids. But sure keep lying about what LC is supposed to be like. Next you're going to say they're supportive of troons and subscribe to libfem points

Anonymous 299375

>NTA but yeah. That's kind of the whole point of each site having a general culture you must integrate to in order to fit in.
So you do want an echo chamber kek. Farmers have posted about male attractions and having straight sex since the site's inception, the "site culture" you are talking about is only really a phenomenon on /ot/. Sorry but banning male attraction talk would be even more wildly out of place than banning retarded bait in the guy's literal husbando thread in /g/, the board where women are allowed to hornypost.

Anonymous 299376

LC has always been an echo chamber kek and I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing, if we welcomed trannies and handmaidens it would be like everywhere else.
>Sorry but banning male attraction talk would be even more wildly out of place
Where the fuck did I say that? KEK not everyone is the same anon. I don't want to "ban male attraction posting", I'm straight.

Anonymous 299377

It's not site culture and it's not against the rule. You don't get banned for nigelposting or saying a man is based actually, this is some fantasy you've fabricated in your head. /ot/ and /2X/ aren't the only boards.

Anonymous 299378

This entire conversation stemmed from anons husbando posting about Luigi. Lolcow is the "manhating" site in the way that Facebook is the "boomer meme" site but anyone with at least a functioning brain stem will understand that Facebook is full of diverse users ranging in age and they all use Facebook differently. The same to be said about lolcow. Don't know why you jumped in with the "you have to integrate!" Talk in reference to anons being assmad about Luigi posters when you weren't even talking about Luigi posters kek.

Anonymous 299379

I'm so tired of fagg/ot/s thinking that board is the be-all end-all of lolcow. The site was created to document cows, just because you found solace in the fact you can say "kill all men" and "trannies bad" without getting permabanned doesn't mean the rest of the site is supposed to be a radfem haven with every user regurgitating the same radical feminism talking points kek. It reeks of newfaggotry.

Anonymous 299380

Sure you can hornypost about your mid-looking male crushes in their designated containment threads as much as you want but don't get triggered when anons do the same thing and shit on your tastes kek.
Yeah it generalizes the entire userbase but I can't imagine being this pressed unless you're one of those posters the anons itt are calling out. Sounds like you're taking this personally.

Anonymous 299381

The problem isn't that you think he's ugly it's that you bait for infights kek. It's that simple. You seem to have a limited ability for discussion so I'll leave it at that.

Anonymous 299383

Exactly. I appreciate that the site acts as a sanctuary for anons who feel they can't freely speak these opinions on other sites but they are wrongly expecting lolcow to be some radfem/blackpill echochamber when it never has been and never was. If you have any experiences with anonymous imageboards at all, you'd know that they attract a wide variety of posters from various political backgrounds.
I literally don't care about Luigi. You seem to be projecting and/or baiting.

Anonymous 299384

>bait for infights
So posting your opinion is "baiting for infights" now? Maybe you should learn2ignore over posts you don't like.

Anonymous 299385

Posting about how the women who like him in their designated husbando thread are whores who love abuse is baiting, yes. Anymore questions?

Anonymous 299386

Show me itt where anons who were calling out the Luigiposters are "whores." Not hard to Ctrl+f "whore" itt.
Sounds like you're just projecting and making imaginary scenarios in your head. it's not that serious

Anonymous 299387

You can literally post about finding him ugly in any thread that's not the husbando thread. The thing that's annoying is saying shit like "this is so blackpilling women are so stupid" like that is baiting for an infight, sorry. Seethe more maybe mods will be on your side? But other than that I'm out of ideas for you.

Anonymous 299388

Niggas will sperg about how lolcow is supposed to be the manhating site but /2X/ is a graveyard full of baiting schizos kek.

Anonymous 299389

>The thing that's annoying is saying shit like "this is so blackpilling women are so stupid" like that is baiting for an infight, sorry
The only reason such opinions would cause an infight is if special snowflakes like yourself get triggered over an opinion and start derailing a thread. Again learn2ignore. This doesn't even come close to a "bait" opinion

Anonymous 299390

2X is too slow to bait and infight

Anonymous 299391

You wouldn't even have that opinion if you went outside kek, such bitterness coming from your words. Like you're jealous anons think a moid is cute…hm.

Anonymous 299392

But that's the thing, lolcow was never a manhating site and never was supposed to be. It's documenting and making fun of internet autists. Just because the people that post there tend to hate trannies doesn't suddenly delve into radical feminism or having strong opinions about men either way. I'm just so confused by this shilling that it's a radfem site or something when people of all affiliations post there for various reasons

Anonymous 299393

BJchan is a schizo baiter whether her intentions are bait or not.

Anonymous 299394

>lolcow is supposedly an all women website where men are banned if they are announced if they announce themselves
>surprised anons are offended when others generalize and say women are stupid/insert other blackpill opinion without reason
lol, lmao even. are only men allowed to be different and have different opinoins? apparently all women on a women imageboard have to think and believe the same thing for you to respect them

Anonymous 299395

can someone give me a qrd on what's the deal with her? i know she's ESL but wtf is her problem

Anonymous 299396

She's a straight woman schizphrenically obsessed with blowjobs and women who give makes oral sex. She apparently dislikes lesbians but has lesbian groupies (she's in some lc radfem discord) those lesbian groupies apparently post bait in her honor or something.

Anonymous 299397

>those lesbian groupies apparently post bait in her honor or something
man the internet really is amazing

Anonymous 299398

And yet you say this when LC is created to call out retarded bitches for what they are. Ironic you're calling out people for wanting a hugbox

Anonymous 299399

you can call out anons for being retarded bitches. the point is that you can't do it under the guise of "oh the website is a manhating/radfem website!!" when it clearly isn't. how can you miss the point this badly

Anonymous 299400

It's already said in this thread but the man hate and feminism on LC is purely performative. The anons that go around policing what other women are allowed to like and say are doing it so others so can see how based, man hating and feminist they are, which requires an audience. Actual radfems would be discussing radical feminism on /2X/ not infighting with nigelfags on /ot/.

Polish schizo that can't stop posting about sucking dicks. She hates other women, including lesbians and hates being a woman.

Anonymous 299402

don't reply to that baiting retard nona

Anonymous 299403

Really, it should just be applied to the problem threads. We know the ability to turn thread specific vpn bans on and off exists, and some threads do benefit from that (unpopular opinions, amerifag, etc. ) I don't think it should be all of /ot/ because the consoom thread, artist salt and a few others exist on /ot/ as psuedo-cow/cow-lite threads. Definitely should not be site-wide. It feels a bit futile to advocate for this as >>299348 suggested though, as every pro-vpn post in /meta/ seems to get met with people immediately responding with pro-ban.

Anonymous 299405

Most internet radfeminism is a purely performative escape. None of them contribute much to the grand scheme of women's liberation, they just found a new fringe group wherein criticizing and hating on women is, many times, encouraged, but you have to package it in internet radfem speak. This is what brings them satisfaction, being angry at other women.

Anonymous 299406

BJ chan's got a point, everyone looks retarded/pathetic gagging/ choking on a dick etc

Anonymous 299407

Just stop watching porn.

Anonymous 299411

Is ban evading this easy for everyone or are jannies just lazy as fuck? I see s ripping their hair out trying to find a way to ban evade with or without VPNs and I literally just open the site on the same decide but a new browser and boom, no longer banned kek.

Anonymous 299413

Funny how the thread is to hate on LC but the second some anons start saying the Luigifags are annoying it suddenly became an LC appreciation thread. Go back

Anonymous 299415

You're all out of your mind if you think the anons thirstposting about Luigi and getting their feathers ruffled every single time someone comes in with a reply that's slightly critical of him have never once posted about how much they hate men. That's just a stupid thing to claim. "but muh diverse userbase!1!!" can only go so far. Women complaining about men and then going right back to their nigels is not unheard of, it's very common even, and it's not retarded to assume that's what happens on LC all the time. I bet that every single über misandrist anon you've encountered has also posted in the male crushes/husbando threads and vice versa. This isn't far-fetched at all, and imo it's proven to be true by how the response of some anons to claims that Luigi is an average misogynistic man with yellow fever are pitifully delusional defenses and coping. If they hold so tightly onto the "he's not like other men" thing, chances are they dislike men to at least some extent, otherwise they wouldn't be so fixated on making him an exception at all.

