blackpillchan.png hate thread #11 Anonymous 300060
Blackpill retards edition
Last thread
>>>/b/299049Anonymous 300062

>>300054This is it for me, I genuinely stopped using lc as much because the mass cognitive dissonance was so retarded. Anons were raging all like “you can’t police women for wanting to “rape” (teehee based) a scrote you troon/misogynist!” When no one even mentioned whatever they’re sperging about, and are obviously talking about the pathetic anons squealing like oooh what should they write in their fanmail and oh noo i don’t want him to think i’m just another fangirl when he retweets shit like muh birthrates and picrel. They refuse to acknowledge what anons really take issue with in sake of protecting their handmaidenry and pretend everyone that gets grossed out by anons saying they’d suck his dick and balls are angry moids (despite the fact moids
like him) and suppressed polilez prudes. Showing time and time again that women will always turn on other women for a scrote. Embarrassing
Anonymous 300063
>>300014>the regina george wannabe-ism is getting to be too much for meSame, this happened because theres been an influx of mean girl "radfems" and similar cancerous communities like bone rattlers and coquettefags coming from twitter and tumblr to lolcow, started probably in the lockdown and got worse this year, im considering leaving it as well at this point because every thread devolves into politics or sexuality infighting, even the cow ones.
Anonymous 300065
Nonas are not shitposting but are very unironically attracted to some random moids. It's a weird feeling.
Anonymous 300066
Who gives this much of a shit about what other women do with their pussies or free time? Do you guys pay these anons bills?
Tumblr and radfem politics fried your brains, little dictators with control issues, go hit a blunt and live YOUR life instead of stressing over what grown women do. Cannot even imagine subjecting myself to this type of stress purposely
Anonymous 300068
The farmhands are out of control banning people for personal issues. I tried messaging cerbmin about it and recieved very rude and discmissive responses, and they didn't believe me when I tried to tell them there might be an issue. I recieved a ban for "unspecified reasons" that was automatically denied, but when I tried messaging them about it they accusing me of having a dynamic ip and/or trying to ban evade because apparently that message should only show up if you already saw the first ban reason. That wasn't the case, I was never given an OG ban message which leads me to believe it was vendetta. Cerbmin asked for my ip and honestly, I refuse. I'm just going to reset my ip
Anonymous 300069
>>300062I don't get it, what's so bad about picrel? You crazy
Anonymous 300071
>>300066>go hit a blunt and live YOUR life instead of stressing over what grown women doYou literally go on lolcow
Anonymous 300072
>>300011>i’m curious as a bit of a newfag to cc, but interested in the site. what do cc users hate about lolcow anons?They are as annoying and moralfaggy as kiwifags are but i have no choice but use lolcow since cc is dead and taken over by trannies, it's like the facebook of imageboards
Anonymous 300073
>>300069>society is trying to crush male greatness It’s funny how common trad views like this are among moids now it’s not even unusual to you
Anonymous 300074
>>300051for all the ones of you who call Luigi mid, post someone you find attractive
Anonymous 300075
>>300068This isn't that different from how Oldmin/"Burritomin" acted. It's possible that they're not just being vendettafags and dataminers, but since that's what she was, I wouldn't blame anyone for not trusting them.
Anonymous 300076
>>300073I know this is insane for you to think about when your brain functions on black and white but sometimes people from different sides of the political spectrum can think similarly or agree with each other despite not being friends or fighting for the same cause, take for example right wingers being agaisn't illegal immigration, like some radical feminists also are.
Anonymous 300077
>>300076What the fuck are you talking about, moid?
Anonymous 300078

>>300069Kek if you don’t see an issue with it then so be it but there’s a pattern in the shit he’s retweeted and an uglier moid would not be given the benefit of the doubt and you know it.
>>300076What even is your point exactly?
Anonymous 300079
>>300076How is society trying to crush male greatness? Discuss this from a left wing perspective.
>inb4 i'm not left wingSo why did you bring up "muh different sides of the political spectrum" agreeing on this when that anon is discussing tradtards/right wingers and the Twitter user in the OP is one?
Anonymous 300080

So true nonners!! He's so cuuuuute I want to floss my teeth with the hair from his ballsack!!! I'm so based and feminist because me writing this makes the scrotes rent-free inside my head seethe!!!
Anonymous 300081

>>300009The cringiest thing is that they started calling themselves "sisterwives"
Anonymous 300082
>>300078Can't believe the luigitards still defend this trad moid.
>I can fix him!!!1There is no hope for women.
Anonymous 300083
>>300081These posters are literally worse than libfems because even libfems have more sex consciousness than make jokes about being one of the wives of cultist scrotes that sexually enslave girls. The only reason LC users larp to be "TERFs" or "radfems" is because they want to be edgy yet have a way to do moralfag mental gymnastics around it. They are not feminists at all.
Anonymous 300085
Having one of BJ-chan's unhinged rants as a thread pic was definitely an interesting choice…
Anonymous 300086
NTA but only failed tradthots think that term holds any power here kek
Anonymous 300087
>>300084NTA, but why are you using a female-only website if you don’t care about “sex consciousness”?
>>300083>The only reason LC users larp to be "TERFs" or "radfems" is because they want to be edgy yet have a way to do moralfag mental gymnastics around it.Yep.
Anonymous 300088
Don't LARP about being a le based feminist next time if you don't like getting called out on your hypocrisy.
Anonymous 300089
>>300073I kinda see what she's trying to get at. Men are made for dying in wars and hard labour. Capturing a trench, digging a hole or building a house gives them a sense of achievement. Current society funnels them into work such as office jobs and this is clearly causing serious psychological issues in men.
Anonymous 300090
>>300089>Current society funnels them into work such as office jobs and this is clearly causing serious psychological issues in men.Handmaiden alert. Why should that be society's problem? Women are doing just fine while moids spiral into drug and porn addiction.
Anonymous 300091
>>300081>”gang rape”kekk actual mental illness. it comes across as trying too hard when the fantasy you’re envisioning is multiple women sucking him off and rimming him or something.
Anonymous 300092
I’d rather be a tumblrina then whatever the fuck you guys are doing over there. gladly
Anonymous 300093
>>300089this is absurd. the only thing that's changed is how societally acceptable it is for a man to be a jobless bum. a man who does not want to do any kind of work, will not be happy with any work at all, whether that's an office job or construction. men used to always inherit everything from their parents, so these aforementioned bum men simply spend their youth partying, knocking up some woman, and then gambling and drinking instead of being a father. nowadays, these men feel shamed into working, so they do, and they are unhappy regardless.
Anonymous 300094
>>300091Every day someone posts shit about "punishing" their nigel/one night stand/situationship with sex in the unpopular opinions thread. My guess is that all those retards finally found their place worshipping weegee's cock and larping that they are actually "punishing" him with sex.
Anonymous 300100
I can’t think of anything less autistically celibate then worshipping a moid who will never pick you kek
Anonymous 300101
>>300100I can think of a lot of things more autistic than that actually
Anonymous 300102
>autistic celibacy oath
So go and thirst for moids like normal heterosexual women instead of trying to excuse every shitstain on this moid’s character. It’s literally muh nigel but he doesn’t even know you
Anonymous 300103
>>300100The 4B movement in Korea was the WOMAD organization's attempt to reinvent itself after public shame resulting from irl 3d straight shota related international sex scandals grabbed media attention.
This is significantly more autistically celibate than post-illicit-sex shame.
Anonymous 300106
Idc about all the infight going on itt but my lolcow hate point right now is why do people have 0 reading comprehension on that site.
Anonymous 300108
How many times are you all going to bring up his dick/ balls/ pubic hair/smegma??? Ain't no better than his fangirls damn if I didn't know better I'd think it's a gay moid posting because??
Anonymous 300113
>>300083>>300081Okay now what? Like, after calling these anons out, what's the next step? Should we walk into their houses and steal their computers? I don't get it. Do you plan on shaming them until they stop? This is not Twitter, these users are anonymous
Anonymous 300114
>>300113>farmer is confused when she herself becomes the lolcow Anonymous 300117
>>300114nta but if you think that's what a lolcow is then its no wonder why all the cow boards are dead as dog shit
Anonymous 300118
>>300090>Why should that be society's problem? Women are doing just fine while moids spiral into drug and porn addiction.Because we live in reality and not some radfem fantasy. It shouldn't be our problem but is is because women are always the target of male frustration. I will give the CEO killer credit for at least taking his anger out on another moid.
>>300093>men used to always inherit everything from their parentsThis take is extremely middle class. Do you think men and their families that were working class or lived in poverty ever inherited anything of worth?
Anonymous 300119
>>300076Sanest statement itt and of course it got hate kek
Anonymous 300120
>>300113We’re in the lolcow hate thread btw.
Please keep the luigifag cringe compilations coming. This shit is hilarious
>>300081 Anonymous 300121
It's a seething moid, mark my words. No woman is this obsessed with other women's crushes, this is extremely pathetic and retarded
Anonymous 300122
Screenshot 2024-12…

