
pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405
can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.
i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
Anonymous 105407
>hottest guy I’ve ever dated (but doesn’t know how hot he is)
>shared media interests
>hobbies outside of media consumption, and has picked up more girly hobbies with me
>just the right amount of edgy for me
>cares about how he dresses
>good personal hygiene
>a bit of a bad boy so seeing him behave like a softie around me is hawt
>knows he’s dumber than me so he doesn’t bother mansplaining or debating with me
>good sex
>materialistic with designer brands
>emotionally stunted. I need to go talking-to-toddler mode to get any kind of communication from him without him shutting down/arguing with me)
>sad about abstract, stupid stuff often. I don’t mind comforting him but it gets repetitive
>dumb as bricks
>doesn’t watch porn anymore but is still porn-damaged
>awful at cleaning (he does try, but is so inefficient and doesn’t have any organisation)
>drug addict
He’s still mine though
Anonymous 105408
>deeply loving and overflowing with affection
>can set himself to learning about anything I enjoy so we can talk about it
>very intelligent and deeply practical
>calm, controlled and reasonable
>filled with random knowledge and useful skills I can fall back on if I'm in trouble
>good with money and focused on making good choices for the future
>tough and stoic with others; inspires confidence and deters bullies
>is a great cook
>treats me with respect and like an actual life-partner
>the most dependable human being on Earth
>enjoys doing household chores with me
>hobbies are all low-investment (except for all the tools and equipment he accumulates)
>watched porn, but is realistic about sex
>doesn't objectify or belittle women
>literally the perfect dad for our future kids
>emotionally stunted in the extreme (processes sadness as anger at himself)
>forgets my needs often (things like physical contact) and requires reminding
>hyperfocused on one thing at a time and needs to complete it or he'll be distracted and irritable
>zero impulsivity and needs to plan things out 4+ hours ahead
>can't read conversational subtext or nuanced body language
>needs to be mentally engaged constantly and finds it in audiobooks/podcasts; locks me out for hours at a time
>is a generous lover, but has body image issues that stop me from doing things to him that I enjoy
>absolutely no sense of style
>cannot fathom enjoyment from aesthetics
>introverted and needs to expend huge amounts of emotional energy to engage with my friends and work
Anonymous 105424
>>105408How’d you meet him he sounds mature and a grown ass adult man. I’m sick of dating men mentally stuck at 16 years old and can’t cook or clean or plan anything in advance
Anonymous 105428
>>105424lol, at a game shop. I just wanted to buy a board game, but he was playing at a huge strategy table (where two groups of players simulate a historical war) and happily explained how he was about to crush the Soviet advance towards the Finnish capital.
Anonymous 105443
>No political opinions like at all. It's like the part of your brain that cares about stuff you can't change never flipped on.
>No drug or drimk. Never even considers it.
>Loves animals. When we travel together, the local zoo is pretty much always a necessary destination.
>Super sweet. Never has a bad thing to say about anyone.
>Never angry at all.
>I was his only ever girlfriend, which still astounds me when I thin about it.
>Not materialistic at all.
>Hard working. Gets stuff done very quickly, while still being really chill.
>Is the cook between the two of us most of the time.
>Handsome and fit.
>Big, perfectly aqua colored eyes
>He has the tastes of a child when it comes to media and is pretty closed minded to things grown-ups are supposed to like. He pretty much only likes Nintendo when it comes to games, cartoons when it comes to tv/movies, and stuff like The Beach Boys and Donovan when it comes to music.
>He gets anxious very easily.
>Really doesn't like me having a firearm.
>His parents (while very nice) are 2 of the most retarded people I have ever met and some of their braindead decision making rubs off on him at times.
>Definitely needs help with things the vast majority of adults do not. Well outside the threshold of me needing to be "mommy" though.
>Has a child's vocabulary. This was gonna be in "pros" because it's refreshing being with someone who never swears, but having to stop to explain what "insipid" means mid sentence is kind of frustrating.
Couldn't believe no other girls took him while we were in high school, couldn't believe he was still single by the time we were both adults. Fine by me, I'll take him.
Anonymous 105690
>listens to me and does what I say
>listens to me and does what I say
he's 100% a whipped simp and I can make him do whatever. don't know if it's a good thing or not.
Anonymous 105691
-loves me unconditionally and views me like some kind of goddess, willing to adjust his goals to meet mine. He is so faithful
-forgiving and sweet, puts up with me and forgives even when I am terrible
-Can tell him anything, only person I am really myself aroumd
-sperg with anger issues and regularly destroys expensive shit (cellphones, monitors, punches holes in walls), cant handle stress
-poor employment history, he cant hold a job for long, goes months at a time unemployed (hes been working on his EMT license though)
-800 miles away and cant visit all the time
-lives with mom
Anonymous 105696
>>105405Pros: He's really caring towards me, cooks and bakes tasty things, shared interests, pretty, loves cuddling, passionately reciprocates during sex.
Cons: He wants kids and I don't, so we agree that we'll break up eventually. I'm worried I'm wasting my time staying with him instead of finding a different, longterm partner. Also, he said he doesn't love me, just like me. But I feel the same, so I don't know if it's worth breaking up over. I'm afraid I won't find a new guy with his pros that doesn't come with another set of cons.
Anonymous 105731
>pros: not active on social media
>cons: no social media
Anonymous 105735
>>105691>can't handle stress>wants to be an EMT Anonymous 105760
>>105731The problem isn't that he has no social media, but that he's always using devices despite not having a legitimate reason to do so. He's probably doing something more dubious.
Anonymous 105762
>has many positive traits, he's loving, caring, sweet, intelligent, pragmatic etc
>genuinely has a heart of gold, helped me & my family countless times - well off
>not your average moid, i.e. not a brainless coomer
>good cook, vegetarian
>mentally stable, unlike me. has the patience of a saint when it comes to dealing with my mental issues
>pampers me
>half the time we fuck his dick goes limp - lot to do with self esteem issues and overthinking
>not ugly, but not conventionally attractive either. short, going bald, etc
>has social anxiety
>not assertive at all
yeah I love my moid despite it all. the pros outweigh the cons for me. well, most of the time.
Anonymous 105763
>>105762>not a brainless coomer>half the time we fuck his dick goes limp - lot to do with self esteem issues and overthinkingI've got bad news for you, nona.
Anonymous 105764
>>105762>>105763And the news is not that he's gay but that he's testosterone deficient.
Anonymous 105765
>>105764My version of news was that he coomed his brains into performance anxiety, but I guess that works too.
Anonymous 105774
Of course, just like every view, this approach can be taken too far, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with a presumption of guilt in this case, since you're the one who might have to deal with a sociopathic freak like that.
On the other hand, now that I think about it, the examples of such moids in my life all have so many telltale signs, despite putting on a facade of niceness, that maybe being too suspicious is also not a good thing.
Anonymous 105781
>>105775Out of the top of my head?
Never being in a long-term relationship is the best sign. No matter how nice they are, the moment a woman makes it clear that she wants a proper relationship, this type of scrote will shut down and then proceed to ghost and/or gaslight her into quitting him. After all is said and done he might even try to paint himself as the victim, accuse the girl of being too clingy, etc.
Open about porn consumption. Not disgusted by open relationships. Very explicit about preferring "high value" women (bimbos and or e-hoes). "I wish I had an Onlyfans girlfriend."
Openly bragging about sex to other scrotes.
Acting very open and friendly towards all women who aren't commited/conventionally attractive, complete 180 otherwise.
Getting caught cheating, ever. Duuh.
Anonymous 105815
>Intelligent, legit genius
>Tall, good physique, dresses well
>Very good looking
>Likes children
>Great at cooking
>Hard working, good with finances
>Extremely social
>Good in bed, lots of stamina, accepts trying my kinks
>Very Able to put himself in other people's places, especially me
>90% great sense of humor
>Same interests, either in media, sports, general activities
>Good driver
>Almost no porn influence
>Very hygienic
>Good mannered
>Reads people like a book
>Perfectionist, won't stop until he reached his percieved perfection on the matter/activity
>Becomes unhinged when he is really inserted into something he likes, snaps out only when its done
>Schemer, like he's some kind of politician or nobleman
>"Hannibal Lecter mindset", not afraid to gaslight, manipulate and scheme for his own good
>Medium-low sex drive, I always have to start up intimacy
>Plans X event ahead, if what he planned doesn't happen he gets anxious, nervous, and tries to "auto-correct" his plan
>Sometimes snobs about his tastes on something
>Eats his nails
>Addicted to ASMR, like turkish barbers, rainy forests and questionnaires
>Tends to avoid conflict at all costs
Anonymous 105818
>>105816He is academically very gifted, but also gifted in non-academic related things. Who ruled Egypt during the Persian invasion? He knows it, how many soldiers took action in some unknown battle in bumfuck nowhere Europe? He knows it, complex mathematics, physics, chemistry, the sympthoms of many diseases, car mechanics, which art trend this paniting belongs to, how to brew moonshine, explosives,computer stuff etc. He's a walking enciclopedia, I joke that he's always tired from having to carry his brain all day
Anonymous 105820
>>105818>he's memorized a lot of factsSounds more like an autist than a genius
Anonymous 105821
>>105820Well, depends on what your perception of intelligence and knowlage is, as far as I know he never showed any signs of 'tism
Anonymous 105826
>>105821>Plans X event ahead, if what he planned doesn't happen he gets anxious, nervous, and tries to "auto-correct" his planThis is litterally a telltale sign of the 'tism. Maybe not to the point it's a problem, but he's definitely in the spectrum.
Not that's
Anonymous 105828
There is nothing wrong and narcissistic about sharing trivia. At least not inherently. Knew one moid who would genuinely brag about reading wiki and watching youtube essays.
Anonymous 105836
Nah, sharing cool facts is fun. You're overanalyzing a normal way to talk to people.
Anonymous 105837
>>105836Not if the sharer is only sharing these facts to look smart or to receive some sort of perverse pleasure from half-hearted interest over their obsession.
Anonymous 105839

>>105826Huh, well, idk, no one never pointed it out, he's been to psychiatrists and psycologists before, idk really.
>>105827>Ask him to actually make moonshine for example. He won't be able toWell…I did, this is one of the bottles from his latest
run at it, this one is made of sugar cane, he even gifted one to my father for some reason
>>105828>>105830>>105836>>105837He's not narcissistic about his big brain, or at least he does not intend to, he won't trick you into asking him difficult things or just randomly start spewing his 4000 year old Babylonian facts. He only shows the things he knows if the conversation is about said topic or if he is genuinely asked about said topic.
Anonymous 105842
>>105760>>105431He's on 4chan then. And maybe discord
Anonymous 105845
>>105815I wish I had a smartie pants bf who can handle finances. I’d probably end up wasting $1000s on dumb useless shit like pop sockets :(
Anonymous 105846
>>105845Forgot to add I am too low IQ for a smart bf so I will never get one but I think that would be my number one priority so he could take good care of me. Are there guys out there who don’t mind a dumb gf ? I can only dream,,, a man like that probably would rather get a girlfriend who can keep up with him mentally and intellectually stimulate him
Anonymous 105847
>>105840166 , sorry for the wait, had to check on the documents
>>105845Nona, I'm not that smart either, I'm avarage, he does not like me because of what my brain does, I'm sure you'll find a bf who will stop you from buying $2000 in funko pops or miniatures
Anonymous 105849
>>105847>166 Dayum if I had that IQ I’d learn multiple languages. What was he like as a child? Did he skip three grades?
I once dated a doctor with an IQ of 150 and he manipulated his third grade class into holding a student strike to get out of schoolwork kek. Peak anime villainery right there
Anonymous 105851
Pro: he’s really loving and touchy
Con:he’s really loving and touchy
Anonymous 105853
>>105848I meant that he likes me for reasons not related to my academic intelligence.
>>105849He knows English, Portuguese, German, Italian and Russian. As a child he clearly showed his gifts, I remember him writing and reading at 5 while most of the rest only got the hang of it at 8. Unfortunaly our country's school system does not allow smart kids to skip grades.
>Peak anime villainery right thereHe once manipulated about 20 people into having different plans/disagreements with each other just so 7 of them could go watch a football match wit him (His team got trashed)
Anonymous 105854
>>105853>I remember him writing and reading at 5So you knew him in first grade?
Anonymous 105857
>>105855>childhood friend bf>who's also a super geniusIf he's never had sex with anyone else, you've won at life.
Anonymous 105858