Anonymous 299417

Why mald about it, the so called radfems are calling crack addicted women whores kek. Who cares.

Anonymous 299422

It's hilarious to see them backtrack when called out on their hypocrisy. It's as ridiculous as claiming that 4chan isn't a woman hating racist website because the userbase is so large. They ain't fooling anyone

Anonymous 299424

absolutely malding

Anonymous 299427

this whole shooter argument is wildly comedic because every time i see a picture of that shooter i laugh, he looks worse than the average young men where i live yet i know lc posters would call him so ugly under normal circumstances. they really are just attracted to his psychotic murderous tendancy; in any other situation they would be calling him ugly, short, caveman unibrow, ugly pube hair, big fat nose, etc.

Anonymous 299430

Having radfem esque views does not equal celibacy/lesbianism. Read Germaine Greer if any of you are actually interested in the sexual aspect of the ideology

Anonymous 299431

go back to lc to post about wanting to drink luigi's piss

Anonymous 299437

You just know these are the same bitches shitting on other women for falling for the ugly moid psyop kekk

Anonymous 299440

Anon no "radfem" on lolcow has read redfem theory they would much prefer to just call women sluts and whores and be done with it kek.

Anonymous 299442

tranny mentality to see everything as black and white

Anonymous 299443

What part of her post is seeing things in "black and white"? It sounds like the opposite for me.

Anonymous 299451

>recommends reading germaine greer
>you can still fuck men, congregate with them and worship them if you’re an epic “radfemz!1!1!1!”
>wonders why misogyny is ramping up and why women are still getting mistreated, not paid their worth, femicided, etc.
Holy shit anybody just calls themselves a radfem these days. There are also more authentic writers than fucking Germaine Greer, get a grip sucking dick and being under it isn’t a human right. Transforming feminism into a feel-good always never-bad support the aggravating retardation and groveling of other women ideology is the worse thing that has ever happened to it, stand the fuck up seriously. You can appear to be nice. Friendly and never towing the line and somehow they will bend backwards, forwards, horizontal and vertical up their own asses to call you a bitch, so stop playing nice gorl that doesn’t want to tip the table around the preshush menzzz and make some goddamn sacrifices for once in your life. I’m tired of annoying ass straight women who are so fucking weak, cowardly, groveling, it exposes how much “radfems”(tm) don’t really care about women it’s just another social gathering thing for them. You disgust me with your straight up ignorance and needing to be coddled like a child unless you are like one, you think exactly like one.

Anonymous 299452

>these fatass long paragraphs
You can’t read, write, and you’re getting angry about it? Holy shit KEK you’re retarded, I don’t care that you can’t read or focus on anything that’s longer than the faggot porn you likely read and watch, that’s not my problem. I said what I said, seethe bitch

Anonymous 299454

>lolcow was never a man hating thread
>actively bans scrotes off the website
Kekkkk cry moar handmaiden/tranny

Anonymous 299455

Thank you anon for this, it’s getting really hard to spill truths without predictable regards coming out of the woodworks to defend crap. Crap people love defending crappy systems and structures because they’re mainly benefit it, damned are the women who refuse to play into it even on the internet where moid worship is rampant despite how much males say they are being “attacked”

Anonymous 299457

The site was created by a man, and is currently being run by a man (possibly a full trio of males and not just one head honcho male), and the "female only" rule only came into play after the initial launch of the website. This thread really is just full of retarded newfag radfem tumblr tourists getting angry that women are posting about men on the hornyposting board. Jesus christ. /2X/ is literally right there. The Bechdel test thread is right there. The people itt bemoaning the "culture" of the site being some strict radfem, male hating place have not been on the site any longer than like 2021. The real culture of the site is /w/ kek.

Anonymous 299458

nta but you're literally not making sense at all. and why are you making assumptions about an anonymous person on an anonymous forum. if anything this just reveals your own psychological problems and has absolutely nothing to due to feminism. also you've never read anything by germaine greer or any feminist writer just like all of the 'radfem' anons. get a grip

Anonymous 299459


At this point, I'm honestly not sure who are more annoying and insufferable: trannies or radfems.

Anonymous 299460

>this website was created by a man
Whichever woman took it from the man, I applaud her! I don’t care if it was created by a man, it’s clear the culture doesn’t fuck with men and it’s good, change is sometimes good. I mean if even the alogger camwhores on the website shit on men and know how bad men are then wyd… Encyclopedia Dramatica was created by a woman (I think?) and it’s one of the most weirdest websites I’ve ever seen that actively talks shit about women and their misogyny is actually way worse than what you’re calling ((misogyny)) on LC so what’s your point? Everybody has a different view on what the website was “truly!!!!” and should revert or whatever, I don’t really care about debating subjective shit like that I want shitposting back on my imageboards and I want manhating a groovy ass trend where there’s nothing you can do about it, manifesting that
>/2X/ is literally right there
Manhating was never contained anywhere, manhating was a key point to shitposting on /ot/ until the shitposting boards were buried, erased like an unwanted baby created out of wedlock. Yet, the website is still rife with the same problems they thought were caused by those shitposting threads, interesting. It’s fun manhating where anywhere else it could get you banned, deplatformed and harassed with rape and death threats for daring to shitpost about male suicide rates so seethe about that.
I honestly wish it were strict in being anti-male and anti-handmaidenry. If the mods suddenly had a brain cell activated inside their heads and they decided one day to ban ugly male or overall fangirling of males that should be rightfully contained and kept in /g/ and /m/ I could only imagine the amount of chimpouts it would cause for the scrotum lover demographic. Nobody is censoring you for doing what is common irl and on the internet - worship males and make them seem better than what they really are, dressing them up in idolatrous garb when they’re all ugly, hideous, trash that you have to make constant excuses for (familiar behavior compared with shitbull owners)
Either a tranny or underaged, if latter you’ll grow out of this phase hopefully

Anonymous 299462


If Lolcow is such a manhating radfem site, then why do you exclusively target other women for nitpicking and harassment? Why do threads about male lolcows always immediately get buried?

>daring to shitpost about male suicide rates so seethe about that


Yeah, making fun of suicide sure is sticking it to the patriarchy!

Radfems are a fucking joke.

And no, I am not a tranny.

Anonymous 299465

>Whichever woman took it from the man, I applaud her!
The site is owned and operated by a male right now. Your point is moot.
>If the mods suddenly had a brain cell activated inside their heads and they decided one day to ban ugly male or overall fangirling of males that should be rightfully contained and kept in /g/ and /m/
And it is contained, mostly. The thing is that /ot/ isn't even a radfem board, either. Sorry anon, the fantasy of lolcow you've created is just that, a fantasy. Also the mod team are just a couple of goofballs with time in their hands to spare to clean up the egregious shit, implementing a "no ugly males" rule would literally depend on like 5 people to decide what an ugly male is, and sorry but it's clear you don't think the typical "balding, fat, old, etc" characteristics are enough. This rule would be too retarded and impractical to fully implement kek. Sorry anon, the site is as much a safe-haven for the straight women as it is for the radfems. The male-loving straighties never seem to be half as aggressive to anons as the other type, so in general it's not something even worth bringing up from the mod team's perspective.
>Nobody is censoring you for doing what is common irl and on the internet
Lolcow isn't your tumblr alternative. Nobody on imageboards cares for the "woe is me, the oppressed victim in real life" card. You may as well just get used to it.
>(familiar behavior compared with shitbull owners)
Bringing it back to pitbull owners kek of course. We'll now I know who I'm dealing with. Your schizophrenic passion now makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous 299466

>ITT: women feeling oppressed for sucking cock

Anonymous 299469


I'm a lesbian. Nice try, though. You don't speak for all (or even most) lesbians.

Anonymous 299470

no one said that it's just annoying to hear the same tumblypoo sjw politics essays about the oppressed women who don't like heterosexual romance (the oppression is having to see husbandofags).

Anonymous 299471

This is a misunderstood rule. Men aren't banned. There's no way to ban men from posting on an anonymous image board. What is banned is a poster revealing that they are male. The no male rule was implemented because robots from /r9k/ were posting "tfw when no gf" bullshit and obnoxiously announcing themselves as men. It was Ian that put this rule in place.