>>300117The Luigifag's eccentric and foolish behavior is exploited to amuse cc onlookers, and is being "milked" for laughs. Sounds like an lolcow to me.
Anonymous 300123
>>300118i don't care about your fucktarded american opinion on inheritance. if my third worldie country moids inherited houses and land from their relatives 200 years ago, which is essentially the most important thing to inherit in this situation, then it's the same thing wherever you're from.
Anonymous 300124
>>300121>you must be a moid if you gasp don't worship this another moid Anonymous 300125
>>300121>anyone finding women thirsting over a man online to be pathetic and cringe is in fact a manThe mental gymnastics behind this cope is interesting.
Anonymous 300127
>>300122>you don't share my opinions, you must be the Luigifag!!!Schizo
>>300125Well get ready to kermit soon I guess because most women are hetero, and when a moid gets famous mass simping is bond to happen, obviously
Anonymous 300128
>>300113> I don't get it. Do you plan on shaming them until they stop?No. This is the hate thread. We hate on the site and its users here. That's all
Anonymous 300129
>>300124>>300125for some reason lc women love this take, it’s so weird. kekk seething scrote!! it’s just fantasy that everything they’re doing is “based radfem antics pissing off the moids we totally hate!! (but actually luigi was right poor scrotes…)” as if moids would be the ones arguing this point right now. delusion. it’s why nothing worthwhile gets spoken about, anything they don’t like is dismissed as obviously a scrote.
Anonymous 300130
>>300127Yeah mass simping is bound to happen and some backlash to the simping is bound to happen as well. What's your point?
Anonymous 300131

>>300127>kermitDON'T bring my husbando into this…
Anonymous 300132

>>300129The funniest thing is that even the shit /pol/ scrotes absolutely worship this faggot. You would think that would be enough to make the Luigifags be repulsed because they keep saying that they like him since it makes scrotes mad, but actually they just choose to ignore this, among other stuff like the yellow fever and tradposting.
Anonymous 300133
Screenshot 2024-12…

I don't understand why they keep lying like this. Anyone with a brain can read the time stamps on the posts here and see that it only went to shit once the farms went down earlier today.
Anonymous 300134

These tech illiterate retards think a VPN ban is a magical thing that somehow detects and bans every IP being used as a VPN. Like that one retarded poster comparing programming to plumbing in the unpopular opinions thread right now kek. They are really so dumb.
Anonymous 300136
>>300133>they are nasty transvestites as wellWhy do they always say this?
Anonymous 300137
I got that image from LC.
Anonymous 300139
>>300137How? LC doesn't look like that. It's obviously from fourchan. Why lie? Typical farmer cope.
Anonymous 300140
Because said women are saying they are only doing that thing because it makes men angry? Don't worry though, I know everyone on that website is a big fat hypocrite, and I just like to make fun of that.
Anonymous 300141
>>300139If this is a trollpost you got me kek.
Anonymous 300143
>>300139i hope you’re not joking so you feel genuinely retarded
Anonymous 300144
>>300138Nta and they shouldn't but it's funny considering they love accusing anyone who doesn't worship Luigi of being a man when /pol/tards love him too.
>>300139Maybe someone on LC went to /pol/, posted that screenshot and that anon reposted it here? Are you stupid?
Anonymous 300145
are lc anons actually coming here to the lc hate thread to defend themselves kekkkk
Anonymous 300147
>>300144Way to expose yourself for having no knowledge. Poltards hate him because women love Luigi.
Anonymous 300148
>>300147I just went to the very first Luigi thread I found and there is no discussion of women whatsoever. They're calling anyone who doesn't like him a "kike" and replying with "yes" to a "is this your hero?" post. Keep coping though. Anonymous 300149
>>300147Someone literally posted a screenshot of a pol thread where the replies are worshipping him
Anonymous 300150
>>300147Anon can you follow a thread? The cap a few posts up is from /pol/. Visit /pol/, kiwifarms, or any other platform to see for yourself what alt-right moids actually think of luigi rather than parroting something that just isn’t true
Anonymous 300151
>>300147luigifag when she has to come to terms with the fact that poo poo smelly men also like her moid of choice
Anonymous 300152
It's actually baffling how farmers didn't realize that hating Luigi would make men in general seethe even more because they would realize that even if they kill a really good target, are tall and fit they still can't get pussy.
Anonymous 300153
>>300148>>300149>>300150You're the only cope in the thread if you think manufactured thread is anything to go by. Old ugly right wing scrotes want Luigi dead and that's a cue enough for intelligent people.
Anonymous 300154
>>300152What's more this just proves their point that a man can be a violent ape but as long as he's tall and attractive women will flock to him.
Anonymous 300156
>>300153>all men hate luigi so i like him>well ok rw men hate luigi so i like him>ok maybe rw men like luigi but incels hate luigi so i like him>ok maybe incels like luigi too but old rw men like luigi so i like himAd infinitum
Anonymous 300157
Love how many schizo trannies/scrotoids are actually banned from lolcow so they have to come here to post. Just shows the low quality of cc.(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US)
Anonymous 300159
>>300156you forgot
>ok but why should women hate him just because men like him then Anonymous 300160
The one who ratted Luigi out at the McDonald's was a boomer woman lol. Old people hating him is not surprising.
Anonymous 300161
>>300153>>300155Just because you keep repeating this cope doesn’t make it true. Holy shit. Seriously, how many /pol/ threads praising him do you need to see before you realize you’re wrong? Right wing scrotes glorify moid violence against the “elites.” I don’t care if you agree or don’t agree with that, but you’re not sticking it to moids by simping so hard for one. I was neutral about luigifags at first, but you people are genuinely delusional and retarded.
Anonymous 300162
>>300156Liking something to make men angry is still scrote focused. The truly ascended woman just stops caring about men.
>>300157>i am being called a retard for acting like a retard, therefore the people calling me a retard are in fact men Anonymous 300164
>>300157I’m not banned from lc, but if I posted in the luigi thread I would be because farmhands want to protect your little circlejerk. If you can’t handle seeing criticisms of lc, don’t camp in the lc hate thread. It’s that easy
Anonymous 300165
Only farmers can talk big about hating moids then dedicate consecutive threads, both on LC and CC, about a moid. Mods just banned VPNs but let's talk some more about dick ig
Anonymous 300166
>>300157Don't you get tired of repeating the same shit over and over?
Anonymous 300167

