
Bump this thread every time you visit for the FIRST TIME today! Anonymous 31485
Let's have at it, CC.
Anonymous 31486
good day ruby.restaurant
the next 364 replies should all be posts by me
Anonymous 31501
hi first time today. probably not the last.
Anonymous 31502
>>31485good morning. today i ate potatoes.
Anonymous 31503
this website seems to be slower than usual this past week
Anonymous 31504
>>31503more like this past month
Anonymous 31506
hello. i just tried to watch a youtube review for the dating app hinge and was served an ad to join the US military.
what does it mean?
Anonymous 31507
Good morning all.
>>31486This post is about you now.
Anonymous 31508
Hello and good day, I slept until 4 pm
Anonymous 31511
hi for the first time this evening. i left my house today
Anonymous 31513
I like to check here a few times a week. I wish there was more traffic though.
Anonymous 31514
>>31513Hi, I check here daily, but only because the novelty is still new for me
Anonymous 31515
I check in daily, but only because it's novel and new
Anonymous 31519

Who's a good girl?
Yes, you are.
I mean YOU
Anonymous 31520
Good afternoon prospectors on garnet.grill
This is just my daily check-in but I am surprised to see other people. Normally this place is a ghoast town with nothing but ECHOE ECHOEs
>>31507Why thank you
Anonymous 31521

>tfw you come to check in but the only threads to be bumped are ones you don't care about
Anonymous 31523
>>31522This. Admin said a few times that bumping old threads is encouraged and necro is of no concern, so just go for it.
Anonymous 31566
it's 1:00 and I am still here!
I think I may bump the bed-thread general once I get a good idea of a worthwile post tomorrow or some other day.
Goodnight to this new day emerald.eatery
Anonymous 31573
I just woke up. It's anout 11 EST and I am not excited to start the day.
Anonymous 31580

Hi c.c, how was your weekend?
Where I am it is finally getting some sun and good weather and my humor is getting a lot better.
Anonymous 31581
so is this going to be the new randumb dump thread now that this
>>>/b/14153 is about to hit the limit?
Because I will treat as such to post all my random thoughts, like this good morning greetings for today
Anonymous 31584
>>31580>joined a discord server on Wednesday because I needed someone to talk to>everyone seems cool, plenty of memes>waste my entire weekend on there>went on VC a few time>mods find out I'm a girl>wake up on Sunday to find myself mutedHope you weekend was better than mine turned out
Anonymous 31586
maybe make another randump thread
Anonymous 31589
>>31584Yeah that's discord for ya. This is why I prefer talking to people in real life. Nobody can mute you there. The only way they can ever stop you from being a friendly and nice person to them is if they kill you!
Anonymous 31597
Good morning all.
Back at uni after a week break.
Anonymous 31600

Today, I had eggs.
so tired.
Anonymous 31606
>>31604>>31605I hope it's Traumatic Brain Injury anon.
Anonymous 31607
Welcome miners. I just found out my supervisor is coming to observe on Wednesday, so if that goes badly you'll be seeing a lot more of me soon :-)))
Somewhat related, but is lolcow good for miners? I'm looking for another imageboard to browse when CC gets slow that's not vehemently misogynistic like a certain Taiwanese basketweaving forum?
Anonymous 31609
>>31607Lolcow is only marginally faster and…spicier than cc to say the least. There are a lot more arguments, but it's with other women so you won't get called a useless roastie whore or anything. Might get called a fatty though.
Anonymous 31644
cant sleep but now im going to try again, gn!
Anonymous 31648
Just arrived from work and after I take a shower and a nap I will be able to shitpost on pearl.pizzeria
>>31644I hope you have a wonderful sleep!
Anonymous 31649
>>31485Haven't been here in a couple weeks, hope everyone is having a good day thus far. Just had my charger stolen from me after I gave it to someone while I was at the library and assumed they'd return it, lmao. Never doing that again :D
Anonymous 31650
Just woke up from a nap. Was supposed to get work done for tomorrow. I am gonna fail uni at this point T__T
>>31648shitposting is grand
>>31649that fucking sucks anon. this is why I never give up my charger to anyone. you're probably a better person than me if that makes you feel any better.
Anonymous 31651
I just wanted to say that I love this thread so much. It never fails to reset me after a long, emotional day
Anonymous 31656
I'm on my way to work. I had a really emotional weekend so it's kind of nice to be diving back into routine.
Anonymous 31659
I need to get rid of this habit of browsing CC at 1:00
Anonymous 31666
Hi c.c
Studying a lot today, but also procastinating in the good old way I know: cleaning, baking, and watching random youtube videos that I would not watch any other time.
Hope my exam tomorrow goes well anyway!
Anonymous 31667
>>31666I hope it goes well, too! GL anon!
Anonymous 31671
>>31650Thx u, I usually don’t give people my charger unless I know them but I had a bad day and thought doing something nice for someone would make me feel better. Smh, luckily it was cheap af
Anonymous 31690