>it’s clear the culture doesn’t fuck with men
There's an entire board where farmers make threads to thirst post over men. There's always going to be a certain degree of man hate on a website filled with women because men are shit. It wasn't part of the original site culture and even when it did become more prominent, the ardent man haters rarely left /ot/.

>shitposting boards were buried

What shitposting boards? Do you mean threads?

Anonymous 299474

>A system error occurred. Please try again in 30 seconds.
Exactly after posting anti-breeder reasoning, I woudln't be surprised if the farmhands would ban all posters in the CF thread or autosage it at this point, especially since the VPN ban is explicitly anti-thirdie and third world shitholes are known for violently enforcing breedershit upon women.

Anonymous 299476

Anonymous 299479


I’m right and you’re all wrong. You’re all trannies grasping for straws, go argue with the wall kek

Anonymous 299481

I don't know about Luigi, I just know caring so much and literally seething over what other women do is unhinged behavior. Radfem or not, you should seek help, that ain't normal

Anonymous 299482

Anonymous 299483

>caping this much for moid obsessed het women
Whatever you say polilez-chan

Anonymous 299485

Sure, posting manhate does not equal to being a radfem. You don't need to be a radfem or have a political reason to hate moids. Doesn't change the fact that most of the userbase there is still manhating. That's why they are obsessed with idealised depictions of moids because they can't find a good Nigel. So yes, you are just as primitive and simple as the female-obsessed misogynistic moid chimps you hate kekkk

Anonymous 299486

you sound like a 2 year old not understanding why mama doesn't actually disappear when she goes behind the blanket. hating men =/= celibacy.

Anonymous 299488


Anonymous 299489

Maybe just don't be a piece of shit and say something that would entice someone to literal suicide you actual psychopath.

Anonymous 299490

I genuinely am afraid to post anything on the MtF lolcow thread because we actually have had women be arrested for saying anti troon shit.

Anonymous 299492

>maybe don't be mean to online autists in an imageboard created for ppl to be mean to online autists

Anonymous 299493

>I’m right and you’re all wrong because uh you're a tranny
I accept your concession

Anonymous 299494

Not saying something mean is one thing but being worried that you're going to get charged with manslaughter because the things you're saying are so disproportionately venomous is a self own, and there is a very simple solution to anon's dilemma, which I am providing.

Anonymous 299495

it’s peoples fault if they suduko over the internet lmao, just walk away from the computer bitch

Anonymous 299496

I do not disagree with you whatsoever, but at the point that you're posting something so malicious and cruel that you're worried about being held responsible for that person's death by your local law enforcement then maybe you should, I dunno, think twice before you post it?

I agree with you that freedom of speech should be an inalienable right and that retards oversharing over the internet could always choose to stop that but anon's post is concerning.

Anonymous 299497

Alogging is already banned.

Anonymous 299498

Can't tell if this is bait or if you're just autistic.

Anonymous 299499

Yes anon, everyone who disagrees with you is baiting. That's exactly how baiting works.

Anonymous 299500

Disagree with what? What are you talking about?

Anonymous 299502

Did anyone save this image before it got deleted?

Anonymous 299503



>I genuinely am afraid to post anything on the MtF lolcow thread because we actually have had women be arrested for saying anti troon shit.

And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free to tell trannies to kill themselves.

Anonymous 299504


Here you go

Anonymous 299505

Still hilarious

Anonymous 299506


Anonymous 299507

Just need to change it to femjak and it will be perfect

Anonymous 299509


I tried my best

Anonymous 299510


Anonymous 299511

This is so real

Anonymous 299514

Absolute masterpiece anon

Anonymous 299515

Hadn't posted on lolcow in like 6 years but felt nostalgic and bored during the holidays before I go see my family, so I was posting for the past couple of days. Got banned for forgetting to embed a single youtube link in an off-topic thread about Christmas music, tried appealing the ban with an apology and wished them a Merry Christmas, got more random posts of mine redtexted with "vain bitch," presumably because I had made a post earlier in the day (which didn't get redtexted) about how much I hate being mistaken for being underage by men and how genuinely triggering it is for me.

Wtf did I do wrong? I don't remember the farmhands being so hostile back in the day. Genuinely hurt my feelings kek.

Anonymous 299516


The site's jannies are, like the site's userbase, a group of deeply bitter, mean-spirited radfem femcels with absolutely no lives whatsoever, who take out their misery and insecurity on random people online.

Anonymous 299517

The irony of a site priding itself in radical feminism while being mainly dedicated to harassing and cyberstalking women is not lost on me, and I never did like cow threads much myself. I guess I should've known better. Sad though, I did like the off-topic threads, but not enough to stick around for much longer anyway. Can't believe I got called a vain bitch for telling jannies merry Christmas!

Anonymous 299521

>posts of mine redtexted with "vain bitch,"
Did you post that in the Get It Off Your Chest thread?

Anonymous 299525

If only…

Anonymous 299526

How is disliking how women treat this ceo killing guy, hating women having fun

I bet though that most of his fangirls are already established hybristophiliacs but now it's acceptable to like a killer cause his target wasn't a good person instead of like ted bundy or some shit

Anonymous 299527

my bf is sexier than weegee could ever hope to be. i wish the world was fawning over him instead…

Anonymous 299531

Before the VPN ban, I tried to post a thread screencap that had a small part of the anus autist's rant in it, and it autobanned me. So yeah, you can get instabanned for posting certain pictures or certain text.

I'm about this close to paying for a VPN (just for a week tho), but I want to be sure that it actually works first. I don't know how well-known this one is. Any tips for finding one that's likely to not be banned?
I've already tried TOR but not only is it a pain in the ass to find a node that bypasses the CloudFlare protection to be able to access the site, it still won't let me post.

Anonymous 299532

Thing is, if you live in a place with few farmers, you're likely to get recognized by the mods.


The "vain bitch" bans are given if you reply to any post in the Get It Off Your Chest thread. I never got that dumbass rule. You're not vain for telling an anon in the thread that "wow, that person sounds like an asshole, hope they leave you alone" or something like that. I get that the rule exists to stop some schizos from replying to other anon's vents as if they were directly addressed to them, but blanket banning everyone who replies to another in that thread is plain stupid.

NTA, I checked the thread and some of them are actual hybristophiles who already simped for other murderers that killed innocents in the past. But there are others who are "new" and whose first killed crush has been this Luigi guy, and many of them constantly emphasize that him doing something good and heroic is what's attractive about him. So I believe it's a mix of both.

Anonymous 299533

>killed crush
*killer crush
kek sorry

Anonymous 299534

In no one’s timezone is it Christmas, and especially not 3 days ago.

Anonymous 299546

>if you reply to any post in the Get It Off Your Chest thread
Man I'm a retard, thanks for explaining this. Out of pure impulse I replied to someone in that thread. Oh well.

Anonymous 299554

>itt people who don't read thread rules complaining about being banned for breaking thread rules.

Anonymous 299560


I've got milk and I can't post it because of the VPN ban. Why include the cow boards when VPN users have never been a issue on /snow/ and /pt/? Cerbmin can sit on a cactus.

I even agree that something needed to be done about the state of /ot/ and if that needs to be a VPN ban then so be it but I do not get why it was all boards except /2X/. bj-chan is still posting on /2X/. She is one of the most prolific ban evading bait posters on /ot/. VPN users that just want to use the site for it's intended purpose can't, while she can still freely post her woman hating schizo rants. It's a complete fuck up by Cerbmin that doesn't actually have a impact on the intended ban evaders and just prevents site regulars that care about privacy from posting.

Anonymous 299563


Who is BJ-chan? I saw her mentioned in the last thread as well. Isn't she a schizo radfem?

Anonymous 299565

Scroll up a bit anon, you will find your answer upthread.

Anonymous 299566

cow hoist.jpg

She's not a radfem, she hates radfems and women in general. She appeared in the black pill threads on /2X/ by writing huge TL;DR posts about how sucking dick is degrading. This opinion is not new, interesting or controversial. What made her posts stand out was the constant mentions of sucking dick, usually multiple times in one post and the gratuitous descriptions of women being "subhuman pigs that get down on all fours to suck dick". It was more like reading the sexual fantasy of a porn sick moid than a black pilled woman. She was banned and then ban evaded so she could spread her opinions to /ot/. She claims she's intelligent and anyone telling her to stop posting about sucking dick is sexually harassing her.

