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Anonymous 300965

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?

Anonymous 300994

Are you fat?

Anonymous 301037

For me I get chest pain, my heart squeezes itself if I’m sleeping on my side or slouching, shit really sucks

Probably going to get heart attacks when I’m older, the fat keeps forming at my chest then my stomach. my tits are way too fat and they’re only going to get bigger and saggier as I get older

Anonymous 301042

i always had a pretty flat chest, in my 20s i dated a porn addict who clearly wanted me to get bigger boobs. i ended up taking spiro (side effect is breast swelling) which made my boobs get like 2 cup sizes larger. anyway, i broke up w him and stopped taking it and am way happier now. i like looking at them but its too much to deal with and i didn't like the top heavy look

Anonymous 301066

> spiro
> completely blocks testosterone creation
Yeah you’re a troon

Anonymous 301068

They hand out spironolactone like candy with 0 labwork just for acne.

Anonymous 301084

>Why do skinny girls even want these?
For me I'm just an attention whore and I feel like having bigger boobs would give me more attention. But it's alright that mine are small, like you said, it's way more comfortable and maybe I would get overwhelmed with too much attention

Anonymous 301085

i got it from one of those dumb online skincare websites lol. i chatted with a nurse, sent her a pic of my teenage acne, and she gave me the rx

funnily enough i did find out about the breast swelling side effect bc a troon on tiktok made a video about it. it works for women too though as my friend had the same side effect

Anonymous 301535

>Why do skinny girls even want these?

Looks way better.

Anonymous 301549

ive been on spiro for 6 months now and my boobs have stayed the same and I still get the occasional pimple…. Why is life so unfair

Anonymous 301591

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301599

Moved to >>>/hb/21174.

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