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Anti-Aging DIY Anonymous 303200

The average life expectancy in my home country is around 78 years for men and 83 years for women. Living longer has long been the norm in industrialized countries. But 78 years is too short for me and many people feel the same way. I would rather prefer 150+.

For example, Sam Altman recently invested 180 million dollars in a start-up that promises an extra 10 healthy years, Peter Thiel is investing in "young blood", i.e. blood from young people that is injected into old people to achieve a rejuvenating effect.

What are Laion's tips for living longer and healthier? Standard tips are intermittent fasting, exercise, vegetables and a small amount of nuts every day. Will we be able to replicate future therapies based on immunosuppressants ourselves? If so, how complex is that?

Are there any interesting studies that show how you can effectively prolong your life?

Anonymous 303206

Eat lots of anti oxidants, Omega 3s and Protein in food form to reduce oxidative damage ( but in a limit ) and practise anti stress methods

Anonymous 303322

Seems like human life is capped at ~120 both from historical source material and modern super centenarian research.

Basically, you gotta hold back a lot of seperate cellular processes at once. It can be done. You can look at people like Bryan Johnson who does it all with medical measurements to ensure he's actually getting the right result.

But yeah, start with the basics– whole foods, exercise, good sleep, and move from there

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