This behaviour can be observed in this thread

More discussion of bj-chan can be found here

Anonymous 299578



>that blackpill feminism thread

Holy fucking shit, those schizo femcels make Ovarit biddies look sane by comparison.

Anonymous 299581

Ngl but I've never even noticed a problem with /ot/ that would necessitate a VPN ban. Maybe I just don't read the right threads over there, but it has always seemed chill for the most part. I just pull up the catalog and ctrl+f for the ones I check regularly and rarely see anyone getting banned/infighting/etc. I miss being able to post in those threads since I am a VPN user, but I am a bit surprised to see many complaints about the board as a whole and suggestions to apply the ban only to that board.

Anonymous 299582

TBF, there have been incidents like Julie Terryberry where Kiwis (I know it’s not LCF but another gossip website) were accused of causing her to an hero (although, I don’t think the police got involved). Sometimes it happens, and usually it’s because the cows have other issues on the side, not because of a-logging on a gossip thread.

Anonymous 299583

It's because we have an entire generation that is used to cyber bullying people growing up. Zero tolerance policies on fighting in schools and teachers protecting bullies. And those bullies going on to college to cheat and go to the Dean over every little thing.

Anonymous 299584

IDK anon, a-logging is pretty discouraged in lοlcow communities, as are generic non-contributory posts (e.g. she is fat/stupid/ugly). Gossiping about a public figure is different from cyberbullying.

Anonymous 299585

It's the same thing and people gossip because they are bored and they want to talk

Anonymous 299599

The point of lolcows is that they're mentally unstable and chaotic. It's not really about saying something particularly venomous. Hell, thinking about it now, some of the cows and users are so batshit crazy they could commit a major crime and mention lolcow in their manifesto.

Anonymous 299606

>spergs without a VPN infighting about nigelposting, straight women hornyposting and lesbians for the 123857929486th time
>meanwhile I just want to post a friendly reply to a nona who posted a funny gif in her light-hearted post but I can't and I don't want to post without a VPN
I thought the ban was supposed to have made /ot/ bearable now? What are the anons in /meta/ smoking?

>bj-chan is still posting on /2X/. She is one of the most prolific ban evading bait posters on /ot/

Anonymous 299608


Just came here to post picrel. All those posts in the hellmas thread saying that "infighting is nonexistent with the vpn ban" are just talking out of their asses

Anonymous 299618

>Posts random bait
>Screenshot bait, pretend like it's not your post
>Uploads picture of bait
>"S-see!! Look at a-all this BAIT!!"

Dumbass Shit spergs have been using this tactic since February. It hasn't worked. Stop trying to pull this, it's embarrassing.

Anonymous 299620

How do you not know who BJ chan is? She spergs out at least once a week.

Anonymous 299621

It really depends on what threads you go into. Most threads are fine with occasional infighting that gets cleaned up by the farmhands. It's threads like vent and unpopular opinions that are basically just terminally online bait posters infighting with each other.

Anonymous 299626

are you actually insane? why is lolcow the only shithole where idiots feel confident enough to post theories like this 24/7? it's absolutely schizo

Anonymous 299631

It's not a conspiracy theory when dumbass shit tards have admitted doing it in /meta/.

Anonymous 299634

where have they admitted to doing exactly what you just said?

Anonymous 299635

Bread sucks but it's better than this.

Anonymous 299636

She's making it up. There's no such posts in /meta/. Psy-op continues. VPN posters were only 13% of posters and yet 100% of infight/bait posters. Kinda reminds me of that /pol/ meme…

Anonymous 299637

I HATE IT.jpeg

I just wanted to husbandopost with my fellow yume nonas during Christmas season, this isn't fair, I miss them so much.

Anonymous 299638

NTA but I think she's referring to the posters admitting that they like to bait and start infights because that's le imageboard nature. But I don't remember any of them admitting that they post screencaps of their own bait posts.

Anonymous 299645

I suspect that VPN users are probably less likely to infight because they're often older and were taught internet safety and the importance of privacy. The younger users who found the site through "femcel tiktok" or whatever have no concept of that, or simply don't feel it's important, as they have grown up in a culture of corporate surveillance and datamining. Their online interactions place emphasis on "owning" someone with a snappy twitter reply, which is what a lot of infighters sound like they're attempting to do.

Anonymous 299648

It's really not the same thing at all kek

Anonymous 299657

Yes it is, it's pathetic but a sad trait of humanity.

Anonymous 299658

why don't you fags just make a Luigi hate thread already I'm so tired of seeing discussion about the man outside of containment. the Luigi lovers can keep in their thread and the haters get their own thread to sperg about how ugly he is. everyone wins

Anonymous 299659

No anon they have to complain about hating all women because some wrote unhinged horny fantasies about some guy they don't personally know. Don't you see!!! They simply must blackpill sperg and you are naught but a gender traitor hettie betty for denying them this relief!!

Anonymous 299660

Thanks, Buddha.

Anonymous 299661

Did you forget to take your medication?

Anonymous 299662

Scroll up.

Anonymous 299663

I scrolled up. Now what?

Anonymous 299667

the only person who would have a problem with dumbass shit threads is a jannie. nice try faggot

Anonymous 299669

Man stfu

Anonymous 299675

Now underage users who don't even know how to use a VPN will run free, while actual regulars will peter out.
Soon, they'll have FNAF generals kek

Anonymous 299679

I don't have a problem with dumbass shit, the threads weren't harming anyone on /ot/ and were even amusing sometimes. I said that dumbass shit tards have admitted on /meta/ that they intentionally post bait in unpopular opinions as some sort of protest against their thread being autosaged, which is true.

Anonymous 299684

the only thing that should tell you is that admins would rather keep dumbass shit dead for pure spite and ban vpns so they don't have to do their jobs, than to just allow dumbass shit to come back where posters were given freedom to engage with bait or not.

Anonymous 299686

Not blackpill radfem of you gyn.

Anonymous 299692


Anonymous 299697

>why don't you fags just make a Luigi hate thread already
Will the lc jannies allow it?

Anonymous 299704

I see the one he has here as the hate thread.

Anonymous 299716

running older people off and having a userbase of young moldable women is what they want

Anonymous 299718

There is already a fnaf general in /m/ and it's slow as fuck.

Anonymous 299724

The demographic that would use that only looks at /ot/ and none of the other boards

Anonymous 299738

Happy Christmas!

Anonymous 299740


>they’ll have FNAF generals
Have you not seen /m/ lately? They already have Hazshit Hotel threads and are probably the main ones who care enough to bring their spergery about that show to the website. The fandom discourse thread in /m/ feels like what an FNAF general would be, it was obviously created by bored irritating underaged hands who can barely spell and are retarded with hopeless futures. The degenerate /m/isfits who are pushing their 30s don’t sperg/care about the politics about fucking children’s cartoons and media slop because they have to actually get off their computers and flip burgers and put fries in the bag to afford their consoomer clutter while these annoying kids and pickme-ish girls from the tiktok variety flock to shit up the website completely. No wonder there’s so much pathetic groveling for piss poor shmenz, these teenage girls are growing up to accept slop while teen moids with ADHD are absolute disgusting garbage menaces running around talking like fucking black males addicted to porn who should honestly be euthanized or sterilized like dogs. This is why we can’t have nice things

Anonymous 299743

>tfw you don’t even know who the actual personalityfag is and you just keep calling everybody with an opinion that makes you uncomfortable/afraid that same personalityfag
Real ones know the actual bj-chan, she types in a very desperate TIF-ish tone through her broken language and paragraphs because she’s probably a third/lower-class second worldie. It’s because she explicitly states she’s a tranny and TIFs are self-hating by their mentally ill nature, she’s not a real “black pill feminist” which is just someone who looks at the darker and less optimistic theories of feminist concepts. It’s odd that every woman who doesn’t want to suck dick is called bj-chan, it’s almost like inviting a group of mentally ill women who think they’re men and making it a comfortable environment for undesirables to use the website is what’s contributing to people like bj-chan wanting to blogpost about their gender dysphoria. We need to ban the GNCfags who are just troonies who use a different label and female trannies off the website, stop coddling and catering to them that’s the issue. It’s no coincidence a few weeks ago someone really thought a female tranny dysphoria thread in /g/ would slide, it’s because they know they’re being catered to for their narcissistic self-loathing.