Reminder that luigifags need to censor opposing opinions to keep their delusions checked.
Anonymous 300168
>>300159I would have zero problems with this statement if they didn't spend every waking hour defending their weegee cocklust behind the "moids hate him so it's super duper feminist if I like him!!" retardation.
Anonymous 300169
It was the facial recognition self serving kiosks actually
Anonymous 300171
>>300167The farmhands also spent the first couple days before the containment was created banning any anti-luigi post as "baiting". The mods are huge handmaidens themselves.
Anonymous 300172
>>300166First time I posted in years, unfortunately cc is still being linked on moid imageboards and getting constantly raided.
Anonymous 300173
>>300172Right. In that case could you make your first post be something other than "heh. look at all these trannies and scrotes who disagree with me"? We're all tired of hearing it
Anonymous 300174
Have you noticed how farmhands have been deleting posts that mention Luigi’s trad views or apparent asian fetish as “bait”? It’s clearly become a circlejerk where any dissent is deleted and banned. You can have your luigi husbando thread, fine, but don’t mald when anons criticize luigifaggotry here
Anonymous 300175
>>300173thought processses and replies like this remind me how insanely more intelligent the average cc user is compared to the average lc user. cc users always give the vibe of being internet savvy and experienced, lc users always give the vibe like they stopped shitting their diapers yesterday despite being 30 years old and only just figured out this heckin cool anonymous imageboars thing-o.
Anonymous 300176
>>300173No. Don't really care what your delusional hivemind wants.
Anonymous 300177
>>300176You’re the one trying to enforce a hivemind by calling everyone that doesn’t simp for luigi like you trannies. Go back
Anonymous 300178
>>300175both cc and lc are like 99% mentally ill or some form of retardation
Anonymous 300179
>>300177Nice try scrote, keep seething.
Anonymous 300180
>>300178but not retarded in the same way that's for sure
Anonymous 300181
>>300178cc is 99% but lc is 99.999% so it's a thousand times worse
Anonymous 300182
>>300179Ok retard. You’ll probably be embarrassed one day that you’ve been simping so hard for a literal /pol/ hero who doesn’t know you exist
Anonymous 300183
>>300178As someone who has spent roughly the same amount of time on both sites I can say farmers edge out miners when it comes to retardation by a few points.
>>300179You people sound like you're the scrotes atp trying to create infighting. I would accuse you of being one if I were a bit more braindead and didn't believe that women are capable of disagreeing with each other.
Anonymous 300184
I think you're confused. The luigifags ARE the same LC posters defending themselves right now
Anonymous 300186
>>300179genuinely seems to be the only thing you guys can say. you have your luigi containment, so why are you defending his honour even here?
Anonymous 300190
>>300167You aren't supposed to post bait or hate posts at spam threads dumbass, it's been the same rule since ever
Anonymous 300191

>tfw some obese asexual (except for weegee) creature from the farms calls you "kitten"
Anonymous 300192
>>300184They’re malding so hard in their husbando thread over miners calling them cringe. That’s probably why they’ve all appeared here to wk themselves
Anonymous 300196

>>300192>They’re malding so hard in their husbando thread over miners calling them cringe. That’s probably why they’ve all appeared here to wk themselvesI just went there out of curiosity and these women are never beating the "women choose men who treat them like shit" allegations.
Anonymous 300198
Crystal cafe… crystals… miners… newfag
Anonymous 300202
>>300167The fact that Cerbmin is encouraging this instead of just banning both sides tells me all I need to know. Burritomin purged kshit for less.
Anonymous 300203
These retards are so retarded I reported all of there posts to admin for being under age. Back when I was a miner I never advertised that but I guess Zoomers are too stupid to realize that. Whatever I just hope there parents take away their computer privilages.
Anonymous 300204
>>300192Notice how this thread started to derail into an infight because Luigitards from LC just can't help themselves. Meanwhile they'll point fingers at ban-evading baiters for ruining their precious LC. The lack of self-awareness in the LC userbase is astounding.
Anonymous 300207
>>300204I concur. The lack of self-awareness is astounding from the LC userbase. If you notice, this thread was derailed into an infight because of Luigi spergs from LC because they can't help themselves. They point their fingers at us for ban-evading and baiting but they're ruining their precious LC with Luigi. It's astounding.
Anonymous 300210
>>300207>luigitard responding with chat-gpt written "no u!" responseas expected
Anonymous 300212
Exactly and Burritomin was right to do it. We have the inane yuri/yaoi argument that shits up multiple boards and now it's the same with Luigi. There's users that are so sensitive that they need their own containment threads that the farmhands then have to babysit so there isn't a mass tard rage incident because someone posted a mildly critical post. None of these people belong on image boards.
Anonymous 300215
Fucking kek. You are so retarded, newfag(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US)
Anonymous 300218
I personally don't go on threads I don't like and shit up a thread, because I simply hide threads I don't like. That being said, it doesn't mean these threads aren't open to criticism outside of the designated containment.
Anonymous 300219
KEK this is pathetic your such a fucking newfag retard Its the internet its not real close the computer retard your retarded for typing this My sides hurt from kekking at you retard pathetic much your probably have head ache because of Luigi but you cant admit that because your retarded KEK good luck in the real world retard(YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US)
Anonymous 300220
>>300218This. Even if I find it cringe, you’re allowed to have your luigifag husbando thread. But stop sperging out when someone doesn’t have the same opinion you do
Anonymous 300223
implying lc has free speech is the biggest joke of this entire thread
Anonymous 300225
>>300219>>300222Topkek at this infight
Anonymous 300226
>>300213This is true and the anons complaining about posts critical of Luigi getting deleted or redtexted on the containment thread aren't familiar with how the site operates but god is it annoying and deranged that Luigifags leave their containment to come shit up threads in other sites just because the users there say they're cringe.
>>300225It's not an infight. They're just doing a little trolling
Anonymous 300228
>>300212The fujos are so protected over there it's insane when they already have their own imageboard. They think having ONE thread where you can vent about them is oppression when otherwise you get banned for it, but they can shit talk anyone anywhere on that site. They also had a huge meltdown when shota was """"""banned"""""" to somewhat have LC save face but shotashit never gets removed or banned in reality.
Anonymous 300229
>>300227I'll never apologize for being a Christian.
Anonymous 300232
>despite the vpn ban this thread including the few bit of posts from the last one is filled with infighting, baiting and retardation that wasn’t solved with vpn bans
I fucking hate the trannyhand mods… it’s almost like they solved NOTHING with banning half if not more of the userbase off the website to make it cozier for underaged retards
Anonymous 300233
>>300232The VPN ban happened on LC, not on CC.
Anonymous 300236
>>300232There are a million VPNs whose nodes don't announce they're a VPN. It actually solves nothing and I keep posting through one.
Anonymous 300237
>>300232Why would the VPN ban on lolcow affect the quality of a thread on cc?
Anonymous 300239
>>299856>I used to think it was filled with pinkpilled misandrists It used to be until they were all banned, deterred from posting/shitposting and getting replaced by the types of posters who like posting about the weegee faggot. That’s why manifesto-chan is praised while we now have literal slop… god do I wish for the COVID bunkers again where the best fucktarded but elite shitposting was encouraged
Anonymous 300242
>>300086Oh how i miss when lolcow made fun of tumblrfags…
Anonymous 300243
Happy and thriving, as in sperging on multiple threads in an alt chan kek. Vpns don't hide anything from anyone, the moderation could tell who you were even if you used it.
Anonymous 300244
>>300242We do, but we don't call women tumblrfags for not gobbling and drooling over cocks. Only sad, struggling tradthots and pickmes do that.
Anonymous 300246
They would have a mental breakdown if they lurked and read old threads
Anonymous 300247
old threads.png