i have to go back to work today after a week off. but i hope everyone has a good day today :)
Anonymous 31711
this nap after a day of work and a short stint out makes me forget about this place, but I am finally checking in at 10:10 PM!
Anonymous 31719
I have so much work to do but I'm high key depressed and can't get out of bed
Anonymous 31729
>>31719Are you still in bed 4 hours after this post?
Anonymous 31730

i'm posting less than i usually do
lurking is so COMFY
Anonymous 31739
Hello cc today I swept up a dead spider off the floor. How is your day going
Anonymous 31741
>>31739I always leave those for weeks or until I have guests I can ask to do it because I'm irrationally scared they'll jump back to life if I get near.
Anonymous 31743
>>31741Yeah me too, I noticed him yesterday but I was not mentally prepared to throw him away until today
Anonymous 31769
Hey miners.
Currently pooping pants because I may approach a guy in 8 minutes.
Oh boyyyyy.
Anonymous 31771
>>31770He said yes! We're grabbing coffee tomorrow. Big excite.
Anonymous 31772
>>31771That's great! Remember to take it easy, and be watchful. Good luck!
Anonymous 31787
the rain is calming and makes browsing sapphire.supermarket feel good
Anonymous 31792
I hate myself and wish I were dead almost everyday.
Anonymous 31800

>>31485I feel very happy lately for no reason and it feels weird. I'm afraid to lose this feeling.
Anonymous 31803
>>31800You forgot to hate yourself. Like it when that happens.
Anonymous 31873

it’s gray and windy here today, totally okay with it ^_^
Anonymous 31878

>>31485Sunny day today. Am happy. Cannot wait for summer to return.
Anonymous 31903
>>31878I wish I had sun. There's still snow on the ground where I am (NorthEastern USA)
Anonymous 31911

>>31878I can't wait for summer either, I want to wear summer clothes!
Today my friends came over, I waited for them so long and I was sure they wouldn't come but they came anyway and although they only stayed for 15 minutes I'm so happy they came to see me.
Anonymous 31998

I scored a part time job at an ice cream shop while I go to college. Today is my first day, I'm feeling kind of nervous because it's been some months since I last did customer service.
Anonymous 32007
goood morning girls my spacebar button doesnt work so i have a space in my clipboard that i use to make spaces
Anonymous 32036

Good afternoon! Would anyone like to have black tea with me?
Anonymous 32050
>>31998Glad to hear! How did it go?
Anonymous 32051
>>32036I had black tea once and spent the rest of my work shift with the most painful stomach cramps I've ever had. Never will I try it again!!
Anonymous 32052
>>32050So far it seems like the best job I've had so far. It's a small shop and all of my coworkers have been very kind. It's also the first job I got via my friend's recommendation rather than applying online, hooray for nepotism!
>>32051I usually don't like black tea, but Good Earth Sweet and Spicy tea is amazing.
Anonymous 32258
IG went to poop so im stuck here
Anonymous 32268
just made cheesecake! no-bake kind, tomorrow will be a good day~
Anonymous 32269
>>32268please share the recipe! oven-less anon here >>>/b/31601
Anonymous 32285
>>32052I always find that tea doesn't have much taste for me. At home I drink tea with milk and sugar, and I do have peppermint tea which is very nice - it actually has taste. Floral teas always taste slightly perfumey but that's about it - am I doing it wrong, or is that legit how they're meant to taste?
Anonymous 32288
>>32258OMG I remember that yesterday. I went to look at someone's profile and it didn't work and I was freaking out. I almost broke my phone I was so frazzled.
Anonymous 32295

God, I love this place. I've been on 4Chan since middle school and I just found out about this site thanks to the autists on /fit/ mocking you guys. This beats the 8channel /girltalk/. I'm HOOOOOME.
Anonymous 32307
Good morning anons! I passed out on my coach last night instead of making it to my bed
>>32295Similar story, but with r9k. Welcome anon.
Anonymous 32310
>>32307What did your coach say in the morning?
Anonymous 32316
>>32300They are just feminine boys who are drawn even more femininely by the fan-artist.>>32289 is Goro Akechi and
>>32297 is Yuri Lowell.
Anonymous 32343
I got sunburned yesterday T_T
Not bad but I always get anxious cuz "muh premature aging"
Anonymous 32387
It's 7 am and I can't sleep yet, FML
Anonymous 32390
>>32387freshly clean bed-sheets helps me sleep well; but im still here on CC at 1:00
Anonymous 32403
I'm in a boring class rn. Everyone else is either on their email or on Facebook and I'm on CC. Story of my life.
Anonymous 32404
goodest of days to you all, I am tired and my back hurts a lot. My best friend keeps messaging me about her annoying boyfriend.
Anonymous 32420
looking up to you.…