Anonymous 299756

a female tranny is still a female tho and bj chan has a very clockable writing style because she's obviously esl. i think she got abused and that's why she's lashing out or is just very sexually frustrated tbh. mental illness either way

Anonymous 299759

Luigifags calling themselves "sisterwives" is so cringe. They're too much like bangmaids calling themselves "tradwives".

Anonymous 299760

She literally said she was a tranny though kek
Just ignore it and hope they get bored of their own faggotry

Anonymous 299764

are they really? wow it's worse than i thought over on the farms. how did lolcow get so bad?

Anonymous 299772

There was a post she made in the bp thread where she claimed that she didn't want to troon out. She doesn't want to be a woman but she doesn't want to be a man either.

extreme cringe

Anonymous 299777

Not everyone who finds you annoying is a blackpilled radfem, dumbass. I'm not even a regular feminist

Anonymous 299778

Can someone please post here when the luigifaggotry is over? I don’t really give a fuck about him, though I’ll admit he’s a good looking moid. I’m just so tired of his fangirl thread on /g/ being the most active thread on lc. It’s boring. It’s even embarrassing at times.

Anonymous 299779

She must be a “”nonbinary”” gendiefag then. I’m pretty sure she did say at one point that she had gender dysphoria unless it was just her aloggers who made that up

Anonymous 299780

Once the vpn ban is over is when the day of the rope for luigifags arrives, don’t worry about it too much anon

Anonymous 299781

nta but bp-chan is a nullfag. she has a said repeatedly that she wants no genitalia at all, and is considering surgery to get rid of her lady parts

Anonymous 299782

what do you even mean by this kek are you admitting to ban-evading just to bait and infight in the luigi thread. girl just hide the thread

Anonymous 299784

Oh no, what will you all do? Spam the thread, get redtexted and banned, then ban evade constantly? Damn, how scary.

Anonymous 299785

I hope this thread never gets wiped out by cc jannies, it's the sole proof of why the vpn ban was the best thing that happened to lolcow KEK

Anonymous 299786

do you faggots just monitor this thread constantly? hoping to take an arm as soon as someone extends a finger? get a life you freakish loser.

Anonymous 299788

KEK there's no sense bringing it up, you're talking to the meta campers. Only come here to laugh at them, don't bother discussing. The VPN is never coming off and all these losers will have to settle with baiting and infighting here.

Anonymous 299790

Seriously. I knew LC had a problem with baiting and ban evasion, but then I read posts like >>298486 and I realized these degenerates have serious mental problems.

Anonymous 299793

>Once the vpn ban is gone
They're probably not going to lift the VPN ban. Last hellweek they said it was a trial run basically for squashing, of all the cancerous /ot/ threads, the dumbass shit thread. Even though the data from hellweek clearly didn't align with their hypothesis, they went along with it anyway. Weird they're doing this when the cow boards are dead and they said they wanted lolcow to focus on the cows again. If they want to keep a VPN ban in Unpopular Opinions i don't give a shit because that thread is absolute cancer and i hide it anyways, but why did they have to go nuclear and fuck over the entire site? I wonder what they're gonna take away next hell week.
Also, I noticed there hasn't been a notice for farmhand applications the entire year. I guess they're privately recruiting? the reason the mods are newfags are because they only hire the ass-lickers.

Anonymous 299798

I suspect you're right, even though the infighting and baiting on the farms is a bad as ever, if not worse, under the ban. How dismal.

Anonymous 299799

I thought it was just a spin-off of "snapewives"

Anonymous 299804

De/g/enerates are so weird about Asian women in regards to their ugly Weegee moid.

Anonymous 299807

Is it down for anyone else? The down checker websites all say it is for me and it ain't loading.

Anonymous 299808

Down for me too.

Anonymous 299809

Its down for me too..

Anonymous 299810

If you lie enough times, does the lie become truth?

Anonymous 299811

Me too, it seems like the site is going down more often

Anonymous 299812

Do we know why or is it probably just a little beep boop? It better not go down around this holiday season damn it.

Anonymous 299813

I'm nerdier than most nerdy people irl. I have to constantly hide it but why do I have to be such a fucking nerdddd omgggg

Anonymous 299816

I hope the farmers don't all start flooding here and bringing their luigifaggotry

Anonymous 299818

why not

Anonymous 299819

LC is down reeeeee

Anonymous 299820


Anonymous 299821

Classic fedninja response

Anonymous 299822

Why must it always be down over the holidays?

Anonymous 299823

It is known throughout history that enemies attack on their adversaries' special religious holidays, lolcow is no different. Trannies have no families to spend xmas with so they ddos us.

Anonymous 299829

Anonymous 299831

It better be up soon. I want there to be a Luigi thread 10 by the end of this year and I'm not even a luigifag, it just would be funny. Goals are goals in life

Anonymous 299832

I admit he's sexy but the luigi lovebombing is cringe. My bf is hotter and taller anyway.

Anonymous 299833

i need lolcyow nyow

Anonymous 299834


What has happened to my lc?

Anonymous 299835


I wanted to see if any of the tarot girlies had answered my query, alas

Anonymous 299836

go to therapy and stop magical thinking

Anonymous 299837

he’s ugly, sorry I don’t care if he did something good, that doesn’t make him physically attractive.

Anonymous 299838


rance is sexier than the both of them

Anonymous 299841


i AM not going back to the lc bunker on junkuchan, we really need a alt for bunkers

Anonymous 299842

Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg… and my arm… even my fingers. The body I’ve lost… the comrades I’ve lost… won’t stop hurting… It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?

Anonymous 299844

That site is actual cancer kek

Anonymous 299845

cc went down the drain, what happened…

Anonymous 299847


Is this your first time on cc when lc went down? It's tradition at this point to first post in this thread and then make a bunker thread if more than a couple of hours pass.

Anyway, here's the status page if anyone is interested, seems like a host issue again.

Anonymous 299848

Why are you fuckers here? Go OUTSIDE for once in your lives, you retarded ass bitches lmfao

Anonymous 299849

Anonymous 299850

Pot calling the kettle black kek

Anonymous 299851

>tells them to not post here and go outside
>is posting here
Still true though

Anonymous 299852

It's raining outside, nah. It's holidays too, lemme be dumb with my dumb site in peace.

Anonymous 299853

>It's raining outside
Same here. You live in Texas?

Anonymous 299854

luigiposting made me so deeply conscious of the lc userbase I'm surrounding myself with and I felt so disgusted

Anonymous 299855

Nope, the other end of the globe kek

Anonymous 299856

Same here. I used to think lc was full of based pinkpilled misandrists, but now I realized they were coping with the fact that they can't get bfs

Anonymous 299857

Detrans women are so fucking annoying. They have the same TIF-tier attitude usually and bring their irritating twitter zoomer fandom anti/pro spergery wherever they go. And sometimes they go full 180 and get way into being radfem sometimes without having actually read any theory. It's annoying as hell

Anonymous 299858

How could you think this with all the muh nigel posting

Anonymous 299860

Same. I thought there would be more discussion about the event itself but the things I read in that thread would put marquis de sade to shame

Anonymous 299861

tbh I actually tried to yesterday. but I got past two houses then turned back. I felt like I was being watched even though the sun wasn’t fully up and it was still pretty dark out. it’s just a bit of a phase again

Anonymous 299862

I thought nigelposters were a small minority

Anonymous 299863

If it were it is a very loud minority. There are mothers and wives on lc as well

Anonymous 299864

>go to the husbando discussion containment
>shocked it's all husbando discussion
the mods banned husbandofags from the /ot/ discussions, so not sure where you're still seeing that outside of its literal containment thread

Anonymous 299865

Pretty naïve of you to think that the turbo normies at LC would be capable of discussing an event that includes a non-deformed guy without it turning into a maleworship simp session

Anonymous 299866

You're right honestly

Anonymous 299867

thank god, whenever i tried to discuss this anons would just get mad and say i’m trying to police women’s sexuality. i truly don’t give a fuck, sexual expression is healthy. but how luigi was treated as a whole on LC made me realise i had the wrong idea about the anons i interacted with. it’s all just a larp, and that’s a bit disappointing.