Jjsut rea read old thredads Im hvaing mentla breakdown I m crying Whats hppening My newfag mind cant comprhend iM so disturbeed Im shaking i threw up on my chihuahua Hes so mad at me now
Anonymous 300248
>>300243>sperging in multiple threads Damn I didn’t know I was every anon all at once, everywhere all at once film mentioned!!!1!?!?!?! is it KINO!?!??!?
Anonymous 300249
>>300246I was there. We had a scrote problem because of /r9k/ invaders. Everyone was glad when they were banned after containment threads didn't work, and threads improved dramatically lmao. It's kind of funny when new anons try to romanticize that time because they think it was some kind of pickme free for all instead of even more infighting and baiting.
I do think it was better when silly shitposting wasn't banned as much, though. Anonymous 300250
>>300249ntayrt but i've noticed it's always the people that joined in 2019/2020 that romanticize the pre-2018 era and pretend like it was the garden of eden
Anonymous 300252
>>300249>>300250I’m curious, as oldfags relative to me, what was your favorite period of lc? Do you think it’ll ever return to its former glory?
Anonymous 300253
>>300252IMO, it was when /pt/ was still fun and both Kiki and Onision milk were pouring. Aside from that (and this was later on), when we had Soren threads.
I don't think those days are coming back, sadly. We don't really have the same kind of cows anymore, and the culture is different.
Anonymous 300254
>>300253there's plenty of cows on the internet though. nobody is documenting them/making threads.
Anonymous 300255
>>300253Ayrt, that makes sense. I feel like most of the site following particular cows contributes to an overall shared culture/humor? I’m also not confident that kind of cow culture will ever come back, though I’m not really sure what has changed
Anonymous 300256

>>300252I honestly thought lolcow was pretty chill in 2017/2018, back when 2X wasn't a board, and before they moved the gender critical stuff to the pinkpill general. The move of gendercrit stuff to pinkpill is where I noticed that lolcow was going downhill, but I also was one of those odd anons who don't like posting in the lolcow threads at all. I tried using lolcow again this year and it was so offputting to see the anons get riled up over absolutely nothing. Seeing the weegee cringe posted here really cemented in me that "okay, yeah this website is a lost cause."
Anonymous 300257
>>300252Early days were crap, 2015-2017 were fun, pandemic was fun, 2022-2023 were shit, this year is okay so far. Too many wear rose colored glasses.
>>300254Farmers are too spoiled now. Nobody wants to milk cows, only be served milk. Nobody wants to make threads on new cows because a bunch of retards that larp as oldfags will gang up on them and comment "shit thread" 30 times (look at danas thread for example). A lot of people dont wanna use TT even for documenting cows so we lose out on a lot of calves that way too.
Anonymous 300260
When was gay porn posted? Do I keep missing it or something? People keep mentioning the gay porn but I haven't seen any yet.
Anonymous 300262
Moids raid ibs all the time with weird porn, newfag. Moids raid cc all the time too and their posts stay up for hours. At least lc jannies delete it quickly
Anonymous 300264
95% chance that it's one of the vpn spergs that have spent the holiday season chimping out about their inability to easily bait and infight on LC now
Anonymous 300265

visited their thread out of curiosity, weird how they’re acting like anons didn’t come over here to sperg about luigi. trust that the picture of the average “miner” is a scrote too. i haven’t participated in the luigi discussions here because i’ve always been a lcfag who only comes here for bunkers but i thought it was refreshing to see what feels like sanity to me. i don’t know why everyone on there is acting like it’s a slam dunk to thirst over a scrote and not just a neutral action.
Anonymous 300267
No, you just sound retarded. Spamming porn is a classic moid raiding tactic. I don’t think anons here even care enough to do something like that. The raider certainly isn’t going to care that you sperged out here. Chill out
Anonymous 300268
He's been malding since December 10th. He must shit his pants from rage at least three times a day. These sorts of fail males should be locked away in the asylums like the good old days.
Anonymous 300269
>the elusive kek poster with retarded opinion
is this part of your bait?
Anonymous 300272
KEK it kills my sides every time I see it.
Anonymous 300274
Dear miners, you now witness the state of
Anonymous 300276
leave it to a farmer to try to connect dots between your average cp/porn raid that happens quite literally almost every other day and their egos feeling bruised over the luigi hate. how fucking dumb are you people actually?
Anonymous 300279
are you brain damaged?
Anonymous 300280
>>300276Don’t bother anon, we are most likely dealing with the underaged and retarded
Anonymous 300283