Hello CC
I've been reading a cute manga
Anonymous 32455

reporting for duty. i haven't been around in a week or so…
Anonymous 32456
>>31485It's been a long week in it's only Tuesday
Anonymous 32458
>>32420google image searched this and a cute manga came up. The subject of the manga itself I always find mentioned here on cc compared to other sites for some reason; though I am only 5'7"
thanks for the recc
Anonymous 32560
>>32458Probably should have mentioned the name in my post, I just put it in the filename usually but I forgot those are hidden here. Title is "Looking Up to You" if anyone else wants to read it. I am only 5'4 myself, but the premise is still cute to me.
Anonymous 32562
hello ladies
I'm sick cough cough
Anonymous 32570

>>31485To be honest this is my third or fourth time today
Anonymous 32579
>>32570A mood
Can't wait until summer break when I can go on here constantly
Anonymous 32580
This is my first time back in a while. I don't really like it here anymore, the ambiance has changed.
Anonymous 32588
goedemorgen, starting my day at 4pm
Anonymous 32625
>>32589I feel personally attacked by this image
Anonymous 32628
:3 how is everyones day
Anonymous 32629
>>32628woke up at 11:30 because I have nothing to do for the day
Anonymous 32631
>>32589implying this isn't someone's fetish and would ask you specifically to keep it smelly
Anonymous 32658

I just feel like there are a lot more bait threads, more gullible Anons to take the bait and more perma-angry Anons trying to start shit than when the site first started up. It felt very chill and natural back then and now I feel like it has taken on too many of the facades and pomposities that you get on most imageboards.
Sorry for the slow reply, but I had to respect the thread rules.
Anonymous 32680
>>32658Ntayrt, but I understand. There are so many bait threads. A lot seem obvious to me (like the "I want to keep this nerd in his place' thread? it felt like a larp so I didn't follow the thread) but it seems a lot of people don't report? I didn't report that thread in particular but I report glaring bait threads. I wish more people did.
On that note, I feel like way more anons on 4chin are being open about being female lately and maybe it's wishful thinking but going by the posts' tone I think it's thanks to this site.
Anonymous 32684
The things that were talked about before the influx of lower quality posts, which are primarily things people keep making duplicate threads for, like happy feels/music/health issues.
I still check in sometimes, but I'm barely motivated to interact with anyone because the only threads that get bumped are bait or anons trying to out troll each other.
Anonymous 32693
>>32684The only topic I see repeated a-lot in multiple threads (excluding catch-all relationship threads) are diet/weight threads.
Anonymous 32695
Good morning cc! I didn't sleep very well, I think because I was hungry and where I live is really noisy. I made some breakfast and I feel a lot better now. It was nice to wake up before my alarm. I'm going to try and be productive this morning.
Anonymous 32696
>>32695That’s the spirit!
Make it a good day anon.
Anonymous 32749

hello miners! A book I ordered from overseas finally made it through customs and I'm really excited to read it
Anonymous 32792

good afternoon, miners!
It's the autobiography of a guy who was friends with some of my favorite writers from the time period - I get obsessed with particular authors and want to dig up all the gossip and dirt I can find
Anonymous 32819
the weather is lovely today
Anonymous 32820
>>31485Hi cc.
It’s much colder today than usual where I am.
Anonymous 32822
>>31485I'm happy to be alive, I hope everyone has a great week :)
Anonymous 32824
Yo all~ Saw someone mention they really like this place so.
Anonymous 32834
I look forward to being productive in the coming workweek so I may obtain slowly but surely the funds needed to purchase/build a palace from which a landmark will be built decorated with lavisg crystals and serving numerous tea and coffee products
Anonymous 32836
Good morning cc! I'm having brunch and recovering from a hangover. I feel a lot better now that I've had probably over a liter of water lol.
A thing that I've been planning but thought would fail is suddenly coming together. I feel happy and productive.
I hope you feel the same today!!
Anonymous 32840
Good Monday morning, miners.
I'm happy today for some reason.
Anonymous 32841
how many of you people browse crystal.cafe at 3:00 AM?
I need it for a survey
Anonymous 32843
>>32841Sometimes on weekends or when I accidentally slip into being nocturnal on breaks from uni.
Anonymous 32853
>>32840Same! It's been such a good day so far, but I'm so afraid it'll get ruined any moment now
Anonymous 32857
First time (ever). Really
Anonymous 32886

>>32857Even if it's an April Fools joke, welcome to cc !
Hoping to get some errands done today
Anonymous 33058
what does the Bastnasite.Bodega look forward to this weekend?
Isn't there like less than 40 weeks left of the decade or somethin?
Anonymous 33060
>>33058Going to the desert to see some blooms, hopefully they are still around.
This decade was kind of shite, but I don't really see it getting much better for the next one.
Anonymous 33063
>>33060I'd love to see the desert one day.
For my weekend plans, I'll be at home in bed with my laptop like every day, but maybe tomorrow I'll visit a friend to do laundry (I don't own a washing machine).
Anonymous 33077