>>105857Unfortunaly his idiotic dipshit uncle and cousin thought it would be a good idea to ultra gaslight him (literally threatening to call him homo to his whole family) into having intercourse with his friend's daughter during a party when he was 16 to "Make him a man sooner then later". I assume this is the reason for his half-battery sex drive but I'll never question him about it
Anonymous 105860
>>105858Well, we can't all be winners.
Personally, I'd rather have a 100 iq virgin than a 166 iq nonvirgin, all other things being equal.
Anonymous 105861
>>105859My kindness, the fact that we share many interests, my willingness to listen to some of his more complicated interests, my looks (From what his mom said), and that we just have a strong bond, I think
>>105860Well, unfortunaly these things happen, I'm not insecure about it, he was pressured into it, and he didn't like it, he has 0 contact with the bitch and does not wish to have.
Anonymous 105910
>very intelligent, with really good knowledge in his field
>very good looking and hot, even without working out muscles are showing
>a lot of interests and hobbies, always has something to talk about
>great sense of humor matching mine
>worldview and most of the opinions matching mine as well
>compliments me quite a lot
>very broad tastes in music, showed me a lot of stuff I listen to daily
>masters everything quite quickly
>overwhelmingly egoistic
>close to autistic in his hobbies, prone to bouts of depression and hyperactivity
>can be socially rude sometimes. I get that pleasing everyone shouldn't be a thing, but sometimes some politeness is great
>doesn't really love me/respect me. I mean he loves me to an extent, but after 5 years together I'm starting to think that he won't be able to love anyone deeply. Or he might find some unhinged genius girl who will ruin his life, but he knows that, so he won't
Anonymous 105915

I'll remember the deleted replies even if it's gone now.
It was damn funny.
Anonymous 105916
>>105915yeah too many nonas replied to the salty scrote kek
Anonymous 105920
>>105919Some scrote replying to the thread as if "her' supposed bf was this unreal super mega hot dilf who had no cons, and some nonas took time off replying to it
Anonymous 106157
>the ones with average-looking bfs don't post
>anons exaggerate the handsomeness of their bfs because they're super in love
>board is full of Stacies
Anonymous 106167

humans gotta gush and wear rose-tinted glasses to fall in love. i made the thread and included cons list because i'd like to see the struggles of dating and relationships. it helps me to see if i can get into a relationship with realities and objectivity, not blind gushiness.
i suppose this is a bf brag and bf complaint thread, it's cozy and one of my favorite types of threads to lurk as someone who is single and wants to observe and learn from others!
Anonymous 106204

>Very physically affectionate (cuddles, kisses, handholding, etc)
>Responsible and caring
>Not active on social media
>Physically fit and inspires me to eat well/work out
>First person to not sexually repulse me (this sounds like a low bar but it's actually very rare)
>Similar music taste to me
>Always on time
>Gets nerdy about stuff like Pokemon which is really cute to me
>Had a FWB before me (which makes me feel weird to think about, but it doesn't bother me a whole lot)
>Sometimes doesn't pick up on my jokes/sarcasm (we've only been dating for a month so this will probably improve over time)
>Weeaboo (jk but not really)
>Plays league
>He has a decently high libido and mine is pretty low
Can't tell if it's a pro or a con
>Calls me cutesy nicknames that are embarrassing but also really sweet??
Anonymous 106213
>>106204>Plays leagueEuthanasia is the only option.
Anonymous 106228
>Plays league>Always on time>Likes Pokemon>Not active on social mediaHe sounds perfect nona.
Except these cons could be pretty bad, so be careful.
>Had a FWB>Weeaboo>He has a decently high libido and mine is pretty low Anonymous 106229
>>106204>>106228Seconding the FWB as a con. That would be a dealbreaker for me.
Anonymous 106253
>>106228>>106229Yeah, the fwb thing was like 3 years ago and he hasn't been with anyone since. (iirc I'm his first actual relationship.) It does feel strange because he told me they were doing some kinky shit that I'm not really used to or have ever seen/experienced (I've only ever been with one person before and he was vanilla incarnate).
Anyways, like I said, it was a long time ago, so I'm not going to let it bother me too much… crossing my fingers.
Anonymous 106258
>>106213Hey league is fun the upcoming season is gonna be so fun for farming junglers
Anonymous 106260
>>106253Tbh people change so quickly in three years assuming you’re both young (early 20s)
People are hornier and have no strings attached sex when they’re younger but gradually get into more loving deeper relationships with others
Just my observations and personal experience
Good luck nona he seems nice
Anonymous 106272
>>106260>Eh? He would fuck this girl with no feelings or emotions for her? With perverted and abnormal kinks?>But it's okay! That was years ago! People change!>He was young! It's just his nature! Boys will be boys!There are plenty of moids who have not erred in this manner. He had every ability to do the same, and yet did not. Why, then, should he be judged as no less than they?
I don't deny people change. But, even so, the past still defines the present person. The criminal, years in prison, is still to be punished, even if he has changed. He is punished for his crime in the past.
I'll not forgive the most repentant moid. I will revile, condemn, and scorn, and hate even a moid who presently is perfect, if in his past were one abhorrent thing. Though he repents and weeps, seas of his tears will never cleanse him of the stain I see.
Anonymous 106277
>>106272Yeah age doesn't matter at all, if a male is capable of using women for sex that shows his character and that's not something that changes
Anonymous 106290
>>105696This just seems mutualistic, probably more parasitical. Clearly your life goals diverge too much to stay functional for long.
Anonymous 106339
>>105815break up with him now. danger to your vaginal hygiene (ref to eats his nails)
Anonymous 106345
>most affectionate guy i have ever been with>makes me feel so loved>i love him so much i cry sometimescons
>im his first gf = he's not sexually experienced and sex is difficult sometimes>long distance Anonymous 106347
>>106345Its better to have a unexperienced bf then one whose had many sexual partners in the past, just ask yourself, would you like to drink a coke that everyone took a sip from?
Anonymous 106479
>>105760YouTube, articles, writing. Any plethora of the thousands of things you can do outside of social media
Anonymous 106482
>>106272>presumably late teens or early 20s stumbling block which is already in the process of being rectified with a loving and long-term relationshipRepentance is an incredibly personal, coveted and case-by-case issue for people of both genders. Hold yourself to the same standards or be prepared to forever hold your tongue. This post reeks of conceitedness
Anonymous 106485
>>106482>late teens or early 20s stumbling blockI don't give a damn how young he was. He was perfectly capable of avoiding this "stumbling block". It's his fault and no one else's, not even his youth's, and therefore I will blame no one but him.
>already in the process of being rectifiedWhy should I waste my time with someone who's in the process of being rectified, when I can have someone who needs no rectification at all? I never did anything so vile. I deserve to be with the same. And can he be rectified? Even if he changes his heart, he will never change his memories, and therefore is he permanently defiled.
>Repentance is an incredibly case-by-case issueSome things are simply unforgivable. Would you forgive a rapist? Would you forgive a mass murderer?
>Hold yourself to the same standardsDon't think I'm as disgusting as a moid.
>This post reeks of conceitedness.You're goddamn right. I am superior to a moid by so much, I am so much better than he. My most vile act is less than ten thousandths that of the moid's.
Anonymous 106488
>>106485I hate moid sluts too but I don't think its comparable to rape and murder nona.
Anonymous 106489
>>106488Obviously rape and murder are way worse. I was only proving that some things are unforgivable by pointing out the extreme examples.
Anonymous 106490

>handsome face
>very funny and has similar humor to mine
>is super sweet to animals, is a cat person
>is super sweet and affectionate with me
>does little things i appreciate a lot (holds my heavy textbooks when we go to the library to study, holds my bags when shopping)
>doesnt let me pay for anything bc he wants to spoil me
>whenever i vent, he immediately tries solving the problem (even though sometimes i only just wanna complain to get it out my chest and move on)
>i think he spends a little too much time arguing on twitter
>he eats fast food almost daily
>he gained a lot of weight as a result and idk how to tell him he should look after himself better
i feel esp bad about the last one bc i use to be very fat myself until i started working out and eating healthier and lost 65 lbs. i feel like these are very easy fixes but it can only happen if he makes healthy decisions for himself.
Anonymous 106491
>>106490>whenever i vent, he immediately tries solving the problem (even though sometimes i only just wanna complain to get it out my chest and move on)Why do moids always do this
Anonymous 106501
>>106491Trying to prove how smart they are + lower emotional intelligence than women
Anonymous 106539
>>106491Maybe it's because I have been growing up surrounded by men almost exclusively in my family, but I can't understand this complaint either. It comes up relatively often among my female peers and on the internet too and I've lost some friends over it.
If something causes you enough distress to constantly complain about it, then why won't you try and fix it? Or don't fix it but, at least, don't get freaking mad at people for trying to help you and accept it for what it is, an attempt to help.
Yeah, venting is perfectly fine and not every issue can be solved period. Yes, sometimes you can be emotionally unstable while venting and approaching it rationally might not be the best idea at that very moment.
But some people are clearly addicted to the empty emotional headpats and hugs. If you complain about something regularly, expect nothing but attention for it, and then proceed to cling to those issues and refuse to do the right but difficult part of actually trying to solve then, then you're an emotional parasite.
Anonymous 106570
>>106491Moids have cave man brain logic, they can't process uniqueness or deeper meaning of a feeling, they treat it as a physical thing you can throw away, hide, or slap duct tape on it. Grug need to fix da thinga
Anonymous 106578
Except moids don't actually solve the problem, they just tell you to try something you already tried and then get pissy when their "advice" was useless
Anonymous 106584
>>106491I can only speak from personal experience, which is that the men in my life only ever complain about things to bond over. Complaining about something because it hurts you emotionally, without being comedic about it, is not accepted in male circles. When they hear you complain about something like an abusive boss or financial troubles without making light of it or bonding over a shared experience, their natural assumption is that you're seeking their advice or help in resolving it.
When I complain to a friend, just to get that emotional weight off my chest, he says it makes him anxious because he feels he should be of use if I'm in pain; refusing his help makes him feel useless.
Anonymous 106590
>>106584Very good input. I think that a lot of men begin failing emotionally at a middle to senior age because they realize that they can't deal with emotional/family problems with impulsive camaraderie
Anonymous 106611

>>106539Yeah… I feel like emotional dumping is normalized, I understand venting of course, but I’ve lost friends too nona when I’ve had to have boundaries about this as I personally find it very draining to be around emotional dumping constantly.
Anonymous 106613
>>106611wait so basically if you were actually a victim and recognize it then it's emotional dumping and if you were a perpetrator or a victim who blames themselves then it's "healthy"? make it make sense
Anonymous 106642
>>106613Yeah, it does come off as weird in the list. I'd say it's more about the dumper ALWAYS being the victim in their own stories, which is definitely not uncommon in the examples of these kinds of people I was unfortunate enough to experience.
Anonymous 106668
>>106611>>106613>>106642its more like unhealthily seeking other's sympathy, trying to gain pity over everyday mundane stuff. And repeating the same sad stories over and over to multiple people. These people always try to make it about themselves, saying how a small unrelated thing triggered their trauma, saying they're target by our boss (even when I'm getting more work), and making you feel guilty when you no longer wanna hear their sob stories. God I hate these kinds of coworkers
Anonymous 106669
>>106668After a point it gets addictive and becomes the a strong coping mechanism, like a baby crying to mommy and asking her to pet her and calm her down. I'd say that it's some form of age regression.
I used to do that so speaking from experience.
Anonymous 110202