Anonymous 299868

the site has been overrun by moid worshippers husbandofags which also includes the fujos

Anonymous 299869

Oooo you're so edgy and cool

Anonymous 299870

I hate to say it but you’re right.

Anonymous 299871

Really? Luigi was the final straw? Not some of the other stuff on LC like cooming over Joe Rogan? Or Paul Dano? This has been a thing for years, but it’s likely not the same anons that are pinkpilled

Anonymous 299872

I didn't want to admit it to myself, but you're right

Anonymous 299873

i think a switch happened when LC started getting more popular honestly.

Anonymous 299874

You don’t need a VPN to ban evade, just clear cache and get a new IP that way. Yeah they’ll all be in the same IP range, but oh no jannies let me appeal that, I’m living in a college dorm, it surely wasn’t me “infighting”, whatever the fuck that means.
Actually the only ban I’ve ever copped from LC was for not putting a summary of the Western Cartoon Cows thread in /snow/. As though there’s ever any milk from that thread anyway, oh no anon you didn’t put a summarization of SuperSpark and Smeggle’s beef about the cultural influence of farts in Totally Spies, oh no. Go read the previous milkless thread yourself, it’s time to talk about the black dude who dropped $50k on Hazshit coom. I forgot the importance of cartoons to the 30 year old “autists” that use the board lmao.

Anonymous 299875

These blackpill newfags would not have survived the forbidden man and Dano sperging

Anonymous 299876

nta but we've had weird husbandofags for years but when its the "youre not his type" posts you just know these are tikturds ""femcel"" larpers

Anonymous 299877


Anonymous 299878

I fail to remember an instance of husbandofagging as intense as the Luigi fangirls tbh, that's why this is hitting some anons this hard while past examples of questionable thirstposting didn't

Anonymous 299879

>wasn’t there for adam driver
Ok fed

Anonymous 299881

Anonymous 299884

mean-girls copy.jp…

Anonymous 299885

The cia vs fbi turf war is happening in front of your eyes right now sheeple

Anonymous 299886

Do you not remember the Adam Driver posting? This is almost nothing, in fact I'd call it a minor resurgence in man thirst after months and yeras of the site being overwhelmed by barely adult baby radfems that think LC is a space where you're not allowed to mention men

Anonymous 299889


Anonymous 299890

Nice try but this doesn’t even get a side eye

Anonymous 299891

Thoughts I’ve had since 2019. Does anyone else remember that detrans pooner who retransed to have an article in PinkNews after she wasn’t getting enough asspats from terfs? I keep thinking she renamed herself Batman or something. That’s the feeling I get whenever there’s a detrans in a radfem / gc community, they’re just one episode of She-Ra away from retransing and having a “story” about the evil terves who mislaid them on their path to transhood.

Anonymous 299892

Exactly this. The Danofagging was huge a couple of years ago too. These LARPING newfags are scared and confused when a weeb-flavored gossip site that grew from /cgl/ isn't an Ovarit clone

Anonymous 299895

There’s one anon who was thirstposting about Caesar from Planet of the Apes. LC has never been misandrist or any color pilled, lol.

Anonymous 299896

danofags aren’t really the same as luigifags. paul dano is uglier but it goes beyond sexual attraction. attractiveness / hornyposting is not the issue, i go on /g/ kek there is way worse anons have thirsted for. i guess it’s just that i’ll never understand the female-socialised behaviour of immediately caping for a moid they decided they like so hard to the point of benefit of the doubt, much more than they would for women (which is fair, that’s heterosexuality, i just personally don’t get acting that way)

Anonymous 299897

>the atf forgotten yet again because theyre so busy killing pets

Anonymous 299898

sizzles you with my Cuban ray gun machine

Anonymous 299899

6rk7nkdjfqt61 copy…

Anonymous 299905


Why does Lolcow Have to always be going down always Down and never Up endless disappointment unending farce Why must I be subjected to torture and evil and nefarious Horrors all Because Lolcow Is down and Now I have worst Christmas on Life because Lolcow Is down my Life is never same Always hurting Always paining Always shamed forgotten Hurt ignored Crippled Invalid Crack Veins Syringe All because Lolcow Ruined my Christmas and 2018 and 2019 and 2020 and 2021 and 2023 and 2024 All because Lolcow Hurts and Never gets better Since then because a lot But never different Because it's down and down and down and down and My soul is breaking and my Heart is dying And I dont see the light I only see darkness

Anonymous 299906

If a woman shot the CEO there would be threads about her, definitely not as horny, but she would be worshipped let’s be real

Anonymous 299908

Any girl from Texas in here

Anonymous 299910

Nobody is from that third world shithole stop asking

Anonymous 299913

Exactly, so what

Anonymous 299914

>the female-socialised behaviour of immediately caping for a moid they decided they like so hard to the point of benefit of the doubt
This is what gets me especially. The denial and excuses and amount of butthurt anons when people started speculating that Luigi had yellow fever and was a sex tourist in Thailand or whatever was so funny. Sure there was no conclusive evidence of that afaik but the way they got so defensive as if they knew him personally was pathetic. They go full #notallmen mode when it comes to guys they think are cute.

Anonymous 299917

Fighting fitghing tfighting ALWAYS FIGHTINTNNEVER LOVING Im sick Im hurr Im need help Help me help Me Lolcow Help me

Anonymous 299918

i don’t know what use this response is when i literally said it makes sense because heterosexuality kek. the same thing happened when i tried to discuss this on LC - thirsting itself is completely benign on the contrary, i’d like it if women were more unapologetic in their sexuality. it’s the things that extend outside of that. it’s jarring to be on a site where women are nitpicked for their behaviours, looks (nasolabial folds kek) even while being neutral people but anons will cape to hell and back for luigi on the grounds of being attracted to him and him not being literal dogshit tier moid. heterosexual moids are just not the same, and that’s why they have more solidarity.

Anonymous 299920


Anonymous 299922

Literally. Hypocrisy at its finest. They hate men and everything about them, yet the second there is a conventionally attractive man, it's all worshipping and full on de/g/eneracy

Anonymous 299923

lolcow hasn’t been that nitpicky since the fall of burritomin you’re so 2000 late

Anonymous 299924

Damn she's fugly

Anonymous 299926

did you forget he did something pretty cool on top of him not being hideous or

Anonymous 299928


luigi is ugly and I would not have sex with him.

Anonymous 299930

It's not about them being annoyed. Read the post again. The "noooo he's a good boy REEEEE" reactions are what's laughable. If they were just annoyed and told those baiting anons to fuck off it would've been alright and understandable but many of them got personally offended at the suggestion that Luigi could be anything but a perfect saint

Anonymous 299931

>luigi hate
>same trite talking point about lolcow being hypocritical
>muh nasolabials
>child porn gets posted
the feds are mad kek

Anonymous 299932

I hate fast food but I enjoy it once or twice a year. Idk why people think you need to be an all or nothing robot.

Anonymous 299933

So Fights always Dights I cant Cope aicant Cope please why are fighting Pleasedtop fighting Im jigjn help Stop fighting where is Loocow where is Lolcow I need it I need Loocow now where is nY website where is my Home Im homeless ehkp me Jelp me God help me

Anonymous 299934

they still hate degen males, it's just that LM's online footprint and stories told by others paint him as a sort of unicorn in that aspect, a "purer" version, hence one that is preferred

Anonymous 299935

>moids have solidarity

Anonymous 299936

you’re clearly missing my point here. i’m not going to try and change anyone’s mind because why should i, i’m just saying… moids would never give women they want to fuck the same grace women do. disagree all you will, but i don’t believe you can refute that with honesty.

Anonymous 299937

Why is it every time lolcor goes down someone gets schizo. It’s going to be okay.

Anonymous 299938

>everyone who thinks my man is ugly is a fed REEEEEE!!!1!