Hiya CC, it has been a while since I've posted here but I'm getting my first job and finally going to therapy. And I lost weight! Life has gotten a lot better!
Anonymous 33084
Hi ladies
I can't stop thinking about graduation and what I'm gonna do with my life.
Anonymous 33104

yahallo, miners! this weekend I will be catching up on housekeeping
Anonymous 33135

Yep! The third season got announced at anime japan, I'm looking forward to it.
Anonymous 33148
Is it normal to be frigid/asexual most of the year, but in Spring turn into some cheesy romantic? I do not like this at ali.
Anonymous 33164
Sorry, I wanted to do that.
Anonymous 33203

>>33148I experience that, myself. Idk how common it is though
Anonymous 33208
>>33203Possible remnant genetic coding for hominid reproduction enticement. Soon as genetic editing comes out it should be wiped, honestly.
Anonymous 33211
I haven't been on cc in a few days, which is really rare. But I've been making an effort to be more sociable irl even though it's difficult and scary.
Anonymous 33220
good morning everyone!
Anonymous 33376
This site on Friday night seems to be boppin and active with all these new poasts
Anonymous 33421
Good afternoon crystal cafe!
I have a university formal tonight aka I have to put on my best normie impersonation for at least 4 hours
Anonymous 33428
woke up super late and hung over. feel like the day is already gone, time to browse cc
Anonymous 33455

>>31485Just woke up from what was about to be a nightmare, now thinking how else to spend this night
Anonymous 33457
Good afternoon, cc! I woke up way earlier than expected and ended up being pretty productive. I'm treating myself to lunch out (at the supermarket lol) because it's the weekend and I've been good about not spending too much money lately.
Anonymous 33459
is it unhealthy to hang-out on CC on the weekend at 3:25 AM while drinking soda?
I just can't stand the morning hours, I have no problem waking up at 6:30 for my normal workdays but I just hate that sometimes it's dark in the morning. Like I just want to wake up and be faced with sunshine, drives me mad
Anonymous 33462
>>31485Hey CC
I'm hungover and in no mood to face the day without talking to the ladies first.
Anonymous 33512
>>31485Got a link here from 4chin when i said there's really no such thing as a fem incel
Anonymous 33513

not my first time here today but my first time bumping this today, i feel sad and paranoid
Anonymous 33514
>>314854chan /pol/ femanon here, first time on this site. Just wanted to say that Jews did 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Kennedy assassination, WW1 AND 2, and are the puppet masters of our current Cheeto in Chief. That is all.
Anonymous 33519
>>33513Honestly same
Nothing like overly caring about someone who wants nothing to do with you to ruin your day
Anonymous 33579

Good morning girls, I’m starting to cram for finals
Anonymous 33593
hi cc
been skipping classes because I'm piece of shit who can't leave my apartment
Anonymous 33626

>>33593That's rough. Have you tried just opening the apartment door for a little while? If I do that a few times I can make myself go out on the sidewalk at least
Anonymous 33639

>enter the cafe
>full of gape porn
smh did the guys think this would shock us? Or are they searching for a domme gf under the guise of a raid?
Anonymous 33640
>>33639Gape porn? I am simply rattled.
time to look for sauce on the other threads Anonymous 33672
>>33667It was on for maybe an hour this morning before getting deleted. The mods on don't fuck around when it comes to rule 4 lmao
Anonymous 33698
Just woke up from a 2 hour nap after my last class before graduation.
Anonymous 33703
>>33698Bitch me too the fuck
Not graduation, but a 2 hour nap.
Anonymous 33706
>>33704>>33705Thanks girls! I still have finals next week but I'm almost there lol
Anonymous 33820
Not sure if I should be excited because CC is getting more active or upset because this is my favorite thread ):
Anonymous 33830
>>33743I'm making pasta with fresh tomatoes for my S.O. today! Hope you've found a good meal.
Anonymous 33915
>>33820I get sick going into the weekend and cut back on compoopturd use so as to not actively check this site to focus on my health and right as I am back to being active there are all sorts of threads with new posts (some pruned but I suspect more due to self-deletion than raid/bots) that interest me but I dont understand the context and I gotta finish reading.
Might be the first time I feel as if I am not "in the know" of what happens here in this site despite checking it daily, so many new posts or maybe I am just getting old and my cognitive abilities are losing the ability to remember all sorts of shitposts on obscure imageboards.
Anonymous 34023