It all comes back to them
Anonymous 300288
>>300227Mistakenly think it's a bunker. Can't read.
Anonymous 300291
>doxx yourself so i can give this information to lc admins for good boy points
you might've been born yesterday but i wasn't
Anonymous 300294
>>300291Do you all think vpn grants you special powers where the admins cant make out that it's you behind them if they want to?
Anonymous 300295
>>300292>>300293>>300294you're not being obvious at all, i promise.
Anonymous 300298
If you go back to the past few previous farm hate threads you can easily see that the KEK KEK KEK guy is a notorious poster and obsessed with these threads. I wonder if he's friends with LC admins? Who else would care this much?
Anonymous 300299
>>300298i had a feeling it was the same person but i didn't want to schizo. thank you for confirming my suspicion.
Anonymous 300308
>>300254Today's cows feel more artificial/forced IMO. Back when Lolcow culture was less known, people would be more candid about things. Less so now. Some of them deliberately say/do things to try and get posted about, or selfpost, and it's lame.
>>300255>I feel like most of the site following particular cows contributes to an overall shared culture/humor?This is true, too. We don't really have "unifying" cows to the same extent anymore, more like community generals that different kinds of users stick to.
>>300257The thing is, even if you try to milk cows, you're kind of disincentivized from sharing with other anons not just because of the "shit thread" accusations, but because there's more cowtipping going on now than ever. I'm convinced that this is because LC is full of far more interlopers and newfags these days, the site is more known now. I think cator99 is an example of that, though it seems like she was a farmer herself anyway.
Anonymous 300309
are you aware how blood boilingly cringe it is when you accuse others of samefagging when you have been very eye openingly samefagging for 50 posts
Anonymous 300313
what type of mental illness do you suffer from?
Anonymous 300317
Bedbound tier. 100% hasn't gotten out of bed since covid and relies on his boymom enabler for everything.
Let this be a warning to lurking pickmes and nlogs. If you breed with a worthless man and coddle your failmale son it will be your fate to wipe the ass of this creature while """"she""""spams his gay porn, scat, and cp folder and screams at you.
Anonymous 300319
Anyone got that mickey mouse clubhouse thing saying "YWNABAW" while the tranny failed speed runner cries and shits himself?
Anonymous 300321
i like how you come here to do everything you're not allowed to do on lc
Anonymous 300323
You bitches are insufferable
Anonymous 300328
Imagine being a fat man. It makes no sense. Women have to deal with fucked up monthly hormones and child birth and a naturally higher body fat.
Don't get me wrong no one should be fat but moids have it on easy mode when it comes to not being a fat fuck. They have testosterone which is great for chimping out all those extra calories and naturally have faster metabolism.
Fat moids are the most pathetic creatures on earth.
Anonymous 300335
Why do you imagine posters you don't like being black? It's weird and schizo, stop racebaiting.
Anonymous 300359
I can't wait till the republican cards ban porn so trannies will be forced to detransition or rope
Anonymous 300362
The lc raiders are probably discordfags. Stop replying to them and let them have their schizo sperg out
Anonymous 300367
Anonymous 300369
>Hmm, maybe if I type in all lower-case this time then they won't realize that I'm samefagging!!! Yes, yes, I Am Very Smart.
Anonymous 300375
Post hand nona is either one or 2 or 3 people.
But yeah you're gonna need to accept the fact that no one likes you here.
I know its hard for men but you need therapy. Its a waste of time to sperg out on girl 4 chan.
Anonymous 300377
why do luigifags like this mid 3dpd
Anonymous 300379
>>300377Most Luigifags don't even like him but larp has his wife because it makes incels and trannies seethe.
Tbh can't blame them it's funny
Anonymous 300380
>>300379>It makes incels and trannies seetheOne look at this thread and that becomes clear as day. We got a grown moid crying right now because he's realizing he won't ever bait on LC again.
Anonymous 300382
Your racism will never out-match my misandry. All I gotta say is 41% and YWNBAW!
Anonymous 300383
>>300380I dont even mind them because they seem to stay in their containment threads. The only time I see him anywhere else is when failmales cry about him.
I hope Luigi gets bigger and by proxy we hear that trans suicide statistic go up to 100
Anonymous 300384
>>300383How many troons do you think are gonna rope when 1 January rolls around and the VPN ban isn't lifted?
Anonymous 300387
>>300384As always… never enough. But maybe all the current raiders will die out as next years clutch of eggs on r9k hatch.
The real issue is the groomers. They are the ceos of troonery
Anonymous 300396
>>300219Why aren't you using any punctuation like an illiterate 13 year old? Also, cc didn't exist in 2007.
Anonymous 300397
>>300396Almost like it's a joke. Strange, innit?
Anonymous 300400
why the fuck does this thread have 300+ replies. did lc shut down again
Anonymous 300402
>>300228The moralfagging over their gay anime porn is so insane there. Some of the users there are actual detrans women who trooned out due to their yaoi porn addiction because they've idolized moids so much they want to become one, but at the same time will proclaim at how liking yaoi is so based and feminist while shitting on other female artists for being coomer pickmes who draw a different type of porn from them. Maybe I've just grown up, or never noticed how insufferable the userbase truly is, but I'm starting to realize the website really is just a congregation of the most mentally ill vindictive hypocritical bitches on the internet.
Anonymous 300403
I like how you people try to take a moral stance against stupid shitnlike yaoi and Shota. As if anybody would think you are any less weird if your husbando was 18 in human years
Anonymous 300409
I bet they don't even think we did it to them, they don't care about that. They're just mad that some anons called them cringe, so to epically own them they decided to come here and be cringe
Anonymous 300410

People think VPN-users only concern is some simplistic fear of getting hacked or getting doxxed from IP alone like we have the knowledge of a like a literal child on Xbox Live. I just want to practice basic privacy hygiene on a controversial forum that’s moderated by mentally unstable people. Not wanting your posts tied to your home IP is basic opsec, and I want to switch IPs to prevent correlation of my post history. Also, VPNs do more than mask your IP. Yet this people keep saying this tarded shit
Anonymous 300413
>>300412I… how the fuck is this a solution?
Anonymous 300414
>>300413LC jannies want it to be a milk-only poo museum of their lolcows. They hate the secondary boards. Makes sense to me.
>>300410Hides traffic from your ISP as well.
Anonymous 300418
>>300413Well we can't have our cake and eat it too.
Anonymous 300426
>>300414>They hate the secondary boards.I wish this was true. If Cerbmin nuked every board but /snow/ and /pt/, the site's problems would be solved instantly.
Anonymous 300430
>>300065>but are very unironically attracted to some random moidsyeah it's called being straight retard
Anonymous 300435
>>300430no it's called being retarded straight
Anonymous 300436…

reading this thread is like this. someone make a farmer version of this pleease?
Anonymous 300440
just read this whole thread and there's very clearly a low iq samefag who keeps spamming "KEKEKEKEKEK" like repeatedly and it's like how do people like this even find out about imageboards to begin with? noticed this retard on lc and even on the previous lc hate threads. doing this during the holiday season too is just sad
Anonymous 300443

>>300414>LC jannies want it to be a milk-only poo museum of their lolcows. Genuinely believe in this tinfoil. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a groupchat where they laugh at the cowish anons and stalk their post history, so a total VPN ban is something the mods would exactly want. Something weird also happened recently in the /meta/ thread (picrel) where someone was complaining that an anon correctly identified all her posts in the vent thread. The Admin denied it was a farmhand, but if you look into the vent thread, the posts that were identified had nothing to do with each other so something is fishy about it that it's just too good of a coincidence. Anonymous 300448
>>300443Not you bringing up this dumb Irish loser here too.
>Dumbass posts the same vent 6 times with the same information through 3 different vent threads over the course of 3-4 weeks>Dumbass posts the same information in different threads too>Anons tell dumbass that she's identifiable because she always posts the EXACT same vent>Dumbass freaks out and rees that it's farmhands stalking her, not her being a dumbass>Reveals her location as she spergs out>Dumbass confirms she posted pictures of her ears on Unpopular Opinions as she spergs out>Dumbass gets banned for attentionwhoringThat's what happened. You just had to be there to really grasp how stupid this attentionwhore was.
Anonymous 300454
This. LC doesn't strip EXIF data from images and that is how another anon knew where she was and what phone she had.
Anonymous 300455
>>300454The funniest bit is that nobody even knew that she had posted that pic in Unpopular Opinions until SHE brought it up herself and confirmed her location. It was honestly pathetic how retarded she was.
Anonymous 300459
Well we are on CC after all
Anonymous 300462
>>300457This isn’t the KEKEKEKE sped that sperged out here. That anon is the racebaiter who kept baiting the KEKEKEKEfag so she would keep going or something. It absolutely killed this thread too because anons were having an interesting and calm discussion about old lc culture until the retarded luigifags raided cc because they are newfags and don’t understand that moids spam porn on ibs all the time.
>>300459Anons from lc like to repeat this mantra because they can’t handle any criticism.
Anonymous 300464
How long are you going to camp in this thread? You already had a full blown melty here for all to see because of your schizodelusion that cc anons raided your precious weegee husbando thread. I assume you’re underaged, so I’ll give you a piece of genuine advice: ignore the bait next time and stop acting like a retard here.
Anonymous 300465
>>300462>don’t understand that moids spam porn on ibs all the time.It was the exact same porn images and the exact same file names. You will never beat those faggot accusations.
Anonymous 300469
This is the KEKEKEKE anon fyi. Read up thread and you will quickly recognize her extremely identifiable and cringe typing style.
Anonymous 300470
>>300464>How long are you going to camp in this thread?>You already had a full blown meltyThe projection is so strong.
Anonymous 300471
>>300469Yeah, it's that kek bitch. You know, the only person that says kek on ibs. She's so identifiable it hurts. Nobody has ever said kek before or after her. I Am Very Smart.
Anonymous 300472
>>300471Learn2integrate and you’ll be less identifiable
Anonymous 300481
NTA but genuinely where do think you are
Anonymous 300482
>moid calling a woman a moid
Classic deflection
Anonymous 300488
most male brained post ive seen in a long time
Anonymous 300490
nta why are you clearly samefagging after multiple posters have called you out lol. you should get banned just for your obnoxious retard writing style alone
Anonymous 300494
>>300490Just report and maybe jannies will do something about the KEKEKEKE samefag. She’s been camped out here for the past day spamming KEKKKK TRANNY POST HAND because she got butthurt luigifags were criticized itt. She is most likely underaged and mentally retarded, so there’s nothing we can do but ignore her.
Anonymous 300497
>anons finally woke up and started ganging up on the kek spammer and (maybe) his discord raid group
jsyk he is a lolcow regular i see him on /ot/ all the time. this is your average farmer lmao.
Anonymous Moderator
Please read the rules before posting. If infighting persists, the thread will be locked.
Anonymous 300528
I miss two days ago when everyone was really active and hating farmers. It was a lot of fun.
Anonymous 300530
>>300062Embarrassing. I haven't used LC in months but seeing this shit pathetic VPN ban overreach of the mods who want a stranglehold on anons opinions and mainstream conversation and this thirst post culture leaking into the mainstream of the site is so embarrassing. I'm not posting without a VPN and I won't be forced into turning mine off just to appease strangers on the internet who want a powertrip. Ive been on and off LC since 2014 ish, when the site first existed and just found out about this shit today. Clown world.
Anonymous 300531
>>300528Be the change you want to see in the world. I've been posting in various threads on CC too. It makes me sad that thid thread and the luigi thread are most active.
Anonymous 300539
>>300531I wish the whole site was active, sure, but it was fun shitting on lc farmers and getting replies within minutes.
Anonymous 300541
>>300539well it made them completely sperg out and almost get the thread locked, which goes to show how far farmers will go lol.
Anonymous 300543
>>300531>>300539post in the chatroom thread on /b/ if you wanna keep cc alive nonas!
Anonymous 300565