Anonymous 299939

Probably because it’s annoying retarded libshit identity politics to harp on about how he did xyz and said tranny on twitter like who gives a fuck. I’m glad you’re so easily triggered by people being OTT good boy posters

Anonymous 299940

literally who would get this mad over being called a fed besides a fed are you retarded

Anonymous 299942

if someone is arguing with an all or nothing mentality they're either a zoomer or a third world esl so it's best to disregard their opinion

Anonymous 299943

>he doesn’t know about yandere-chan
You’re so obviously not a farmer it’s pathetic. Get out

Anonymous 299944

Im Not achio Im not sfhio You cant Gaslight me uou cant baslihjt me I cant do that Im not diesel Im human Im being Im person Im not Gas In not Gas Im not gas Im not gas Harassing me nver Eneding I cant Cope I need CmLolCow i neeed it I nees to post Lol ow Pprase Please I need to Post on my Home im Not homed Im home never Im needd It now aso baslu Help me Why is Lol ow down Im so cold Im so cols Im freeInf I beed Hlep Help me

Anonymous 299945

no one is mad. the fed tinfoiling is funny and im making fun of it. retard

Anonymous 299946

Want to ride in my truck

Anonymous 299947

what is the use in being defensive? i never said it was “women’s” fault. i don’t understand why anyone thinks it’s some sort of attack on their identity when we bring up being shocked by (or simply just not liking) luigifags, both of which we’re entitled to. i really don’t like this all or nothing approach in which if you disagree with something you must be targetting and hating on all women.

Anonymous 299948

point to the funny bit you did

Anonymous 299949

Are we seriously fighting again…guys come on…

Anonymous 299951

i don’t have a clue as to how anything in my message came across as scrote to you kekk

Anonymous 299952

nobody is fighting nobody is mad the feds are posting cp because it’s funny or something

Anonymous 299953

peepee poopoo

Anonymous 299954

mhm limp wrist faggot

Anonymous 299955

>it's just retarded and pointless to doomspiral about womankind based on what unattainable moid gives them the butterflies kek
Missing the point and conflation, got it. Well it’s just my opinion, and I’m glad at the very least I’m not the only one here that felt like this.

Anonymous 299957

texasphobia will not be tolerated here pardner

Anonymous 299958

We’re talking about what we got for Christmas in the other bunker. It’s quieter there. I came here to laugh at the chaos but now I’m bored. Join us

Anonymous 299959

how many times does it have to be reiterated that no one has a problem with the sexual attraction side of things. selective reading

Anonymous 299960

Stop advertising it or else all the retards will go there and fuck it up

Anonymous 299961

I know kek, I have it opened in another tab. The difference is night and day

Anonymous 299962

It's because the tranny baiters have been camping in this thread since LC banned VPNs so they're all excited they're getting attention here now that LC is down

Anonymous 299964

Boring from both sides rn

Anonymous 299966

nta but oh yeah i forgot snail is dead..no wonder why this thread reeks of rot..welp nonas im off to questing in my comfy dress up game

Anonymous 299967

knock knock FBI open up or I unleash my 5TB gay porn folder

Anonymous 299968

Have fun

Kisses & hugs,

Anonymous 299969

They seem perfectly comfortable here

Anonymous 299970

When does baldurs gate 3 get fun

Anonymous 299971

If you don't have a large gay porn collection, you don't belong here

Anonymous 299972

Speak for yourself we are pure conservative heterosexual angels

Anonymous 299973

Missing the point like it's your job

Anonymous 299974

I don’t work for the fbi stop with the fed posting already

Anonymous 299976

yeah because manlets are the ones that give a fuck about the way anons treat males vs women. listen to any anon vent about her shitty nigel and you’ll get why no one thinks this is a self-contained thing with no relation to anything else. i don’t think everyone should be a le based radfems i just think it’s disingenuous to have your cake and eat it too. when anons graduate from LC they’ll probably go back to full-time moid worship. i genuinely think it’s more harrowing that any discussion that doesn’t agree with the hivemind results in a scrotefoil. tbf though i have looked over this site and i do think the previous malding in other threads sounded more bitterness. but acting like everyone who isn’t praising luigi is ridiculous when moids love him too.

Anonymous 299977

When you uninstall

Anonymous 299978

Which explains the gay porn collection

Anonymous 299979

Wrong anon

Anonymous 299980

Real. When anons were posting like “do you think weegee likes autistic girls??” I knew it was so over for women. Maybe lc really was a femcel site all along…

Anonymous 299981

Unpopular I know but it’s a good thing normie moids like him

Anonymous 299982

What tipped you off? When the radfem threads got banned or after the 40th Adam driver thread?

Anonymous 299983

Anonymous 299984

You realize this is political theater and that luigi isn't real and his persona is designed to fuck with people like you

Anonymous 299985

Why would I larp as a radfem when I hate women?

Anonymous 299986

LCF is back up

Anonymous 299987

Ayrt, fair kek. I don’t actually mind nigelhavers/fujos/normie women that much, but the level of moid worship is still disheartening. The luigifags deluding themselves into thinking he would ever date them was just cringe.

Anonymous 299988

Oh now all the baiters are fighting with themselves kek this shit is so embarrassing

Anonymous 299989

Luigi is the perfect man as he does not experience sexual arousal after his spinal injury left him with ED. Seethe moids

Anonymous 299990

LCF is back all of you leave

Anonymous 299991

i can stay here if i like

Anonymous 299993

I will rape Luigi 100 times and none of you can stop me

Anonymous 299994

>lolcor goes down
>thread is shit
Yeah girlies it’s the VPN ban making LC so much more palatable for you lately and it’s not a total psyop

Anonymous 299995

And how will you manage that?

Anonymous 299996


Do you think he passes?

Anonymous 299997

Gas station boner pills and hand cuffs

Anonymous 299998


reposting this masterpiece

Anonymous 299999

Those aren't real and if viagra worked for him he probably wouldn't of been homicidal

Anonymous 300000


Anonymous 300001


Anonymous 300002

that is “totes” rape you speak your truth sister!
kekk where was this posted

Anonymous 300003

In this thread >>299509

Anonymous 300004


Anonymous 300005

A modern classic

Anonymous 300006

You girls are so cute

Anonymous 300007

how is that rape you fucking retard

Anonymous 300008

i noticed this too. their site went down and they all fled here like cockroaches, shitting up the thread and proving its not the vpn ban that's the problem, it's how cringe and insufferable their general userbase is. other than the handful of them that camp out in this thread 24/7 seething about how the vpn ban is toootally a good thing.

Anonymous 300009

can people post cringe luigifag screenshots i need to see some of this shit. i wanted to ask on lc but i doubt they’d allow it

Anonymous 300010

please take note of how the chill atmosphere in this thread quickly went away once those who were regularly using lolcow throughout the vpn ban moved in to this thread due to the site being down

Anonymous 300011

i’m curious as a bit of a newfag to cc, but interested in the site. what do cc users hate about lolcow anons? i have my fair share of issues with the userbase specifically the culture of vitriol on there but i’m wondering if there’s any specific reason

Anonymous 300012

they would don't worry

Anonymous 300013

I'm really starting to dislike other women for how they react when men they never had a chance with to begin with are attracted to women that don't resemble them.
It's moid-tier entitlement. "Nooo I have to self-insert on your girlfriend, nooo this makes me feel like I'm being cucked even though you don't know I exist and I have no reason to believe you would've liked me at all noooo". Fucking pathetic, just like those Japanese moids who are obsessed with idols and harass them for having boyfriends. Who gives a fuck if he prefers Asian women? It's not even a one-off. So many retarded pickmehags have spent time bashing/attacking women for dating their favorite celebrity moid, and it's even nastier when there's a racial element.
It's almost like they're actual speds who see something on a screen, don't understand it's not actually there in front of them IRL and say "This is mine".

Anonymous 300014

and you can also be certain that the few times this thread becomes annoying it's because lc refugees who don't use their site due to the vpn ban are posting in it. the userbase is insufferable overall
i'm more of an lc anon than a cc anon but i'm thinking of not going back to lc because the regina george wannabe-ism is getting to be too much for me. yeah i know it's always been like that but i'm reaching my limit it seems. it feels like the site is populated by stan twitter users instead of imageboard users if that makes sense

Anonymous 300015

Well, there are 6 threads full of luigifag cringe kek. Milk from the current thread includes:
>debate on whether or not luigi is interested in autistic women (cope)
>ig following list reveals luigi only followed asian and white women, including a several ethots
>then anons claim that luigi akshually is asexual and doesn’t objectify women (cope)
>anons literally calling each other luigi’s “sister wives”

Anonymous 300016

anons on lc have a crazy amount of hate to spew about WMAF, the psyop thread proved that to me, lots of genuine racism too but no bans kek

Anonymous 300017


Anonymous 300018

Even in the lesbian thread there were spergouts and "racebaiting" bans when some women said they preferred Asian women kek.