> older than me and semi socially adjusted
> most of the time i find interacting with him enjoyable
> made the first move on me and actually asked me to be bf/gf
> LIKES HOW I LOOK AND THINKS IM PRETTY ?? HE ALSO CALLED MY BODY ELEGANT and doesn't mind that i don't have tits or ass
> infinitely more experience than me in sex stuff so i could gain some practice dating him
> views me mostly as a sex object, gets somewhat pissed off when i reject sending pics, making out, etc
> porn addicted to the next infinity. into a lot of gnarly shit that he thinks is completely normal. im expected to go along with those preferences even if i feel uncomfortable and to eventually conform to them
> although he's older than me works (almost the same) crappy job, lives in communal living and doesn't have leftover money by the end of his paycheck
> holds little regard to my views and wants to "debate" them, already disrespected my mother once, thankfully not to her face. i shut it down real fast and told him if it happens again i won't stand for it (nerd emoji)
> we got official wayy too fast and my brain didn't built up that much attraction to him. although im gaining practice in kissing, blowing and sex, im not really enjoying it.
Anonymous 110203
>>110202>cons outweighing pros by this muchGreat scott
Anonymous 110209
>>110202Good lord what on earth could you possibly see in him?
After typing all that out you really sat back and said "This is fine"
Anonymous 110210
>>110202> Although im gaining practice in kissing, blowing and sex, im not really enjoying it. Run
Anonymous 110212

>>110202Christ, please leave him, anon. You seem young and insecure, you deserve better.
Coming from me who won't even post the guy I'm seeing ITT because he's a going concern.
Anonymous 110240
>virgin until i met him
>small town boy
>owns house at 22 by inheritance
>loves me
>dependent on family
>will die before 40 due to terminal illness
i love him so much but i can already see him fading. i want to make every moment count with him
Anonymous 110269
>>110240Research Ray Peat. You can save his life.
Anonymous 110293
Welcome back, dicksucker-pig-kun!
Anonymous 110402
>>106345Are you me?
Mine also is,
>kind to everyone and everything>receptive to my political ramblings>would give me the shirt off his back (and has)>getting really fit and is disciplined>loyal although,
>has no real friends>isn't into music?>can be way too quiet>hard to get him to have meaningful conversationDespite it all, I want to marry him and have kids with him.
Anonymous 110422
>>105443I think you deserve better, beautiful. If he can't deal with you having a firearm, needs mommied, basically retarded, wtf are you with him for? You need a man not a little man.
Anonymous 110458
>physically attractive. takes good care of himself.
>family oriented, cares for his siblings' and mother's needs. loves kids (we would like our own someday).
>wealthy man, but not stingy. he is generous towards me. an excellent provider as a man should be.
>treats me like a goddess. he is proud to have me as his gf.
>intimacy mostly on my terms. does not coerce me into doing things i don't want to. respectful, and eager to please me.
>if other women flirt with him, he turns them down politely and lets them know he is happily taken
>we have similar interests and values. never argues.
>he's fictional
Anonymous 110476
>>110458Damn the plot twist really got me, thought my dream man could exist and be obtainable if one of us nonas got with a guy like that
Anonymous 110700
He is submissive in that he does what I tell him but if I try to lead him to do anything sexually like dirty talk or even initiate sex he just recoils. Our sex life has never been a thing
Anonymous 110702
I highly doubt he will seek therapy because he won’t even articulate feelings on a basic level. I also don’t see what his hang up would be with sex because he won’t talk about it and just says he’s “embarrassed”
I try to be patient and give him the space to process things but sometimes I snap when I get no response/ completely insensitive ones.
I do love him though and would rather not be with another but I do see most men as 100% emotionally stunted kids on the inside
Anonymous 110858
>>110702Possibly a sign of imminent trooning. Take caution Nona
Anonymous 110867
>the most attractive guy I've ever seen
>the most interesting person I've ever gotten the pleasure to talk to, he has a lot of things to talk about and a lot of stories to share
>hard worker and he's willing to do anything as long as he puts his minds to it, along that has many ambitions and is actively looking for new things to do
>best sex ever and we have a lot of mutual kinks, and he's willing to try new kinks that we don't exactly share
>great fashion sense
>very good in making good future decisions, always thinks about how this will affect our future when he does anything really
>best cook ever honestly
>he's very dependable and he's always there for anybody if they need anything
>absolute softie and very emotional
>extroverted and can make friends very easily, honestly everyone can get along with him
>the only man I've met that I can say could be a great father
>considers me and him a team and he always cares about my input
>always tries his very best to make me loved and appreciated, remembers the little things I love and tries to implement them in our daily lives
>into the same things as I am for the most part and always patiently listens to me ramble about things he has no clue about/maybe doesn't really care about
>I think he's one of the most intelligent people I've gotten to meet honestly
>same sense of humor as me for the most part
>tries his best to spoil me
>older than me so he has more life experience and much more mature which I really love
>kindof same level of autism as me and has very fun and interesting interests that he fixates on
>has a lot of issues expressing his emotions because he has suppressed them for so long
>a bit too realistic so he's not very good at comforting..
>doesn't really like confrontation and avoids it on occasions
>I feel like he's a bit too strict on himself when it comes to health, diet and gym but that's a very minor "issue"
>long distance and we meet eachother only for around two weeks every 3/4 months
>he doesn't have much time for me on week days usually and sometimes during weekends aswell
>I feel like he cannot handle me and my retarded mental breakdowns and it makes me feel pretty alone sometimes
>actually is very shy when it comes to physical affection and took him a while to realize that I really love it when he cuddles and kisses me, but that's because of his previous relationship
sometimes I just feel like I'm a bit too much for him to handle which blows, and I also need to be very patient with him when it comes to him opening up which gets a bit difficult sometimes but I'm willing to be as patient as needed. but other than that I think that I pretty much won the 100million lottery when it comes to a life partner
Anonymous 110870
>>110858>man isn't a disgusting horndog>"Possible sign of imminent trooning. Watch out nona"You are part of the problem.
Anonymous 110903
>Good relationship with family
>Sweetest parents
>Genuinely thinks I'm the most beautiful woman on earth
>Physically and personality wise he's exactly my type, shy, nerdy and strong
>No female friends, avoids women since he started seeing me (his idea and choice, I'm serious)
>Positive happy go lucky personality
>Extremely driven and hard working
>Generous, he'll help his family or friends out whenever, no questions
>Nostalgia based music taste, the absolute best
>Hates troons and enjoys my terf talk
>High libido, I'm only horny on my period and not that affectionate
>Workaholic so he doesn't have much time, I rarely see him anymore and when I do he's usually tired
>No interests in common. Literally zero.
>Whenever I want to watch or talk about something that doesn't fall into his one interest he ignores it or complains
I love him and I don't know if it's just the male condition but I'm getting seriously fed up with not being able to talk about even a book I liked or something. I keep wondering if we're just too different, at first we complimented each others' personalities but now it just feel like a rift between us. I doubt I'll ever find a sweeter guy but I just can't have a substantive conversation with him. On the other hand if I did meet someone with the same interests he'd probably be some autistic redditor. I just wish he was more curious, not even necessarily about the things I like but that he would expand his own interests.
Anonymous 110998
i will do this for a potential bf, because it will help me evaluate. thank you.
>extremely intelligent and likes to think about politics etc, also a walking search engine
>not condescending, doesnt need to take a position with me because he's the male - in general doesnt have a huge ego and takes me seriously
>emotionally intense the way i am, wants the same thing out of a relationship that i do
>driven more by emotional connection than sexual. i would trust him
>will probably make a lot of money in the future
>easy to communicate with and doesnt try to manipulate in order to get out of a difficult issue
>willing to change negative traits, would stop watching porn for me etc
>not cagey, lets me look through his phone and all that
>autistic and weird
>i think he genuinely cares about me
>actively tries to get me to drink and such just because he does it (immediate contradiction of last pro ke__k)
>into some weird submissive sexual shit which i dont like, although at least he doesnt want to degrade women sexually like the average moid
>has psychological problems. takes meds
>pretty fucking lazy and wastes time
>my closest friend - if we dated and then broke up i would have almost no one
Anonymous 111023
so are all of us here basically therapists for our boyfriends because yeah the emotional labor i have to put in for him on the daily is insane. i love him but he's like a full time job.
Anonymous 111029
>loves me
>wants to get married and have lots of cute babies
>cute face
>cute voice
>cute hands
>clingy, always wants to talk to me or spend time with me
>supportive despite my many issues
>fit body
>high libido, i’m allowed to use him whenever i want
>good career prospects
>defended me to his parents when they tried to convince him to break up with me
>prioritizes me over everything
>respects my boundaries
>lives in another country, willing to move to mine soon but eventually wants us to move back to his
>insecure, broke up with me once at like 3 am because he thought i didn’t love him
>uses reddit
>used to watch porn
>plays a lot of videogames
>watches anime
>drew a bad picture of me for Valentine’s day
Anonymous 111031
>>111029>drew a bad picture of me for Valentine’s dayIs it the one with traced chains?
Anonymous 111033
>>111031kek is this a reference to that one lcf post
Anonymous 111039
>>111023>all of us here basically therapists for our boyfriendsTherapists? You all sound more like pets to me. You sit around doing nothing while your boyfriends work full time and exist to serve you.
Anonymous 111041
>>111023I'm not a therapist, therapists are emotional prostitutes. I actually care about him.
Anonymous 111050
>>111031>>111033It’s not a reference, that was my post.
Anonymous 111066
>>106204>Plays leagueI'm so so so so sorry
Anonymous 112052
pros: big pretty dick
cons: long distance (he is also sooo fucking bad at esexing he is really fucking pathetic)
Anonymous 112079
>>110903wait, he full on avoids women? doesn't that imply he doesn't trust himself to be loyal or not have sexual thoughts if he hung around other women? also having no female friends implies he's only capable of seeing women as love interests or sexual outlets
>enjoys my terf talkif you actually spoke real radfem beliefs to this man i can guarantee he'd bail
Anonymous 112080
>>111269I tried to break up with him last week after he admitted he saw an escort a few years ago, had unprotected sex, and never got tested for STDs, and that he was planning on visiting me without telling me about this a few months ago. We didn't end up meeting then because his parents thought I was a scammer and told him not to visit me. I blew up at him over a few other issues (he used to call me things like "white whore" during sex talk, that horrid drawing, but the thing that really set me off was that when he sent me a photo of the STD test he got, he censored out his family name.) I was really angry at him, sent a breakup message, and he freaked out and told me to wait. He sent me an uncensored pic immediately and went into damage control mode. He tried to call me a few times so I turned my phone off because I was busy and just ignored him all day. He didn't really accept it and asked me to call later. We talked for 3 hours. He explained that he used to read a lot of literotica, and that's why he used to say a bunch of messed up stuff to me during sex talk. He said that he'll never say things like that again, and that he doesn't see me that way. Regarding the drawing he explained that he is terrible at drawing. He said it was a mistake to send me that, and he didn't realize how bad it was until I told him. He said he never really spent time around girls and is an idiot about things like that. He said how he was being stupid and not seeing things from my perspective and that he censored his last name because he didn't know how I would react if it turned out he had an STD and was afraid I would defame him or his family. He admitted that all of those things were wrong, and that he doesn't want to make those mistakes again and that he is willing to work through it. I questioned him a lot about the escort thing. He denied looking at escort sites since that time, and he was a bit offended when I asked if he's seen one while we were together. He's been adamant that he would never cheat on me. He also said that he went to an escort in the first place because he was insecure, felt like he couldn't do online dating or get a girlfriend the traditional way, and because he was struggling with porn use and erectile dysfunction. He said he felt really ashamed and depressed after he saw that escort and decided he would never see one again, and that he didn't bring it up before because he regretted it a lot and wanted to forget about it. He sent me his test results a few days ago, and he's clean at least. I know that HPV can't really be tested for in men though unless they show symptoms, but I have the HPV vaccine that covers the main ones that cause cervical cancer, and there's another vaccine series I can get that will cover the other common strains.
I was a bit relieved when he told me I'm his first girlfriend though. I had assumed he'd had one before and was afraid to ask because I'm jealous. He had assumed the same thing about me, also never asked, and said he was surprised when I told him he's my first boyfriend. I'm still disgusted by the escort thing but it was one time before he met me and he hasn't been with any other women at least.
He's also decided that I don't need to move to his country, and he's okay with moving to the US permanently since it makes more sense for my career, so that's one less issue. He also told me he deleted Reddit about a month ago because he didn't like all the negative content on there (I never mentioned my dislike of it to him, so I think he is being honest about this.) He admitted that he gets depressed and doesn't take care of himself sometimes and said he was worried about bringing me down. I know that isn't a good sign, but honestly I feel like I'm in the same boat. We're both pretty busy right now, but I'm encouraging him to go to therapy once he has a bit more free time and he said he wanted to do it before but didn't have the money/time. He'll probably end up going in a few months. He's looking into visas to work in the US in the meantime and says he wants to work on himself so he can be a better boyfriend to me. I know he's made a lot of mistakes, but he's been very apologetic about everything and has been willing to answer any questions I have without shifting blame. I'm going to try to work things out with him. I know I'm going to get called stupid for taking him back, but I love him. I do still feel hurt that he was willing to potentially expose me to an STD out of fear/laziness, and that he felt he had to censor his family name, but he's doing everything to try to correct these issues now. He's trying to regain my trust and be better, and I'd like for things to work out. I'm going to give him another chance.
Anonymous 112130
- we’ve been good friends for 3 years prior to dating
- into a ton of the same media as me
- really understanding with my disability
- literally treats me nicer than anyone ever has before, it’s kind of startling honestly.
- probably the most attractive man i know, maybe there is bias but appearance wise he is exactly what i like in men i see in media.
- actually shows interest in me and my interests.
- shows me a lot of affection especially physical affection (something i can have a hard time with, sensory stuff etc) and makes me feel loved
- just perfect idk if i kept listing things id be here all day. but he is just perfect to me.
- lives insanely far away
Anonymous 112131