spotted in the "ugly man psyop thread" on /ot/. anon receives a ban for calling luigi ugly in the ugly man thread.
Anonymous 300567
>>300565To be fair, saying "die mad about it" was going too far.
Anonymous 300569
>>300567i've seen much worse said in that same thread and nothing happened. like almost every rule, it's only enforced if the admins are personally invested in the argument at hand.
Anonymous 300580
>>300567If saying a zoomer stock phrase is going too far then LC might be the most sensitive place on the internet.
Anonymous 300581
>>300565howd this thread go from complaining about the vpn ban to complaining about luigi in the span of 3 days
Anonymous 300587
>cc is full of male incels
Then stay away from cc
Anonymous 300595
i just dont get why everyone is sperging about him. both the pro luigi and anti luigi sides are annoying. i thought the vpn ban was more important to sperg about then random moid.
Anonymous 300601

>>300595>I'm sick of luigifags AND anti-luigifags>you complaining about luigifags is as bad as bad as the luigifags themselves Anonymous 300604
>>300601yeah i think it's kind of annoying
Anonymous 300606

I'm so depressed man, been on LC since 2017, and now thanks to this stupid vpn ban, I might be unable to post all together for real. It literally came out of nowhere, I miss my people, I miss anons, so many things happened in my life and I can't share a thing, or help anybody in similar circumstances. Everyone seems to be celebrating it or something over there while I'm here mourning, I don't know how to feel. I'm literally praying for this ban to be temporal
Anonymous 300607
>>300606Why can't you post without a VPN?
Anonymous 300612
>>300607People have explained their reasoning behind not wanting to post without a VPN many many times now between this thread and the last
Anonymous 300613
>>300606Why would you want to post there? is full of normalfags pretending to be edgy because they can't get dates.
Anonymous 300619
>>300606I feel similarly. I miss the site so much. I hope the ban will be lifted in a few days. I've been taking the time away from LC to work on IRL hobbies, but now I miss discussing those hobbies in their respective threads on LC. I've been so lonely this month without being able to post on LC. I can lurk of course, but it's sad to not be able to reply and jump into the conversation.
Anonymous 300622
I for real hate BJchan. I actually hate her so much. I hate that she has to derail 5 threads on /ot/ at the same time because she's that stupid. I don't get how she can still post day after day constantly. She is the most obnoxious personalityfag on LC. I hate her discord minions that parrot her bullshit too because they're just as idiotic as her. She's seriously so fucking annoying.
Anonymous 300623
>>300132Lmao the first reply. Most normies who have their priorities straight are still focused on the political aspect. It's only on obscure boards that people are having autistic meltdowns over his fuckability.
Anonymous 300624
>>300607NTA but personally I value my privacy and don’t wanna give my real IP to any website, especially not image boards. Plus there’s rumors Lolcow sells emails/IPs to shady companies. LC’s kinda losing my respect anyways because it went down for an ungodly amount of time in like August-October and it’s clear the mods just don’t wanna deal with posters anymore. Lolcow is on its death bed as far as I’m aware
Anonymous 300628
>>300601this analogy isn't applicable because lolcow isn't something you own, like a garden is, so you can't dictate was is acceptable content and what isn't based on your personal likes and dislikes. i don't like anime and i don't like vtubers but i don't sperg about them constantly or go into their threads and bait because i'm not retarded and don't intentionally read things that upset me
Anonymous 300630
>>300628>the analogy isn't 100% exact so you're wrong Anonymous 300637
I feel like LC is full of scrotes, troons and mean girls. It's genuinely sad because I used to enjoy it.
Anonymous 300638
>seething and being angry about a man
I don't hate Luigi, I hate Luigifags
Anonymous 300639
>>300638again, i keep seeing you and other 'antiluigi' fags saying the same thing but it's starting to feel like you're seething about the man himself. and it's already retarded to get so worked up over what some retards are getting horny for in a taiwanese typewriting forum. it isn't a new observation that they're annoying how hard is it to just ignore and move on
Anonymous 300640
>>300639NTA. Both sides are retarded. Thirst posting and squeeing over a moid is extremely cringe but getting angry at other women for being cringe is also pointless.
Anonymous 300641
>>300639>stop hating farmers!>this is the hate thread!If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Anonymous 300643
>>300601So accurate. Did you make this anon? I encourage people ITT to just keep making memes and ignore the infight baiters as it sure gets the lurking LC anons buttblasted. So typical of them to start an infight right now over this.
Anonymous 300647
For the past year farmers have gotten extremely annoying
Anonymous 300648
>>300640>Thirst posting and squeeing over a moid is extremely cringe /g/ was always like that even way before the luigi threads. Idk what anyone was expecting
Anonymous 300651
>>300648>/g/ was always like that even way before the luigi threads.Luigi spergs weren't thirst posting on /g/, it was initially on /ot/. Part of the problem of /ot/ is that newfags never leave the board and don't understand that certain topics belong in threads on certain boards.
Anonymous 300652
>>300651Yeah but most of the complaints seem to be after the containment on /g/ was made which I don't understand, they're not allowed in /ot/ anymore (without getting banned at least). I don't know if there's some other thread I missed cause I barely see them there now, you have to go out of your way to find them.
Anonymous 300654
>>300639>>300652Seriously. It's like The Forbidden Man, Dourif, Dano, Ezra, Timothée the Chlamydia spreader Chalamet, Jerma, Null, and others never happened. wtf lul and so much worse has been thirsted after. I'm confused.
Anonymous 300655
>>300654Anons mad about Luigi are definitely newfags/tourists. In any case it's so easy to just hide the threads that are most likely to mention Luigi.
Anonymous 300656
>>300648But they weren't pathetically coping about how those moids weren't like other men, etc.
Anonymous 300657
>>300656The "coping" is a reactionary response to faggot trolls spamming their gay porn folder in their husbando thread (that you could minimize and close 80% of Luigi discussion) and retards baiting because they no likey straight women being attracted to moids.
Anonymous 300658
>>300652Probably because the mods were slow to contain it which means it was on /ot/ for longer which then pissed off more posters.
>>300654None of this was worse than the Luigi sperging. Driverfags were mildly annoying but that was years ago.
>>300655>anyone that doesn't want to read my inane thirst posting over a moid is a newfagThis is so fucking retarded I don't know what say