Urge to get cute rodent pets rising.
Anonymous 34024
good morning, i just had cake for breakfast
Anonymous 34183
>>34056qt images
I'm back from uni and I'm gonna go for a run today. I've lost a bunch of weight about a year ago and I've just been maintaining. I just want to be skinny but I guess some progress is good ):
Anonymous 34196
>>34183Don't starve! If you're below obesity on your BMI, then you only need to worry about temperance. Also you could start building muscle.
Anonymous 34312
I should walk the dog, but I'd rather eat chicken and look at Pokemon.
Anonymous 34315
checking in for the first time in over a month…i was on here multiple times a day for like a year but for some reason i'm just not into like i was.
Anonymous 34322
I got nine hours of sleep and had left-over pizza for breakfast for the first time in a really long time. Feeling pretty good.
>>34315Maybe it's a good thing that you're not relying on it anymore? Anyway, welcome back.
Anonymous 34323
i barely kept my streak in duolingo
28 days going at it :)
Anonymous 34326
>>34315Same here. I generally feel that I've grown up from imageboards, it's time to move on.
Anonymous 34328
>>34315>>34326see you tomorrow
>>34323keep it up and soon it will be stuck as a habit and you will have no problem with motivation
Anonymous 34330
Accessing for the first time today
Anonymous 34335
>>34331Holy shit that is one cute fucking cat.
Anonymous 34338

morning anons, haven't been around in a couple of months! happy to see everyone still kicking
Anonymous 34356
Had a super long weekend, can’t wait to crash. Good night CC!
Anonymous 34359
Reaching cc for the first time today
Anonymous 34361
W-what happened a few hours ago to CC?
Anonymous Admin
>>34361We had some downtime due to an oversight on my behalf, sorry! Everything is well.
Anonymous 34366

hewwo anons, first time here and probably going to stay!
Anonymous 34382
>>32051That’s probably the tannins. I like to be (try)hardcore and drink things plain (coffee, whiskey, etc) but without a little bit of milk or food, if I haven’t eaten yet that day, black tea makes my stomach try to claw its way up out of my throat. It’s a common reaction. It still annoys me because I want to like things plain, and tannins are good for betta fish so why not for me? Plus “first thing in the morning” is exactly when I would most like some plain tea and not necessarily any food or extra steps yet.
Anonymous 34424
Good morning! I didn't sleep very well last might, but I woke up before my alarm and had raisins with breakfast. They're my favorite sugary treat right now.
Anonymous 34450
Hey everyone,
I'm eating lunch alone at work because I need a break from being actively social and making small talk. I was going to eat with a group, but I was really good today so I'm letting myself have some quiet time. 5 more hours…
Anonymous 34458

It's my 3rd post today, but I always forget about this thread
Anonymous 34459

>>34458My first post today, glad users like you keep this thread alive
Anonymous 34463
on the bus on the way home from work, I can’t wait to go home and have a nap!
Anonymous 34504
>>34459This meme is so wholesome ;_;
(I waited until this morning to post this so it'd be my first post today that's how cute it is)
Anonymous 34535
>>34504I love it too!
And something like that happened to me yesterday. A woman stopped me to tell me she liked my shoes and it made my day Anonymous 34705
>>34535Everyone should give more unsolicited compliments.
Anonymous 34711

finally some nice weather today
Anonymous 34717
I've been really tired and groggy the past few days. No matter how much I sleep my head is cloudy. :(
Anonymous 34781
finals r done
now i can dedicate my time to the cafe
Anonymous 34782
>>347811 new thread per day per board, go
Anonymous 35102
>>35082Good morning! I like that picture. It's sweet and the colors are nice.
Anonymous 35197
Did anyone celebrate crystal cafe's 2nd birthday?
Anonymous 35199
>>35197I completley didnt know about that, as I first started posting in 2018
Anonymous 35221
Hi cc! I'm feeling good this morning because I actually got a decent amount of sleep, woke up before my slarm,and found out I had more money in the bank than I thought. Hope everyone else got some good news today, too!
Anonymous 35315
>>35283I really, really, really like this image.
Anonymous 35326

Hi miners, I hope everyone's having a good day.
Anonymous 35329

I woke up this morning to the sun streaming through my window and felt really at peace. Have a good holiday, Americanons.
Anonymous 35477

>>35453>>35454I haven't touched my Animal Crossing New Leaf file in 50 years.
Anonymous 35551
It’s almost 1am here, does that count as a new day?
Anonymous 35552
>>35551Sure anon
I’m on mobile rn cuz my laptop’s broke but I still want to see the ladies
Anonymous 35555
>>35477You should. I just remade my town actually.
Anonymous 35620

>>35555My town remains unfinished to this day.
I'm scared to load up the save file. I don't want to see if my favourite villager has moved away.
Anonymous 35641

To all the lurking miners: Hi.
Anonymous 35699
2 weeks more and it’s 50% of the year done and the decade is a die die die!
Happy I could spend 1.5 years of that decade on the sapphire.shack. What about you geologists?
Anonymous 35701
>>35699Um, 50% of the year is at the start of July, not the middle of June. Indeed if you wanted to be even more precise, midday on July 2nd is halfway through a normal year as 182 and a half days have passed and there remains another 182 and a half days until the end.
Anonymous 35728
>>35699I hadn't even realized this decade would wend with this year, even though it's obvious. Huh.
I guess I'm looking forward to the futuristic/retro futuristic stuff thst will probably come out playing up the 2020 thing?
Anonymous 35792