>>112080Anon he was willing to pass on an sti to you wtf, also seeing an escort is really disgusting since coerced sex is rape and that woman would not have let your slimy bf fuck her without the need for financial aid
Anonymous 112139
>>112131He told me that he had been a bit careless and pushed the whole thing out of his mind. He said he realized he should tell me after he saw a report about STD rates among escorts. But he did come forward with the information a out this on his own.
Also when I called him, he said he had written a list of baby names.. I couldn’t do it. He was saying so many sweet things and it made me want to take him back. I know the escort thing is disgusting, I don’t like it either. It’s not on the same level of actual rape though. Anyways, I trust that he won’t go to one again, I really don’t think he would cheat on me. He’s a bit careless about things but I don’t think he would do that.
Anonymous 112165
>>112139I'm pretty sure the list of baby names was just written to manipulate you, also the issue isn't potential cheating is the fact he knew that woman would not want to fuck him without financial aid and he did it anyway, she would not have consented if she wasn't in a dire situation and from the sound of it your bf is from a third world country as well meaning that this woman was likely in a really desperate situation as well
Your bf didn't think about any of that over than getting his dick wet, his biggest concern after the fact was him "feeling dirty" coerced sex is rape and he's a rapist
Anonymous 112166
>It's not on the same level of actual rape So you're saying the vulnerable woman your boyfriend fucked doesn't count as real victim because she's a """sex worker"""?
Anonymous 112168
>>112166No, that is not what I am saying. There’s a difference between having sex with someone against their will and someone choosing to prostitute themselves. They are not equally bad. Sex workers can be raped, but he did not rape her. He paid for sex, which is a separate offense.
>>112165No, he’s from a first world country with good social protections for women and legal prostitution. I’m not going to speculate about the woman’s position because obviously I don’t know her, but in his country there is a much lower chance she would be forced into it from a desperate situation.
Anonymous 112172
>>112168How do you know there was a choice? Just because you believe it to be unlikely doesn't mean it wasn't rape. Onlyfans girls are one things but actual women who sell their bodies for money are usually in extremely desperate situations by nature, also you didn't witness the sex act between your boyfriend and the woman he raped, he could have chosen her or abused her further and virgin men are notorious at being terrible at sex, he likely just wanted to act out his violent fantasies on a woman who could not financially say no
>A much lower chance So you acknowledge that there is indeed a chance? Even in Amsterdam all the women there are in desperate situations and are usually immigrants who can't do anything about their situation, even in your legal brothels women are regularly abused and there's always horror stories about it and I bet your virgin discord boyfriend is now part of another woman's nightmare
The fact you care more about the prospect of him cheating on you than the actual pain and violence he inflicted on this woman and how he's inclined to abuse women and thought nothing of what a prostituted woman's situation might be tells me everything about what kind of woman you are, I pray you never have daughters
Anonymous 112177
>>112172I already said I have no way of knowing her situation, but it’s also besides the point. It doesn’t change his actions and he would have no way of knowing either. But I’m not gonna pretend prostitution is the same thing as rape. This fanfic of my bf suddenly being a violent rapist because he was an insecure virgin who paid for sex once is ridiculous. And neither of us use discord, you’re creating a story based off your own pre-conceived notions. My bf isn’t a violent person.
And obviously I don’t want him to cheat on me. That’s just normal. I would care if he had violently raped a woman, but there is zero reason for me to believe that. It’s even more likely than he inflicted no pain and violence on her and this is just your fanfic. And yea, obviously I don’t like prostitution, but I don’t know what you expect for me to do about a prostitute he encountered once years ago? I don’t know her, and speculating random things about her isn’t helpful. Frankly her life isn’t my responsibility, and I have no connection to her. Besides that, even if she were in a dire situation, my boyfriend would be the least of her problems.
I don’t see how that has anything to do with my future kids. I’m a relatively functional person outside my relationship troubles, and I would have no problem raising daughters.
Anonymous 112185
>>112177so you're saying your bf is so infantile he doesn't realise that coerced sex is rape? you have admitted he watched porn previously and you know how cumbrained men think, true maybe he's a complete retard with no empathy for women outside of the ones stupid enough to get into a ""relationship"" with him is the case instead of him being a malicious freak but how is that outcome any better? The point is that neither of us know the full story and if he hid the fact he may have had an sti he's definitely hiding more from you especially about how he fucked that woman
>he would have no way of knowinghe knew she would not let him fuck her and god knows what else without a financial incentive, especially a loser virgin who only has an understanding of women from the porn he watches
>violently raped a womanso coerced sex is fine? do you think fucking girls who are too drunk to consent is fine?
>frankly her life is not my responsibility no its not but not allowing rapists into your life is a strong personal responsibility
Anonymous 112188
>>112185A lot of your response does not make sense to me.
1. He's not a rapist.
If you're going to be this outlandish, why not not just go ahead and call every man who has ever had sex a violent rapist abuser? After all, there are a lot of violent men and you don't know what they do behind closed doors, so they could be. Do you agree that this would be an insane leap to take?
This lingo-babble of paid sex = coercion = drunk sex = rape is just as illogical. These are all different situations. Applying common labels to them as if they are the same thing does not make them so. You are intentionally obfuscating the situation. I will call it what it is: paid sex/prostitution. I will not judge it by any other measure than that explicit act. Whinging about how he totally could have acted out violent fantasies on her doesn't make it true. He's not a rapist and I'm not going to entertain that line of thought further.
>especially a loser virginMen being virgins is literally ideal. I would have much preferred if he were still a virgin. Anyways, "loser" surrounding sexuality is such a normie concept. I would have disliked him a lot more if he had prior girlfriends than if he had just paid for sex. The real issue is that he was an idiot and didn't use a condom.
Regarding porn, that is a societal issue. Pretty every male with internet access has watched and been affected by porn. That is simply the world we live in. He at least doesn't watch it anymore and I'm content with that.
There are degrees to everything and I simply don't agree that the mistakes he's made make him equivalent to a no-empathy rapist. He's considerate in a lot of other ways, and yeah obviously he should be the most considerate to me as I'm his girlfriend.
I am a responsible person toward the things under my care. I'm not responsible for the plight of every downtrodden woman on Earth, that's simply unreasonable. Anyways, it's better for him to be in a good relationship with me than to go be retarded and fuck more escorts.
Anonymous 112190
>>112188men who pay for sex know that the woman would not consent if they were not a financial incentives are rapists just because your bf is a pornsick retard does not absolve him of that
how do you know he didnt act out the acts he saw in porn? did you specifically ask him how he fucked her and are you aware of what porn he likes?
hes not a loser because he was a virgin, hes a loser because he had coercive sex with a woman or "paid sex" as you prefer to think of it
>i would have disliked him a lot more if he had prior girlfriendsyou would have disliked him more if he lost his v card consensually with a woman he actually cared about and didn't have "paid sex" with? i understand you're insecure but that is literally very retarded
>obviously he should be the most considerate to me as im his girlfriendhe hid his surname from you because he was worried you'd be public with his sti results
>im not responsible for the plight of every downtrodden woman on earthnever said you were, interesting you flop from saying that it's unlikely that the prostituted woman was doing it involuntarily to then referring to her as downtrodden…
>anyways, its better for him to be in a good relationship with me than be retarded and fuck more escortsif you want to be rehabilitation centre for this loser by all means, doesn't sound like a happy relationship regardless but you seem willing to subject yourself to that, nice to know your "relationship" is the only thing stopping him from running off to do more "paid sex"
Anonymous 112205
>>112190You are speaking as if prostitutes have no will of their own. I don't buy the "all prostitutes are helpless victims and all men who have sex with them are rapists" narrative. Prostitution is bad on its own, but rape is much worse and these acts are not comparable.
>how do you know he didnt act out the acts he saw in porn? did you specifically ask him how he fucked her and are you aware of what porn he likes?I don't know and I honestly don't want to know more details about it than I do, as I am a jealous person, but this is the account he gave me of what happened: he said he was struggling with porn use and erectile dysfunction, and that he felt like a loser because he was in his 20s already and had no experience with girls. He didn't have any interaction with them after secondary school due to studying a male-dominated course and he wanted to experience sex. He said that he didn't think he would succeed at online dating and that there were no girls around him, so he felt escorts were his only option and he had the money. He said he went to her once, couldn't get hard and left. He arranged to meet her a second time, started to have sex, realized he was stupid for not wearing a condom and put one on partway through. He said it was unfulfilling and meaningless and he felt horribly ashamed and disgusted with himself afterwards and decided he would never do it again. The biggest issue with escorts versus natural girlfriends, is the STD risk, but you get that with other past experience at lower rates too. I now have confirmation that he is clean though, so I'm satisfied with that, as I know he's not the type of person to cheat on me.
I didn't ask specifics on sexual acts and frankly I don't care that much. It matters much more to me how he will be with me. I've given him the talk already on the dangers of anorectal violence, and he has agreed that we should not do anal. That's the main thing that I would have taken issue with because of all the health issues it causes. I don't find blowjobs degrading like some people do and I actually have a positive view of sex. I told him that we can basically have sex whenever he wants except when I am post-partum for minimum 6 weeks but most likely longer, and he is fine with refraining as well. I already know he doesn't have an issue with that though, as we are currently in an ldr.
>you would have disliked him more if he lost his v card consensually with a woman he actually cared about and didn't have "paid sex" with? Yes, that's how I feel about it. Why would I want my bf to have fallen for other women before me? I want him to only care about me. It would have been better if he were a virgin, but considering he's not, this is the lesser of two evils. At least he doesn't love her, and now he is completely turned off from the idea of visiting escorts again. He is deeply ashamed of it, as he should be. Me forgiving him for this has made him bond to me even more.
I don't think it's retarded, these are my personal feelings on the situation, i'm more comfortable with things like this than with him pining over some ex-girlfriend who got away. that would be a disaster. This is still way better than having a manwhore for a boyfriend who sees casual sex as acceptable. That would be truly unforgivable. I can forgive him because it was one time, his whorish act caused him shame, he has a better attitude toward sex now, he doesn't have feelings for any other woman, and he wants to be loyal to me.