>>300657>reactionary response to faggot trolls spamming their gay porn folder in their husbando threadThis is pathetic. Don't feed the troll, ignore it and move on. The more you react to trolling, the more you are going to get trolled. This is the most basic concept on the internet.
Anonymous 300660
>>300658>None of this was worse than the Luigi spergingEzrafags were absolutely worse, you must have poor memory. They infected way more threads than luigi spergs and went on for almost two years, plus downplayed Ezra's harmful behavior and said weird shit about the girl he groomed. The thread on /ot/ I recall seeing luigifags in the most was amerifags and that stopped after a week once the bans came in.
Anonymous 300661
>>300660There were anons saying they wished they were the groomed girl, or saying they want to be groomed by him. The Luigifagging is by far the most contained and tame husbandofagging we have had yet.
Anonymous 300662
>>300657So true. The anons making headcanons about how Luigi is either asexual or would only have sex with a woman he loves so it's meaningful were also just reacting to the trolls and not at all making an OC of the perfect man in their heads and projecting his traits on Luigi
Anonymous 300663
>>300656driverfags did this when that story about his anger issues came out (the one where he threw some chair or something)
>>300661yep and saying they wish he kidnapped them, "i wish he choked me", that one freak saying the girl couldn't have been groomed because she's fat (as if ezra was picky), the other one in his /snow/ thread saying "you only hate him because he's nonbinary!" etc.
Anonymous 300664
>>300660I remember the Ezrafags being deranged but I don't remember it leaking much outside of celebricows.
Anonymous 300665
>>300664they were also in both the conventional and unconventional attractions threads, the irl husbando threads and ezra's /snow/ thread. though i guess they technically belong in the first three.
Anonymous 300666
>>300662Luigi hasn't abused women like some other Lolcow forbidden husbandos, he's literally the cleanest slate they have.
Anonymous 300668
>>300624>Plus there’s rumors Lolcow sells emails/IPs to shady companies.What emails? think about it for 0.03 seconds.
Anonymous 300669
>>300668Maybe they mean the emails that they receive from
[email protected]? I don't really think the rumor has much weight either, but I guess it's ~technically~ possible.
Anonymous 300671
But why would any company actually cate about lc? I can only imagine that it'd be something related to celebrities but I doubt lolcow is really influential enough for it to matter
Anonymous 300672
>>300666>horseshit smells less than bullshit, so I don't know why you're complaining Anonymous 300675
>>300672You missed the part where the Luigifagging has been the most contained lolcow husbandofagging. Hide his LC thread and 80% of the content pertaining to him will vanish. The Ezrafagging was way more egregious and annoying and it was clearly played up by anons trying to annoy other anons, too.
Anonymous 300676
>>300675>80% of the content pertaining to him will vanishUnfortunately, the other 20% remain.
Anonymous 300677
>>300676Yeah, feelsbad but I really don't care. My eyes glaze over when I read his name outside of containment, give it a try.
Anonymous 300679
>>300678You should build up an indifferent tolerance to ugly men so they don't have so much power over you.
Anonymous 300680
>>300666The bar is in hell.
>>300671There's been inorganic shilling on the site for a while. It's generally subtle and appears in threads like the tinfoil thread. Recently the Amerifag thread was clearly targeted by DNC activists during the election and there was someone posting colour revolution propaganda in the News Stories thread.
>>300675>Luigifagging has been the most contained lolcow husbandofaggingFalse. No one would care if it was kept in appropriate threads.
Anonymous 300681
>>300680It literally is kept in the appropriate threads though, stop looking for reasons to get mad kek.
Anonymous 300682
>>300680Nta but when's the last time luigifags leaked out? I'm legitimately confused by this whole debate because I rarely see them outside of /g/ in the first place
Anonymous 300683
>>300682>when's the last time luigifags leaked out?They come to cc all the time
Anonymous 300684
>>300681>It literally is kept in the appropriate threads though>>300682>Nta but when's the last time luigifags leaked out?Why are you trying to gaslight over this when any fucking retard can scroll through the /ot/ catalog? The only reason it's contained now is because the farmhands went full tard wrangler.
Anonymous 300687
>>300684Okay so why bitch and moan about it after it's been contained kek.
Anonymous 300688
>>300655Yep, they're either newfags or tourists. I have seen nobody get mad over Luigi IRL besides incels or trannies. It's crazy that this entire thread has been talking about a moid.
>>300668Half the anons that sperg about muh VPNs!1! are living in paranoid schizophrenic hell. I don't know why they think they're so important.
>>300681No, they need to throw anything at the wall to see if it sticks because they're afraid to admit that the VPN ban was long-time coming and necessary for the health of the website. I've really seen nobody complain about the VPN ban besides retards.
>>300687Because they have no lives, so the mere existence of one thread that they don't like keeps them up at night seething.
Anonymous 300689
>>300688The vpn ban is being used to ensure farmhands and the admin can spy on users and create profiles on us. They are also giving out random bans for "unspecified reasons" to users they dislike, automatically denying them, and calling users liars when they try to email about it. It's pretty clear what they are doing you can stop sucking their taints. I've been a normal user of the site for years and just last week recieved the perm unspecified ban which has never happened to me before. The site is in its death throes because the people in charge want it that way
Anonymous 300690
>>300689If you got permbanned, you must have been a real nuisance. If you don't know how to evade a permban, that's on you.
>The vpn ban is being used to ensure farmhands and the admin can spy on users and create profiles on us.They can do this without looking at IPs. You realize that, right?
>The site is in its death throes because the people in charge want it that wayPeople have been saying this since 2016. Just because you say something, doesn't make it true. I dislike the current admin team too, but so far they've recovered hundreds of thousands of deleted files, upgraded the catalog, added a new detection tool for explicit abuse images, improved loading times, prepared the site for eventual upgrade to newer frameworks, and more. Saying that the site admin wants the site to die is just stupid when they've been actively working on improving the site interface and user experience.
Anonymous 300692
>>300688I guarantee most Luigi spergs are newfags from post-2020 LCF. LCF has always been first and foremost a gossip website. To your second point about VPNs, the farm has gone 99% of its life without a VPN ban, and if anything it's only gotten worse on the off-topic boards. In my opinion, the off-topics boards are the problem, not the VPNs.
Anonymous 300693

