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do bad things happen as much as ppl say? Anonymous 303332

I have rly low empathy even for friends and I constantly find it very hard to believe that 'bad things' actually happen to people. I've had friends tell me about being assaulted and stuff and even though I don't show it on the outside I am internally thinking 'she is probably lying for attention'. I go through life and people are always really nice to me and they're generally pretty rational, polite, decent, so I find it hard to believe bad things like that actually happen as much as people say they do. Like every person I know seems to say they've been assaulted or something. Is this sort of thing actually normal or am I some kind of sociopath? Or is it just cuz I'm privileged? I can't help but believe people just make this stuff up for attention.

Anonymous 303336

Yes bad things happen. People assault other people mostly in private where they have power over them, not in public where there are social repercussions for not being civil and polite. Just because no one you're close to was a shitty enough person to abuse you when they could get away with it doesn't mean no one would ever do that.

Anonymous 303390

Bad things happen to people all the time, this world is a heckin hell; however some are more sensitive to those events and others don't care.

Anonymous 303391

Sociopath? Not sure - but you've definitely got something and it's probably tied to your privilege (and the tunnel vision that comes with it), your (lack of) self awareness, and (limited) cognitive abilities.

Additionally, horrifying things happen to everyone - yours will come sooner or later.

Anonymous 303394

Most people exaggerate.

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