>he hid his surname from you because he was worried you'd be public with his sti resultsYes, I found that very insulting, and that on top of everything else pushed me to break up with him. Not even a minute later he sent it to me and admitted that he was wrong to hide that from me and not seeing it from my perspective. He has since assured me that he does trust me and been forthcoming in answering any questions I have. It was kind of funny but he started sending me his old grade reports and his birth records and a bunch of other random identifying information to prove he trusts me. It was over the top, but I think he is just a cautious/paranoid person who had a kind of "rule" about not giving out information online, and it took me breaking up with him to push past that barrier. Now that it's been broken though, I'm less worried. If he has more barriers, I will continue to break them and that is my right as his girlfriend.
>never said you were, interesting you flop from saying that it's unlikely that the prostituted woman was doing it involuntarily to then referring to her as downtrodden… I'm not saying she specifically is downtrodden. That's the made-up scenario you keep parroting. I'm saying even if that were true, her life is not my responsibility.
>doesn't sound like a happy relationship regardless but you seem willing to subject yourself to that, nice to know your "relationship" is the only thing stopping him from running off to do more "paid sex"It's not the only thing preventing him from paying for sex again, I think he'd be averse to doing it again anyways, but you never know, life is long. And despite these issues, I am happy in this relationship, a lot more than I was single, otherwise I wouldn't keep him around. I think I have made some progress with him though and things will continue to get better. And it's not like I'm a rehabilitation center, that's a bit of a crude way to view it. I'm not perfect either. I think people are able to be better when they have better support, and yes, I have also improved and am happier as a person in this relationship than I was before it.
Anonymous 112209
>>112205i just think you're really asking the wrong questions here, also the idea of him "forgetting" to put on a condom is probably a lie since usually with johns they're given the option to pay more if they want to have unprotected sex
if this brothel was professional and as legal as you claim he would have paid extra to not use a condom, he is either lying to you or he chose to hide the fact he was unprotected to this woman, therefore putting her at more risk
also the mentality of going "wow i sure know nothing about the opposite sex and have no opportunities to interact with them due to being in a male dominated field but im too munted and retarded to chat to women who might have a genuine connection with me so i guess ill pay to have sex with a woman who likely has no choice otherwise and then pay extra to not use a condom" is either retarded or a lie, surely he has friends who are friends with women or a society to join if he's in uni? why resort to the most extreme option? do women just notice the pornrot he exudes and avoid him?
if he had a connection with another woman and lost his virginity consensually thats a million times better than paying a woman who probably hated every minute he spent with her, johns are all scum and it implies hes only with you due to lack of options
>If he has more barriers, I will continue to break them and that is my right as his girlfriendgirl, men will hate you for doing that, not that this cumbrain is worth it but barriers should be brought down naturally in a relationship
>her life is noy my responsibility nope but as dating a moid who paid for sex you should be aware of this, did he not think about how this woman would feel being subjected to this? about how he put HER at rick by not using a condom especially if she didn't know about it, he definitely paid extra to not use a condom or lied about it to her. if the women around him didn't want to fuck him why would she
>its not the only thing preventing him from paying for sexhe didn't take an sti test until recently, there are so many undetectable stis as well
>i'm not perfect eithertrue but there's being imperfect and then there's "paid sex"
Anonymous 112538
>Walking Wikipedia, knows quite a bit about..everything, always open to learning new things
>Speaks 6 languages
>Comes from a good well established family, descends from French nobility if I'm not mistaken
>Takes very good care of himself physically, skincare and all
>Dresses really well
>Most emotionally stable person I know, nothing really bothers him too much
>Godsent genetics
>Knows how to play the Piano
>Most delicate someone's ever been with my feelings, preferences and desires
>Well endowed in his lower parts, lets say
>Very polite, but never lets anyone takes advantage of him
>Was a virgin when I met him
>I love his family and they apparently like me too
>Great cook
>Sometimes I feel like I have a girl best friend instead of a boyfriend
>Despite the big dick, does not like having sex, never initiates intimacy (Its always me and he goes along, but I don't think he enjoys it in of itself), ok with doing oral stuff
>Really attatched to his grandma
>Sometimes I dont understand his sense of humor and he doesn't understand how I dont
>Can disappear for some periods of time and finds completely ok to do that
>Very hard to trust people, thinks they want to take advantage of him
Anonymous 112561
>>112538all i ever get is video and porn addicts.
how the hell do you find someone like this if you use imageboards?
either larp or CC tourist
Anonymous 112565
>>112538>he's tall AND he's rich AND he's handsome AND he's a genius AND he's got a huge dick AND he's literally a prince AND he's a great cook AND his family loves me AND I'm the only woman he's ever loved before! Bait used to be believable.
Anonymous 112606
>>112561Sometimes people just get lucky. But this is surely a LARP.
Anonymous 112792
>Insanely hot without trying, women check him out constantly which is a major plus for me.
>So smart I can't believe it. Learns stuff insanely fast.
>Long conversations about interesting/weird topics.
>Amazing dry humor.
>Wants and gives constant non-stop hugging, kissing, fondling. (huge plus for me)
>Decent career
>Very creative, artistically talented
>Turbo sperg
>Lazy, messy
>Chronically online
>Doesn't make efforts to socialize IRL
>Avoids people, doesn't confront them. Seems like a pushover.
>Trust issues with everyone (including me)
>Weird skin issues on his dick
>Coomer, spends all of his art talent on drawing anime girls with stupid huge boobs.
Anonymous 112795
>>112792Post one of his anime boobs drawings pls :3
Anonymous 112796
>>112795No, he's semi internet famous and I love him
Anonymous 112797
>>112796Classic larp.. take ur meds he isn't real
Anonymous 112852
>>112797>>112792 here, getting a comment like this is the best. he's my titty sperg. miiiiine.
Anonymous 112892
>>112852>I love when my LARPs gets attention!That is generally why people larp, yes.
Anonymous 112904
>>112892Fine, I'll blogpost about my scrote then.
And by blogpost I mean brag, and I admit that it's an ugly thing to do, but wooo anonymity.There is this site called, it's the most autistic site on the internet, and it's got a very big creative writing area. Within that, there's a thing called "Quests", it's basically improv visual novels, with people voting on what option to take and then author writes how to continue it. Quests are largely literature but they sometimes have art.
There are a few hundred Quests active at any time, and apparently there is a user-run "top 10" chart for them, based on metrics like likes, follows, etc. Most of the chart is filled by the same fanfic slop focusing on the same garbage with minimal variation.
Anyways, all of this is to explain that my moid hit that chart (without even knowing that it existed in the first place) with his own kind of Quest, filled with his own wacko original ideas, and without a previous following to give him a starting advantage. It's so different from everything else, and there are posts in his Quest thread saying how the quality is insane and the concept is so refreshing. He's just that good.
He should get into game dev or something, but he's just not motivated or disciplined enough to do it, and he'd just rather waste his time busking for attention from strangers. But my moid is very talented.
Anonymous 112916
>>112904Nona, you just tried to prove you're not writing a fan-fiction LARP, by admitting that you're completely obsessed with a fanfiction writing LARP website.
Anonymous 114130
>blue collar workerrequirement but hard for me to meet for some reason)
>doesnt like going outrare for neurotypical men. socializing and being dined are not hobbys
>claims im the prettiest girl hes ever been withwould be dealbreaker if i wasnt or else why would we be soulmates?
>does sweet things for me all the time likes surprises me with my favorite snacks or buys stuffed animals >isn't feminine for the most part >is chubbyagain hard to find for me for some reason; just always liked bigger/rounder guys
>youthful facial features; closely fits imaginary ideal i had in my head before i met him>apart from music isn't culturally retarded; well versed in 80s/90s movies>older enough than me so actually remember the 90s, and seemed like he was cool back thenmen from the 80s and 90s are starting to transition from dad age to grandpa age, makes me feel lucky to have 'bagged' someone from the era
>very affectionate loves to cuddle and act like a cat with me; we have our own special language>has never worn skinny jeand>sends cute animal or cartoon gifs when he misses me >likes to work on diy projects for me like making boxes or wall hooks or things he thinks would make my life easier, wants to build me a walk in closet. i think its very sweet >watches interesting fixit videos on youtube i would have never thought to look up >grew up in a suburb im familiar with and spent a lot of my childhood in i value familiarity and dont like the personality of men who didnt grow up in a middle class or lower suburb. urban men are feminized and ego driven and overly rural guys are just too dumb and autistic for my taste. i dont like guys from classy rich suburbs either but i classify that in the urban category
>makes comments about pretty actresses on tv either saying i look like them or amking an observational comment about them or actresses he 'used to' have a crush on. they often look like me but more conventionally attractive. it makes me feel less special every time he says something and has made me lose libido for him over time>had different childhood than me and thus overpowering 'live to work to survive' mindset shames me for complaining about anything that isnt a 'real problem' involving work and house bills. thinks im spoiled for growing up sheltered and isolated
>always has to be consuming some type of mediamakes me feel stupid for wanting to do things that don't require much attention like sitting and hearing myself think or listening to music or looking at pinterest
>constantly guilt trips me about work and bills>HORRENDOUS taste in musicoccassionally blasts 2 really shitty genres of music that were more fad music for middle schoolers circa 2010-2014. very wierd to me as someone who appreciates classic rock and found the music he likes cringe even when i was in middles school/HS; took me a while to accept it about him
>claims to not watch porn anymore since he has me but sent porn mid honeymoon phase as a 'guide'. i never got over it and often ignore him when i remember this. still one of the lesser pornsick moids ive met >isnt into sportsi dont like going out much either but out of everything sporting events seem most tolerable. i have a thoery that if he was into watching sports i would find him less boring and it would give us a couple things to do like going outside sometimes to play catch or eating hotdogs together at a game
>has ocd and gets mad at me for being 'lazy' if i didnt do all the 'chores' he wanted even though hes more of a slob than me>thinks most clothes i like are 'grandma-ish">mentioned when we first met that he 'used to' want a threesome. this pisses me off whenever i think about it and makes me want to break up with him because i feel he brought it up to test the waters>regularly makes disparging jokes about peoples appearances including me, then gets frustrated that i feel insecure 24 7 because its 'just a joke'>often watches crappy childrens animated films or cartoons/animes that were made after the 00swhen he does this it makes me feel like he is somewhat autistic or stunted in growth which makes me feel unsafe in a way. the fact that he often prefers new media to old in general makes me feel like hes younger than me which is a turn off
>>105408>cannot fathom enjoyment from aestheticsmine has this problem too. its like he needs everything to have a 'practical reason' behind it. it makes me feel stupid for wanting to pursue anything aesthetic related if there isnt a logical enough reason behind it, even if its just putting on makeup
Anonymous 114131
image - 2021-02-09…