Anonymous 300019

agreed. regina-george wannabe twitter users larping as their idea of imageboard users

Anonymous 300021

Racial fetishism is extremely creepy, perverted, misogynistic, and disgusting. Only handmaid pickmes will overlook it.

Anonymous 300022

It’s really strange how farmers are so quick to call out white moids who fetishize asian women, except for when it’s a conventionally attractive white moid they want to fuck. It’s not envy, it’s embarrassing tbh

Anonymous 300023

There's fetishism, and then there's just liking someone of a different race. Actual handmaiden pickmes use the existence of fetishism as a cope and a cudgel to bash the women (and it's always the women, never the men lol) and try to mate-guard.

Anonymous 300024

It's not. 90% of users are extremely hypocritical there. From fujos to husbandofags to radfem larpers, none are internally consistent with their beliefs and will cherrypick who or what to support/hate even if it's contradictory to what they (supposedly) believe.

Anonymous 300025

>There's fetishism
When they don't like the moid
>and then there's just liking someone of a different race
When they want to suck the moid's smegma-encrusted dick

Anonymous 300026

Agreed. Sad to realize le based “moidhate” really just came from a place of bitterness for not being picked by moids irl. Sorry, deleted and reposted to fix a typo.

Anonymous 300029

That's pretty much it, but it's really disgusting how they fill their mouths claiming to be the epitome of feminism and regard any other woman as a pickme when they won't even try to stick to their larp once a moid they like comes along. THEY are the retarded libfem handmaidens they hate so much.

Anonymous 300030

It's ridiculous because if you truly believe the moid is racially fetishizing other races of women, he's obviously being a creep/predator when he hangs around them flirting and trying to get close, but instead of recognizing that, becoming suspicious of the male and maybe having a protective instinct for other women, all these dumb pickmes do is go after the women for existing near the moid while not being white kek. It's like they fool themselves into thinking they're sirens who "tempted" their poor little babyboy or some shit.
I don't care about the moid, it's just crazy-making to see other women act like complete idiots.

Anonymous 300032

>i'm gonna damage my brain to porn even more just to spite you!11!
Be my guest.

Anonymous 300034

I never understood why for example when a moid cheats the wife will hate the woman the moid cheated on instead of hating him but now I understand it's just lowQ heterosexual behavior and can't be fixed in these types.

Anonymous 300035

Enjoy fujoposting, . I don’t expect any anon on lc to be a political activist, and this has nothing to do with idpol (do you even know what idpol means?). Doesn’t mean I’m not going to continue to cringe at weegee sister wives and their delusional handmaidenry. It is what it is!

Anonymous 300036

I’m retarded. I forgot n o n n a was censored here kek.

Anonymous 300037

Remember when Burritomin called out the LC radfems for being fake? She was right all along.

Anonymous 300038

Lol of course the fujo "most feminist porn" retard is the first to say "just a joke bro!" when the retardation is exposed, but otherwise will endlessly moralfag about PORN and idpol in every other scenario. Just pathetic.

Anonymous 300039

>is go after the women for existing near the moid while not being white
No, we're going after farmers, who are nowhere near the moid

Anonymous 300040

Wrong. I've seen Luigifags talking about resenting the women he was photographed with, and they're who I'm complaining about.

Anonymous 300041

Fujos are just another form of porn addicted coomer and should be treated as such.

Anonymous 300042

I think you're confused. I'm not a luigifag, I'm antiluigifaggotry.

Anonymous 300044

>sucking his cock despite retweeting anti-female tradshit
>sucking his cock after yellow fever allegations
>hating on asian women due to said yellow fever allegations
>not handmaidenry
Luigifaggot pls go and stay go.

Anonymous 300045

It's nasty.
To all Luigifags seething about him supposedly liking Asian women: The truth is, most of you are mentally ill, dumb, broke, fat and ugly. I don't know how you got it into your heads that you or your phenotype deserve to be top priority in a stranger's dating life just because you might both be white. Yes, some of the men you fixate on are fetishizing other women for their race, not just incidentally finding them attractive. This is because men are garbage. You also have notoriously bad taste in them, and like 60% of you claim to be based feminist misandrists, but would defend a man you want to fuck if he was an abusive rapist (just like the Ezrafags did both on and off LC). Few of you are any better than Deppfags.
There's no law that you have to date within your own race, and even if there were, moids would only enforce them on YOU and make exceptions for themselves whenever they decided they wanted someone else lmao. If you must be mad, be mad at the moid. Stop attacking women for "getting picked" (your life goal) when you didn't.

Anonymous 300047

Handmaiden behavior isn’t exclusive to to sucking troon cock

Anonymous 300048

Go back

Anonymous 300050

Don't care, stop crying over Asian women

Anonymous 300051

This man is so mid. Women really are starving for decent-looking men if they lose it so badly over this guy

Anonymous 300052

Luigifags are just failed Nigelfags, that explains their behavior.

Anonymous 300054

Please, lc anons post their graphic sexual fantasies about luigi constantly it their containment thread . Unfortunately they can’t suck his cock because he’s in prison, but I’m sure they would gobble up his dick and balls if they could kek. I’m a de/g/enerate myself, and women can get off on whatever they want. But I think it crosses over from the fantasy realm when anons are legit sending him fanmail irl

Anonymous 300055

There is no ugly man psyop, heterosexual women genuinely have shit taste.

Anonymous 300059

Hope you know women with happy, fulfilling relationships and/or who simply don't prioritize dick and balls in life don't spend their time publicly fingering themselves to strange men, forming cults of personality around them and seething at other women for him liking them if they're not "relatable" (eg white) enough.

Anonymous 301314

Can’t believe I got jumped on/accused of being a moid for not finding the giant nosed faggot attractive, fuck lolcow

Anonymous 301346

>STILL talking about weegee

Anonymous 301364

I was permanently banned for unspecified reasons, out of nowhere and I just don't care enough to do anything about it. I suppose this is my final goodbye. While I did have fun, I won’t miss the constant screeching about BPD and other mental illnesses, or imaginary pickmes. It just saddens me that women can't have an imageboard with proper moderation.

Anonymous 301369

I think /m/ is genuinely the only board worth it on there.
Users justify their vitriol by the fact the ib is ultimately a farm, not just a women’s imageboard. I could argue against it but they have a point - I wish we just had a regular, well-moderated ib, with a good culture that moderators will actually protect.

Anonymous 301380

Man I'm so glad I found this thread. What in the flying fuck has happened to lolcow??? It's so much more spiteful, and full of Tiktokers who sling "literally" around like it's the only word they know.

Anonymous 301381

I'm American. And I very much agree with you. It's tiring when you have a grasp on reality and common sense and know that taxing rich people will only drive them out. But zoomers sure don't.

Anonymous 301382

hey same thing happened to me too! I came on here to see if the same thing happened to anyone else, I sent them an email to appeal and I'm waiting for a response. how does that shit even happen?

Anonymous 301502

I also just got permabanned for no reason. Genuinely dumbfounded at what I did wrong. I’ve been mainly just trying to contribute to cow threads the last few days. Literally zero infights. This is so frustrating.

Anonymous 301674

anyone know about the new ib?

Anonymous 301678


Yeah what is this mysterious site that has doxxed Cerbmin, I wanna know too

Anonymous 301679

It’s about 18 characters in length.

Anonymous 301680

What does it mean by "Lolcow has been compromised"

Anonymous 301681

Turns out cerb is one taller dude in a trench coat instead of three shorter dudes in a trench coat.

Anonymous 301682

So what was the point of the alias?

Anonymous 301684

wtf??? there was a whistleblower??? do you have anymore screenshots where did you get this??

Anonymous 301686

One of the /w/ jannies defected?

Anonymous 301687

anyone who has access to this site u have to post screencaps of the dox at least. we deserve to know

Anonymous 301688

its better if you dont see it. you would not want to use lolcow after reading the /w/ farmhand's PMs. its worse than you can imagine. stop posting there

Anonymous 301689

please post them!! anons wont believe it without proof

Anonymous 301690

can you at least share some parts of it?

Anonymous 301691

If it's so bad then we deserve to know.

Anonymous 301692

This. I don't want to use a site if the Admin is a degenerate enough that it can't be shared.

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