>mfw I post daily to contribute to keeping this board alive
>mfw most of my posts are boring as hell
Sorry miners.
Anonymous 35796
>>35792Ur beautiful even when ur boring as hell qt
Anonymous 35810
hello, my anonymous friends. hopefully my insurance gets back to me today.
Anonymous 35820
I just took a shower and washed my hair. I'm drinking cold coffee without a shirt on. I don't want to get dressed and go to work, even though today should be an easy day.
Anonymous 35849

hallo, ladies! another day in paradise.
Anonymous 35858
I came to say good morning, now I’m going back to sleep
Anonymous 35860

Good morning all.
>>35858Good morning anon!! Hope the rest of your sleep goes well.
Anonymous 35862
>>35854this is a great gif
thank you
Anonymous 35907

Not sure what to bump this thread with so how 'bout some casual conversation…
How do I stop being envious of other girls?
Anonymous 35918
>>35907What specifically makes you envious of other girls?
Anonymous 35928
>>35918I guess it's because 99% of the time, I know males ( and women but it applies to males more) will think other women are more attractive than me and thus treat that girl better. It doesn't matter if they outright have a crush on them or just them observing, To them, those girls will be funnier, more interesting and overall just more tolerable to them because males will always base how well they'll treat a woman on her attractiveness.
Sometimes they do it on purpose, a lot of times it happens subconsciously, either way, I don't know how to put up with a mind like that.
Which leaves me with another thing to be envious about.
I'm pretty envious of their outlook on males.
Either they don't know or they don't care how males really are and are okay with dating, marriage and even hanging out with them; I wish I had they're mindset.
I don't hate these woman nor hate men, it's just I don't know how to deal with this truth so my go-to emotional response is envy and I feel it's eating away at me and ruining a lot of the joy (almost all) in my life.
Anonymous 35943
>>35907>>35928I've made similar observations about other women being treated better by men (and I'm fully aware why) but my go-to reaction is resignation instead of envy.
Sorry I can't help, anon.
Anonymous 35970
>>35928God I felt that. I have felt this my entire life. Thank you for finally putting it into words for me anon.
As much as men are gross/scary and I try to dress very conservatively and walk as quickly as possible to avoid their gaze, I get this weird pang of envy whenever I see a man checking out or obviously flirting with another woman. The funny part is that I would hate it if that same man were to do that to me, but it's this internal part of me that says "attractive to men=good".
Anonymous 35971
hello. i haven't been around as much lately. i don't know what it means but when i'm feeling better/less depressed i don't come on here…
Anonymous 36095
Spent my morning getting myself removed from people search engines, I hate how much information they collect on you
Anonymous 36105
>>35971What has you feeling down?
>>36095How did you remove the information?
Anonymous 36139
>>35971you should post on sulphur.snackbar when you're happy, because happiness is contagious
happy posting is good
Anonymous 36145
>>36105I opted out, you can request to do so on most sites
Anonymous 36150
>>36147I thought it was an American thing lol.
Anonymous 36167
Good morning CC! I've been tired when I wake up lately, I think because I snore which keeps me from going into deep sleep.
Anonymous 36181
good afternoon (in my time). I'm deciding today to genuinely try to stop compulsively masturbating and to quit smoking (because it's really too expensive for me to keep up with). Wish me luck, miners.
Anonymous 36201
>>36181Are you that anon from /feels/ who said she masturbates for hours a day?
Good luck!
Anonymous 36203
>>36181Keep us updated on how it goes! It seems like it would be hard to quit both at the same time, but maybe easier in the long run?
Anonymous 36206

>>36198thanks, anon.
>>36201yep, that's me. Yesterday I flat out failed, but today I'm doing a lot better, so I have hope. thank you for the support, I know you're all anons, but it feels nice to have the support of anyone, especially since it's an issue that I can't just strike up a conversation with anyone about quitting, lol.
>>36203well, the easy thing for me regarding cigarettes is that I just need to stop buying them. I should have clarified, I meant I was going to quit smoking by myself, though I will socially (but I almost never go out, like less than 4x a month, so it wouldn't be that much). The masturbating one is more difficult for me because it's so ingrained in my routines and in how I react to stress. I've taken up working out in hopes of a) tiring me out so I'll be too tired to masturbate and at least reap some benefits from working out, and b) hopefully the physical stimulation will kinda replace what masturbation used to mean to me in a sense.
Anonymous 36214

The memory always plays out the way I want it to. We're in your secondhand Civic, the blue one, when we notice wrinkled gum pasted onto the wing mirror. Your brother spat and dug it into the glass with chicken thigh fingers in retaliation for ratting him out about something worth doing. Forever a diligent handmaiden I open the window to scrape it off and wince. My flesh feels like eggs sizzling against the frying pan sun. Humidity seeps through the air-conditioned sanctum. No thank you, Mr. Sun; please don't shine on me. I scratch it off as quickly as I can, sacrificing the once untarnished veneer of my tangerine fingernails. Forever a transgressor you mutter murders. I remind you of the penalties: lost years, lawyers, the horrible jumpsuits. You tell me it'll be worth it if we never enter college. "We?" You affirm my horror with a smirk. I fall in love with you all over again: not the you you are now, all regrets, bar exams and plaid. I fall in love with the you who tells me his six-year-old brother is a piece of shit, and in the same breath notes my eyes shift from ocher to amber underneath the summer haze.
I know I'm not a good writer but I had fun with this piece derived from an online prompt. Haven't written in a while. Good morning.
Anonymous 36369