>>105405I wanted to do it but I felt severe anxiety as soon as I thought about doing it. I just can't even think about it. Why???
I guess that's not a good sign.
Anonymous 114889

>curly hair
>most beautiful brown eyes
>elegant feminine build
>elegant manners
>nice hips
>sexy hands
>physically strong despite her small frame, knows how to fight, can pick me up with ease
>unique voice
>great at singing
>great at playing music
>pretty good drawing skills
>plays games and creates stuff with me
>good listener, but also a good talker
>likes to hug a lot
>straighter than a metal rod
>likes uggo moids
God, why do pretty girls like ugly old moids and not me?
Anonymous 115177
>>110422You misread my post. He doesn't need to be "mommied". He's just rather trepedatious about things other adults know to do without thinking. Taxes, dealing with the police (Nothing major or interesting), driving, traveling etc. He just barely misses the mark when it comes to being a fully independent adult. I would never date a chris chan.
As for the firearm, he still hates it and refuses to shoot it or come with me when I practice but he hasn't tried to ask me to get rid of it or anything.
Anonymous 115178
>great at anticipating my needs
>good cook
>does more than half of domestic labor without even discussing it
>works hard to contribute to our financial security, knowing this is a point of anxiety for me
>even when arguing, never disparages me (also rarely speaks negatively of women in general)
>doesn't act weird about his height (5'5) which makes it less important for me
>good taste in media, consumes a lot of content made by women
>financially invests in my autistic hyperfixations
>good at sex
>thinks that love languages are retarded and does his best to provide all 5 (or however many there are)
>encourages me to invest a lot of time in my friendships
>talks endlessly (to me and others) about how smart and talented i am, and how good i am at my job
>learns about my disability related needs (i am legally blind) and never makes me feel like a burden for needing accommodations
>overprotective in a sweet way (doesn't want me to be out alone at night, so he will drop me off/pick me up when i go out with friends instead of shaming me into staying home)
>perfectionist, gets frustrated easily when learning new skills and doesn't accept help
>has a lot of credit card debt (but good credit)
>annoying family who he is committed to putting up with
>kind of a pushover to the point where it impacts him emotionally
>sometimes too needy wrt to physical affection (cuddling mostly)
>hesitant to share his needs but sometimes gets frustrated when they aren't getting met
Anonymous 115192
>>We have very similar interests
>>white with blue eyes so kids will look cute
>>I love him a lot
>>he can be incredibly caring and sweet
>>was a virgin prior to being with me
>>im his first gf so nothing to compare me to
>>wants kids and wants to provide
>>tries to have decent hygiene
>>very funny
>>can sing very well and has pretty good music taste
>>will indulge me in my silly hobbies and interests
>>he loves me
>>6 foot tall with a decent sized penis
>>can’t cook
>>stuck at a dead end job and can’t find other employment due to being picky
>>expensive hobby that eats his money
>>sweats through blankets at night
>>snores loudly
>>gives 6+ hour silent treatments and won’t talk about feelings
>>doesn’t know how to buy gifts without heavily prompted
>>doesn’t initiate sex often and ignores me when I do most of the time
>>doesn’t make me cum most of the time
>>will play video games for hours ignoring me
>>let’s my plants die when I’m gone insisting he doesn’t know they needed to be watered when they are within eyesight when your in the bedroom at all times
>>he’s younger than me
>>he lacks any sort of attention to detail unless it has to do with his specific hobbies
>>can’t find something in plain sight and gets upset when I am able to find it within seconds
>>needs to be reminded to do things very often, can’t handle when your mad at him for not doing something he either said he would do or you told him to do multiple times
>>is probably autistic but will not get diagnosed
>>I do not like his mother
All things considered I know I am not a perfect person and he still loves me so I do not think it is worth throwing away years of our lives together to try to find the kind of love we share for each other.
Anonymous 115278
>super hot, like so so hot it makes me wanna vomit
>tall and muscular
>good sense of style
>good at sex
>treats me like a princess, loves and cares for me
>incredibly intelligent
>literally the funniest person I've ever met in my life, always makes me laugh
>doesn't watch porn
>so so loyal and devoted to me, would never leave me for cheat on me, has my total trust
>buys me thoughtful little gifts all the time
>cleans and does housework without ever having to be asked
>puts up with me when I'm being a crazy bitch
>is just a very interesting and unique person
>sperg who constantly corrects me
>"well actually"
>smarter than me and knows it
>very insecure about appearance bc of excessive time spent on looksmaxxing forums
>terminal internet brainrot
>respects women, but has a kind of incel-like mindset sometimes, and clearly has complicated personal issues with women that still need to be fully worked through
>wants kids (I don't)
>doesn't always understand me
>very bad at being comforting
Anonymous 115279
>>115278Sounds like it’s time to upgrade sister. Know your worth.
Anonymous 115293
>not ugly
>works out
>listens to me and cares about my thoughts
>is so nice and kind and emotional
>plays guitar and piano
>is writing a novel and using me as his muse
>wants kids and wants desperately to be a perfect father
>can't stop drinking alcohol
>always talks about suicide
>gained a lot of weight recently
>has a shitty job
>hates himself to a scary degree
Anonymous 115295
>>115278It has to suck knowing a normal guy was fucking tanked by the side of the internet inhabited by teens
Anonymous 115296
>>115293>can't stop drinking alcohol Nona, this ones bad.
Anonymous 115323
>>115293>wants to be a perfect father>drinks alcohol>shitty jobmake it make sense
Anonymous 115325
>Good at cooking >No female friends>Polite & respectful, especially to my parents>Likes spending time with my family >Mentoring my little brother>Big wiener>Rich family>Good at boundaries>Not a pervert or closeted>Smart (fancy degree, reads lots)>Great taste in music>Amazing conversations >Great at flirting>Obsessed with me >Great with kids>Good at planning dates & mealsCons
>Doesn’t drive>Kind of racist/sexist/classist>Anger issues with meltdowns>Controlling>Extremely jealous >Zero ability to adapt>Conspiracy theorist Anonymous 115343
Just A Quick Smoke…

>>115325Sorry but doesn't drive is like the bi>Kind of racist/sexist/classist
>Anger issues with meltdowns>Controlling>Extremely jealous >Zero ability to adapt>Conspiracy theoristggest turn off.You found him on 4chan or what?
Anonymous 115349
>>115343Ya he’s a 4chan user, but he said even 4chan is too tame these days. He’s pretty well adjusted irl & doesn’t talk conspiracy around my friends. In fact, he’s very good at hating men & he’s happy to point out male disgusting/perverted behaviours. He keeps himself and his apartment squeaky clean so he’s quick to call out people who live like slobs. Tbh I want to make him my househusband because his domestic skills are so good. I don’t think he’s fit for corporate/office/sales work because he’s so hot tempered.
Anonymous 115843
>>115349Can you write down his cleaning tips and share it with the rest of us neet slobs
Anonymous 115848
Pro: lets me have my space, have enough time for work, studies, myself and family
Cons: he doesnt fucking exist.
Anonymous 116099
If you own a moid you are a stacy and should go die
Anonymous 116120
>Very good listener
>Has a sweet demeanor all around
>Fun to tease
>Very responsible. He’s willing to do favors for me or help out when I need it
>He’s short and younger than me so it feels like dating a legal shota
>He’s good at sex, but a little boring. Doesn’t talk or make any noise.
>His dumb job keeps him away from me too much
>Gets depressed when I hang out with other people
Anonymous 116122
This thread simultaneously gives me vague unfounded hopes that one day I'll have a post like that of my own and also makes me feel incredibly jelly
Anonymous 116125
>>116122Just read all the testimonies about bfs who don't do any housework, spend all their free time locked in their room, and are terrible at sex.
Anonymous 116131
>>116125That doesn't quite help. For some unfounded reason I'm still convinced that sooner or later I definitely will have a relationship and reading those parts just makes me more sad, because I think that not only am I lonely now, but there's also the prospect of one day not being lonely, but being with a person who's shitty in one way or other
Anonymous 116134
>>115325Sooooo does no one have any issue with her bf being sociopathic, racist, classist and misogynistic? Or does being rich and having a big cock make up for that
Anonymous 116171

Extremely handsome
Pretty voice/Smooth talker
Similar goals in life
Similar ideologies
Good job/work history
Lesbian music tastes
Good at getting me wet
Not obsessed with porn
Generous, helps others often with housing
Socially adept/good at making friends
Extremely hard worker
Similar interests/hobbies
Wants kids
Spends lots of free time together
Snores (Helps me to sleep easier)
Likes animals
Stands up for me
Puts too much time into people who hate him
Was part of a Poly relationship
Harder to femdom
Others crush on him easily
Plays league
Perfectionist artist
Anonymous 116609
>>116171>Was part of a Poly relationshipneed more details on this. what was his position in that relationship. either way sounds like a whore
Anonymous 116636
>dresses nicely
>a good cook
>Has never had a gf or sex before me
>despite the above he is good in bed and treats me well without me having to teach him
>a drummer (always been my type for some reason)
>good with kids
>big ween lol
>Knows me pretty well, and knows how to comfort me in most situations
>very loving and sweet in person
>stays calm in arguments but sometimes this can be a con because he can detach from the conversation easily & imply I am upset over nothing/being crazy.
>10x less emotionally intelligent over text (we barely fight in person but do over text)
>double standards when it comes to friends of the opposite sex, i got so much shit for having male friends, I cut them off. expected him to do the same but when it was his turn he wouldn't because 'now he knows how it feels' I'm a bpdchan so you can only imagine my reaction
>doesn't adapt when it matters. If we're fighting he's stubborn and won't do what I ask until 1-3 days later after damage has already been dealt
>burps & farts a freakish amount
Anonymous 116733
>everything you will ever want in a man
Anonymous 116753

>handsome, has the most beautiful eyes
>buys me gifts all the time
>can be the sweetest person ever
>very thoughtful
>somewhat smart
>amazing sex
>nice dick
>doesn't go out
>excellent cook
>ex convict
>ex military
>recovering addict
>has bpd
>has ptsd from prison
>anger issues
>hot and cold
>going bald
>skinny, doesn't want to work out
>works a shitty job
>addicted to tiktok
i know, i know… this is not going to end well…
Anonymous 116754
>>116753Oh he doesn't seem that ba-
>going baldOh dear…
Anonymous 116760
>very very kind, and it's reflected in his actions often. he does a lot for me and his friends
>we have a lot in common in terms of interests, we're both autists
>very confident when it comes to his goals and what he wants to achieve
>incredibly funny, he can make me laugh very very easily
>patient, i can be difficult a lot and i don't think he's ever gotten outwardly angry at me or has been mean to me
>he's a softie. massive nerd but in a way that i like a lot
>good sex. he cares about if i'm enjoying it
>mix of being genuinely being busy/poor time management, so it's difficult for us to hangout as much as i'd like
>can be in his own world a lot, i have to repeat things i say semi-often
>very bad money management. will spend money on in-game currencies and takeout very often
>poor communication skills so working out emotional stuff can be kind of a challenge
>awkward look. i find it endearing but objectively he is awkward looking
>hasn't brought up future plans for us (ie marriage/kids/etc)
Anonymous 116764

>cute, small, curly hair
>slim but toned body, amazing ass
>shameless and goofy
>eccentric to the point that I am fascinated by his brain
>dresses well and smells so nice all the time
>our clothes fit each other and he looks adorable in mine
>extroverted so I have had so many new experiences as a result
>raised rich but does not pay attention at all to class or external attributes when interacting with others
>down for anything
>extremely honest
>beacon of optimism even when times are bad
>I have never been more comfortable being 100% myself around anyone else ever before
>has let me introduce him slowly to femdom (and turns out we're super compatible)
>fucking worships me most of the time, as a man should
>not insecure about his masculinity
>great cook
>loves reading and picks up odd hobbies, just an interesting person
>is sober for me (and himself on his journey to self love)
>severely mentally ill
>likely both borderline, so the love is AMAZING but when we argue it is nightmare mode (although we understand each other so well when we flip that it mitigates it somewhat)
>has used many types of drugs, partially to self-medicate and partially to self-destruct
>randomly stubborn about weird things
>egocentric to cope with his self-hate (can be a nuisance sometimes, endearing others)
>his mom hates me and mine hates him
>rough childhood means he has had to be taught some very basic social skills by me, who is also bad at socializing
>very polarizing to others because he's so loud and animated and strange
>smoked cigarettes off the ground before he quit….
>some remains of his upbringing in a very patriarchal culture (but his sister is badass so he's had exposure to strong and awesome women)
Much to consider, but he's so cute. And some cons also appeal to me though they objectively make the relationship more difficult.
Anonymous 116767
>>116764congratulations!!! that actually sounds great hope it goes well
Anonymous 116768
>good teeth
>not a picky eater
>works hard
>scares easily from loud noises
>farts unapologetically in public
>fairly high maintenance
Anonymous 116769
>>116768Fairly high maintanance are you out of your mind. Hes also apparently ugly af.
Anonymous 116770
>>116769I don't get what makes you say such things, he might be a bit too hairy, but still is healthy and strong.
Anonymous 116771
>>116770If he's ugly af its a deal killer though. Harry doesn't necessarily mean ugly. But holy fuck ugly is a deal killer. Why should we give them what they refuse to give us? If we're healthy and strong it means absolutely nothing to them
Anonymous 116772
>>116753You're going to end up dead, nona.
Anonymous 116778
>>116753>ex convict>ex militarygirl run
Anonymous 116779
>>116778dont worry i will rip his fucking eyes out for her
and staple his nuts to a highway overpass
Anonymous 116781
>>106204Update: we broke up. Not because of any of the reasons I mentioned here, but because my career aspirations were stronger than his and he had family stuff tying him down. I was starting to resent the fact that I was doing way more work/school than him. We were great together emotionally but oh well. It was on good terms.
Anonymous 117141
> tall
> deep thundering voice
> empathetic caring loving affectionate
> Worships me and devoted to me only
> high iq
> well-read and welll-bred ;)
> good manners and polite
> ridiculously handsome, robust pretty boy archetype
> good ethics and morals
> upper class
> big hands and feet
> gorgeous wavy hair, will never go bald
> big round tight ass and biceps and pecs
> healthy lifestyle
> emotionally mature, stable, wise
> ambitious
> confident and self assured
> buys me whatever I want
> 6 inches (wish it was bigger)
> submissive
> socially awkward at times
> scared of spiders snakes bugs rabid outdoor creatures etc
> not outdoorsy
> bad fashion taste
> disorganized
> too proper and formal, stuck in old money ways (drives me absolutely bonkers putting up with certain “etiquette”)
> other girls in public keep flirting with him / checking him out / try to pick him up in front of my face (they assume we are siblings)
> too moralistic, naive, gullible, trusting and prone to getting scammed / believes the best and good in everyone
Anonymous 117305
>>117144Hypothetically and theoretically speaking this
>>117141is example of walking green flag
Anonymous 117312
>>117305It's made up and quoted verbatim from
>>117129 Anonymous 117316
>>117312Maybe they just put that there not knowing it’s fake thread then copy paste it and added more to this one
Pls I gotta believe
Anonymous 117318
Imagine if men wrote cringey LARPS about fake girlfriends the way half of CC does.
>weighs sub 100 lbs
>but still has a huge ass and DDDDD cup tits
>waist so narrow I can grip it with 1 hand
>was a virgin before she met me but still loves giving blowjobs and anal sex every day
>unbelievably tight perfect innie pussy
>works full time as a supermodel, makes enough to support both of us so I can stay at home playing video games all day
>does all the cooking and cleaning (she studied at a 5 star restaurant)
>basically worships me like a god, does anything I ask without question
>other guys literally kill themselves when they see me with her out of jealousy
>asked me out first after we met at a yugioh tournament
>proposed to me first too
>her father is a billionaire, once we're married I'll be set up to inherit all his wealth
>she wants to have a dozen kids
Anonymous 117319
>>117318this site is full of cringey teenagers what do you expect kek
Anonymous 117323
>>117318I mean if I was a guy I’d go for her
Only the top 1% for me, the highest of quality human pls
Anonymous 117324
>>117141> 6 inches (wish it was bigger)That's some deep-dish pussy right there.
I struggle with 6.5. It threw my whole reality out of wack because when I was younger all I heard was "bigger is better." It's not. It hits my cervix and I hate it. Maybe I am just shallow. Anonymous 117325
>>117319Men prefer cringy teenagers over disillusioned, grumpy older women.
Anonymous 117326
>>117325well. men also fuck anything from dogs to dead bodies including children. so who cares what men prefer?
Anonymous 117327
>>117325There is such a a thing as too much cringe for men.
Anonymous 117328
>>117327I think if you're a man who uses this site you don't get to say what's too cringe for you kek
Anonymous 117403

