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How the fuck do you get over burnout. Anonymous 112833

In my sophomore year of college, I would sit at my desk for more than 12 hours a day doing school work. I would get 4-6 hours of sleep and did not have any hobbies or friends. I would also pull at least 1-2 all-nighters every week. As a result, I produced a lot of great work and was directly competing with my peers.

Now that I'm a junior, I can't give a flying fucckkkk about school. I can barely sit in my chair for more than a couple hours and I regularly get eight hours of sleep. All I do in class is day dream about my girlfriend. I work out for several hours a day, spend a lot of my time going outside, and hanging out with friends or my girlfriend. My grades are now shit and I've produced some of the worst shit imaginable for my classes. I couldn't even bother to go hunting for an internship this year.
My friends admire me because they still think that I have the same work ethic that I did last year. But I don't.
I am so ashamed for wasting my time to do all these stupid things like sleeping and working out. But at the same time, I can't bring myself to do homework all fucking day. I just can't. I can't even pull all-nighters anymore.

I am so burnt out. I miss the old me. I want to bring them back, but I don't want to sacrifice the relationships that I have now.

How do I get over this burnout? How do I start feeling the want to do school work for that fucking long again?

>tldr version: I used to do schoolwork nonstop last year but I can't bring myself to do it anymore. I wan't to go back to the person I was back then,but I don't wan't to lose the people I love.

Anonymous 112835

I used to be in a similar situation, I won't go into it because I vented about it in an old thread.
In fact, there it is if u want more context >>>/feels/98310
I was both burned out AND clinically depressed. In the end it resulted in me failing a semester of my school year. I'm surprised I failed only one exam, I didn't study at all.
Since the exam I failed was in the second semester I could stay at home until it then. I took almost 6 months off school, did nothing but take my depression meds and hide from my problems with life. Now I'm back to school, I'm taking only 4 classes out of 13 and the workload is very light so it's manageable but I am able to study again as you said for 8 hours non stop, I'm able to focus again. Still not motivated emotionally, but I am physically able to perform.
I wish there was a better cure, but everyone in my life simply told me to "relax"
I didn't even take additional classes in that 6 months period of "rest and relaxation". And ofc I got medicated for depression.

Anonymous 112843

First of all nona I'm sorry for traumadumping on your thread kek but I feel like this is kind of related. I was also burnout towards the end of last year (November) because a lot of things were happening in my life and I didn't think anyone could help me. I was at a pretty good position at my job and I didn't want to mess that up (lol) so I decided to just quit.

After I quit I just didn't want to work at all. I just wanted to take a break, even though my parents gave me so much shit about it. I am feeling better now and I'm looking for a new job but still haven't found any lol. I was thinking of going back but that would be embarrassing lmao even though the HR said I could contact her if "anything happens".

I don't think this is regret but I feel like maybe I could talk about my burnout problem to my HR but idk I just think it's bullshit when HR wants to help me with my personal mental problems? They never do care about you they just want your time and energy.

I think the "cure" that you're looking for is just time. Time will heal, at least in my case. I managed to take some time off and take care of myself and now I do feel better because of it, and ready to get back to work, I think?

Good luck nona!

Anonymous 112857

im sorry i dont have any advice, but were in the same situtation. i dont even know why im so apathetic and averted from getting anything i need to get done, done. such a critical point in my life too.

Anonymous 113022

Every girl (and guy) I know are like this in STEM.

Anonymous 113059

Surprisingly, I am in art school. My college is extremely competitive, and If you're not grinding 24/7 you'll fall behind your peers.
I know a lot of people think that art majors are 100 times easier than STEM. But I'm not sure if that's true.

One of my friends was told to drop out by one of his professors because he lacked the artistic skill to make it through the industry. He did and went to into medical school instead and told me that studying to become a surgeon was a million times easier.

Anonymous 113061

Don't apologize, Nona! Thank you for sharing your experience, it has helped me feel less alone with my situation.
I hope time comes to heals me soon lol.

You're feeling of apathy are similar to what I am feeling as-well.
I don't think I'll be able to take time off school or register for less classes since all of my scholarships would become invalid if I were to do that.
I'm happy that those things have worked out for you though.

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