Hello everynyan!
It's been awhile but I'm working on getting my A+/Network/Security Certs. And I have a cute bf who likes to shitpost and listen to comfy music. I also got my internship! I'm surprised how well everything is going but it was a lot of hard work. I wish everyone here good luck on their ventures!
Anonymous 36379
>>36206Mistakes happen. I understand about not really having anyone to bring it up to. I quit alcohol two months ago and as much as I would like some irl support it's not really something I feel comfortable about bringing up with people I know at work or whatever.
But masturbation is definitely not something that would be socially acceptable to talk about.
I'm happy to hear about your successes or slip ups on either front.
We should do something when you it some kind of big milestone!!
Anonymous 36564
>>36214I quite liked it anon, it's quite evocative
I work with writers a lot, and I've certainly seen a billion times worse.
I hope you write more and that it brings you happiness to do so.
Anonymous 36626
>>35701you are right and I waited for the exact date to say that you are right.
my mind is messed up and oblivious with mistakes
Anonymous 36660
My credit card was overdrawn so my automatic phone payment didn't go through. Thecompany sent me a bill in the mail which I thought I paid, but I didn't. So now I can't use my phone for a week while I wait for the company to bill me again and then for the money to go through.
I feel so inept.
Anonymous 36683
>>36660It's okay anon, everyone makes mistakes once in a while.
Anonymous 36927
>>36848Happy Fourth! I live abroad so I didn't celebrate, but I kind of wish I had done something. Did any anons do something fun for the fourth of July?
Anonymous 37017

There's an ant invasion at my dad's house and he doesn't give a fuck. He steps on them when he sees one and doesn't even pick it up.
The living room is full of ant corpses in front of the windows and I'm getting paranoid of every black spot on the floor.
Anonymous 37032
>>37017Now that I read this I realize I never saw ants as something disgusting or as much of a pest and there's ways to deter them, my grandparents still struggle with them at their house
At least they're not bedbugs or cockroaches
Anonymous 37164

This is the first time I visit CC, I found it by a reverse search of a imagen in another IB.
This seems really comfy, I think i'll stay. Maybe that way I stop lurking that other IB.
Anonymous 37185

Good evening everyone. I hope everyone is doing okay
Anonymous 37759
>>37648Yes, I've been lurking around here since then
Anonymous 37826
>>31485first time visiting in almost a week as I was busy with work and personal stuff. Did the forum get nuked or something (at-least for feels)? Page.2 bumps of /feels/ is way back at 7 days ago at the bottom compared to what used to be in the same day or 2 days ago; and doesn't seem to be much in terms of new threads.
was it another standard raid, or are people here just enjoying the summer heat and going outside?
Anonymous 37946

Good morning Diamond Diner
I'm taking a bus this afternoon to stay with an old friend for the weekend
Anonymous 38123
>>36206Super late, but I made a thread in /hb/ for giving up bad habits. How's it going so far?
Anonymous 38128

Feeling ded from waking up at 10am after going to bed at 5am, also gonna get get dragged out by my parents today. I discovered cc a few days ago cause my brother recommended it to me, seems super comfy.
Anonymous 38131
>>38128your brother recommends you imageboards to visit?
Anonymous 38150

>>38143Yes, it's so magic just like the Doctor
Anonymous 39683

Danny Brown is the greatest rapper ever.
Anonymous 39753
i! love women!!!!! im such a huge dyke jesus christ!!!!
Anonymous 40616
Good morning ladies. Just started watching Utena and now I want a prince charming gf :c
Anonymous 41909
>>40604Lately I've really been wanting to put my hair up in double buns and this pic isn't helping
Anonymous 42176

Bumpy! Been awhile since I visited this site, hoping it will be a little active.
Anonymous 42461

First time here, Usually up late, should be doing homework.
Anonymous 42536

Morning, it's Tuesday. Have a good day everyone.
Anonymous 42592

This is my first time in this place actually.
Anonymous 42597

>>31530fucking love that squish
i just imagine it poking it would be like a light pfft
does anyone know how to make irl friends? lol
or know how to dress? i really wanna learn how to dress well
i feel like everything i wear is really basic. ugh.
the image is not an example, it's on etsy but it's an xl and i am like a small
HOW on EARTH do u guys know how to find what you like?
Anonymous 42607

Howdy CC, hope y'all are having a great day today
Anonymous 42609
>>42606Is this safe? Can you really do this with a cat without it biting you?
Anonymous 42612