>tall, attractive, nordic genes>same age>naturally bigger than me so i never feel insecure>super cuddly and physically affectionate >works as a cook and makes delicious food for me>makes me laugh a lot>i get instantly relaxed in his company>chivalrous, protective, buys me thoughtful gifts and flowers>highly emotionally intelligent, more than me>very patient and honest with me>respects my opinions and capableness, doesn't want to date younger clueless girls at all>shows interest in my interests and learns about them>never judges me or finds me weird, highly sympathetic/empathetic>very good at conflict navigation>sexually pleases me so well and makes me realize new things i like>pursued me to the end of the earth>knows when he does something wrong and instantly apologizes>listens to what bothers me and instantly adapts or compromises>is willing to move in with me and support me and my career>committed to long-term >has literally turned his life around since dating meCons
>not that smart or interested in many topics>tendencies to not consider the future>trolled academically>doesn't value money and i will likely out-earn him>not much patience for things he is initially bad at>raises voice when mad (triggers my autism)>was a coomer before dating me but was open about it and quit for me (reddit porn account, e-girl orbiter)Kinda good kinda bad
>on antidepressants (which makes me nervous, but they help him so that's good)>opposite political alignments, but we are good at listening to each other>dated a few other girls short-term before me but he was the one to break up with them>i'm better at video games than him (green flag for him) but i rage at him (my bad)we've been dating for under a year but i think i really like him
Anonymous 117411
>>117318Idk maybe women just have standards??
Anonymous 117529

>Very good and moral, strong convictions, and backs it all up in action
>Super affectionate and obsessed with me, protective
>Makes time to speak to me and make sure I'm doing well even when he's working 16hr days
>I can be my genuine self with him, and safely express positive and negative feelings alike and be understood
>Tall, strong, and handsome. Sexy salt and pepper hair
>Women flock to him (he doesn't encourage it tbf, I'm just insecure lel)
>Can't sleep over every night because work
>Doesn't like spicy food
>Puts me on phone calls with friends which is kinda scary because social anxiety after being a friendless shut-in for years (probably a good thing it just feels like a con in the moment, but i guess he sees me as socially competent??)
Anonymous 117531
>>117318This, it's a larp. Women aren't so shallow as to be completely obsessed with how hot, tall and rich a man is.
Anonymous 117538
Bruh every time I post about my bf I get called a LARP too but you know what I believe you because no one believes me either
There’s a reason why women flock to succcessful handsom men, because they are stable secure and affectionate to the women they love
Anonymous 117539
>>117538>>117535Idk I think a lot of women buy too hard into the whole "it's about your personality" thing. Yeah it's about your personality,
if you're attractive. And then a masculine, fatherly personality is really attractive.
Anonymous 117544
>smart and dedicated to the things he is passionate about
>generally sympathetic to women's issues (nice to me on my period, isn't pushy for sex, brain isn't rotted with porn and unrealistic body standards)
>compliments my cooking
>compliments me (appearance, work ethic, etc.)
>helps clean my room when I'm going through depressive episodes
>addicted to video games (to the point where if we both have limited time he chooses games over spending time together)
>has mostly female friends and sometimes he'll say hanging out with me is "more stressful" than [insert female friend]
>if we spend too much time together he'll yell at me for very minor things
Anonymous 117546
>>117544brah this triggered me so bad rn. sorry
Anonymous 117548
>sweet, caring, cute, dorky
>understanding, emotionally stable
>intellectual, reads a lot, knowledgeable
Anonymous 117563

- handsome
- crazy smart, can do anything he applies himself to
- dedicated to his job
- good career
- wants kids
- good relationship w his mom & dad
- only been with 1 girl before me
- big d
- no mental illnesses
- good hygiene
- provides for the both of us
- patient and communicative
- obsessed with me
- no social media
- paranoid
- never picks up around the apartment unless i ask him to, he’s literally never wiped off the counter or touched the vacuum
- drinks every night, just around 2-3 shots but i have no self control with alcohol and i hate that it’s even in the apartment bc i will binge drink
- hard headed
- very defensive
- doesn’t wanna go to local events in the “indie” or whatever scene because he says he doesn’t fit in and doesn’t like those kinda ppl anyway. that’s okay but i wouldn’t wanna go alone & it’d be nice to make friends, especially together
Anonymous 117567
We have been long distance dating for eight months
>Very attractive
>Genuinely interesting to talk to
>Sympathetic about some women's issues
>Only had sex once
>Offers reassurance and validation
>Knows a lot about basically everything, can give me insight into my own new interests
>Trustworthy and loyal
>Knows a lot about psychology
>Cherishes anything I choose to share with him, teaches me how to open up more
>In touch with his feminine side
>Has cool friends that I don't need to worry about
>Put his own issues aside to meet up with me IRL
>Compliments me a lot
>Is proud to be dating me and would tell anybody
>Very tuned into my reactions and feelings
>Great at talking
>Talks to me a lot but has other friends and hobbies
>Overflowing with affection
>Not controlling or possessive
>Has a lot of female friends
>Not decisive at all
>Pretty pornbrained
>Very anxious, to an extreme
>Talks about sex to female friends
>Discusses our relationship issues or issues that I have with female friends
>Has a lolcow thread which gives him an insanely bad reputation
>NEET and living with parents at 30
>Follows lots of girls on social media
>His masculinity is a little lost sometimes
>Pushes me to open up but can be dismissive when I finally manage to
>Known for being an incel
>Can be rude about my interests
>Is misogynistic and sexual/crude when talking to friends
>Knows a lot about psychology
>Dislikes my friends/thinks he's better than them
>Middling IQ
>Sleeps for 12-20 hours due to medication and lifestyle
>Known by hundreds of people online
>Calls himself a perfect boyfriend
>Had "esex" a lot
>His compliments and conversations often make me even more insecure and avoidant
>Gets angry at me if I dont reassure him "enough" (Genuinely an absurd amount)
>Some days his conversation can be totally boring and he'll just repeat "ily" for literally hours
>Will favour talking to other friends over me if I'm not being stimulating enough
>Doesn't want me to ever talk to his friends
I think the pros outweigh the cons, he's a great lover with a couple of things to improve in my eyes
Anonymous 117568
>>117567Sounds like a nightmare to be honest, some of this stuff is so contradictory.
To each their own.
Anonymous 117569
>pornbrained>discusses relationship issues and your personal issues with his female friends>talks about sex with his female friends>has a lolcow thread>NEET and living with parents at 30>known for being an incel>middling IQ>doesn't want you to talk to his friends (but they're cool and you don't need to worry about them like his dozen female friends he doesn't want you to get in contact with but really don't worry about that!)Wow nona he really seems like a sweetheart and the pros definitely outwheigh the cons!
I can just feel that his magnifcent looks make up for his personality!!
Infact you should just get married and spend eternity together so that he has enough time to improve those couple of small things.
Anonymous 117575
Ok I'm not trolling is it really that bad? I mean I don't have a job or anything either and he'd show me anything if I wanted him to. He doesn't watch porn but he's a pretty sexually degenerate which is what I meant by "pornbrained". He does love me dearly
>>117574Anonymous 117585
>>117575you've got to be trolling you literally said he doesn't like your friends and thinks he's better than them + he doesn't respect your privacy regarding relationship issues, he's rude to you, he literally sounds like a man child girl be foreal my dog loves me dearly aswell that's great and all but no reason to date someone
Anonymous 117591…

Long distance for 3 years at this point, sometimes i regret it and sometimes i dont. my mind fluctuates a lot between it if i really do love him but may this list show ig
>very smart, insightful in tech stuff so he helps me with a lot of my pc troubleshooting
>likes my interests and respects them
>only had 1 gf before
>finds me attractive and pretty but not obsessive
>good looking
>has a job and gains good money from it, helps me at times too when i need it
>i guess big d
>handles my issues well
>177cm tall
>good for planning a future life
>not active on social media
>cares about me a lot
>can get easily worried about me
>may get easily bothered with something
>sometimes he just overcomplicates simple things to me
>a bit media illiterate
>pornbrained kinda, just not over the top
>cant get into his interests abt tech much but i still try my best
>no fashion style
>doesnt take care of his skin that much despite how much i tell him abt it
>cannot talk to him that much abt many things either
theres still a lot to go through with him cause i may just be more picky in the future
Anonymous 117595
>>117585>>117575Yeah but he's really hot, hot guys are really affectionate and good people and she's treating him wrong
Anonymous 117598

