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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 301171

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?

Anonymous 301176

I've never been on a date and I fully intend to keep it that way for the rest of my life.

Anonymous 301177

Last weekend! we went to a local cooking class and learned how to make some French dishes, it was great!

Anonymous 301349

I hate men

Anonymous 301474

I went to Happy Lamb with my bf. The food was really good but the service was bad and some buffet plates had hair on them. And people were talking way too loudly.

Anonymous 301538

Never been to one, no idea how to get into one either but i don't care lol

Anonymous 301539

I like date nights with my boyfriend. He always pays like a gentleman, but really I wouldn't even mind. I just like being around him.

Anonymous ## Cleanup crew 301600

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