>>42610Hi anon, I noticed you bumping this thread. I too browse CC in hopes of talking to someone.
I'm having breakfast watching the news.. A whole two families with their children died at our southern border (US). A cartel murdered them. crazy shit, I have a soft spot for children so this is really sad for me.
Anonymous 42613
>>42610Playing video games instead of doing the chores.
Anonymous 42615

>>42614So this here is our new place to chat then?
Anonymous 42649

Yet again bored..
>>42615Sure looks like it
>>42612It's a shame that happened… hopefully they'll pay for what they've done…
>>42639Have a good one too anon
Anonymous 42697

Yet another Bomp
Yet another boring day
Good day for y'all anons
>>42669Pretty much
Got a lot of stuff to do but don't feel like doing anything
Anonymous 42716

Today's obligatory bomp
Still bored, but with a twist. I'm tired too..
Have a good day and/or night tho anons
>>42698Not much I guess, been trying to learn to make my drawings not as bad in my spare time
Wha have ya been doin lately anons?
Anonymous 43194

(Dont worry! The koi is safe, that doesnt hurt him, hes just curious)
Anonymous 63441

Not my first post today but today I posted for the first time (ever) after lurking on and off since 2018? Anyway, it's very comfy.
Anonymous 64244

They say time is the fire in which we burn.
Anonymous 64264
>>63461eh not as cute from the front I guess
Anonymous 64333

wish cc was a fujoshi/yumejoshi/weeb fan haven desu.
Anonymous 64347
>>64333But fujos and yumejos are mortal enemies. Just because we both like cute boys doesn't mean that we enjoy them in the same way.
Anonymous 64350

>>64347I'm both a yumejo and a fujo.
Depends on the character.
Anonymous 64359
snufkin yaoi uwu.j…

>>64333i'd love for cc to be a fujo heaven honestly, wish there was more bl related discusion
Anonymous 64388
I've heard of fujoshi before but I've never heard the term yumejoshi.
Anonymous 64620
Just got rid of two whiteheads whoohoo it’s gonna be a good day.
Anonymous 65111
happy cow.jpg

>>65036As someone who lived near cows before, they really are just big dogs.
Anonymous 65126
Hey yall whatsup I'm drinking alone, this is a good thread and I love yuo all
Anonymous 65150

What it is, what’s up. Got this cheems in the club
Anonymous 65153

First meal of the day at 4 pm.
Anonymous 67149
I treated myself to a cookies and chocolate Parm ice-cream bar today, it was amazing.
Anonymous 67278
missed you cc
uguguguguguugugugugguug why is everyone busy these days fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Anonymous 68481
>>68377Why are you posting the Minarchism flag?
Anonymous 68538
I've tried nothing,everything works.
Anonymous 68630
Is this like a bump when high thread?
Anonymous 68657

>>68630>Is this like a bump when high thread?Me on the left.
Anonymous 68958

How the fuck do I respond to four crying laughing emojis in a row
Anonymous 68960
>>68958I wouldn't but ffs your post reminds me of when my ex cheated on me with his friends. It hurts.
Anonymous 68962
>>68958That pic unironically hurts so much and reminds me of when my bf who I thought was straight cheated on me with my ex who I also thought was straight and the worse part is that neither of them is bi they are just straightup gay so they were just using me to prove to themselves that they were straight like god fucking damn i hate men so much
Anonymous 68979

>>68960I ended up responding by asking about school I want to be his friend but it's hard when he's not giving me anything to work with, whatever I'm probably reading too much into it this is how normies are
>>68962Sorry to hear that queens you both deserve better
Anonymous 68984
>>68979>>68958I don't really get the context here. What did he do the emojis in response to? Are you worried he's a closeted homosexual? Are you just trying to be his friend, or his special friend ;);)?
Anonymous 68987
>>68958NTA; in case anybody asks, the sauce is:
Mikleo (blue hair) and Sorey (brown hair) from Tales of Zestiria.
I, of course, spoilered it out of respect for the two anons that are hurting and I have zero clue on what to say about their stories.
>>68979It is probably just a laugh about something you said, anon. Probably not something personal and direct to you if you have been in good terms with that person.
Anonymous 68990

>>68984Either would be fine I think we both know which one is preferable tho,
Context is we were talking about how corona messed with our last school year
"I logged on to do two assignments for math n never logged back on again then I ended the last semester with a 90 the end really didn't matter (sleeping emoji)"
"(Laughing crying emoji x4)"
>>68987I'm kinda stupid so I had to brood on my response to that for about two hours
You're probably right about it not being serious he just sends pretty short messages and the emojis and one word response made me think maybe he wanted to end the conversation
We went to the same middle school and a few for high school and I was a disgusting weeb so that's affecting me a bit lol I wish I could erase people's old memories of me
Anonymous 68992
first time ever seeing this board so bump
Anonymous 69368
Imagine if you could describe with your own words all of the feelings that are implied in every anon's picture that they posted in this thread.