>if hes attractive enough it shouldnt matter. maybe she gets abused or cheated on but her sons will be chads
Anonymous 117600
I love him so much I’m going to die
He doesn’t love me like before anymore but he refuses to break up with me, my chest hurts I can’t eat I can’t sleep
I don’t know what to do
I will see him tomorrow for his birthday, I’m terrified
I want to die, I don’t want to feel like this anymore. I’m scared of ending up alone, I’m young but he wanted to have a family with me, where would I find another man who loves me truly and wants to commit? I’m 23 and I have no job, no studies, nothing. Time is running out for me. He’s enjoying his busy life, I’m becoming bitter and useless. It’s over
Anonymous 117601
>>117600>im 21 and i have no job , no studies, nothing you are barely an adult. you have so much time to decide on something. why latch onto a man that doesnt even feel the same anymore, anon? youre just hurting yourself in the process . pure codependency ..
Anonymous 117602
>>117601>2123 anon. I’m nearing my mid 20’s.
I’m destroying myself being alone and depressed at my home and time goes so slow. I’m waiting anxiously for an answer on his chat. He just said “good morning” and went away.
We will see tomorrow but I don’t know what to do. I want to break up with him but like I said I’m scared of loneliness and not having children. I don’t want to see him with anyone else too.
This sucks. I used to be more independent. Now I’m pathetic and begging for a man. My self esteem is reduced to 0. How do I cope? What I will do tomorrow
Anonymous 117604
>>117602typo. I apologize. But, do realize that mid-20's is not a long time on this earth . Why spend anymore time with this coward of a man that cannot end things? You both obviously know you two are nearing the end of your relationship. You have nothing else in your life, so you're latching onto a man who will sooner or later end things. Why not try to gain back a little self-independence by ending things first? not wanting to see him with anyone else is normal. but, soon you too will find someone else to love you unconditionally. It's quite pathetic letting a man be your only reason to live.. let alone a male that doesn't even love you anymore.
try to go outside tomorrow, anon. maybe try to find work. rather than making this male your entire world, find some kind of independence. or, you can try to pick up a hobby, anon. make
plans with friends. theres so much .. so please, let that male go.
Anonymous 117606
>>117604Thank you so much for putting your energy into a reply. I finally broke up with him. It was through the phone but between 1. feeling a little more on control now and 2. going to his house tomorrow to sit on the table with his family and sing a happy birthday like I’m not collapsing…this is the right option. I asked him again why he’s not cutting me off since things are awful, if it was the sex, the company, the habit. He said “I just want to help you”. But his actions make me feel smaller and not enough. We are done. There’s no understanding between us anymore, only a sickening attachment. When he comes to my house to pick up his stuff I will look at him in the eyes, without crying or feeling like shit, and end things definitely.
I will let that man go. I wish him happiness, even if it’s not with me.
I hope you have a nice day, fren.
Anonymous 117610
>>117531What? Of course women are obsessed with those traits, I never implied otherwise.
The reason I think most of these posts are LARPS is just because I find it incredibly statistically unlikely that every single user on this website is somehow managing to date a perfect 1 in a million ubermensch. Because, you know, the term "1 in a million" kinda implies there's only one man like that in the world for every 999,999 men who aren't. So how is EVERYONE on CC dating such perfect guys? They simply can't be, and most of these posts are either outright fabrications, or they're massively exaggerating how amazing their boyfriends actually are.
Anonymous 117617
>Men replying to men replying to men replying to men to get a bait going while all the women ignore them
This thread is gay
Anonymous 117622
>>117610>Of course women are obsessed with those traitsIf they are, the far simpler explanation is they only date men with those traits.
Anonymous 117627
>taller than me
>earns enough that i can stay at home (i still work but its good having the option)
>hes once punched a guy for making my friend uncomfortable
>hes smart but not cocky about it
>only 3 years older than me (im 23 hes 26)
>can cook really well
>splits chores like laundry, cleaning, ect… with me 50/50
>doesnt drink or smoke
>sings and plays guitar
>gives the best cuddles
>surprises me with flowers
>writes cute sticky notes on my lunch
>once saved a bird with a sprained wing and cared for it and he was so sweet i saw a side in him ive never seen in any man
this sounds picky but… he will not watch any movie except the good the bad and the ugly. i thought he was joking when we first started messaging. he said this which i kept saved because is till dont get it but i can mostly overlook it
"I just don't really see a point in watching that garbage. The pinnacle of cinema was achieved in 1966. Leone's deliberate use of long, scenic shots to draw out suspense, coupled with Morricone's incredible soundtrack, offer one of the richest film-viewing experiences. I wasted a lot of time watching films trying to find one that could ever compare. I've given up that search, at least on a platform as low as Netflix. You'd honestly be better off unsubscribing from that trash."
i get the feeling hell leave if i get netflix so its been hard but ive pushed through and i can still watch movies with my freinds when i see them
Anonymous 117636
>>117627Your boyfriend isn't real is it? lol
Anonymous 117637
>>117627>hes once punched a guy for making my friend uncomfortable>surprises me with flowers>writes cute sticky notes on my lunchsure.
Anonymous 117682
>>117636why wouldnt HE (not it) be real?
>>117637he doesnt always by me flowers but once every couple of months hell bring them home and it britens my day. hi momma just raised him write for the most part
Anonymous 117859
>>117567>Has a lolcow thread which gives him an insanely bad reputationhuh?????? the fuck?? elaborate on this please nona
Anonymous 117860
>>117606not that anon but im proud of you nona <3 we're similar in age and so please dont feel like your life is nearing its end, in fact its only beginning
Anonymous 117907
>Loving - not a single day goes without him not just telling me he loves me, but showing it
>Cares for me like nobody ever has
>Kind and charitable, the kind of man that buys christmas presents for orphans (I got him to dress up as Santa Claus last year too)
>Very passionate about his hobbies. It's hypnotizing to see him paint his little plastic models and play video games
>Easily the most intelligent person I've ever met
>Super creative. He writes, composes, draws, codes, paints
>Spontaneous, always has a surprise for me under his sleeve
>Protective. I've never felt this safe with anyone else, not even my family
>Romantic. Writes me poems, comes up with some fantastic intimate dates
>Respects me
>Very polite, but also very firm. He knows how to get away with pretty much anything through just words
>Kinky af, matches my freak
>Sex is just amazing
>Big age gap between us, doesn't help that I have a bit of a baby face
>Very low self-esteem, has said he hates himself more than anything in the world
>Struggles with depression and anxiety
>While competent in social environments, his energy is completely drained for days
>Schizo ramblings about the government I can't follow, sometimes I worry he might become an Uncle Ted
>Even more complex schizo ramblings about the supernatural
>While we both believe in magic and try to practice it, I feel like his life revolves around it
>Unintentionally makes me feel stupid. At first it was endearing but over time I can't help but think the "intelligence gap" is enormous
>Lots of hidden anger and pain, even if I'm confident he will never hurt me on purpose, I hate to see him suffer
>Severe childhood trauma, he struggles with opening to me about it due to…
>Past relationship trauma, but this one doesn't really hurt our relationship. It's just something that makes me sad
>Feels like he's given up on some of his dreams and this breaks my heart because he deserves to pursue them
I wouldn't trade him for the world
Anonymous 117911
>>117860Nona…I wasn’t able to keep up with my word. I came back to him. Now I feel trapped. I have an invisible chain on me. It hurts. I only feel valued and happy when I’m with him. I’m destroying myself.
Anonymous 117941
>>117567>had sex onceHe's defiled forever. Should be a con, not a pro.
Anonymous 117943
>>117907About 10 years ago I'd say you're dating a loser 4channer weirdo or a internet obsessed dark rp player, but these days… I'd say that's one of the more normal relationships in todays post-internet world. Nothing fake, nothing ego-centric, just two people navigating life together. Hope you two have lots of time improving together.
Anonymous 117945
>>117911where would I find another man who loves me truly and wants to commit?
everywhere and anywhere, nona. i promise you that you can find many guys who fit those criteria. you can go back to school and get a degree, going back to school will also allow you to be around many other guys. if you feel unhappy with him, that is. if you actually feel happy with him, genuinely so, then it is your decision to stay
Anonymous 119106
>>106491>>106501>>106539>>106570>>106584It's very strange to project feminine qualities onto men and then determine that they're essentially failed women when they fall short of the metric.
Problem>solution>alleviation of the problem. That's the basis. It's that simple. When you present a problem to a man, especially one that cares about you, his first inclination is to help solve it. This misunderstanding can easily be solved by prefacing the complaint with a statement such as, "I just want to vent."
Anonymous 119111
>>106491>>119106When people complain about this, I always wonder what they want. Like do you want people to just go "oh that's sad" when you have a problem that can be fixed? I just don't get it.
What I get irritated with is whenever I have a complaint, people suggest things I've already tried. Like people suggest the most brain dead fucking solution and obviously I already tried that because it's the fucking brain dead solution. So I don't need to hear about it, because I already tried it. And then instead of talking about my problem we're just talking about the solutions that I already tried. Fuck that. It makes me irrationally angry.
Anonymous 119253
>Respects that I have my own life and wants
>Never puts me down
>Very obviously attracted to me despite some big physical flaws by normal standards
>Isn't weirdly stoic when it comes to his feelings
>Pays attention to what I have to say
>Seems earnestly interested in making sure we actually split responsibilities evenly, to the point that he's learning tasks he told me he doesn't really enjoy and offers help with stuff like cooking or cleaning regularly
>Has some drive to improve his financial prospects
>Willing to talk about things that may be difficult to approach, though it may take time for him to want to talk, is open to apologizing and acknowledging he's in the wrong without being asked to do so
>Doesn't want kids
>Also interested in travel
>Similar niche music taste
>Really enthusiastic about his interests
>Rarely drinks, but about half the time he does he does it it's too much and gets sick
>Works a dead end job
>Anxiety so bad it cost him a job in the past
>Self-esteem issues, way too hard on himself
>Withdraws when upset, to the point where if I try to hold his hand or hug him he will swat me away - out of all his issues probably the most concerning with the alcohol thing being second most, seems fine after happening twice since I realized he needs space for a bit when he's not in a good place though
>Needs more coaching on financial matters like planning for retirement
He ain't perfect and I don't know if I wanna marry him just yet, but he's got a lot of promise as a lifetime partner. I don't doubt that he loves me and I definitely love him in spite of the flaws. Just need to work out if those flaws are something manageable without me prodding or something I can at least learn to live with.
>Germaphobe, like in a kinda bad way
Anonymous 119256
fat cock
drinks and goes into roid rage and yells at me on discord vc
made me cut his name
Anonymous 119265
>Smart and funny (sometimes)
>A go-getter and very financially secure
>Good fashion sense
>Fat and ugly
Anonymous 119267
>>119253>Gentle>Supportive>Respects that I have my own life and wants>Never puts me down99.9% of women would be happy with just this
Anonymous 119268
>>119266Isn't it self explanatory? At times he stresses out over things he really doesn't have to and becomes overbearing..
Anonymous 119269
>really sweet and gentle and patient with me>tall&massive shoulders so he makes my wide shouldered ass look dainty>confident and good talker>handsome>blue eyes>strong>has hobbies he's passionate about>encourages me to be healthier but not overbearing about it>doesn't drink/smoke/do drugs>loyal>was a KHHV like me>VERY smartCons
>a little possesive and overprotective>a bit clingy>not very compatible hobbies and music taste>overweight and clearly a bit insecure about it>self deprecates too much>spends too much time in the gym>calls me emberassingly lovey dovey nicknames in public>way smarter then me(he's humble about it but it is really noticeable sometimes) Anonymous 119272
>perfect in every way 10/10 very tall love of my life loyal
Anonymous 119274
>>119267I’m pretty damn happy with him. Just haven’t had the luxury of living with him to see if we’re actually able to live together. One thing I wish I understood when I was younger was you can love each other and get along well but have fundamental differences in values that make you incompatible as a couple. Stuff like agreeing on wanting children or even just some basic ways that you conduct your daily lives (think cleanliness standards). In those cases it’s better to just split amicably if you can and stay friends. It’s not reasonable to expect someone to change just because you ask them to.
Anonymous 119275
>>116764> femdomGross, stopped reading right there.
Kinks are disgusting
Anonymous 119291
>>117907>scizo rants about the government, and the supernatural>His life revolves around magic>Makes you feel stupid… makes you think the intelligence gap is hugeUm, nothing wrong with anyone practicing witchcraft or whatever - if anything we need more witches out here - but based on how you're describing him, he doesn't seem like the epitome of intelligence in the highest sense. I don't mean to put him down, because literally most people aren't, and everyone has their own best version of intelligence, like EQ or being empathetic or being autistic about the Sino-japanese wars. But I just don't want you to feel like you're a stupid person or something - or at least any more than the average person undoubtedly and uncontrollably is, which includes your bf.
If he treats you right and loves you well, I'm all for this relationship, really. But if he sometimes says things that makes you feel put down in an I'm-stupid way, you really need to talk to him about it. If he truly is smart, he should be able to self reflect, and work with you to better communicate information in the future.
Anonymous 119292
>>119269>overweight>goes to the gymCan't choose both as a con, lol
Anonymous 119317
>>119292He's a powerlifter, one of his hobbies.