>>300688>it's the same baiting retard returning for another round Anonymous 300694
>>300693Is everyone that you disagree with the same person?
Anonymous 300695
>>300690>>300688>>300687>>300682>>300681>>300679>>300677>>300675>>300652>>300640>>300639>>300633Retarded samefag trying to derail the thread again lets just report and ignore it
>>300693It never gets tired of baiting and samefagging so just report it
Anonymous 300697
>>300690>if you got permabanned, you must have been a real nuisanceI talked to cerbmin about it in email and they told me that the "unspecified ban" message should've only been shown to me if I already saw the og ban message, so they accused me of ban evading, which I am not. I think this is a mass gaslighting campaign or they have something wrong in their system with the vpn ban banning users unfairly (unlikely). Either way, as with all imageboards, if no post is quoted in my ban I will assume vendetta and assume I did nothing wrong. I always participate in good faith. Your calling me dumb for "not knowing how to ban evade" leads me to believe you are with the mod team in some way or a bootlicker/baiter as that was never even part of our discussion. Any child can do that, I'm talking about the ban itself
Anonymous 300700
>>300697>Your calling me dumb for "not knowing how to ban evade" leads me to believe you are with the mod teamYeah, you got me! I'm actually Cerbmin and all the farmhands are my alters. I'm currently scrapping all the data from your post history right now to sell to Persian oligarchs and South American drug cartels.
Anonymous 300703
>>300684?? Are you talking about posts from several weeks ago? That's why I asked when's the last time because you're acting as if it's still ongoing
>>300695Nope, only two of those were mine
Anonymous 300705
Yes, Cerbmin pays me £50 for every post I make.
Anonymous 300706
Why can't we all just get along?
Anonymous 300707
>>300706Sorry but someone has severe mental health issues and is miserable IRL so we all have to suffer because strangers on an anonymous image board are the only people that will talk to her.
Anonymous 300708
>>300707nobody is forcing you to stay in this thread? there's plenty of threads to explore on!
Anonymous 300711
Can you stop spamming your porn folder on LC? Thanks.
Anonymous 300712
>>300711Radfems will constantly cry about "pornsick moids" while simultaneously posting their collections of gay male porn and yaoi shotacon.
Radfems are a fucking joke.
Anonymous 300714
>>300688Ok so wait you think that just throwing the vpn ban in there will make anyone with half a brain agree with you lol? I originally used this thread to complain about the lc jannies and the vpn ban and never cared about luigi sperging and find the antiweegee tards annoying as well but don't group me in with your gaslighting ass(and probably lc jannie)
Anonymous 300715
>>300714Yeah, everyone you disagree with is a janny. That makes sense.
Anonymous 300716
>>300712it wasnt a radfem posting porn, it was one of the moids that live in this thread ever since they got banned from lcf
Anonymous 300718
>>300712Those aren't radfems, just mentally ill women who can't get chad.
Anonymous 300739
>>300661Honestly the only reason I like Luigi is because he hasn't done anything horrific and as far as anyone in his life could recall he was a decent, caring human being. A murder charge means that any dirt on him is being hunted for too, and moids are generally quite retarded and bad at hiding shit, even 160 iq autists like kaczynski couldnt resist writing about being an entitled misogynist troon until he started getting assraped in prison and he realized women were actually superior.
Needless to say will drop Luogi like a rock the second I find out he mistreated a woman in any way. He's a husbando and I have nothing to lose by doing this lmao.
Anonymous 300740
>>300739What do you think of his yellow fever?
Anonymous 300741

>mods people cater to my whims because I don't like this thing
Holy fuck, how are they not embarrassed typing this out.
Anonymous 300742
>>300740Pretty sure it's a moid cope. I can't envision a man who thinks porn should be restricted having a race fetish.
>he might have fucked asians!Ok. I've fucked asian men and women. Doesn't change the fact that I don't have a race fetish.
Anonymous 300743

>>300742>Pretty sure it's a moid cope.that's the real cope right there
It's clear as day he has a racial fetish.
>noooo he only backpacked in thailand and japan because he was interested in sightseeingYeah, sighting hookers and seeing prostitutes
Anonymous 300744
>>300742>Pretty sure it's a moid cope.Why would moids even care about that? They don't think it's wrong to be misogynist. You're really pulling things out of your rear. Why would moids even cope? They like Luigi.
Anonymous 300745
>>300743Jesus fucking christ this is so desperate and sad. He was an engineering student. He was surrounded by Asian men and women. You probably think he's gay too if youre going to use playful pictures as definitive proof that luigi only fucked asian girls (if he even fucked at all. We don't even have evidence that he isn't a virgin.)
Also why would anyone who is going to Japan and shit for sex tourism talk shit about maid cafes?
Sorry, the math isn't adding up. Luigi is a moid, moids arent that good at being sneaky. And if he was fucking any of these girls they would have come forward and bragged about his dick considering that Chinese social media is posting about how they wanna fuck him.
Again. It's just a sad, sad, incel cope.
Anonymous 300748
>>300745> We don't even have evidenceNobody is going to step forward with credible and possibly photography-backed evidence of a dalliance. Every woman who has had sex with him realizes that the women who have not had sex with him will hunt her down, shear off her skin, wear her face as a mask, and possibly chemically extract any of her deep tissues for any gene fragments or microchimerized sperm cells.
Anonymous 300749

>>300745>He was surrounded by Asian men and women.Can you at least try to make your cope believable?
>the math isn't adding upugly moid + yellow fever + pickme farmer = cope harder
Anonymous 300750
>>300745nta but the IG thots he followed pretty much gave it away. probably wasn't fucking those specific ones but definitely thirsts over them, or are we gonna pretend men have non-sexual, purely platonic reasons to like bikini pics lol
Anonymous 300753
>>300750samefag, there's also that quote from him about getting distracted by women when he was traveling
Anonymous 300758
male simps wouldn't go this far defending their waifu and her honor on various imageboards and shitting up the thread as much as female simps. Sad!
Anonymous 300763
>>300758What? There are men literally waifuing and orbiting e-girls and thots online, posting them everywhere, it's so common
Anonymous 300765
>>300763do you have any reading comprehension, retard? Male simpls don't go defending every opinion and action of their waifu on every corner of the internet, and even then, they turn their waifus personality into some fetish (like troons with radfems, men with lesbians), they simply coom to them, but the luigifags have to come on here and every other thread on lc and sperg out if someone dares to make a mildly negative comment about their monkey
Anonymous 300768
>>300666>Luigi hasn't abused womenHow do you know?
Anonymous 300769
>>300763>men wouldn't defend their waifus like this>uhhh. literally not true?? they post their waifus all the time and orbit them as well. it's so commonAverage farmer reading comprehension
Anonymous 300773
>Enter LCF hate thread to complain about jannies
>The entire thread is retards seething about Luigi
Anonymous 300775
What women gives a shit about race to this extent the way an incel does? If you had a room full of women none of them would point out what race someone finds attractive in order to shit on other women unless she found the guy attractive herself, that's something men to do to eachother. This whole thread feels fake.
>>300750He likes asians. And what? Who gives a shit about this?
Anonymous 300776
>>300749You've been spamming this shit wojack image all over the place. It's annoying.
Anonymous 300777
When will the ban lift I just want to talk in /m/ with anons again. They can keep it enforced on /ot/ and Luigi's threads I don't care. I just need /m/ back
Anonymous 300780
>>300775Yellow fever fags are always creepy misogynists
Anonymous 300781
>>300775>what race someone finds attractiveDifferent from a racial fetish, which is what Luigi has
Anonymous 300784
>>300776I swear it seems like one singular schizo doing all the work, spamming this image and the asian girls one, editing his nose etc, it's funny to see her in her natural habitat.
Anonymous 300785
>>300784>everyone I don't like is just one schizo!meds